A simple and effective home diet for weight loss. The simplest diet for weight loss

It is difficult to say which diet is the most effective. Girls of all ages and nationalities dream of looking great and delighting passers-by with their attractive shapes and slender silhouette. For some, nature gave them an elastic body; for others, in order to acquire ideal forms, they need to work hard and hard.

Stress, a passive lifestyle, and poor nutrition lead to metabolic disorders and excess weight. Therefore, more and more women are wondering how to quickly and effectively lose weight, get rid of sides, and make their figure toned and attractive in a short time?

If you just go to the gym to lose weight, sign up for a fitness class, and this will not bring the desired result. At the heart of it all is a change in nutritional principles. Only a competent combination of physical activity and diets will guarantee quick results without gaining back kilograms.

Known techniques

Today there is a huge variety of programs that allow you to lose weight by 5, 10 or 20 kg. Everything is purely individual, but based on reviews of those who have lost weight, you can create an approximate rating for effectiveness.


– the fastest and easiest homemade diet. In 14 days you can lose from 4 to 8 kg. It is based on increased protein consumption, as well as complete or partial rejection of carbohydrates. For energy, the body burns its own reserve fat reserves.

Sugar should be completely eliminated. Eggs, meat, and cheese are allowed. You should count calories and try not to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Approximate menu for the day:

  • breakfast - three sausages, fried eggplant and tea without sugar;
  • lunch – vegetable soup, chop and salad, coffee without sugar;
  • dinner - boiled fish, fresh tomato and a glass of kefir.

Variations - Kremlin diet.

On porridge

  • Buckwheat. It is designed for 7 days, maximum 2 weeks. The technique can be called tough, because during the entire time you can only eat buckwheat. After finishing, you need to take a break of 30 days. Before eating, buckwheat does not need to be cooked; just steam it with boiling water and let it brew for 3-4 hours. For one glass of cereal you need 2 cups of boiling water. You cannot add any spices or salt. A more loyal version of the program is the daily volume of which should not exceed 1 liter. You should take a multivitamin while on this effective diet. Buckwheat cleanses the body and nourishes perfectly.
  • Rice. A proven technique aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and waste. This is not exactly a diet, but rather fasting days. You can cleanse yourself once a week. Boil 200-250 grams of rice, then distribute this portion for all meals. In between, you can drink water, herbal teas and fresh juices. The porridge should not be salty and contain no additives.

We drink liquids

Drinking weight loss program designed for a week, maximum 10 days. All dishes on the menu of a woman losing weight should be liquid, soft, and watery. The diet is based on porridge, soups, vegetable broths and fermented milk products. This method allows you to get rid of extra pounds without harm to your health.

You can eat no more than 200 ml (1 glass) per meal. Try to diversify your menu. For breakfast you can eat yogurt, porridge, and cottage cheese with minimal fat content. At lunchtime, give preference to decoctions, borscht, cabbage soup, and milk soups. Dinner should be light, try to limit yourself to a glass of kefir.


The best fat burning program at home. Its essence is simple - for 3 days you eat only rice, for the next three days only protein (chicken, turkey, beef), for another three days we sit on vegetables. The quantity of the product is not limited. Processing methods include steaming and boiling. Try to consume as little salt as possible.

You should always start with rice days, because this is the cleansing stage. The next stage is proteins, you need to saturate the body with healthy calories. The third stage is vegetables. They are best eaten raw. They help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after a load in the form of rice and protein foods. The result is amazing, in 9 days minus 10-15 kg.

These are not all types. There is Hollywood, Brazilian, monofood, etc. Every day new good options appear that are suitable not only for women, but also for men and teenagers. But it is worth remembering that diet is just the beginning. With its help, you need to start metabolic processes, and then you need to switch to another, more gentle schedule, for this it is enough to adhere to standard principles every day - drink a lot, create a menu so that 50% belongs to complex carbohydrates, 40% to proteins, and only 10 % fat.

