The role of medicine in human life. Personal health and its role in human life Lifestyle as a medical and social factor of health

There are two opposite points of view on the relationship between medicine and society. Supporters of the first believe that inert public opinion hinders the progress of medicine. Supporters of the second are convinced that the development of medicine violates the harmonious unity of nature and man, is the main cause of the weakening of humanity as a whole and can even lead to its degeneration. Indeed, on the one hand, people have become healthier - life expectancy has increased, modern man is larger and stronger than his ancient ancestors. On the other hand, medicines and vaccines have “weaned” the body to fight diseases on its own. However, medicine and society do not oppose each other, being in a complex interaction. Medicine voluntarily or involuntarily influences society, changing it. Everyone's life and health depend on compliance with medical standards in various areas of human activity, and society is interested in taking them into account. It is necessary to say about the humanizing influence of medicine. Suffice it to recall how much effort doctors had to put in to explain to society the seemingly obvious things: HIV-infected people should not be outcasts, mental disorders are diseases, not vices, and they require treatment, not punishment. However, society dictates its requirements to medicine. They hinder its development, but within reasonable limits - after all, the result of any process, if it proceeds uncontrollably, is unpredictable, and sometimes tragic. The development of gynecology has set the task of limiting abortions. The successes of resuscitation have raised the question before society and doctors of how long it is necessary to continue the revival of an already incapable of life organism. Advances in genetic medicine have sparked debate about the line that scientists should not cross in experiments with cloning. Under pressure from the public, doctors already in the 20th century. began to approach the introduction of new drugs into medical practice with particular rigor. As a result, the laws of "evidence medicine" appeared, which are now followed by physicians around the world. The increase in the value of human life has influenced modern medical ethics, led to the legislative consolidation of the rights of the patient. For a long time, religious and secular prohibitions were imposed on a number of important types of medical practice. Such prohibitions primarily related to the study of the internal structure of the human body - anatomy. For centuries, doctors were not allowed to perform autopsies on corpses. Herophilus (Ancient Greece, late 4th - first half of the 3rd century BC), who violated this taboo, was despised by fellow citizens, dubbed the "butcher" and more than once wanted to be expelled from the city. But it was Geraphilus who made serious discoveries in the field of anatomy, he invented many methods of surgical treatment of diseases. Many scientists have suffered in trying to overcome the misunderstanding of society. The ban on opening the human body remained in the medieval past. But there are many other examples when doctors had (and still have) to face the fear of the new, misunderstanding of their ideas. The first attempts to transfuse blood, transplant organs, do preventive vaccinations and brain surgeries, and carry out artificial insemination came under fire from public opinion. Medicine will continue its development, and, like hundreds of years ago, each new step will give skeptics reason to doubt the correctness of the chosen path. However, the strategy of reasonable containment is in many respects useful for any science, and especially for medicine. In the modern world, laws that establish rules for the use of scientific achievements serve as such a brake. State laws today help resolve many disputes between society and the Church, on the one hand, and medicine, on the other. Society doubts the moral permissibility of abortion. A law is being created that says who and when an abortion is allowed, and when it is absolutely impossible to do it. People are concerned about the problem of euthanasia. Dutch law stipulates the conditions under which euthanasia is possible. In Russia and many other countries, "voluntary death" is prohibited by law. The society is divided again: it is not able to unequivocally solve these and many other problems of ethics. And the doctors themselves often do not know exactly "what is good and what is bad." The development of medical technologies poses new ethical problems for medicine, which are not easy to resolve. The search for the right solutions, the development of new ethical criteria is a great constant work, and it must be done, because otherwise scientific progress may imperceptibly turn into a regression of humanity.

The sociology of medicine, the organization and economics of health care as a scientific discipline and practice, for the scientific substantiation and implementation of forms, methods, ways and mechanisms of health care reforms, face complex tasks covering 2 levels of socio-economic and legal guidelines: laws of the political and socio-economic structure of society, general principles for the implementation of the statutory activities of medical enterprises, firms, joint-stock companies in the existing economic system. This level reflects the ways and methods of influencing the economic situation, regulates the organizational and legal framework of the healthcare system and its intersectoral relations, segments internal and external regulators, the driving forces of the medical services market, its subjects and objects; 2) The micro level (practical), at which specific patterns related to the implementation of medical activities are implemented; financing of employers, employees, property issues, wage bases, investment and innovation policy of the enterprise, features of medical labor, etc.

