Causes of pain when urinating in women, routes of penetration of infectious agents and an approximate treatment regimen. What causes bladder pain in men?

In order to find out why the bladder hurts, you first need to understand what exactly the bladder itself is.

The bladder is a hollow organ that serves to store urine, which in turn flows through the ureters and is discharged through the urethra.

Pain affecting the bladder can have various causes.

Most often they occur in the lower abdomen, but this may also indicate diseases associated with the kidneys, ureters or other organs.

Diseases that can cause bladder pain

Pain in the bladder may occur due to disruption of the normal functioning of some organs, such as:

  • Kidneys;
  • Bladder;
  • Ureters;
  • Urethra;
  • In men, the prostate gland.

Now let's look at diseases that cause pain in the bladder:

  • Urolithiasis disease. With this disease, stones enter the urethra, moreover, the process is accompanied by terrible pain, as well as urinary retention or the inability to defecate due to constant urge.
  • Cystitis. This type of disease is associated with inflammation of the bladder mucosa. In this case, the bladder hurts after urination. And with chronic cystitis, constant pain and frequent urge to urinate are observed.
  • Inflammation of the appendages or adnexitis may also cause bladder pain.
  • Tumor. This disease is accompanied by dull pain in the lower abdomen, and at the last stage the pain becomes simply unbearable, which causes enormous agony and discomfort to the patient.
  • Perimetritis. Inflammation of the peritoneal tissue around the uterus, as well as adjacent tissues. As a rule, it is infectious in nature and causes acute pain in the patient.
  • Inflammation of fiber which surrounds the uterus.
  • Bladder rupture. It can be caused due to certain mechanical influences, for example, when involved in an accident. The main symptom is the absence of urine output, although some blood appears from the urethra.
  • Prostate adenoma. This disease makes it difficult for urine to pass out, but at the same time the bladder stretches and increases in volume, being released from the abdominal cavity.
  • Cystalgia. This disease is very similar to cystitis, but the difference is that with cystalgia there is no inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. This disease is unique to women and mainly affects only those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Bladder pain - symptoms

Since pain in the bladder can be caused by various types of diseases, their symptoms may differ from each other. These include in particular:

Sharp, sharp pain

These symptoms can be characteristic of almost all diseases that are associated with bladder pain, namely:

Blunt pain

This symptom is typical for diseases such as:

  • bladder tumor
  • inflammation of the peri-vesical tissue.

Lower abdominal pain

This is typical for the following diseases:

  • bladder rupture,
  • benign or malignant tumors
  • inflammation of the perovesical tissue.

Pain with a full bladder

This symptom occurs when:

  • cystitis,
  • prostate adenoma,
  • vesiculitis or other gynecological pathologies.

Frequent urination

This symptom is accompanied by the following diseases:

  • trichomoniasis,
  • cystitis,
  • urolithiasis disease,
  • gonorrhea.

Burning sensation when urinating

This sign is typical for:

  • urogenital chlamydia,
  • thrush,
  • gonorrhea,
  • ureaplasmosis.

Why does the bladder hurt in men?

In men, bladder pain is mainly associated with dysfunction reproductive or urinary system. Other symptoms may also be characteristic if there are, for example, stones or inflammation in the kidneys:

  • Chills;
  • Fever;
  • Heat;
  • Lethargy;
  • Fatigue.

It is mandatory to take tests and undergo an examination.

In men, bladder pain is a very common symptom. prostate adenomas.

Many people do not immediately recognize this disease, since at the initial stage it occurs without visible symptoms.

Prostate adenoma begins to worry when problems arise with the vascular or circulatory system, as well as in the presence of stress. In this case, pain is felt in the groin, lower abdomen or even in the testicles.

The first thing you should do is seek help from medical institutions for diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Why does the bladder hurt during pregnancy?

Very often, expectant mothers face such problems as pain in the bladder or frequent urination.

The main problem with these inconveniences is pregnancy itself, since it is during this period that a woman’s body is weakened and most susceptible to various diseases.

Therefore, at the first symptoms you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Taking antibiotics during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, as this can further weaken a woman’s immune system and, in addition, there is a high risk of causing a miscarriage.

