Correct behavior or ruined vacation in the UAE.

The culture and way of life in the UAE are significantly different from those in Europe. Strict laws and an abundance of moral prohibitions seem to many of our compatriots to be a step back into the Middle Ages, but it is thanks to them that the Emirates occupy one of the top positions in the ranking of the safest states. Guests of the country are in no danger if they are familiar with the basic laws and restrictions adopted in the center of the Arab world. Shan Tours guides have compiled a mini-memoir that will help you feel more confident in the Emirates.

Ethics and etiquette

The natives of the UAE are very religious people. They are not inclined to impose their beliefs on tourists, but they are very strict about disregarding the moral and ethical standards accepted in the country. So, what you should not do in public in the Emirates:

... flirt with local women. You can let down not only yourself, but also the object of your attention, since according to Sharia law, women are not supposed to show signs of attention to strangers, even if we are talking about an innocent smile. It’s better not to even try to talk to a lady in a hijab on the street: with a 99% probability, she will not answer and will only speed up her pace, and her husband or male relative may make claims against you.

... asking Arab men about their wives. What in European culture is considered a normal manifestation of attention, residents of the UAE regard as interference in their personal lives, which they do not tolerate. However, if you ask your interlocutor about his family as a whole, and not just about his spouse, he will most likely be willing to talk about his significant other.

... distract local residents from performing namaz. Like all Muslims, UAE residents pray 5 times a day and this process is considered a sacrament. Therefore, you should not try to talk to a praying person or even just look at him. Another taboo is that a person performing namaz should not be walked around in front. UAE religious regulations prohibit non-Muslims from visiting mosques. Only two of them are open to tourists - Jumeirah in Dubai and Sheikh Zayed in Abu Dhabi.

... hugging or kissing in public places. Even if you have been married for decades and have seven children, such displays of emotion in the UAE are considered a gross violation of social etiquette. It's hard to believe, but kissing at a bus stop or in a supermarket can get you arrested and subject to a large fine.

The rules for checking into hotels deserve a separate discussion. Couples who do not have a marriage certificate will be categorically denied a joint number. But even if you are going on vacation without your significant other, but with friends or relatives of the same sex, do not think that you will be able to save on accommodation. You will not be put in the same room, so as not to promote same-sex relationships - and try to prove that you are just friends or business partners!

Clothing and appearance

The wardrobe of UAE residents is not very diverse: long kandura dresses, harem pants and obligatory headdresses - scarves for women and gafiyas for men. Tourists in revealing clothing are always met with silent reproach. To prevent this, you should not appear on the streets of Dubai in transparent or low-cut clothing, dresses and tops with cutouts on the back, skirts or shorts above the knee. And, of course, you shouldn’t even try to sunbathe topless on public beaches - this can only be done in a closed hotel area with the permission of the administration.

Alcohol and other prohibited things

What is considered absolutely legal in Russia may turn out to be criminal in the Emirates. The most restrictions apply to alcoholic beverages. Thus, in the emirate of Sharjah there is an absolute prohibition law - you will not find alcohol during the day either in shops or in hotel bars. Drinking imported alcohol is also fraught with danger - you can be fined and even arrested for 10 days for holding a closed bottle of beer. And tourists who are unlucky enough to be caught in front of the law while drunk face immediate deportation and a lifelong ban from entering the country. Similar sanctions await those who try to give alcohol to an Emirati resident as a thank you or souvenir.

Littering on the streets of the Emirates is burdensome on the wallet. A cigarette butt or glass thrown past the trash can can cost you 500 dirhams (almost 8 thousand rubles). This rule also applies on public beaches, so when returning to the hotel, you should take all trash with you.

The UAE has restrictions on the import of certain pharmaceuticals that are widely used in the CIS countries - for example, codeine-based painkillers. The list of non-grata drugs is constantly updated and supplemented, and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the current list immediately before flying to the country. If you cannot do without this or that remedy, you should take the prescription with you - this will save you from possible problems.

Not only alcohol and medicines are prohibited in the Emirates, but also... pets. It is very difficult to find a hotel that will agree to accommodate you with a four-legged friend, even if it is completely pocket-sized. It is better to leave your pet at home, under the supervision of friends and relatives, or in a pet hotel.

