Cold on the lip how to get rid of. Colds on the lips - how to cure at home: folk remedies

The appearance of a cold on the lip is a rather unpleasant thing, and especially for girls. Unfortunately, if you have had herpes at least once in your life, any hypothermia is fraught with its return. The virus lives in the body and can remind of itself in the form of rashes on the lip, nose, and various parts of the body. You always want to get rid of a cold quickly and effectively. How to do it at home, we will describe in detail in this article.

How is the disease progressing?

For a better understanding of how to quickly and effectively get rid of a cold that has appeared on the lip, you should understand with stages herpes. So, at first, at the site of the appearance of a cold, a tingling or burning sensation is felt. The duration of this stage is no more than a day. Then, on the lip (or nose), the size of herpes rapidly increases, which is accompanied by a rash of bubbles with liquid. It is these two stages of the disease that are susceptible to the start of treatment, so doctors recommend getting rid of a cold in the initial stages. It is also possible to do this at home.

In the absence of treatment, the next stage begins: the bubbles with liquid burst, and ulcers appear instead. At this stage of the disease, a person is most contagious to others!

And finally, the last stage of the course of herpes is the gradual healing of wounds. Sometimes small scars remain after a cold, but more often the disease goes away without a trace.

What to treat?

Is it possible, and how to quickly cope with the disease at home? Consider a few popular recipes.

The first remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a cold is calendula. It can be used both as a tincture and as a decoction. It is famous for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

For the treatment of herpes, tinctures and decoctions of calendula are used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made by yourself.

To prepare the recipe, you will need two tablespoons of the flowers of the plant. They must be filled with 100 grams of vodka. This mixture is infused for 14 days. So, at home, you can get a tincture of calendula, which is used to make lotions.

If we talk about a decoction that will help get rid of a cold on the lip (or elsewhere), then 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers are needed to prepare it. They need to be poured into boiling water (250-300 ml) and boiled for about five minutes. We insist for several hours, after which you can make lotions or take 125 ml orally 30 minutes before meals.

Calendula is one of the most effective remedies in the fight against herpes.


Soda is an equally well-known remedy that quickly copes with herpes. It is recommended to dilute soda in hot water to a sufficiently thick consistency. Next, you need to apply the mixture to the sore spot. In the near future, a crust will begin to form, which will indicate that the procedures were successful.

Fir oil

Traditional medicine advises the use of fir oil in the treatment of herpes. It quickly and effectively affects the healing process of a cold, as it fights viruses and microbes very well. To obtain a medicinal recipe, you need to add three to four drops of oil to the calendula tincture. To make the solution not so aggressive, you can add a little water. Apply it to the infected area up to 4-5 times a day.

Also, if you are not allergic to coniferous oils, it can be used and in pure, undiluted form: lubricate them with a sore spot several times a day. But not more often than every two hours.


Many proponents of home medicine quickly fight herpes with aloe, because it has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, and also speeds up the process of tissue regeneration. It is recommended to simply lubricate the affected area with the juice of the leaves of this plant. Repeat after a few hours.

To speed up recovery, compresses should be made from freshly crushed aloe leaves.

It is possible to use this medicinal plant inside, after mixing it with honey. In addition to fighting a cold, this remedy will protect you from similar troubles in the future.

Another effective remedy is celandine. It is necessary to squeeze the fresh juice of this plant and drain into a container. It is infused for a week, no longer. When the medicine is ready, you can make lotions for herpes on the lip. Be careful not to get it on the mucous membrane!

Most likely, this recipe can hardly be called an "ambulance", since its preparation is not fast enough, it takes a certain time. However, if you know your tendency to get colds in the cold season, then such a medicine can prepare in advance.

In this article, we have given some of the most effective recipes that you can quickly prepare at home. Indeed, in the fight against herpes, one of the main rules is speed, otherwise the disease can go into the phase when any treatment is practically useless. Try to protect yourself from this disease, because it is always better and easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Here are some simple tips:

  • Avoid hypothermia and excessive overheating: for this, you should choose the right clothes according to weather conditions.
  • Be careful with drafts.
  • Do not overwork, because a properly defined mode of work and rest is very important for the state of the whole organism, and it is always easier for a virus to "attach" to a tired and tired person.
  • Try to maintain the necessary physical activity - this is the key to good health and immunity.