First of all, you need to pay attention to nature of pain, in what places discomfort is felt, and only then begin treatment.

In general, the causes of such pain in the bladder, as a rule, are inflammatory processes or cystitis, as well as its overflow.

Cystitis in pregnant women is treated exclusively by a gynecologist or an obstetrician, and in the case of cystology, by a neurologist.

It is worth remembering that self-medication has a detrimental effect on your health, and self-medication during pregnancy puts not only your health at risk, but also the health of the unborn child.

Therefore, you should trust your health only to highly qualified specialists.

How to treat bladder pain?

The first thing to remember is that you absolutely cannot self-medicate, especially in such a delicate matter.

After diagnosis and passing all the necessary tests, you will be prescribed the treatment that you will need to undergo. But this does not mean that you cannot take certain measures on your own for a speedy recovery. As auxiliary procedures, you can do the following:

  • Take warm sitz baths;
  • Be sure to observe bed rest;
  • Make yourself hot water bottles;
  • Of course, don't forget to drink plenty of fluids.
  • It is necessary to take vitamins in order to improve your immune system;
  • Eliminate spicy, fried and salty foods from your diet.

As you can see, pain in the bladder can be accompanied by various kinds of diseases, which, in turn, also have characteristic symptoms, so it is very difficult to recognize and make the correct diagnosis on your own.

By following your doctor's instructions and leading a healthy lifestyle, you can easily forget about all the diseases that have ever bothered you.

Bladder pain can be a sign of either a minor infection or a serious illness such as bladder cancer. But you don't have to worry too much about cancer right away, because bladder cancer is quite rare and bladder pain usually indicates a minor problem. But this does not mean that you can ignore this problem. If you feel pain in your pelvis or lower abdomen, it may be coming from your bladder.

Pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate other problems, such as intestinal problems, inflammation of the appendix, gynecological problems or prostate disease (prostatitis). How can you tell if this pain is coming from your bladder or indicates another condition?

Pay attention to other symptoms you may have - especially if you have blood in your urine along with pain in the bladder area.

Experts say, “When women experience bladder pain, they need to get tested.” Diagnostic procedures will look for signs of urinary tract and bladder infections, cancer and other diseases listed here:

1. Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

2. Interstitial cystitis (IC)

Only more than 3 million women living in America live with pelvic pain associated with interstitial cystitis, let alone the combined residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. Interstitial cystitis is a severe form of painful bladder syndrome. Ulcers or other pathological changes in the bladder wall may cause pain. The discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis can range from minor to unbearable. Bladder pain due to interstitial cystitis may worsen during menstruation.

IC is not associated with a bacterial infection, although symptoms may be similar to infectious cystitis. Although the cause of IC is not fully understood, it is believed that the disease may be associated with inflammation.

There are many treatment options for interstitial cystitis to help relieve the symptoms of the disease. Among them:

  • Bladder distension
  • Bladder cleansing
  • Taking certain medications
  • Electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief
  • Surgery (rare)

In the most severe cases, surgical removal of the bladder may be indicated.

3. Changes in the reproductive system

Women may experience pain in the bladder area as a result of thinning of the vaginal skin. This is called atrophy and is most common during menopause, due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen produced by the woman's body. Taking estrogen medications does not help in this case, but vaginal cream containing estrogen may relieve bladder pain.

Talk to your doctor about bladder pain and discomfort and he or she can help you determine what the real problem is.

The bladder is one of the most vulnerable organs of the female body. And the pain that arises in it can serve as a sign of serious pathologies. What does such discomfort indicate? Why does it occur?

