Mucus on the back wall of the nasopharynx causes. Drainage of mucus along the back wall of the nasopharynx difficulty breathing panic

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/08/2019

It often happens that snot on the back wall indicates a violation of fluid output. Therefore, there is such an unpleasant feeling. But, in addition, it can be a serious disease. In this case, you need to consult a good ENT specialist. In any case, this phenomenon needs attention. And you need to know what to do with this disease and how to treat the baby.


Any manifestation of a runny nose causes extreme anxiety and inconvenience to the child, especially up to a year. If ordinary snot can be pulled out at least partially with the help of a nozzle pump, then you have to try. After all, it is not so easy to extract them. What reasons lead to such an unpleasant phenomenon?

  • Cold.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Adenoids that are enlarged.
  • Physiological features of the structure of the nasopharynx in infants.
  • Overheat.
  • Allergy.

Children up to a year are especially painful for running down the back wall. At this age, they are unable to tell what is bothering them. Therefore, frequent whims do not always mean an elementary manifestation of character. More often than not, the baby expresses dissatisfaction with something. And with the restless behavior of the little one, special attention should be paid to his well-being.

In addition to diseases, pay attention to the temperature in the room. If it is too hot there, the crumbs may actively secrete mucus. It has long been observed that overheating is more dangerous than hypothermia. It's all about moisture loss. For adults, such a feature of the body may not carry anything terrible. And in newborns, because of the already small weight, this is fraught with dehydration.

Physiological features

In a newly born child, the structure of the nasopharynx is not yet adapted to the external environmental conditions. It begins to function in full mode only after 10 weeks from the moment of birth. Mucus begins to form, which can flow both forward and backward.

Doctors say that if an adult has discovered such a phenomenon in a newborn, most likely there is no cause for concern. It is necessary to control other conditions that can join the nasopharyngeal snot. If they are not, most likely, the runny nose is physiological in nature. And since the child is almost all the time in a lying position, the snot does not flow forward, but backward. Here it is enough just to regularly clean the nose with cotton turundas.


It is also a fairly common cause of a runny nose on the back wall. In such cases, other symptoms such as cough cannot be detected. But this cough and hoarseness is not due to a cold. This is due to stagnation of nozzles in the throat. Mostly, these symptoms appear in the morning. At night, the baby lies, so stagnation occurs, which does not flow further.

It is necessary to control the air temperature in the room where the baby is located. The best readings are 23 degrees. Ventilation and wet cleaning are required.


If the mucus drains inside and is green in color, it makes sense to talk about a bacterial infection. Most often, it appears from hypothermia, when the temperature favors the reproduction of pathogens. Or the cause may be a disease of a close relative with whom the baby spoke.

Unfortunately, in this case, a cold is often found after other symptoms have been added to the common cold. For example, fever or cough. Because the mucus flows back and is difficult to identify in the initial stages. By the way, coughing occurs due to the large amount of mucus that has accumulated in the nasopharynx. There are other reasons, of course. But most of the time it is. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the root cause - snot flowing inward.

If the baby became infected from someone close, it is necessary to limit his communication with them. When the carrier of the infection is a mother who is breastfeeding, it is not recommended to stop feeding. The only rule that must be observed when feeding the crumbs is to observe personal hygiene. And be sure to use a gauze bandage when in contact with the baby.

ENT diseases

Diseases such as rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis and others may be the result of untreated snot. In turn, this provokes the flow of mucus into the throat. There is a feeling of a coma, the same cough takes place.

Inflammation of the adenoids is characterized by nasal congestion. But the snot does not flow outward, but inward, flowing down the throat.


Allergic rhinitis can also be a cause. In addition to the snot flowing, a cough is formed. And you can't do without antihistamines. More often this phenomenon is observed in the off-season. But domestic factors can also lead to this trouble:

  • Dust.
  • Fur of pets.
  • Washing powder.
  • Flower pollen.
  • Strong smells of toiletries: soap, deodorants.

