Proven folk remedies for sciatica. Sciatica, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies Folk remedies for sciatica

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies at home is gaining more and more popularity due to the simplicity of the methods. However, due to the seriousness of the problem, even for home treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor, because prolonged pinching of a nerve in the mobile sciatic area can lead to various pathologies, including disability.

Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatic nerve is suddenly pinched by the femur. The result is severe pain almost instantly. In this state, a person is unable to work, and often even move. Pain sensations are concentrated in the lumbar region. However, the pain gradually expands, covering areas of the thigh and gluteal muscle on the side of the injury. In some cases, pain can even radiate to the foot area.

In addition, sciatica also affects the side of the body that is not damaged. Very often, the side opposite to the pinching becomes numb or a tingling sensation begins in this area of ​​the body. Sometimes such manifestations of pathology become so intense that they practically immobilize a person. Despite the fact that during the pinching process the nerve remains intact, the inflammatory process develops quite quickly, accompanied by increased pain.

In addition, sciatica is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a slight increase in body temperature, not exceeding 38 0 C. The cause of this phenomenon is the inflammatory process at the site of pinching;
  • decrease or sharp increase in sensitivity of the damaged area of ​​the body;
  • the appearance of noticeable lameness;
  • muscle weakness on the side of the injury.

Elevated body temperature with sciatica is easily reduced with conventional antipyretic drugs.


Before starting the sciatica treatment procedure, it is very important to determine the cause of the development of this pathology. Most often the problem arises due to the following phenomena:

  • mechanical damage to the hip muscles or bone tissue;
  • too intense or excessive physical activity;
  • presence of intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • infections of various types;
  • instability and displacement of spinal discs during pregnancy or with sudden significant weight gain;
  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • abscess;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological education.

The importance of identifying the root cause lies in a special approach to the treatment of various pathologies. Sciatica, caused by infectious diseases or pathologies of an inflammatory nature, requires exclusively complex therapy, including medication, acupuncture, and a visit to a physiotherapy room.

First aid

Due to particularly severe pain accompanying pinching and almost complete immobility, the patient needs urgent first aid. In this situation, even patients who are strict adherents of alternative medicine should use medications to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. In such situations, Nurofen or Ibuprofen is most often used for sciatica. In this case, the patient must be carefully laid on a flat, hard surface on his stomach. During this period, it is strictly forbidden to use rubbing, massage, or apply compresses, since such actions will only increase the pain and may increase tissue inflammation.

After the condition has improved, the patient with sciatica can be carefully placed on his back. In this case, you need to place pillows or a rolled blanket under the buttocks and lower back. If the patient does not feel better within 30 minutes, it is imperative to call an ambulance.

Treatment with folk remedies

The importance of diet for sciatica can hardly be overestimated, since even a couple of extra pounds can seriously aggravate the patient’s condition by creating additional stress on the pinched nerve.

With such a pathology as sciatica, treatment with folk remedies often gives a positive result. However, for this it is important to follow several general but mandatory rules:

  1. The sitting position of the body should not be maintained for longer than 2 hours in a row;
  2. Wearing shoes with high platforms or heels is strictly contraindicated.
  3. Be sure to increase the amount of B vitamins consumed by consuming vitamin complexes or more foods containing them.
  4. Be sure to keep your feet straight while walking.
  5. Always watch your posture. Slouching significantly increases the symptoms of sciatica.
  6. Sleeping in a supine position is unacceptable. The optimal position is on the side.
  7. Following a diet to normalize or maintain normal weight.

The importance of diet for sciatica can hardly be overestimated, since even a couple of extra pounds can seriously aggravate the patient’s condition by creating additional stress on the pinched nerve. In addition, dietary nutrition helps improve blood circulation and enhance immunity, which allows the body to better cope with the problem.

Recipes for sciatica

Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of traditional medicine methods and recipes, their use must be approved by the attending physician.

Treatment of sciatica with folk remedies mostly involves the use of compresses and baths. As an auxiliary general strengthening effect, medicinal tinctures and decoctions are taken internally.

The main recipes for home therapy for sciatica are:

  1. Cabbage leaf compress. To prepare it, place fresh cabbage leaves in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. After this time, they need to be taken out and cooled slightly. When warm, they are applied to the sore spot and wrapped with a warm scarf on top. It is necessary to wear such a compress until the pain disappears, replacing the sheets with new ones every 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Compress with beeswax. Beeswax heated to a soft state must be kneaded with your hands to the size of the area with obvious pain concentration, and applied there. From above, the body in this place is insulated with a bandage and covered with a blanket. The compress is kept for 1.5-2 hours a day. Most often, complete disappearance of sciatica symptoms occurs after 2-3 weeks.
  3. Burning compress with black radish against sciatica. After first peeling the black radish, grate it on a medium or fine grater. Wrap the resulting pulp in gauze or cotton cloth, making sure to soak it in the root juice released during grinding. This compress is applied to the sore spot, after which it must be insulated with a small layer of cellophane and heat-preserving fabric. The radish will cause a fairly strong burning sensation, but it must be kept on for as long as possible. The procedure should not be carried out daily.
  4. Rye dough compress. Based on rye flour and yeast, you need to knead a little dough and leave it to rise in a warm place. After 1-1.5 hours, the swollen warm dough is transferred to gauze and placed on the sore spot. In this case, the compress is additionally insulated with cotton and woolen fabric. It must be kept overnight.
  5. Pine needle bath against sciatica. To prepare it, add 1 kg of pine shoots to 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. This infusion is added to the bath with regular running water in a ratio of 1:15.
  6. Horseradish bath. The horseradish root is crushed and, together with the extracted juice, placed in a gauze bag, after which it is lowered into a bath of water. The water temperature should be 38-40 0 C. You can take such a bath for 15 minutes.
  7. Ant rub. In order to prepare this remedy for sciatica, you need to put honey mixed with apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio into a 0.5 liter bottle. This bottle is placed open in the place where red ants live. When the number of ants in the bottle is approximately half the container, the container is carefully closed with a lid. At home, warm vegetable oil is quickly poured inside it, and the bottle is closed again. The rubbing is allowed to stand for 1.5 - 2 weeks, after which it must be strained. This anti-sciatica remedy is used to rub the area where the pain occurs. After rubbing, the treated area of ​​skin is covered with parchment and wrapped in a warm woolen scarf. After almost a couple of procedures, the symptoms of sciatica will disappear.
  8. Rubbing with turpentine. To carry out the sciatica treatment procedure, turpentine ointment is gently but vigorously rubbed into the areas where acute pain occurs. Subsequently, this place must be immediately insulated with a woolen scarf. This rubbing is carried out 3-4 times a day and allows you to quickly cope with the symptoms of sciatica.
  9. A decoction of a collection of medicinal plants for the treatment of sciatica. To prepare the decoction, mix calendula and viburnum flowers, horsetail and thyme, 1 tbsp each. each plant. This whole mixture is poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered. It must be taken warm, 150 ml 3 times a day, 10 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  10. Dogwood decoction. To prepare it for the treatment of sciatica, 2 full tablespoons of dogwood are added to 0.4 liters of boiling water and, after stirring, boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the broth is filtered. It is taken 4 times a day, 150 ml before meals.

