Pink discharge in the middle. I have pink discharge, what is it and what should I do? Pregnancy excluded: test negative

Discharge from the genital tract always remains one of the most pressing problems for women. In general, their presence is quite normal and physiological. Moreover, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, their nature and intensity changes, which is usually noticed by women themselves. But if you have pink vaginal discharge, is it normal? Or do you need to sound the alarm and rush to see a gynecologist?

Pink discharge: normal

In the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates - the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity. A hormonal decline occurs, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine mucosa) is rejected, which manifests itself in exactly this way - pink discharge with small streaks of blood. They are not abundant and short-lived. A woman observes this phenomenon from cycle to cycle.

The appearance of pale pink discharge is also associated with taking hormonal drugs (contraceptives or medications) for a long time. The fact is that they influence the production of hormones, and the hormonal background changes. Such discharge can be observed when a woman has an intrauterine device installed. By the way, quite often with hormonal pills and IUDs, pink discharge is observed instead of menstruation or after it. This is considered completely normal and should not bother a woman. You should sound the alarm if you experience this phenomenon in the middle of your cycle - most likely this method of contraception is simply not suitable for you.

Pink discharge and delay most often indicate pregnancy. Spotting is the result of the landing of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Pink discharge before menstruation for one day only marks its beginning.

What does pink discharge mean - possible diseases

Unfortunately, the most likely cause of such discharge is various diseases: infections, tumors, inflammation.

So, for example, if you observe pink discharge after intercourse with a sexual partner, then this is bleeding erosion of the cervix due to contact with the male genital organ. However, this happens as a result of microcracks in the vagina due to intense sexual relations.

If pink discharge with an odor and brown streaks is detected, a woman should also consult a doctor, since she most likely develops endometriosis, an inflammation of the layer covering the uterine cavity.

The appearance of such discharge often indicates genital infections. For example, whitish-pink cheesy discharge with a sour odor, accompanied by toothache and a burning sensation in the perineum, is possible with thrush, a disease caused by Candida fungi. To clarify the diagnosis, a woman should undergo a urogenital scraping and a blood test for sexually transmitted infections.

Pink spotting in expectant mothers, which intensifies over time and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually occurs when there is a threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since untimely treatment can lead to miscarriage and even death.

Discharge of the same color is possible with diseases of the thyroid gland.

In the same way, that is, the appearance of pink discharge, papillomas and polyps on the cervix manifest themselves. In addition, if daub appears at the beginning, middle of the menstrual cycle, and also before menstruation, its presence indicates benign formations (fibroids, fibroids) and even a malignant tumor and uterine cancer.

In any case, you should not guess whether your pink discharge is normal or pathological. When they appear, you need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination and give directions for all the necessary tests, which will make it possible to announce a possible diagnosis.

Pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle is often called ovulation, as it indicates the body’s readiness for fertilization. After the egg matures, the hormonal background changes and the level of estrogen increases. As a result, the endometrium changes and minor bleeding appears.

Other reasons for the appearance of pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle include: rupture of the follicle as a result of the release of the egg, installation of an intrauterine device, the use of hormonal contraceptives, and certain medications. However, if pink discharge is accompanied by burning, itching, and discomfort, they may indicate infectious and inflammatory processes, the formation of fibroids and polyps. In these cases, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pink brown discharge

Brown spotting may occur in the middle of the cycle. If they are scanty, this is considered a physiological norm. Usually in this case the woman does not need treatment. Bloody discharge may indicate developing uterine bleeding, which is a symptom of the following diseases: cervical erosion, endometritis, fibroma, cancer of the cervix, adnexa, tumors, internal adenomyosis, sarcoma. These conditions require urgent medical intervention.

If spotting appears after sexual intercourse, it may be caused by cervical cancer or erosion. If the discharge is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it is a symptom of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus. They may also indicate injuries to the genital organs, hormonal imbalances (progesterone deficiency, hyperprolactinemia), polycystic ovary syndrome. Intermenstrual discharge may appear after some gynecological procedures, deep emotional shock, stress, severe shock, climate change.

