Psychological causes of the development of endometriosis and adnomyosis. Psychosomatics

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

1. ENDOMETRIOSIS— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Absence feelings security, disappointment and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar.

Love and harmony in my heart help me make the right decisions and act effectively.

2. ENDOMETRIOSIS— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.

Possible positive thought form

I am strong and desirable. It's great to be a woman. I love myself, I am happy with my achievements.


Physical blocking

Endometriosis is a very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the lining of the uterus are found on the genitals and in other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.
Emotional blockage

The main emotional block of this disease is the woman’s inability give birth child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability to give birth and create in other areas - with regard to ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.

Mental block

This disease tells you that your attitude towards childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.

My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbearing itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.

A person’s thoughts shape consciousness, create mood, and influence life in general. It has been scientifically proven that the disease has psychological roots. The psychosomatics of endometriosis, like other diseases of the gynecological spectrum, is that a woman does not accept her essence.

Endometriosis is a disease that affects women whose priorities include career growth and material wealth.

Such qualities as determination, activity, and conquering new heights originally belonged to men.

Women with this character think like men. Denial of feminine qualities leads to cell proliferation and the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia.

Violation of gender identity as a cause of endometriosis

A child is born into a family and until a certain moment does not realize which gender he belongs to. With the help of his immediate environment, his parents, he begins to identify himself with a boy or a girl. Sex-role behavior is formed.

In adolescence, gender-role identification is influenced by relationships with peers and the opposite sex. A girl accepts her role when there is a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family and an adequate model of parental relationships is present.

Destructive relationships leave their mark on the personality, remain in the subconscious and lead to serious diseases such as endometriosis.

A father's caring attitude or dominance are important factors in shaping a girl's gender identity. In families where the father did not give the proper amount of affection, attention, or was physically absent, the girl experiences disturbances in the sphere of perception of her femininity.

Endometriosis suggests that the female essence is not formed, distorted or unconscious by the woman.

Psychological, mental and emotional reasons for the development of the disease

Endometriosis is a physiological expression of the absence of a “psychological” home. In a woman’s psyche, this is reflected in the thoughts: “I’m not needed,” “I need to look for my home somewhere.” The feeling of home is associated with a sense of psychological safety.

If a girl grew up in a dysfunctional family, she did not feel comfort and warmth. It happens that women were healed by creating their own family.

Zhikharentsev's theory.

According to the materials described in the book by V. Zhikharentsev, lack of harmony in the soul, replacement of positive emotions with sweets, loss of control and a sense of security are the reasons that affect the reproduction of endometrial cells.

Louise Hay described endometriosis as a physical expression of feelings of insecurity, disappointment and sadness. Since childhood, the girl has been reproached and displeased by her parents. The treatment is to accept your attractiveness, the joy of achievements.

Liz Burbo's theory.

According to Liz Burbo, the cause of all psychosomatic diseases is blockage of energy on the physical, emotional, mental level.

An emotional block occurs when a woman cannot have a child for some reason. This may be fear of responsibility, pain, death, physical and mental suffering.

Women's fears block the ability to procreate. Independent, active women direct their energy into work instead of being fulfilled in motherhood.

An emotional block can form if for a woman the idea of ​​having a baby reaches the level of an overvalued idea. The body begins to “help” by forming an additional layer of cells. Adenomyosis develops.

The fear of losing your figure, losing your job, and inability to raise a child is concentrated in the organs of the reproductive system. By getting rid of irrational ideas about motherhood, a woman gets a chance to recover. Otherwise, there is a risk of endometrial hyperplasia.

Endometriosis and relationships with men

Lack of trust in relationships, feelings of insecurity and humiliation destroy the feminine principle. The role of the victim in a relationship, disappointment in the opposite sex provokes the proliferation of cells.

Women who blame, control, and make claims against their partner often suffer from infertility due to endometriosis. They highly value moral qualities - decency, loyalty, replacing love with them.