Sciatica can also be treated quite effectively by applying pepper plasters to the sore spot. However, despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of traditional medicine methods and recipes, their use must be approved by the attending physician. This necessity lies in the fact that in some processes accompanying the pathology, the use of warming agents can significantly aggravate the situation.

This entire process is completely controlled by the brain; its structure takes responsibility for the emotional state of a person, since the vessels and all internal organs are under the complete control of the cerebral hemispheres and stem.

Negative emotions, even minor ones, can lead to muscle tension, while positive ones, on the contrary, can lead to relaxation.

In order for you to be completely convinced that this is a true theory, you can consider one interesting nuance.

Men and women differ slightly in the structure of their bodies, the difference can be observed in the functioning of the brain.

In addition to psychological reasons, others may appear that lead to such a short-term illness as inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve:

Statistically, a pinched nerve occurs more often during exacerbations of osteochondrosis in humans (degeneration of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs). This occurs from pinched nerve branches when the intervertebral gap narrows.

Muscle spasms or hypertonicity only aggravates the situation and makes the person even more painful and uncomfortable.

When hypertonic muscles pinch nerves, blood vessels also begin to suffer. Blood circulation, brain function and internal organs deteriorate.

If this condition lasts for a long time, the nerve tissues die, and the sensitivity of some skin areas and parts of the body disappears. Also, a pinched nerve can become inflamed, which often happens with a disease such as radiculitis.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

The leading symptoms depend on where the pinching is located. Also, the inflammatory process (if present) greatly affects the manifestations of the disease. The duration (degree) of pinching and the causes of this pinching also affect the manifestation of the disease.

The most important symptom is the presence of sharp pain in the place where the nerve is pinched (neck, lower back, leg or arm). There is also limited movement.

In severe cases of pinching of the vertebral, cervical or sciatic nerves, compression of the spinal cord and impaired movement and sensitivity of the limbs may develop.

Such a violation can also cause paralysis or paresis.

When the cervical nerve is pinched, the neck muscles become tense. When you turn your head or, conversely, during long periods of immobility (during sleep, while sitting for a long time, etc.), the pain intensifies significantly.

Cervical vertebrae or intervertebral discs can also compress the cervical nerve if the person has osteochondrosis, prolapse (protrusion) or subluxation.

When treating such conditions, manual therapy and massage are best suited, which greatly relieve pain and help the intervertebral discs recover.

The sciatic nerve gets pinched for many reasons. It could be

  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • complicated osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • hypothermia;
  • overexertion, physical activity or injury leading to damage to the pelvic organs or muscular system.

Symptoms of pathology

The main manifestation of a pinched sciatic nerve is severe pain in the buttock and leg.

Painful sensations have the following characteristics:

A pinched sciatic nerve has certain symptoms. But due to the fact that the disease can occur in two forms, the symptoms are somewhat different. Symptoms are divided into the presence and absence of pain. Moreover, both forms have symptoms of neuralgia.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve manifest themselves as follows: the patient feels pain, burning, numbness, and malfunctions in the functioning of other organs begin.

Diagnosis of the disease

After the first symptoms appear, you need to immediately contact a neurologist and begin treatment for such an unpleasant illness. During the examination, the doctor may observe the following:

1. The mobility of the knees and joints of the feet decreases.

First of all, the specialist will interview the patient to identify complaints characteristic of the pathology and carry out a qualified examination, during which a decrease in sensitivity on the affected side and changes in tendon reflexes are noted.

Treatment of pathology

1. Turpentine and grated potatoes

Treatment of sciatica with turpentine is very common due to its powerful warming effect. But using turpentine in its pure form is strictly prohibited.

In order to make a healing lotion, a little turpentine is poured into a mass of grated potatoes and applied to the affected area, making sure to insulate it.

You can also soak stale bread with turpentine and also use it as a warming compress.

2. Grated beets and vinegar

One small beet is grated on a fine grater and the juice is carefully squeezed out. Beet pulp should be mixed with two tablespoons of water and vinegar, leave for an hour and apply the mixture to the lower back, tying a woolen cloth on top.

3. Honey and rye flour

Honey is a universal remedy from the arsenal of traditional medicine; it can be used for absolutely any disease. For example, liquid honey is mixed with rye flour, a flat pancake is made and applied to the sore spot overnight - this is a good way to calm the pain.

You can also add a little alcohol to the honey and rub the lower back thoroughly with this mixture, making sure to warm it after the procedure.

