Helping families in difficult situations. The state will support: What is supposed to be in a difficult life situation

The portal I am a parent tells what children can find themselves in a difficult life situation, what are the reasons for getting into such situations and what ways to solve the problems of such children exist in Russia.

The modern world is extremely unstable and full of change. Adults sometimes get stressed out by the precarious economic situation, the rise in crime, the need to worry about what will happen tomorrow. This, of course, cannot but affect the children.

Children's perception is very different from that of an adult. Sometimes a mere trifle can turn into a real tragedy, greatly upset and injure a little person. As a result, the baby finds himself in a difficult situation, and it is important for adults to understand how to help him survive the pain that the child has to face due to various life circumstances.

Causes of difficult life situations in children

One of the main reasons for the emergence of the category "children in difficult life situations" is family trouble, namely:

  • drug addiction or alcoholism in the family;
  • low material security, poverty;
  • conflicts between parents and relatives;
  • child abuse, domestic violence.

Causes of family trouble

  1. Reproduction of patterns of interaction and behavior adopted in the parental family.
  2. A fatal confluence of life circumstances, as a result of which the entire structure and conditions of the existence of the family change. For example, sudden death, disability of one of the family members.
  3. Changes in the surrounding world, entailing changes in every family system. For example, the economic crisis, wars, etc.

1. Children without parental care

The number of orphans is increasing in direct proportion to the decline in socio-economic well-being in the country. Babies are left without parental care for a number of reasons. Most often, this is the deprivation of parental rights.

Reasons for termination of parental rights:

  • failure to fulfill parental responsibilities or abuse them,
  • presence of domestic violence,
  • the presence of chronic drug addiction or alcoholism in the family,
  • commission by a parent of a crime against the life and health of his child or spouse.

Thus, children can be left without parental care and end up in an orphanage if staying in a family becomes dangerous for their lives.

The primary task of the society is the early identification of families that fall into the risk group, assistance to such families and their support, the desire to preserve the birth family for the child. Sometimes a normal conversation with a neighbor who has often appeared at the entrance in a state of intoxication can prevent the development of a real disaster.

Of course, the dream of any child who has lost his parents and ended up in an orphanage and the best outcome for him is to find a new family, to find mom, dad and his own home again.

Babies are most often adopted now, and older children and teenagers have a chance to get into custody or guardianship. Recently, there has been such a form of guardianship as a “foster family”. By law, adoptive parents in such a family are entitled to the material reward due for raising a child. In addition, every month such a family is paid a child care allowance, which is an additional factor in attracting people who are ready to take care of a child from an orphanage to solve this problem.

2. Children with disabilities (those who have developmental features: mental and / or physical)

The causes of childhood disability can be intrauterine development disorders due to genetic factors, the lifestyle of parents (drug addiction, alcoholism and other types of deviations); birth trauma, as well as subsequent trauma of various origins.

Often children with special needs live and study at home. At present, inclusive education has been developed, in which children with disabilities get the opportunity to live and study in the same environment with their peers.

Very often, the appearance of a child with a disability in a family leads to its disintegration. Men leave the family, unable to withstand the additional difficulties and problems associated with raising a special child. At the same time, it is obvious that the upbringing of such a child requires exorbitant efforts from a woman left alone.

Characteristic features of families with children with disabilities:

  • low income: caring for a sick child requires, in addition to large material costs, a lot of personal time, so many have to give up high-paying work in favor of work with a more flexible schedule and convenient location;
  • isolation from society: difficulty attending entertainment places and events due to the lack of willingness of society to accept children with disabilities and poor technical support for the needs of people with disabilities;
  • difficulties in obtaining education and profession. For the implementation of educational and professional activities, special children need special conditions. In addition, they often encounter rejection and bullying among their peers.

