Siberian fiber: features of use for weight loss. Siberian fiber varieties

Siberian fiber has become a real salvation for women who are tired of starving themselves and counting calories. The instructions for this supplement do not promise a loss of 10 kg in a week and an ideal figure, but its herbal components have a positive effect on both excess weight and health.

The secret of the composition

The dietary supplement contains one, but very important component for weight loss - concentrated fiber from cereals and berries. It retains many vitamins and microelements, so it can support the body during the cold season. But most importantly, Siberian fiber for weight loss expands in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness that does not go away for several hours. As a result, you will calmly pass by grilled steaks, pieces of cake and hamburgers.

Fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, improves skin color and hair structure, significantly refreshing a woman who is tired in the face of daily rush. The additive is a mixture of plant components that most often cannot be purchased separately: wheat grain shells, pine nut kernels, blueberries, lingonberries, pear or rose hips. Depending on the composition, the supplement can stimulate intestinal motility, reduce sugar levels, and cleanse the body of toxins. Whatever you choose, a large amount of plant fiber will contribute to consistent weight loss.

Fiber for weight loss tastes like a slightly sweet powder or capsules that can be consumed with regular food or separately. Unobtrusiveness in use does not in any way affect the mood and psyche, unlike grueling diets.

Contraindications for use

First of all, you must strictly follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions. Excessive consumption of fiber greatly stretches the stomach, not reducing it, but, on the contrary, provoking a feeling of hunger. To achieve the effect, it is also necessary to mix it with liquids during meals, washing down with juice, water, tea.

Secondly, it is undesirable to eat fiber if you have existing diseases of the stomach and pancreas: open ulcers, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. It can make the situation worse and aggravate symptoms. Thus, consuming fiber can cause discomfort because it promotes gas formation. Therefore, think carefully before eating it before an important meeting or meeting. There may be bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area.

However, these are special cases that are associated with individual intolerance to the product. In general, it is worth noting the positive effect, given that the supplement is sold at affordable prices, in contrast to radical methods of losing weight. Despite a number of contraindications, Siberian fiber has positive reviews. Women are especially pleased with its varied effect, aimed at improving the health of several body systems at once.

Olga, 45 years old

I tried adding fiber to salads. There really is an effect. I don’t feel like eating every half hour, and my digestion has returned to normal, although I had big problems before. Of the minuses, I noted bloating. But it’s not visible from the outside, so I try not to notice.

Zhanna, 23 years old

Siberian fiber was a real discovery for me! Now I start taking it every fall when I don’t have enough vitamins. I don’t go on diets – I’m scared, but fiber is an excellent substitute! Without fasting, training and a calorie diary, the result is wonderful!

Olg, 36 years old

Of course, they look a little strange, but they’ll work as vitamin supplements. I didn’t see much weight loss, but there is lightness, which is true. The main thing here is not to exceed the dose, otherwise there will be no escape from gas formation.

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LLC "Siberian fiber"

634021 Russia, Tomsk region, Tomsk Frunze Ave., 109, office 114

Questions and answers for specialists selling Siberian fiber

"Siberian Fiber" 03/19/2018 2593

10 frequently asked questions about Siberian fiber and answers to them

What are the benefits of fiber?

What is the logic behind its wide spectrum of action?

Fiber is a component of plant cell membranes. You get fiber from plant foods. This has been the case for thousands of years in the history of the human race, but technological progress has changed our food. Modern food is clean, refined and low in fiber. The majority of Russians - this is 70-80% of the population (according to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2003) - consumes 15% of the recommended fiber per day!

Why is transit time so important?

Your intestines do the hard work of moving food from your stomach to your anus. Along this path, many changes occur in the “food coma,” including the formation of carcinogenic substances. The longer the transit time, the higher the likelihood that the resulting poisons and toxins will begin to be absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, causing metabolic disorders.

Fiber is the only natural regulator of the speed of food transit through the gastrointestinal tract.

