Traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road are now on the map. Fighting traffic jams in cities

In those areas where the Barmashstreet device will be installed, the formation of traffic jams is impossible in principle: the device will not allow the number of cars in the area to exceed the limit value determined by the design value. Cars can travel along them at the maximum speed allowed in the city.

The proposed device allows you to create a city map of a network of areas where the absence of traffic jams is guaranteed at any time. The network map will be published in the media, including the Internet. Using it, each driver will be able to choose a route along which a significant part of the journey will take place within the network, thereby protecting himself as much as possible from getting stuck in traffic jams. Moving a car within the network allows you to reach your final destination without hindrance, within the estimated time. The use of this traffic light device, which guarantees the complete absence of traffic jams on the roads, creates good preconditions for the creation in the future of a fully automated traffic control system for road transport in the city. The entire road transport system of a large metropolis (as paradoxical as it sounds at present) can be transferred to control from a single remote control.

The formation of traffic jams on the roads leads to high costs.

Many firms and government agencies are expressing their readiness to spend large amounts of money on the construction of additional roads and structures that would eliminate traffic jams.

The main goal is to create a system of urban traffic that would guarantee the absence of traffic jams. At the same time, the question is not even raised about whether this system will be simple or complex, and, accordingly, cheap or expensive. The main requirement is to guarantee the absence of traffic jams. The proposed measures (the creation of surveillance systems, restrictions and bans on the entry of certain types of vehicles at certain times, the creation of reversible traffic lanes, the allocation of special routes for public transport, the simple expansion of existing roads and other similar measures) are not able to guarantee the absence of traffic jams. . Currently, there are no universal ways to prevent traffic jams.

At the same time, the tendency for car production to exceed the trend for the construction of urban highways will continue in the coming years.

The creation of an alternative mode of transport to road transport in the foreseeable future is unlikely.

The impact of the global economic crisis on traffic jams.

Let's analyze the impact of the global economic (including financial) crisis, which threatens to take over Russia, on the state of traffic jams.

The crisis will cause a reduction in car production at a number of enterprises. This will cause the price of cars to rise. Due to financial difficulties of both organizations and individuals, there will be a tendency for a slight reduction in the sale of cars on credit. This will contribute to some reduction in the production of cars on the roads. The factor can be considered as positive for reducing traffic jams.

At the same time, the consequence of the financial crisis will be a reduction in funds allocated for the reconstruction, expansion and construction of new roads. This will have a negative impact on traffic jams.

It is difficult to accurately calculate in advance which of these factors will prevail. However, past experience with the state of roads in Russia suggests that the construction and reconstruction of roads will continue to lag behind the need and, therefore, the financial crisis will deal another “blow” to the state of traffic jams on roads.

Let's analyze the impact of volcanic dust that came out of an active volcano in Iceland in 2010 on traffic jams. This led to the temporary closure of almost all European airports. At the same time, the load on ground passenger transport services has increased, especially on intercity road (and rail) transport. Some passengers and cargo that previously preferred to be transported by aviation were now forced to be transported by road transport. The result is an increase in traffic jams.

The situation can only get worse over time. In order to avoid ever-increasing already large material and other losses, it is urgent, now, to take “fire measures” that would not allow the situation with road traffic in cities to reach a crisis.

Traffic control system

Currently, the expression “a system for controlling traffic flows has been created” is widely used in reports and reports of leaders in the field of transport.

In fact, we are only talking about a system for monitoring traffic flows, since the control system necessarily includes regulation of traffic flow, and this in turn implies that the system has feedback.

It is necessary to constantly take into account the actual number of cars in the regulated area and constantly adjust the burning time of the permitting signal depending on various variable factors.

Variable factors that must be taken into account during the working day, as well as the season, and taking into account which the burning duration in the green signal operating cycle must be adjusted, are:

Times of Day

road illumination

atmospheric phenomena (snow, rain, fog, ice)

grip with the road surface.