Brown spotting in the middle of the cycle may be due to hormonal contraception. In this case, they are considered a variant of the norm. However, if hormones are not taken, discharge may include the following: the use of medications containing estrogen, the use of emergency contraception drugs (Postinor, Gynepriston), the presence of an intrauterine device, thyroid dysfunction, low levels of thyroid hormones, vaginal inflammation caused by infections, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

A large percentage of girls and women experience brown discharge between periods, but, however, not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor. As a rule, a girl begins to sound the alarm only when she is completely tired of the discharge. This is wrong, because a symptom of this kind can be a sign of a serious illness.

In general, any suspicious discharge from the genitals is a reason to contact a specialist and undergo all the necessary tests.

If a girl is pregnant, then if she has bloody discharge, she needs to call an ambulance, as this may be the first sign of a miscarriage. If medical care is provided on time, tragic events can be avoided.

But what can spotting in the middle of a cycle mean in a non-pregnant girl?

Gynecologists divide such discharge into two groups: uterine and intermenstrual.

Uterine bleeding can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosion. Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane. This defect appears due to early entry into sexual activity, in the presence of infections, as well as hormonal disorders. Almost every woman faces this disease. Erosion is usually cauterized by a doctor.

  • Cervical cancer. This tumor most often occurs in women after 40 years of age. Doctors say that cervical cancer can occur due to frequent changes of sexual partners, hormonal contraception, and smoking.

  • Endometritis of the uterus is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. Signs of this inflammation are increased body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and weakness.

  • Adenomyosis refers to formations located inside the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself. As a rule, this disease is a consequence of abortion and uterine curettage. Adenomyosis is treated with hormonal medications.

Intermenstrual bleeding may occur due to:

  • Use of drugs such as Postinor. Postinor is an emergency contraceptive drug.

  • Microcracks in the mucous membrane caused by too violent sex.

  • Acclimatization, severe stress, depression, shock.

  • Hormonal imbalances. The body may lack a certain hormone, such as progesterone.

  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

If after each sexual intercourse you are tormented by bloody discharge, then the number of possible diseases is narrowed. Main discharges:

  • Cervical erosion.

  • Cervical cancer.

  • Vaginal tumor.

In any case, if you discover such an unpleasant symptom as spotting, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and prescribe appropriate tests. Remember, the sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner you will begin treatment.

Changes in the nature of vaginal secretions can occur under the influence of many factors. Thus, both psychogenic and physiological reasons can provoke pink or pale red discharge. But their occurrence is also characteristic of many infectious and inflammatory diseases that require urgent treatment. And now you will find out how to understand whether discharge in women is a sign of pathology or not.

Main provoking factors

The appearance of pink discharge can be caused by various reasons, for example:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • inflammatory;
  • infectious.

Conventionally, they can all be divided into two main groups – pathological and non-pathological. Let's take a closer look.


Pale discharge can occur at various times during the menstrual cycle. They can be observed immediately after menstruation, a week after their end and a couple of days before the next menstruation. This is due to constant hormonal fluctuations. So, approximately 4-7 days before the onset of the next menstruation, active production of estrogen occurs, as a result of which a woman may experience pink or brown discharge before her period. And after their completion, the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the maturation of the follicle, increases. And when ovulation occurs (the moment the egg is released), the uterus becomes loose and this can also trigger the appearance of pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle.

After the completion of the ovulation period, if fertilization has not occurred, estrogen production increases again and a pink spot appears before menstruation, which gradually becomes abundant and contains more and more menstrual blood, then menstruation begins.

All these processes occur completely painlessly. Apart from bloody vaginal secretions, the woman does not notice any changes in her condition. However, discharge may be a consequence of:

  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • Use of OCs (oral contraceptives).
  • Frequent stress.
  • Changes in climatic conditions.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Use of vaginal suppositories (for example, Zalain or Diflucan).

Discharge when taking contraceptives occurs due to hormonal changes. Moreover, this happens, as a rule, only in the first 1–2 months of use. Further, the body adapts to new conditions for it and the discharge immediately stops after the second menstruation.