Look at how wide the range of diseases caused by poor nutrition is, which can be prevented and alleviated with the help of fiber! Coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, intestinal and breast cancer, appendicitis, constipation, high cholesterol, gallstones, hemorrhoids, prostate cancer, varicose veins, infectious diseases (decreased immunity) and even caries!

25-30 gr. different! (this is very important) fiber a day from early childhood to old age will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from many troubles. Cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries should become permanent components of your diet. 1.5-2 kg of plant foods per day will help improve well-being, control weight, slow down age-related changes and prevent diseases. This is so much, some will say, no problem, on the shelves of pharmacies you will find useful multi-mixtures of various types of fiber in the form of powders, tablets, granules.

Who proved that fiber is so beneficial? - you ask.

Hundreds of scientific teams are studying the beneficial properties of fiber abroad; more than 300 came out in the first quarter of 2013! scientific articles on fiber in English. Translations of many of them can be found on the Russian-language Internet. Who proved that fiber is so beneficial? - you ask. Hundreds of scientific teams are studying the beneficial properties of fiber abroad; more than 300 came out in the first quarter of 2013! scientific articles on fiber in English. Translations of many of them can be found on the Russian-language Internet. There is practically no such work in Russia, but people’s interest in a healthy diet rich in fiber and effective natural preventive remedies is steadily growing.

Siberian fiber (SC) is an effective, natural preventative. Each type of SC is a complex of soluble and insoluble plant fibers. SC improves the quality of the diet and protects against many diseases and problems.

First of all, these are disorders of the digestive and excretory systems:

  • haemorrhoids
  • varicose veins
  • oncological diseases of the large intestine and rectum
  • liver and kidney diseases
  • allergic reactions
  • dysbiosis.

The use of fiber normalizes weight, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes, allergies, chemical and microbial intoxication. Fiber is not a medicine; after a few days of taking it, a sharp improvement in health will not happen, because we have been undermining it for years and decades. After taking fiber, nutrition becomes more correct, metabolism improves, and the load on internal organs and body systems is reduced. Those who consume fiber (after 3-5 days) note normalization of stool, disappearance of congestion in the pelvic area, lightness, improvement in appearance and well-being.

What is fiber?

An organic compound that forms the structural basis of plant cell walls.

Why is fiber so important for us?

What should the body receive from food first? Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and, of course, dietary plant fiber - fiber. According to the Russian Ministry of Health, the average Russian consumes 10-15% of the recommended amount of fiber per day!

Fiber makes up for the lack of vegetables and fruits, so it is necessary at any age. But especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat insufficient plant foods (less than 1-1.5 kg per day).

What is the role of plant fibers - fiber in the digestion process?

Fiber is almost indigestible. Passing through the digestive tract, it enhances the motor activity of the intestines, promotes the movement of food and cleanses the intestinal walls from layers of fecal stones, pus, mucus, etc. Fiber fibers absorb bile acids, toxins, waste, poisons, heavy metal salts, and pesticides. When many foods are digested, poisons are formed in the lower intestines. Food poor in fiber takes a long time to move through the digestive tract, stagnates in the lower intestines, poisons and toxins begin to be absorbed into the blood, poisoning the body.

Fiber is a food that is beneficial for the intestinal microflora. Beneficial microflora is an “immunity factory.” Intestinal bacteria partially break down fiber, producing substances that block the growth of cancer cells. Modern statistics show that in regions where plant foods predominate, cancer of the digestive tract and breast is reduced by 30% compared to other regions where fiber consumption is much lower than normal.

One of the reasons for the feeling of fullness is the filling of the stomach, after which special receptors signal to the brain - “stop eating and stretching the stomach.” A state of saturation occurs. Fiber is an ideal, natural “filler” for the stomach. Our body spends energy moving food through the digestive tract. If we eat proteins, fats or carbohydrates, then the energy spent is replenished during the digestion of food; in the case of fiber, this does not happen. Scientists have proven that our body spends energy equivalent to a 20-minute run to move the daily fiber requirement through the digestive tract! Eat and lose weight - this cherished dream of many strict dieters is coming true. In addition, a “slagged” intestine is not able to “correctly” absorb nutrients, metabolism is disrupted and, as a result, weight and health problems occur.