F-and medicine:

Medico-social (life extension)

Research (scientific technologies, new methods of treatment)

Axiological (formation of value orientations in society)

Prognostic (modeling the structure of diseases, preventing epidemics and pandemics)

Educational and pedagogical (education of the population about diseases, healthy lifestyle)

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National State University of Physical Education named after P.F.Lesgaft

Department of Hygiene

Report on the topic "Personal health and its role in human life"

Completed by a student of the 4th year of the 5th group

FIOIST Vinokurov Vitaly

Saint Petersburg 2013

Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. When meeting, parting with close and dear people, we wish them good and good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely preserved and strengthened by man himself, ensures him a long and active life.

Scientific evidence shows that most people, if they follow the rules of hygiene, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (physical inactivity), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development of obesity, vascular sclerosis in these cases, and some have diabetes, others do not know how to relax, be distracted from industrial and domestic worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of the internal organs. Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives.

Labor is the true core and basis of a person's healthy life regime. There is an erroneous opinion about the harmful effect of labor that allegedly causes "wear and tear" of the body, excessive expenditure of forces and resources, and premature aging. Labor, both physical and mental, is not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, a systematic, feasible, and well-organized labor process has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training in the process of labor strengthens our body. The one who works hard and works well throughout his life lives long. on the contrary, idleness leads to flaccidity of the muscles, metabolic disorders, obesity and premature decrepitude.

In the observed cases of overstrain and overwork of a person, it is not the work itself that is to blame, but the wrong mode of work. It is necessary to correctly and skillfully distribute forces during the performance of work, both physical and mental. Uniform, rhythmic work is more productive and more beneficial for the health of workers than changing periods of downtime with periods of intense, hasty work. Interesting and beloved work is done easily, without tension, does not cause fatigue and fatigue. It is important to choose the right profession in accordance with the individual abilities and inclinations of a person.

A comfortable working uniform is important for the employee, he must be well instructed on safety issues. right before work, it is important to organize your workplace: remove all unnecessary, arrange all the tools in the most rational way, etc. Workplace lighting should be sufficient and uniform. A local light source, such as a table lamp, is preferable.

It's best to start with the hardest part of the job. It trains and strengthens the will. It does not allow you to put off difficult things from morning to evening, from evening to morning, from today to tomorrow, and generally on the back burner.

A necessary condition for maintaining health in the process of work is the alternation of work and rest. Rest after work does not mean a state of complete rest. Only with very great fatigue can we talk about passive rest. It is desirable that the nature of the rest be opposite to the nature of the work of a person (the "contrasting" principle of rest construction). Physical workers need rest that is not associated with additional physical activity, and knowledge workers need some physical work during their leisure hours. This alternation of physical and mental stress is good for health. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their time outdoors. It is desirable for urban residents to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, stadiums, on hikes on excursions, working in garden plots, etc.

To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole organism, a good sleep is of great importance. The great Russian physiologist IP Pavlov pointed out that sleep is a kind of inhibition that protects the nervous system from excessive stress and fatigue. Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep. If a person sleeps little, then he gets up in the morning irritated, broken, and sometimes with a headache.

It is impossible for all people without exception to determine the time needed for sleep. The need for sleep varies from person to person. On average, this rate is about 8 hours. Unfortunately, some people view sleep as a reserve from which you can borrow time to complete certain tasks. Systematic lack of sleep leads to disruption of nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, irritability.

To create the conditions for a normal, sound and restful sleep, it is necessary for 1-1, 5 hours. before sleep, stop strenuous mental work. Dinner should be no later than 2-2, 5 hours. Before sleep. This is essential for proper digestion of food. You should sleep in a well-ventilated room, it’s good to accustom yourself to sleep with an open window, and in the warm season with an open window. In the room you need to turn off the lights and establish silence. Nightwear should be loose, not impeding blood circulation. you can not sleep in outerwear. it is not recommended to cover yourself with a blanket with your head, sleep face down: this interferes with normal breathing. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time - this helps to fall asleep quickly.

Neglect of these simple rules of sleep hygiene causes negative phenomena. Sleep becomes shallow and restless, as a result of which, as a rule, insomnia develops over time, certain disorders in the activity of the nervous system.

For knowledge workers, systematic physical education and sports are of exceptional importance. It is known that even a healthy and young person, if he is not trained, leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not engage in physical education, with the slightest physical exertion, breathing quickens, heartbeat appears. On the contrary, a trained person can easily cope with significant physical exertion. The strength and performance of the heart muscle, the main engine of blood circulation, is directly dependent on the strength and development of all muscles. Therefore, physical training, while developing the muscles of the body, at the same time strengthens the heart muscle. In people with underdeveloped muscles, the heart muscle is weak, which is revealed during any physical work.