Approximately 50% of girls suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cold on the lips. Herpes is a disease that cannot be completely cured. But there are methods by which you can remove the external signs of the manifestation of the disease, as well as reduce the likelihood of its re-exacerbation.

How to quickly cure a cold on the lip

It is important to start treatment of herpes in the first few hours after its manifestation - then the likelihood of exacerbation of symptoms is minimal. The initial stage of the disease can manifest itself in different forms.

The most common primary signs of a cold on the lips:

  • Redness and itching. Redness and slight swelling are noticeable already 6 hours after the "activation" of the virus;
  • Increased body temperature. In most cases, it rises no higher than 37.5 degrees, but in some cases it can reach 39;
  • The appearance of small whitish spots. These are future bubbles. This symptom is a sign that the early stage is becoming acute.

To begin treatment, you need to understand the causes of the appearance of a cold on the lips. It can be hypothermia, SARS, influenza and other diseases. Often herpes manifests itself in people who are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and during pregnancy (even if it was not previously detected).

For example, if severe hypothermia became the cause of the disease, then the first thing to do when an infection occurs is take a warm bath, warm up. Then, perhaps, the immune system itself will cope with the disease.

If a cold popped up in the corners of the lips, as in the photo, then you can quickly dry it iodine. It is necessary to slightly wipe the affected area with alcohol, then apply a small amount of iodine. It is important not to be zealous - it is not necessary that a dark brown spot form. This can develop into a burn. It will be enough to gently blot the wound with a cotton swab several times.

Cold manifestations on the skin are always accompanied by severe itching. This causes particular discomfort. It will help reduce soda with salt. Minerals are combined in equal parts, after which they are carefully applied to herpes. The powder will help reduce inflammation, remove some redness and forget about itching.

An excellent cold remedy that almost every home has - zinc ointment or paste. It will disinfect the wound and help dry its surface. On cleansed skin, apply a thick layer of paste and leave. After a few hours, the treatment is repeated.

Applies similarly oxolinic ointment. It is used to treat the external surfaces in the nose to avoid infection with various colds. Oksolinka is universal. It can be used by children, during pregnancy and lactation. It is applied in the same way as zinc.

If there are no ointments and pastes at hand, and a cold has come out on the lip, then quickly remove beauty and reduce itching will help toothpaste. Best of all, this method works at night (at this time, active regenerating processes take place in the body). It is necessary to spread a dense layer of paste on the wound and leave until completely solidified. Repeat as needed.

At an early stage, it helps to disinfect and cauterize the site of inflammation of the cold on the lips. tea tree oil. We note right away that you can’t use it for a long time - you can get a burn, but as an emergency, this tool is perfect. On the treated area affected by herpes, you need to apply a few drops of oil and gently rub it into the skin. Repeat every 3 hours.

Creams and ointments for colds on the lip

The remedies described will help remove external symptoms in the early stages, but they will not kill the virus. To finally get rid of a cold on the lips, you will need to buy special anti-herpes drugs.

Drawing the right amount of ointment for colds on the lips

Popular quick-acting remedies for colds on the lips:

  • Gerpevir. This is a translucent cream that helps to cure herpes in the shortest possible time. It is applied to the affected surface and the skin around it. It is very easy to use, has a translucent consistency and a neutral smell. When applied, it is slightly glossy, so that it can replace gloss during the illness;
  • Acyclovir is the most popular ointment for colds on the lip. Its effectiveness lies in the "magic" composition, which includes an antiviral component that suppresses the DNA of the virus. It must be smeared every 4 hours;
  • A cheap streptocide ointment quickly treats herpes or a cold on the lips. Unlike highly specialized professional creams, it can be used to treat almost all skin conditions. In addition, it is allowed to be used on mucous membranes (on the inside of the lip, inclusive);
  • Herpferon is another well-known remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a cold on your lip. It contains strong antibiotics, similar to acyclovir. The effect is noticeable immediately after application: swelling subsides and beauty decreases, itching disappears. If you have time before the formation of bubbles, then herpes will not go into a late stage.