Now, when the traffic light signal is switched only after a certain (mostly constant) time, such an adjustment does not occur. This negatively affects the optimal flow of traffic. In the absence of flow controllability and the lack of data on the actual congestion of a section at a given moment, making such adjustments manually for each section is very difficult.

Elements of automatic adjusting the burning time of the traffic light permitting signal. What is the Internet for?

To operate the traffic flow control device (TFDC), it is necessary to know the maximum permissible throughput for each section.

This value is variable and depends on a number of constant and variable factors. This value must be in the comparison block. It is used to compare the actual number of cars on the site with the permissible number. If this value is exceeded, the green traffic light (allowing cars into the area) switches to a red signal.

The capacity of each section is not constant.

It depends: on the topography of the site; on the number of turns (turns); on the width of the area; on the quality of the road surface.

These parameters are constant for a given area; they can be taken into account in advance and, using tables or coefficients, taken into account when calculating the theoretical throughput of a given section.

A number of parameters are variable: wheel adhesion to the road (depending on the weather - ice, fog, rain).

These parameters cannot be taken into account in advance; they can change during the working day. The capacity of the site will also change. This variable value must be transferred to the comparing element - after all, it determines whether the green or red light will continue to be on at the traffic light for cars entering the area.

It is most convenient to transfer this variable value to the comparing element using the Internet (or GLONASS, GPS). To do this, a receiving device is installed in the comparing element, and the signal is transmitted to it from a separate transmitting device. It contains a program for taking into account variable factors depending on weather conditions.

For this purpose, the Barmashstreet device is specially equipped with an element for automatically adjusting the burning time of the permissive traffic light signal depending on changes in the above factors.

When installing this traffic light device on a ring road, “traffic jams” will also not form on it. At the entrance to each site, a counter for the number of vehicles arriving is installed.

“Extra” cars that could create traffic jams on the ring road will not be allowed into the regulated area.

Using this device, the problem of restricting the entry of non-resident vehicles into the territory of a metropolis and its environs at certain periods of time can be solved through purely technical (and not administrative-prohibitive) measures. Only the number of cars allowed through will not create traffic jams. For each section of the ring road, the most favorable time for entering the ring road is established (and published in advance).

Existing traffic rules, in essence, do not impose any restrictions on the maximum number of cars that can be on a given site at the same time. At the same time, exceeding this number leads to the formation of a “traffic jam”.

Drivers entering this area do not know whether they are “extra” or not. Perhaps, knowing this, they would not currently seek to enter this area, which is at the maximum capacity. But currently no one can provide them with such objective indicators. A “traffic jam” occurs when a large number of cars try to enter the area at the same time. If this process is “spaced out” over time, then a “traffic jam” will not form in this area.

The Barmashstreet device allows you to determine the level of load of the site at any time and, if necessary, make adjustments.

In order to prevent the formation of traffic jams due to the simultaneous start of traffic from peripheral areas of the city towards the center, city authorities are taking, for example, measures to shift the start time of the working day for institutions located in the center. However, this quite reasonable measure has so far had little effect on the general condition of traffic jams in the city. It is impossible to legally prohibit the start of traffic in any direction in the city. It is necessary to take measures to ensure that drivers themselves refuse to start their journey at an “inconvenient” time.

Now, in the absence of regulated areas, drivers try to travel around the city as little as possible during the so-called “rush hours”, i.e. hours of greatest likelihood of getting stuck in a traffic jam. However, such “peak hours” are currently uncertain for each region, and even more so for each site. The range of their action over time is wide.

Contactless car counting sensor

Proposed traffic light density control device Barmashstreet uses a contactless sensor to count vehicles entering the site. This monitor is installed from above, above the flow of moving cars. This sensor does not care whether a car or truck has passed under it. Each of them will be recognized by the sensor as “one transport unit”. The number of units is important. If this device is installed, there is no need to issue special, often legally insufficiently justified restrictions (or bans) on the entry of trucks into the city center (except for environmental reasons), since now the presence of trucks in the regulated area does not create additional conditions for the formation of a traffic jam. If there is an extensive network of areas with controlled traffic density, it is possible to compile and publish a city map of such areas, indicating for each of them the most favorable time for vehicle passage. Drivers will be able to calculate and select the optimal time to reach their final destination themselves (or using appropriate computer programs). The network of areas with controlled flow density can be activated only for a certain time, at a certain time of day or under certain weather conditions. The rest of the time, these areas can operate as regular traffic lights. Only a number of vehicles are allowed into the regulated area that does not exceed the design capacity of the area.