Moreover, pink mucus from the vagina can also be released in small quantities on days 8–11 of the cycle or later against the background of mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa resulting from:

  • Instrumental gynecological examination.
  • Rough sexual intercourse.
  • Improper insertion of sanitary tampons.

Also, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle or at the end can be provoked by an allergic reaction caused by wearing tight underwear, using cosmetics containing a large number of fragrances and fragrances, lubricants, etc. A sign of the development of an allergy is swelling of the labia, which can be accompanied by itching and rash. As a rule, when it occurs, spotting is observed for two to three days, provided that antihistamines are taken during this time.

Or maybe pregnancy?

Speaking about non-pathological causes of discharge a week before menstruation, we cannot help but say that quite often they appear during pregnancy. In this case, the vaginal secretion becomes pale in color and does not have a specific aroma. Some women experience discharge instead of menstruation for the same reason. Moreover, they can go on for 4–5 days or more, which is also a completely natural process. In this case, spotting instead of menstruation occurs against the background of increased synthesis of progesterone in the body and is accompanied by:

  • Nausea.
  • Headaches.
  • Frequent mood changes.
  • Insomnia.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands, etc.

If suddenly a week before your period the spotting suddenly stops and instead bleeding begins (in this case, red blood is released from the vagina in large quantities), accompanied by severe abdominal pain, then you need to call an ambulance. The reason for this may be spontaneous miscarriage.

It is also necessary to say that in those situations when the pink mucus released from the vagina acquires a brownish tint, this is also a sign of a threat to pregnancy, since the presence of dark, thick discharge indicates placental abruption.

Important! If pink-brown vaginal secretion appears, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and fever, you should immediately go to the doctor. All these symptoms indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate surgical intervention!


Despite the fact that many women experience discharge in the middle of the cycle and the reasons for its appearance are different, do not forget that pathologies can also provoke the presence of vaginal secretions 10 days or more before menstruation. As a rule, their occurrence is often accompanied by burning and itching in the vagina, the appearance of a specific odor and pain.

Thus, cheesy discharge, depleting the sour aroma, occurs as a result of active reproduction of Candida fungi in the vagina and the development of thrush. At the same time, women often experience periods with mucus, which is caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervical canal due to excessive fungal activity. And after menstruation, the discharge becomes almost invisible. However, given that thrush is chronic, when the body is exposed to negative factors, after 4-5 days from the end of menstruation, curdled discharge in women appears again.

Negative factors that can provoke repeated manifestations of thrush include:

  • Frequent douching.
  • Climate change.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Stress.
  • Poor nutrition.

Discharge before menstruation, approximately 3-4 days in advance, can also occur against the background of diseases such as cervicitis and endometriosis. In the first case, light red discharge occurs due to inflammation of the cervical canal, against the background of which its small capillaries are damaged. As a result of increased estrogen production, inflammatory reactions intensify and in addition to the fact that women complain about changes in vaginal secretions a few days before menstruation, they also often receive complaints that they have:

  • Pulls in the lower abdomen.
  • Streaks of blood appear in the vaginal mucus (pink mucus takes on a reddish tint).
  • Painful sensations intensify during sexual intercourse or after strong physical exertion.

Endometriosis is a disease in which there is a pathological growth of the uterine epithelium beyond its boundaries. And since after ovulation, the walls of the organ lose their tone and become loose, as a result of which women experience pink discharge before menstruation. At the same time, they are scanty and do not have an unpleasant odor. However, as in the previous case, the pink spot may give way to red discharge or scarlet blood, and nagging pain may periodically occur in the abdomen.

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Important! Endometriosis and cervicitis are very similar in their symptoms. And in order to make an accurate diagnosis and understand why the secretion coming out of the vagina acquires a pinkish or scarlet tint, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

It must be said that if a girl or woman notices creamy vaginal discharge before her period, and then has normal menstruation, this does not mean that you can postpone going to see a specialist. Endometriosis and cervicitis are characterized by frequent remissions and exacerbations, as a result of which the symptoms either subside or begin to “hit” with renewed vigor. And the longer a woman delays treatment, the worse it will be for her health.

