Low potassium foods table. Why is potassium deficiency dangerous? Foods rich in potassium

Every person, especially over the age of 50, has heard about the enormous benefits of potassium for the body. As you know, this is the main trace element for normal heart function. But not everyone knows what foods contain a lot of potassium and how to diversify their diet in order to provide their heart muscle with this important substance, and therefore prolong their life.

But it is not always possible to restore the potassium depot in the body only from food. If the level of potassium in the body is low, it is necessary to take additional vitamins with this substance, after consulting with your doctor.

Role in the human body

Potassium is extremely important for the human body, performing the following functions in the human body:

  • Controls water and electrolyte balance in the body. Sodium and chlorine ions help it in this.
  • The main microelement found inside cells
  • Establishes a balance between extracellular and intracellular fluid, creating conditions for normal metabolism
  • Regulates the acidity of cells and extracellular fluid, determining the flow of hydrogen ions. Together with calcium, sodium and magnesium, it reduces acidity, making the environment more alkaline
  • Products containing potassium, increasing its level in the blood, help obtain the energy necessary for the functioning of the body. With a lack of this microelement, the oxidation of glucose, which is the main nutrient and energy substance for cells, is disrupted.
  • Generation of impulses and their conduction in the cardiac muscle. Normal heart function is impossible without this important trace element.
  • Control of blood pressure levels by regulating vascular tone. Preventing hypertension or hypotension
  • Improving the conduction of impulses through nervous tissue, which has a positive effect on the work of all organs with autonomic (autonomous) innervation
  • Diuretic effect - the optimal level of potassium in the blood helps remove excess fluid from the body
  • Responsible for the normal functioning of the psyche, preventing the development of depression and bad mood (being an excellent antidepressant)
  • Controls the delivery of oxygen to the brain, is responsible for good blood supply to the brain and its correct metabolism to ensure any physiological process.
  • Prevents strokes and heart attacks.

For the normal functioning of not only the heart, but also the entire body, it is necessary that twice as much potassium as sodium comes from food, since the normal ratio of microelements in tissues is 1:2. If the body contains a lot of sodium, for example due to excessive consumption of table salt, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and pickles, and replace the salt with potassium-containing salt. The doctor may also prescribe additional vitamins with potassium, which will help neutralize the negative effects of excess sodium on the body and normalize the ratio of elements in the body.

What products contain

Potassium is found in many available foods, mainly of plant origin. Regular consumption of potassium-containing foods will help avoid the development of hypokalemia and eliminate deficiency symptoms.

main sources

The main sources of potassium are lean meats, bananas, dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits, buckwheat porridge, carrots and potatoes (especially baked ones with peel). All these products will help maintain the level of potassium and magnesium in the blood, taking into account the daily requirement.

Sources of potassium in food:

Per 100 grams of product Potassium content mg percentage of daily value (DV)
Cocoa 1524 mg 32%
Dried apricots 1511 mg 31%
Beans 1189 mg 28%
Pistachios 1042 mg 22%
Beet 900 mg 25%
Pumpkin seeds 788 mg 17%
Raisin 649 mg 16%
Almond 705 mg 15%
Dates 656 mg 14%
Potato 534 mg 13%
Soybeans 514 mg 12%
Avocado 484 mg 11%
Spinach 466 mg 10%
Sweet potato 475 mg 11%
Walnut 441 mg 9%
Oatmeal 429 mg 9%
Brussels sprouts 389 mg 8%
Lentils 370 mg 8%
Bananas 358 mg 8%
Carrot 320 mg 7%
Broccoli 316 mg 7%
Beet 305 mg 6%
Tomatoes 237 mg 5%

A number of foods destroy potassium in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink coffee in moderation
  • Give up alcohol
  • Vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh
  • Take diuretics at the same time as replenishing potassium through supplementation.

Seasonality problem

The main problem of replenishing potassium in the body through food consumption is the seasonality of vegetables and fruits. The main sources of micronutrients are not present on the table every day. Therefore, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables available in winter, such as apples, which not only contain vitamins, but are also an excellent source of potassium and magnesium.