Accelerated programs

Express diets are considered super effective. They are used when you need to get rid of your belly and extra 2-5 kg ​​in a short time, for example, before a holiday, in order to fit into a chic dress two sizes smaller. The duration of such programs is usually limited to 3-5 days. The most popular accelerated weight loss methods are:

  • Juice diet. This is a very simple and useful system. The idea is simple - you can drink 2 liters of fruit or vegetable juices during the day. The weight will come off day by day. You can get rid of 1.5 kg per day. To prepare juices, use pomegranate, apple, pineapple, lemon, and for vegetable analogues - pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
  • . This is a cleansing and safe program that does not require much effort from you. It is enough to drink low-fat kefir purchased in the store. The daily norm is 1.5 liters, divided into 5-6 doses. In three days you can get rid of five kilograms. One of the options allows you to combine kefir and vegetables.
  • Vitamin and protein. Its duration is 5-10 days. The idea is separate nutrition. The diet should contain proteins, vegetables and fruits. We eat chicken or beef separately, use a cucumber or an apple as a snack, etc. Food should be steamed. Result: 5 kg in 10 days.

The secret to express weight loss is drying. Weight decreases due to the loss of water, while the fat layer decreases slightly. If you don’t start exercising and watch your diet, the kilograms will quickly return to their original place, and sometimes in double the amount.

You can lose weight in a month or even 10 days, but in order to maintain the result for a long time, you need to work on consolidating the effect. To do this, you need to study the tips and rules recommended by nutritionists:

  • exclude from the diet (white bread, sweets, alcohol);
  • eat in small portions;
  • do not try to starve, the body perceives hunger as a threat and begins to store fat reserves;
  • always, the first meal starts the body, wakes it up, gives a charge of strength and energy for the day;
  • do not try to lose weight quickly; lasting results can only be achieved after a few months;
  • if you practice a mono-diet, for example, sit on oatmeal, remember that by adhering to a strict diet for more than 3-5 days, you risk harming your health;
  • Follow the drinking regime, the daily fluid intake is 2.5 liters.

Without diets, it will not be possible to reduce body weight. However, a huge variety of weight loss programs and methods allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Try different techniques and settle on the one that makes you feel comfortable. Diet products should be freely available and have an affordable price. You should break out of a strict eating schedule smoothly.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

The saying “beauty requires sacrifice” is familiar to everyone. In reality, all women want to be beautiful and attractive, but everyone understands the word “victim” in their own way. Some people torture themselves with grueling workouts, fasting, etc., while others, in pursuit of slim figures, choose a more gentle option for losing excess weight - a light diet. It is this method of losing weight that we will dwell on in more detail.

A very light diet: dream or reality?

Thinking about options for getting your body in shape, almost every representative of the fair sex wants to find a way to fast and easy remove extra centimeters without causing a significant blow to your body. While most diets that provide quick results have a negative impact on the general condition of a person and therefore have a lot of contraindications (liver and kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes, allergies, etc.).

A light diet for a person implies a balanced way to lose excess weight, which has a positive effect on health and keeps the entire body in good shape. This technique allows you to gradually and quietly lose extra pounds without resorting to such extreme methods as giving up healthy foods. The ability to consume foods that contain all the substances the body needs makes this diet the most optimal and safe.

Even the safest diet can be stressful for the body and affect the condition of your skin. With sudden weight loss, stretch marks may appear. Experts recommend combining a diet with the use of modeling cosmetics, such as creams. Do not forget that it is best to use natural cosmetics. If the cream contains parabens, animal fats or mineral oils, it is better not to purchase it.

The modeling cream from the Russian manufacturer Mulsan Cosmetic has proven itself very well. It contains only natural ingredients, and the quality is confirmed by relevant certificates. We recommend that you visit the website mulsan.ru. Here you will find not only modeling cream, but also other natural cosmetics that are guaranteed to help you preserve your beauty and youth for a long time.