Try not to spray toilet water and other aromatic substances in the presence of crumbs. Wipe dust regularly. And if it turns out that you are allergic to pet hair, it is better to give them to friends or relatives for a while. Most often, this type of allergy is age-related. And if you don’t provoke the body’s reaction to wool for up to a year, then there is a chance that in a couple of years you will get a dog again.

If you run this disease, it will lead to extremely bad breath from the mouth of the newborn and other consequences.

Feelings of the baby

What other troubles does this phenomenon bring?

  1. Sensation of a lump in the throat.
  2. The sound pronunciation of the crumbs worsens, so the vocal cords are strained due to discomfort in the throat and nose.
  3. Bad breath.
  4. Prolonged cough.
  5. It is more difficult for the baby to eat because of the feeling of discomfort.

As you can see, there are many reasons to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. It is the pediatrician who can prescribe the correct treatment by establishing the true cause. In addition, all of them can be identifying signs of the disease.


Only a doctor knows the measures and methods of treatment. As always, the reason that caused such an ailment is first clarified. If it is indeed a disease, medications are prescribed. For severe bacterial infections, a course of antibiotics is given. But, it should be remembered that such a measure, especially in babies under one year old, is the most extreme. Drugs are prescribed after the examination of the child. Blood and urine tests are required. But if an antibiotic is prescribed, then they drink it in full, and not until the moment when the first improvements began to appear.

In addition, there are antibacterial drugs. It all depends on the nature of the infectious disease. If an allergy is detected, antihistamines are required. But they are assigned strictly by age. Because the concentration of the active substance increases with age. The parent simply will not be able to find the right dosage and will do more harm than good.

Treatment of infants with traditional means should be extremely careful. Up to a year, the body is extremely vulnerable. Anything new, including medications, can have a negative reaction. In addition, the work of internal organs is not yet fully coordinated. Frequent intestinal colic, problems with stools are a serious obstacle to taking new medications. Therefore, only a competent specialist will choose suitable medicines after examining the patient.

Flushing as a treatment method

Doctors usually recommend saline solutions or saline, available at any pharmacy. Basically, it is recommended to keep children upright for up to a year and rinse. So, everything that is superfluous will be washed away, taking with it a number of bacteria.

There are also recommendations to put the child on the table. At the same time, he should lie on his side. You need to use 2 pears. We put it first on the right side, and wash the right nostril, after sucking out the mucus. Then, after washing, we also suck out the liquid that may linger in the nose.

This method is also considered a method of treatment. Because salt is considered one of the useful reagents that kill harmful bacteria. But only with concentration carefully. You can cause severe irritation of the entire mucosa of the baby. If you direct at home, count 1 teaspoon per liter of clean boiled water.

You can use a fresh solution of furacilin for these purposes. Every time you point a new one and also wash it. But in no case do not put the child on his back, with this method of instillation. Be sure to consult your doctor about the washing technique. He will select the best for the crumbs.

It is recommended to treat by washing at the very first time, when snot flowing inside is noticed. Then their concentration in the throat will not have time to reach the maximum and this will protect the baby from the undesirable consequences of the development of diseases.

Gargling also helps a lot. But since the child is unable to perform such manipulations, some pediatricians recommend brewing ordinary chamomile and drinking a teaspoon several times a day. So it will be possible to disinfect the throat, where the snot has accumulated.

The inflammatory process in the airways provokes the development of many diseases. The patient may complain of mucus dripping down the back of the throat. This phenomenon can occur against the background of various diseases. In medical practice, this is post-nasal syndrome. How to get rid of this unpleasant symptom?

The formation of mucus in the nasopharynx is a protective reaction against pathogens, bacteria, viruses. When it enters the body through the respiratory tract, a viscous secretion is produced in the nasopharynx, which prevents further penetration of pathogenic microflora.