Currently, social projects and programs are being developed for the socialization and adaptation of disabled children, teaching them labor skills, and programs are being introduced to integrate them into the environment of healthy peers. An important factor is the identification of various defects at an early stage in the development of children. Now throughout the country there is an early intervention service for children under three years old, where parents who have children with developmental disabilities or who are at risk can apply. Consequences of identifying defects at an early stage of a child's development:

  • prevention of the development of secondary disorders in the development of children,
  • revealing the rehabilitation potential of the family in supporting the child, providing advice to the family itself,
  • social adaptation and inclusion of the child in the peer environment already at an early stage,
  • passing earlier preparation for studying according to the school curriculum, reducing difficulties in subsequent education.

The implementation of such social programs and projects requires the active participation of all of us and a sincere desire to change the attitude of our society towards disability. Everyone can help, for example, to take care of a child in the absence of parents, or to help mothers of children with developmental disabilities with employment, to the best of their ability.

And we must start with the fact that we all must try to understand and accept a simple truth: not like me does not mean bad.

There is nothing shameful or shameful in disability, and we should teach this to our children. And most importantly - this can happen in every family, regardless of age, place of residence and income level! It is important not to look away embarrassedly from the boy in a wheelchair, but to be able to explain to your child that all people are different and someone is less fortunate, but this does not mean that he is less worthy of respect, attention and communication. Families raising children with disabilities can be supported in word and deed. Without a doubt, any help (both psychological support and material participation) is very necessary and invaluable for them!

3. Children who have become victims of interethnic (including armed) conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters; children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons; children in extreme conditions

In fact, these children are victims of extreme conditions, i.e. situations that go beyond normal human experience. The source of childhood trauma is often another person - this includes terrorist acts, attacks, local wars.

In today's world, the number of such children, unfortunately, is growing. The first priority in times of emergency is to place children in a safe place and provide them with everything they need, from personal hygiene to the opportunity to receive an education. Indeed, often, being on the street and having lost a roof over their heads, children are forced to independently provide themselves with everything necessary, which can lead them to the path of crime.

The main problem of such children is that very little attention is paid to their experiences associated with a change of residence. But they are faced with a number of issues that are not easy to solve even for adults. Together with the place of residence, children need to change their school, social circle, habitual places of recreation and entertainment, and adapt to a new environment. Often children who find themselves in an extreme situation lose close relatives and even parents. Undoubtedly, they all experience loss.

In the future, such children experience difficulties in communication, their overall development becomes more difficult, academic performance and interest in life decrease. Children who find themselves in extreme conditions need qualified help from psychologists in overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder.

4. Children subjected to violence, including in the family

The abused child lives with deep trauma from an early age. The child, as a rule, carefully hides the cause of the injury from others, the pain from the injury can torment him for the rest of his life.

Types of violence:

  • physical violence when a child is beaten, while there may be traces of beatings on the body, or they are not fed,
  • sexual abuse,
  • psychological abuse when a child is humiliated, isolated, lied to and threatened in every possible way.

Consequences of violence:

  • children develop anxiety and various fears,
  • children may experience guilt, shame,
  • children do not know how to navigate their feelings and emotions,
  • in adult life, children often face a number of difficulties in creating their own family.

Early detection of this difficult situation plays a key role in helping child victims of violence. It is necessary to be more attentive to the children around us in order to notice that the child may be depressed, upset.

First of all, this applies to the parents of the child. It is extremely important for parents to be in close contact with their children. It is very useful to discuss with the child what he does outside the home, with whom he communicates, while it is important to maintain a trusting relationship so that he does not hesitate to tell at home if someone does not behave with him in the way that is customary in his family. It is necessary to pay attention to even minor changes in the behavior of the child. Sudden tears, loss of appetite and other changes are a good reason for a confidential conversation. In order to prevent violence against children, you can develop self-protection skills in children by playing small riddle games. For example, you can ask: "What would you do if a stranger offered you a ride in a car?". A good activity for spending time together is to draw leaflets with your child with basic safety rules: do not leave with strangers, do not open the door for strangers, keep parents aware of their whereabouts, etc. In particular, it is worth paying special attention to any manifestations of children's aggression directed both at themselves and others, try to identify its causes and prevent it from aggravating.

The most terrible thing for a small person can be violence against him in the family, when it seems to him that no one will ever protect him, there is no one to complain to. After all, the tormentors are his closest people, parents who, for personal reasons, have become alcoholics, drug addicts, religious fanatics, or are mentally ill people.