Slender legs and a wasp waist, without harm to health

An easy fast diet is based on the principle of measure and a set diet. The dietary diet includes a complete range of products, in which paramount importance is given to vegetables and fruits, which provide a feeling of fullness and thereby prevent overeating. No matter how surprising it may sound, the lightest diet does not even exclude the consumption of sweets. The only thing is that high-calorie sweets will need to be replaced with honey, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

A hyper-light diet can be designed for a different number of days and have a very different menu. For some, 3 days may be enough to get in shape, while others may need 5, 7 days or even a month. The most important condition for this dietary method is frequent consumption of food in small portions.

A simple and easy diet: eat often, but not enough

Nutritionists advise that the volume of food consumed at a time should fit in the palm of the person eating it. Thus, the food will satiate and provide the body with the necessary nutrients, but the stomach will not be overloaded, and the metabolism will quickly normalize. Taking this into account, the daily diet should be divided into 4 - 5 meals and consist of first and second breakfast, light lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

Products can be boiled, stewed and baked, which opens up great possibilities for culinary imagination. Without performing any physical activity, this diet allows you to lose 2-3 kilograms per week.

The easiest diet: golden rules for effective weight loss

Taboo on salt or minimizing its use. By preventing the removal of fluid from the body, salt delays the weight loss process for a longer period. To add flavor to your dishes, you can add garlic or a drop of soy sauce.

  • You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day
  • All cereals should be excluded from the diet, except buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley.
  • Due to the high calorie content, it is worth limiting the consumption of potatoes, grapes and bananas
  • Don't eliminate, but reduce your consumption of eggs and dairy products
  • Forget about fatty foods that cause appetite
  • There is wholemeal rye bread
  • The last meal should be no later than 19-00

The diet is easy and effective: menu for 3 days

1st day

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled chicken or lean beef, 100 grams of buckwheat porridge without salt, green tea without sugar
  • Lunch: orange or apple, kiwi
  • Dinner: 150 grams of boiled low-fat fish with vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: 200 grams of yogurt
  • Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese

2nd day

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of oatmeal, 30 grams of cheese, a slice of bread, tea with a spoon of honey
  • Lunch: half a banana, grapefruit
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, 50 grams of baked chicken or 100 grams of mussels
  • Afternoon snack: Cabbage and carrot salad with parsley, dill and olive oil
  • Dinner: 200 grams of kefir or 100 grams of cottage cheese

3rd day

  • Breakfast: quail egg, spinach, orange juice, dried apricots
  • Lunch: pear, plum, mineral water
  • Dinner: Soup made from zucchini, carrots and potatoes. Tomato salad. Cucumber and bell pepper
  • Afternoon snack: kefir with a piece of bread
  • Dinner: baked fish, stewed cabbage, green tea with a spoon of honey

You can stick to this diet for quite a long time, coming up with more and more new dishes every day.

“Magic” products you can’t live without

When going on a diet, any girl dreams of becoming slim and beautiful, but often the extra pounds disappear, taking with them all the beauty of hair, skin and nails. This occurs due to a lack of nutrients in the “losing weight” diet. To prevent this from happening, you should include in your diet foods containing the following components:

  • Bifidobacteria that improve the digestion process and cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Most of them are found in kefir and natural yoghurts.
  • Proteins are the most important building material in our body. The best sources of protein are fish and seafood, poultry, beef and rabbit.
  • and vitamin C, contained in vegetables and fruits, allowing the absorption of animal protein. Vegetables must be stewed or steamed in a sealed container
  • Sulfur and silicon, ensuring the health and beauty of hair and nails. The source of these microelements is tomato juice, seaweed and various seafood

A light diet for a week or another number of days receives extremely positive reviews from both nutritionists and women on it. How else? After all, this technique has practically no contraindications, cleanses and heals the entire body.

You can learn more about the dangers of fasting and extreme mono diets by watching the following video.

Video on how to lose 3 kg in a week

Video about the easiest diet

A simple diet for weight loss uses the following rule: eat in moderation. By following the diet in question, you don’t have to strictly reduce the amount of foods you consume, except for those that contribute to weight gain.