If mucus is produced in large quantities, it begins to flow down the walls of the larynx into the bronchi, causing discomfort. Flowing mucus in the nasopharynx can be associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as:

  • (bacterial or viral)

Anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx, an increase, and rhinitis of pregnant women can contribute to the appearance of mucus on the back of the throat. The inflammatory process in the nasopharynx is always accompanied by an accumulation of mucus. In addition, inadequate treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx provoke the appearance of mucus and its runoff.

More information about postnasal syndrome can be found in the video:

The formation of mucus can be observed with problems of the digestive system: laryngopharyngeal reflux and diverticulum of the esophagus.Another equally common reason for the development of postnasal syndrome is the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictors.

Danger signs: when you need a doctor

Depending on the position of the body, the intensity of the symptom manifests itself. If a person is in a horizontal position, it drains and enters the epiglottis. At the same time, the receptors are irritated and occurs. In an upright position, a person swallows mucus, while coughing is not observed.

The patient may feel a feeling of accumulation of mucus, itching and burning in the nasopharynx, a lump in the throat.

The mucus may be clear or yellow-green in color, with a putrid odor from the mouth. Along with this, there may be: headache, weakness.

Most often, these symptoms appear in the morning, and the cough is observed at night.If the above signs are observed within 1-2 weeks, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective and adequate treatment.

Medical treatment

When contacting, the doctor will examine the nasopharynx and, if necessary, prescribe laboratory tests and bacteriological culture of mucus from the throat.Before starting treatment, you need to establish the cause of the formation of mucus.

Treatment features:

  • If the accumulation and runoff of mucus arose against the background of SARS, then antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  • With rhinitis, a bacterial nature, antibacterial drugs are used.
  • If the runny nose is of an antibacterial nature, then local antibiotics are prescribed: Isofra, Polydex. It is also possible to use anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs.
  • To make mucus better expectorated, mucolytics are prescribed:, Fluditec, etc.
  • Rhinitis of an allergic nature is eliminated with the help of antihistamines: Flixonase, Nasonex, Cromohexal, Claritin, etc.

Symptomatic treatment involves flushing and inhalation. You can rinse your throat with a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, sea salt. Of the preparations for the procedure, you can use Marimer, Humer, etc.Inhalations contribute to easy expectoration of snot without irritation of the throat.

During treatment, you should drink plenty of fluids - this helps thin the mucus and help prevent dehydration.

Surgery is possible if the cause of the postnasal syndrome is a deviated septum, the presence of polyps and other abnormalities.

If the cause of the formation and accumulation of mucus is associated with the digestive system, then the gastroenterologist will prescribe drugs that block the production of hydrochloric acid. Patients also should not eat a couple of hours before bedtime and give up bad habits.

Folk methods

At home, you can use folk methods to eliminate this symptom. However, it should be remembered that non-traditional methods are not able to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

Popular recipes for better mucus discharge:

  1. Aloe with honey. Dilute aloe juice with water in equal amounts and add a little honey. Instill into each nasal passage.
  2. Inhalations with . In 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 2 large spoons of propolis. You can add a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil. Cover your head with a terry towel and breathe over the steam for a few minutes.
  3. Honey with lemon. In a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve a teaspoon of honey and lemon. Mix and consume in small sips.
  4. Decoction of turmeric and ginger. In a glass, brew regular tea, add equal amounts of ginger, turmeric and a teaspoon of honey. Tea is well stirred and taken in small portions.
  5. It is very effective to rinse the throat and nose at home if mucus begins to accumulate. You can use a saline solution, soda with the addition of a few drops of iodine, decoctions of medicinal plants (, oak bark, etc.)

Alternative methods of treatment for mucus draining should be used with caution for people prone to an allergic reaction, and also if mucus is formed against the background of allergic rhinitis.