And one more tip for tourists, which is always relevant. If, due to some circumstances, you are forced to conduct a dialogue with representatives of the UAE authorities, do not under any circumstances offer a bribe! This may cause irreversible consequences for you. Meanwhile, the residents of the UAE are very good-natured and hospitable people, and their sincerity is natural, because local residents, as a rule, are wealthy people, regardless of the income that tourism brings to the country. And despite all these not entirely simple requirements, the United Arab Emirates is a very friendly country where everyone is welcome without exception..

— Some words in English that will help you communicate:

Orientation in the city

I'm looking for… I'm seeking Aim sikin...
My hotel My hotel My hotel
Tourist office Tourist office Tourist office
Pay phone Street phone Street background
Pharmacy Chemists Kemists
Supermarket Supermarket Supemarket
Mail Post office Post office
Bank Bank Bank
Where is the nearest police station here? Where is the nearest police office Ware from ze nierest policy office
Where is the nearest... Where is the nearest...? Uer from ze nierest...?
Metro station Metro station Matrow Station
Bus stop Bus stop Bass stop
Gas station Petrol station Patrol Station
Police Police Policy
Market Market Market
Bakery Bakery Bakery
Square Square Skuea
Street Street Straight
How to get to the post office (police station)? Which is the way to the post-office (police station)? Wich from The Way to The Post Office (Police Station)
It's about a ten minute walk It's about ten minutes walk It's from e'bout ten minutes walk
It's far from here, it's better to go by bus (taxi, car) It is far off You had better take a bus (taxi, car) It from fa of, yu head bette take e bass (taxi, ka)

Shan Tours company is always ready to come to your aid! Plan your vacation and contact us for the best excursion!

In this article we will try to talk in detail about how to behave in the UAE, what is prohibited and what is allowed, how to communicate with local residents and how not to get yourself into trouble during your vacation and for the rest of your life.

In the UAE, most of the prohibitions, due to the official religion of the country, are related to the use of alcohol. Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages in principle. But, despite this, non-Muslim tourists, unlike more strict countries (for example Saudi Arabia), in the United Arab Emirates have several options regarding alcohol consumption: firstly, you can bring alcohol with you (for example, buy it in Duty Free upon arrival ), while remembering that this should not be done in public places and in front of Muslims; secondly, alcohol is sold in bars and restaurants that have the appropriate license. But while intoxicated, it is strictly forbidden to appear on city streets and public places. The sale of alcohol in bars and restaurants in the UAE is prohibited to persons under 21 years of age, so it is worth carrying a copy of your passport or other document confirming your age. Remember that the emirate of Sharjah, unlike the rest, is completely alcohol-free. Strange, but transporting alcohol from emirate to emirate is also prohibited; it can be considered smuggling, despite the fact that there are no cordons or checkpoints between the emirates that could control this.

During the Holy Month of Ramadan Muslims do not drink or eat anything from dawn to dusk; they are also forbidden to smoke and chew gum. Non-Muslims should respect the religious traditions and feelings of Muslims and try not to eat, drink or smoke in public places, refrain from noisy entertainment and inappropriate behavior in the UAE. It is advisable to wear closed and dull clothes. Failure to comply with these simple rules of conduct in the United Arab Emirates during Ramadan may result in administrative and even criminal liability. During Ramadan, as a sign of respect for non-Muslim tourists, hotel bars and restaurants are open for daytime eating and drinking.

Access to almost everything UAE mosques prohibited for non-Muslims. The only exceptions are tourist visits to the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi during designated hours and to the Jumeirah Mosque

Again, due to religion, there are also a number of rules of conduct for tourists who come to the Emirates. When communicating with local residents show respect and politeness, do not touch people, do not pat children on the head, do not stare at local women, keep your distance.

When entering an Arab house, take off your shoes, greet first the elder, then in a circle with everyone present, do not give a Muslim alcohol or pork products, try to give everything and not take with your right hand (the left hand is considered dirty in the Muslim world), do not sit like that so that your feet are facing the Muslim, European women should not be the first to shake hands with a Muslim man, do not disturb those praying during prayer.