Let's take a closer look at the main principles of a simple diet:

  • It is advisable to consume food not in 3 doses, but in 4 with a break of at least 3 hours;
  • Portions should be small; the body will absorb this amount of food better.

When your body weight begins to decrease, you can introduce eating after 6 pm. It is advisable to consume foods with fats so that body weight does not gain again.

The diet in question does not recommend consuming sour cream and mayonnaise before bed. If you can’t remove them from your diet, then it is advisable to include these products in your breakfast menu. Dinner should contain low-calorie food. During the day, consume up to 2 kilograms of plant foods.

In a week, body weight will decrease by 3–5 kg if the menu contains only vegetables and.

Simple menu for weight loss for a week

Day Eating Sample menu
Monday Breakfast coffee, slice of cheese
Lunch Red Apple
Dinner hard-boiled egg, 120 g lean meat, fried without oil
Afternoon snack kefir, nuts
Dinner 130 g chicken meat, pickled tomatoes
Tuesday Breakfast tea, 2 ranetki
Lunch Ryazhenka
Dinner 300 g ham, cabbage salad
Afternoon snack pear
Dinner sliced ​​vegetables with sunflower oil
Wednesday Breakfast 2 hard-boiled eggs, tomato
Lunch grated carrots dressed with yogurt
Dinner mashed potatoes, cucumber
Afternoon snack banana
Dinner turkey fillet, glass of juice
Thursday Breakfast a jar of low-fat yogurt, tea
Lunch grapefruit
Dinner boiled fish with vegetables
Afternoon snack kefir
Dinner 130 g lean veal
Friday Breakfast 150 g natural cottage cheese, herbal tea
Lunch pomegranate
Dinner chicken breast or boiled beef
Afternoon snack Ryazhenka
Dinner vegetable stew stewed with sunflower oil
Saturday Breakfast omelet or scrambled eggs, coffee
Lunch 2 tangerines
Dinner soup made from lean meat or fish with herbs, without potatoes and cereals
Afternoon snack cup low-fat yogurt
Dinner 250 g trout or other fish, baked in foil, chopped vegetables with sunflower oil
Sunday Breakfast 3 eggs in a bag with bread, herbal tea
Lunch Red Apple
Dinner stewed zucchini with cabbage
Afternoon snack kefir
Dinner 130 g boiled beef

What can you do on a diet?

Requires a certain diet. A number of foods are allowed to be consumed on a simple diet:

  • Eggs. Eggs are nutritious due to the large amount of protein, and at the same time they are not too high in calories. The yolk of eggs contains fat, so you should not overuse eggs, or eat the white without the yolk;
  • Beans and corn. Due to their protein and fiber content, these products partially replace meat and poultry;
  • Carrot. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals, a couple of these vegetables a day will give the body the necessary amount;
  • When consumed, the fiber contained in the product cleanses the intestines and helps you lose weight;
  • Bell pepper. It is a low-calorie product and at the same time provides the body with carotene and vitamin C. The body spends a lot of energy digesting pepper, which helps with weight loss;
  • Contains few calories, the fiber contained stimulates the secretion of bile and accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits.

What not to do on a diet

There are products whose dangers are not thought about. And they should be removed from the diet when losing weight:

  • Fried foods. Due to the fat they contain, these dishes contribute to rapid weight gain rather than weight loss;
  • Rich soups. These dishes involve the active work of the stomach to secrete juice. As a result, the food will soon be digested and the feeling of hunger will return;
  • Pickled foods. The acetic acid in these foods also stimulates a strong secretion of gastric juice, which will quickly lead to feelings of hunger;
  • Spicy dishes. Warming up the body from the inside, which occurs when eating such dishes, leads to accelerated blood circulation and increased appetite, which is undesirable when losing weight;
  • Vegetables after heat treatment. Heat treatment destroys vitamins and nutrients in them. And when frying, on the contrary, they gain fat;
  • Sweet soda. The sugar and caffeine in these drinks will ruin all your attempts to lose weight;
  • Chips and crackers. Fats, carbohydrates, flavors, dyes and zero nutrients;
  • Baked goods and rich creams. High-calorie foods with a lot of sugar. When losing weight, you will have to forget about these products.