4. Therapeutic massage

Massage is considered an effective way to treat sciatica. It, like various folk remedies, warms up the inflamed areas and helps relieve pain and heal.

The massage must be preceded by mandatory warming up - you can take any pepper tincture or slightly warmed liquid honey. The massage begins with the soles of the feet, then you need to go up, carefully massaging the back of the legs and lower back.

After the massage, you need to lie down for at least an hour and a half, preferably covered with a woolen cloth.

5. Burdock root

People call burdock rhizome a cure for a hundred diseases; it will also help in case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. To make the medicine, you need to thoroughly clean the rhizome, chop it finely and cook in a very small amount of water for 10 minutes.

Then this water is mixed with wine (in a 1:1 ratio), and the wine is drunk in three doses per day.

6. Decoction of chamomile and elderberry flowers

Chamomile and elderberry flowers are boiled for several minutes. Then the raw materials are removed, and a woolen cloth is soaked in the hot broth and the sore spot is wrapped, the compress is changed as it cools.

7. Vegetable oil and lilac buds

Vegetable oil (preferably linseed or olive) should be boiled with lilac buds, then a cotton cloth moistened with such medicinal oil should be applied to the lower back for several hours.

To enhance the warming effect, it is recommended to boil a head of garlic in oil and treat it in the same way.

8. Warm baths

Various warm (not hot!) baths provide good relief. You can pour various decoctions into them - the best are considered to be decoctions made from conifer cones or oak bark.

9. Nettle

Stinging nettle is poured with hot water or boiling oil, boiled for about half an hour, then applied to the lower back. This remedy not only has a prolonged warming effect, but also actively heals, thanks to the special properties of nettle.

10. Aloe leaves and hot pepper

Aloe leaves are kneaded into a paste, hot red pepper is added to it and the resulting mixture is rubbed on the back for a week before bed.

Experts insist that as soon as the disease is discovered, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Quite a lot of those people who suffer from problems with the sciatic nerve, they all ask one single question, is it possible to treat the sciatic nerve at home.

Of course, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and get rid of it for a while. As a rule, treatment always takes place in two stages:.

1. The first stage involves relieving the patient of pain.

2. At the second stage, the cause that influenced the pinching is determined, after which all actions should be aimed at eliminating it.

Drug therapy is used. Many people prefer to resort to the help of traditional medicine, and in many cases everything is not ineffective. But we'll talk about this a little lower.

There are two main directions of treatment - conservative and surgical.

In case of exacerbation, the patient is recommended to rest in bed; the bed should have a hard mattress. It is necessary to limit physical activity and perform hygiene procedures only with outside support. As the condition improves, it is allowed to expand the regimen, but be sure to use a cane.

A special diet is important during an exacerbation, when a person is on bed rest. It is recommended to exclude smoked, fried and spicy foods from your daily diet.

Dishes must be warm. To avoid constipation, you should include liquid foods in your diet - meat, dairy and vegetable soups, porridge with milk.

Among the medications prescribed are the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal drugs against inflammation - Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Dexalgin, Denebol, Ketanov. At the initial stage of therapy, drugs are administered intramuscularly, then it is possible to use drugs in the form of tablets.
  • Ointments and gels – Voltaren, Finalgon, Diclofenac.
  • Means for protecting the gastric mucosa - Kvamatel, Ranitidine, Rabeprozole in combination with Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox.
  • Preparations for relieving back muscle spasms - Sirdalud, Mykodalm.
  • B vitamins to normalize the interaction of tissues with the affected nerve - Neurorubin, Milgamma.
  • For unbearable pain, novocaine blockades are used.

On the second day after the onset of the disease, special therapeutic exercises representing the movements of the foot and fingers are recommended. Further, during therapy, the patient is selected an individual gymnastic complex in accordance with the causes of pinching of the sciatic nerve.

Exercise therapy may include the following exercises:

  • bending the legs at the knees;
  • "bike";
  • lying with your legs raised at an angle of 90 degrees with your buttocks resting on a hard surface;
  • hip rotations and others.

Physiotherapeutic effects, including the following procedures, have a positive effect on the patient’s condition:

  • electrophoresis with Mydocalm, No-shpa, Novocaine.
  • magnetic therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • phonophoresis;
  • magnetic laser therapy.

After a period of exacerbation, sanatorium-resort treatment has a positive effect on the condition, allowing for complete recovery and eliminating the risk of relapse of the disease.

In severe and advanced cases, surgical treatment of the disease is used - laminectomy, microdiscectomy, puncture laser discectomy, radiofrequency thermal annuloplasty, facetectomy and percutaneous automated discectomy.

Traditional medicine is used to treat many diseases. Elimination of inflammation of the sciatic nerve can also be done using traditional methods.

But do not forget about the risks of self-medication. Therefore, before using the recipes of grandmothers and friends, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and determine contraindications.

In most cases, pinched nerve fibers can be cured only by eliminating the cause of the pathology. To do this, the patient will need to undergo diagnostics, and only then begin to treat the disease.

You cannot resort to traditional methods of treatment if the patient is diagnosed with neoplasms, destruction of the vertebrae or intervertebral hernia.

In such a situation, it is advisable not to risk self-medication, since folk recipes can only worsen the patient’s situation. If the inflammation is not associated with manifestations of other diseases, then you can safely begin to treat the pathology.

Self-medication involves the use of a variety of treatment methods, but before choosing which methods are suitable for the patient, you should make sure that he has no contraindications.

In order to get rid of pinched sciatic nerve, traditional medicine uses compresses and ointments, tinctures and decoctions or baths with the addition of medicinal herbs.

All recipes are used to relieve pain, as well as prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Compresses and ointments

External therapy effectively affects areas of inflammation and perfectly relieves pain. A pinched sciatic nerve can be treated with the following methods.