From a psychological point of view, representatives of the fair sex who have certain characterological characteristics suffer from endometriosis:

  • Increased anxiety;
  • Perfectionism;
  • Tendency to self-aggression, dissatisfaction with oneself.

A number of psychiatrists and psychotherapists consider endometriosis and adenomyosis as a psychogenic autoimmune reaction. A focus of excitation (an expression of internal aggression) is formed in the cerebral cortex. It acts as a trigger for the growth of destructive reactions.

Female diseases, or diseases of the female genital organs, are quite diverse, therefore, according to their origin, they are classified into the following groups.

  • Inflammatory diseases:

Vulvitis– inflammation of the external genitalia as a result of poor personal hygiene or diseases of the urinary system (primary) or inflammation of the reproductive organs (secondary).

Colpitis– inflammation of the uterine mucosa due to infection.

Adnexitis or salpingoophoritis– inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes due to infection.

Ectopia (erosion)– inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix due to injury or bacteria and the papilloma virus.

  • Hormonal diseases:

Amenorrhea– absence of a menstrual cycle for 6 months or more.

Bacterial vaginosis(gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbiosis) is a non-inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa due to changes in the composition of the microflora.

Vaginal or uterine bleeding– dysfunctional diseases due to disruption of the ovaries.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)– mental, vegetative-vascular and hormonal disruptions before the start of a new menstrual cycle.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)– changes in the structure and functionality of the ovaries due to endocrine and neurometabolic disorders.

  • Hyperplastic female diseases:

Cyst- a benign hollow growth with fluid inside on the ovaries, in the uterus or vagina.

Myoma– a benign neoplasm in the muscular layer of the uterus as a consequence of an increase in the level of female hormones.

Fibroids– benign formation of connective tissue elements due to hormonal imbalance.

Polyp– benign formation in the uterine region or ecclesiastical canal.

Endometriosis– active growth of the endometrium of the uterus due to decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance or genetic diseases.

Cervical cancer– a malignant tumor of the mucous lining of the cervix in the zone of transition of the cervical epithelium to the vaginal epithelium.

Uterine cancer– a malignant tumor disease of the endometrium, the inner epithelial layer.

Separately, we should highlight such a disease as prolapse of the uterus (prolapse). This is a pathological condition in which the fundus of the cervix moves due to weakening of its muscles and ligaments.

When running, it may happen uterine prolapse.

Common symptoms of female diseases are: menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, copious mucous discharge of different shades with or without odor, spotting, uterine bleeding, discomfort, sometimes urinary disorder, etc.

The causes of the development of female diseases: hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalances, infections, diseases of the urinary system, difficult pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

Adverse factors contributing to the development of female diseases: hypothermia, frequent changes of partners, poor hygiene, smoking and alcohol, poor diet, weakened immunity, lack of vitamins, heavy workload, stress, etc.

It was revealed that how a woman perceives herself as a female and her sexuality, as well as the woman’s beliefs and attitudes associated with these aspects of her personality- all this affects the health of her reproductive organs.

This is evidenced by the very designation of diseases of the female genital organs as “female diseases,” which emphasizes their connection with female self-identification, feeling like a woman.

Since we are talking here about the unhealthy state of the female organs, this clearly indicates the absence of this sensation.

Another decisive point in the occurrence of female diseases is woman's attitude towards close men(father, husband, brother). That is, the negative thoughts and feelings of a woman (girls) towards them triggers negative processes in the genitals.

Psychological causes of some female diseases

According to the observations of psychologists, the basis premenstrual syndrome lies deep rejection of one's femininity. It has been revealed that this cause appears from children's relationship with mother as the first ideal of a woman.

Resentment, anger, irritation, fear, hatred towards mother blocks a girl’s connection with her inner woman as an adult. This is due to the fact that in childhood, due to problems in relations with her mother, the girl takes the decision not to be like her, which means: not to be a woman.