The simplest diets for quick weight loss

Quick and simple diets for losing weight at home consist of severe dietary restrictions and include one or two foods that are allowed for consumption.

Pumpkin diet

The pumpkin diet is considered a diet of simple foods and lasts 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is easily tolerated, as it represents a variety of dishes, but it has contraindications. It is prohibited for use by women during breastfeeding and pregnancy, and by people with a history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The secret of the diet is that you need to make dishes from pumpkin pulp. They must be boiled or steamed. In addition, a minimum amount of salt, oil and spices should be used.

Combine pumpkin with vegetables, but the main ingredient is pumpkin. It can be made into puree soups, porridges, and salads.

It is also possible to use ordinary juice, preferably freshly squeezed, and pumpkin seeds, which make it possible to have a good time in the evenings watching programs. Physical overload and daily water consumption also lead to better results.

Quick kefir diet

Diet means throughout the day. You should drink only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of ordinary boiled water per day. It is forbidden to eat anything else.

It should be emphasized that this diet has a clearly expressed laxative effect, for this reason it should be practiced only when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

You should not “sit” on a kefir diet for more than 3 days. Since during it a powerful cleansing of the body occurs: waste, toxins, excess salt and moisture are removed (due to which, directly, weight loss occurs). But already on the 3rd – 4th day, simultaneously with harmful substances, the necessary elements begin to be removed from the body, which can cause a deterioration in well-being.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, lightheadedness or migraine, it makes sense to refrain from such a diet and switch to a normal diet. But you should switch carefully, increasing the calorie content of food over time.

Buckwheat diet

This is the simplest and most effective diet for losing weight for a week. Buckwheat is one of the most dietary foods, has a low calorie content and does not cause allergies, for this reason it can be consumed by all interested parties.

In just 7 days you can lose 5 kg. Only buckwheat is allowed to be eaten. At the same time, it can be prepared using various methods; it is important that it does not contain fats and salts.

Buckwheat can be consumed in any quantity. assist in removing salt from the body, which retains excess moisture. And the low nutritional value of buckwheat forces the body to expend much more energy per day than it acquires, which is why fat reserves are burned.

This is one of the simplest diets that is most harmless to health.

Its advantages are:

  • Due to the unique qualities of cereals, the diet makes it possible not only to lose weight by 6-12 kilograms, but also to detoxify the body in a short period of time; improve the functioning of the digestive system; increase metabolic rate; carry out the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • The buckwheat diet does not require virtually any special culinary skills. Since the method of preparing buckwheat porridge is as simple as possible;
  • The diet in question is not expensive for the budget, since all costs without exception will fit into the price of buckwheat.

When analyzing the buckwheat diet for the purpose of losing weight, it is advisable to focus on its disadvantages and methods of overcoming them:

  • If you follow a diet too quickly and reduce your usual amount of food intake, constipation is likely to occur. In order to avoid such a problem, the porridge should be made watery. If this strategy is not suitable, you need to dilute the diet with vegetables or kefir;
  • In certain cases, impotence may be due to a sudden loss of water from the body, which is determined by the salt-free composition of the diet. In order to prevent the condition, you should drink a glass of water in the morning, and, as in the case of constipation, prepare porridge that is more watery.

The rules for quitting the buckwheat diet are easy:

  • do not overeat;
  • consume buckwheat porridge at least once a day;
  • give preference to bland food;
  • Products should be introduced into the menu over time, for example, on the 1st day, an egg and any vegetable, on the 2nd - fish, and so on;
  • It is advisable to carry out fasting periods once a week;
  • and there is certainly no need to organize a “belly celebration” on the first day after completing the diet.

Dish recipes

In all recipes we fry in sunflower oil and use a sugar substitute.