Treatment at home

At home, you can provide not only the first "anti-herpes help", but also successfully cure a cold on the lips without the use of artificial medicines. For example, a clove of garlic can replace any antiviral ointments, and honey will help restore local immunity.

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

Quickly cauterize a cold will help onion or garlic juice to be applied to the lips. Do not worry - the smell will disappear very quickly, and the symptoms of herpes will disappear after 3 such procedures.

If you need to urgently get rid of the disease, you can even take a clove of garlic, cut it in half, put it on your lips and stick a patch on top. The dressing should be changed every few hours. You can't sleep with her.

Very effective folk remedy - fir oil. Even if the initial stage of the disease has long passed, fir will help to quickly and effortlessly cure herpes in 2 days. The product is applied in plenty to the entire area of ​​the lips. The layer is updated after complete absorption.

If a cold on the lips does not go away for a long time, then it is recommended to prepare a homemade miracle mixture:

  • Spoon of honey;
  • Two cloves of garlic.

The components are mixed together and this paste is applied to problem areas. You can not close anything (plaster and film). Renew the layer every 4 hours, like any anti-herpes ointment.

But there are other situations as well. For example, when herpes constantly pops up, although it is easily treatable. In that case it will help mix with sea buckthorn:

  • Aloe leaf (it should make about half a teaspoon of pulp);
  • Half a white onion;
  • A spoonful of apple cider vinegar;
  • Half a spoon of baking soda and the same amount of salt.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil is added to it. If there is sea buckthorn juice, the remedy will be even more effective. Apply to lips morning and evening.

If a blister or many blisters appear at the site of the herpes, then you need to start using a special cream (at most, you can try to anoint the area with Valaciclovir). Piercing education is not an option. Painful ulcers form in their place. Treatment can be supplemented with Chlorhexidine.

Causes of the disease

The treatment of a cold on the lips directly depends on the cause of the disease. First of all, it is a weak immune system. This virus is unremarkable among thousands of others. It manifests itself only in moments of weakness of the body. Therefore, one of the main reasons is low immunity.

Video: Cold on the lip. How to prevent and treat herpes

But besides this, herpes is very contagious (colds on the face and lips are easily transmitted if you kiss or drink from the same dish with a sick person). Moreover, it is not only transmitted, but also “settles” in the body, filling the nerve ganglia.

Reasons for jumping a cold on the nose or lips:

  • Changes in the hormonal background (herpes pops up during menstruation, menopause, the first months of pregnancy);
  • Stress. The nervous system is the first to be affected by the virus, so it cannot stand aside either. Overwork, constant lack of sleep, tantrums - all this is the cause of herpes;
  • Severe hypothermia of the body;
  • Diseases of the lymph nodes, oral cavity;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • Presence of another infection. During illness, the immune system is suppressed and maximally "open" to the manifestations of herpes.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

During an “interesting” situation, genital herpes is especially dangerous, but it has little to do with the problem of the face.

To cure herpes on the lips or a cold during pregnancy (in the first and second trimester) - you need to use the most natural remedies (smear with vitamin E, oils). This will protect the future mother and child, and will also help boost immunity.

Good reviews about lip treatment with garlic and onions. If this option is not suitable, you can buy soft ointments for herpes:

  • Miramistin;
  • Herpex.

Often, doctors prescribe a solution of "Interfron" for external application (treatment of wounds in the nose and lips) and its tablets. Please note that only a specialist who has examined the body can write them out. Do not self-medicate.