Dr. Sinelnikov claims that genitals symbolize feminine principles, so problems with them ( inflammation of the external genitalia, vaginitis, leucorrhoea) reflect the fear of not being up to par, fear for one’s femininity, doubts about one’s femininity.

These diseases also manifest themselves subconscious aggression towards men (resentment, irritation, contempt, anger). At the same time, the patient feels hurt as a woman, believes that women are powerless to influence the stronger sex.

Thrush occurs when a woman regrets the lost spiritual purity, lives in longing for his ideal self. Thrush can be the result of thoughts about uncleanliness, sinfulness of the genitals or sex.

Sometimes the psychosomatic cause of this illness is belief in right and wrong decisions, and self-punishment for non-compliance other people's assessments.

It has been revealed that the basis of chronic thrush that cannot be treated is deep trauma(conflict, violence, etc.).

Ovaries, believes V. Sinelnikov, symbolize women's creative centers, so problems with the ovaries indicate problems with the implementation of the feminine principle in this world. This is hampered by negative thought blocks towards oneself as a woman and towards men.

According to psychologist Liz Burbo, problems with fallopian tubes point to blocking the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in oneself. Such a woman experiences difficulties in relationships with men, cannot build her life the way she wants.

Salpingitis like inflammation of the pipes, symbolizes suppressed anger.

Liz Burbo writes that adhesions occur in a person who hardened and stubbornly clings to his beliefs and ideas in order to better resist some kind of aggression.

Fibroids symbolize hatred of someone or something living in a woman.

Polyps, as A. Astrogor writes in the book “Confession of Sores,” symbolize “ frozen tears of self-pity" A woman has a lot of grievances against men, she feels sorry for herself and doesn’t understand why she does this.

Myoma reflects an unrealized subconscious desire to have a child due to the exaggeration of the importance of motherhood as an indicator of belonging to the female gender. That is, a woman wants to have a child, because she believes that a woman without a child is not a woman.

It was revealed that women with fibroids differ long-term grievances against loved ones, a tendency to bad mood and depression.

Luule Viilma explains the appearance of fibroids fear of “they don’t love me” or feelings of guilt towards the mother.

Another cause of fibroids is over-involvement in motherhood, bellicose thoughts associated with motherhood, anger.

V. Sinelnikov points out that fibroids often appear in those who “bears” the insult inflicted on her and cannot forgive. Woman believes that her feminine pride was insulted, reproaches herself as a woman and blames men.

The doctor emphasizes that women with fibroids they do not know how or do not want to forgive.

Another cause of fibroids may be fear of uselessness or old age due to the weakening role of a woman as a mother in a family with older children. At the same time, the woman there is no vision of other ways to realize oneself as a woman.

Uterine bleeding Dr. Luule Viilma explains anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers to be to blame for her maternal failure.

Sinelnikov writes that this illness symbolizes passing joy due to long-standing grievances and anger. Another reason he sees dislike and contempt for husband.

According to A. Astrogor, if a benign tumor indicates that a person is basically kind, but keeps it to himself offense, then the malignant tumor contains “evil” - an attempt to take revenge on the offender.

The psychosomatic cause of uterine prolapse is also clearly explained by A. Astrogor: woman “lowers” ​​her femininity below the lowest level and begins to behave like a man, like a boy (not like a woman).

Psychosomatics of cervical erosion

Psychologists and doctors have identified the basis of this illness as follows: strong resentment of a woman against a man that unreleased negative energy “corrodes” from the inside.

Psychological characteristics of patients with erosion show that they differ lack of ability to be feminine, lack of understanding of how you can realize yourself next to a man, how to properly use your feminine energy.

Such women experience conflicting feelings: needs to be feminine, but doesn’t want to give in to men. From here there is a struggle within them to defend their rights, which is harmful to women’s health.

Dr. N. Volkova emphasizes that erosion is based on grievances against close men (father, husband, brother), and the basis of these grievances is expectation (“should”, “must”, etc.).