Gambling, prostitution and drugs are completely prohibited in the Emirates. In recent years, Western influence has also affected smoking ban in public places, indoor spaces and on beaches.

Photographing Muslim women are unacceptable - it is considered an insult and can lead to arrest for 3 days. Therefore, you need to be careful when filming in shops, markets - places where ladies often visit. Before photographing a Muslim man, it is better to ask his permission to do so. It is also strictly prohibited in the UAE to photograph sheikhs' palaces, military installations and structures.

Rules of conduct on the road in the UAE do not differ significantly from Russian ones. Everything is the same as everywhere else: do not drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, fasten your seat belt, do not talk on your cell phone, do not exceed speed limits. If, as a result of an accident, a car interferes with the passage of other vehicles, it must be removed.

If, due to some circumstances, you are forced to conduct a dialogue with representatives of the UAE authorities, under no circumstances don't offer a bribe! This may cause irreversible consequences for you.

For security reasons, it is prohibited in the UAE bathe in prohibited places and with black flags raised (danger warning), traveling into the desert without a guide, touching and killing wild animals, plucking plants and damaging corals. We also do not recommend taking to the UAE pets. Almost all hotels in the UAE refuse to accommodate pets, even if they are small and not at all dangerous to society.

The rules of conduct for tourists in the UAE also prohibit men and women show your feelings in public, kiss, hug. According to the law of the country, cohabitation between a man and an unmarried woman is also prohibited. Of course, hotels often turn a blind eye to tourists who are in a common-law marriage. But, if a tourist has a holiday romance with a local resident, then most likely it will not end well (remember that the local gentleman may turn out to be an employee of the “morality police”). Due to religion, it is also prohibited in the UAE to show homosexual tendencies men and women, despite the fact that local residents consider it quite normal for two friends to walk hand in hand or greet each other in which both men rub noses.

Since the question " How to dress in the Emirates"is very voluminous, we have separated it into a separate article, which you can read here.

The UAE is the safest Arab country. If these words are not enough for you, then the UAE in 2011 took 33rd place in the ranking of safe countries out of 153, while Russia ranks 147th, and for example France – 36th. If this is not enough, the Emirates is in second place among the countries with the lowest murder rate per hundred thousand population.

The numbers speak for themselves. The UAE is truly a very safe country. Moreover, the good thing is that it is safe not because the police work well here, but because the UAE is a country with the highest standard of living and a stable political and economic situation. Here you can walk absolutely calmly at night in the darkest alleys, and not be afraid of anything. Here you should rather fear aggression from compatriots vacationing here than from local residents.

Laws, rules and traditions of behavior

The Emirates are known for their strict morals and harsh laws. Here it is very easy to find yourself fined or even imprisoned for seemingly “harmless” violations. Tourists are no exception, and for the slightest offense they will be held accountable in the same way as local residents. Keep in mind that if there is no police nearby, this does not mean that no one is watching you: police officers in civilian clothes patrol in crowded areas, there is video surveillance everywhere, and respectable citizens can report your violations to the police.