Small, fluid-filled blisters—called a "cold" or "fever"—occur in children and adults. The reason is the herpes virus, its carriers after 40 years are up to 80% of the population. While strong, the virus does not manifest itself. But it is worth overworking, overcooling, getting nervous, as itching, burning sensation is felt, characteristic bubbles appear near the lips, eyes, on the wings of the nose, mucous membranes. Since it is impossible to remove the herpes virus from the body, it is worth starting to treat the lips as soon as possible at home with medications and folk remedies - in order to get rid of or prevent external manifestations in a short time.

Causes of herpes on the lip

Viruses can only exist in someone else's body. When they penetrate and multiply, symptoms of a specific disease appear.

The group of herpetic viruses includes the causative agents of chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus), herpes.

Herpesviruses are common among humans, here are some of the varieties:

Herpes simplex virus type I. It manifests itself in the form of a cold on the lips, mucous membranes, skin, eyes, less often on the genitals.

Viral disease type II causes rashes on the genitals.

After suffering from chickenpox, immunity is developed.

The carrier of infectious mononucleosis remains for life.

Cytomegalovirus also remains in the body, almost does not manifest itself.

The herpes virus type I enters the body of children and young people from patients or carriers in the household way, when coughing or sneezing. During the period when reddish bubbles pour out on the lips, wings of the nose, it is especially easy to get infected from the carrier.

The virus is embedded in the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, often does not immediately manifest itself.

With primary infection, the incubation period lasts from 1 to 26 days, the oral cavity is most often affected. The temperature rises to +39..+40С,. Gums, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue are covered with small bubbles, they burn and tingle. The contents are transparent at first, then become cloudy, after 2-3 days it breaks through, ulcers form. Salivation is increased, it hurts to eat. Recovery occurs in 1-3 weeks.

In carriers, with a decrease in immunity, a cold appears on the lip. Treatment eliminates external manifestations, but the herpes virus remains in the body for life, creating an additional burden on the immune system.

The condition for infection with the second form of a viral disease, as a rule, is the onset of sexual activity. Antibodies to this species were found in 12% of the US population.

  • Brew in a glass of boiling water 1s.l. sage, insist 20 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with a medicinal agent, apply to the affected areas.

Chrysanthemum. From herpes on the lips, the following oral remedy helps:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. chrysanthemum flowers, insist 40 minutes, strain.

Take 1/4 cup four times a day for home treatment of labial cold.

Vegetable juice. A quick result gives the reception of the mixture:

  • Prepare juice from three medium-sized carrots, parsley, apple, fresh, leave for one hour.

Take little by little throughout the day.

(callisia). When the first symptoms of herpes appear on the lips, apply cotton wool moistened with alcohol tincture for 10 minutes. After opening the bubbles, lubricate the sores twice a day with a decoction or juice.

Ointment recipe:

  • Moisten with warm water 1s.l. calendula flowers, mix them with 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. vaseline, 1 tbsp. juice of a golden mustache, insist for a day, strain.

Lubricate the cold on the lips at night.

. Apply alcohol tincture every 2 hours to problem areas, after 5-10 minutes - a nourishing oily cream.

Ointment from. To quickly cure labial herpes in spring or autumn, prepare the following composition:

  • chop 15 g of celandine (with root), pour a glass, bring to a boil in a water bath, let cool, insist 14 days in a dark, cool place, strain;
  • warm, add 50 g of crushed beeswax, stirring to get a homogeneous consistency, strain.

Apply ointment for the treatment of herpes when itching, burning on the lips, apply to rashes.

Quickly get rid of labial herpes helps tincture:

  • Pour 2s.l. inflorescences with alcohol, insist in a dark place for a week, strain.

Lubricate blisters or sores every hour or two. At the pharmacy, ask for a solution of Romazulan, which is used in the same way.

Chamomile infusion:

  • Brew 1/2 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. flowers, boil for five minutes, strain.

Apply warm lotions to labial herpes.

Modified: 02/10/2019

A cold on the lip is a symptom of herpes infection. A healthy body with a strong immune system suppresses the virus. But when a person's defenses are weakened due to infection, menstruation, mental experiences or stress, the disease is activated. Herpes does not go away on its own. If the virus is left untreated, it spreads to other organs and causes complications. To stop a cold, remove sores and blisters can folk methods and pharmacy ointments.