There is another disease that causes women to develop pink spotting outside of menstruation. And this is bacterial dysbiosis. With its development, opportunistic microflora begins to predominate in the vagina, resulting in symptoms such as:

  • Irritation in the intimate area.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Swelling of the labia.

If a woman does not have her period, instead a brown or pinkish smear appears, the test is negative, and during the day there is nagging pain in the abdomen, then this may be a sign of the presence of polyps in the cervical canal. These are benign formations that can only be treated with surgery. And it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible, since if they are present, blood during menstruation cannot normally pass through the cervix and it begins to accumulate in the uterine cavity, provoking the development of congestion.

Important! You should not hope that the polyps will resolve on their own and after some time normal menstruation will begin. These formations rarely disappear on their own and, in the absence of adequate therapy, can provoke the development of cervical cancer.

Scarlet discharge also occurs as a result of erosive lesions of the cervix. In this case, a woman may notice the appearance of scarlet discharge throughout her entire cycle. Moreover, they often intensify after sexual intercourse and a few days before menstruation.

In order not to torment yourself with the question of why pink or scarlet mucus appears after menstruation and what they mean, you must immediately visit a doctor and undergo a full examination. If it reveals any disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs, you must immediately undergo a full course of treatment. If this is not done, the consequences may be adverse.

Normally, women should experience any bleeding only during menstruation. An exception is ovulatory bleeding - scanty pink discharge in the middle of the cycle, which indicates the movement of a mature egg, which corresponds to the period of ovulation. But the reasons may also lie in inflammation, infectious diseases, tumors and other pathologies.

The main sign of ovulatory bleeding is the appearance of a slightly pinkish color in normal leucorrhoea. In this case, the pink discharge becomes colorless again on the 2nd–3rd day. This condition indicates that ovulation has occurred - a favorable phase for conceiving a child.

The reasons for the change in the color of the discharge lie in the fact that the follicular membrane is ruptured, the capillaries are damaged, a small amount of blood mixes with the mucus, coloring it a mild pink color.

Also, spotting pinkish discharge may appear in the middle of the cycle normally when taking hormonal-based contraceptives. Typically, such phenomena accompany taking OCs only in the first 3–4 months until hormonal levels stabilize.

Less commonly, discharge with drops of blood may occur after sexual intercourse. This indicates injury to the mucous membrane as a result of excessive friction, when the production of secretions in the vagina is disrupted. Find out more in our article on the website.

However, only a specialist can figure out whether mucus mixed with blood is normal or pathological.

Common Causes of Pink Discharge

Slightly pinkish discharge, especially one-time discharge, is unlikely to be a symptom of a serious illness. Most often this occurs when capillaries rupture due to injury to the vaginal mucosa after sexual intercourse, improper use of tampons, or douching.

If a similar phenomenon occurs regularly in the middle of the cycle, the reasons may be more serious. Mucus with impurities can be released in small quantities due to disorders in the thyroid gland or hormonal imbalance.

Pinkish mucus can also be observed during ovulation, the presence of cervical erosion, and in the early stages of pregnancy.

After sex

During intense sexual contact, trauma to the internal mucous membrane can cause damage to the capillaries and cause the appearance of pale pink discharge.

In addition, any careless impact damages the mucous membranes and can cause the appearance of leucorrhoea mixed with blood, for example:

  • improper insertion or wearing of a tampon;
  • gynecological examination.

In this case, bleeding means that wounds have appeared on the surface of the mucous membrane. Accordingly, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for some time so that the tissues of the vaginal lining are restored.

The regular appearance of such mucus after sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of cervical erosion or polyps. In this case, mucus will appear every time, like snot with blood, as well as pain, discomfort after sexual intercourse and other unpleasant symptoms.

Regardless of the day of the cycle

In some cases, pink discharge appears on any day of the cycle. This does not indicate the onset of ovulation, but the presence of hidden inflammatory processes and other pathologies:

  • STDs – accompanied by burning, painful sensations;
  • uterine inflammatory processes - can be asymptomatic and become the cause;
  • malignant or benign tumors - the result may be pink leucorrhoea without reference to a specific day of the cycle;
  • ectopic pregnancy - can manifest itself with pinkish discharge on any day of the menstrual cycle.

