Why is there bleeding from the ears and what to do in such a situation? Infectious and domestic causes of blood from the ear Bleeding of the auricle.

The ear is a complex organ in its purpose; it performs two important functions: the perception of sound and maintaining the balance of the human body in space. There may be different discharges from the ears, both physiological and indicative of diseases. A few drops of blood, or more if there is bleeding from the ear, can be the cause of many diseases and disorders. In any case, bleeding from the ear of any intensity is a reason to visit an otolaryngologist. Let us try to figure out why blood comes from the ears of adults and children.


If there is bleeding from the ear, there can be a huge number of causes of ear bleeding, all of them can be divided into four groups:

  • Group 1 – ear bleeding caused by mechanical damage;
  • Group 2 - ear bleeding caused by;
  • Group 3 – bleeding from the ear caused by neoplasms;
  • Group 4 - bleeding of their ears caused by sharp...

Mechanical damage is a fairly common cause of bleeding from the ear. These can range from harmless ear cleaning injuries to serious traumatic brain injuries resulting from accidents. Liquid-like discharge occurs when the spinal cord is damaged. A common cause of bleeding from the ear in young children is the entry of a foreign body. If it is not removed immediately, then ear inflammation occurs, leading to bleeding from their ears.

Bloody discharge from the ears caused by an infectious disease is most often a complication of advanced inflammatory processes. Thus, untreated myringitis (pathology of the eardrum, which has an infectious and inflammatory nature), which causes ear bleeding, makes it possible to diagnose a severe form of this disease. Sometimes the walls of the blood vessels in the ear become brittle and thin, causing bleeding in the ear. This pathology occurs when ear candidiasis is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

Blood from the ear comes along with pus and may accompany acute otitis media, but the patient also feels pain in the ear and fever.

The appearance of a tumor in the tympanic cavity or a polyp in the ear canal is not much less likely to cause ear bleeding. Ear bleeding can be caused by a malignant tumor (ear carcinoma), which, as it grows, damages the blood vessels, thereby causing bleeding in the ears.

Ear bleeding can occur in people whose professional work or hobbies involve sudden surges in pressure, which can lead to damage to the eardrum. These include divers and divers.

Mechanical damage to the ear

Accompanying symptoms

What does this mean and what should I do? Ear bleeding in a child and an adult can be an independent disease, a symptom of an illness, or a complication after an illness.

Most often, blood from the ear is an accompanying symptom, while the patient experiences dizziness, fever, and tinnitus.


If ear bleeding occurs, consultation with a general practitioner and otolaryngologist is necessary. The initial examination is carried out by an otolaryngologist using special instruments - an ear specula, an otoscope, a frontal reflector. In difficult cases, the patient may be prescribed a urine test, a swab from the ear to detect infections, as well as tympanometry (testing the mobility of the eardrum) and audiometry (examination of hearing qualities).

Treatment and prevention

Treatment and prevention for bleeding from the ear is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

To prevent bleeding from the ear, the following rules must be followed:

  • clean your ears correctly and regularly;
  • If wax plugs appear, have them removed only by a doctor;
  • wash your ears regularly;
  • Dry your ears thoroughly after swimming, taking a bath, or showering;
  • try to reduce noise pollution;
  • promptly treat diseases of the throat and nose.

First aid for ear bleeding

If there is bleeding from the ear, what should I do? You must try to stop the bleeding. To do this, the victim needs to be seated in such a way that his head is slightly raised, but tilted in the direction from whose ear the blood is coming. Place a bandage on your ear, being careful not to block it. You can put ice on the bandage.

If the ear bleeding occurs as a result of a burst boil, then treat with a cotton swab dipped in a disinfectant solution. So you found out the reasons and what to do if your ear is bleeding.

Normally, a healthy person should have no discharge from the ears, except for: Therefore, the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge in the ears should be alarming.

Pathological discharge can be caused by various reasons: , fungi, etc. Depending on the cause and nature of the inflammation, discharge from the ears may be, slime, fungal masses, epidermal crusts, .

Require special attention bloody issues and bleeding from the ear canal.