Hygiene rules

One of the first symptoms of herpes is itching. The reddened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the lip or next to it is smeared with Valocordin. The liquid preparation cauterizes the future blister, preventing it from forming. If a pimple filled with a cloudy liquid still appears, the patient must follow the rules of hygiene:

  1. Wipe lips affected by herpes with a separate towel or disposable wipes.
  2. Avoid touching rashes and sores with your fingers.
  3. Apply ointments and other products with cotton swabs or swabs.
  4. Use one plate and cup. Dishes should not be given to other people.
  5. After contact with the affected area, wash hands with soap and water.
  6. Do not touch your eyes or genitals with dirty hands so that the herpes does not spread to other parts of the body.
  7. Refrain from kissing, even on the cheek, and oral sex.
  8. Protect lips from cold and chapping with oily balms and scarves. After recovery, hygienic lipstick is thrown away, like a toothbrush.
  9. Do not pierce rashes. Peeling off or soaking the crust is also prohibited.
  10. You can not mask a cold with foundation, powder or lipstick. Cosmetics only worsen the condition of the skin and increase inflammation.

With proper treatment, herpes disappears in 5-7 days, sometimes much earlier. If you start the disease, ulcers will appear in the oral cavity, causing stomatitis and problems with teeth and gums. It is necessary to ensure that particles of saliva and the virus do not fall on the mucous membrane of the eye. Herpes causes conjunctivitis, and in some cases leads to deterioration and loss of vision.

First aid

Small blisters are treated with toothpaste. The cosmetic stops the spread of the virus. The paste is applied in a thin layer, left to dry completely. Hardened medicine is replaced with fresh. The treatment is repeated until the itching and swelling disappear.

Small blisters are cauterized with alcoholic tinctures of calendula or propolis. The drugs disinfect and suppress herpes. Reddened skin is treated with cologne or antiseptics: Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Chlorophyllipt and ordinary alcohol have antiviral properties.

The selected preparation is impregnated with a cotton pad, which is applied to the skin. Keep the alcohol lotion for 5-10 minutes. Disinfection of rashes is repeated 6-7 times a day.

Propolis tincture is replaced with a decoction of calendula. In a saucepan, mix 60 g of flowers with a cup of water. Herbal medicine is removed from the stove 5 minutes after boiling. A decoction of calendula is taken orally 2 times a day. Drink 150 ml before meals, adding a little honey to the drink to increase immunity. In a pure broth without additives, cotton or gauze swabs are moistened, which are applied to a cold for 10-20 minutes.

Fresh blisters are cauterized with soda. The powder is mixed with boiled water and a thick mass is prepared. A paste of baking soda is applied to colds and the skin around them. The tool removes swelling, disinfects and reduces inflammation. After the procedure, a crust appears that cannot be touched. Cauterization with soda is repeated several times a day to remove herpes in 2-4 days.

The reddened area of ​​the lip, which itches and swells, is recommended to be urgently treated with fir oil. A strong antiseptic stops the virus and prevents blistering. After application, there is a slight burning sensation. The symptom indicates that the remedy is working. If the burning sensation becomes too strong, and the lip begins to enlarge and swell, you should immediately wash off the oil and take an antihistamine.

The fir component is quite aggressive. Owners of sensitive skin are recommended to dilute the product with boiled water or sunflower oil. Apply the composition to the infected area every 2-3 hours until complete recovery.

Herpes will disappear in 4 days if you apply a mash of lemon drops and tangerine essential oil or lemon balm decoction to the blisters. The liquid is applied with cotton swabs only to the affected areas. The composition is not washed off, it must be completely absorbed into the skin and dry. Colds are treated 4-5 times a day. Lemon drops can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice.

The antiviral citrus talker is replaced with essential oils of tea tree and eucalyptus. Mix 4 drops of each component. Dilute with 10 ml of olive or sunflower oil. Flaxseed has healing and regenerative properties.