  • The law prohibits swearing and making rude gestures, even among tourists. For such a violation you may be fined or even sentenced to prison.
  • You should not kiss or hug in public, or otherwise express your love relationship. You could also end up in jail for this.
  • It is forbidden to wear a bathing suit in public places (except for beaches); it is indecent for women to wear transparent clothing, dresses or skirts that reveal the leg above the knee, or clothing that exposes the stomach, shoulders or back. Even being on the beach in a swimsuit that is too revealing can be grounds for a fine, and topless sunbathing is strictly prohibited.
  • You should not pester women, talk to local ladies, or look at girls. Such actions are considered rude behavior.
  • Checking documents is not uncommon. Carry your passport or a photocopy of it with you.
  • You cannot film local residents without their permission. Such a violation may result in a fine or arrest. Considering that you cannot talk to women, you will only be able to ask men for permission to film. It is also prohibited to rent from banks, government agencies, and military installations.
  • Premarital lovemaking is illegal in the UAE and no exceptions are made for foreigners. Tourists who are not officially married may even be denied occupancy in the same room. If you are married but have different last names, you can provide a certified translation of your marriage certificate.
  • Homosexual relationships are prohibited by law, so friends who are staying in the same room can be visited with surprise checks if they behave suspiciously.
  • Drug use is punishable by a long prison sentence or a large fine. And distribution - the death penalty or life imprisonment. You can be charged with drug use even if a tourist carries with him medications prescribed by a doctor. Many of them (including those sold openly in pharmacies in Russia) are officially prohibited for use in the UAE.
  • Crossing the street in the wrong place is punishable by a fine or a month in prison.
  • Smoking in the wrong place, throwing garbage past the trash can, or simply landing on the ground will result in a heavy fine.
  • Gambling is prohibited in the UAE.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places is prohibited. You should also not appear on the street while intoxicated. You can only drink alcohol in your hotel room, or in places where it is permitted: bars, restaurants.
  • Transporting alcoholic beverages from one emirate to another is prohibited.
  • During the month of Ramadan, you are prohibited from drinking, eating and smoking from sunrise to sunset. Of course, this does not apply to tourists, and in hotel restaurants tourists are fed and even given water, but in other public places this rule cannot be broken. Disrespect for this tradition can result in fines and even imprisonment.
  • You cannot enter an Arab's house wearing shoes. If the owner walks ahead of you and comes in wearing shoes, then this ban is lifted.
  • Food and drinks should be given and taken only with the right hand. If there are no cutlery, then you need to rinse your right hand with water and take the food directly with it.
  • You cannot offer local residents alcoholic beverages as gifts or souvenirs, or invite them to drink with you.

Road traffic

Traffic in the UAE, like in Russia, is on the right. The traffic intensity and driving style on the roads of the Emirates are often compared with those in Moscow, emphasizing that they are very similar. At the same time, local drivers are generally more friendly. The traffic rules and road signs are almost the same as in Russia, with the exception of the inscriptions that are written in English and Arabic.

The speed limit in populated areas is 60 km/h, on most highways it is 100 km/h. The speed limit is controlled by automatic radars with photo and video recording. There are few paid parking lots in cities; usually they are only available in the very center, on narrow streets. Parking costs AED 2 per hour.

Pedestrians should not violate the rules for crossing the roadway, because this entails a fairly large fine. You also cannot stand on the side of the road to stop a passing car.


The quality of medical care in the UAE is at the highest level, but prices are not far behind. In order not to go broke if you need to seek medical help, it is strongly recommended that you obtain insurance before your trip (insurance is most often already included in travel packages).

Pharmacies are common in the UAE. Every city has 24-hour duty pharmacies.

The sun in the UAE is very active at any time of the year, so you should protect yourself from sun rays and dehydration.

Tap water is safe to drink, but bottled water is better.

If your travel first aid kit contains drugs containing drugs that are prohibited in the country (among the prohibited drugs there are also those that are sold in pharmacies in Russia even without a prescription), then you may go to prison for drug use. If the need for such a drug is vital, you must have a certified translation of the medical prescription with you.

Emergency numbers

Ambulance – 999

Police – 999

Fire department – ​​997

Embassies and consulates

UAE Embassy (United Arab Emirates) in Moscow:

101000, Russia, Moscow, st. Olof Palme 4
Phone: (+7 095) 147-6286, 147-0066
Fax: (+7 095) 234-4070
Email: [email protected]

Russian Embassy in the UAE (United Arab Emirates):

United Arab Emirates, Abu-Dabi, Shark-9, Khalif Street, 65.67, P.O. Box, 8211
Phone: (8-10-9712) 72-1797
Fax: (8-10-9712) 78-8731
Email: [email protected]
🕒 October 15, 2018

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  1. Check your flight information on the information board and go to the check-in counters whose numbers are indicated on the board. When checking in, present your passport and ticket.
  2. After checking in and boarding being announced, you must proceed to the appropriate areas for international flights.

Passengers on international flights undergo customs, passport and security control, after which they await departure in the sterile area of ​​the international airlines gallery. When going through security checks, you must present your passport and boarding pass.