Add 200 grams of potato sprouts to 0.5 liters of vodka. The tincture must be kept for two weeks. The jar should be shaken periodically. The resulting rub is rubbed into the areas of pain. From above this place is wrapped with a warm scarf or handkerchief.

Mix a bottle of cologne and iodine. Six ground analgin tablets are added to the resulting liquid. It is necessary to insist for 24 hours. I rub the liquid into the inflamed areas. The rubbing areas are wrapped in something warm.

Herbal balm: aloe leaf (over 3 years), a tablespoon of celandine leaves, ground red pepper, 0.5 liters of vodka. The balm is infused for a week. The tincture is rubbed into sore spots.

You can rub pure black radish juice into the affected areas.

A pinched nerve is often not difficult to treat, and the results are noticeable even after the first session of manual therapy, acupuncture or Tibetan acupressure massage. Such procedures quickly relieve pain and also relax spasmodic muscles. The correct position of all intervertebral discs is restored, and the nerve endings are released. Pain syndrome is eliminated.

For prevention, in order to no longer get pinched nerves, various complex therapy is used, which includes various procedures from Tibetan medicine, such as moxotherapy, stone therapy, vacuum therapy, etc.

For severe pain due to a pinched nerve, the first aid remedy is to take painkillers and apply dry heat to the affected area. You need to lie down on a hard, flat surface and slightly raise your knees. It is necessary not to move for some time.

Treatment with ointments

In folk medicine there are many recipes for various healing ointments and also various oils that help cope with a pinched nerve that affects many people.

Treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve can be divided into several stages. The first stage of treatment is to eliminate the patient's pain. The second stage is to eliminate the cause that led to the infringement. If the sciatic nerve is inflamed or pinched due to swelling or muscle spasm, all of these above symptoms can be relieved with the help of medications. A prerequisite for treating sciatica is strict bed rest. The possibility of making any movements should be completely excluded. It will also not be superfluous if the patient undergoes a course of acupuncture. After the acute pain has passed and a period of remission has begun, you can continue treatment with courses of physiotherapy and traction, especially if there are problems with the lumbar region. A good method of treatment would be health-improving exercises; it will help not only eliminate symptoms, but also strengthen the muscle complex of the lumbar region.

In order to prevent this disease, you should devote more time to sports, or rather to strengthening the muscle corset of the whole body as a whole. The main condition for protecting against injuries is to reduce heavy physical labor to lighter ones, and also try not to get too cold. If the sciatic nerve has been pinched intervertebral hernia, then in this case the patient may require surgery. Also, in case of osteochondrosis, traction of the spinal column will be a mandatory part of the treatment. If the cause of the infringement is the formation of a tumor, then according to all indications it is necessary to perform surgery to remove the malignant tumor.

Folk remedies for treating pinched nerves

Traditional medicine has its own recipes for treating pinched sciatic nerves. For example, for this ailment, you can use a tincture of bay leaf.

To prepare this tincture you need 18 medium-sized bay leaves, which need to be poured with two hundred vodka and left to infuse for three days in a dark room.

Then, after the expiration of the period, the resulting tincture must be rubbed with massaging movements into the sacrum area. The effect is guaranteed after the fourth procedure.

To do this, you will need a full glass of potato sprouts, which you then need to fill with five hundred ml of vodka. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse for at least two weeks in a dark place.

After this period, the resulting tincture must be rubbed into the sore area every morning, after which a warm cloth should be applied and thereby insulate the area and continue walking until the evening.

A cake with honey will help in the fight against lumbosacral radiculitis. To prepare this product you will need a glass of flour and a tablespoon of honey.

From these ingredients, without adding water, we make a cake, which we subsequently apply to the sacral area before going to bed, cover the cake with cellophane and insulate it with a woolen scarf.

Guaranteed, in the morning the pain will be as if it never happened.

Another method from traditional medicine will help relieve pain from lumbosacral radiculitis. To do this, you will need two hundred milliliters of a seventy percent alcohol solution, in which ten tablets of analgin should be dissolved; add one bottle of a five percent iodine solution to the resulting mixture.

Next, the resulting mixture must be infused in a dark room for at least three days. After this period, the resulting tincture must be rubbed into the painful area overnight and be sure to insulate the area.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

  • Severe pain spreading from the lower back down the leg is familiar to many. Therefore, modern medicine provides effective treatment of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies. The fibers spread from the spinal cord, gather in a bundle and reach the foot. Branches extend to all muscle tissues.

    The sciatic nerve is responsible for physical activity in the legs. If there is no irritation, the fibers do not make themselves felt. Acute symptoms occur as a result of inflammation for some reason. Pain is considered the main symptom. Unpleasant sensations arise slightly below the lower back, are transferred to the buttocks, and pierce the entire leg.

    When moving, the pain is unbearable. In a calm state, the symptoms become nagging, aching, and a feeling of heaviness rarely occurs. Sleep problems arise because it is difficult to determine a comfortable position. Weakness appears due to a painful syndrome, the leg goes numb, colic begins, and the joints give way when moving.

    Pinching is one of the main causes of inflammation, caused by destructive processes in the spine:

    • Hernias appear in the intervertebral discs.
    • Osteochondrosis appears.
    • The bones become deformed and growths appear on them.
    • As a result, the nerve fibers are pinched, causing severe pain.

    When the sciatic nerve is irritated by injections, pain occurs in the buttock on one side, which is transferred to the lower back and lower in the leg. Muscles often go numb or have a tingling sensation. Inflammation occurs in several variants, the nature of the damage to the nervous tissue has a serious impact on this. Clinical symptoms can manifest themselves in several forms and drag on for a long time.

    The specialist will select the correct therapeutic technique when injections affect nerve tissue. Self-medication in such situations is prohibited.