Herbs for colds

It is not always possible to stop herpes at an early stage. Blisters filled with a cloudy liquid, as well as fresh and dried ulcers, can be treated with decoctions and water tinctures from field plants.

The composition of the first option for a cold includes:

  • roots of marshmallow and cinquefoil - 40 g each;
  • raspberry leaf - 2 tsp;
  • flax seeds - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • licorice root - 80 g;
  • coltsfoot - 40 g;
  • elecampane rhizome - 20 g.

Decoctions are drunk four times a day for 50-100 ml. Herbal drinks without additives wash the infected areas and apply compresses soaked in warm infusion to the ulcers.

Aloe has antiviral properties. The plant disinfects and heals wounds. A green leaf, cut lengthwise, or pieces of gauze soaked in freshly squeezed juice from the plant are applied to the ulcers.

Aloe destroys herpes from the inside, and also strengthens the immune system, protecting against the recurrence of a cold on the lip. An antiviral agent is prepared from the largest leaf, which is more than 5 years old. Part of the plant is crushed, mixed in equal proportions with honey and eat 30 ml of an immunomodulatory drug on an empty stomach for at least 1 month.

A remedy for complex treatment is prepared from the roots of licorice, kopek and maral grass. Dried preparations are mixed with chamomile flowers, string leaves and alder cones in equal proportions. Brew 30 g of plants with 300 ml of boiling water and insist in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strained herbal medicine is taken orally three times a day, and is also used for washing with herpes. Disinfecting and healing compresses are made from decoctions.

An antiviral drink is obtained by mixing:

  • birch buds;
  • rhizomes of leuzea;
  • wild rosemary shoots;
  • thyme and string;
  • burnet roots;
  • sprigs of yarrow.

An infusion is prepared from herbs mixed in equal proportions: pour 25 g of vegetable powder into a thermos, add 0.5 liters of boiled water and close the container for 2 hours. Before drinking, the drink is filtered, mixed with linden honey. Infusion without sweeteners is washed with ulcers on the lip.

To cure herpes, it is not necessary to stock up on all kinds of herbs. An effective decoction is prepared from ordinary sage. A cup of boiling water is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. dried plant. Cover with a plate, and after 50 minutes, filter and rinse the oral cavity with a medicinal drink. The wounds are wiped with cotton swabs dipped in a decoction of sage.

Ointments and natural immunomodulators

The virus is killed with pharmaceutical preparations for external use:

  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Penciclovir.

Blisters on the skin and mucous membrane of the lips are cauterized with streptocid or zinc ointment, as well as oxolinic. Penny remedies kill the herpes virus, moisturize and heal rashes. Preparations for external use are combined with an immunomodulatory tincture of echinacea or "Immunal". Instead of alcohol options, they take the vitamin complexes "Neuromultivit", "Supradin" or "Geri-max".

Antiviral ointments are prepared from home ingredients. Balm for quick healing of bubbles consists of ash, garlic cloves and natural honey. You will need 2-3 sprigs of raspberries. They must be dry. The workpiece is broken into small pieces and put in an iron bowl. They set it on fire and wait until the wood burns out and turns into coals. The remains of raspberry branches are ground in a mortar, mixed in equal parts with garlic gruel. Fill the ointment with honey. A thick mass is carefully distributed with cotton swabs over the blisters, washed off after 40–60 minutes.

Balm with antiviral properties is prepared from fresh celandine. Half a glass of gruel from finely chopped twigs is poured with a cup of sunflower oil. The medicine is brought to a boil and removed from the stove. Warm oil is filtered, separated from the celandine, and again heated to 70 degrees. 50 g of beeswax is introduced into the workpiece. When the second component is completely dissolved, the mass is cooled and rubbed into the infected areas 3-5 times a day.

Herpes that appeared after cooling is treated with a balm of petroleum jelly and freshly squeezed calendula juice. The base and the additive are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1, rubbed four times a day into blisters and crusted ulcers.

Recovery will accelerate coffee and garlic ointment. The composition of the home remedy includes:

  • unsweetened yogurt without additives;
  • wheat or oat flour;
  • natural coffe;
  • minced garlic cloves.