Physical education and sports are also very useful for people of physical labor, since their work is often associated with the load of any particular muscle group, and not the entire musculature as a whole. Physical training strengthens and develops the skeletal muscles, the heart muscle, blood vessels, the respiratory system and many other organs, which greatly facilitates the work of the circulatory apparatus and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Daily morning exercises are a mandatory minimum of physical training. It should become for everyone the same habit as washing in the morning. health rest mode sleep

Physical exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, physical exercises in the air (walking, walking) are especially important. It is useful to go to work on foot in the morning and walk in the evening after work. Systematic walking has a beneficial effect on a person, improves well-being, increases efficiency.

Walking is a complexly coordinated motor act controlled by the nervous system, it is carried out with the participation of almost the entire muscular apparatus of our body. As a load, it can be precisely dosed and gradually, systematically increased in pace and volume. In the absence of other physical exertion, the daily minimum load rate for a young man alone is 15 km., A smaller load is associated with the development of hypodynamia.

Thus, daily exposure to fresh air for 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. When working indoors, it is especially important to take a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Such a walk as part of the necessary daily workout is beneficial for everyone. It relieves the tension of the working day, calms the excited nerve centers, and regulates breathing. Walks are best performed according to the principle of cross-country walking: 0.5-1 km with a walking slow step, then the same amount with a fast sports step, etc.

A special place in the regime of a healthy life belongs to the daily routine, a certain rhythm of life and human activity. The mode of each person should provide for a certain time for work, rest, eating, sleeping.

The daily routine of different people can and should be different depending on the nature of work, living conditions, habits and inclinations, however, even here there must be a certain daily rhythm and daily routine. It is necessary to provide sufficient time for sleep, rest. Breaks between meals should not exceed 5-6 hours. It is very important that a person sleeps and eats always at the same time. Thus, conditioned reflexes are developed. A person who has dinner at a strictly defined time knows well that by this time he has an appetite, which is replaced by a feeling of severe hunger if dinner is late. Disorder in the daily routine destroys the formed conditioned reflexes.

Speaking about the daily routine, we do not mean strict schedules with a minute-by-minute calculated time budget for each task for each day. There is no need to bring the regime to a caricature with excessive pedantry. However, the routine itself is a kind of core on which the conduct of both weekdays and weekends should be based.

An important preventive measure against colds is the systematic hardening of the body. It is best to start from childhood. The easiest way to harden - air baths. Water procedures are also of great importance in the hardening system. they strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, and improve metabolism. First, it is recommended to rub the naked body with a dry towel for several days, then move on to wet rubdowns. After a wet wipe, rub the body vigorously with a dry towel. You should start to wipe yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool, and then to dousing. In summer, water procedures are best done outdoors after morning exercises. It is useful to be outdoors as much as possible, sunbathe, swim.

People eat differently, but there are a number of requirements that everyone should take into account. First of all, food should be varied and complete, that is, contain in the right amount and in certain ratios all the main nutrients. Overeating should not be allowed: it leads to obesity. It is also very unhealthy to eat with the systematic introduction of exorbitant amounts of any one product or nutrients of one class (for example, abundant intake of fats or carbohydrates, increased consumption of table salt).

The intervals between meals should not be too large (no more than 5-6 hours). It is harmful to eat only 2 times a day, but in excessive portions, because this creates too much stress on the blood circulation. It is better for a healthy person to eat 3-4 times a day. With three meals a day, lunch should be the most satisfying, and dinner should be the lightest. It is harmful to read while eating, to solve complex and responsible tasks. You can’t rush, eat, burning yourself with cold food, swallow large pieces of food without chewing. Systematic dry food has a bad effect on the body. no hot food. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and sanitation. Over time, a person who neglects the diet is threatened by the development of such severe digestive diseases as, for example, peptic ulcer, etc. Thorough chewing, grinding food to a certain extent protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from mechanical damage, scratches and, in addition, promotes rapid penetration juices deep into the food mass. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.

So, each person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work, physical activity and vigor until old age.

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The main component of the level of well-being of any state is the physical and social well-being of the people who live in it, and this is an absolute fact. By and large, all the material wealth of the state is nothing without competitive human capital, and the first is always created by the second.

