What does turpentine ointment help with? Instructions. Turpentine ointment

Instructions for use:

Turpentine ointment is a herbal anti-inflammatory agent.

pharmachologic effect

Turpentine ointment has a disinfecting, distracting, irritating, and analgesic effect. An ointment is produced based on purified turpentine - turpentine oil, which tends to easily penetrate the epidermis and irritate the nerve endings. Turpentine is produced from coniferous resins, mainly from pine trees.

Active substances that are released under the influence of turpentine have an irritating effect. Histamine and other mediators that provoke inflammation cause redness of the skin, slight swelling, vasodilation, and endorphins and enkephalins relieve pain.

The distracting effect of turpentine ointment is explained by the fact that when applying the ointment, two streams of excitation enter the nervous system: from the internal organs and directly from the site of treatment on the skin.

The use of turpentine ointment for coughs is possible due to its mucolytic and expectorant effects.

Release form

Turpentine ointment is produced in tubes and jars of 25 and 50 g.

Indications for use of turpentine ointment

Turpentine ointment according to the instructions is effective for neuritis, rheumatism, myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, arthralgia, chronic and acute respiratory diseases.

Turpentine ointment also helps against lice and is used for coughs.

Mode of application

Turpentine ointment for the treatment of diseases associated with joints and muscles is applied to diseased areas two times a day, rubbed in and covered with a warming bandage.

Turpentine ointment for coughs is used in the form of rubbing: the product is rubbed into the skin of the upper half of the body, soles, avoiding the ointment getting on the nipples and the heart area. After rubbing, the patient should stay warm. Usually after two or three procedures the condition improves. In this way, even an old cough can be cured.

When using turpentine ointment for children as a rub, for the first procedure it is recommended to mix it in equal parts with baby cream (to avoid burns on the skin).

Turpentine ointment for lice helps a lot. She should treat the scalp, cover with cellophane film and leave for two hours. After the lice and nits procedure, you need to comb out and wash your hair and scalp with regular shampoo.

Side effects

If a patient has individual sensitivity to the active substance of turpentine ointment, allergic reactions may occur: burning, redness, swelling, rash, itching on the skin. In some cases, suffocation, decreased blood pressure, loss of consciousness, convulsions, confusion, and increased heart rate occur.

If side effects appear, the issue of replacing the product should be decided.


According to the instructions, turpentine ointment should not be used for kidney, liver pathologies, or skin diseases, especially those in which the integrity of the skin is damaged. The ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Avoid contact of turpentine ointment with the eyes or mucous membranes.

Turpentine ointment should not be used for children under one and a half or two years of age (at this age, any warming rubbing is contraindicated for children). At older ages, the ointment is prescribed to children with great caution - due to the lack of information about the safety of using the product in pediatrics.

Turpentine ointment is a herbal anti-inflammatory agent.

pharmachologic effect

Turpentine ointment has a disinfecting, distracting, irritating, and analgesic effect.

An ointment is produced based on purified turpentine - turpentine oil, which tends to easily penetrate the epidermis and irritate the nerve endings. Turpentine is produced from coniferous resins, mainly from pine trees.

Active substances that are released under the influence of turpentine have an irritating effect. Histamine and other mediators that provoke inflammation cause redness of the skin, slight swelling, vasodilation, and endorphins and enkephalins relieve pain.

The distracting effect of turpentine ointment is explained by the fact that when applying the ointment, two streams of excitation enter the nervous system: from the internal organs and directly from the site of treatment on the skin.

The use of turpentine ointment for coughs is possible due to its mucolytic and expectorant effects.

Release form

Turpentine ointment is produced in tubes and jars of 25 and 50 g.

Indications for use of turpentine ointment

Turpentine ointment according to the instructions is effective for neuritis, rheumatism, myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, arthralgia, chronic and acute respiratory diseases.

Turpentine ointment also helps against lice and is used for coughs.

Mode of application

Turpentine ointment for the treatment of diseases associated with joints and muscles is applied to diseased areas two times a day, rubbed in and covered with a warming bandage.

Turpentine ointment for coughs is used in the form of rubbing: the product is rubbed into the skin of the upper half of the body, soles, avoiding the ointment getting on the nipples and the heart area. After rubbing, the patient should stay warm. Usually after two or three procedures the condition improves. In this way, even an old cough can be cured.