The combination of pink discharge with other signs of pathology (pulling or sharp pain, rise in temperature, disruption of the menstrual cycle) requires a detailed examination and identification of the cause of this condition.

Candidiasis colpitis

The inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa of an infectious nature is called colpitis. The causative agents are viruses - mycoplasma, trichomonas, ureaplasma. Symptoms:

  • pink cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • appearance, characterized by cheesy discharge, itching;
  • discomfort in the intimate area;
  • soreness in the lower abdomen.

Curd-like discharge in women with characteristic flakes indicates candidiasis. If there is a thick greenish tint, trichomoniasis is diagnosed.

Colpitis of a bacterial nature manifests itself as discharge of a homogeneous structure, foamy, white-pink or almost colorless.

Almost always, the development of colpitis disrupts the concentration of lactobacilli and contributes to the development of vaginal dysbiosis. For this reason, it itches in the intimate area, irritation and pain appear, scratching the skin can be injured, and a secondary bacterial infection often occurs.

Bacterial vaginosis

A non-inflammatory infectious disease that affects the vagina and disrupts the normal microflora is bacterial vaginosis. Often occurs against the background of prolonged wearing of an intrauterine device, uncontrolled use of antibiotics and drugs containing hormones. It remains asymptomatic for a long time.

Main features:

  • pink discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed on any day of the cycle;
  • depending on the severity of the lesion, the color of the mucus can vary from almost colorless or pinkish to yellow-gray;
  • the volume of leaking mucus reaches 20 ml per day (at a norm of a maximum of 10 ml);
  • As the disease progresses, the discharge thickens, foam, flakes, foreign inclusions, and clots appear.

The smell of these fragrances is specific - reminiscent of rotten fish. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis can be determined even by external examination.

Cervical pathology

Cervical erosion is often virtually asymptomatic. As a rule, the main and only manifestation is the presence of scanty light pink discharge on different days of the cycle. In some cases, they may become darker in color, which indicates the addition of other diseases against the background of damage to the cervix.

The cause of leucorrhoea with blood impurities is injury by erosion of the mucous membrane. The appearance of drops of blood in the secretion indicates extensive damage to the endometrium. More often, discharge is observed not in the middle of the cycle, but three or more days before the start of menstruation under the influence of increased blood circulation from an increase in mucosal tissue.

Erosion also causes the release of reddish mucus during routine manipulations - using a diaphragm, intrauterine devices, gynecological examination, sexual intercourse, using tampons, ultrasound, douching or inserting vaginal suppositories.

The appearance of pain or discomfort indicates the addition of other diseases, such as cervical endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids, and polyps.

Intrauterine devices

When using barrier contraceptives, it is also common to observe intermenstrual slightly pink or reddish leucorrhoea from the vagina.

If an IUD is inserted, undesirable effects may last for a maximum of 1–2 weeks. At the end of this period, the condition should return to normal.

Some symptoms that occur after installation of the IUD require consultation with a doctor:

  • leucorrhoea appears not with a pink tint, but with a scarlet or brown color - the beginning of bleeding;
  • there is a delay in menstruation - even with an IUD there is still a small risk of pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • unpleasant or unusual smell of mucus - infection;
  • painful sensations in the groin or lower abdomen - displacement of the spiral.

Wearing a uterine device also requires compliance with certain rules. After the period specified in the instructions has expired, the spiral must be replaced. In addition, the barrier protection agent is a foreign body in the body, and therefore can cause rejection, manifested by pain and constant intermenstrual release of mucus with blood.

If any leucorrhoea with drops of blood appears, it is necessary to monitor its regularity, volume and accompanying symptoms. A single pinkish mucus more often indicates injury to the mucous membrane, and regular scanty bleeding, coupled with pain, odor, and itching require diagnosis and selection of treatment.