Replenishment of the daily norm

According to the latest data from clinical studies, it has been established that to replenish the norm of potassium in the human body, it is enough to eat one or two fresh apples a day.

Dried fruits are a good source of micronutrients in winter. However, when consuming dried fruits in large quantities, one should not forget about their calorie content. It is recommended to eat no more than 100-150 g of any dried fruit per day. It is advisable to alternate one or another type of dried fruit every day.


Potassium from food is quite well absorbed. Absorption of the microelement occurs in the intestines, from where it enters the bloodstream. It is then distributed throughout the body, entering all cells of the body. Excess is excreted from the body in urine through the kidneys. In the presence of renal failure, hyperkalemia may develop, which, like deficiency, negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

Interaction with sodium

Increased consumption of foods rich in potassium increases the excretion of sodium from the body. On the contrary, if there is a lack of magnesium in the diet, the absorption of potassium is impaired. Therefore, it is important to consume foods containing potassium, magnesium and sodium in a balanced manner.

Food products containing magnesium and potassium are best consumed fresh, since this microelement turns into liquid when cooked. If the decoction is not used, the intake of the microelement into the body will be minimal. A similar situation occurs when soaking foods. It is best to eat more fresh foods, then there will be no problems with replenishing this important element in the body.

For heart

It has been scientifically established that the heart needs not only potassium but also magnesium. Optimal intake of these microelements with food has a beneficial effect on the following processes in the human body:

  • Improves the conduction of nerve impulses through the myocardium, ensuring synchronous contraction of all parts of the heart muscle
  • Increases myocardial contractility
  • Improves blood supply to the heart by dilating the coronary vessels (vessels that supply the heart)
  • Together with magnesium, they are part of many enzyme systems
  • Improves oxygen absorption by organs
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.

Deficiency in the body

A lack of potassium in the body is primarily manifested by muscle weakness. This symptom is explained by the participation of this trace element in the process of glucose oxidation. Aerobic oxidation of glucose is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy necessary for muscle contraction. If the element is not enough, the muscle poorly oxidizes glucose, contracts weakly, atrophy develops, up to the development of paresis and even paralysis.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body also manifest as cardiac disorders. This is explained not only by the fact that the heart is a muscular organ that consumes energy from glucose, but also by the fact that potassium is involved in the generation of a nerve impulse and its conduction through the myocardium. A lack of potassium in the body contributes to heart rhythm disturbances, contributes to the development of extrasystoles, atrial fibrillation, various blockades and other disorders.

Other deficiency symptoms:

  • Cramps that occur due to impaired muscle contraction
  • Increased sleepiness
  • Indifference and apathy
  • Poor appetite
  • Persistent or intermittent nausea, which may lead to vomiting
  • Reduced urination, which provokes the development of edema
  • Constipation.

Recent studies have found that reduced consumption of potassium-containing foods contributes to the occurrence of such a serious disease as stroke. A reduced level of the element in the blood leads to cellular energy starvation, especially in brain cells, which can provoke a disruption in its blood supply and lead to a stroke.

A lack of potassium has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the entire body. There is not a single organ that does not suffer from hypokalemia.

The main reasons for the shortage:

  • The diet does not contain fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Excessive consumption of foods with sodium
  • Excessive consumption of table salt and pickles
  • Improper cooking, which loses most of the potassium
  • Uncontrolled use of diuretics (if long-term treatment with diuretics is expected, then special drugs are prescribed to prevent hypokalemia)
  • The use of adrenal hormone replacement therapy
  • Alcohol abuse, which interferes with the absorption of potassium in the intestine
  • Excessive consumption of coffee - a stimulant of urine filtration in the kidneys
  • Stressful situations.


Excess potassium in the body is as harmful as its deficiency. Typically, this condition does not develop against the background of dietary disturbances. The second reason is kidney failure. In this case, the removal of excess of this microelement from the human body is disrupted.

Signs of excess:

  • Increased excitability of the nervous system
  • Pale skin
  • Reduced levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood
  • Arrhythmias
  • Increased urination, even against the background of renal failure
  • Paresthesia, crawling sensation
  • Numbness of fingers and toes.