When using turpentine ointment for children as a rub, for the first procedure it is recommended to mix it in equal parts with baby cream (to avoid burns on the skin).

Turpentine ointment for lice helps a lot. She should treat the scalp, cover with cellophane film and leave for two hours. After the lice and nits procedure, you need to comb out and wash your hair and scalp with regular shampoo.

Side effects

If a patient has individual sensitivity to the active substance of turpentine ointment, allergic reactions may occur: burning, redness, swelling, rash, itching on the skin. In some cases, suffocation, decreased blood pressure, loss of consciousness, convulsions, confusion, and increased heart rate occur.

If side effects appear, the issue of replacing the product should be decided.

Contraindications specified in the instructions for turpentine ointment

According to the instructions, turpentine ointment should not be used for kidney, liver pathologies, or skin diseases, especially those in which the integrity of the skin is damaged. The ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Avoid contact of turpentine ointment with the eyes or mucous membranes.

Turpentine ointment should not be used for children under one and a half or two years of age.(at this age, any warming rubbing is contraindicated for children.), at older ages, the ointment is prescribed to children with great caution - due to the lack of information about the safety of using the product in pediatrics.


Turpentine ointment belongs to the group of herbal anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve symptoms of muscle and joint pain, as well as problems with the respiratory system (cough).

Description of turpentine ointment

Release form

The ointment is produced in glass jars and tubes. The volume of the drug in the package is 25 or 50 grams. One gram of ointment contains gum turpentine in an amount of 200 mcg.

Mechanism of action

Turpentine ointment has an antiseptic, analgesic, and irritant effect on the skin. The drug is prepared on the basis of specially purified turpentine (turpentine oil). Turpentine easily penetrates the upper layers of the skin and reaches the endings of peripheral nerves. The substance turpentine is found mainly in coniferous trees.

Once in the skin, turpentine affects the production of biologically active substances: histamine, endorphins, enkephalins, etc. These substances provide pain relief, dilate blood vessels and improve metabolism. By stimulating the cutaneous nerves, a distracting effect is created. Using the drug on the chest area facilitates mucus discharge and eliminates bronchospasm.

The dosage and frequency of administration depends on the location of the affected organ. For muscle diseases and nerve damage, the drug is applied to the skin 2 times a day. Rub in thoroughly. The treated surface is covered with a dry bandage.

Turpentine ointment indications for use

The drug is effective for: myalgia, neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, rheumatism, joint pain, diseases of the respiratory system.

Turpentine ointment application

The drug is used only on intact skin. The product is not applied to the mucous membranes; it is necessary to avoid contact of turpentine ointment with the eyes.

Turpentine ointment for children

The drug has also found application in pediatric practice. When applying the ointment for the first time, it must be mixed with any baby cream (to prevent skin irritation). You can also treat the scalp with turpentine ointment in case of lice. At the next stage, the head is washed with shampoo.

It is also prohibited to use the drug in children under 2 years of age. At an early age, any rubbing is contraindicated.

Turpentine ointment for cough

Using the drug on the chest area facilitates the discharge of sputum and eliminates bronchospasm. Turpentine ointment is applied to the chest and soles. It is forbidden to apply the drug to the cardiac area and areola of the nipples. After such rubbing, you need to stay in a warm room. Even 2-3 such procedures can improve the condition of the respiratory tract.


It is forbidden to apply the ointment in case of skin lesions with damage to its integrity, kidney and liver failure. It is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions

Allergic manifestations: burning, itching of the skin, redness, swelling, rashes.

Cardiovascular manifestations: increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure.

General reactions of the body: convulsions, suffocation, impaired consciousness.

Turpentine ointment price

The cost of the drug is from 15 to 20 rubles, depending on the region of your residence.

Turpentine ointment reviews

Elena: several years ago, my husband worked as a builder. After another day of work, his back hurt so bad that he couldn’t straighten up. We went to the hospital and had an X-ray of the spine and an MRI. We were diagnosed with a hernia. The only solution was surgery. But we just couldn’t decide on it. We found a recipe for using turpentine ointment. And it really helped. Used several times a day. I think it’s better to try proven inexpensive drugs first.

