Does tar soap help against lice? Tar soap for lice

Tar soap is a high-quality natural product, safe and hypoallergenic. An undeservedly forgotten remedy that was used by our ancestors has become increasingly in demand in recent years. It is used to treat and prevent various diseases, including lice. You will learn how to get rid of lice and nits using tar soap from our article.

You can successfully remove head lice using tar soap at home.

Tar is a dark-colored oily liquid with a strong specific odor. It is produced by distilling the young bark (birch bark) of trees, most often birch. In its pure form, tar is rarely used for personal hygiene; it is added to various products - shampoos, creams, ointments and soaps.

Hypoallergenic tar soap against lice has a pronounced insecticidal and disinfectant effect.

It is produced industrially in liquid form and in the form of bars. People suffering from an allergic reaction to synthetic components of medications willingly use it.

Compound Soap may contain various components,

it depends on the manufacturer: Important!

You should not purchase a product that contains lauryl sulfate. It is better to use environmentally friendly products.

Manufacturers add extracts of medicinal plants useful for hair (nettle, celandine, burdock), vegetable oils, in particular olive, lavender, clove, coconut or coniferous tree oils, to liquid soap.

  • Due to its rich composition, a liquid product has some advantages over a solid one:
  • It is more convenient to use, since it is packaged in bottles with a dispenser.
  • The specific smell of tar is less sensitive through closed packaging.
  • The dispenser ensures complete hygiene of use.
  • The substance foams easily and rinses off well without sticking hair strands.

It acts more gently on the skin and hair due to the presence of oils and plants in the composition.

The liquid soap has a nice packaging and a not too strong smell, so it is preferable for women to use.

Until now, lice are often found in underdeveloped countries, but they also regularly appear in crowds of people in any society, including in children's institutions.

To successfully solve this pressing problem, the industry produces various products, including tar soap in liquid or solid form (in bars). To get the greatest effect, you need to know the rules for its use.


First way:

Treat hair daily until insects are completely destroyed for two weeks.

Second way:

  1. Grate the block on a coarse grater, add warm water and stir well.
  2. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, apply to the roots of the hair and distribute over the entire length. Leave for 40 minutes.
  3. If the skin is dry, add a little vegetable oil to the composition - olive or almond, at your discretion.

Liquid soap is used in a similar way, but first you need to form a foam in your hands, apply it to wet hair, and hold for 30–35 minutes.

Treatment of children should be carried out with greater caution, and the use of homemade products is not recommended. If it is not made in proper proportions, the tar can cause pain in the child, since the skin of children is very thin and delicate. Otherwise, the procedure is the same as for adults, but leave the foam on your head for no longer than 10 minutes.

Remember! After each use of a comb to comb out insects, you need to boil it for 10–12 minutes; live nits may remain in it. How to distinguish dead nits from living ones, you will find on our website.

Precautions and contraindications

It should be remembered that tar soap, although it has undoubted beneficial qualities, should be used with caution. It contains a high concentration of active ingredients, which can cause irritation, itching and other negative consequences for the skin and hair.

  • It is recommended to test for an allergic reaction - soap a small area on the bend of your elbow and wait 20 minutes. If there are no rashes, irritation or redness in this area, soap can be used.
  • Some people are sensitive to the specific smell of tar, which causes headaches, nausea and even vomiting. In this case, it is better to use other treatment methods.
  • Using soap on dry skin is not advisable - it may dry out the skin even more. This is especially true with long-term use, so You should take a break every 2 months.
  • It should not be used for damaged skin.
  • Make sure that the detergent does not come into contact with the mucous membranes, as this may cause irritation.
  • Use a product from well-known manufacturers, carefully read the composition of the product, and strictly follow the instructions for use.

Pregnant women and children are allowed to use it, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. You can find out more ways to treat head lice and remedies for lice during pregnancy on our website.


Soap can be purchased in pharmacies at different prices, it all depends on the additional ingredients and the manufacturer.

In Russian pharmacies, the average cost of one bar of tar soap (140 g) ranges from 28 to 40 rubles, depending on the region.

A course of treatment will require no more than two bars of soap. Therefore, treatment will cost 56–80 rubles.

But there are also more expensive analogues, for example, the imported product from Scandinavia “Dermosil” costs up to 250 rubles.

Natural tar soap produced by the Kleona company is sold at 215 rubles per briquette weighing 80 g. It contains jojoba oil, collagen hydrolyzate, vitamin E, coconut, castor and almond seed oils.