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol / veterinary control.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104 prohibited from transporting on board the aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers, the following dangerous substances and objects:

Allowed to transport on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, subject to the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in checked baggage in cargo and luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight:
    • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm; alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;
  • in things carried by passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
    • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
    • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled. Exceptions to transportation include medications, baby food, and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows the contents of the bag to be identified during the flight and has reliable confirmation that the purchase was made at airport duty-free shops. or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. Do not open the package either before boarding or during the flight.

The administration of the airport, airline, or operator has the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without lock) travel, pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Upon arrival at Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi airport

Upon arrival at the airport of Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, follow the step-by-step instructions:

Please note that at the airport the wait for the transfer bus is 2 hours after the plane lands.

Upon arrival at the hotel

  1. Go to the reception, where you will be given a registration card.
  2. Fill out the registration card in English.
  3. Hand in the completed registration card, voucher (1 copy), foreign passport (the foreign passport will be returned to you after a photocopy is taken, check at the reception when you can pick up your passport).
  4. Wait for check-in. Check-in at the hotel is at 14:00. If you want to check into a room earlier than the specified time, you must pre-book a room a day before your arrival date (for example, you arrive in the UAE at 5 am on September 10, so as not to wait until 14:00 for check-in, you can book a room not from 10 September, and from September 9. In this case, you will be checked into your room as soon as you arrive at the hotel). Upon check-in, you will be given room keys.
  5. When checking in at most hotels, guests are required to leave a deposit in the form of a sum of money (the amount is determined individually by each hotel) or a copy of their credit card at the reception. The hotel takes this amount/credit card details as a deposit towards the tourist's future expenses. If the guests did not have any expenses at the hotel, this amount is returned to the tourist. If there were costs, then the amount spent is deducted from the deposit. If you left a copy of your credit card as a deposit, the hotel will always ask how you want to pay, in cash or by card. No transactions will be made with your credit card without your permission. At some hotels, cash deposits may be refunded in local currency (please check in advance in what form the refund will be issued). In some hotels you can leave your passport as a deposit.
  6. After checking into your room, review the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

Tourist tax

From June 1, 2016, the emirate of Abu Dhabi levies a tourist tax (the so-called “tourist dirham”) on all tourists staying in hotels of any star rating, including apartments. The fee is charged to all guests staying in hotels and hotel apartments in the emirate in the amount of AED 15 per day for each room in the room, regardless of the hotel category.

From March 31, 2014 in the emirate of Dubai, from November 1, 2015 in the emirate of Ras al Khaimah, a tourist tax is levied on all tourists staying in hotels of any star rating, including apartments. The tax is charged per room per night (in local currency) upon check-in or check-out.

Meeting with the hotel guide

The time of meeting with the hotel guide will be told to you by the accompanying person (transferman) on the way to the hotel or by the meeting representative at the airport. At the appointed time, you must approach your hotel guide, who will be waiting for you in the hotel lobby (some hotels have a separate room for information meetings). To the meeting, take with you a voucher and a return flight ticket.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact your hotel guide or the hotel reception.

If there are few tourists staying at the hotel, the guide will come to the hotel upon request (an informational meeting with the guide upon arrival will certainly be held without a request).

The day before your flight home

  1. Go to the reception and check if you have any unpaid bills for additional services (use of a minibar, telephone, etc.). If you have any debts, pay them.

On the eve of departure, an information letter will be delivered to your room indicating the time of departure from the hotel. If due to any circumstances the letter was not received, contact your hotel guide or an office representative by phone +971 50 450 3399 , or by calling the hotline 800 839 839 .

Check out from the hotel

On the day of departure, rooms will be vacated until 12:00. Please hand over your keys to the reception before the designated time.

You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage room.

To avoid various complications, please do not be late and arrive at the transfer at the specified time.

Arrival at Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi airport for departure

  1. Check in for your flight (provide your passport and ticket).
  2. Drop your luggage at the front desk.
  3. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number and time for boarding the plane (on the boarding pass the gate is indicated by the word GATE, the time - TIME).
  4. Go through passport control (provide your foreign passport and a copy of your e-visa).
  5. Proceed to the departure hall, where you will wait for the boarding announcement for your flight.