Prognosis and complications

Postnasal drip syndrome is a common occurrence and if the provoking factors are eliminated, it goes away on its own. If you let the problem take its course, then the mucus will drain into the lower respiratory tract and can contribute to the development of diseases such as:

As a result, an inflammatory process develops in the lower tracts and can become chronic. Bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. Against this background, swelling of the bronchial branches occurs, the muscular system expands and sputum is released in large quantities.

Pneumonia affects the lung tissue. This is one of the dangerous and serious diseases, which is characterized by the appearance of fever, shortness of breath, sputum discharge.

It is important to start treatment of postnasal syndrome in a timely manner in order to avoid serious consequences.

To prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Regularly humidify the air in the room and ventilate the room.
  2. Take measures to strengthen immunity (harden, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time outdoors, etc.)
  3. Timely treat respiratory infections and not start the transition to a chronic form.
  4. In case of defects in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to make a correction.
  5. Avoid breathing strong odors, tobacco air, etc.
  6. During seasonal exacerbations, if possible, avoid contact with allergens.
  7. Rejection of bad habits.
  8. Follow the principles of a balanced and proper diet, refuse to eat fatty and fried foods.

These are the main preventive measures that must be followed in order to prevent the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and the appearance of postnasal syndrome against their background.

Rhinopharyngitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that covers the back of the throat, nasopharynx, and pharyngeal ring. The only difference between posterior rhinitis and the usual one is the nature of the mucous discharge. The snot runs down the back of the throat instead of out of the nose, making it impossible for the patient to blow their nose.

Rhinopharyngitis manifests itself through a nocturnal cough and burning sensation in the nasopharynx. In young children, there is a fever, liquid snot and mucus flowing down the throat, loss of appetite and vomiting. In adults, the temperature is almost never observed - there is only a superficial cough without mucus rejection.

Posterior pharyngitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Mild discharge of snot and mucus or the complete absence of a runny nose
  • Cough appears mainly at night. This happens due to the fact that the snot flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx in the prone position. The secretions irritate the receptors lying below everything, which causes the patient to have a coughing fit
  • The cough is mostly dry, but in some cases sputum still comes out.
  • Children experience nausea and vomiting. This happens due to the sensitivity of gag reflexes, which are affected by snot flowing down

Rhinopharyngitis is more common in children than in adults. In older people, the disease is easier and faster. Babies have the hardest time - during this period, babies often lose weight, as they are forced to break away from their mother's chest in order to take a breath.

Why doesn't snot come out of my nose?

The main reason for snot flowing along the back wall is the ingress of viral infections on the mucous membrane of the throat. As a rule, these are coronaviruses and rhinoviruses, which cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The reproduction of staphylococci and streptococci is also the cause of this condition and leads to the fact that snot appears in the nasopharynx. The disease is preceded by a weakening of the immune system, which occurs due to:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals
  • hypothermia
  • physical and emotional overstrain

Snot and mucus flowing down the throat may indicate other diseases - scarlet fever, measles or rubella.

Treatment of rhinopharyngitis

If mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, the normal breathing process becomes impossible and the patient has to inhale and exhale through the mouth. Why is it dangerous? The air passing through the nose is cleared of dirt and dust as it passes through the ciliated epithelium. Due to the release of lysozyme, such air is warmed up and enters the body already processed. With mouth breathing, this does not happen, which is why the air enters the lungs of a child or adult dirty and cold. This increases the risk of hypothermia and infection with new infections.

To make breathing free and the air entering the lungs clean, start treating nasopharyngitis at the first sign. The principles of treatment practically do not differ from the treatment of classical rhinitis:

  • Rinse your nose with sea water or purchased at a pharmacy. You can also cook it yourself
  • To prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx, use vasoconstrictor drops

  • Use high pillows to sleep. So you prevent the flow of mucus into the throat. The secretions will not touch the cough receptors, so that coughing will be minimized
  • Moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. To do this, use . Add essential oils, medicinal herbs or saline to the solution for inhalation
  • Lubricate the nasal passages with olive or sea buckthorn oil. This will help prevent the mucus from drying out and crusting.