First, combine yogurt with honey in approximately equal proportions. Then garlic and ground coffee are added. The mixed components insist for half an hour, season with flour. The last ingredient is added until a thick and viscous ointment is formed. Garlic balm is impregnated with gauze swabs and applied to a cold on the lip for 20 minutes.

Compresses and other means

The composition of antiseptic lotions for herpes includes:

  • table salt - 15 g;
  • baking soda - 20 g;
  • aloe pulp - 10 g;
  • white onion gruel - 70–100 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 30 ml.

The products are thoroughly mixed and seasoned with 25 ml of sea buckthorn or almond oil. Onion gruel is distributed over gauze and applied to infected areas for 10-20 minutes. The remnants of soda and aloe are washed off with warm water, and then rubbed into the blisters with homemade or pharmacy ointment.

A piece of ice or a bag of frozen vegetables can stop herpes at the initial stage. The workpiece is wrapped with a plastic bag and a thin towel. A cold compress is applied to reddened or whitened areas for 30-40 minutes. Viruses do not tolerate low temperatures well. Ice should not be applied to the lips without a cloth, so as not to frostbite the skin.

Black tea is used instead of frozen vegetables. A spoon is dipped into a hot drink and held for 5 minutes, then removed and applied to the infected skin. Viruses die at high temperatures. Tea disinfects the lip area, and a hot spoon cauterizes the future blister. The procedure is painful and does not always help.

Herpes destroys a decoction of chamomile. The dried plant is steamed with boiling water: for 30 g of inflorescences a cup of liquid. Strained drink is mixed with alcohol tincture of propolis. In a glass of chamomile broth, 30 ml of the second component is dissolved. The composition is impregnated with gauze swabs, which are applied to the rashes for 20-30 minutes. A cocktail of herbal decoction and propolis is taken orally to stop the inflammatory process. Three times a day, drink 40 ml of a medicinal drink.

Herpes on the lips are cauterized with onion juice, fresh Kalanchoe leaf and tea tree essential oil. Apply gruel from apples and garlic, as well as tea bags. Some experts recommend treating colds with earwax, but it contains bacteria that increase inflammation and swelling and slow healing.

Herpes appears on the lips when immunity is weakened. Blisters and ulcers are removed with compresses, decoctions and ointments. And inside they take echinacea tinctures, a mixture of walnuts and honey, or vitamin complexes. Immunomodulatory agents speed up recovery and protect against the recurrence of colds on the lips.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip

If you are tired of frequent colds, the appearance of itching, unpleasant blisters and burning on the lips, it's time to figure out how to quickly cure herpes on the lips. Familiarize yourself with the main antiviral drugs used, as well as home remedies that can help cure the disease.

How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lips

Once a person has been infected with herpes, it can no longer be removed from the body by any means. You can only fight the manifestations of the virus effectively or not. Treatment by various means is aimed at:

  • suppression of herpes;
  • preventing its spread;
  • increased immunity;
  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • restoration of damaged areas of the skin.

If a person has a weakened immune system, the "sore" may reappear. At the same time, the patient is contagious to other people and is able to spread the disease throughout the body. A particularly favorable moment for the spread of the virus is when the bubbles burst and wounds begin to form. In addition to treatment with antiviral drugs, it is important to follow several recommendations:

  • avoid close tactile contacts, kisses;
  • do not touch the rash with your hands;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • do not tear off the crusts that form at the end of the disease.

Antiviral drugs for herpes

Symptoms of the disease are painful, unpleasant. How to quickly get rid of herpes on the lips? Pharmacies sell hundreds of special products designed to help people. Treatment of herpes on the lips in one day is possible if you start taking the pills when there is a tingling sensation, redness, but itchy rashes have not yet appeared. Often, doctors prescribe drugs with the active substance acyclovir (Acyclovir, Zovirax) or combined drugs, for example, Isoprinosine.