Goes to an adult

Bleeding from the ear can be caused by several reasons:

  • external auditory canal,
  • eardrum injury,
  • hemorrhagic inflammation in the middle ear with perforation of the membrane,
  • decay or intensive growth of neoplasms,
  • trauma to the base of the skull and others.

Bleeding In case of injuries, they occur more often due to careless attempts or when a foreign body with sharp edges enters.

After the first portion of blood has expired, a slight discharge of bloody discharge continues. Medical care is provided both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.

The most dangerous bleeding from the ears at traumatic brain injury , because hemorrhage can occur not only in the external vessels of the ear, but also in the cranial cavity. Injury to the base of the skull often occurs when falling from a height, hitting the back of the head or hitting the head and neck, during an accident, etc.

Flowing a trickle of scarlet blood from the ear canal. This is an ominous sign requiring emergency resuscitation care. A fracture of the base of the skull is also accompanied by the appearance of periocular hematomas and scanty blood discharge from the nose, or nosebleeds.

Profuse or drip bleeding may also occur with intensive growth or decay of tumors, sprouting blood vessels and the auditory canal. The nature of such bleeding depends on the location, type and stage of tumor development. Care is provided in a hospital under the supervision of an oncologist.

It is important that if blood appears from the ear for any reason, do not put anything in the ear yourself and do not plug the external auditory canal with cotton wool. You need to urgently contact the nearest medical facility.


Ear bleeding poses a serious potential danger due to the close location of the hearing organ to the brain. Failure to provide assistance for bleeding in the ear leads to thrombosis of the damaged vessel and sclerosis of the blood clot, which limits the mobility of the auditory ossicles, which leads to persistent hearing loss.

Blood can equally occur in young children and adults under the influence of multiple negative factors. Pathological bleeding from the ear canals can be a unilateral or bilateral process. Timely treatment eliminates both the symptom itself and possible complications.

Predisposing factors

The main causes of bleeding from the ear canals are often inflammatory diseases or non-infectious pathologies. Often, bleeding is promoted by the influence of several negative factors at once.

Traumatic nature

Mechanical injuries are common causes of ear bleeding. The main damaging factors are the following:

  • a blow to the head as a result of an accident, a fall (blood appears in small quantities and stops very quickly, patients feel dizziness, headache, nausea);
  • damage to the ear structures with cotton swabs (such injuries are especially typical for young children);
  • eardrum injury due to changes in intra-ear pressure (flying on an airplane, parachute jumping, shooting, constantly listening to music through headphones;
  • severe traumatic brain injury (severe prolonged bleeding).

In case of traumatic bleeding from the ear canals, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a condition can provoke a sharp deterioration in hearing, up to the development of absolute deafness.

Inflammatory process

The ear structures are closely adjacent to the nasopharynx, therefore, in case of any inflammatory diseases of the nose, the pathological process passes into the middle and inner ear. The main inflammatory diseases that contribute to bleeding from the ears are:

  • Otitis. The disease is provoked by the pathogenic activity of bacterial microflora: streptococci, staphylococci or fungi. Inflammation literally melts blood vessels and destroys the eardrum. Blood from the ear occurs as a result of an inflammatory process, and serous-purulent fluid mixed with blood comes out. When discharge can be seen on the pillow. The main symptoms are unbearable pain, fever, hearing impairment from the pathological focus, purulent-bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor, and enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Myringitis . The main complication of otitis, characterized by the formation of blistering formations with blood on the eardrum. When the bladder is damaged, blood rushes out in the form of bleeding.
  • Furuncle. The occurrence of a boil in the ear canal can cause bleeding from the ears. The skin of the ear canals is covered with small hairs that protect against dust, dirt, and small particles. When the base of the follicle becomes infected, the pores become inflamed, swollen, and the lumen of the ear canal narrows. Patients experience pain and a feeling of ear congestion. On palpation, swelling is noted; on examination, redness is visible. During treatment, maturation or mechanical damage, the boil may open, which promotes the release of pus with bloody traces.