The last two symptoms develop against the background of impaired impulse conduction along the nerve roots. This is predisposed by changes in the intra- and extracellular balance of electrolytes.

Hyperkalemia develops not only as a consequence of nutritional disorders and renal failure, but also as a result of impaired functioning of the adrenal glands (they produce hormones that affect the balance of potassium and sodium in the body) or as a result of uncontrolled use of a number of medications. Another reason for excess is excessive consumption of potassium-containing salt.

By consuming fresh vegetables and fruits every day, you can avoid potassium deficiency in the body, normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, stabilize the balance of electrolytes in the blood, and improve energy synthesis in muscle tissue.

The foundation of the beauty and health of each of us is a harmonious and balanced amount of microelements in organism. Potassium, which is one of the most valuable minerals, is responsible for the normal functioning of many vital organs.

Why does the body need potassium?

Benefits of potassium for the human body lies, first of all, in its positive effect on the state of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. In addition, this microelement ensures normal functioning of the kidneys and intestines, and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Foods High in Potassium

The main source of potassium are. It is found in both plant and animal foods. Despite the fact that plants hold the record for its content, it is preferable to use sources animal origin: after all, they contain another important mineral - sodium, in a “pair” with which potassium is most effective.

Among the products with high content potassium includes baked potatoes, bananas and cantaloupe. Consumption of these products in excess covers the body's daily need for this mineral.

However, healthy eating does not mean monotonous food in large quantities, but varied and healthy diet. The daily menu should ideally include:

  • . In this category of products, the champions in terms of potassium content are butter and cedar oil, which is quite rare, but unique in its healing properties.
  • . To replenish microelement reserves in the body, drink orange juice.
  • , including potassium-rich pine nuts, peanuts and almonds.
  • and cereals, including potassium-containing oatmeal, millet and buckwheat.
  • . Potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans and peas that are traditional on our table are real potassium storehouses.
  • And . To avoid hypokalemia, enjoy bananas, avocados, melon, watermelon and dried apricots more often.
  • Most foods contain potassium: cheese, milk, cottage cheese.
  • Meat and poultry. Potassium is found to a greater extent in beef, lean pork, and cod.
Product Potassium content in 100 g of product, mg
Coffee beans1600
Cedar oil1020
Porcini mushrooms468
, freshly squeezed orange juice197
Sweet pepper163
Whole milk146
Chicken egg140
Cottage cheese112

During the cooking process, namely during heat treatment, there is an inevitable loss of a certain amount of all microelements. But if you use this or that product it can't be raw, then you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • use for cooking minimum water;
  • reduce cooking time;
  • steam;
  • do not fry, but boil;
  • It is better to bake vegetables with their skins on.

Of the total volume of potassium entering the body, absorbed 90-95%.

Dietetics and weight loss

Extremely important for human health potassium balance in organism. Therefore, when creating a diet, it is important to include foods rich in this valuable microelement. Otherwise, you cannot avoid all the “delights” of hypokalemia (lack of potassium). Get enough potassium while losing weight It is also important because:

  • If weight loss occurs not only due to, but also due to active ones, the need for it increases.
  • A lack of potassium contributes to fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema, which negatively affects the overall process of losing weight.
  • Since potassium directly affects metabolism, its deficiency will lead to incomplete digestibility of food and, as a result, to chronic hunger and overeating.

At the same time, you should be careful: potassium-rich foods such as potatoes, bananas and nuts are very... Therefore, when creating a menu, this factor should be taken into account, especially if the goal of the diet is weight loss.

Optimal in combination " low calorie content– high potassium content” can be called: vegetables (spinach, beets, cabbage), fish and seafood, some fruits (unsweetened apples). If the goal of the diet is not so much weight loss as general improvement of the body, then you can try the so-called "potassium" diet. The name is not accidental; it reflects the essence of nutrition during a diet: the menu includes potassium-rich foods and dishes made from them (potato and carrot soups and cutlets, millet porridge, dried fruits, etc.) Doctors recommend such a treatment table for patients with heart disease. vascular system, suffering from edema and hypertension. And you should adhere to such a diet only after consulting a doctor.