Dosage dosage, methods of use

The daily intake of plant fiber is 20-25 g. Divide it into 2-3 doses. Start taking SK with one spoon, increasing the dose over the course of a week. It is most convenient to take SK with fermented milk products or thick juices at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per glass (one tablespoon is 5 grams). In them, fiber is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of liquid, which makes it pleasant to drink. SK can be washed down with any other liquid, added to soup or porridge, put into dough, minced meat, or used as a breading material.

Any amount of fiber will be beneficial to your body. For comparison, let's say - to get the daily requirement of plant fiber, you need to eat 1.5 kg of apples or 1.25 kg of oranges, 270 grams. prunes, 600 gr. bran bread. The main thing to remember when taking Siberian fiber is that it must be taken with liquid at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of fiber per 1-2 glasses of liquid!

How long should you use SC?

Fiber makes up for the lack of plant foods. Therefore, it should be used constantly if you cannot eat the required amount (1-1.5 kg) of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs per day.

What is Siberian fiber made from?

Cereal shell - wheat, rye, taiga and garden berries - lingonberries, cranberries, chokeberries, honeysuckle, blueberries, blueberries, etc., as well as pine nuts, flax, stevia, milk thistle, cinquefoil, Altai and Siberian herbs, apple , seaweed, rosehip, etc.


Open gastric ulcer, colitis, enterocolitis of infectious etiology. Individual intolerance.

Today, when not much attention is paid to the nutrition process, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives all the components necessary for normal functioning. By normalizing processes in the human body, as well as improving the functioning of internal organs, you can not only improve your health, improve your well-being, but also put your own figure in order. One of the substances necessary for humans, which is quite difficult to find among the products sold on the shelves of modern stores, is fiber. It is very important to consume such a nutritional supplement systematically.

What is Siberian fiber?

Siberian Fiber is the largest company in Russia producing fiber-based nutritional supplements. Fiber itself is plant-based fiber that is found in legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables. This substance is not absorbed in the human body, but it is extremely necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. The relevance of its use is due to the fact that fiber is removed from most products sold in stores. In this regard, it should be taken as dietary supplements, and not only in order to obtain an elegant silhouette, but also in order to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Composition and calorie content of fiber

Plant fiber consists of cellulose and hemicellulose - components insoluble in the human intestine. The calorie content of this substance is about 200 kilocalories per 100 grams. When it comes to processed fiber, which is offered by dietary supplement manufacturers, it may contain additional elements. A more precise composition of each individual product should be found on the product packaging.

Benefits and harms of consumption

Fiber is an extremely useful component for the body, which is involved in metabolic processes in the body. It should also be noted that once fiber enters the stomach, it increases in size, filling a large space, which results in a feeling of fullness. At the same time, swelling in the stomach, the substance absorbs cholesterol from the gastric juice, removing it from the body naturally. Also, plant fibers improve intestinal motility, preventing constipation and stagnation of fecal stones.

As for the negative effects, it should be noted that fiber is a fairly rough food material that can damage the inflamed or weak mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines. This component can also cause increased gas formation, and if you consume the product in large volumes at once, problems with bowel movements may occur. In large volumes, fiber disrupts the absorption of iron, magnesium and other microelements.

Does fiber help you lose weight?

It should be noted that the described product is not able to independently reduce the percentage of fat in the body, however, fiber can be an excellent auxiliary tool. Firstly, this remedy can help reduce the amount of food consumed, and secondly, cleanse the intestines of fecal stones and plaque, thanks to which you can lose several kilograms. In addition, plant fibers help improve metabolic processes in the body, which is extremely important when playing sports to lose weight.

Instructions for use of Siberian fiber

In order for the body to be cleansed or stimulated most effectively, it is necessary to use the described nutritional supplement according to the instructions. It is important to note that descriptions of the use process and recommendations are present on each product package. You should also consult your doctor before using fiber as a dietary supplement.