If the disease is provoked by bacteria and is purulent, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In this case, self-medication cannot be done. The doctor prescribes medications, focusing on the severity of rhinopharyngitis, the type of pathogen and the age of the patient. When treating the nose with drops, instill the medicine so that it flows out onto the roof of the nasopharynx.

Medicines for the treatment of pharyngitis

Treatment of the throat is carried out with the help of special medicines prescribed by an otolaryngologist:

  • and drops for vasoconstriction. Such drugs make the gap between the blood vessels smaller, which helps to reduce the common cold. It is not recommended to treat a runny nose with such medicines for longer than 10 days. Drugs from this group - Nazivin, Naphthyzine and Otrivin
  • Preparations for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. These are solutions for washing the nasal passages, which are equally safe for adults and children, do not cause addiction and side effects. The most famous solutions for washing the nose are dolphin, aqualor, aqua maris. They help treat any kind of rhinitis
  • Oil nose drops. Such drugs cleanse the nose, promote the discharge of snot and mucus from the nasopharynx.

Accompanying symptoms requiring treatment are pain and sore throat. To deal with this, gargle with special solutions and suck on lozenges with antiseptic properties. To cure the disease completely, combine the medications prescribed by the doctor, general rules and drops for vasoconstriction.

After suffering viral infections, patients often complain that recovery does not occur in any way, and mucus constantly flows down the back of the throat. The residual effects of the disease sometimes last for a long time, delivering not only unpleasant symptoms, but also anxiety in patients.

There is a medical term - "post-nasal syndrome", which implies the residual flow of mucus after past diseases of the nasopharynx. This syndrome causes a reflex cough. The patient constantly wants to cough up and spit out mucus. Cough is often obsessive or has a paroxysmal form (more often in the morning and at night).

During the day, the mucus is voluntarily swallowed, and at night the mucus accumulates and causes a violent cough, in some cases causing a gag reflex.

Causes of mucus dripping down the back of the throat

Usually, postnasal syndrome is associated with subacute or chronic forms of diseases: adenoiditis, nasal polyps, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and in some cases it occurs with diseases of the esophagus and stomach.

Of no small importance for the development of conditions for prolonged drainage of mucus are unfavorable working and living conditions:

  • polluted environment,
  • work at hazardous production facilities,
  • smoking,
  • dry indoor air
  • insufficient drinking regimen.

Hormonal imbalance in the body, drug abuse can also contribute to the long-term flow of mucus down the back of the throat.


At the doctor's appointment, patients complain of constant slipping of mucus in the throat, coughing, tickling, scratching. On self-examination of the throat, the patient sees white mucus flowing down the back of the throat. In the morning there is a large accumulation of mucus, a lump in the throat and discomfort. The patient expectorates large clots of mucus. On examination, inflammation of the throat is not detected.

Sometimes the patient has signs of nausea after spitting out the discharge. In children, this process often ends with vomiting. Difficulty breathing, bad breath, hoarseness, snoring, nasal congestion may develop.

Stagnation of mucus in the nasopharynx leads to chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis. The flowing mucus constantly irritates the pharynx and creates a favorable environment for the vital activity of bacteria.

Treatment for flowing mucus in the throat

If mucus flows down the back of the throat, then, most likely, the treatment will be aimed not only at the local elimination of symptoms, but also at restoring the body's defenses.

In the allergic nature of the disease, antiallergic drugs are used. Inside use claritin, erius, tavegil and other drugs. Nasal glucocorticosteroids are instilled into the nose - avamis, nasonex, flixonase and anti-allergic drops - cromohexal.

How to use Erius to treat mucus in the throat - read.

In some cases, the effect is achieved only with the use of drugs. On their withdrawal, the symptoms return. In such cases, a comprehensive examination, consultations of an allergist and an immunologist are necessary.