We will divide the entire road system into separate sections.

Since the number of cars and the number of roads is very large, when characterizing each of these objects, it is advisable to switch to a virtual system.

Each site is assigned a personal identification number.

Each site is assigned a personal name - a personal identification number. For each section, the main indicators (length, maximum throughput) must be determined in advance. Each site can be found at any time using the Internet and its main parameters are indicated.

The location of each vehicle on the site at any point can be accurately determined using the GLONASS system.

Each car, in addition to the regular number (for registration with the traffic police), must have an officially registered, individual number on the Internet, by which it can always be found to receive or transmit the required information.

Each car has a device that allows you to transmit a signal to the Internet, and allows you to receive a signal from the Internet. This device starts working when the car engine is turned on. It comes with the car when it is sold.

The following information is received from the vehicle: vehicle location (determined, for example, using the GLONASS system);

technical data of the car (make, registered number in the traffic police);

driver information;

the vehicle's current speed.

Each site was previously assigned a personal name - a personal identification number.

At any time, at each site, the location of any vehicle registered on the Internet can be found and its main parameters can be indicated.

Information is supplied to the traffic light at the entrance of cars to this section: whether additional cars will be “extra” in terms of the throughput capacity of this section.

To be able to determine (to generate) this information, the Barmashstreet device is used, equipped with entry registration elements, as well as automatic means of quantitative accounting of transport units in a given area, allowing at any time to determine the actual number of vehicles in a given area, compare it with the permissible number and make adjustments to the flux density.

After determining the number of cars entering a given section and comparing it with the permissible number, it becomes clear: is it currently possible to allow additional cars into it or is it no longer possible, i.e. whether to allow further burning for entry into the area, a green traffic light signal or not.

All of the above restrictions apply only to areas where traffic jams may occur. The remaining areas do not have to be included in the system. They can work as usual.

The city's transport system will have a fundamentally different character.

After the installation (implementation) of the Barmashstreet traffic light device on the roads, the city’s transport system will have a fundamentally different character.

On those roads where the Barmashstreet traffic light device will be installed, the formation of traffic jams is impossible in principle: the device will not allow the number of cars in the area to exceed the limit value determined by the calculated (design) value. “Extra” cars will not be allowed into the site. This is ensured by a counter for the number of incoming cars and a device that constantly compares the total number of cars on the site with their permissible number.

Thus, the use of the Barmashstreet device on a wide scale (for the entire transport system of the city) will allow the city to:

create a network of areas with controlled flow;

create and publish a city map of a network of areas where the absence of traffic jams is guaranteed at any time;

create a fully automated traffic control system for road transport in the city in the future;

it is possible to solve the problem of restricting the entry of non-resident vehicles into the territory of the metropolis and its environs by purely technical (and not administrative and prohibitive) measures at certain periods of time;

the road transport system of a large metropolis can be transferred to control from a single remote control.

This will not lead to a reduction in the overall capacity of city roads.

The network of sections with controlled traffic density will not lead to a reduction in the overall capacity of city roads.

Due to the absence of traffic jams and an increase in the number of areas capable of operating in the “green wave” mode, the average speed of vehicles will increase and may approach the maximum permissible speed for urban conditions. This significantly improves road productivity. Using the “green wave” mode improves the ecology of the city. The risk from the experimental implementation of the device is minimal (or reduced to zero). The implementation is carried out using currently operating traffic lights. When this device is connected to them, these traffic lights, in addition to regulating traffic in the traditional way, gain the ability to carry out their work taking into account the congestion of the areas to which they belong.

What could be the consequence of introducing the device?