How to drink it to lose weight

For consumption in liquid form, the dietary supplement can be diluted in any liquid, such as juice, kefir, yogurt, etc. To do this, take two tablespoons of the raw material per glass of liquid, then stir the composition thoroughly. You should drink these fiber-enriched cocktails four times a day. To cleanse the intestines, the procedures must be repeated for a week, after which you take a break of 14 days, and then drink supplements for another 7 days.

How to use with food

It is important to remember one rule - you cannot introduce fiber into your diet abruptly, adding it to all dishes, this is harmful. You need to start gradually, adding a small amount of the product to your porridge for breakfast, and after some time, combine cereal mixtures with soups, salads, main courses, etc. To do this, you need to add one to three tablespoons of fiber to the dish, depending on how accustomed the intestines are to this component.

Contraindications to the use of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements with fiber are not available to everyone, since this product is very specific. Fiber is contraindicated for persons suffering from dysbacteriosis, colitis, gastric ulcers or gastritis. Those who suffer from flatulence and increased gas formation in the intestines should also refuse the product.

Review of the best manufacturers

Today, more and more often you can meet supporters of proper, healthy nutrition, who know that it is very difficult to get the required daily amount of fiber from ordinary foods. In this regard, you should take dietary supplements, namely plant fiber, daily. Healthy food factory "Siberian fiber" is a manufacturer of cereal-fruit mixtures saturated with cellulose and other necessary elements for the human body. Below are the most popular types of food additives from domestic manufacturers with detailed descriptions.

Thin waist

Packaged fiber in a jar “Thin Waist” is a high-quality product from the manufacturer “Siberian Cellulose”, sold in a small jar weighing 170 grams. This product contains 80% fiber obtained from wheat and apples, while the remaining 20% ​​of the product volume is occupied by female herbs, including: nettle, buckthorn, St. John's wort, dandelion, horsetail, etc. This mixture is perfect for girls , which although improve the functioning of the digestive system, as well as bring the figure back to normal. To use, the composition should be diluted in a liquid, such as tea, yogurt or juice.

Vitamin glade

This is vegetable fiber from the Siberian Fiber company, sold in convenient branded packaging weighing 300 grams. The “Vitamin Glade” product is a complex of organic acids, plant fibers and B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, etc. All components of the composition are aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular, and immune systems. This food supplement combines wheat grain shells, pectins made from lingonberries and cranberries, as well as pine nut kernels.


This product is an advanced complex of plant fibers and additional components contained in a convenient package weighing 170 grams. In addition to wheat and apple fiber, the product contains the following herbs: rose hips, immortelle, chamomile, buckthorn bark, calendula, clover, mint, etc. It is the complex of these components that contributes to the complete cleansing of pathogenic deposits in the intestines. In addition, with the help of the product, toxins and cholesterol contained in the blood and gastric juice are removed from the body. The described product is one of the best remedies for constipation and other digestive disorders.

Figured nutrition

The described bran from “Siberian Fiber” is an analogue of the “Lady Slimness” product and has the same properties. The product is based on natural ingredients, including plant fibers from fruits, berries, herbs, and wheat. With systemic consumption of this dietary supplement, you can improve the functioning of internal organs, normalize weight, and also give your skin a healthy appearance. The effect is achieved by cleansing the digestive tract of cholesterol, toxins and undigested food. Thus, the label “health, beauty and slimness” on the package is what can be achieved by taking this type of fiber.

Health basket

“Health Basket” is a fruit-cereal mixture, which is sold in a small container, the mass of the product in which is 140 grams. The product contains processed fibers from wheat, pine nuts, rosehips and apples. Thanks to its composition, a specific food additive helps normalize the digestion process and also cleanses the body of harmful components, removing waste and toxins naturally. It should be noted that the “Health Basket” is a unique remedy that can be used even during pregnancy, helping the expectant mother’s body cope with the overload of the intestines, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.

