Recipe for “Khanum”: juicy lazy manti. Khanum - interesting recipes for a simple Uzbek dish with different fillings

Surely you all love dumplings, dumplings and manti. All these dishes are prepared according to almost the same principle: Thin circles of dough are filled with some kind of filling, the products are pinched and then boiled in water or steamed. But many housewives refuse to prepare such dishes due to the fact that a lot of time is spent on sculpting the products. If you want to please your family with the same manti, then prepare an oriental dish called “khanum”. Some call it “lazy manta rays,” but it doesn’t deserve that name at all. Moreover, the filling in this dish can be completely different and even without meat.

What is khanum?

Khanum is a steamed roll made of unleavened dough stuffed with meat and vegetables. The original recipe involves using veal, potatoes, onions, carrots and all sorts of spices for the filling. But variations of the fillings in this dish can be completely different: chicken, pork. pumpkin, cabbage, any spicy greens, cottage cheese, feta cheese, etc.

How to prepare dough for khanum?

For the test you will need the following products:

  • Flour sifted through a sieve - 2 cups;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 1/4 cup;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. Mix flour with salt.
  2. Mix water with egg and oil.
  3. Make a well in the mound of flour and pour in the liquid ingredients.
  4. Knead the stiff dough, like dumplings, and roll it into a ball.
  5. Wrap the dough in film and let it rest for 20-25 minutes.

How to prepare the classic filling for khanum?

Prepare the filling as follows:

  • Chop 700 g of veal into very small pieces with a heavy knife. You can also use minced meat, but with chopped meat the khanum will turn out tastier and juicier.
  • Cut 2-3 medium onions into thin half rings and rub them with your hands. This is necessary so that the onions release juice.
  • Cut 3 medium raw potatoes into very small cubes.
  • Also chop 1 large carrot with knives, but not on a grater.
  • Mix the prepared meat and vegetables and add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of cumin to the filling and mix everything again. Zira will give the dish a real oriental taste and aroma.

How to form a khanum?

Now start assembling the khanum. If you have a large steamer, then make one khanum. if the steamer is small, then two. In the second case, first divide the dough and filling into two equal parts.

  • Lightly grease a cutting board with vegetable oil. Place a ball of dough on it and roll it out with a long rolling pin to a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. To prevent the dough from sticking to the rolling pin, lightly oil it too. Try to get a fairly even rectangle or, in extreme cases, a circle.
  • Coat your palms with vegetable oil and gently rub the surface of the dough with them. It should be oily, but just a little bit.
  • Spread the filling in an even layer on the rolled out butter dough. Roll up the roll. Pinch the side edges of the dough and the long seam in the middle with your hands so that the khanum juice does not leak out when cooking it.

How to cook and serve khanum?

Pre-lubricate the bottom of the steamer with vegetable oil.

  • Place the roll in the steamer. Place it so that the long pinched seam is at the top. This precaution will help prevent the juice from leaking out of the roll, even if the seam opens up a little.
  • If the entire length of the roll does not fit into the steamer, bend it into a horseshoe or snail shape.
  • Steam the roll with water at medium boil in a double boiler. Keep the steamer with the lid closed when cooking.
  • Cooking time – 50-60 minutes.

Place the finished khanum on a wide dish and grease it with melted butter while it is still hot. Cut the khanum into portions and sprinkle fresh herbs on top. Serve the dish hot. Classic khanum goes well with tomato sauce or homemade adjika.

You can also prepare Lenten khanum. To do this, make the filling from pumpkin, onions, spices and any herbs. For cheese khanum, mix low-fat cottage cheese, chopped Adyghe cheese, garlic and cilantro. The quantity of certain ingredients is at your discretion. Natural yogurt, ayran or yogurt go well with cheese or vegetable khanum.

Women can be seen selling food. And this is not low-quality fast food, but homemade dishes: cakes, sweets, various snacks, samsa, and, of course, khanum. This is a masterpiece of oriental cooking, which is so easy to make that even an inexperienced housewife can cook it. At the same time, this tasty and interesting dish can perfectly decorate and complement your holiday table.