In case of chronic infection, confirmed by laboratory, courses of antibacterial and immunomodulating therapy are used. Antibiotics are selected by the ENT, given the sensitivity to drugs. For this, a bacteriological culture is first made from the nose and throat. To increase the body's defenses, imudon has proven itself well.

In some cases, they resort to surgical intervention in ENT practice. Correction of violations in the structure of the nasal septum, removal of polyps and other ENT defects, promotes proper ventilation of the nasal sinuses and elimination of postnasal edema.

It happens that mucus flows down the back of the throat, but there is no snot. In the absence of diseases of the ENT organs, you should be examined by a gastroenterologist. With a pathology such as reflux esophagitis, the patient may have similar symptoms.

If the mucus that accumulates in the throat has a green tint, then we recommend that you read the article [green sputum - treatment].

Treatment of flowing mucus in the throat in children

For children, drugs are used that are approved for use in pediatric practice. The doctor prescribes a dose of medicine according to the age and weight of the child.

To get rid of mucus in the throat of a child, the following therapy is used:

  • gargling with saline solutions (aquamaris), sea salt, you can also use infusions of chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula;
  • rinsing with dolphin (a preparation based on licorice and rosehip extracts);
  • antihistamines that will help remove swelling of the mucosa, these include drugs: loratadine, erius, claritin, tavegil and others;
  • sprays based on glucocorticosteroids: flixonase, aldecine, amavis and nasonex;
  • correction of immunity (interferon, imudon);

  • air humidification;
  • polydex (to reduce the mucous discharge from the nose);
  • sinupret - thins mucus and relieves inflammation;
  • antibacterial therapy (augmentin, amoxiclav, azithromycin, zinnat, flemoxin solutab and others);
  • surgical treatment of ENT diseases that cause prolonged flow of mucus along the back of the pharynx.

If you are worried about white lumps in your throat, then this may be a symptom of tonsillitis - causes and treatment of white lumps.

How to get rid of mucus in the throat at home?

In the home first aid kit you can always find chamomile, furatsilin, potassium permanganate. Any of these products are great for gargling, nasal washes, and for disinfecting any wound surfaces.

Potassium permanganate is diluted in water at room temperature to a pale pink color. Rinsing should be carried out 1-2 times a day, provided that there is no dryness in the throat.

Furacilin (tablet) is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Procedures are carried out three times a day. If gargling does not give the desired effect, try pouring the solution through the nose using a pipette or a disposable syringe. Inject 1-2 ml of the solution into each nostril.

Prepare an infusion from chamomile: pour 200 ml of boiling water over a dessert spoon of flowers, leave for 30 minutes. Gargle several times a day.

You can get rid of flowing mucus using this recipe: in warm water (200 ml), dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of salt and soda, mix. Add 3-4 drops of iodine to the mixture.

Rinse in the morning and evening. We described the exact proportions and other recipes for gargling in this article.

Drink warm milk with honey before bed. Put in it: butter (5 grams), a pinch of soda, a teaspoon of sage infusion. Continue this treatment for a week.

There are many other recipes using honey, which we described in this article.

Good results in the fight against flowing mucus are given by rinsing with 3% hydrogen peroxide. If there is no allergic reaction to peroxide, then the solution can not be diluted. It is also recommended to dilute the peroxide with plain water. For example, take 100 ml of water per tablespoon of peroxide.

Treatment at home will be effective if the patient follows the regimen of all procedures. Disposable and rare rinses will not bring any benefit. Careless attitude to one's health always leads to chronic processes and a long period of recovery after illnesses!

Mucus in the throat - what is the symptom

Attention, only TODAY!

The mucus that accumulates in the nose often descends into the throat along its back wall. Snot is a thick, infected mucus, the ingress of which from the nose onto the pharyngeal wall or into the lower respiratory tract is fraught with the development of an inflammatory reaction. In addition, snot on the back of the throat causes inconvenience and discomfort to a person.