What is the role of medicine in the development of the state? What is 21st century medicine?

Currently, there are many discussions on this topic, but today it is clear to absolutely everyone that the attitude to medicine as an expenditure part of the budget is a relic of the 20th century and the role of medicine in developing the potential of the state cannot be ignored.

And, proceeding from this, it must be assumed that without good medicine it is hardly possible to achieve an appropriate level of social well-being. This explains the allocation of medicine to one of the main priorities for the development of the state in the international scale for assessing the country's competitiveness.

Achievements in the field of medicine most clearly reflect the level of development of science in any country, and therefore success in the treatment of a particular disease becomes a subject of increased interest of the world community, and people's interest in new methods of treating cancer cannot be compared with the solution of some difficult mathematical formula.

The 21st century began with the rapid development of information technology, and this factor has radically changed a person's life, making it more comfortable.

The Internet and digital technologies have firmly entered the daily life of a person and it is already difficult to imagine human life without information and digital technologies.

In parallel with this, the face of the world has changed dramatically, the walls that have existed for many years have collapsed, globalization has made the planet open and accessible to everyone.

Under these conditions, a completely new society began to take shape, free from prohibitions and total censorship. The openness of the borders made it possible to see problems within the country through a simple visual comparison of our system with any system in the world.

Many types of relations between people have been radically transformed and deeply simplified.

In medicine, the development of communication technologies is very slow, because the industry is inherently conservative.

Historically, in the relationship between a doctor and a patient, the doctor has always occupied a dominant position, and all public institutions have worked to idealize his profession and status. Any information on medicine worthy of trust was brought only to the doctor through special literature, and only information simplified in the form of reminders or warnings was available to the population.

The current conditions force us to change this stereotype. The fundamental foundations of medicine need to be adapted to the new rapidly changing circumstances. Medicine is changing its form of relationship with the patient and is increasingly focused on his needs.

This is a global trend. In a highly educated society, patients receive information from all sources via the Internet and are sometimes more informed than some professionals. Therefore, the profession of a doctor is already unthinkable without constant self-improvement.

The ever-increasing demands on the profession of a doctor on the part of the population and the high moral and legal responsibility are already becoming the reason that the world is already short of more than 5 million doctors.

These features are also characteristic of the medicine of our republic, which is experiencing similar problems.

If you remember the 90s with a total shortage of everything: from elementary medicines to hygiene products, when each patient went to the hospital with his own bedding, bought everything that was necessary for the operation, then, of course, medicine made a big leap in material terms. However, there was no that criticism and a wave of indignations which the medicine experiences now.

So what happened now? In conditions when doctors have received modern equipment, and hospitals have become cleaner and brighter, why are there many complaints about the level of quality of medical services?

Let's try to figure this out.

First. The attitude of society and the state to human health is the main foundation of the healthcare model.

What is a commodity in medicine, health or medical service? This is a key question that each healthcare model answers differently. If it is health, then how to determine its value? And if this is a service, then how much does the service of a cardiac surgeon who transplanted a donor heart or the services of a pediatrician who cured a viral infection in a child cost?

Any product can be touched, standardized, tasted, etc. How to assess the patient's condition after brain surgery? He survived and is able to serve himself - is this a good indicator of work? And if he died because the tumor was deep, then this, therefore, was a bad job for the doctor?

Besides, does it mean that a smiling and polite specialist is better than a reserved one? Those who are familiar with surgeons know that for the most part they are laconic people, because they know the price of medical error and human life. Therefore, this method of determining competence, which is typical for the service sector, like trade, is hardly applicable to medicine.

What plays a major role in maintaining health and how much does it depend on the doctor?

It is well known that the main component of maintaining health is the attitude of the person himself to his own health. Every person knows from childhood that smoking is harmful, because it causes cancer, alcohol cannot be abused - these are the causes of alcoholism and cirrhosis, etc. But how many follow these elementary rules?

Every day, and especially during the holidays, the emergency rooms of our hospitals are clogged with drunk, screaming, spitting and insulting healthcare workers with various injuries. Doctors patiently change their clothes, wash off the dirt and blood, operate, bandage, etc.

At the same time, each patient believes that his illness is the most difficult and deserves a priority examination, just as each parent considers his child the most expensive in the world, and each of them is absolutely sure that the doctor should pay attention only to him.