V. Sinelnikov sees this illness as wounded female pride, as well as the belief that she is flawed as a woman. A patient with erosion cannot and does not know how to realize yourself as a woman.

Dr. Luule Viilma revealed that the cause of erosion can be dissatisfaction with sex life.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis

Louise Hay points out the following causes of the disease: feeling of insecurity, sadness and disappointment, replacing self-love with sugar, reproaches.

Liz Burbo explains this disease a woman’s inability to give birth to a child due to the fact that she loves to lead and “gives birth” to ideas in other areas.

Another cause of endometriosis may be fear of childbirth as something dangerous, which overrides even a strong desire for motherhood.

N. Volkova writes that women with this disease are characterized by negative thinking and inability to enjoy life. They see the situation only from the bad side and panic, seeing no way out. They also have a pronounced lack of harmony between the psyche and body

V. Sinelnikov sees the cause of endometriosis feeling insecure as a woman (feeling attacked or expecting bad things from a man).

This disease can also be caused by a woman’s mental state when she she cannot and does not know how to realize herself as a woman, so she reproaches both herself and men.

As the doctor notes, often the psychosomatic cause of endometriosis is dislike for husband, but the woman stays with him because of decency and other feelings.

A. Astrogor explains the occurrence of this disease by the fact that a woman “ pouted, offended, with bloody tears looking for pity and protection" Therefore, he begins to discuss his life and husband with others. The author advises: do not take out dirty linen and dirt from the hut - it will come back to you, but as mental dirt with manifestation in your body.

Ways to Heal

Healing from female diseases begins with remembering (as many forget) that you are in a woman's body (not a man's!) and the realization that you were born in a female body for a reason.

Why did you choose (yes, you yourself chose, or rather, your soul) a female body? Most likely, in order to get the life experience you (your soul) needs related to feminine energies.

Considering that the goal of the Divine World surrounding us is development and improvement, then the purpose of human life is also development and improvement.

This means that you were born as a woman (in the body given to you by God) so that develop in this direction, but not the other way around!

What means " develop as a woman»?

Open your Heart (in which a woman is strong), raise the level of your feminine Consciousness, develop feminine qualities in yourself: Love, Spiritual Light and Warmth, Kindness, balance, gentleness, acceptance, respect and obedience to your husband (God given to you and chosen by you) and etc.

Emphasizing feminine qualities does not mean that other qualities of women should be ignored: consciousness, intelligence, courage, will, determination, hard work, etc. - simply these qualities should be inherent in every civilized person.

Here we are talking about the fact that women suffering from female diseases have general and masculine qualities are highly developed, to the detriment of feminine qualities. And to remain a healthy woman, they need to maintain a balance, which is achieved with a slight predominance of female qualities.

Another important point: if the reason is in attitudes and traumas from childhood. There is no one to blame here, since your mother did not know all these subtleties at that time, so she built the relationship as best she knew how.

The most effective way to heal the body and soul is to forgive. To forgive means to free yourself from all this burden that hung in your soul and sought liberation through illness.

Understand that if our loved ones knew, they would never hurt us. I think no normal mother is capable of deliberately hurting her daughter. She wants everything to be the best, but it doesn't always work out that way.

Understand and forgive. Free your soul from pain and let Love and Gratitude take its place.

This is the shortest path to healing. But the choice is yours.


Psychosomatics is a field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology and esotericism, according to which some diseases of the body, physical illnesses, may have psychological causes. Simply put, any idea, thought or emotion can cause disease in a particular organ. It is believed that endometriosis, the psychosomatics of which is discussed in the article, is no exception.

Psychosomatic reasons

Some diseases of the human body develop, according to psychosomatics, due to a certain way of thinking, a certain misconception or emotion. Most often these are negative emotions, thoughts, attitudes and blockages, such as fear, anger, aggression, despair, etc. but sometimes the reasons can be different - uncertainty, confusion, etc.