There are substances that are essential for humans, like potassium, or, for example, you can read more about it and about the products containing it. And there are substances with questionable benefits for the body. In particular, you can familiarize yourself with it and try to understand its benefits and harms.

Potassium intake rate

The following is generally accepted method for calculating daily requirements in potassium: the number of full years of the patient is added to 2000 mg (the minimum daily requirement) - the required level of consumption is obtained. This calculation is only applicable to persons over 18 years old who do not engage in heavy physical labor and are not professional athletes. Also, the daily intake of potassium for women increases significantly during pregnancy and during lactation.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body:

  • immunity decreases;
  • general weakness, chronic fatigue, neuropsychic exhaustion occurs;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of low blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure;
  • bothered by muscle cramps;
  • increasing disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys appear;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders progress: constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, nausea and vomiting.

It is extremely important to identify these symptoms in a timely manner, since a lack of potassium in the body in women can lead to reproductive system diseases up to infertility.

Potassium deficiency is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. Therefore, at the slightest sign of a deficiency of this mineral (otherwise known as hypokalemia), you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is also a misconception that the more, the better. A single dose of 6 grams of potassium is toxic for the average person, and 14 grams will be fatal. Excess potassium in the body is called hyperkalemia, and its symptoms are the same as with a lack of the mineral. So excessive consumption of this microelement will not bring any benefit. Excess potassium is acceptable (and sometimes even necessary) for the following symptoms:
  • chronic diarrhea or vomiting (in order to restore the normal level of the element in the body);
  • frequent urination - for example, after taking diuretics (for the same purpose);
  • overwork as a result of significant physical or neuropsychic stress.

Coffee lovers and alcohol abusers should also remember that coffee and alcohol interfere with the absorption of potassium and, as a result, can lead to its deficiency.

To summarize, it should be emphasized that potassium is irreplaceable in the human body. And its chronic deficiency has sad consequences, often irreversible. But don’t be afraid, because in ordinary life, when varied diet, this does not threaten anyone. At risk for hypokalemia are only those who are forced to follow a diet, engage in professional sports or heavy physical labor.

Have you ever wondered whether you are consuming enough potassium? And if so, what measures to restore its balance in the body do you consider optimal? Tell us about it in the comments!

The functioning of vital systems depends on the abundance of potassium (both deficiency and excess potassium in the blood are bad). And it is not surprising that the issue of “potassium in foods” is one of the main issues in the theory and practice of healthy eating.

“Incorrect” potassium levels create a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, erosive processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, and cervix. Potassium is especially important for a woman’s reproductive health - its imbalance can lead to such serious consequences as miscarriage and infertility.

But not only.

What benefits do foods rich in potassium do for us?

  • Helps muscles and nerves function normally.
  • Maintains electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body.
  • Reduce the risk of high blood pressure, prevent the development of hypertension and, especially, stroke.

When should you increase your potassium intake?

Potassium occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods. Therefore, its deficiency is quite rare. However, there are circumstances and symptoms when it is necessary to consume more of it - in foods or even vitamin preparations. Here they are:

  • Chronic diarrhea, vomiting, sweating.
  • Regular intense exercise.
  • Chronic stress and neuropsychic overload.
  • The use of certain diuretics and hormonal drugs that flush potassium from the body.

You need additional potassium in foods and supplements if your diet does not contain enough vegetables and fruits, if you exercise, drink little water, abuse diuretics (coffee among them), or have lost a lot of fluid as a result of illness.

What foods contain potassium?

Potassium is found in abundance in many foods. It is especially easy to “extract” from vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is difficult to get less of it, rather the opposite.

Champions in potassium content: Swiss chard (chard), lima beans, dried apricots, cantaloupe, lentils, peas, kidney beans, soybeans, baked potatoes, spinach, tuna, halibut.