This is where one of the main problems of medicine lies - it does not fit into the standard laws of the market, because the subject of the goods is too important and invaluable. When complex technologies were introduced into medicine, and it became highly scientific, the prices of services naturally rose as well. And today, hardly anyone is able to directly pay for the cost of this “commodity”, having a serious illness. Therefore, this issue is always resolved at the expense of public funds or health insurance. But, having this or that model of medicine, in parallel it is necessary to accept its shortcomings. The budget model assumes that medical services are free, accessible to everyone, and this, in turn, means an increased consumption of services by the population, the presence of queues, poor quality and a chronic lack of money in the system.

If the model is insurance, then it allows providing access to medical services in full only for a certain part of the population, depending on its income and income level, it determines the volume and types of services.

Therefore, today in the civilized world there is no longer an absolutely budget or insurance model, almost all successful models are a symbiosis of these approaches with the administration of mainly budget or insurance money.

Thus, we can conclude that the behavior of the participants in the system also depends on the healthcare model and the ways in which these resources are distributed. If this is a budget model with strict rules for the distribution of money, guaranteeing everything and everyone for free, then it is necessary to recognize its shortcomings in the form of queues filled with paperwork for doctors receiving a fixed and very small salary.

The second most important reason is the lack of motivation of the medical workers themselves to work productivity. In order to ensure the socialist slogan that medicine is completely free of charge, at the beginning of the last century, the Communist Party included medicine in the social bloc and established the residual principle of its financing.

Since then, the salary has been set for the doctor not for the result and quality of work, but for the amount of time spent in the hospital, that is, on an hourly basis.

Of course, in such a system, you can work for days and receive a meager salary, and you can get it without burdening yourself with additional responsibility. In order to provide for the family and correspond to the status in such a system, the doctor has nothing left to do but take on additional work in the form of shifts, rates, or look for additional ways to receive remuneration from patients.

There is no doubt that experienced and trained managers who know the basics of managing an enterprise or an entire industry are the driving force behind reforms in any area. But today, with regret, it must be stated that the development of management in the regions often occurs on subjective grounds.

Kazakhstan has established itself as a state with a dynamically developing economy. The policy of the Head of State in the shortest possible time brought the country to the ranks of actively developing countries in the Central Asian region. In all sectors of the economy, high standards have been set that correspond to the world level, they are being implemented by advanced young people trained under the presidential program at the best universities in the world, fluent in several languages.

And in this stream of the market economy, medicine has been preserved as a separate “island” of socialism, still living on the declarative slogans of Soviet social policy, where the work of a doctor is equated to the work of unskilled personnel in other areas of service provision.

Therefore, it is extremely important that the system of remuneration for doctors meet international standards and depend only on the competence of the doctor and the quality of his work. And this is possible only in a market model of health care.

Therefore, we must welcome the fact that market principles will soon be established in medicine through the introduction of compulsory medical insurance. At the same time, the main part of the financing will be provided by the state, and the additional part will be at the expense of the employer and the employee himself.

In this regard, it should be noted that at present, budget money is distributed to hospitals for each treated patient and the financing system is absolutely identical to the insurance model. Therefore, when creating an insurance fund and transferring budget funds and insurance payments to it, there will be no cardinal changes in the financing mechanism.

Another thing is that budgetary control with total accountability and subjectivity in determining the amount of funding, lack of motivation for savings and reinvestment have become a brake on the development of market relations in medicine. Therefore, the only way to determine the amount of hospital funding depending on the quality and service of the services provided is to introduce compulsory medical insurance, when each person will know for sure where it is better for him to go and how much medical care he is entitled to and how much it costs.

The third important factor is the image of the profession itself. The medical profession, like any other, is not immune from mistakes. It is impossible to train and educate a good specialist in any of the areas of medicine in a short period of time. To heal at all times was an art, and this profession is valued as given by God. This was how the representatives of this profession were treated, and every doctor, from Hippocrates and Avicenna to the current representatives, left his knowledge to his students or in scientific treatises and books. Based on personal experience and knowledge gained from their teachers, each doctor minimized mistakes and perfected his art.

A good doctor, like a good representative of any profession, is a piece and it is foolish to demand that everyone be virtuosos. Therefore, the main principle of medicine “First of all, do no harm” is relevant in any era. Each link in medicine has its own invaluable role, and the effectiveness of the industry as a whole depends on how the relationship of these links in the system chain is built.

It is important to remember that the main actors in the system are the patient and the doctor. And any innovations in the industry that do not satisfy at least one of the parties are doomed to failure.