Inflammation of the ears more often occurs in children, as well as in adults with persistent colds, reduced immunity, inadequate treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

Arterial pressure

Sudden changes in blood pressure can cause ear bleeding. Blood is released in small quantities, and at the same time it can appear from the nasal passages of varying intensity. Pressure may change due to depth during diving. In this case, the bleeding is usually intense and accompanied by severe pain. All cases associated with changes in blood pressure require medical attention.

Appearance of tumors

The appearance of tumors in the ear canals often becomes the cause of ear bleeding. The growth of tumors can lead to severe headaches, hearing loss, and the release of serous fluid along with blood. Polyps, benign or malignant processes should be diagnosed and the trend of development should be understood.

First Aid Basics

Bleeding from the ears of any etiology is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. Severe bleeding requires emergency hospitalization of the patient. Before the ambulance arrives, you can provide first aid to the patient and alleviate his condition.

How to stop ear bleeding? If a child or adult has blood in the ears, a number of simple measures should be taken:

  1. Calm the patient.
  2. Wipe off the blood with a bandage or clean gauze soaked in an antiseptic solution (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, sodium chloride).
  3. Apply a clean tissue to your ear or make a loose swab of sterile cotton wool.
  4. Call an ambulance.

When blood appears, you should not penetrate deep into the ear canals with cotton swabs, find out the reasons for what happened, scream or instill various drops.

Which doctor treats pathology

If bleeding comes from the ear against the background of a general deterioration of the condition, you should call an ambulance. After assessing the situation, the medical team determines where to deliver the patient. When applying on your own, it is important to note the urgency of visiting a general practitioner or otolaryngologist. Additionally, consultation with a surgeon or traumatologist may be required.


Diagnosis consists of a physical examination of the patient (examination of the ears, severity of discharge, palpation of the parotid area), study of complaints (pain, hearing loss, dizziness and nausea) and clinical history. If the otolaryngological nature of the pathology is not confirmed, the study is continued by the surgeon (X-ray, ultrasound). Usually, examination of the patient is sufficient to determine the nature of the injury and the severity of its course. Blood from a child’s ear is diagnosed in the same way as in adults.


After the final diagnosis is determined, treatment is prescribed. Mild cases allow drug treatment on an outpatient basis. Moderate and severe cases require hospitalization. If the cause of the pathology is otolaryngological diseases, drug treatment with the following drugs is prescribed:

  • antifungal drugs for ear candidiasis (Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Miramidez, Candibiotic);
  • antiseptic solutions for disinfection (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin, sodium chloride);
  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Nurofen);
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Amoxiclav);
  • antibacterial ear drops (Otinum, Otofa, Dexona, Anauran).

The dosage is determined according to the patient’s age, his clinical history and the severity of the pathological process. Usually treatment lasts about 7-10 days. Bleeding goes away immediately after the true cause of the pathology is eliminated.

Severe injuries may require surgery. Surgical correction is prescribed for injuries, tumors, and advanced forms of purulent otitis media. Surgery is also prescribed when conservative treatment methods are ineffective or when their use is inappropriate.

Negative consequences

Lack of adequate therapy or diagnostic examination for ear bleeding in children and adults can cause the following complications:

  • meningeal infection;
  • development of hearing loss;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal and facial nerves;
  • abscess;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • night headaches.

Complications may also be associated with additional symptoms: persistent hyperthermia, lymphadenitis, sleep and appetite disturbances, changes in psycho-emotional background.


The preventive objectives are the following:

  • maintaining ear canal hygiene;
  • using cotton pads and thin cotton swabs as cleaning tools;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • compliance with the protective regime during colds.

Prognostic criteria are determined by the severity of the pathology. In case of malignancy of the tumor of the ear canal or in case of serious traumatic brain injury, the prognosis may be unfavorable. It is important to timely and correctly assess the severity of the pathological process, which became the trigger for the development of ear bleeding.

Useful video about why your ear bleeds

And malignant carcinoma of the ear. Knowing the possible causes of ear bleeding will help you choose the right course of action in extreme situations.

Infectious diseases

It is impossible to independently find out why there is bleeding from the ear, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by pain or high fever. Infectious diseases have dangerous complications and require the attention of a doctor and adequate treatment.