An important role in such situations is played by where children can call without fear of exposure. Everyone can and should report situations of domestic violence that we witness: relatives, neighbors, school psychologists and teachers.

5. Children serving sentences of imprisonment in educational colonies; children in special educational institutions

As a rule, such children are characterized by a desire for deviation in behavior, or deviant behavior, i.e. behavior that does not correspond to the norms that are accepted in society.

Levels of deviation in behavior:

  • precriminal level- these are minor offenses, the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, leaving home;
  • criminal level- this is an extreme case of deviant behavior - delinquent behavior that can lead a child to criminal offenses.

Reasons for deviation in behavior:

  • socio-pedagogical neglect, the specifics of education;
  • family troubles, as a result of which the child experiences deep psychological discomfort;
  • personal characteristics of the child: deviations in development, transitional stages of growing up;
  • insufficient opportunity for self-realization and self-expression;
  • neglect.

In helping this category of children, it is extremely important prevention and warning manifestations of deviant behavior in the early stages of its manifestation. Here the main role is assigned to parents and teachers, since their duty is to treat children with due attention. In the modern world, the most common types of deviant behavior are represented by various forms of addiction - alcohol, tobacco, drugs, computer. In order to know how to behave in a situation if your child is addicted, we recommend watching the following videos:

When a crisis situation arises in the life of a child or in his family, it is necessary to turn to qualified specialists for help and support as soon as possible. For children, adolescents, as well as their parents, there is a phone number that they can call if necessary.

In practice, social assistance to children who find themselves in a difficult situation consists in constant work with their families, when it is dysfunctional. The main type of such assistance is social support for the baby and his family. Accompaniment - social assistance, including pedagogical and psychological assistance. Accompanying is otherwise called patronage. This is a whole complex system of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance provided by social service specialists. But each of us can help a child in a difficult life situation. You just have to stop, do not pass by and do not turn away from the little man in trouble.

Sooner or later, every person has significant events in life that unsettle him, deprive him of confidence in himself and in the future. There can be plenty of reasons for the emergence of a feeling of loss, emptiness: the sudden loss of loved ones, work, other shocks. Help in a difficult life situation consists, first of all, in purposeful work with feelings, which should gradually lead to inner healing.

The main danger of such situations is that they always occur unexpectedly, leading to a dead end, depriving moral strength. A person is not ready to immediately accept the circumstances of life that led him to an internal crisis. It takes a certain amount of time for a full recovery. It is necessary to comprehend what happened, which cannot happen instantly. Thus, a whole complex of emotional reactions arises, leading to deep emotional experiences. In this article we will consider various life situations that lead to a state of powerful intrapersonal crisis, and we will try to answer the question of whether in this situation.

Loss of loved ones

This includes the death of relatives. Perhaps this is the most difficult case, since the event is completely irreversible. If the financial situation can be improved over time if desired, then all you need to do is accept it. How does a loved one feel? Confusion, depression, emptiness, acute unbearable pain. At the moment of grief, interest in what is happening around is lost, the person is focused on himself and his feelings. It usually takes quite a long time before a person finally accepts the loss, learns to live without the deceased. Help in a difficult life situation should consist of several stages.

listening. Here, the psychologist or psychotherapist must provide the client with the opportunity to speak without restrictions and any framework. Personality needs to throw out their emotions outward, fully speak out, and then it will become a little easier. At this moment, it is so important to feel that someone needs you and is not indifferent.

Active work of grief- the next difficult stage, which should lead a person to accept what happened. This requires deep work with feelings. A competent specialist will ask questions about whether a person understands what is happening to him, about what he feels at the moment.

Making plans for the future. A vision of prospects is necessary, if only because a person cannot live without hope and faith in the best. Help for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation must necessarily be accompanied by a elaboration of a vision of the future life, what kind of person can imagine it.

Loss of a loved one

Despite the external similarity with the previous case, the situation in this context can be very different. If the loss of relatives and loved ones is almost always associated with death, then the loss of a loved one can also occur as a result of divorce of spouses, treason. For many, it is synonymous with the devaluation of life. In this situation, the help of a specialist psychologist is important and necessary in order to help the individual find strength for further life and work.