For the treatment of herpes on the lips in one day, the following medicines are suitable:

  1. Acyclovir. The active substance is absorbed into the blood, then enters the cells in which there is a virus, blocks their activity, and they are gradually destroyed by the body. It is necessary to start taking when tingling is felt on the lips. The recommended dose is 5 tablets per day. Duration - 5 days.
  2. Valtrex. The drug works on a principle similar to Acyclovir. The advantage of Valtrex is that it is better and faster absorbed. For the treatment of herpes, drink the drug one tablet twice a day for 10 days. A possible option is to drink 2 tablets in one day with a break of 12 hours.

Ointment for colds on the lip

It is difficult to imagine the treatment of herpes on the lips in one day without ointments. They are more convenient than tablets, they are no less effective. Many patients choose ointments because they are applied only to the affected areas and do not affect the whole body. The following are popular:

  1. Zovirax. The drug is produced by a British company that guarantees relief of symptoms after 3-4 applications. Apply it on the damaged area about 4-5 times a day. No more allowed. Duration - 5 days. If there is no improvement on the second day, stop using - not all types of herpes are sensitive to Zovirax.
  2. Fenistil Pencivir. After applying this ointment for colds on the lip, it immediately affects infected cells without affecting healthy ones. The effect lasts up to 12 hours. Healing of the affected areas occurs in 4 days of use. Apply every 2 hours. Treat 4-5 days.
  3. Panavir is a gel that has antiviral and immune-improving properties. The tool effectively destroys the DNA of herpes, increases immunity in the area of ​​​​inflammation. Then the disease goes into remission. Apply the gel in a thin layer. The course of use is 4-5 days. Approximately 5 applications per day are recommended.

Antiherpetic patch

A modern remedy for colds on the lips is Compeed patches. Sold in a pack of 15 plates complete with a small mirror and instructions. They can be used at any stage of the disease. If you start early, using one patch is enough - it will not allow the formation of bubbles, immediately relieve the symptoms. When applied at the stage of bubble formation, the product will draw out all the pus, prevent them from bursting, and moisturize the skin. If wounds have formed, the patch should be used to prevent the spread of infection.

Instructions for Compeed patches:

  1. To use the patch, the skin affected by the rash must be clean and dry. If ointments or cosmetics were previously applied, they must be removed.
  2. With a clean hand, take one applicator, slightly open the sticky side without touching it.
  3. Apply the product to the skin with the sticky side, fix one side, then the other. Press with your finger. Get it done within one minute.
  4. Remove applicator. The antiherpetic patch should be kept for 8-10 hours, then glue another one. Improvement occurs in two or even one day.

How to treat herpes on the lips at home

There are many remedies to help cure the "cold" in folk medicine. You can use one method or experiment with several at the same time throughout the day. They are especially effective if applied before the first signs of illness appear. If there is at least one vial, the funds will not be able to help in the short term. For treatment, you can use essential oils, ointments from various products, toothpaste, plant juices, alcohol, salt, garlic.

Folk remedies

Are you wondering how to quickly remove a cold on the lip with the means at your disposal? Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Take a little valocordin or alcohol, soak cotton wool (cotton swab) in the liquid, apply it to the itchy place. The method will help remove redness, rash, reduce inflammation.
  2. Use a teaspoon. Hold it for a few seconds in hot tea, then apply to the burning area. At first, there may be pain, but they pass.
  3. An unusual way to improve the patient's condition in one day is the use of earwax. Remove it first with a cotton swab, lubricate the sore areas three times a day.
  4. Take the garlic, squeeze the juice out of it and anoint the cold with it. If more convenient, you can cut the onion and rub it before going to bed.

Toothpaste for herpes

If you are thinking about how to treat a cold on the lips while outside the house (on the road, on a business trip), use toothpaste with fluoride, phytocomponents. It will help reduce itching, accelerate the healing of wounds, eliminate burning and have a drying effect. Spread the paste generously during daylight hours (maximum 3 applications per day), rinse with water after 20 minutes. There are no side effects, the remedy saves in the most difficult situations. If necessary, the paste can even be used to eliminate herpes in a child.