What is potassium? Functions of potassium in the human body

Potassium, sodium and chlorine make up a group of so-called electrolytes - minerals that, when dissolved in water, conduct electricity. This “trinity” “works” in close contact. About 95% of the body's potassium is stored in cells, while sodium and chlorine are found primarily outside the cell (in the fluid that surrounds the cells).

Main functions of potassium

Muscle contractions and transmission of nerve impulses

Potassium plays an important role in muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. The frequency and degree to which our muscles contract and our nerves become excitable depends largely on the presence of potassium in the body.

Many of our muscle and nerve cells have special channels that move potassium in and out of the cell. Sometimes potassium moves freely, but sometimes the movement is blocked or not enough. In these cases, our muscles and nerves are at risk.

Other functions of potassium

Potassium is involved in storing carbohydrates (glycogen) for use by muscles as fuel. Without the proper amount of potassium, we cannot create such a storage facility!

Potassium is important for maintaining electrolyte and acid-base (pH) balance in the body.

Potassium counteracts calcium loss, especially if your diet contains too much salt.

When is it necessary to take a blood potassium test?

  • Confusion, irritability, fatigue, apathy
  • Exhaustion of the adrenal glands, decreased adaptive capabilities of the body
  • Problems with metabolic processes in the myocardium, arrhythmia, heart failure.
  • Muscle weakness, paresis, skeletal muscle paralysis
  • Dry skin, brittle hair
  • Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure
  • Inflammatory bowel disease, atony
  • Diseases of the excretory systems: kidneys, intestines, lungs, skin
  • Impaired kidney function, frequent urination.
  • Miscarriage, cervical erosion, infertility.
  • Increased blood insulin levels and the risk of developing diabetes
  • Brittle bones (proneness to osteoporosis)

Important: since many symptoms of potassium deficiency and excess are similar, it is better to consult a doctor and conduct a study of potassium levels in the blood.

Excess potassium. Is potassium toxic? Hyperkalemia

Elevated levels of potassium in a person's blood are dangerous. “Border” - 6 g of potassium.

The state of hyperkalemia occurs when the potassium concentration in the blood is 0.06%. It is accompanied by severe poisoning, paralysis of skeletal muscles, and even higher concentrations are fraught with death.

One of the reasons for excess potassium in the body is a “food” reason, that is, long-term and unbalanced intake of foods high in potassium. For example, a “potato” diet, taking “bitter” mineral waters, unjustified intake of potassium supplements.

Important: If you suffer from kidney disease, you must significantly limit your potassium intake, including through food. This is due to the fact that the kidneys remove potassium from the body, and if there are problems, the mineral will accumulate.

Potassium in food

It is necessary to remember the potassium-sodium balance. The fact is that foods rich in potassium cause increased sodium excretion, and vice versa. If a person consumes foods of predominantly plant origin, rich in potassium, one should not forget about salt (add moderate amounts of salt to food!).

Cooking methods influence the potassium content of foods significantly. So, blanched spinach will lose up to 60% of potassium.

Sometimes this “release” of potassium from foods can even be beneficial. For example, a decoction of parsley contains a large amount of the mineral precisely because it is transferred from the leaves into hot water.

Amount of Potassium (mg)Food

Very large (500 or more)

Corn, dried apricots, Swiss chard, beets, lima beans, seaweed, cantaloupe, prunes, raisins, peas, baked potatoes, spinach, crimini mushrooms, cod, yogurt, lentils, dry peas, kidney beans, soybeans, avocado


Beef, pork meat, hake, mackerel, scallops, halibut, tuna, squid (fillet), oatmeal, green peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, beets, radishes, shiitake mushrooms, fennel, asparagus, turnips, onions green, cherries, bananas, black and red currants, grapes, apricots, peaches, celery, carrots, kiwi, strawberries, cauliflower, molasses, prunes, goat's milk


Chicken meat, fatty pork, pike perch, millet, buckwheat, 2nd grade flour bread, white cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, pears, plums, oranges, pinto beans, green beans, onions, grapes

Small(less than 150)

Cow's milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, semolina, rice, pasta, bread made from premium flour, cucumbers, watermelon, lingonberries, cranberries, basil, plums, figs, raspberries, leeks.