Why does the bladder hurt in women: the main reasons

Almost always, pain in the bladder area is associated with some disease. The following pathologies are most typical for women:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Stones, moving inside the organ, provoke sharp pain, the intensity of which increases with physical activity. From the bladder, stones can enter the urethra: a change in location is accompanied by a significant deterioration in well-being - the woman cannot find a place for herself, constantly experiencing excruciating pain.
  2. Cystitis. This is an inflammation of the bladder mucosa caused by infection. The affected organ naturally reacts to the pathology that has developed in it, sending pain signals to the brain. Unpleasant sensations are also experienced during urination: severe pain turns the natural process into a real test.
  3. Inflammation of the female genital organs. These include adnexitis (damage to the appendages), parametritis (inflammatory process in the periuterine tissue), perimetritis (disease of the outer lining of the uterus). As a rule, the pain in these pathologies is quite acute. Often the infection moves from the genitals and enters the bladder, causing the already mentioned cystitis.
  4. Bladder rupture. The organ itself is very elastic. But the more urine there is, the more the walls have to stretch and the thinner they become. If the organ is hit in this state, it may rupture. This often happens during an accident, a fall, or strong shaking in transport. A woman with a burst bladder will experience severe pain and a constant desire to urinate (though she will not be able to pee due to the injury). Another symptom is blood from the urethra.
  5. Bladder tumor. The neoplasm can be either benign or malignant. In any case, it provokes constant dull pain in the lower abdomen. If the tumor begins to disintegrate, the discomfort will become unbearable. Most often, neoplasms develop in women over 40-45 years of age.
  6. Paracystitis. This is the name for inflammation of the peri-vesical subcutaneous fat. The pain is constant, but at the same time it is not sharp and dull. Swelling may occur, localized above the pubis.

Any of these diseases requires a visit to the doctor. There is no need to do anything on your own: both diagnosis and therapy should be carried out by a specialist.

Bladder pain in women caused by cystalgia

The word "cystalgia" is translated from Greek as "pain in the bladder." The peculiarity of this condition is the persistence of typical symptoms of cystitis with objectively good test results. It turns out that there is no inflammation, but there is still pain.

Cystalgia is not talked about so often, although it is diagnosed in 10-15% of women who consult a urologist. Characteristic signs of this condition:

  • pain in the bladder with a minimal amount of accumulated urine;
  • Urinary urgency that is very difficult or impossible to tolerate;
  • constant feeling of fullness of the bladder;
  • pain radiating to the perineum and lumbosacral region.

As a rule, cystalgia occurs latently, worsening in autumn and winter. The pain is not very strong, but constant, often occurring without any apparent reason. Among the main reasons for the development of pathology:

  1. Strong emotional experiences, frequent quarrels and stress.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of minimum required physical activity.
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction, fear of intimacy, the practice of coitus interruptus as a method of contraception.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, predominance of spicy foods in the diet.
  5. Presence of gynecological diseases, ovarian dysfunction.
  6. Pregnancy or abortion.
  7. An allergic reaction to certain products (for example, some patients experienced swelling of the bladder neck when drinking milk).
  8. Changes in hormonal levels (especially important for women during menopause).

If cystalgia has developed due to nervous experiences, then it is called psychosomatic cystitis. In fact, this condition can be classified as a type of neurosis.

A woman's bladder hurts during pregnancy

Carrying a child is a real test for the body. The expectant mother will face many surprises in terms of her well-being, and one of them is pain in the bladder.

This phenomenon can be explained simply: as the fetus develops, the uterus enlarges and gradually puts more and more pressure on the internal organs. In the first stages, such pressure only leads to an increased desire to urinate, but in the second half of pregnancy, the ureters are pinched and, in general, the blood supply to the bladder deteriorates. If we add to this picture a change in hormonal levels, which makes the process of urination difficult, then the appearance of pain does not seem strange at all.

Despite the relative normality of bladder discomfort during pregnancy, a woman should not ignore the symptom. Processes occurring in the body can provoke stagnation of urine, which will result in the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, cystitis will develop.

A woman's bladder hurts: treatment

Getting rid of pain first involves eliminating its cause. To do this, a woman should contact a therapist, urologist and gynecologist. Only after identifying the main factor causing discomfort can treatment begin.

As a rule, the patient needs to do:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • urine tests (according to Nechiporenko, general, biochemical);
  • general blood analysis;
  • cystoscopy;
  • a smear on the flora and other studies that the doctor considers necessary.

Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate medications are prescribed. For example, for cystitis, these are antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs, as well as herbal products. If the pain is caused by an injury or tumor, surgery may be required.