Helpful information

Flight time

Flight time Moscow - Dubai, Moscow - Abu Dhabi is 5-6 hours.

Medical service

Medical care is paid. If you need medical attention during your holiday, please contact your insurance company immediately. The company's telephone number is indicated on the insurance policy. The insurance company representative will tell you which medical center or hospital to go to.

First aid kit

Before your trip, prepare and take with you a first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save you time searching for medicines and eliminate the problems of communicating in a foreign language; in addition, many medicines may have different names in different countries.

Behavior rules

In the UAE, as in any other country, modesty and restraint are the norm for both locals and foreign visitors, who must respect the laws, rules and customs of the country they are visiting. What clothes to choose for moving around the country and visiting public places? Nobody forces you to wear a burqa, but still the United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country. When choosing clothes, you should avoid miniskirts, deep necklines and see-through dresses on a naked body. Particular attention should be paid to clothing for tourists living in the emirate of Sharjah, the most conservative in this regard. An outfit that is too revealing can get you into trouble not only with the police, but also with local ladies' men, who will immediately start making dubious offers to you.

During the holy month of Ramadan (in Islam they adhere to the lunar calendar, so the beginning of Ramadan falls on different days, in the coming years in June-July), Muslims follow strict rules: from sunrise to sunset they abstain from eating, smoking, love affairs, entertainment and completely devote themselves to prayers. Followers of other religions should respect the religious feelings of Muslims - they must refrain from drinking, eating, smoking and noisy entertainment on the streets. It is advisable to wear closed clothing in soft colors. The month-long fast ends with a three-day holiday of breaking the fast - Eid Al Fitr.

Purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is available in hotel restaurants and bars, as well as in Dubai in restaurants with a special license. In other emirates, alcohol can be purchased in specialized stores. The sale of alcohol is prohibited in the emirate of Sharjah. Takeaway sales are not permitted. Restaurants, fast foods and snack bars located in the city (not at the hotel) do not serve alcohol.

Drinking alcohol is prohibited for Muslims. This ban does not apply to visitors if they do not profess Islam. It is strictly forbidden to offer or give alcohol to Muslims, as well as to drive while intoxicated. Drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, in public places (on a street bench, in a park, on the beach) is a crime and is punishable.


Dirham is the local currency of the UAE. 1 dirham = 100 fils. In the Emirates, you can purchase goods using US dollars or dirhams (AED - Arab Emirates Dirham). Payment in UAE currency is not only more convenient, but also more profitable. You can buy local money at any currency exchange office, but in the city center the exchange rate is better than when exchanging at a hotel. 1 US dollar is equal to 3.65 dirhams.

Banks are generally open from 8:00 to 13:00 from Saturday to Wednesday. Some also work from 16:00 to 18:30. On Thursdays, banks are open from 8:00 to 12:00. Exchange offices are open from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 16:30 to 20:30. Some exchange offices in tourist areas can work without breaks and seven days a week.

The shops

The widest selection of products and affordable prices are some of the main reasons why many people flock to the UAE. It’s not for nothing that the Emirates is called a “shopper’s paradise.” Free trade laws and low tariffs ensure that business flourishes in this country. The main centers of trade are Dubai, the capital of the country - Abu Dhabi, as well as Sharjah and Ajman. In Dubai car dealerships you can buy a car inexpensively (delivery to Moscow via Helsinki), in jewelry stores you can buy gold products worth their weight at world market prices (prices in Dubai are among the lowest in the world), in others you can find furniture from all over the world, household items equipment, computers and electronics. The shopping festival is held annually in Dubai from January to February and attracts with amazing discounts, extensive entertainment programs and various lotteries.

Souvenirs and shopping

The most common souvenirs and purchases are figurines of camels, items made of pearls and gold, khanjar daggers with a silver or silver-plated handle and scabbard, hookahs, Arabic coffee and coffee pots, perfumes and incense, spices, sweets, shawls.