    Injury during pregnancy

    The main symptoms of pinching occur when there is pain while walking or standing still. Shooting sensations are felt in the lumbar region. It becomes difficult to sleep or sit still. There is a negative impact on the future physical and psychological state.

    Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited. It will be difficult to establish a diagnosis based on symptoms alone; the list of approved drugs at this time is limited. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist for advice.


    Pinching often occurs due to infectious processes. Various diseases can cause problems with the sciatic nerve. The infection penetrates the fibers through the circulatory system or from nearby foci.

    Joint diseases

    When there are problems with joints, problems with bone tissue appear. When pressure is placed on the sciatic nerve, pain occurs. The exact location of the symptom is difficult to name. Pain appears in the hip, near the joint, making diagnosis difficult.

    Other causes of pinching:

    • The injection was given incorrectly.
    • Hypothermia.
    • Injury.
    • Flat feet, which causes skeletal imbalance.
    • Problems with posture.
    • Strong pressure on the spinal column.

    Treatment methods

    The disorder cannot be tolerated without therapy. Severe pain does not make it possible to move normally even in everyday conditions, so it is impossible to maintain the usual working regime if the sciatic nerve is pinched; measures will have to be taken.

    The mechanism of treatment of the sciatic nerve involves the following actions: use of analgesics, elimination of inflammation, therapy of the main pathology.

    The pain will have to be relieved first so that the patient can do his usual activities. To do this, strong painkillers are used in the form of injections, ointments, and tablets. In difficult situations, inflammation is blocked by novocaine, pain is reduced for a long time.

    To eliminate inflammation, NSAIDs are used, which are effective, have an analgesic effect, but have side effects that have a destructive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs. That's why Abuse of such drugs is not recommended.

    It is necessary to get rid of the root cause of the disease for successful treatment. Infections can be managed with antibiotics and antivirals. To eliminate pinched nerve fibers, the following are used:

    • Massage treatments.
    • Manual therapy.
    • Spinal column traction.
    • Gymnastics.
    • Physiotherapy, etc.

    Treatment of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies is most popular, since these recipes form an integral part of the treatment of such disorders.

    Use of traditional medicine

    Treatment of this disease lasts a long time and involves the use of recipes for heating and rubbing during massage. These techniques allow you to recover faster.

    Warming compress

    To eliminate the sciatic nerve, you need to create a warm compress. Crush the horseradish root through a meat grinder, mix with raw grated potatoes in equal proportions, add a little honey. The ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass and laid out on gauze, which is folded in half. After this, the lower back is smeared with vegetable oil, gauze with the resulting mass is placed.

    The compress is wrapped on top with polyethylene, a blanket and a pillow. During this therapy, it is unacceptable to move; you need to take a horizontal position all the time. The heat will be intense, and people often feel like they have a burn on their back. The skin turns a little red. Such procedures should be carried out every other day.

    Compress with fir oil

    You can use a compress with fir oil. To do this, you need to soak a cloth in the liquid and apply it to the sore spot, rub it into the skin, spread out the cellophane, then use a heating pad. Before use, the lower back should be treated with vegetable oil and held for 1-2 hours.


    Shilajit was often used to relieve symptoms of pinched sciatic nerves. To prepare the medicine, you need to add purified sulfur to the plant, dilute it with warm water and rub it in after bathing. Such events are held every day.

    For 5 days, consume mumiyo orally before breakfast. For a full recovery, therapy will need to be carried out several times.

    Other healthy recipes

    • Aspen leaves Boil for half an hour and should be consumed in small portions every four hours. This is a wonderful addition to warm compresses.
    • Rye flour dough used as a compress, the course of such therapy lasts 10 days. Knead the dough from 3 tbsp. rye flour and 3 tbsp. lie propolis, add honey. Apply to the area where the pinching occurred, cover with polyethylene, wrap with a warm scarf, and hold for a long time.
    • Treatment with leeches carried out this way. The first one should be placed 3 cm below the popliteal fossa. After 3 cm, place the second one, and at the same distance place the 3rd one.

    • Baths with a decoction of pine shoots. The plant is boiled for several minutes, filtered, and poured into the bath in a ratio of 1:15. The water temperature will be 34-35 degrees. The duration of the procedure is approximately 15 minutes.
    • Problem areas are desirable warm up with a red lamp, allowing to eliminate infection and inflammatory process.
    • Black radish weighing about 300 g is heated on a small grater, then honey is added there. You need to go to the bathhouse and steam properly, place the prepared paste on the sore leg for 5-10 minutes, then rinse, cover under a blanket, and sweat thoroughly. Sometimes it is enough to perform this procedure once.

    • Potato sprouts infuse with 0.5 vodka for 2 weeks away from light sources, periodically the contents need to be shaken. You need to rub it into the problem area and wrap it in something warm.
    • Iodine, cologne and analgin Stir until smooth, use to rub into the inflamed area, then wrap the lower back with a warm scarf.
    • Do balm based on herbs from celandine leaves, aloe, pepper pod, vodka. The tincture is prepared for a week, then used for rubbing.

    • Warm wax spread on the inflamed area, covered with polyethylene, and left until the morning.
    • Bath with angelica decoction. The plant is soaked for 2 hours, then boiled for half an hour. This bath should be taken every day for 2 weeks.
    • Aloe with red pepper can be crushed and applied to the sore area, then insulated with a scarf or handkerchief. After 5-6 repetitions, in most cases it is possible to restore health.
    • Agave medicine. To do this, the leaves of the plant are torn so that the juice can be applied to the lower back and the entire place where the pain comes from. often the leaves are cut into small fragments and applied to the pinched area.
    • Water ointment. The plant is finely chopped, mixed with vegetable oil, and used to rub into the diseased area.