With cystalgia, the main emphasis is on restoring normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This is facilitated by physical exercise, long walks and regular sex with a regular partner.

If the pain is difficult to bear, you can take a pain reliever. Antispasmodics have proven themselves well - No-shpa, Droverin, Papaverine. It is also acceptable to use Analgin or Aspirin (the latter should not be taken if there is blood in the urine).

Heat helps to quickly relieve pain. Fill an opaque plastic bottle with warmed water, wrap it in a towel and apply it to the groin area or lower abdomen. After a few minutes, the discomfort will begin to subside.

Any pain is an alarm signal that the body sends to a woman. Therefore, this symptom cannot be ignored: it is better to be safe than to miss the initial stage of the disease.

The bladder is the main organ of the excretory system in the human body. It is a kind of bag filled with liquid.

Can your bladder hurt? Maybe. Moreover, there are a lot of factors that can cause pain.

For example, kidney disease, dysfunction of the reproductive system and inflammation of the tailbone can cause discomfort similar to the sensations that occur when a woman or man has bladder pain.

With pain in the bladder, many different symptoms can be observed. Particular discomfort occurs when it is filled.

If your bladder hurts and you are bothered by frequent urination, this may indicate the following diseases:

  • BPH;
  • other gynecological disorders.

Due to the characteristics of the urinary canal, women are more likely to suffer from urinary bladder disease, since infection easily penetrates into the canal. Men feel inflammation less acutely.

With a malignant formation, a feeling of bursting of the bladder and nearby organs may appear. If the bladder hurts and the lower back responds with dull and nagging pain, then the peri-vesical tissue may be inflamed.

To alleviate the symptom, it is necessary to carry out a procedure that will remove fluid from the organ.

Possible diseases

If a man’s bladder hurts, this may indicate problems with the reproductive organs.

Diseases can manifest as pulsating sensations in the genitals and pain in the kidneys. This condition is characterized by high fever and chills.

Increased excretion of urine with blood or pus indicates serious problems, for example, the possibility of rupture of the urinary organ.

On the left side in the groin, pain appears with the development of prostate adenoma. Due to the absence of acute manifestations of the disease, men do not consult doctors for a long time. Anxiety appears only when pain begins in the groin area and testicles, and the release of urine brings discomfort.

Women quite often experience pain in the urinary system due to the physiological structure of the body. Most often pregnant women are exposed to such diseases. If the bladder hurts during pregnancy, this is explained by the fact that the immune defense system is being rebuilt and it is difficult for it to cope with its functions.

If your bladder hurts, these symptoms in women may indicate:

  • deterioration of the reproductive system;
  • malignant tumor.

Since the urinary canal is located close to the anus and vaginal openings, bacteria easily rise to the urinary bladder. There is no age limit for pain caused by infections. The older the woman, the more severe the illness.

Interstitial cystitis is one of the forms of the syndrome, which is caused by harmful changes in the walls and mucous membrane of the organ.

Painful symptoms can range from minor to very acute. This cystitis has nothing to do with bacteria. Its causes have not been found by modern medicine.

Pain due to thin vaginal skin can also cause severe pain.

When menopause occurs, the secretion of female hormones decreases, so many organs of the reproductive system and their functions change, bringing discomfort to the woman.

Oncological processes in the urinary bladder are not such a rare disease. Many women suffer from this terrible disease. The first symptom of cancer is blood in the urine and pain when passing urine.

If your bladder hurts, treatment should not be put on hold. If you experience any pain, you should immediately contact a doctor for help.

Diagnosis and treatment

Early contact with doctors is the key to a successful outcome of the disease. Pain in the area of ​​the urine bladder may indicate diseases of other organs located nearby. It is difficult to determine without examination which specific organ hurts.

  • The doctor must take the following measures:
  • inspection;
  • ordering tests;

referral for cytoscopy;

If the cause of pain is cystitis, the doctor will prescribe treatment with antimicrobial agents and advise you to maintain rest and drinking regimen. Preparations made on the basis of herbs are quite effective in combination with the main treatment.