Igor: I learned from friends about the properties of turpentine ointment. It can be used for both colds and rheumatism. My wife and I used Turpentine Ointment to treat our baby when he had a cold. He was three years old then. They rubbed the chest and feet, and put on socks at night. There was no allergy to it. I think that this drug relieves inflammation well.

Galina: I want to tell all mothers how I treat my children for colds. Every time I buy the usual 20% turpentine ointment. It is cheap and can always be found at the pharmacy. What I like most about this drug is the thermal effect. The ointment does not irritate the skin and does not burn. Warming helps greatly in treatment, as it reaches deep tissues. I apply the product with light massage movements until completely absorbed. I put on a jacket made of natural fabric and put the child to bed. The smell of turpentine ointment is pleasant. Night cough does not bother us. At the same time, the ointment can be applied to the feet and calf muscles. It is also necessary to wear warm socks. I try to give children natural medicines, steam their feet and do herbal inhalations. Of course, all this can be done after two years. After all, small children should not be rubbed at all. I can recommend this ointment to all mothers.

Alla: For a long time I had a debilitating cough, due to which I woke up in the middle of the night. No drugs, tablets, or syrups helped. In the morning I got up broken and tired. A friend advised me to try rubbing myself with turpentine ointment, putting on warm clothes, wrapping myself in a blanket and going to bed. The scratchy feeling in my throat immediately went away, I felt warm and for the first time in my entire life I slept without waking up. After 3 days, the cough symptoms disappeared completely. I am very glad that I tried this drug. It should be said that I did not experience any skin irritation or other allergic reactions. Only the skin on the chest and back was slightly reddened. This is a godsend for me. And now I started using it for children too. As soon as they start to get sick, I rub it on my back and feet, and by morning everyone is healthy. I found in the instructions that the ointment can be applied to other diseases. For example, we rub grandma’s joints, sometimes her lower back. We are very glad that there is such an effective and natural drug.

Many simple drugs have been undeservedly forgotten and pushed out of active use by modern, well-advertised means. Many people know about the existence of such a product as turpentine ointment, since some time ago the drug could be found in any home medicine cabinet. It was used to treat a wide variety of ailments, and its affordable price made the product even more popular. Today the product can also be purchased at the pharmacy. The main question is: what is turpentine ointment for? Let's try to figure this out.

Composition and action of the ointment

The main active ingredient in the ointment is turpentine oil (per 100 grams of product there are 20 grams of this oil). Additional components are water, emulsifier and petroleum jelly. The active ingredient is a natural substance that is obtained by processing the resin of coniferous trees, often pine trees. Other names for turpentine oil are turpentine and turpentine. The substance easily penetrates the skin layers and fulfills its purpose - it has a direct effect on the nerve endings, which allows you to obtain a local irritant and warming effect. In addition, such activity in the upper layers of the skin promotes the release of a number of substances that provide local anesthesia.

In fact, when applying such an ointment, there is an effect from two directions: local, directly on the skin treatment area, and from internal organs due to stimulation of blood circulation and the production of a number of components through the effect on the nervous system. This product is produced in simple glass jars, usually in volumes of 25 or 50 grams.

What does the ointment help with: indications for use

Based on the composition and aspects of the product’s effect on the human body, a completely logical question arises - what does turpentine ointment treat? It’s worth noting right away that the indications are varied and, at first glance, completely unrelated to each other. So, the product will be useful in the following cases:

  • for osteochondrosis, rheumatism and radiculitis;
  • arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia - painful sensations in muscles, joints, and nerve damage;
  • The remedy is also used for bronchitis, colds, and other acute respiratory diseases that are accompanied by cough;
  • The product is used for pediculosis.

Also, as part of non-traditional use, turpentine ointment can be useful for maintaining the overall tone of the skin, its rejuvenation and general strengthening effect - in this direction, the drug is used to create a so-called “turpentine bath”.

Methods of using turpentine ointment for adults

Natural turpentine ointment can be used in a large number of ways, since its warming and irritating properties are pronounced and effective in numerous situations. Let us find out the main aspects of its use for adult patients.