Advantages and disadvantages



  • It has a strong unpleasant odor, which can even cause headaches and nausea in some sensitive people.
  • It is difficult to wash off and sticks the strands together.
  • Their negative manifestation is expressed in skin irritation, allergic reactions and peeling.
  • Not suitable for daily use.

Note! Tar soap does not solve the problem of killing insects at once; complete cure may require at least two weeks.

You can cause harm to yourself if used incorrectly - too often and for a long time.

It can slightly change the color of dyed hair, and also gives an undesirable tint to blondes. But this process is reversible - it is restored after the end of using tar soap.

A wonderful remedy - with the help of tar soap, without extra costs and negative side effects, you can perfectly cope with an unpleasant disease - pediculosis.

Useful videos

How to remove lice from your head.

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies.

This tar soap can be purchased at the store.

Lice fertility or extent of infestation

Women and children are most vulnerable to lice bites. Their thin, delicate skin is easily bitten by insect mouthparts. The vessels transporting blood are located close to the skin, especially on the head behind the ears, in the temporal and occipital areas. Considering the high egg production of females (fifty eggs at a time) and the relatively short period (8-10 days) after which they begin to reproduce, the lack of prevention, we can assume how long it will take for this to lead to a catastrophic situation, infection of the body, its intoxication, etc.

Tar soap for lice is a natural antiseptic “healer” for many ailments, it has a gentle effect on the body and does not provoke its painful state. Natural tar promotes active hair growth. Treats the skin, eliminating dandruff.

Tar soap is no less effective against lice. The alkalis and phenols in its composition, when interacting, create a special environment that destroys the protein structure of insects, weakening their vital energy.

Why the consumer “votes with rubles”

There are many ways to remove lice from the body and linen. Often, when purchasing advertised potent drugs, we expect a miracle from them and are disappointed when we do not see the desired effect. It’s doubly offensive if they sell us a fake for the money we spent. It also happens that the strongest poisons that form the basis of modern anti-pediculosis insecticides cause intoxication of the body, especially when overdosed or misused. That is why they often look for old recipes that can get rid of lice and nits with the least damage to health.

The greatest effect is achieved if you know how to use natural soap against lice and nits. This can be either a liquid solution or a solid fraction. The only requirement: the tar saturation in it must be at least 10%. The application algorithm is as follows.

Liquid tar soap can also be used in the fight against lice

  • Wet the hair on your head generously and wash it with soap.
  • Lather them again, not sparing the detergent, forming a foamy “papakha”. It is necessary that all areas of the body and hair are soaped.
  • Without rinsing, soak your head in the solution for about 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for the lice to die and the nits to weaken.
  • Strands of hair and the entire head are thoroughly washed off under running streams of water.
  • Using a metal comb with thin but frequently spaced teeth specially purchased from a pharmacy chain, small strands of hair are carefully combed. This will allow you to get rid of dead insects and their eggs.
  • The comb is kept in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, disinfecting it.

Do not think that such a thing as lice in hair has sunk into oblivion along with the times of unsanitary conditions. In fact, it is not difficult to encounter head lice among children and the older generation today.

Moreover, one should not think that such a diagnosis is typical exclusively for people leading a lifestyle that is far from “sanitary”. Today you can encounter lice in even a completely civilized person who takes care of himself. We will not now list the causes of this disease, but rather highlight the most effective method of treating it. Surely many have heard that tar soap for lice is a real panacea for blood-sucking insects that do not allow you to live in peace. At the same time, you do not have to resort to old-fashioned methods, which are the obligatory cutting of your head and lubricating your scalp with kerosene.

In principle, it is a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases. This remedy has been known since ancient times. Moreover, tar soap against lice is recognized as the safest method, which does not cause any damage to the skin, is not toxic and does not cause allergies. It is not difficult to use - you need to wet your hair and lather, creating abundant foam.

Please note that tar soap against lice will only be effective if it does not contain any cosmetic additives or fragrances. Next, leave the soaped hair for about seven minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. A prerequisite is to carefully comb your still wet hair with a fine-toothed comb, which should first be soaked in vinegar.

However, in order for tar soap against lice to have a significant effect, this procedure should be carried out several times daily. Please note that tar-based shampoos existing today are unlikely to give such an effect, since they contain too many different cosmetic additives. Only a “pure” product without impurities has all the unique properties that have a beneficial effect on the skin. If we consider natural tar soap for lice, then, as a rule, it consists of 10 percent real soap and the rest in its composition - allowing you to easily apply the product to your hair.