This dish belongs to the Uzbek national cuisine. There are many options for preparing this dish, as well as many alternative names: khanum, hanon, hunan, hanim, hunan. In composition, it resembles the universally popular manti, with the only difference being that the finished khanum resembles a roll, rather than molded pieces. How to cook

The Legend of Khanum

There is a legend about the origin of this dish. This is more of a joke, but still. One Uzbek woman knew about her husband’s return from the war. However, her good mood gave way to worry and sadness, as her husband was very fond of manta rays.

Since the woman wanted to meet her husband with a pleasant surprise, but physically she could not have time to make manti, she simply rolled out the dough and filled it with filling. And so khanum appeared, which became a popular national dish.

What is it?

How to cook khanum? To do this you will need dough, filling and cooking utensils. It is prepared in a special pressure cooker. If you don't have one, you can use a double boiler. The dough is prepared in the same way as for dumplings or manti - flour, water, salt and egg. It should be kneaded, covered with a napkin and left to stand for about an hour.

The filling for khanum is formed in the same way as for pizza - you can take whatever is in the refrigerator. The classic filling for this dish is meat with onions and potatoes. You can also put meat with cabbage and carrots, onions, pumpkin, or just meat with pieces of fat. You can also cook vegetable khanum. The basic rule is to finely chop the vegetables or grate them on a fine grater.

As you might guess, everything is done at your discretion. Combinations can be very different: cabbage with onions and carrots, pumpkin, onions, potatoes, onions, cauliflower with herbs, bell peppers with eggplants, and so on. The vegetable filling can be added either raw or lightly fried in oil. You can cook khanum in a double boiler according to the recipe without filling. For this option, the dough is generously greased with sour cream and rolled into a roll.

To make the meat filling, you can mince the meat or cut the meat into small cubes. For juiciness, fat tail fat or lard is added to it. You can grind the potatoes and onions through a meat grinder or grate them. In some cases, potatoes are cut into small cubes. Don't forget to add salt, pepper and spices.

What is the main secret?

The dough is divided into pieces and each of them is rolled out into a thin layer. The thinner the dough, the better the khanum will be. The filling is laid out on the prepared layer, and the workpiece is wrapped in a roll. In turn, it is rolled into a ring and then steamed for 45-60 minutes, depending on the contents of the filling. The pressure cooker or steamer grid must be greased with oil, otherwise the roll will stick to the bottom. Its upper part is sprayed with water.

How to cook khanum if you don’t have a pressure cooker or a double boiler? A simple saucepan and colander can help. In this case, the khanum is placed in a colander, placed in a pan of boiling water and covered with a lid.

It is customary to cut the finished roll into pieces, place it on a dish, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs. As a rule, tomato or cream sauces are made for khanum. For the first option, you need to fry the onions and carrots until golden brown, add tomatoes (or tomato paste) and simmer for about 5-10 minutes. Pepper and grated garlic are traditionally added to the creamy sauce.

How to cook khanum: classic recipe

As already noted, the Uzbek khanum is very similar in filling and culinary technology to the familiar manti. This is partly true, especially since the recipes for these dishes are somewhat similar. And some even call the Uzbek khanum “lazy manti”. But this is not entirely true, because a too lazy person does not make khanum.

To prepare classic khanum, you will need the following ingredients.

For the test:

  • Wheat flour - 640-690 grams.
  • Water - 225 ml.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 110 grams.
  • Salt - 10 grams.

For filler:

  • Minced meat or meat - 1.2 kg.
  • Onion - 650-800 grams.
  • Fat or oil - 200 grams.
  • Cumin - to taste.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Refined vegetable oil.

How to prepare the dough?

Heat about a glass of water, dissolve salt in it, add vegetable oil. Then sift the flour, add it in small portions to the liquid mixture, stirring constantly. Initially, you need to do this with a spoon until the mass is thick. After this, place the dough on a floured surface and knead it with your hands, adding flour. You should achieve a dense and elastic dough consistency. You need to knead for a long time, and the whole process will take you at least twenty minutes. Then place the dough in a cool place for at least one hour, covering it with a clean towel.