Let's consider what will happen to transport, which, due to overload, will temporarily not be allowed through by traffic lights to areas where traffic jams may form. When will this transport be able to reach its destination?

Don't waste time sitting in a traffic jam - use the online map of traffic jams in Moscow and the Moscow region for free! Right now, a map with Moscow traffic jams will help you monitor the city’s traffic situation. Condition and speed of traffic flow on the Moscow MKAD online on the inside and outside. The speed of a traffic jam on Yaroslavskoye and Kievskoye highways. Having seen in advance where the current traffic jams are on the city’s roads, you can plot a route avoiding the congestion. On the map: the degree of road congestion in points and color; speed of traffic flow in traffic jams in kilometers per hour; accident sites (accidents) and traffic jams; places of repair work; images from Moscow traffic cameras. An online map with traffic jams on Moscow roads will help you with all this.

Traffic jams

Nowadays traffic jams in Moscow are horrendous. On Yandex maps online you can often see red roads due to Moscow traffic jams, not only within the roads. But also to monitor the increased traffic congestion in the Moscow region, almost throughout the entire Moscow region. By looking in advance at a map of the city's road conditions, you can save travel time and fuel. Most often, and perhaps even today, traffic jams form in directions from Moscow along highways to Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. We recommend finding out in advance whether there are traffic jams to Kaluga, Tver, Tula, Sergiev Posad, Zelenograd, Solnechnogorsk, Cheboksary, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir, Ryazan, Klin, Ivanovo, Kolomna, Lakinsk and Dmitrov.

The busiest destinations now

Leningradka, popularly known as Leningradka, is famous for its particular workload. Traffic to Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports is often difficult. Traffic is often difficult on the ring road, along Entuziastov Street, and Kutuzovsky Avenue. Traffic congestion occurs on almost all highways: Yaroslavskoye, Kievskoye, Leningradskoye, Novoryazanskoye, Kaluga, Warsaw, Dmitrovskoye, Kashirskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Zvenigorodskoye, Pyatnitsky. Traffic jams are also found in cities of the Moscow region, such as: Khimki, Lakinsk, Balashikha, Fryazino, Chekhov, Odintsovo, Shchelkovo, Noginsk and Podolsk.

See right now on the traffic map what the traffic situation is along your route. By looking at the map, you can find out what is happening on the roads in the city center, why there is a traffic jam on the road, and find out what is going on at the exit and entrance to Moscow. The map will show obstacles and their causes that may occur right along the way.

Traffic jams in Moscow online

Moscow traffic jams 2019
You can move the cursor to any street on the map and see detailed information about the road section in a pop-up window.

Traffic jams in Moscow will show you the traffic congestion in all areas of the city. By monitoring the situation right now before leaving, you will not only save time for yourself, but also unload sections of the road, allowing others to get there faster.
Traffic map service from the creators of Yandex.
The most convenient way to monitor traffic jams in Moscow online to view the situation on the street right now, at the moment. The traffic jam situation changes every minute, so you can find out about collapses in almost real time, without leaving your computer. You can view traffic incidents and video cameras on the Yandex website. Keeping track of traffic jams in the capital has become much easier! Use proven online services right now every day to control the situation at the moment, save your time.
More and more often we will resort to the services of such a map because the problem of traffic jams in the capital is almost the most important and it takes a lot of time, more than one year, to solve it. Solutions are already being sought: the construction of multi-level underground parking lots, interchanges - backup routes, tunnels, overpasses, etc., paid entry for cars into the city center, properly configured traffic lights, reversible lanes, an increase in the number of taxis and at the same time cheaper travel in them . Of course, this map of traffic jams in Moscow also provides important assistance, which you can open and view online at any time before leaving. This allows many drivers to wait or avoid a difficult section of the road and thereby not complicate an already difficult situation on the road.

Traffic jams in Moscow - online at the moment

The most difficult and dangerous sections of roads in Moscow are the Moscow Ring Road (in first place), the Third Transport Ring and the Garden Ring. Mainly for the reason that high speeds are allowed in these areas and therefore emergency situations are most often created.
Don’t forget to use our useful online service before traveling around the city, this will save your time and the nerves of other drivers who, unlike you, did not use help in time and got stuck in a ten-point traffic jam.