Help in a difficult life situation like this should be built on the gradual building of long-term prospects. It is necessary to explain to a man or a woman that life does not end there.

Pregnancy in adolescence

The appearance of children is not always a joy for young people who themselves have not yet reached the age of majority. Such news can shock both the teenagers themselves and their parents. Fear is due to the unwillingness to become parents, to take responsibility for raising a baby. In addition, often here are added material problems associated with a lack of money. Assistance to pregnant women and families in a difficult situation should be provided immediately, otherwise there is a risk of complications: abortions, abandoned children. Participation is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Military operations in the home country

War brings great tragedy in life. Whatever it is, there is always destruction, and, above all, of a psychological nature. Moral oppression, the inability to understand what is happening and where this world is heading, literally overwhelms a person, does not allow him to see the truth. When a big trouble happens, it seems that there is no one to turn to, all ideas are turned upside down, you understand that you cannot expect help from the state. The feeling of powerlessness gives rise to helplessness, self-absorption and inner bitterness. There are cases when, even after the cessation of hostilities, many people could not fully recover from a serious shock.

Help in a difficult life situation, which, no doubt, is a war, should be aimed at restoring peace of mind. We need to speak feelings, various outbursts of emotions so that a person does not get stuck at a certain stage. First of all, you need to minimize the effects of stress experienced. The psychologist-consultant needs to support the client in every possible way, to aim him at a perspective vision of his life.

Moving to another country as a result of any events

Migration is not always associated with hostilities in the home country. Even in peacetime, adapting to new living conditions can be very difficult. Lack of money, the need to draw up documents, difficulties - all this does not have the best effect on the mental state of people. If it is not possible to cope with difficulties for a long time, many subsequently develop apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to do anything. Help in difficult life situations, discussion of problems should take place systematically, until the situation is completely resolved.

Dismissal from work

It can happen to anyone. We become so accustomed to certain conditions of life that under some changing circumstances we begin to feel uncomfortable. Someone who loses his job panics, loses How to behave and what to do in this situation? After all, it undermines self-confidence, a person is afraid to try something.

What should be the focus of psychotherapy? First of all, on building long-term and short-term goals. It is important to explain to the client that losing a job is not the end of the world, but an opportunity to start a new life, build it in accordance with your goals and aspirations.

medical rehabilitation

While a person is healthy, he does not feel how hard it is for those who are bedridden. Assistance in a difficult life situation for seriously ill patients must be carried out systematically. How to do it? Show increased attention to their desires, take into account the lack of communication. Think about how you can help your neighbor, friends or parents.


This includes earthquakes, floods, fires, and terrorist attacks. In all these incidents, the person is overwhelmed by the circumstances. Some are left homeless, without food and warm clothes. How can you not lose faith in yourself and your abilities? This is what a difficult life situation can lead to. Overcoming difficulties begins with the desire to change something in yourself, and then in the world around you.

Thus, it is important for a person who is in difficult conditions of existence to provide psychological assistance as soon as possible: to support morally, to help financially, to assure that all the problems that he has encountered have a solution.

On January 9, 2013, the draft Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" was published. Now the State Duma will have to consider and adopt it in several readings. According to analysts' forecasts, the points of the law will not cause heated debate, because in Russia the need to adopt such a document is long overdue. Therefore, we can expect its adoption and action in life in the near future. Some of the new definitions introduced into it require additional explanation. Here is one of those innovations.

The new concept of "Difficult life situation"
A difficult life situation is a concept new to Russian legislation. Now it has been introduced and denotes certain circumstances that can greatly change the normal life of a person and make it unbearable, difficult. These situations can pose a danger to a person's health, to his normal life, they can pose a threat to his honor and dignity with the subsequent use of violence. People who find themselves in such situations are considered to be in need of social services.