It is very convenient to prepare such dough in a baking machine, since all the ingredients will be mixed evenly and thoroughly without your participation.

Preparing the filling

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. To do this, wash and dry the meat (lamb in the original). After this, you need to cut it into very small cubes with a sharp knife, or grind it into minced meat. Add pre-chopped onions, fat or well-chilled oil to it. Add salt, ground black pepper, chopped cumin to taste, mix everything very thoroughly.


How to prepare khanum at home? The chilled dough should be cut into pieces (this amount should make four pieces), and each of them should be rolled out on a flat surface to a thickness of about one millimeter. The thinner you make this layer, the tastier the finished dish will be.

The filling is divided visually according to the number of pieces. Then it is laid out on the surface of each layer, slightly retreating from the edges. Fold the dough and filling into a roll, roll it into a ring and carefully seal the edges to prevent loss of juices during cooking. How to cook khanum in a pressure cooker? The dish is steamed for forty-five minutes.

Serve the dish hot, pre-cut into slices and place on the dish. You can serve the sauce of your choice separately. Bon appetit!

Improved version

Above is how to cook khanum with minced meat or meat in a classic form. In addition, the dish can be made in an original way. The filling for Uzbek khanum is different: vegetables or meat. There are also differences in how the filling is cut. For example, in Tashkent the filling for khanum is often cut into small strips, and in the Fergana region - into cubes. In Tashkent, housewives also add grated carrots to the filling, making it brighter and more distinctive.

This can be done in the form of pink flowers. It is called “gul-khanum”, which is translated from Uzbek as “colored khanum”.

For one kilogram of dough you should take approximately 350-400 grams of flour, salt (to taste), 1 egg, water, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the filling you need onions (about three medium heads), potatoes (two or three root vegetables), meat (500 - 600 grams), 45 grams of lamb fat (for juiciness), a little salt, black and red pepper to taste.

For the second type of filling you will need onions (two small or one large onion), tomatoes (two, cut in halves), aromatic herbs (dill, parsley, green onions to taste), garlic (two or three cloves). You can add coriander and apply another culinary secret: use cumin (cumin) - the highlight of oriental dishes! How to prepare this type of khanum?

Cooking colored khanum

How to prepare this filling? You need a deep bowl in which you must chop the onion, salt it and stir. Then add chopped potatoes, minced meat and mix again.

Then make the second filling. Fry the diced onion until almost done, add the tomatoes and simmer for another 10 minutes. Just before it's ready, add chopped green onions, dill and parsley. Don't forget about coriander and cumin too.

The recipe for making khanum of this type is no different from the classic one. Use two dough pieces for each type of filling. Uzbek khanum of this type is prepared for 45-60 minutes in a mantyshnitsa or in a double boiler. Cut the finished product into pieces and place on a dish, alternating two types with each other. It will look like flower petals.

Uzbeks are often asked not only how to prepare khanum, but also how to eat it. True fans of this dish claim that when using knives and forks, the true taste is lost. Therefore, in Uzbekistan, khanum is traditionally eaten with hands.

Khanum can be found in the kitchens of different peoples of the world, because now not only Uzbeks, but Tajiks and even Kazakhs have learned this culinary recipe. Undoubtedly, the method of preparation in each kitchen is completely different, but the essence of this dish remains the same.

Khanum in the oven with beef and pumpkin

If some housewives have not yet acquired a multicooker or a double boiler, but still want to cook the national Uzbek dish, you can use a regular oven.

Since there are many fillings for khanum, let's consider each new cooking method with a different filling. Here we will use meat and pumpkin.

If someone in the family doesn’t like pumpkin, don’t worry, cook it anyway, you can barely taste it here, and it makes the filling juicy and tender.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • drinking water – 200-220 ml;
  • white flour (wheat) – 4 cups.

Filling ingredients:

  • onions – 1-2 pieces;
  • beef pulp – 550-600 g;
  • pumpkin pulp – 200-250 g;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • ground black pepper – ½ teaspoon.