If a lice infestation has occurred and you plan to remove them, use tar. In earlier times, this remedy was used under the guise of a rather powerful antiseptic. It is known that birch tar relieves inflammation and destroys microbes. For this reason, the substance was used to treat wounds and other damage to the skin. However, earlier birch tar was used in its pure form, and today it is found as the main component of various products - Vishnevsky ointment, tar soap, etc.

The main advantages of this substance:

  • antiseptic properties;
  • no contraindications;
  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • does not provoke side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • offered at an affordable price.

How does birch tar act on lice?

The high popularity of this product as an antiseptic is due to its composition. The main components are phenol and its derivatives (cresol), as well as alkali. The combination of these compounds allows you to quickly destroy bacteria, fungal spores, viruses and other microbes. This is why it is recommended to wash the damaged area of ​​skin with coastal tar soap.

At first, it is quite difficult to see the connection between the composition/properties of a given product and its ability to affect lice. Blood-sucking insects are characterized by larger sizes than any of the microscopic microbes. In addition, lice have a different body structure and lifestyle. For this reason, birch tar soap will have different effects on different pests.

Interestingly, tar soap is much more effective on caterpillars. The thing is that their shell is easily permeable, which speeds up the process of absorption of phenols.

Instructions for use

You need to act differently depending on what products you plan to use simultaneously with soap. If a comb is available, the instructions will be as follows:

If only tar soap and a comb are used, the procedure must be repeated daily for a week. With careful combing, lice can disappear within a few days after the initial treatment. In the case when an insecticidal preparation and tar soap are used, the instructions will be different:

When an insecticide is used, the procedure cannot be repeated daily, since the chemical compound is characterized by a certain level of toxicity. As a rule, one or two treatments are sufficient. The use of tar soap in this case is not necessary. It is used to relieve acute symptoms in case of severe infection, when scratching needs to be quickly cured.

This remedy can be considered safe, but it is still not recommended for pregnant women. In case of urgent need and in the absence of other options, soap can be used, but this should be done carefully. During pregnancy, before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of soap foam to the crook of your elbow. The product is held for several minutes. If there is no reaction, it is allowed to be used.

It is recommended to follow the same scheme for people prone to allergic reactions. In this case, red spots may appear on the skin. If side effects occur, soap should not be used. Considering that this product contains components that dry the skin (alkali), not everyone can use it. For people with dry skin, tar soap is contraindicated. It will make the problem even worse.

Cracks may occur after use. The skin is very peeling. As a result, you will have to deal with another problem. If a large number of drugs and folk recipes have already been tried against lice, you should not also apply tar soap to the skin. Even if sebum is usually secreted in normal quantities, after prolonged treatment with different components, it will become dry. This condition should not be aggravated.

Tar shampoo is one of the traditional methods of treating pediculosis. It has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp and does not contain harmful substances. It can be used by children, pregnant and lactating women. This product can be purchased at any store. It is relatively inexpensive.

This remedy has a wide spectrum of action. Treats the scalp. It is especially appreciated by people with skin dermatitis. How to use tar anti-dandruff shampoo, review of the best manufacturers

To achieve results, tar shampoo must be used once every two days for 1–2 months.

Many well-known brands have this type of product in their arsenal. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition of the shampoo. It should contain only natural ingredients. All chemicals reduce the beneficial properties of tar.

Note, When reading the composition, tar and other natural components should be at the top of the list. There should be no dyes or flavors. You especially need to pay attention to an extremely undesirable component - lauryl sulfate. If the situation is different, it is better to choose another brand.

The most popular brands and their average prices:

  • Shampoo 911;
  • Tana;
  • Agafya's first aid kit;
  • Nevskaya cosmetics;
  • Psoriloma;
  • Mirolla;
  • Vitateka;
  • Finnish shampoo;
  • Vita.

Properties and components

Tar phytoshampoo cannot completely remove lice. This is not a cure. But it helps quite well when used in conjunction with other drugs. It is an excellent remedy for the prevention of pediculosis.

Its main component is birch, pine, juniper tar, which contains:

  • organic acids;
  • esters;
  • phenols.

This shampoo is not multi-component. But In addition to tar, other plant materials may be present:

  • series;
  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • burdock;
  • aloe, etc.

All these substances have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair condition. Tar shampoo has the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming.