We compiled a rating of Moscow traffic jams that occurred in 2008. He's amazing. Looking at the numbers (see table), I want to run away from this city! But don't rush. Traffic jams, as it turned out, are not a spontaneous phenomenon. You can predict them and try not to fall into an ambush. This means there is an opportunity to save time, gas and nerves.


Traffic jams from the Moscow Ring Road to the third ring towards the center form on radial routes at approximately 7.30 am. And they last until 10, sometimes until 11 am. The busiest highways are federal: Leningradka, Yaroslavka, Dmitrovka, Kashirka, Varshavka and Entuziastov Highway. On Ostashkovskoye and Altufevskoye highways there are, as a rule, a little less cars.

The same roads go towards the region at 17.30 - 18 hours. Traffic jams last up to 21, less often up to 22 hours.


The third transport ring, according to data, most often turns into a parking lot from 8 to 10 and from 16 to 19 hours.

The Garden Ring is unpredictable, especially on weekdays after 1 pm. You can get into a jam here at any time.

Traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road most often occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from eight in the morning to eight in the evening. Sometimes it happens that the rings close together, i.e. the cork is all around the circumference! So, for example, on April 29 last year, for 12 hours, from seven in the morning to seven in the evening, the entire outer side of the third transport ring was stopped. And all because in the Lefortovo tunnel only one lane was open to traffic. The media warned in advance that there would be a closure, but many drivers, apparently, did not heed this.


Monday in Moscow is the freest weekday. According to the capital's traffic cops (and experts agree with their opinion), many drivers simply do not want to get behind the wheel “after yesterday.”

Tuesday is one of the busiest days. Firstly, all those who did not dare yesterday are leaving. Secondly, trucks with goods are arriving in the capital, leaving for us on Monday. And each truck takes up as much space on the road as five cars!

Wednesday - a little less cars than on Tuesday, but more than on Monday.

Thursday - a lot of cars! The work week is in full swing, and trucks are just leaving for their hometowns - drivers are in a hurry to get home in time for the weekend. It was on Thursday, according to Yandex. Traffic jams,” and the worst traffic jams in terms of length and duration occur.

Friday - there are a lot of cars, and there are less traffic jams than on Thursday.

It’s just that on Thursday, people finish their work day at about the same time and leave all at once,” explains Vladislav Borodin, head of the collection and processing service of the Analytical Center. - And on Friday, people start leaving work after lunch - for example, to the dacha. Someone works, as usual, until six, someone stays late for the party - after all, they usually do it on Fridays. So it turns out that the flow of cars is, as it were, “smeared over”. Although in the summer, when millions of people go to their dachas at once, many highways simply stop.

Saturday - traffic jams leaving the city usually start at 11 am. People go shopping to shopping centers on the Moscow Ring Road and in the region. During the summer season, there are traffic jams from 7 to 8 o’clock: those who didn’t make it on Friday evening rush out of town. After 14:00 it is relatively free.

Sunday - short traffic jams only near shopping centers. So it’s better to go shopping on this day.


If there is snowfall or, worse, a blizzard outside, it is better not to use the car, advises Vladislav Borodin. - It is on these days that the maximum traffic accidents occur in Moscow and the total length of traffic jams exceeds 500 kilometers. You might just lose a day, or even hit your car. If it’s foggy, raining, or the city is covered in peat smoke, you’ll spend on average twice as much time traveling from point A to point B as usual.


Igor MORZHARETTO, expert of the magazine “Behind the wheel”:

Never, even on weekends, go to the third ring between Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Sushchevsky Val and near the intersection with Volgogradka. There's always a traffic jam!

Try not to go to the Moscow Ring Road during the day on weekdays - it is clogged with transit transport. And at the intersection of the Circle and New Riga, a traffic jam is generally guaranteed. The Moscow Ring Road is only suitable for night trips.