  1. Pour the sifted flour into the mixer bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the egg, cold water and salt. Slowly pour the liquid into the bowl where the flour is, set the mixer to low speed and knead the dough with it.
  2. Now place the dough on a floured table and knead it with your hands, giving it the shape of a ball. As expected, the dough should be allowed to rest a little. Leave it alone for 25-30 minutes, covered with a bowl or towel.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Wash the meat and pass through a meat grinder. Peel and wash the onions, chop very finely and add to the twisted meat. Add the pumpkin pulp grated on a coarse grater here, add salt and pepper, mix everything well.
  4. From the rested dough, make two very thin layers (1-2 mm thick), distribute the filling evenly on them. Carefully roll into rolls and pinch the edges so that the filling does not fall out.
  5. Grease a baking tray or baking dish with vegetable oil, place the rolls (before putting them in the oven, you can pour a little water on the bottom of the pan). Place the pan with khanum in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
  6. To the table, cut the khanum into portions and serve it with tomato and vegetable sauce. In the oven, the khanum also turns out amazing in taste - the crust is crispy, and the filling inside is juicy.

Khanum with potatoes cooked in a double boiler

If you cook the most revered dish in Uzbekistan, khanum, in a double boiler, you will get something that tastes similar to manti. And the type of preparation is also similar, only it is made in the form of a roll. This time the filling is made from potatoes. To give it even more flavor, we will add fried onions and tomato paste for a special piquancy.

The ingredients for the dough and the kneading method are exactly the same as for “Khanum in the oven with beef and pumpkin.” Everything is described in detail a little higher, please see the previous recipe.

Filling ingredients:

  • onions – 2-3 pieces;
  • melted butter – 150 g;
  • tomato paste – 2 tablespoons;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt and cumin - 1 teaspoon each;
  • ground black pepper - to your taste.


  1. Make the filling for the khanum. Peel and wash the onions, chop them finely. Heat the melted butter in a frying pan, fry the onion in it until transparent (you can use vegetable oil, but believe me, butter tastes better). Now add tomato paste to the onion, stir, simmer for a couple more minutes on the heat and turn off.
  2. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into very thin strips. Add to it the slightly cooled contents of the frying pan, pepper, cumin and salt. Mix everything well.
  3. Roll out the previously prepared dough, rested and divided into two halves, on the table into thin layers (1 mm thick, no more), make the layer size about 30x30. Apply the filling evenly in a thin layer and roll into tight rolls.
  4. Grease the plastic tiers of the steamer generously with vegetable oil, place the khanum on them and turn on the cooking mode for 35-40 minutes.
  5. Place the prepared rolls on a plate and grease thoroughly with butter. It will be even tastier and more beautiful if you sprinkle the khanum on top with thinly chopped onion half rings and chopped fresh herbs, and serve it with sour cream garlic sauce.

Khanum with cabbage in a frying pan

Another filling option is cabbage. You can use it alone or combine it with minced meat. But the cooking method for khanum is not quite usual, but nevertheless acceptable and convenient. We will cook it in a frying pan on a bed of vegetables.

What ingredients are needed for the dough, and how to knead it correctly, please see a little higher, in the recipe “Khanum in the oven with beef and pumpkin.”

Filling ingredients:

  • onions – 2-3 pieces;
  • forks of white cabbage – 350-400 g;
  • dried basil and oregano - ½ teaspoon each;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste.

Ingredients for vegetable pillow:

  • onions – 1-2 pieces;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • sweet pepper – 2-3 pieces;
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pieces;
  • garlic cloves – 3-4 pieces;
  • fresh herbs (parsley, dill) - a small bunch;
  • vegetable oil – 40-50 ml;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • ground coriander - a pinch;
  • dried thyme – ½ teaspoon.