It is believed that if the patient goes deep enough into his internal state, then he himself, or with the help of a psychologist, will be able to find the reason that caused the failure. And as soon as this blockage is removed or the installation is destroyed, healing will occur. Or it will begin to happen much faster with drug therapy.

Examples of situations

The disease is diagnosed after an abortion or miscarriage. This may be due to the fact that the woman develops the attitude “I cannot bring a child into my home.” And the body reacts to this, trying to conditionally form the uterus somewhere else, for repeated attempts.

The disease often occurs in adolescents. This happens due to a feeling of loneliness when a girl does not feel comfortable in her parents' house. That is why her inner desire to furnish her home finds such expression.

Psychologists' opinion

Many psychologists working in the areas of psychosomatics consider endometriosis and its causes in their work. They give different but similar explanations for the causes of this problem.

Louise Hay

She sees the psychological causes of endometriosis as a feeling of insecurity and insecurity. If they are supplemented by chronic grievances towards others, disappointments both in others and in oneself, then the appearance of this disease is possible. This is also typical for people who internally reproach themselves and others.

The correct attitude in this case is: “I am strong and capable. I'm desired. I love myself and it’s wonderful to be a woman. I am happy with everything I have achieved and know that I will achieve a lot in the future.” This mindset helps break down negative blockages and speed up recovery.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

This specialist believes that endometriosis develops as a result of a lack of a sense of security. If a woman is uncomfortable, uncomfortable with others, she feels constant disappointment and frustration, then this disease can appear and progress. Usually, the place is for the active consumption of sugar, since it is precisely this that replaces self-love in this case.

In this case, the following attitude is considered correct: “I love myself and I am in harmony with myself. Thanks to this, I make the right decisions, and my actions bring the expected results.” As soon as the woman herself believes in these words, the healing process will begin.

Liz Burbo

This specialist gave the most complete description of this disease. She discovered the prerequisite for its occurrence in three types of blocking attitudes - physical, emotional and mental:

  • Physical blockage is expressed by the fact that the body tries to reproduce in miniature the reproductive system, spreading its mucous membranes to neighboring systems;
  • The main emotional negative attitude is the inability to conceive and bear fruit. These patients shift their own ability to “create” to other aspects of life - they constantly generate projects and ideas. Often the attitude is associated with fear of the birth process itself - fear of death, pain, etc. This fear is so strong that it blocks the ability to conceive.
  • A mental block is that fear of childbirth creates a physical obstacle to conception. Letting go of these fears will speed up your healing.

Treatment for this disease occurs in several stages. First, attitudes are discovered, then they are removed independently or with the help of a psychologist. And only after this can recovery begin.

Don't take this area of ​​knowledge too seriously. Psychosomatics is a non-scientific discipline that is not supported by both most doctors and most psychologists. Therefore, it is impossible to replace drug treatment with psychotherapy in this case.

Elena Guskova

According to this specialist, with endometriosis, the endometrial cells of the uterus leave the place where they should be. Therefore, the main conflict for a woman suffering from it is: “My home is somewhere else. I have to/force/want to find another house.” Only by creating comfort around you, making your own, real home emotionally and physically comfortable, can you begin to recover from this disease.

And various gynecological diseases, including endometriosis, are no exception. Moreover, psychosomatics can be both a causative factor and a consequence of pathology.

Description of endometriosis and its symptoms

Endometriosis is a disease of the reproductive system in which the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) spreads beyond its normal location. At the same time, the endometrium continues to function as if it were located in the uterus. Because of this, a woman experiences several unpleasant symptoms:

  • bleeding during phases of the cycle when there should not be any;
  • pain in the area of ​​the reproductive system, intensifying during menstruation;
  • general poor health, unprovoked weakness;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • discomfort when urinating.