Discharge can be observed in every healthy girl or woman. It is thanks to the secretions that the vaginal mucosa is cleared of dead cells, bacteria and mucus. It's normal if your discharge:

  • Transparent or whitish, creamy or slightly yellowish in color
  • Thin (watery) or slightly stretchy (mucus-like)
  • No smell
  • The discharge is not abundant: no more than a teaspoon per day

What discharge is not normal?

Your discharge is abnormal and a symptom of illness if:

  • Discharge that is yellow, green, brown, or other color
  • The discharge is very thick, foam-like or cottage cheese-like
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor (sour, rotten, rotten fish odor, onion odor, or something else)
  • Heavy discharge: more than one teaspoon per day
  • Any discharge, if against its background you have itching, redness in the genital area, a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the vagina, abdominal pain, increased body temperature, pain and burning during urination and

Why does abnormal discharge appear?

The main cause of abnormal vaginal discharge is inflammation. Inflammation of the vagina or uterus occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as when the composition of the vaginal microflora is disrupted (). Unusual discharge may be caused by non-compliance.

Is it possible to determine its cause by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately no. Gynecologists know more than 100 causes of vaginal discharge, and many of these causes present with the same symptoms. That is why, based only on the appearance of the discharge, even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to make a diagnosis.

How to determine the cause of discharge?

Only with the help of a smear on the flora. - This is a smear from the vaginal mucosa, which is stained and examined under a microscope. Under a microscope, most bacteria and fungi that cause discharge become visible.

I have a lot of clear or mucous discharge, what is it and what should I do?

In some situations, completely normal clear or mucous discharge becomes excessively abundant (more than a teaspoon per day). This is normal discharge if:

  • Discharge appeared as a result of sexual arousal
  • Discharge appeared a few minutes or hours after sex
  • The discharge appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasted no more than 3-5 days

Contact your gynecologist if:

  • Heavy discharge appears at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle and lasts more than 3 days
  • You are over 40-45 years old and you have a lot of watery or mucous discharge
  • In addition to clear discharge, you experience the following symptoms: they appear regardless of the menstrual cycle and after sexual intercourse, periods last longer than usual, you have back pain, weight loss. The symptoms listed above may occur with.

I have white discharge (leucorrhoea), what is it and what should I do?

White discharge may be normal or indicate inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Normal white discharge appears in small amounts shortly before your period and a few days after your period.

If yellow discharge appears, you should contact a gynecologist. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora and determine the cause of the discharge. Each of the diseases that cause yellow discharge is treated differently. Until you find out what is causing the yellow discharge, treatment will not be effective.

I have green discharge, what is it and what should I do?

Green discharge is always a sign of infection. Healthy women do not have green discharge.

Green vaginal discharge occurs with sexually transmitted diseases: and some others. Such discharge appears soon after unprotected sex and is accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, dryness and discomfort in the vagina.

If you are not sexually active, then green discharge may indicate.

If green discharge appears, you need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will take a smear of the flora and, based on the results of the smear, will recommend treatment.

I have pink discharge, what is it and what should I do?

The pink color of the discharge is given by tiny droplets of blood. Pink discharge may be normal if:

  • Appear (appear) a few days before the start of menstruation
  • You are taking it and pink discharge appears in the middle of your menstrual cycle
  • Pink discharge appeared after rough sex
  • Soon after the appearance of this discharge you found out that you were pregnant

Pink discharge that appears frequently or every time after sex can be a symptom or even.

If soon after the appearance of pink discharge you have an unplanned menstruation, then most likely this is a menstrual cycle failure.

If the pink discharge has an unpleasant odor, you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and your body temperature is elevated, then you may have endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus).

Pink discharge can be a symptom of more serious diseases: such as ovarian rupture,. With these diseases, pink discharge is often accompanied by very severe abdominal pain.

If pink discharge does not fit the description of normal discharge, then you need to see a gynecologist. The gynecologist will examine the cervix, take a smear on the flora and, possibly, prescribe. All these tests will help determine the cause of pink discharge and prescribe treatment.

I have brown or black discharge: what is it and what should I do?

Dark colored discharge (brown or black) is bloody - that is, it contains blood. This issue is addressed on our website.