  1. Prepare the cabbage filling. Cut the peeled and washed onions into half rings. Shred the cabbage. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add and lightly fry the onion. Add the cabbage to the onion, stir and fry until it becomes soft. Salt the filling, pepper, add spices, stir again and let it cool a little.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the ingredients for the vegetable bed. Wash and peel all vegetables. Cut the onions, bell peppers and tomatoes into medium cubes. You can cut the carrots into cubes or grate them on a coarse grater. Chop the garlic cloves with a knife or crush with a garlic press.
  3. Now take the largest and deepest frying pan or Dutch oven you have in your kitchen. Heat the vegetable oil in it, add the onion, lightly fry it. Then add carrots, after 5-6 minutes bell peppers, after another couple of minutes diced tomatoes (if there are no tomatoes, you can use tomato paste instead). Add salt, add spices, stir and simmer over low heat.
  4. Divide the previously prepared dough in half, roll it out as thin as possible, add cabbage filling equally and wrap it into rolls, carefully securing it at the edges.
  5. Place the khanum in a frying pan on a vegetable bed, pour in water so that they are almost completely covered (if you have it, you can pour in meat broth). Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and leave to cook for 40-45 minutes.
  6. Finely chop the washed and lightly dried fresh herbs.
  7. 10 minutes before readiness, sprinkle the khanum with chopped garlic and herbs.
  8. Cut the finished rolls into portions and serve along with the vegetables with which they were prepared.

Cooking khanum in the Polaris multicooker


For fresh dough:

  • chicken egg - one;
  • wheat flour - two glasses;
  • one and a half glasses of warm water.

For filling:

  • minced meat (pork and beef) - 400 grams;
  • spices to taste (pepper, salt, seasoning for minced meat);
  • two medium potatoes;
  • bulb onions.

For the tomato sauce:

  • some onions for frying;
  • a tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • boiling water;
  • spices (dried basil, salt, gravy seasoning).


  1. At the very beginning, it is best to start preparing the dough. To do this, pour the egg into the heaped flour, add water and knead into a tight, smooth dough. It is recommended to knead the dough every fifteen minutes to make it more elastic.
  2. Let's start filling. Add chopped onion and necessary spices to the prepared minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Then peel the potatoes and grate them into minced meat on a coarse grater. Mix everything again until smooth.
  4. Roll out a small piece of dough into the thinnest layer possible, 1-2 millimeters.
  5. Now spread the filling onto the rolled out dough in an even layer.
  6. Then you can roll the dough into a roll. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, lightly grease the multicooker plate for steaming with vegetable oil and place the prepared khanum on it.
  7. Set the steam mode for 45 minutes.
  8. In the meantime, while the khanum is cooking, you can start preparing the gravy. To do this, place chopped onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry them a little. Next, add a spoonful of tomato and a spoonful of flour, mix everything.
  9. Pour two cups of boiling water into the frying pan, add spices and dried basil for a piquant taste, and cover the frying pan with a lid and let the gravy simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  10. Place the finished khanum on a plate, pour tomato sauce over it, and cut into pieces. Bon appetit!

If you prefer steamed dishes, then you will definitely like these knots.

Uzbek khanum with meat and potatoes recipe with photos

Uzbek khanum with meat and potatoes

Ingredients for Uzmek khanum:


  • 1 egg
  • water 50-100 ml.,
  • flour.


  • Add 700 grams of minced meat
  • 2 carrots and 2 onions
  • spices, salt
  • 300 grams of grated potatoes

Cooking khanum with meat and potatoes:

  1. If you don’t have time to make manti, you can make KHANUM.
  2. Make dumpling dough: 1 egg, 50-100 ml water, 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil and flour.
  3. Add spices, salt to the minced meat, you can grate the potatoes (you can do it in pieces). Roll out the dough thinly, spread the minced meat first, then the vegetable mince.
  4. Roll it into a tight roll and place it on a greased steamer (I use the one that goes into the pan).
  5. Add bay leaf, allspice and a little salt to the water. Cook for 40 minutes.
  6. Place in a dish, pour over oil. Serve with tomato or sour cream sauce.

Bon appetit!

Khanum is simply delicious!


For the test:

  • 1 egg
  • 50 - 100 ml water
  • 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • how much flour will the dough take?