Pumpkin pancakes:

  • 200 g peeled pumpkin;
  • Sugar substitute, at your discretion;
  • 1 pc – chicken egg;
  • 30 g flour (rice)

Preparation: chop the pumpkin, beat the egg and pour flour into the pumpkin with a sugar substitute, mix and fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Brown rice with pumpkin

  • Brown rice 50 g;
  • Pumpkins 150 g;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • Matsoni (natural yogurt) ½ cup;
  • Nuts (walnuts), raisins and sugar (substitute) - at your discretion.

Prepare the porridge: Boil the rice, while simmering the peeled and chopped pumpkin in the oven. After the pumpkin is ready, grind it into puree, you can grate it.

Place pumpkin and sugar into the finished rice, mix and decorate with raisins and nuts. All is ready!

Oyster mushrooms (mushrooms) in sour cream:

  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • 3 pieces of medium onions;
  • 3 pieces of small carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ cup mayonnaise;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

Process: wash the oyster mushrooms, cut them and throw them into a frying pan with sunflower oil and fry. We fried mushrooms + onions + carrots and fried them some more.

Prepare the sauce: put the garlic through a garlic press, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise and water, mix until smooth.

Add salt and pepper to the mixture in a frying pan and pour in the sauce. After that, put everything on the stove and simmer for another 15 minutes. All is ready!


  • 1 piece fresh carrots;
  • 2 pieces of celery (stems);
  • 1 pc apple (green);
  • Low-fat yogurt;
  • Rosemary;
  • Lemon

Chop the celery and sprinkle it with lemon juice (if the apple is sour, you don’t need lemon). Three apples and carrots, mix with celery and season with yogurt and rosemary. Leave in the cold for 20 minutes and the salad is ready.

Broccoli fritters


  • Shred cabbage finely 400 g;
  • Grind the bread into crumbs (1 piece);
  • 2 pcs raw eggs;
  • Dutch cheese (50 g) finely grated.

Mix everything, either in one mass in the form or in portions like pancakes on a baking sheet and in the oven.


In any case, most diets are contraindicated for people with diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. Diets are also undesirable for teenagers because of the threat of depriving the growing body of the necessary building material. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to lose weight; this can affect the health of the child who has not received a number of required nutrients.

I'm sure many women really want to lose weight. The reasons may be different, some are due to health problems, while others want to look good. I myself very often go on different diets and I know which of them are effective, after which the weight melts before our eyes. Today we will talk about a simple but very effective home diet.

Homemade diet for weight loss

The homemade diet is so called because it uses products that can easily be found at home. There is no need to run to the store to buy food for yourself separately; you will eat almost everything that you prepare for your family. You need to eat in small portions, chewing thoroughly, five times a day. You need to cook low-fat food, steam it or bake it in the oven. You will need to give up sausages, fatty mayonnaise, sweets and confectionery.

For effective weight loss, we will consume 1,000 - 1,200 kcal per day. Play sports, try not to use the elevator, but walk up the stairs. And the result will not be long in coming.

The most effective diet at home, minus 15 kg in two weeks.

It is best to use unrefined flaxseed or olive oil. Don't be afraid, they won't make you better.

First week:

8.00: green tea + 1 tsp honey.

11.00: 200 grams of fresh cucumbers + vegetable oil (pour over sliced ​​cucumbers).

14.00: vegetable soup + 100 grams of lean boiled meat.

17.00: 200 grams of any fruit or berries.

20.00: 1 glass of kefir + 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Second week:

Replace the soup with any porridge; instead of meat, you can use 1-2 boiled eggs.

In general, try to live like the French, if you want to eat, drink a glass of water, if after 20 minutes the feeling of hunger has not gone away, drink another glass, and only then, if you still want to eat, can you eat a little.

Any diet requires strong motivation. If you have it, consider that half the battle is already done. Everyone has their own motivation. Charming a man who prefers slender women, fitting into the outfit he likes, a summer vacation where you need to show off on the beach and much, much more.

I offer several effective weight loss diets that will help you lose excess weight. They are based on proper nutrition with a menu for every day and week.