Psychosomatics of uterine endometriosis has recently attracted the attention of doctors. After all, researchers still cannot discover the exact cause of the disease. Experts who deal with this issue say that the psychosomatics of this pathology may be associated with increased aggression or invasion of personal space.

However, there are other views on this problem.

Opinions of various psychologists

Many doctors working in the field of psychosomatics deal with patients suffering from endometriosis. Their explanations of this problem and the causes of the disease differ in some ways, but also agree in some ways.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

In such a situation, the correct attitude is “I love myself and am in complete harmony with myself. This allows me to make the right decisions, and all my actions lead only to the right result.”

Louise Hay

This specialist claims that the psychological cause of endometriosis is a feeling of insecurity. Moreover, this feeling is often combined with chronic grievances towards everyone around and disappointments. Such people almost constantly reproach themselves and their surroundings.

Psychology says that in this case, the correct attitude is “I am strong and capable of much. I love myself and those around me love me. It's wonderful to be a woman. I am happy with my life, my achievements and I know that I can achieve even more in life.” This attitude improves psychological well-being, removes negative blockages and helps speed up the healing process.

Liz Burbo

This specialist provides the most complete psychological characteristics of endometriosis. The reasons for the development of pathology are called physical, emotional and mental blocking attitudes.

  1. The essence of physical blockage is that the body strives to reproduce the reproductive system in miniature by spreading the mucous membrane.
  2. Emotional blocking is aimed at the inability to conceive and bear a child. Such women try to replace the process of creating a new life with the creation of other things, ideas, projects and other things. Very often, such a psychological attitude is based on the fear of childbirth, death and other phobias. Such fears can be so strong that a woman’s body will block reproductive function.
  3. A mental or mental block is that the fear of the birth process will provoke the creation of a physical obstacle to conceiving a child.

The specialist believes that the process of getting rid of all these blockages and curing the disease must take place in several stages. First, the doctor must detect these blockages and then help get rid of them. And only after this should complex treatment of the disease begin.

Elena Guskova

In her opinion, the reason for the development of endometriosis is that endometrial cells leave their usual location. This happens because the woman does not feel at home. This could be a woman who lives with her husband's relatives: “I don’t have my own home” or “My home is somewhere else.” Or a woman who experienced a miscarriage or abortion, “I can’t bring a child into my home.”

In this case, psychology advises the patient to make his place of residence cozy, comfortable and pleasant. If housing becomes psychologically comfortable and creates a feeling of security, then the healing process will begin.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis: possible complications

All diseases of the reproductive system, one way or another, are associated with the psychology of sexual life, with a woman’s activity in this area and her personal feelings and self-awareness. The development of any pathology in the uterus is almost always associated with pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, and there is also a fear of developing infertility.

Thus, very often a woman with endometriosis begins to feel guilty and has complexes. She becomes characterized by such thoughts and sensations as embarrassment, the desire to hide and distance herself from others. And such changes in the psychological state lead to aggravation of the dynamics of the disease and its spread to other organs and systems.

The psychosomatics of the pathology of uterine endometriosis begins to have an increasing impact on the general condition of the body and at some point the changes may become irreversible. The disease grows from minor erosion to large-scale damage to perception and destruction of self-awareness.

It is unfortunate to note that such relationships have been practically unstudied, but they have an important impact on a woman’s health.

Determining psychosomatics in endometriosis is both easy and difficult. A woman’s psychology is structured in such a way that the disease most often results in depression, depression, and in very rare cases, suicidal thoughts. Such manifestations should be dealt with with the help of a doctor and not left to chance, only worsening the situation.

Although psychosomatics is at the intersection of such serious areas of knowledge as medicine and psychology, you should not treat it as the only correct answer to all questions. So far, psychosomatics is a non-scientific discipline and is subject to doubts from the majority of practicing doctors. Therefore, you should not replace conventional drug treatment with changing settings and other advice in this area. Such advice can and should be used only in combination with traditional treatment, strengthening it with positive thoughts and an attitude of recovery.