    Recipes for internal use

    Tinctures and decoctions can be taken internally. The greatest benefit can be obtained from the following recipes:

    • 2 tbsp. lie Dried calendula pour boiling water, brew for 2 hours, consume before meals.
    • 1 tbsp. lie Finely chopped burdock roots should be boiled for 5 minutes over low heat, poured with red wine, consumed 2 times a day.
    • Horse chestnut grains are brewed for 2 hours, the product is consumed 100 ml before meals.
    • 1 tbsp. lie small roots of elecampane are boiled for 15 minutes. Use the product if a chronic form of pinching develops before meals, 2 times a day.

    • Hazel powder is mixed with grated leaves of this plant, boiled for 10 minutes, the purified liquid is consumed 4 times a day.
    • Dried viburnum, calendula and thyme are mixed, diluted with water, boiled for a couple of minutes, infused for 2 hours, and consumed warm 3 times a day before meals.

    To avoid the need to use traditional medicine, it is better not to expose the body to hypothermia, not to carry heavy objects, and not to overload the spine.

    A few simple folk recipes

    You can relieve tension and inflammation from your nerves using the simplest means.


    Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been used to treat sciatica using folk remedies. This product is beneficial; favorable conditions arise in the intestines for the proliferation of favorable microflora. Increased content of B vitamins will promote recovery. The dish is used for preventive purposes, but does not have an analgesic effect.

    Boiled beans

    Peeled shells of fresh beans are brewed for internal consumption of liquid. It is possible to obtain a diuretic effect, relieve unpleasant symptoms, and increase the amount of vitamin B in the body, which stimulates the restoration of nerve fibers.

    Aspen leaves

    You need to take a full tablespoon of the ingredient, brew it, and consume it 4 times a day before meals.

    Drug treatment

    To make the treatment effect better, you need to use ointments or do injections. We list the products for rubbing into the skin:

    • Finalgon. It is used to rub problem areas, eliminates pain, and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Viprosal contains viper venom. Before treatment, the skin area needs to be warmed up so that the pain-relieving effect is stronger.
    • Betalgon. Stimulates blood circulation of the skin in the problem area, in addition to its analgesic effect.
    • Carmolis. The medicine is created using vegetation. The composition includes menthol, Chinese lemongrass, thyme and other beneficial ingredients. The drug also relieves pain.

    The following injectables are used to treat pinched sciatic nerves: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen.

    Medicines have contraindications and side effects; you do not need to use them alone. To improve your health, you need a comprehensive approach.

    Treatment at home

    At home, it takes a long time to treat the infringement. It requires patience, adherence to instructions and careful attention to your own condition. The main therapeutic methods include massage procedures, special ointments, and physiotherapy.

    You need to massage your lower back and the pinched area for at least half an hour. Only a professional should be involved in this procedure. Dry cups can be used in situations where it is not possible to complete the entire course with a massage therapist.

    Doctors' advice for treatment at home:

    • Do not sit for more than 2 hours. Warm up periodically.
    • When walking, do not twist your legs, place your feet straight.
    • Maintain correct posture, do not slouch.
    • Provide rest for your back, sleep on your side, bending your knee joints.
    • Try to lose weight, reduce the load on the spine.
    • Eat foods with high concentrations of vitamin B.
    • Do not wear high heels often.


    Helps cope with. This is one of the most effective treatment methods. It is necessary to perform exercises to stretch the sciatic region, during which the muscle tissues relax better and stop pinching the nerve.

    Let's list the main exercises:

    • In a lying position, squeeze one knee with your hands and pull it up. Transfer to your shoulder, then hold for a while. Repeat these steps with the second leg.
    • In a lying position, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. The arms are crossed on the chest, the body is raised, the shoulders must be lifted off the floor 15 times without a break.

    You can perform various exercises to stretch your legs in a horizontal position.

    When diagnosing sciatica, doctors prescribe medications aimed at relieving pain and eliminating inflammation. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies is beneficial, but in addition to this you will need physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and reflexology. Many doctors speak positively about non-traditional methods of treating pinched sciatic nerves.

    Sciatica- neuralgia of the femoral and sciatic nerve.

    Causes of the disease

    1. Diseases of the spine.

    2. Arthritis.

    3. Hypothermia.

    4. Trauma.

    5. Constipation.

    6. Diabetes mellitus.

    The cause of sciatica can be infectious diseases such as tonsillitis, flu, rheumatism, tuberculosis and others, and colds, that is, primarily severe hypothermia. Other causes of sciatica may include diseases and injuries of the spine and joints, diseases of the genitourinary organs, and alcohol abuse.

    Diagnosis of the disease is based on examination and collection of complaints.


    with sciatica, unbearable pain appears along the sciatic nerve and its branches. Pain is constantly present to one degree or another, intensifying with “unsuccessful” movements.

    Manifestations of the disease include pain in the lower back, buttock, back of the thigh and lower leg. Usually one leg is affected. The pain intensifies with physical activity, disappears or decreases with rest. As a rule, with a severe attack of pain, vital functions are disrupted: the patient can neither sit, nor lie, nor walk. The muscles of the sore leg become flabby and lose tone.


    Treatment includes the prescription of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. After the pain attack subsides, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed. The prognosis for life is favorable. There is no specific prevention.

    Treating sciatica is quite difficult and requires time and persistence. The best help is intense massage with some sharp ointments and warming up the sore spots with the “red color” of a special lamp. You need to massage for 30-35 minutes, preferably every day or every other day. Among the sharp ointments, a volatile ointment consisting of one part of ammonia and two parts of any vegetable oil works well.

    Treatment of sciatica is long-term and includes massages, rubbing and heating.

    For whom massage is contraindicated, you can place dry cups on the sacrum and back of the thigh from time to time. For severe pain, take hot baths twice a day.