For filling:

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • pepper


  1. Knead the dough and let it rest while you prepare the filling.
  2. Grate 2 carrots and 2 heads of finely chopped onions onto a coarse grater and lightly fry.
  3. Add spices and salt to the minced meat, you can grate the potatoes.
  4. Roll out the dough thinly, spread the minced meat and vegetables on it.
  5. We roll everything into a tight roll and place it on a greased steamer (you can put it on foil and bake it in the oven).
  6. Add bay leaf, allspice and a little salt to the water. Cook for 40 minutes. Place in a dish, pour over oil. Serve with tomato or sour cream sauce.

Uzbek cuisine recipe: khanum

Khanum is a wonderful and very satisfying traditional dish from traditional Uzbek cuisine. It is prepared, as a rule, from two main fillings, one of which should be lighter and the other hearty. So, for example, one filling can be made from cabbage and chicken, and the second from potatoes and meat.

Preparing steamed khanum is not at all difficult, but at the same time, it is not fast, and this traditional dish tastes like dumplings or lazy manti. To prepare steamed khanum, you can use a regular steamer, pressure cooker or multicooker.

To prepare the dough for khanum you will need a set of the following components:

  • water - 110 ml;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • premium quality wheat flour - 420 g;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sour milk or kefir - 185 ml;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

In addition, you will need a set of the following components to prepare the meat filling for khanum recipe with photo:

  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • lean beef pulp - 420 g;
  • table salt - 1 pinch;
  • boiled potato tubers - 2 pcs.;
  • ground paprika - 3 teaspoons;
  • fresh garden herbs - 1 medium-sized bunch;
  • large peeled onion - 1 pc.

Chicken filling for steamed khanum

To prepare the chicken filling for steamed khanum, you will also need a certain set of components:

  • chicken breast, fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • white young cabbage - 320 g;
  • special seasoning for chicken - at your discretion;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh garden herbs - 1 small bunch;
  • large onion - 1 pc.

Sauce for khanum: recipe

We will need the following components:

  • chopped paprika - at your discretion;
  • fresh spicy garden herbs - dill and parsley;
  • peeled garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 300 g.


  1. First, for steam khanum, you need to prepare the dough, and for this, using a whisk with one pinch of table salt, you need to beat one chicken egg. After this, add sour milk or kefir to the egg mixture, add deodorized vegetable oil in the required amount, and mix everything very thoroughly. Add well-sifted wheat flour to the egg mixture, stir everything again very carefully with a whisk so that the resulting mass is without a single lump.
  2. Sift the flour onto the table, then make a well in the center and add one egg there. Wheat flour should be added gradually, while constantly stirring the dough with a whisk. Read more:
  3. The dough now needs to be kneaded, while adding flour from the table in small portions. The dough must be gradually folded in from all sides so that it looks like an envelope.
  4. In the end, the dough should be very elastic, soft and not stick to the table. Place the resulting dough into a bowl, cover it with additional cling film, then leave it on the kitchen counter for at least one hour.
  5. While the dough is standing, you can start preparing the filling for the steamed khanum. You can start with a light filling for khanum made from cabbage and chicken. Chop the cabbage very thinly, then cut it crosswise so that you get very small pieces, only in this case the filling will be softer and more tender.
  6. Shredded cabbage should be poured with cold salted water, boiled for two minutes, first bringing to a boil over medium heat. The cooked cabbage must be cooled, and to do this it must first be placed in a colander.
  7. Grind the chicken fillet using a blender, then additionally pass it through a meat grinder.
  8. Chop the peeled onion very finely, then fry it in sunflower oil until light golden brown, and after that you need to chop the garden herbs. Add chopped herbs, stewed cabbage, a small amount of seasonings, table salt, and fried onions to the chicken.
  9. Mix all the filling well, chop the beef quite finely into minced meat, finely chop the onion, you can use a blender, grate the potatoes on the coarsest grater, chop the herbs and garlic cloves.
    Add additional ground paprika and all other ingredients to the meat filling.
  10. Now it’s time for the dough, which should be divided into two equal parts. Roll out one part of the dough very thinly, and when rolling it is necessary to shape it.
  11. Place the meat filling into the dough, after which you need to smooth it out with a spatula. Very carefully roll the future steamed khanum into a roll together with the filling of meat and potatoes; you need to do the same with another piece of dough, roll it out, evenly distribute the filling on it, and roll it up in the same way as the first one into a roll.
  12. The walls and grate of the steamer should be greased with vegetable oil, and khanum should be placed on the grate of this device.
  13. Dissolve table salt in water and use a brush to grease the roll so that the surface of the steam khanum does not dry out. Cook the steamed khanum for about forty minutes, and during this time you can start preparing the sauce for it. For this purpose, in one small but deep container, mix freshly ground paprika, finely chopped garlic, chopped herbs, sour cream, then add salt to taste.