Due to tar, blood circulation in the hair follicles improves. Hair grows faster. This can be very important during head lice, since many patients cut off most of their hair. How to speed up hair growth using tar shampoo, the effectiveness of the product, read on our website.

Scratching the skin heals faster. It is useful to use this herbal shampoo for those who have to wash their hair frequently due to excessive oily scalp. Tar can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • seborrhea;

The liquid soap has a nice packaging and a not too strong smell, so it is preferable for women to use.

Step-by-step instruction

Application procedure:

  1. A small amount of product should be placed on the palm of your hand and lather well. You can wash your hair twice. For the first time to wash away dirt from hair. But if the product is used every 2 days, it will be unnecessary. The second time - to suppress lice.
  2. There must be a lot of foam on the head. The shampoo should be applied to every area of ​​the scalp and hair.
  3. After applying the phytoshampoo, it is recommended to put a bag and a bath cap on your head. It is better to throw a small towel over your shoulders. The shampoo should remain on the hair for at least 5 minutes. The optimal time is 30–45 minutes.
  4. The foam must be washed off with running water.
  5. After washing, you should not immediately start drying your hair. You need to take a special comb with many teeth and comb your hair. Some lice and nits will remain on it. You can find out which comb is best for combing nits out of hair on our website.
  6. After which, the head is washed again with regular shampoo.

Precautionary measures

Tar phytoshampoo in rare cases can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is best to test it on a small area of ​​the body.

To do this, you need to foam a small amount of the product and apply it to the inside of your hand. Wait at least 15 minutes. Shampoo can be used if there is no redness on the skin area.

If the product is used daily, It is highly undesirable to use it for more than 2 weeks. Otherwise, side effects may occur.


  • Tar shampoo dries out the skin. It is not recommended for use by people with dry hair. It can cause split ends.
  • Dyed hair should also not be washed with this phytoshampoo.. It can change hair color.
  • Pregnant women should not keep shampoo on their heads for a long time.

it depends on the manufacturer: The tar itself cannot be used in its pure form. It causes scalp burns. Therefore, it is necessary to use shampoo or soap with its addition. The soap must contain at least 10% tar.

Side effects

  • With frequent use of this product, side effects may occur, such as itching, irritation, and microcracks. For those with blond hair, it may become a little darker than usual.
  • The skin quickly gets used to this product. Hair becomes unruly and dull. After prolonged use, they may require long-term recovery.


The cheapest bottle of this natural product can be purchased, on average, for 60–70 rubles per 250 ml. It is produced by the Russian company Nevskaya Cosmetics. This is a fairly popular type of product from this brand.

We must not forget that treatment requires a quality product. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the shampoo.

The entire course of treatment and preventive measures should last 1–2 months. To get results, you need to wash your hair with tar shampoo about 15 times per month. For one wash of medium-length hair, you will need about 7 ml (one and a half teaspoons) of product; a 250 ml bottle will last more than a month for one person. The minimum price for the entire course is 70–140 rubles.

After such a long use of tar phytoshampoo, the condition of the hair will noticeably worsen.

You can make tar shampoo yourself. This requires:

  • 1 piece of good baby soap (it should not contain various additives or fragrances);
  • Birch tar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of red wine.

Preparation: Soap is placed in the steam bath. Tar is added. Proportions - 1:1. When the consistency of the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour about 2 tablespoons of red wine into it.

The finished shampoo is cooled. Then wrap it in a bag and leave it for several days at room temperature. It can be used like any other shampoo.

Advantages and disadvantages

The antibacterial properties of tar are not strong enough to kill lice. The alkaline environment is extremely unfavorable for them. They temporarily lose their activity. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance its effect by other means.

But there is also positive aspects of using tar shampoo in the fight against lice and nits:

  • it is able to relieve symptoms of the disease;
  • the composition contains only natural ingredients;
  • has a positive effect on the skin.

Negative aspects of using tar shampoo:

  • it has a specific smell;
  • they fail to completely remove lice;
  • it must be used for a long time;
  • it is not able to act on lice eggs - nits. It is necessary to wait until the adults appear;
  • Suitable only for those with oily skin. It should not be applied to dry hair;
  • Frequent use can lead to deterioration of hair condition.

Lice are resistant to various substances. Tar shampoo has a slight insecticidal effect. It is not able to completely get rid of pediculosis. This is only an adjuvant that enhances the effect of other drugs. Its frequent use affects the health and appearance of hair. The use of tar phytoshampoo is an excellent prevention of pediculosis.

Useful videos

How to remove lice.

How to remove lice from your head.