Mucus, flowing from the nasal cavity along the back of the pharynx, causes the following discomfort:

  • constant reflex of swallowing and expectoration of mucus;
  • discomfort in the form of a foreign body in the throat;
  • later, perspiration and sore throat join, a night cough may appear, which is a protective reaction of the body in response to mucus entering the respiratory tract;
  • interferes with talking
  • interferes with eating and drinking;
  • causes an unpleasant odor;
  • Swallowing snot can cause digestive problems due to bacteria entering the intestines.


Treatment of any disease begins with finding out the cause of its occurrence and its elimination. And only then should the symptoms be treated, if by that time they still persist.

Mucus flows down the back of the pharynx in inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat:

  1. With rhinosinusitis;
  2. With sinusitis (discharge does not flow from the nose, but from its sinuses, more mucus is released in the morning);
  3. With pharyngitis;
  4. With prolonged breathing with an open mouth in cold air (during skiing and skating);
  5. With atrophic rhinitis, which develops after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops.


It is necessary to treat such an ailment in much the same way as a cough, because the essence is the same - to separate and remove sputum. Therefore, a plentiful warm drink with the addition of alkali and vitamin C is a prerequisite for successful treatment. To remove mucus from the pharynx, it is sufficient to carry out several procedures.


It is necessary to arrange rinsing of the throat and nose.

For washing the throat, you can use:

  • Salt solutions. To prepare it, a teaspoon of sea salt is diluted in a glass of warm water. Also used are special pharmacy saline solutions for gargling - Aqualor Throat. The sea salt solution can be alternated with any of the following solutions.
  • Furatsilina solution. Either a ready-made solution is used, or 2 tablets of furacilin are diluted in a glass of water.
  • Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water and add 10 drops of iodine. For a child, alkaline mineral water can be used instead of soda.
  • It is recommended to gargle with pain with a decoction of sage, chamomile and oak bark will help get rid of snot.

The nose should be washed with saline solutions or decoctions of herbs.


We must not forget about the treatment of the throat. For adults, Iodinol is used. For the treatment of a child under the age of 18, it is prohibited, but it can be replaced with any spray antiseptic, plates - Septolete, Dr. Mom, sage tablets.

To remove mucus from the back wall of a small child, starting from the age of three months, you can use chlorophyllipt oil. It is diluted with half-boiled vegetable oil and instilled 2-3 drops in each nostril twice a day. Draining, the oil completely lubricates the back wall of the throat.

A positive effect is also observed from the use of protargol, which perfectly binds and separates thick mucus.


You can treat a runny nose, cough, pharyngitis and sinusitis with the help of inhalations.

If a child has thick mucus, then inhalation through a nebulizer will help get rid of it. Physiological solution is poured into the device, heated to the body temperature of a sick person. Do not use mineral water in a nebulizer - it is not sterile.

Steam inhalations can be done with decoctions of medicinal herbs, sea salt, chamomile decoction with the addition of soda. Inhalations make the cough productive, after which the mucus is easily and quickly expectorated.


Do not forget about the treatment of folk remedies that have the ability to thin thick mucus:

  1. Aloe. Drip aloe juice, half diluted with honey, into the nose. The same remedy, taken orally, quickly turns a dry cough into a wet one, with a well-extracted sputum.
  2. Laundry soap. Thick snot from the nose and throat can be removed by washing the nose with a solution of laundry soap. The concentration is selected individually. The tool is unacceptable for the treatment of children.
  3. Propolis is a fast reactive natural remedy. For gargling, you can use a pharmacy tincture or prepare an infusion with water or alcohol at home. Propolis is not safe for allergy sufferers.
  4. It is necessary to do breathing exercises.

Timely treatment aimed at getting rid of mucus will help to avoid the appearance of pain and discomfort in the throat, thereby preventing the development of serious complications: cough, bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia. With severe pain and fever, you need to drink antibiotics.