In what cases is a difficult life situation recognized?
Article 21 of the Law defines the very factors, the presence of which makes it possible to consider that a person has found himself in a difficult life situation.
The first is a complete and partial loss of the ability to serve oneself or move around, most often this factor is caused by a state of health.
But the second reason contains social signs. If the social position of a person threatens his health or mental well-being. This happens when drug addicts or alcoholics live in the family, if there is violence or child abuse.

Minors who do not have guardians or parents are also recognized as needing social assistance. It is really possible to help them, but it is difficult to help another category, because they rarely accept this help - people without housing (homeless people), without certain occupations, without means of subsistence.
All these circumstances can also be supplemented and developed by the governments of the regions, based on local characteristics.

Types of possible services
If a person is recognized as being in a difficult life situation, then he is entitled to the provision of social services.
This medical rehabilitation after illness to maintain and improve health. In cases of violation of mental peace, a person can be sent for psychological rehabilitation, this will help to adapt to new conditions and a different social environment. They can also help those in need in raising children and organizing their leisure time.

The rehabilitation program also provides for the provision legal services and consultations, they can also help financially, if such a measure is deemed necessary. Disabled people and children with disabilities are promised help in solving their life problems. If they find it difficult to communicate, they will be helped to learn languages ​​and taught to live in human society. These services may be defined as urgent in special situations.

A citizen, guardian or any legal representative can apply for social services. It is a pity that there are no other social bodies on this list. After all, often those in need cannot write anything, and there it is more in electronic form to submit applications.

Prevention of difficult life situations
This article of the new law states that after receiving social assistance, social support of a person can be assigned, that is, the nature of assistance becomes regular. For the purpose of prevention, specialists of various profiles will be involved, they will advise, as well as provide services, if necessary.
When providing support to social workers, it will be important to determine what prevents a citizen from leading a full life and try to exclude them. In the process of accompaniment, the needy will be assisted in obtaining not only social, but also other services. The quality of social services and their effectiveness will also be assessed.

Social support - in the most general sense - is information that leads a person to the belief that he is loved, appreciated, cared for, that he is a member of a social network and has mutual obligations with it. Social support is defined as the exchange of resources between people.

Social support of the population - a system of measures that provide social guarantees to certain categories of citizens established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, with the exception of pensions. The presented definition is based on the provisions of the Federal Law No. 122-FZ “On Amending the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Recognizing Some Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (representative) and executive authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation” and “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2004. . Prior to the adoption of this law, in scientific, legal and business literature, as well as in legal documents, social support was interpreted as one-time and (or) episodic short-term events.

Family social support is also considered as assistance in cash and in kind, which is provided subject to legally established social security guarantees.

There are the following types of family support:

1. emotional, intimate - care for another, trust and empathy for him;

2. instrumental (material) - financial assistance, provision of resources;

3. informational - assistance in solving the problem by offering important information, advice;

4. feedback or support in the form of evaluation - evaluation of performance after the problem has been resolved.

Social support networks play a special role. Social support networks are structures that can help a person or a family. A whole network of institutions providing social assistance to families and children has been created in our country. In the Chelyabinsk region, there is a wide network of institutions whose activities are aimed at providing social support and assistance to families and children. These are 55 educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (orphanages and boarding schools), 23 specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation (social shelters and social rehabilitation centers), 3 rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities, 2 social assistance centers for families and children and 1 crisis center for women.

Family social support is a complex process that includes three links:

1. search for social support (the ability of the family to find people who are ready to help);

2. availability of a social support network (structures capable of providing support);

3. perception of social support (the ability of the family to accept help from others).

The Russian family needs the support of the state and society, but such support from the state and society cannot be reduced to material, economic (monetary or in-kind) assistance, it must include assistance in organizing and other possible needs of the family, in resolving any problems and crisis situations any nature, not just economic. As P.D. Pavlenok, the most promising is a balanced combination of monetary and non-monetary types of assistance.

The family is a full-fledged institution of social education. In order to preserve and develop the social functions of the family, the state develops and implements a family policy that includes two main tasks: on the one hand, it is aimed at stabilizing the situation of the family, creating real prerequisites for the positive dynamics of its life support processes, and on the other hand, at creating an effective social protection systems for socially vulnerable families.