In Dubai, you can freely use taxi services, where payment is made by meter. Landing fees are 5 dirhams in Dubai, 3 dirhams in Sharjah and then 2 dirhams per kilometer. The minimum cost of a taxi ride is 12 dirhams in Dubai and 10 dirhams in Sharjah.


In most coastal hotels in Dubai, as well as in some city hotels, tourists are asked for a deposit of $200-500 per room (cash or credit card) in case of additional expenses that are not included in the room price - use of a minibar, long-distance calls, etc. Further. The deposit will be returned on the day of departure in dirhams minus the amount you spent.


In the UAE there are both free public beaches and paid ones. The cost for a paid beach is usually 5 dirhams. Paid beaches are usually equipped, and for an additional fee you can rent umbrellas and sunbeds. Some beaches have women's days when men are prohibited from entering.


From February 1, 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation planning tourist trips to the United Arab Emirates do not need to obtain visas in advance.
Upon arrival at any airport in the UAE, citizens of the Russian Federation receive a visa on arrival for a period of 30 days free of charge. The visa can be extended once for 30 days by contacting the Immigration Department in the UAE in advance for an additional fee.
More detailed information in the Visa section.


The time is 1 hour ahead of Moscow.


Government offices are closed on Friday and Saturday. The day off in the offices of private companies is Friday. Thursday is a short day in banks (until 12:00). Shops, shopping and entertainment centers are open seven days a week.

Mains voltage

The network voltage is 220/240 V, the current frequency is 50 Hz. Appliances made in the USA may require an adapter.


The state religion of the UAE is Islam, on the basis of which the country’s legislation is largely based.


If a tip is not included in the bill, it is sufficient to leave 10% of the total amount. You should only tip if the service is good.

When moving around the country, it is not necessary to have a passport with you. It is enough to have photocopies of your passport and visa. It is better to leave the originals in a safe - in your hotel room or at the reception desk. If a foreign passport is lost, you must immediately contact the police station at the scene of the incident and submit a statement about the circumstances of the loss of the foreign passport, and then obtain from the police a document confirming the loss of the passport, which must be presented at the Consulate General when submitting documents for issuing a certificate of entry (return) to Russia or a new foreign passport to replace the lost one.


Per adult, the following is allowed to be imported into the UAE: up to 200 cigarettes, 40 cigars or 2 kg of tobacco. Persons who do not profess Islam can import up to 2 liters of strong alcoholic beverages and the same amount of wine for personal use. The import of photographic and video materials, as well as printed materials with reprehensible and frivolous content is prohibited. The import of drugs, weapons, psychotropic substances, and some medications is strictly prohibited.

Important!!! To obtain permission to import medicines (according to) containing them into the territory of the UAE, you must create a profile on the website of the Ministry of Health, download and fill out the form, () and also upload the necessary documents (doctor’s prescription with translation into English), description of the drug ( with translation into English), confirmation of length of stay = voucher, which will be reviewed and approved by the Ministry within one working day. At the end of the inspection, if the decision is positive, a certificate will be issued, which must be printed and taken with you. Medicines will be checked upon entry into the country by inspectors in cooperation with customs.


The international code for the UAE is 971.

To call from the CIS countries to the UAE you should dial: 8-10-971 + area code + subscriber number.

Principality and city codes 02 - Abu Dhabi, Mussafa, 03 - Al Ain, 04 - Dubai, 06 - Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, 07 - Ras al-Khaimah, 09 - Fujairah, Dibba, 070 - Khorfakkan. 050 - mobile phone. To call from emirate to emirate, or from a landline number to a mobile number and vice versa, dial: 0 + area code + subscriber number.

You can call from a hotel to another country using “9”, after the dial tone, dial the country code (007 - Russia), then the city code and the number of the subscriber you need. Such a conversation can be ordered to the dispatcher by dialing “0”. A call from the hotel will be quite expensive - a minute of conversation with Moscow costs approximately $1.50.