Chronic inflammations are cured by eliminating the causes of their occurrence. Procedures for administering the drug through the urethra are also used. Physiotherapeutic methods for serious illnesses are often viewed quite skeptically.

Meanwhile, it helps relieve spasms by relaxing the muscles of the organ. After just a few procedures, the pain subsides a little. In total, you need to carry out about 10 treatment sessions with electrodes, which are installed in the lower abdomen and send electrical signals.

Treatment with traditional methods

Treatment with natural preparations, long known to folk medicine, have proven their effectiveness when used in combination with basic treatment. The course of taking medicinal plants is designed for a long time.

For inflammatory processes, take a decoction from the dry leaves of the plant Tartarus prickly. Pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. plants, wait 40 minutes.

Tatarnik prickly

Afterwards, drink one tablespoon three times a day. This dried herb can be taken in powder form. It stops inflammatory processes. Mint collected during its flowering will help get rid of inflammation of the organ walls. It is brewed and drunk instead of tea. Many plants can be mixed together to obtain a more effective remedy.

It is important to know what properties each ingredient has so that the medicinal properties of the plants do not neutralize each other when mixed. Having understood the effect of each natural component, you can supplement drug treatment with medicines given to people by nature.


Daily hygiene procedures and strengthening the body's protective functions will be the best methods of prevention.

Bladder pain often occurs in women. Their reasons lie in lifestyle, nutrition, and hygiene. Unpleasant sensations may indicate inflammation in nearby organs: kidneys, ureters, genitals.

If you have pain, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor; you should not self-medicate. Improper actions can cause serious complications.

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    Why does the bladder hurt and what are the symptoms?

    Pain in the lower abdomen does not always indicate bladder disease. Sometimes pain appears due to inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

    Diseases of the excretory system

    Typically, pain in the bladder is accompanied by symptoms of cystitis: frequent urination, pus in the urine, fever, general deterioration of health, burning and itching, a very unpleasant and strong smell of urine, nausea, pulling and pressing in the lower abdomen and to the left of the bladder.

    However, pain in a hollow organ sometimes occurs with cystalgia, in which the symptoms resemble those of cystitis, but there is no pus in the urine, and the mucous membrane of the bladder is not inflamed or only slightly inflamed.

    Urolithiasis, in which sand and small stones are present in the urine, causes severe discomfort to the patient. The pain in the bladder is wave-like. Other symptoms of urolithiasis: change in the color of urine due to an increase in the number of formed blood elements, nagging pain in the lower back and hips, frequent urge to urinate, severe pain when the bladder fills.

    Sometimes women get urethritis, in which the symptoms cause a lot of discomfort, but there is no serious inflammatory process. With kidney diseases - glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, pain in the bladder is also observed. Pyelonephritis is caused by inflammatory pathologies of the renal pelvis, calyces, and glomerulonephritis - by Shumlyansky-Bowman capsules. When the kidneys are damaged, the patient experiences lower back pain and bloody discharge.

    Gynecological roots of bladder pain

    Typically, acute pain in the bladder is observed in women suffering from gynecological problems. Inflammation of the appendages, the tissue that forms the uterus, and the outer lining of the uterus cause pain. As a rule, infections that appear in the internal female genital organs then spread to the excretory system and cause cystitis and bladder spasm.

    Occurrence of tumors

    At the initial stage of the appearance of tumors (malignant or benign) on the bladder, the patient is bothered by dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, but as the tumors develop, the sensations become unbearable and significantly worsen the patient’s life. If a person experiences increasing pain regardless of his activity, then most likely he is developing a tumor.

    Pain during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the growing uterus, which is located behind the bladder, puts pressure on it. Because of this, a woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but already in the third trimester a woman may feel discomfort as the uterus begins to compress the ureters and impair blood circulation in the bladder.

    To these factors is added a hormonal imbalance, which causes urination to be impaired. Stagnant urine forms in the bladder, which serves as an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. Because of this, pregnant women often experience cystitis with characteristic pain in the bladder and other symptoms.

    If cystitis is suspected, a woman is strictly prohibited from self-medicating - such an approach can harm the fetus. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist who can choose the optimal treatment plan that will not harm the baby.