Stop appetite

The “Stop Appetite” complex is a nutritional supplement based on insoluble fiber and converted herbal ingredients. The composition of the product includes the shell of wheat grain and a bouquet of herbs, including: strawberry leaves, nettles, blueberries, dandelion roots, chicory, yarrow herb, fireweed, etc. In addition, the product contains a variety of microelements and vitamins useful for the body, due to which the reduction food consumption does not affect health or well-being. The decrease in appetite is due to the swelling of fiber in the stomach and filling its volume, which gives a feeling of fullness.

Doctors' opinion

As you know, in order to get the required amount of fiber, you should eat a lot of food rich in this substance during the day. This process is quite difficult to implement, since the daily fiber requirement for a person is as much as 50 grams. In this aspect, Siberian fiber is an extremely important nutritional component that should be present in the diet of every person in moderation.

It is no secret that modern people do not eat so many vegetables, fruits and grains, preferring those foods that can quickly fill them up. But this is wrong, because they supply our body with fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines, making a person feel healthy.

If your diet is low in fiber or you want to lose weight, you can start taking a supplement. What it is, what are the reviews of doctors and ordinary people about it, we will find out below. We will also find out whether fiber is effective for weight loss.

Composition of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber is a combination of plant fibers obtained from fruits and grains. She is a complex of substances, which help with weight loss and enrich the human body with vitamins and essential microelements.

The complex does not contain any dyes, flavors or additives; it is an entirely natural product that is ready for use.

Let's find out what fiber contains:

Depending on the type of product, the quantity and percentage of components differs. Total there are many types of substances, which we will also consider. You can choose one or another option based on reviews from others or depending on the purpose.

The effectiveness of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. According to reviews from specialists and ordinary people, she is an effective remedy in the following cases:

  • when losing weight;
  • to reduce cholesterol levels;
  • to cleanse the intestines;
  • to stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • to improve skin elasticity;
  • to replenish vitamins and other nutrients;
  • for the purpose of preventing diseases, including oncology.

Many in their reviews also note the positive point that Siberian fiber can normalize hormonal levels, reduces the likelihood of diarrhea and constipation and speeds up metabolism. Quite often, overweight people begin to develop depression when they decide to go on a diet. Siberian fiber is good because it does not cause such a condition, since it is able to saturate the body to the fullest. And, unlike many other weight loss products, it will not cost very much.

Classification of Siberian fiber

As we have already said, there are a large number of types of this product, which differ in taste and purpose. You can choose the most suitable product depending on your needs. So, there are such types of Siberian fiber as:

Varieties of Siberian fiber for weight loss

Many people prefer to use this dietary supplement to lose weight. In this case it is better to choose special varieties of this product, which consist of insoluble fibers and fat-burning products.

Among these varieties:

  • fiber thin waist - in addition to the fiber itself, this product contains plantain, nettle, buckthorn and other herbs that have a diuretic effect. Dietary fiber is insoluble, which is what gives the weight loss effect;
  • with green coffee - this ingredient is believed to help lose weight and cleanse the body. However, judging by the reviews of some experts, this is not true;
  • flax fiber - there are varieties with berries, fruits, blueberries or herbs. Weight is reduced due to the fact that flaxseed contains special acids, but some doctors say that weight is reduced only due to fiber, and the percentage of acids is too small for this effect;
  • stop appetite – the product includes insoluble dietary fiber in large quantities, which suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • there is no belly - the product also includes vegetables that do not contain fat, accordingly, a person is saturated only with plant components;
  • light weight - this fiber is produced in granular form. The composition contains stevia leaves, which gives a sweet taste. There is a slight diuretic effect;
  • lady fitness – contains green coffee beans, as well as diuretic and laxative components;
  • lady perfection - in many ways similar to the previous product in terms of action, but not significantly different from it in composition.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that Siberian fiber is a natural and safe product, not everyone can take it.

In particular, it should not be taken if you have gastrointestinal diseases such as:

The fact is that in the presence of these ailments, fiber will only aggravate the uncomfortable condition, since it swells in the stomach. Wherein the ban on taking it if you have stomach problems is not too categorical, but you need to first consult with your doctor and study the reviews of those who use fiber if they have similar problems.