Sauce for khanum:

  • Place sour cream in a bowl. Add salt and pepper and mix well until the salt and pepper disperse. Peel 3-4 cloves of garlic and squeeze the garlic into the sour cream and mix thoroughly. Finely chop the sprigs of parsley and dill and add them to the sauce. If you like it, add paprika. Stir and the sauce is ready!
  • It is advisable to serve, in addition to the khanum, a large amount of spicy fresh herbs; if not, you can replace it with fried onions.
  • It is advisable to serve the finished Uzbek khanum hot along with a spicy sour cream sauce.

Khanum is a steamed dough roll with filling, in another way you can say that these are lazy manti. At first glance, it seems that this dish is complicated, but in fact it is quite easy to prepare, although it is time-consuming. Khanum is made with different fillings - both meat and vegetables, and today we will prepare khanum with minced meat and vegetables.



  • 1 egg + water = 1 glass 250 ml
  • 480 g flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


  • 650-700 g mixed minced meat
  • 300 g onion
  • 1 carrot (110-120 g)
  • 3 potatoes, 100 g each
  • 100-120 g cheese
  • 60-70 g butter
  • any greens


First, prepare the dough for khanum with minced meat. I must say that it is simplest and easiest to prepare, which is what I usually do when I prepare khanum with any filling, dumplings or dumplings. But not everyone has a bread machine, so today I will prepare the dough by hand from the same ingredients as for the bread machine.

For this test, it is important to maintain the following proportion - for 1 glass of liquid (egg with water), you need to take 3 of the same glasses of flour, and it does not matter whether the glass is 200 or 250 ml. I use a 250 ml glass, so in the recipe I indicated the weight of flour as 480 g. Vegetable oil is added to make the dough more elastic. This quantity of products yields about 700 g of dough, which is enough to prepare three khanums with minced meat and vegetables.

Break a medium-sized egg into a 250 ml glass and fill it to the top with cold water from a filter.

We measure out three identical glasses of flour or simply weigh it on a scale. Sift the flour.

Pour the mixture into a large cup and, adding flour in parts, knead the dough.

Mix first with a spoon, then, when the dough has become thick, put it on a table sprinkled with flour and continue kneading with your hands. You need to knead for a long time, at least 7-8 minutes, then the dough will be homogeneous and elastic.

Wrap the dough in a bag or cling film and put it aside so that it rests and becomes even more elastic.
In the meantime, let's prepare the filling for the khanum. Grind the meat and onions in a meat grinder.

If you use ready-made minced meat, you can simply chop the onion finely.
Three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens and add everything to the minced meat.

Salt, pepper and mix. The minced meat for khanum is ready.

If desired, you can add any dry seasonings, ground coriander, for example, or ready-made seasoning for meat.
As a rule, ready-made minced meat from the store is too thick. You need to add a little water or milk to it, literally 1/4 or 1/3 cup, so that the minced meat in the finished khanum is juicy.
I usually always add milk to the minced meat when I cook dumplings. But this recipe uses a lot of onions; when chopped in a meat grinder, they give a lot of juice, as a result, my homemade minced meat turns out quite juicy and I don’t add any liquid.
You will also need potatoes for the filling. We clean it, but for now we keep it in water so that it does not darken. In fact, khanum turns out even tastier and more beautiful in cut if you add pumpkin rather than potatoes. But now it’s not the season for pumpkin, so we’ll do without it.