Otitis media

Blood mixed with pus, acute pain, high temperature indicate a rupture of the eardrum due to purulent. The danger is blood from the ear without admixture of pus, which indicates the transition of inflammation to the deep structures of the ear.

Bullous otitis media

The disease is caused by a virus and occurs after the flu. Another name for bullous otitis is influenza otitis. Inflammation is characterized by the appearance of bubbles in the ear canal, on the eardrum. The size of the vesicles filled with bloody contents ranges from the size of a lentil grain to a pea. The disease is accompanied by pain, intensifying during chewing, and bloody discharge.


Discharge of blood mixed with earwax and pus may indicate a boil in the ear canal. An independent breakthrough of a boil is accompanied by rejection of purulent-hemorrhagic contents, intoxication of the body, a rise in temperature, and an increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the eardrum (myringitis)

Acute inflammation is accompanied by the formation of bubbles filled with liquid contents on the ear membrane. When the vesicles are opened, the serous-hemorrhagic fluid contained in them is released into the external auditory canal.

Candidiasis of the external ear

An infection of the outer ear is caused by the microscopic fungus Candida due to decreased immunity and uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Candidiasis is accompanied by itching in the ear canal, decreased hearing, and periodic bleeding from the ear.

Malignant otitis externa

The disease is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa due to diabetes. Diabetes treatment measures significantly improve the patient's condition and contribute to the successful treatment of malignant otitis externa. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, significant hearing loss, and purulent discharge mixed with blood.

Mechanical damage to the ear

Violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane is caused by pressure changes, injury when cleaning the ear, or foreign objects entering the ear canal. A common cause of membrane rupture in children is ear cleaning.

Rupture of membrane

It is quite easy to damage the eardrum. The location of the eardrum is quite superficial; it is only 2.5 cm deep from the outer edge of the auricle. A rupture can be caused by a fall with the ear on water, a blow, or the removal of a foreign body from the ear canal.

If you suspect a ruptured membrane, you should not delay visiting a doctor. The ear should be covered with a sterile bandage, folded several times. You cannot try to determine the cause of the blood on your own, touch the ear, or instill medications.

Damage to the ear canal

Careless sudden movement when manipulating sharp objects when cleaning the ear canal from wax can cause skin damage and bleeding from the ear. A deep scratch may bleed for some time. Similar injuries to the ear canal are often observed in young children, and the child has scarlet blood coming from the ear without any admixture of pus or clots.

To stop the bleeding, they resort to placing a gauze turunda soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide, after which they contact an otolaryngologist.

Benign formations

Tumor diseases are treated by an ENT doctor together with an oncologist. The benign quality of the tumor is confirmed by special additional studies.

Glomus tumor

Vascular benign glomus tumor is localized in the tympanic cavity. Its growth leads to displacement of the eardrum, destruction, and the tumor coming out. The process is accompanied by bleeding from the ear, hearing loss, and neurological syndrome. Glomus tumor is characterized by heavy, repeated bleeding of pure blood, without admixtures of pus or serous fluid.

As a result of the proliferation of the tissues of the lining of the middle ear, an ear polyp is formed. It is a soft connective tissue formation on a stalk. The appearance of a polyp is accompanied by itching, a feeling of tightness, headaches, noise in the ear, and suppuration. The polyp bleeds easily, and bleeding from the ear can be quite profuse.

Malignant tumors

The chances of cure with timely treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of the ear are more than 95%. Treatment methods for the disease are constantly being improved.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the ear

Signs of a malignant tumor disease of the external ear are:

  1. mucous, bloody discharge from the ear with a pungent odor;
  2. recurring itching in the ear;
  3. pain;
  4. progressive;
  5. the appearance of pigment spots around the ear;
  6. soreness of the cervical lymph nodes.

Traumatic brain injuries

The inner ear is highly sensitive to mechanical shock. Irreversible damage to hearing can be caused by a blow 100 times less powerful than a mild concussion.