You need to approach your diet very strictly depending on your stomach problems. The fact is that in such cases, fiber is prescribed in a diluted form and must also be washed down. This may affect the stomach, it can stretch. Therefore, when taking fiber, you should not overdo it in terms of portions; it is better to undereat a little.

Features of reception for the purpose of weight loss

In Siberian fiber plant fibers are concentrated in sufficient quantities so that with minimal consumption of other foods you can feel full and keep yourself in shape.

According to reviews, taking the product regularly within a month allows you to get rid of 2 to 6 kilograms during this period.

The grain shells are not absorbed by the body; they only move along the tract and remove all accumulated deposits from there.

How to use Siberian fiber

The key rule for taking Siberian fiber is to eat enough of it throughout the day so that you don’t feel hungry or want to snack during the day. Fiber combines with any liquid when diluted in:

Take 2 tablespoons of the product per glass of drink. You need to drink it 4 times a day.

When consuming fiber, the menu is approximately as follows:

  • for breakfast you can eat milk or dairy-free porridge, or an egg, or cottage cheese or boiled fish;
  • for lunch light soup or vegetables, cottage cheese;
  • during the day at any time - up to 3 raw vegetables or fruits.

At the same time, the norm of calories per day is about 1000, and fat - about 20 g. The diet should contain protein, but it is better that it is not meat, but products such as;

  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese.

You can drink water, tea and coffee. Also it is very important to take vitamins, since fiber, when passing through the stomach, absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful ones.

When losing weight with fiber, consider the following:

  • watch not for weight loss, but for reduction in body volume, since weight can fluctuate due to the accumulation of water in the body;
  • To prevent your muscles from becoming flabby, do not forget to exercise.

This way you can get rid of at least 10 kilograms or more.

Siberian fiber is a product made from vegetables, grains and fruits. Once in the stomach, fiber swells, taking up all the available space. As a result, there is a feeling of fullness, there is no desire to overeat and often eat food. By including fiber in your diet, you can quickly minimize.

Siberian fiber is bran, which swells when it enters the body and suppresses the feeling of hunger. It is a natural supplement that cleanses the body and saturates it with useful components. Fiber does not contain any types of chemicals that cause danger to the body. Due to the absence of preservatives, flavors, dyes and other artificial components, Siberian fiber has a positive effect on the entire body, promoting weight loss.

Siberian fiber for weight loss is useful because it contains substances that supply the body with the necessary components for optimal functioning. As a result of this, metabolism accelerates, the stomach digests food faster, and there is no constant feeling of hunger, as was the case before its use.

Composition of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber consists exclusively of natural ingredients that are used both in cosmetology and medicine. Due to the absence of chemicals in the composition, the positive properties of fiber are increased, the body receives a larger amount of useful components. Siberian fiber has the following composition:

  • Millet grain shells;
  • Fruits and berries;

All these components are useful for humans, they saturate the body and prevent the appearance of a constant feeling of hunger. Weight loss occurs precisely due to the absence of the need to increase the amount of food entering the body.

The benefits of Siberian fiber

Experts recommend including as much fiber as possible in your diet, especially for people who are deficient in plant fiber. If a person rapidly loses weight and does not stop there, his body is faced with a deficiency of plant fibers. Due to the intake of fiber, digestive processes are restored, cholesterol levels are reduced, and harmful toxins are removed that interfere with the optimal functioning of the body.

Among the main advantages of Siberian fiber are:

  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Reduction of allergic pathologies;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels.

Fiber provides a person with a feeling of fullness for a long time; after taking it, hunger does not occur for 6-7 hours. When the body is faced with a shortage of incoming food, it begins to actively consume fat deposits, drawing energy from them. Due to this process, body weight decreases without harm to the body.

Despite the large number of benefits, you need to know that Siberian fiber is not a remedy that necessarily leads to rapid weight loss. There will be results, but you should not expect quick results. Each person’s body is individual, one may notice the process of burning extra pounds after a week of using bran, and another will notice slight changes in the functioning of the system after 2 or 3 weeks. Global weight loss will not be observed.

How to take it correctly?