    Folk home remedies

    Rub the sore spot with bear or badger lard;

    Visit the sauna twice a week and strongly steam the sore spots with a birch broom;

    Apply horseradish leaves to the sore spot and cover with a woolen scarf;

    Rub the sore spots with an infusion of unblown birch buds in vodka;

    Wear red pants, wool or flannel;

    Take baths with pine extract.

    In order not to provoke relapses of sciatica, you should avoid



    Use the cut side of a fresh leaf of an indoor agave flower to lubricate the sore spot along the nerve. You need to use a leaf of the plant that is not very young (has a weak effect), but also not very old (burns the skin). Cut the leaf closer to the trunk, cut off the thorns, wash, cut lengthwise. You need to rub it 1-2 times a day. Later, you can simply cut the leaf into pieces and apply it for 2-3 hours every day.

    1. Rub the areas affected by sciatica with the juice of an indoor agave flower, not very young (it has a weak effect), but not very old (it burns the skin). Wash the flower leaf, cut it closer to the trunk, cut off the spines, divide it flat, squeeze out the juice and rub it with it. The first time you rub it does not take long, since the skin is so tender that strong rubbing “takes your heart away.” Therefore, you need to rub the sore spots twice a day. Sometimes a rash appears after this, but it then dries up and disappears. The product also works very well for rheumatism of the legs.

    2. Wear red flannel or knitted woolen pants directly on your naked body without taking them off.

    3. Rub the sore spot with bear lard every day for a month.

    Treatment with color

    As you know, red color treats viral infections and relieves inflammation. Therefore, for sciatica, it is recommended to warm up the sore spots with a special red lamp.

    Treatment with stones and minerals

    For treatment, jade, agate in the form of pendants, amethyst and carnelian are used on the eyes. Stones can be worn as jewelry.

    Polished minerals are used for acupressure. In addition to carnelian and amethyst, amber, silicon and feldspars are quite suitable for these purposes. One of the ways to treat with minerals is to infuse them in water to activate, energize and structure it. Stone powder is also used by adding it to medicinal creams and ointments.


    A ring healing magnet is applied to the sore spot for no more than 30 minutes with the working side facing the body, and the arrow is adjusted along the vertical lines of the body. It is recommended to wear the sheet magnetic applicator continuously until the pain is relieved, but not more than 1 week. Then take a break for 4-5 days and repeat the course of treatment. Micromagnets in the form of small particles are also used, which are applied to the lower back and along the diseased nerve or its branches, secured with a plaster for 3-5 days. 3-4 times a day you need to press each micromagnet for 1-2 minutes, thereby combining the magnetic action with acupressure.

    Treatment with leeches

    For sciatica, stagnation of blood and stretching of the arteries, 6 leeches are used. 3 leeches - along the midline of the back surface of the leg, stepping back from the popliteal fossa by 3 cm - the first leech, 3 cm down - the second and even lower by 3 cm - the third. In the same way, leeches are placed on the other leg.

    Shilajit treatment

    Since ancient times, mumiyo has been used to treat sciatica and acute inflammatory radiculitis in general.


    Shilajit is also used in the form of electrophoresis of a 4% solution in distilled water for 15-20 minutes at a current of 5 to 20 mA. 10-15 sessions are carried out. Due to the high efficiency of this method, the need to administer mummy internally is somewhat reduced. In combination with Shilajit electrophoresis, lidase is used. It prevents and resolves scar processes inside the nerve, promoting the proper growth of nerve fibers. Shilajit has a stimulating effect on the restoration processes of nervous tissue. In patients with mild sciatica, after 1-2 courses of treatment, all functions are completely restored: all types of sensitivity are restored, the range of active movements in the joints, and muscle strength in the affected limb.

    Rubbing agent


    2 g mummy, 1 teaspoon purified sulfur powder.

    Cooking method.

    Mix mummy and sulfur.

    Mode of application.

    After a warm bath, rub the mixture with a few drops of warm water until dry. Carry out the procedure once a day, every day.

    Internal use of mumiyo

    Shilajit is taken orally 0.1 g 2 times a day in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and at night before bed for 4-5 days. Carry out 3-5 courses of treatment until recovery. It can also be used as a 3% solution of 25 ml 2 times a day.


    Bees are placed along the nerves, for lumbosacral radiculitis - and on the lumbosacral region. Stinging is used as follows.

    On the 1st day - one sting in the lumbar region, another along the diseased nerve 4 cm above the popliteal fossa on the back of the thigh.

    On the 2nd day - the first time in the lumbar region between the III and IV lumbar vertebrae, the second and third times - along the nerve in the place of the gluteal fold, 3 cm below the protrusion of the tibia.

    In total, 55 stings are made for 1 course of treatment. Every day the number of bees is increased, by the 10th day there are up to 10 bees at a time. When the bee's poisonous vesicle is completely emptied, that is, it stops contracting, the sting is pulled out and the body is lubricated with any indifferent ointment.

    Rubbing in propolis ointment

    An excellent effect in the treatment of sciatica is observed when 15% propolis ointment is rubbed into the sore spot and then heated with a Minin lamp.

    Avicenna method


    50 g ammonium chloride, 50 ml purified turpentine, 50 g birch tar, 50 ml camphor oil, 10 ml wine alcohol, 100 ml vinegar essence, 15 razor blades.

    Cooking method.

    Place razor blades into the essence and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then add the remaining components to the solution. Shake before use.

    Mode of application.

    Rubbing agent


    1 kg of fresh red fly agaric caps.

    Cooking method.

    Cut the caps, place in a glass jar, close and place in a water bath. Heat until a jelly-like mixture forms.

    Mode of application.

    Medical emulsion


    6 tbsp. spoons of iris root, 500 ml of vegetable oil.

    Cooking method.

    Grind the root of the plant or mince it, mix with vegetable oil.

    Mode of application.

    Rub 1-2 times a day into sore areas; do not rinse off during the day.