Labyrinth contusion

The injury is caused by a blow to the temple. Contusion of the labyrinth is accompanied by hemorrhage in the tissue of the ear, dizziness, noise in the ear, and the illusion of movement of surrounding objects. After the impact, hearing loss and bleeding from the ear are observed. To provide assistance, the victim must be laid on a hard surface and a doctor must be called. Don't rinse your ear. Vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into the nose to speed up the removal of blood from the tympanic cavity.

Disturbances of the labyrinth in fractures of the base of the skull

A fall on the head, a strong blow to the back of the head, a sharp fall on the knees or buttocks can cause a fracture of the base of the skull. If the temporal bone is involved in the fracture line, labyrinthine traumatic syndrome occurs. 5-6 days after the injury, blue spots appear in the mastoid area behind the ear, and blood accumulates in the tympanic cavity.

Fractures are often combined with ruptures of the eardrum and bleeding.

Lack of timely assistance, even with favorable spontaneous recovery, leads to vestibular disorders, hearing impairment, and damage to the facial nerve. In cases of complications, the victim may fall into a coma or die.

Bleeding from the ear occurs in emergency situations and requires emergency treatment. Discharge of blood from the ear canal may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the penetration of a dangerous infection, or injury. Early contact with an otolaryngologist will help determine the cause of bleeding and preserve hearing.

You should also be careful if, as they say in everyday life, this may be a symptom of an ear disease or some somatic internal diseases.

When cleaning the ears or after an injury, blood may appear from the ear. What is the main cause of this condition, how to provide first aid and what is the treatment - read the article.

The structure of the auricle

The shells of the ears that we see externally are only a small part of the organ.. It only directs sounds inward to the auditory receptors.

The entire ear consists of:

  • Outdoor- sink,
  • Average– tympanic cavity and membrane,
  • Internal– labyrinth.

Bleeding may occur when there is a disease in the middle or outer parts of the ears. The source of bleeding becomes a damaged vessel.

Vessel rupture can occur for many reasons:

  • Inflammation of the outer ear
  • Inflammation of the middle ear,
  • Traumatic brain injury,
  • Injury by a foreign object,
  • Rupture of the eardrum,
  • Tumors and polyps.

Inflammation of the outer ear

The ear canal and concha, which make up the outer part of the ear, can become inflamed. Most often, such otitis is represented by a boil - inflammation of the skin of the ear canal.. The boil is caused by pathogenic streptococcus or staphylococcus.

In addition to a small amount of blood, the person complains of:

  • Pain in the ear when chewing, when pressing on the shell,
  • Redness and swelling of the area of ​​inflammation.

Why does blood bleed during a boil? Droplets of blood are released when the inflamed formation is opened. The blood is dark and mixed with pus. Such external otitis usually ends well, healing without hearing loss.

Inflammation of the middle ear

An infection of the eardrum and eardrum is called otitis media. Almost all cases of otitis media are a consequence of infection of the nose and oropharynx. The reason for this is the direct connection of the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx through the auditory tube.

Streptococcal or staphylococcal infections enter the tympanic cavity and cause otitis media. A large amount of inflammatory fluid – exudate – forms in the cavity. Under the pressure of the liquid on the membrane, the latter may burst. Perforation of the membrane occurs. At this moment, blood mixed with pus is released from the ear.

Additional symptoms will help you understand that bleeding from the ear occurred precisely because of otitis media:

  • Pain in the ear - shooting, sharp,
  • Hearing loss
  • Feeling of “rustling” and other unpleasant sounds in the ear,
  • Increased body temperature, weakness.

Traumatic brain injury

It is extremely rare that with a strong blow to the head, blood may appear from the ear. It is usually a thin stream flowing from one or both ears. This is a terrible symptom, meaning a fracture of the skull bones. Most often we are talking about a fracture of the base of the skull.

This is a serious injury that poses a direct threat to human life.

Along with blood from the ears, the following symptoms appear:

  • Loss of consciousness,
  • Constant vomiting
  • Cramps,
  • Loss of vision, hearing.

Foreign object injury

Otorhinolaryngologists say there is no need to clean the ear canal every day. The ear is a self-cleaning organ. The movement of earwax and hair inside leads to a constant and gradual removal of any debris from the passage. Therefore, only the very edges of the ear are cleaned.