Ernest TSYGANKOV, director of the Center for Advanced Driving Excellence:

Buy a navigator that reports traffic jams. Or listen to Avtoradio, they also warn about congestion and closures.

Don’t be lazy and on the weekend work out options for routes around those areas where you usually get stuck in traffic jams.

Don’t forget about the old, but very effective methods:

Try not to drive on the road in heavy snow, pouring rain or fog - you will probably get into a traffic jam.

If possible, leave for work early to avoid the traffic jam at least in the morning.

*total length of traffic jams per day.


The number of cars on Moscow roads this year, according to the portal, has decreased by 10 - 20%.

Useful phone

* Any quoting of material is only with written consent.

Traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road: symptoms and course of treatment March 25th, 2013

Why is the Moscow Ring Road standing, despite its 10 traffic-light-free lanes? And what to do about it?
Surely almost every driver who has been stuck in a traffic jam for many hours on the Moscow Ring Road has asked himself these questions.

One of the reasons is sometimes called “too frequent departures and arrivals”
Let's see if this is true. Here is a map of congresses for 2011 from a study by on traffic police posts at the entrances to Moscow. There are 49 entrances here.

In a year and a half, 4 new ones have been opened: the second exit from Kurkino and a backup of the Dmitrovskoye Highway, plus 2 connections made through the efforts of - travel under the Moscow Ring Road at 18 km and a bridge across the Moscow Ring Road at the 87th km. In total there were 53 of them. Dividing 109 km (the length of the Moscow Ring Road) by 53, we get an average of 1 entry/exit per 2.05 km. Which is quite within the framework of world practice for highways in agglomerations.

Of course, the distribution of exits is uneven: on average, there is 1 exit per 1.7 km in the western part and 1 for every 3.4 km in the eastern part of the Moscow Ring Road. But practice shows that when the distance between interchanges is 1-1.5 km, problems with crossing streams do not arise, and right-turn exits are acceptable more often. So the “frequency” of exits and entries has nothing to do with it. On the contrary, in the eastern part of the city they are clearly lacking.

What are the causes of traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road?
There are, as always, a lot of them. It is worth remembering the mass of shopping centers along the Moscow Ring Road, and the poor connectivity of roads in Moscow and the region along the Moscow Ring Road. Traffic violations and lack of emergency stop places. A large number of heavy trucks in general and their “slippage” in winter in particular.

All this is true. But there is another group of reasons, and it will probably be the most important. This is poor organization of exits and interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road. Components of the problem:

1. Clover junctions cannot cope with the load and “self-lock”
First of all, this applies to interchanges with large outbound highways. Moreover, the wider the highway in the region and in Moscow, the more serious the problem. The problem is aggravated by the absence of acceleration and deceleration lanes.

We will show how this happens using the example of the clover interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with the M4 Don and Lipetskaya Street. The diagram shows a traffic jam on the “clover petal” from the M4 from the area to the inner Moscow Ring Road. Those waiting in line to enter line up in several rows and practically block direct passage to Moscow. Further, those stuck in the traffic jam begin to interfere with the exit from the MKAD to Moscow (they have to “infiltrate”, the traffic jam at the exit goes to the MKAD, on the MKAD drivers also stand in 3-4 lanes and further along the chain.

Interestingly, this congestion occurs most of the time, even when the Moscow Ring Road is free. Its reason is the low capacity of left-turn clover petals (about 1000-1200 cars per hour). This is sufficient when the intersecting highway has 2 traffic-lightless or 3 traffic-light lanes in each direction. When the number of lanes reaches 4 in one direction, and the highway becomes without traffic lights, demand increases to 1500-2000 cars per hour. It is not surprising that there is almost always a traffic jam here.

2. “Slow” flows of exits and entrances are in no way separated from the “fast” main flow
Scientifically speaking, on the Moscow Ring Road there is no division of roadways into transit and collector. This in itself slows down the right lane even without congestion, and in combination with the mass of violators who want to avoid the traffic jam, it also slows down 1-2 neighboring lanes.