Four rules of any diet

  1. Almost eliminate salt and salty foods from your diet.
  2. Completely eliminate alcohol in any form. This is a source of extra calories. In addition, its relaxing effect will prevent you from strictly adhering to your chosen diet.
  3. Have a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner, i.e. eat in small portions 5 – 6 times a day.
  4. Completely eliminate sugar, sweets and baked goods.

Diet for 2 - 3 weeks.

Balanced in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. But at the same time it is low-calorie. It takes into account the body’s daily need for microelements and vitamins.

First day.

Breakfast. 1 hard-boiled chicken egg, of course, you need to eat it without salt. Cheese with fat content below 17% – 2 – 3 small pieces.

Lunch. A whole apple. After half an hour, a cup of any tea or coffee without sugar or milk.

Dinner. Cabbage stewed without salt and oil. Boiled chicken breast.

Afternoon snack.

Dinner. About 100 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content, sprinkled with kefir, also of any fat content. Snack on a whole grapefruit.

Second day.

Breakfast. One piece of bran bread in the form of toast. If you don't have a toaster, lightly toast the bread in a dry frying pan over low heat. After half an hour - green tea or black coffee without sugar.

Lunch. Grapefruit and a glass of kefir of any fat content.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, beef or fish, boiled, baked in the oven or on a grill without adding oil. It's better to use it if you have it.

Afternoon snack. A couple of apples. After half an hour - tea or coffee, of course, without sugar.

Dinner. Boiled cauliflower with any greens, sprinkled with vegetable or olive oil.

The third day.

Breakfast. Whole grapefruit. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. One raw carrot.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, beef, veal or fish, boiled, baked in the oven or on a grill without adding oil. (Same as on the second day.) You can use .

Afternoon snack. Like breakfast.

Dinner. Any stewed vegetables and an omelette made from two chicken egg whites.

Fourth day.

Breakfast. One carrot, grated with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese and a glass of any kefir.

Dinner. One hard-boiled chicken egg. Fresh parsley or dill, as much as you can eat.

Afternoon snack.

Dinner. Salad - a brush of shredded white cabbage, raw carrots and beets, grated. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice and do not add oil. Drink green tea without sugar.

Fifth day.

Breakfast. One hard-boiled chicken egg. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. One glass of kefir.

Dinner. Low-fat fish cooked in a double boiler or in the oven on a wire rack without adding oil. Any stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack. Boiled cauliflower. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Dinner. One grapefruit. After 30 minutes - green tea without sugar.

Sixth day .

Breakfast. About 100 gr. any cottage cheese with dill or parsley. After half an hour - a cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk.

Lunch. Two apples with a break of 15 minutes.

Dinner. A piece of chicken, veal or fish, boiled, baked in the oven or in a double boiler without adding oil. One small boiled beet.

Afternoon snack. Orange without white veins. Try to clean them thoroughly.

Dinner. Fresh white cabbage salad with celery and dill without oil. Drink green tea.

Seventh day.

Breakfast. Mix of orange, apple and carrot. One glass.

Lunch. Boiled rice with boiled vegetables. Approximately 5 heaping tablespoons.

Dinner. Soup puree from any vegetables. A piece of boiled chicken. Half a grapefruit.

Afternoon snack. A glass of tomato juice. It can be packaged, but without salt or lightly salted.

Dinner. Boiled fish and green peas.

Minus 5 kg. per month - Pierre Dukan diet

The convenience of this diet is that you can eat almost everything. You don't have to constantly count calories. The secret is that you need to combine products correctly.

The basis of the diet is dividing nutrition into four phases, one per week. The only condition is 2.5 liters of almost any liquid daily.

The first phase is burning fat.

During this phase, we actively eat foods containing protein. It helps burn previously accumulated fat without affecting muscle mass.

Kefir or yogurt is ideal for breakfast. If you can't do without bread, choose whole grain. It will satisfy you for a long time. Vegetables and fruits in this phase are good for snacking.

Try to reduce your consumption of fish, pork and cheese. These foods are rich in protein, but they are also high in fat. We completely give up sweets in any form.