But many people try to clean their ears as deeply as possible using inappropriate objects:

  • needles,
  • Knitting needles,
  • Cosmetic cotton swabs,
  • Matches,
  • Writing materials.

None of these things are designed to clean your ears. When using them, you can easily injure both the ear canal and the eardrum. At the time of injury, a person may feel acute pain and discomfort, and blood will appear from the injured ear.. If the membrane is damaged, hearing in one of the ears will sharply decrease.

Using items that are not suitable for cleaning your ears can lead to hearing loss and complications. Therefore, use only ear cleaning sticks that are specially suitable for this purpose.

They are quite thick and are designed to clean only the auricle and vestibule of the auditory canal. Their use is safe for the ears and hearing.

Children often place a foreign object in their ear during play - pens, pencils, sticks. This easily leads to damage to the ear canal. Children need to be explained the dangers of these actions or keep such objects out of reach of the baby.

Rupture of the eardrum

Sharp, loud sounds and blows to the ear can damage the eardrum. In this case, the ears bleed slightly and often both. A similar rupture of the eardrum sometimes occurs with sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. This is possible when suddenly diving under water or rising from the bottom.

In order to avoid such cases, you should follow the rules of behavior under water. Avoid sudden ascents and dives. It is not advisable to be exposed to loud sounds that can damage your hearing. Hitting the ear is possible during children's games, so the harm of such actions is explained to children.

Tumors and polyps

A number of malignant and benign tumors can form in the ear canal area. A small polyp causes itching and discomfort. It can be easily damaged during ear cleaning, causing slight bleeding from one ear.

Tumors, growing into the wall of the ear canal, destroy blood vessels. Bleeding from such a tumor can be quite severe. It can occur either spontaneously or during ear cleaning.

First aid

The appearance of blood from the ear should always alert you. Even if it is just a few drops and the bleeding is not accompanied by discomfort, the first thing you should do is visit an ENT doctor. An ear can bleed for a number of reasons, but only a doctor can make a specific diagnosis after an examination.

As first aid, if blood appears in the ear when cleaning with a cotton swab, you should clean the edges of the ear from any remaining blood and consult a doctor. Do not rinse your ears or instill any solutions. If there is a perforation of the eardrum, lavage can lead to damage to the middle ear and hearing loss.

If bleeding occurs after a blow to the ear area, there is also a high risk of damage to the eardrum. Therefore, similar to the previous situation - no rinsing before visiting the doctor. You can apply ice to the bruised area and wrap it in a thick cloth.

Traumatic brain injury, which includes a blow to the back of the head or temporal area, can cause bleeding from the ears. In this situation, a person should see a doctor as soon as possible. It is better if this is to call an ambulance, since it is undesirable to move a victim with such a severe traumatic brain injury.

The appearance of blood from a boil in the ear canal, which is visible from the outside, should not be scary. This is due to the deep location of the inflammation, which affected the vessels.

Such a boil should be treated with a cotton swab with antiseptics:

  • Chlorhexidine,
  • Hydrogen peroxide,
  • Boric acid.

Video: How to properly clean your ears


After the otolaryngologist examines the affected person and makes a diagnosis, the course of treatment will begin. Depending on the cause of ear bleeding, surgery may even be necessary.

With the development of acute otitis media, antibacterial drugs are prescribed orally and in the form of drops. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Amoxicillin and Tsiprolet.

At high temperatures, antipyretics such as ibuprofen and paracetamol are used. Treatment must be monitored by an ENT doctor. He observes changes inside the ear and monitors the healing of the eardrum.

Chronic otitis media also requires antibiotics. But some of its forms require surgery, as they can even affect the bone tissue around the ear. With chronic otitis media, perforation of the eardrum persists, so doctors recommend covering the ear while bathing. This will prevent water from entering the middle ear and aggravating the process.

Traumatic brain injuries associated with a fracture of the base of the skull require the help of a neurosurgeon. Often surgery is required to eliminate the internal hematoma. Further treatment is provided in the intensive care unit.