We have already seen above how this problem arises. And here is an illustration of the consequences using the example of the Kashirskoye Highway interchange with Kolomensky Proezd. Because of this effect on Kashirskoye Highway In the evening arises traffic jam towards the center before the junction, and after it everything is free:

Effective administrative means of combating this violation have not yet been invented.

3. Traffic lights on streets and highways located close to junctions with the Moscow Ring Road
In some cases, the traffic light is located almost at the junction itself. The most striking example of a mistake is the intersection of Ostashkovskoe Highway with Severodvinskaya Street and Studeny Proyezd, which has been collecting many kilometers along the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road for about 10 years, and now it has sometimes begun to collect along the inner side as well. By the way, on the outside the clover was “expanded” to 2 rows from the standard 1, and recently something similar was done on the inside of the Moscow Ring Road. But the traffic light and traffic police post brought all this work to naught.

I'm a big proponent of traffic lights as a great way to control traffic. So, for the safety and convenience of pedestrians, improving road traffic.
But when a traffic light blocks traffic on the Moscow Ring Road, creating problems for tens of thousands of people every day, it is obvious that something needs to be done, and done urgently.

Ostashkovskoye Highway is not the only place with a similar problem. We see the same thing at the entrance from the Moscow Ring Road to Strogino and many other places.

What are the authorities planning to do?
The MKAD planning project, which is being prepared by the Moskomarkhitektura and the Research and Design Institute of the General Plan, provides means to combat all three reasons.

1. Almost all clover interchanges are being reconstructed with the addition of overpass directional ramps
Approximately how it is now done at the junctions with Novorizhskoye, Leningradskoye, Yaroslavskoye, Varshavskoye highways:

This is what the interchange between Yaroslavsky and MKAD looks like in 3D:

Thanks to for the beauty.

2. At all junctions, as well as at other exit points, “collector-distribution” side passages will appear
They will be physically separated from the main course of the Moscow Ring Road. As a rule, they will start 100-300 meters before the junction, and end 100-300 meters after. This will allow:
- separate lane changes and crowding in the right lanes from direct high-speed traffic
- eliminate massive traffic violations by physically fencing off small-width side passages.
Now something similar has been built at the “fresh” junction – the exit from Kurkino. True, here the advantages of side passages are difficult to assess - the interchange is relatively lightly loaded and simple, and was also made “with a reserve”:

3. Traffic lights located close to exit points on streets and highways will be removed
It is for this reason that during the reconstruction of the Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways, in the first case, a reversal tunnel was built, in the second, a reversal overpass. Many people (including me) intuitively think that these objects are not the most necessary, because... There are no traffic jams due to these traffic lights now. But we must understand that this was done “with a reserve” for the future of 2-5 years (reconstruction of interchanges on the Moscow Ring Road and increase in traffic on the radial highway itself).

Here is what has already been done on Varshavsky and Kashirskoye near the Moscow Ring Road:

What about the implementation?
The closest ones in line for reconstruction are the interchanges in the southern sector of the Moscow Ring Road, as one of the most problematic. Terms – from 2 to 4 years. You can see how it will look in the diagrams below (clickable). The diagrams are purely preliminary, from the “draft planning project” from NIIiPI, as of August 2012. The final projects may (and most certainly will) differ!

Interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with Leninsky Prospekt and M3:

Interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with Karamzin Passage (exit to Sevastopolsky):

Interchange of the Moscow Ring Road with Lipetskaya Street and M4:

Interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoe Highway:

MKAD interchange with Volgogradskoe highway and M5:

Will this be enough to completely rid the Moscow Ring Road of traffic jams?
I believe this will solve most of the problems of the Moscow Ring Road. But in order to finally get rid of traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road, at least 4 more problems will need to be solved:
- Improve connectivity of the road network on the periphery of the city
- Figure out how and where to quickly and legally remove emergency vehicles from the roadway
- Eliminate the phenomenon of “roadside detour”
- Reconstruct the Small Concrete Ring (and build the Central Ring Road, since they decided to do so soon)

But more on that another time.