  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • poultry meat
  • lean beef
  • seafood
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • tofu cheese.

Pasta and shrimp salad for the first week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • durum pasta for one serving;
  • about 50 gr. defrosted shrimp;
  • several sprigs of green onions, dill and parsley;
  • approximately 100 gr. natural yogurt;
  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil.

Boil pasta and shrimp separately. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Cool the shrimp and clean it. Add oil and vinegar to the yogurt, lightly salt and pepper. Mix well. Place pasta on a plate, top with shrimp and top with yogurt sauce. This salad can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

The second phase – we remove excess fluid from the body

We do this by eating as many vegetables as possible. They contain a lot of useful substances that continue to burn excess fat in our body. In addition, they speed up metabolism.

Eat as many different vegetables as possible at each meal. For example, on the usual morning sandwich with cheese we put a slice of tomato, radish and a slice of fresh cucumber.

It is better not to eat carbohydrates as side dishes this week. This is rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes. Any products containing sugar and flour. But you can use whole grain bread and pasta in moderation.

Stuffed zucchini for the second week of the diet

Products per serving:

  • medium zucchini;
  • celery stalk;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • onion head;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 gr. boiled ham;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cut the zucchini in half, remove the core and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Make a salad from ham, vegetables and herbs, season with sour cream and lemon juice. Place in zucchini halves. You can, if desired, bake in the oven.

Exercise for belly fat

This same week you can start doing a simple exercise that will help you lose belly fat.

If it is difficult to hold your legs up at first, you can simplify the exercise. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the floor. Place the foot of the other leg on your bent knee. Alternately pull your elbows toward your near knee 15 times. Then change legs and perform the exercise 15 more times.

The third phase – we remove the folds on the stomach with fruits.

Two weeks have passed successfully, and you have already lost several kilograms. We consolidate the result with the help of fruits. They contain many useful substances that will help us continue to get rid of the hated kilograms. Eat fruit salads for breakfast all week. Increase your fruit intake at other times as well. You can take any fruits, with the exception of canned and dried ones. They contain a lot of unnecessary sugar. It is also not advisable to replace fruit with juice.

Carrot and apple salad for the third week of the diet

Products for 1 serving:

  • 2 raw carrots;
  • medium apple;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of any nuts;
  • teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Grate the carrots and apple on a coarse grater, mix with the rest of the ingredients and set aside for about half an hour to steep. You can add more orange zest, but this is optional.

Apple-banana smoothie

Products for 1 serving:

  • banana;
  • apple;
  • half peeled kiwi;
  • Art. a spoon of not bitter honey.

Beat all ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Fourth, final phase – we consolidate the result.

The fourth week is just some kind of holiday! You can eat everything that we ate in the three previous phases. We return carbohydrates so that the new weight lasts longer and fat is not deposited where it is not needed.

At each meal, combine proteins and carbohydrates, with a snack and a snack of fruits or vegetables. Still avoid foods that contain wheat flour.

A universal exercise to strengthen the abdomen, buttocks and arms

In the fourth week of losing weight, add another simple exercise - side push-ups.

Raise the hip, fix it for a few seconds and lower it. Repeat 15 times, then roll over to the other side.

Three diets for the cold season

Finnish diet

You can eat all kinds of cereals, lean meat and fish, vegetables, low-fat dairy products. We give up sweets, pastries, bread, pasta, rice, and smoked meats.

Bean diet

In a week you can lose up to 3 kilograms without harming your health. As you understand, the basis of the diet is beans - low-calorie. but at the same time a nutritious product. During the week, beans should be eaten in different forms for lunch and dinner. In addition to it, the diet should include lean poultry, veal, vegetables and fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Do not consume salt, spices and sugar.

Buckwheat diet

A very simple but effective diet. It consists in alternating a day when you eat only buckwheat in any form with low-fat kefir or yogurt, and a day when you eat as usual. You just need to exclude flour, sweet, salty and smoked foods. Don't forget that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, without overeating.

Be healthy and beautiful!

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