Bake it, consume more boiled corn - it has a lot of potassium!

The minimum daily requirement for potassium, starting from 18 years of age, is 2 g. The American health care system gives recommendations for potassium intake of 4-4.5 g. For older people, athletes and pregnant women, this amount increases slightly.

  • 0-6 months: 400 mg
  • 6-12 months: 700 mg
  • 1-3 years: 3.5 g
  • 4-8 years: 3.8 g
  • 9-13 years: 4.5 g
  • 14-18 years: 4.5 g
  • 19-30 years: 4.7 g
  • 31-50 years: 4.7 g
  • 51+ years: 4.7 g
  • Pregnant women: 4.7 g
  • Nursing women: 5.1 g

The existence of the body is impossible without potassium. This microelement is responsible for the exchange of water and salt and the acid-base environment. It also supports the functioning of the heart, its rhythm, muscle and nerve activity.

In addition, potassium stimulates the production of beneficial elements and reduces swelling. It also has an anti-sclerotic effect, which protects blood vessels and cells from the accumulation of sodium salts. Necessary for the body to maintain physical strength, energy and endurance.

To avoid health problems, it is imperative to know all foods high in potassium.

List of foods rich in potassium

The body must have a 1:2 balance of sodium and potassium for its normal functioning. Daily consumption of potassium prevents chronic fatigue and overwork. To replenish the potassium content in the body, you need to consume more plant-based foods. Most of all it can be found in melon, watermelon, potatoes and, most importantly, bread. It is present a little less in soybeans, beans and peas.

Oatmeal and millet should always be present in the diet. Fresh vegetables (cabbage, beets or carrots) are considered an excellent source of potassium. An adult should receive 2 grams of this microelement per day. A freshly prepared glass of carrot juice contains 0.8 grams of potassium.

What other foods contain potassium? In addition to vegetables, potassium is found in many fruits, namely bananas, grapes, kiwi, apples, avocados, and oranges. Also, do not neglect dried fruits, which contain quite a lot of this microelement. Freshly squeezed juices and vegetables should be a regular part of a person's diet. In addition, honey and apple cider vinegar contain potassium and make excellent salad dressings.

You should constantly eat:

  • parsley
  • garlic
  • black or red currants
  • asparagus
  • nuts
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • broccoli
  • spinach

Potassium, in addition to plants and vegetables, is found in animal products Therefore, the diet must include meat.

Now it’s worth talking about in what form it is better to consume the products listed above. Berries, vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh and should not be stored for a long time, a maximum of one or two days. Foods of plant origin must be consumed during their natural ripening. You need to cook by steaming and avoid prolonged heat treatment and frying, which destroy many beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Products should be washed in running water and avoid soaking. Soaking has a detrimental effect on potassium content and other beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Potassium plays a very important role in the body, so you should not neglect proper nutrition.

It is enough to study the list of foods containing potassium, and then introduce them into your daily diet to avoid calcium loss, restore the balance of electrolytes and fluids in the body, and preserve the functions of the nervous system. The list presented includes simple ingredients that a person uses in his diet. However, not everyone thinks about their health benefits. However, potassium is one of the most important elements provided by nature itself.

List of foods rich in potassium

The most potassium is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. The complete list of products in which this valuable mineral can be found is as follows:

  • wheat bran;
  • greenery;
  • berries;
  • raisin;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables (carrots, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, etc.);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits (apples, oranges, bananas and others).

On a note! A lot of potassium is found in dried fruits and nuts. The record holders are hazelnuts, prunes, peanuts and dried apricots. They contain up to 1,700 mg of potassium per 100 g of product. There is less of it in vegetables and mushrooms, only up to 550 mg, and in fruits – up to 400 mg.

In addition, potassium is found in black tea, dairy products, cocoa and other ingredients.

Table of foods containing potassium

A list of foods rich in potassium is presented in the table.