For the treatment of joints and muscles

When rubbing the painful area with the drug in question, its components penetrate the tissue and cause local irritation, thereby stimulating blood flow and the production of painkillers, which explains the relief that occurs with pain in muscles and joints. It’s worth clarifying right away that turpentine ointment in the case of diseases such as radiculitis, rheumatism, etc., does not eliminate the root causes, but is used as an element of symptomatic therapy to alleviate the patient’s condition.

So, to combat painful sensations, you need to apply the ointment in small quantities to the affected areas, rubbing lightly. To enhance the warming effect, the treated skin can be covered with a warming bandage and left for 30-40 minutes.

Rubbing with cough ointment

It is important to note that when using the drug in question as a cough remedy, its benefits are additionally manifested due to the effect of aromatherapy - inhaling pine oil vapors, which also alleviates the condition of a runny nose. So, to combat coughing attacks, it is best to use the product before bed - it will be easier to sleep, and due to the warming effect, the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract will decrease, and the processes of mucus discharge will become more productive.

So, to get the effect of rubbing, the ointment should be applied to the chest, back and feet. After treating the described areas, you need to warm yourself up - put on warm underwear and socks. An important point is that when rubbing the chest, it is better to avoid the heart area. If there is a high body temperature, then the event is prohibited even if there are no contraindications. The maximum duration of treatment is a week.

Turpentine ointment is a fairly active product, so the skin may respond to its application with redness and irritation. If such a situation occurs, you should first mix the drug in equal proportions with baby cream.

How to use the drug for weight loss

The use of turpentine ointment for weight loss is due to the opinion that local heating of problem areas with excess fat will help speed up the process of burning it by stimulating blood circulation. It’s worth saying right away that adipose tissue is poorly supplied with blood vessels, so providing additional blood flow undoubtedly has an effect, but not as an independent measure. So, in fact, turpentine ointment can be used as an affordable analogue of anti-cellulite cream, but the benefit of its use will only be with an integrated approach to weight loss - if you have a system of proper nutrition and physical activity.

Turpentine ointment is used as follows: mix a teaspoon of the drug with one hundred grams of moisturizing cream or body lotion, and use the resulting mass to perform a light massage, but without pinching movements. It is better to carry out this manipulation after taking an evening shower, and then go to bed.

Instructions for use of the medicine for children

Considering the natural origin of the active component of the ointment, it is not at all surprising that it is often used to treat children. However, such events should be carried out with extreme caution and in compliance with a number of nuances, which we will consider below.

How to apply ointment to a child to treat a cough

Turpentine cough ointment for children is a good and safe remedy that allows you to achieve clear progress in therapy. The product helps relieve severe coughs, and at the first signs of a cold, it can help prevent the development of the disease altogether. For babies, apply the drug to the bronchi and feet, avoiding the heart area. Considering the activity of the composition, as mentioned earlier, it is better to mix the ointment with baby cream in equal proportions so as not to harm the baby’s delicate skin.

It should be noted that the product should not be used for infants, since at such a young age any warming procedures are simply contraindicated for children, and turpentine ointment gives just such an effect. When it comes to the question of what age it can be used, it is better to focus on reaching one and a half to two years, then use will be safe.

How to use lice repellent

Turpentine ointment is considered a fairly effective product for controlling lice, but its use must be very careful. The thing is that when used correctly, the composition kills lice and their larvae, dissolves nit glue, which allows you to completely get rid of the problem, but if the treatment is inept, then there is a high probability of severe damage to the scalp.

So, to treat head lice, the product is applied to the scalp in a small amount, then the head is wrapped in cellophane and kept in this form for no more than half an hour for children. Afterwards, comb your hair thoroughly and wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Contraindications and side effects

Application of ointment is prohibited if there is damage to the integrity of the skin (abrasions, scratches, wounds) on the treated area. It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy or lactation, as its components can affect the baby. Contraindications also include: heart disease, kidney and liver dysfunction, fungal and infectious skin diseases.

If you are hypersensitive to the components of the composition, an allergic response may occur in the form of: redness of the skin, burning sensation, rash and swelling. In rare cases, an attack of suffocation, a sharp decrease in pressure and loss of consciousness may occur.

Video about treatment with turpentine

Gum turpentine is a remedy widely used for medicinal purposes due to its active warming effect. This video describes in detail all aspects of using the product and its limitations.