    Possible female pathologies

    During menopause, women often feel pain due to the fact that the skin of the vagina and genital mucosa have become thinner. The reason for this process is the lack of female hormones in the body. Pain in the bladder appears due to some female diseases:

    1. 1. Ovarian apoplexy is a pathology in which the ovarian tissues were torn. Accompanied by profuse hemorrhage and acute pain.
    2. 2. Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the inner muscular layer of the uterus.
    3. 3. Endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal in the cervix.
    4. 4. Salpingo-oophoritis is a pathological process of an infectious nature, affecting both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

    Some women confuse the sensations of an ectopic pregnancy with the symptoms of cystitis.

    Other causes of pain and diseases of the excretory system

    The occurrence of unpleasant sensations is associated with various reasons: lifestyle, physical injuries, lack of personal hygiene. All this affects the condition of the genitourinary system. The most common causes of pain:

    1. 1. Urolithiasis.
    2. 2. Cystitis.
    3. 3. Decreased immunity due to stress, bad habits, infections.
    4. 4. Inflammation in the genitourinary system.
    5. 5. Hypothermia.
    6. 6. Physical injuries - bruises, cuts, concussions.
    7. 7. Intestinal diseases.

    How can you relieve pain?

    To relieve pain, two types of therapy can be carried out - symptomatic and etiotropic. Symptomatic therapy affects all unpleasant symptoms, but will not affect the causes; after a course of medication, the pain will return again. Etiotropic therapy is aimed at the causes and will help deal with the disease once and for all.

    First aid at home

    In some situations, it is impossible to go to the doctor right away, so you need to take some actions to relieve the pain:

    • Various manipulations with heat will help relieve pain. For pain, you should use heating pads, hot herbal teas, and warm compresses. It is not recommended to visit saunas and steam baths, as this will contribute to the spread of infection.
    • During an exacerbation of the infection, it is necessary to provide yourself with bed rest - the body cannot be stressed either physically or emotionally. Carrying an infectious disease “on your feet” is dangerous for both the carrier and those around you.
    • It is important to maintain personal hygiene and wear loose underwear.
    • It is necessary to adhere to a diet without salty or spicy foods - these foods provoke inflammation. It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

    Treatment and diagnosis

    Treatment can only be beneficial if the cause has been accurately identified. To do this, you must definitely contact a specialist when the first painful symptoms occur.

    The urologist examines the patient, after which he prescribes a series of examinations - urine and blood tests, cystoscopy, gynecological examination, MRI, ultrasound of the bladder, urethral smear. Patient complaints are also of great importance. After receiving the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary etiotropic therapy.

    For example, pain caused by tumors, stones, or ectopic pregnancy can only be eliminated by surgery. Pain due to cystitis is relieved with painkillers, and doctors prescribe medications to relieve spasms of smooth muscles. If a bacterial pathogen is detected, the urologist prescribes antibiotics. For chronic pain, the root cause is eliminated - stones, stricula, etc.

    A number of additional therapeutic measures are also carried out:

    • heating pads for the perineum;
    • bed rest;
    • drinking plenty of water;
    • warm baths;
    • special diet.

    But even if the patient is cured, it is worth continuing to monitor his health so that the pain does not recur. It is necessary to adhere to a daily routine and eat right.

    Physical labor and an active lifestyle are considered extremely beneficial. Movements help remove all residual urine from the body, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and prevents stagnant processes from developing. The functioning of the intestines and genitourinary system improves.

    Proper nutrition is also very important. It is necessary to eat only natural products without carcinogens. It is undesirable to often eat spicy and salty foods, they irritate the urinary tract. In case of severe pain in the bladder, alcohol should be prohibited. The list of undesirable foods includes canned food, pickled foods, vinegar, soda, avocado, tomato paste and mayonnaise. They can be consumed, but in limited quantities.

    Bad habits must be abandoned, especially frequent drinking and smoking.

    Regular examinations with a urologist will not be superfluous. The doctor will help to identify problems in time and prevent complications. Following all doctor's orders will contribute to a quick recovery.