Product (100 g)

Amount of potassium (mg)

Dried porcini mushrooms

Cocoa powder

Wheat bran

Powdered milk with low fat content

Powdered milk 25%

Beans (grain)


Powdered milk 15%

Sea kale


Spinach (greens)

Peas (shelled)

Dry cream 42%

Dried acorns

Lentils (grain)

Sunflower seeds (seeds)

Watercress (greens)

Pine nut

Buckwheat flour


Oat bran


Porcini mushrooms

Milk chocolate

Barley (grain)


Egg powder


Judging by the data in the table, the maximum potassium content is observed in dried mushrooms and dried apricots. There is less of it in products such as hazelnuts, chocolate, barley and others.

Foods high in potassium

Enriching your body with the required amount of potassium is not at all difficult. After all, it is found in ordinary food products that are used daily.


During a diet, many people refuse this plant product because it contains carbohydrates and starch. However, few people think about how useful it is. One medium-sized potato contains about 900 mg of potassium alone. Thus, it is enough to consume one root vegetable to enrich your body by 1/5 of the daily requirement of this element. In addition, potatoes contain vitamins, fiber, and iron.

On a note! It is known that the most fiber is in the potato peel, so to normalize intestinal function it is recommended to eat the unpeeled root vegetable.

For those seeking to lose weight, you can introduce potatoes into your diet, but in limited quantities. It is advisable to consume the vegetable baked or boiled without adding butter, sour cream and other high-calorie foods. If you follow these recommendations, you can enrich your body with potassium without harming your figure.


Regardless of what type of beans you introduce into your diet, they are equally beneficial for the human body.

One glass of the product contains up to 1,100 mg of potassium. Although, there is slightly less of it in red beans than in white beans. In addition, it is rich in fiber, protein and iron.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots can be used as a snack. It is nutritious and does not contain many calories, so it will not harm your figure. In a dry product, the concentration of nutrients increases in relation to fresh fruit.

It is known that 100 g of dried apricots contains about 1,700 mg of potassium. This is higher than many other products.


It is important to note that almost all dried fruits contain a lot of potassium, but prunes stand out among them in terms of the number of other useful components. In 100 g there is almost 900 mg of potassium, as well as vitamins B, C, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

On a note! According to research, prunes make bones stronger. An experiment was conducted on several women. They were divided into two groups: over a certain period of time, some ate 10 prunes a day, while others ate the same number of dried apple slices. As a result, the bones were stronger in the women of the group who ate prunes.


Another healthy food that is also rich in potassium is avocado. Based on the fact that the average fruit weighs about 200 g, it contains approximately 970 mg of the trace element.

It also contains vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful components. Avocados can be eaten alone or used as an ingredient in salads, soups and other dishes.


100 g of salmon contains 628 mg of potassium, which is more than any other fish. In addition, its value lies in its high content of vitamin D, as well as omega-3. Fish meat is useful for the formation and strengthening of bones, which is especially important for a growing body.

On a note! According to scientists, regular consumption of salmon can reduce the likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease by 35%.


This valuable product, in addition to useful fiber, contains a large amount of potassium. More precisely, 100 g contains 774 mg of the element.

Spinach is used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, as well as for making smoothies. This is not only tasty, but also an incredibly healthy product that will not spoil your figure, but will enrich the body with valuable components.


Pumpkin contains a considerable supply of potassium. 100 g of product contains 437 mg of valuable element.

Pumpkin is available to residents of domestic countries, and in villages it is actively used for preparing various dishes.


This fruit is not just tasty, but also very healthy. It is known for its high content of vitamin C, but it also contains a lot of potassium. About 200 mg is found in 100 g. Of course, compared to other products, this is not too much. But, if you look at it from another perspective, a glass of orange juice contains up to 478 mg of potassium. In addition, it contains folic acid and many vitamins.

Daily potassium intake

For children, the daily potassium requirement is 400−4,700 mg, depending on age. Women need to consume about 5,000 mg of the element per day. Men need 4,700 mg of potassium per day.

Thus, there are a huge number of products that are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Therefore, enriching your body with valuable components, including potassium, will not be difficult.