Such a remedy as turpentine ointment is known to many. It has been used for various purposes for decades. You can treat coughs with ointment, get rid of lice and even extra pounds. This unique product has an unusual set of properties, thanks to which it has become popular.


Turpentine ointment is a product of plant origin. It has an analgesic, irritating, disinfecting and distracting effect. The ointment is made on the basis of purified turpentine, that is, turpentine oil. The latter easily penetrates the epidermis and irritates the nerve endings. Turpentine is made from the resin of pine trees. The irritating effect is caused by the influence of active substances that appear under the influence of turpentine. Histamine mediators cause slight swelling, redness of the skin and dilation of blood vessels. Enkephalins and endorphins relieve pain. The distracting effect is due to the fact that stimulation enters the nervous system in two streams: from the site of treatment on the skin and from the internal organs. Turpentine ointment is effective for coughs due to its expectorant and mucolytic effects.

Release form

The drug is available in two forms. These can be tubes or jars of 25 and 50 grams.

Indications for use

The product is effective in the fight against rheumatism, neuritis, myalgia, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthralgia, and respiratory diseases. In addition, it is successfully used for coughs and head lice.

Mode of application

When treating muscles and joints, the ointment is applied to the skin twice a day. It is rubbed in, and a warming bandage is applied on top. When coughing, the remedy is applied in the form of rubbing. The procedure is performed on the upper body and soles. In this case, the ointment should not get on the area of ​​the heart and nipples. After rubbing, you need to stay warm. As a rule, improvement occurs after two or three procedures. With this drug you can quickly cure even an old cough. When using the product for rubbing children, you must mix it with baby cream in equal parts. Otherwise, burns may occur on the skin. Turpentine ointment for lice is very effective. The head is carefully treated with it and covered with cellophane film. You need to keep it for about two hours. After this, wash your hair with shampoo. Hair should be thoroughly combed with a fine comb to remove nits. Avoid contact of the product with eyes and mucous membranes.

Side effects

In case of individual intolerance to the components, turpentine ointment can cause allergic reactions. They manifest themselves as itching, swelling, redness, burning. In some cases, a decrease in blood pressure, suffocation, convulsions, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness are possible. If any of the listed phenomena are observed, it is necessary to stop using the drug. This ointment should not be used for liver and kidney pathologies, or skin disorders. It is prescribed with caution to nursing and pregnant women. It is prohibited to use turpentine ointment to treat children under two years of age.

Turpentine ointment for weight loss

It is believed that the ointment warms up problem areas and promotes fat burning. However, experts do not confirm this statement. According to doctors, the drug improves blood circulation and helps muscles recover.
Thus, the effect can only be obtained if you simultaneously engage in sports. Local heating of the skin helps tighten the skin while losing weight. Turpentine ointment in this case acts as an anti-cellulite cream. I must say that this remedy is incomparably cheaper and better than many similar drugs.

How to use ointment for weight loss

First of all, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the components so as not to unexpectedly end up among those who suffer from allergies. Apply a small amount of ointment to the back of your hand for 12 hours. If, apart from slight redness, no reactions occur, then you can begin procedures on large areas of the body. Mix a teaspoon of ointment with 100 milliliters of body moisturizer. The resulting mixture is applied to the body. Now you can start the anti-cellulite massage. Circular movements should be made from the ankles to the waist. The procedure is carried out after a shower and preferably in the evening. After this you need to go to bed. In some cases, it is recommended to apply turpentine ointment in its pure form. However, this may cause too much heating effect. For many, massage is contraindicated or simply does not like it. In this case, turpentine wraps are recommended. To do this, mix 5 grams of ointment with 100 grams of white clay and 500 milliliters of high-fat milk. The resulting mixture is applied to wide bandages, which are used to wrap problem areas. Cling film is placed on top. The procedure lasts twenty minutes. You can do the wrap every other day, preferably in the evening, after a shower or bath. It is worth noting that for quick weight loss, massage and wraps are not enough. It is necessary to eat right, exclude unhealthy dishes and foods from the menu. In addition, you need to walk outdoors every day and exercise three times a week. Only a competent and reasonable approach will soon provide you with a beautiful, healthy body and velvety, smooth skin. If severe allergic reactions occur, consult a doctor.