But, following this logic, the main link in medicine is a doctor, whose experience and professionalism is the main factor that attracts patients. Therefore, the industry must create an environment for his professional growth and adequate wages.

However, significant shifts have not yet taken place, and only because the money received by the hospital through the activities of doctors and nurses is spent on large administrative expenses and the purchase of various equipment and medicines. As a result, a distorted situation has been created when the "top managers" of individual centers began to receive tangible salaries with minimal earnings of the professionals themselves.

The development of hospitals in the direction of independence and moving away from "enslaving" budgetary procedures involves a corporate management method, which is a very effective way to ensure the profitability of the organization. However, the old school management of a number of clinics is, of course, still guided by obsolete authoritarian methods of allocating resources.

When the question of the role of a doctor in society arises, it is probably necessary to remind everyone of the dry facts of statistics more often. Every day, more than 2,000 operations are performed in the country, more than 1,000 deliveries are taken, more than 420,000 people are served in polyclinics and 18,000 ambulance calls are made.

Each surgeon in the country annually operates about 200 emergency patients doomed to death without medical assistance, and thus, a surgeon with 30 years of experience brings 6,000 people back to life. And there are about 60 thousand doctors in the country.

At the same time, one should always remember that any, even the smallest manipulation in medicine has its own, albeit an insignificant percentage of complications, depending on the body's reaction to this manipulation or injection.

Each, even small-scale operation on the abdominal cavity leaves its mark in the form of adhesions, and large-scale operations always have the risk of a more complex complication. No sane surgeon will tell you that he is fluent in the technique of removing appendicitis, since there are as many options for its location and inflammation as there are individualities of the person himself.

But these complications are nothing compared to the fact that a person gets the opportunity to live, breathe and enjoy every day of his life.

Some aspects of medicine are philosophical in nature. For example, the treatment of a cancer patient with some drugs costs several tens of millions of tenge, and it is well known that they prolong the life of a patient doomed to death by 2-5 years. A number of open heart operations with the replacement of part of it with an artificial one prolongs a person's life by an average of 5 years. Some consider these expenses unreasonable and "thrown" to the wind.

But, on the other hand, how much is a year of a person's life worth? And imagine that this patient is you or your loved one.

And, probably, we need to appreciate this happiness that we live in a country where the state provides these services and drugs to its citizens for free.

Medicine is one of the few industries that operates around the clock and all 365 days a year, in any weather and time of day.

Now there is another panic with another infection called Ebola. Someone works in these centers, treats these terminally ill patients, becomes infected and dies himself. This someone is a medical worker. There is no doubt that the virus will be neutralized and the world will soon forget about it, like many other deadly diseases.

Therefore, before scolding a professional doctor, it is probably worth taking your hat off to him first.

Eric Baizhunusov

Acting General Director of RSE on REM "Republican Center for Health Development"

In the life of every person, medicine plays a very important role throughout his life and it makes no sense to argue otherwise. It is also impossible to deny the fact that it is better to have good health than good medicine. But it is impossible to be insured against everything. What to do if you are very seriously ill? The answer is very simple!

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor: make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, make an appointment with an orthopedist, or it will be a speech therapist. It is necessary to visit a doctor, even if the disease does not pose a serious threat to the body. A good specialist will always give advice and tell you all the prohibited and permitted actions during your illness. He may prescribe a special diet for you. The best specialists can be found on this resource

It is strictly forbidden to postpone going to the doctor, especially if your illness is a kind of cold and you endanger not only yourself, but also those around you. Often a trip to a specialist reveals new flaws in your body. A large number of people are simply afraid of this and put off going to the doctor "for later." If you delay with your illness and do not consult a specialist on time, you can get complications that will not be so easy to cure.

Never forget about it. After all, human health is priceless and at the slightest outbreak of the disease, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

It is difficult to imagine what the state of people would be without methods of maintaining health.

In fact, well-being determines the character, mood and behavior of a person. Strong immunity, the absence of chronic and serious diseases will allow a person to feel more confident and stronger in psycho-emotional terms!

It is far from a secret that a person is self-confident, cheerful - having learned about certain infectious processes occurring in his body, he begins to inspire himself with an unfavorable outcome of his illness, thereby complicating the treatment process and increasing the duration of hospitalization. In order to avoid such complications, in medicine there is the term "ethical and deontological support".

Nowadays, it is safe to say that medicine keeps pace with civilization ... The more inventions that harm the body, the more treatment methods, and for certain diseases (chronic diseases, fever, psoriasis, etc.), there are several treatments...