To improve metabolic processes, remove toxins and waste from the body, and normalize the functioning of the body, you need to know how to take Siberian fiber. Experts recommend that you approach this weight loss method consciously and do not proceed to its use without first studying the instructions.

Siberian fiber is not consumed in dry form; it must be added to drinks, dishes or diluted with plain water. Only in this case will the action be justified and noticeable.

  1. Fiber with water. If you don’t have time to prepare dishes with added fiber, you should dilute it in water. The dry mixture is diluted in a glass of water, left to swell and taken orally. But, this option is not very convenient to use, despite the fact that it is prepared quickly and without any effort.
  2. Fiber in fermented milk products. Use yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt. Due to the intake of fermented milk products into the body, there is a positive effect on the intestines and its microflora increases. Also, the feeling of fullness occurs for a longer time. In fermented milk products, fiber swells for up to 15 minutes.
  3. Fiber in food. You can add the mixture to salads or porridges, stirring and leaving for 5 minutes to swell. By adding fiber, portions are reduced, and accordingly, the body receives less fat and carbohydrates, which are stored as fat.

To achieve weight loss without much stress on the body, it is recommended to take 3-4 tablespoons of fiber per day, spreading the intake throughout the day. If the product is diluted with liquid, then one spoon of the mixture is mixed with 200 ml of water, yogurt or kefir.

Fast weight loss with fiber

If the goal is before a vacation or an important event, then the dosage is slightly increased. For 250 ml of liquid, 2 tablespoons of fiber are already added for swelling. Take 3-4 times a day. You can easily lose 1 kg of excess weight in one day.

Proper use of Siberian fiber involves taking it 30 minutes before meals. It saturates the body, allowing a person to consume much less per meal than the body is accustomed to. But, you need to remember that Siberian fiber for weight loss cannot replace a full meal, its main task is to saturate the body and reduce its amount. If you refuse breakfast, lunch or dinner, certain disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system may occur.

Experts recommend following the course for no more than two months. If the situation does not require the use of fiber for two whole months, the course can be reduced to 30 days. This time will be enough to normalize metabolic processes, reduce the volume of the stomach, and teach the body to consume half as much food, becoming full.

Diet based on Siberian fiber

In order for Siberian fiber to produce the desired results, you must follow a special diet that will promote weight loss. During the diet, it is recommended to consume exclusively cereals, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. They will be able to fully saturate the body with useful components, preventing the accumulation of fatty deposits and cholesterol.

There is a list of foods that should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • Flour products;
  • Sweet products;
  • Salt;
  • Fried potatoes;
  • Fat meat;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Sugar;
  • Carbonated drinks.

On any diet, the above list will be contraindicated and undesirable for consumption. For the effect of Siberian fiber to give the desired result, the diet should include the following list of products:

  • Low fat dairy products;
  • Legumes and cereals;
  • Nuts;
  • Eggs;
  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Greenery;
  • Vegetable oil.

From these products you can prepare various healthy dishes that will saturate the body with useful components. It is important to create a daily diet in such a way that there is no more than 3 hours between meals, and the daily calorie intake is no more than 1,500 calories. In the process of losing weight, this figure will be the most optimal. All other usual needs of the body will be filled with Siberian fiber, which should be present immediately before each meal.

Contraindications and side effects

Not everyone can lose weight quickly and without consequences by using Siberian fiber. There are contraindications in which its use is strictly prohibited. The biggest prohibition against using fiber is any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Even if they are not accompanied by severe symptoms, you should refuse to take fiber in this form.

Other contraindications of Siberian fiber:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Violation of stomach acidity;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gastritis;
  • Diabetes.

In the presence of such diseases and conditions, Siberian fiber is not the best way to combat excess weight. If you do not pay attention to obvious contraindications, the following side effects may occur:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Weakness of the body;
  • Hives;
  • Pallor;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain.

If manifestations are observed over a long period of time and do not weaken their effect, you should consult a specialist for advice and find out the reasons for the occurrence of such side effects. The doctor will examine the patient, do the necessary research, examine the tests and find out what caused the deterioration in health and how they can be quickly eliminated.