Useful phones

Consulate General of the Russian Federation (Dubai):
Address: Dubai, Umm Al Sheif, 6B Street, Villa No. 21
Tel.: +971 4 328 53 47
Fax: +971 4 328 56 15
Emergency assistance: +971 50 454 77 54 (24 hours a day. This number is intended exclusively for cases related to a threat to the life, health and safety of Russian citizens in the UAE.)
Consul General of the Russian Federation in Dubai and the Northern Emirates Gocha Levanovich Buachidze

Ambulance: 998 or 999
Fire Department: 997
Police: 999

TEZ TOUR tourist support phone numbers in the UAE

24-hour hotline (toll-free for all local numbers within the UAE):

800 839 839

Hotline number for calls from abroad:

+971 50 450 33 99

24/7 telephone in Russia

If you have trouble dialing the support number, please report it to our 24-hour phone number 8-800-700-7878 (calls from any region of Russia are free).

Traveling in the UAE is one of the safest in the world. The police closely monitor the crime level, threats of terrorist attacks and the comfortable living of local residents. However, in order not to spoil your holiday, you must strictly observe the local laws and basic precautions. The general security situation of the UAE, in particular Dubai, is a model of comfort. The quality of life here is at the highest level. Not only tourists come here, but also financiers, members of royal families, actors, entrepreneurs, athletes...


Traveling in the UAE is one of the safest in the world. The police closely monitor the crime level, threats of terrorist attacks and the comfortable living of local residents. However, in order not to spoil your holiday, you must strictly observe the local laws and basic precautions.

General security situation

The UAE, in particular Dubai, is a model of comfort. The quality of life here is at the highest level. Not only tourists come here, but also financiers, members of royal families, actors, entrepreneurs, athletes and show business stars. Today, the whole world is uneasy, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee the safety of people's lives, but in the UAE everyone feels completely safe. Commercial buildings, hotels and residential premises are protected by specialized agencies. By adopting modern technologies, they have reduced crime on the streets to a minimum.

Foreigners can move freely to the most remote areas, knowing that nothing will happen to them. However, in order not to run into trouble, it is better to refrain from visiting the old quarters of Dubai at night and not to take walks around Sharjah.

The situation on the roads is monitored by video cameras, which is why drivers behave correctly, follow the rules and always let pedestrians pass.

Local legislation

The laws in the UAE are strict and unforgiving, although in recent years they have often made concessions for visitors. And if previously a hand was cut off for offenses like theft, now they are deported from the country. When going on a trip, you need to take into account that, in addition to general laws, local rules and regulations apply in each emirate. They especially monitor compliance with moral standards prescribed in the Koran. Islam forbids even trying alcohol, but an exception has been introduced for visitors. True, it is only allowed to be consumed in restaurants, hotel bars or hotel rooms. It is forbidden to appear in other places even in a state of slight alcoholic intoxication or with a beer bottle in hand. Violators face a large fine, in some cases they will have to spend a couple of days in a cell. In some Emirates it is allowed to import alcohol, although only in quantities permitted by law. Customs takes away everything unnecessary.

The situation is even more severe with drugs. For attempting to smuggle - the death penalty. Problems often arise for those who carry medications containing narcotic elements. You could end up with 15 years in prison. For use - a term of 2 to 5 years. The police often conduct raids on discos, sending agents to foreigners who offer to purchase the prohibited dose.

In case of emergency, citizens of the Russian Federation are advised to contact the embassy at the following telephone numbers:

Abu Dhabi: +971-50-641-93-17; +971-2-672-17-97;

In Dubai: +971-50-454-77-54.

Women's safety

In the UAE, it is customary for ladies to wear modest clothes, behave with dignity and not get involved in quarrels. Women should not respond to curses and start a showdown. If such a situation suddenly arises, it is better to call the police for help, or contact an employee of a hotel or the nearest commercial establishment.

Local well-mannered Arabs rarely pester married ladies. Often it is enough for them to see the wedding ring on their finger so that they no longer show intrusive interest.

To avoid trouble, remember that local men are forbidden to see a naked female body (only at home), so be prudent and dress in loose, curve-concealing outfits.

While vacationing in the UAE, you should remember that when you are in a foreign country, you need to respect its laws and customs. In this case, the trip will not be overshadowed by troubles, and will leave only positive emotions and impressions.