    The following types of plants are widely used as an auxiliary type of therapy for sciatica: black radish, common thyme, horseradish, mistletoe, oats, steppe, agave, birch, capsicum.



    1 tbsp. spoon of viburnum flowers, thyme herb, calendula flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail grass, 500 ml of water.

    Cooking method.

    Grind the collection, 2 tbsp. Pour water over spoons, boil for 5 minutes, and then cool.

    Mode of application.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day warm before meals.

    Infusion for lower back pain


    2 tbsp. spoons of dogwood leaves, 400 ml of water.

    Cooking method.

    Pour boiling water over dogwood leaves, boil for 15 minutes, cool for 10 minutes and strain.

    Treatment of the sciatic nerve folk remedies aimed at restoring the normal state of the body. After eliminating the causes of inflammation, folk remedies are used. Find out what causes inflammation of the sciatic nerve and how to get rid of pain with the help of alternative medicine.

    The sciatic is the largest nerve in the human body. It begins in the lumbar region, at the bottom of the spine. It is the lower spine that bears the main load. Next, the sciatic nerve branches along the entire leg - along the thigh, ankle joint, lower leg, feet, right down to the toes.

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve It is quite difficult not to notice - it is accompanied by painful sensations. Most often these are nagging pains in the legs. Other symptoms have also been identified that are signs of nerve inflammation.

    Signs of inflammation

    • Drawing pain in the gluteal muscles, back of the thigh and lower leg.
    • When pressing on the nerve, pain is felt.
    • Weakening of muscle tone at the site of inflammation.
    • Sensations of tingling and burning at the site of inflammation.
    • The skin becomes numb, the appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin.
    • When raising your legs up, pain appears in the lower back.

    Causes of inflammation

    There are not many causes of inflammation; the most common is a pinched nerve. Pinching occurs as a result of squeezing or pinching of one or more nerve roots. Pinching can occur during periods of muscle spasms, protrusions, when there are bone growths or thickening of ligaments in the body, as well as due to intervertebral hernias or osteochondrosis.

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be caused by hypothermia, bruises and torn ligaments, wounds and cuts.

    Traditional recipes for relieving inflammation of the sciatic nerve

    The essence of treatment with folk remedies is to eliminate the consequences of inflammation, bringing the body to a normal state.

    “Before using traditional medicines, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of inflammation through medication, surgery or therapy.”

    The procedures that we will present to you are aimed at restoring the damaged nerve, improving blood circulation and strengthening muscle tissue.

    Recipes for external use

    Effective in treatment warming compresses made from beeswax and turpentine . The course of application of compresses is 10 days.

    Recipe 1

    Heat beeswax until soft and apply to the affected area. Cover the top with a plastic bag and apply a bandage or gauze. Keep the compress until it cools completely, apply before bed.

    Recipe 2

    Dissolve two parts of turpentine in three parts of water at room temperature. Blot the crust of black bread with this mixture and apply it to the affected area. Wrap with cling film. Leave for 15 minutes. A burning sensation will be felt, if it becomes unbearable, the procedure should be stopped.

    Recipe 3

    Knead the rye dough without yeast. Oxidize it, apply a 2 cm layer of dough on gauze or cloth, and apply it to the sore spot overnight. To enhance the therapeutic warming effect, add up to 30 drops of turpentine to the dough.

    Recipe 4

    Pour boiling water over birch leaves and apply a compress to the sore spot. Cover with film and leave for 2-3 hours.

    Used in the treatment of sciatic nerve hot baths using herbs . This treatment involves a two-week course of daily baths.

    Recipe 5

    Pour 50 g of crushed angelica roots into a liter of hot water. Leave for a couple of hours, and then boil over low heat for another half hour. Pour into a filled bathtub with water at a temperature of up to 37°C. Apply every evening before bed.

    Recipe 6

    Pass the horseradish root (60-70 grams) through a meat grinder, place it in a gauze bag and lower it into a bath of warm water - 37 degrees. Take a bath for 5 minutes.

    Recipe 7

    Take 1 kg of young pine shoots and pour three liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, covering tightly with a lid. Then leave for four hours. Pour into the bathroom in the following proportion - take 1 liter of decoction for 15 liters of water. The water temperature should be no more than 35°C. Lie in the bath for no more than 15 minutes.

    Recipe 8

    Pour 30 grams of six-petalled meadowsweet with a liter of boiling water and boil for 30 minutes. Leave for another half hour and pour into the bath.

    Rubbing with decoctions also gives a good effect.

    Prepare a tincture from 100 grams of white acacia flowers and 300 grams of vodka. Keep in a warm place for a week. Rub the sore spots with the tincture.

    You can rub the sore spots with freshly squeezed black radish juice. To enhance the effect, you can add melted honey to the juice.

    For 300 ml of alcohol, take 2 tablespoons of white lilac flowers. Leave in the dark for a week. Then strain and rub the sore spots up to four times a day.

    Prescriptions for oral medications

    Inflammation of the nerve is also relieved by the internal use of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Good antiseptics are calendula, horse chestnut, and burdock.

    Consider the following recipes:

    1. Take two cups of boiling water for two tablespoons of calendula flowers. Leave in a closed container for a couple of hours. Before meals, drink 100 ml of tincture, four times a day.

    2. Pour 2 teaspoons of horse chestnut seeds into two glasses of boiling water and hold for 15 minutes over a water bath. Strain. Drink 100 ml before meals.

    3. Alcohol tinctures. Grind the burdock root and pour 1 tablespoon into a glass of Cahors. Heat the solution over low heat for 5 minutes. This is the norm for the day. Drink 0.5 glasses before breakfast and dinner. You can also make compresses from burdock. Apply leaves scalded with boiling water to the sore spots and wrap with film.

    Using these recipes, you can efficiently and inexpensively relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve. We wish you strong and healthy nerves!