Family social support is a set of measures to help certain groups of families who are temporarily in a difficult economic situation by providing them with information, financial resources, loans, training and retraining, and other benefits. The hallmarks of social support are temporary or partial; active participation of the person in need in solving the problem; use of the principle of repayment of allocated financial resources. An integral element of the social support of the family is social assistance. According to Russian legislation, “state social assistance is the provision of low-income families, low-income citizens living alone ... social benefits, social supplements to pensions, subsidies, social services and essential goods. Recipients of state social assistance may be low-income families and low-income citizens living alone who have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation.

To date, the following main forms of state assistance to families with children have developed and are operating:

Cash payments to the family for children in connection with their birth, maintenance and upbringing (pensions, benefits, subsidies);

Labor, tax, housing, medical, credit and other benefits for parents and children;

Family social services (provision of social services and advisory assistance), etc.

Also, Russian legislation defines measures of social support to which a family in a difficult life situation is entitled:

1. One-time targeted financial assistance to citizens in difficult life situations

2. Monthly cash payment to families consisting exclusively of non-working disabled people since childhood.

3. Providing children of the first and second years of life with special dairy products for children.

4. Providing food for children studying in municipal educational institutions without charging a fee.

5. One-time targeted financial assistance for the repair of residential premises.

At present, it is impossible to follow the path of elimination of low income with the help of additional payments from the budget to all families with incomes below the official subsistence level. Social assistance in modern conditions can only be specific and be provided in an individual form as a targeted one. Only then can the very limited funds for social protection be used optimally.

Social protection bodies cover all categories of families: low-income, incomplete, large families, disadvantaged families and families at risk.

The main areas of social protection of families and children are:

1) prevention of family troubles and social orphanhood with the introduction of modern technologies;

2) comprehensive material support for families and children, including low-income and large families;

3) organization of work on recreation and health improvement of children.

A special category of clients are families at risk or in a socially dangerous situation. In 2011, 7,000 families are registered in Chelyabinsk, in 2010 the number of such families was 6,984. Departments of assistance to families and children of municipal institutions The complex center of social services for the population of the city perform the primary function of identifying such families, their social patronage, and the selection of a rehabilitation program.

It is necessary to identify a problematic, dysfunctional family at an early stage, when intervention can be especially effective, to intensify work with such families, to develop family-education groups in shelters and social rehabilitation centers for minors.

In total, 2 billion 724.1 million rubles are provided for assisting the growth of real incomes for families with children in 2011 in the Chelyabinsk region. Of these, more than 1 billion rubles are annually allocated for the payment of a monthly allowance for a child, 121 million rubles for a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child. More than 330,000 families with children will receive benefits.

The system of providing subsidies for housing and utility bills (including targeted subsidies in connection with the increase in utility bills in 2011), which are one of the types of state social assistance, helps to protect low-income families from rising housing arrears. utilities, and, ultimately, from the loss of their homes. More than 1 billion rubles are allocated annually for these purposes. More than 100 thousand families receive subsidies in the region.

The provision of social protection for low-income citizens and families, citizens in difficult life situations, is facilitated by the payment of a one-time social benefit. This year, the amount of funding for its payment will amount to 19.5 million rubles.

The main goal of family social support is to mobilize the family's internal forces to overcome the crisis. The specific content of the family's social support in each individual case is determined by its individual characteristics: structure, financial situation, the nature of internal relations, the specifics of the problems, their severity, and the aspect of trouble.

The family is a society in miniature, on whose integrity depends the security of the entire large human society. Reviving the authority of the Russian family, strengthening basic family values ​​and traditions is possible by improving family policy, developing the content of social support for the family, spiritual and moral education of the population, improving social relations, familiarizing children and youth with family values, through the preservation of cultural traditions and the study of genealogy. Without strong and strong families, there will never be a strong and strong state. The main goal of state social support for families and children is the well-being of the family. The state family policy should be constantly developed and improved, based on scientific research, introduce new state standards, form new mechanisms for interaction with the family, thereby providing the necessary conditions for the family to implement its basic functions.