Let's start preparing khanum with minced meat and vegetables. Dust the work surface with flour. Separate the third part of the dough and roll it into a thin layer approximately 1-1.5 mm thick.

Grease the rolled out dough with melted butter and distribute a third of the minced meat evenly over the surface.

Cut one potato into small cubes and place on top of the minced meat. Top with three cheeses on a coarse grater.

We roll the khanum into a loose roll, pinch the ends and turn them under.

Roll the roll into a horseshoe shape.

If you are not going to cook all the khanums at once, you can freeze them. I put this “horseshoe” on a board, wrap it in a bag and put it in the freezer. If necessary, frozen khanum with minced meat is placed in a double boiler and cooked in the usual way.
Of course, the most convenient way to cook khanum is in a mantnitsa (or a mantovarka, or a mantyshnitsa - I don’t know what to call it more correctly 🙂), you can cook all three khanums in it at once. I don’t have one, and there’s no need to cook everything at once, so I calmly make do with an old Soviet double boiler; I think many people have one.

Due to the design of the steamer, I use strips of parchment, otherwise the finished khanum may tear at the joints when you remove it. In addition, I grease the mold with vegetable oil, and put a few peas of allspice and two bay leaves into the water.
Place the khanum with minced meat in a steamer, close the lid and cook for 40-50 minutes.

In the meantime, let's prepare a delicious spicy tomato sauce. To do this, cut a large tomato in half and grate it into three, holding it by the skin. We throw away the skin, and to the resulting tomato mass add a large clove of garlic, passed through a press, adjika on the tip of a teaspoon, salt to taste and mix. There is no tastier sauce for khanum or dumplings!

Place the finished khanum with minced meat and vegetables on a plate, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with any herbs.

I highly recommend preparing this delicious dish; it really is not difficult to prepare.

I bid you farewell for today. Good luck everyone and have a nice day!
Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂

1. Sift into a large, convenient bowl to knead the dough. I make a small depression in the center of the slide.

2. I break the milk into the resulting hole and pour it out. I also add a small pinch of salt there.

3. Knead a very dense and elastic dough. This takes about 10 minutes. It should freely lag behind your hands. Now I put it in a bag so that it doesn’t dry out while I make the filling. You will find others in a separate section.

4. I will cook with minced meat that I will make myself. To do this, I take pork and beef in equal conditions, cut them into small pieces and run them through a meat grinder.

You can buy ready-made minced meat in a store or market, but I treat it with distrust. I make my homemade one with high quality, washing the meat and cutting off all the veins, fat, skin, and so on. Do you buy minced meat or cook it?

Now I chop it very finely and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

I crush the garlic using a special garlic press.

5. Add chopped onion, potatoes, crushed garlic to the minced meat, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Mix the filling thoroughly so that everything is evenly distributed.

6. Now I start preparing the filling. To do this, pour sour cream into a convenient container. I’ll add hop-suneli seasoning to it, which you shouldn’t overdo. I add a little water and mix well.

7. Returning to the test. I knead it a little with my hands and roll it into a large square layer, about 0.5 cm thick.

8. Melt the butter and brush the dough with it using a silicone brush or a regular brush, depending on what you have on hand.

Now I spread the filling in an even layer on the dough. I use a regular tablespoon for this, which I use to level it out.

I roll the dough and filling into a tight roll. I lubricate the edges with water to make them easier to fasten. I cover them up well.

9. I chop the remaining finely and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

I take a saucepan with thick edges or a large frying pan and pour it into it. I cook on a frying pan.

I spread the grated carrots and add a little salt and mix them.

10. I take a sharp knife and lubricate it with water. I cut the roll into equal parts.

11. Place the pieces on top of the bed of onions and pour the sauce on top. Cook with the lid closed for 20-25 minutes. The same effect can be obtained by preparing the roll in a double boiler; here you can make it without carrots.