A dog that never barks. A dog that can't bark

Among the wide variety of breeds, there is a species of four-legged that cannot boast of a loud “woof”. There is only one answer to the question “what dog can’t bark” - the Basenji is a breed whose representatives are unique in that they are not distinguished by barking.

The breed is considered very ancient - known to mankind for more than 5,000 years. It originated in Central Africa and was widely represented in Ancient Egypt, where puppies of this breed were considered a talisman and presented as a gift to the pharaohs. Researchers have found numerous paintings on the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs depicting dogs not barking, as well as their mummies in honorary burials with their wealthy owners. It was also widely found in the area of ​​Nubia (the land of the present country of Sudan).

1895 - the breed left its homeland for the first time and was brought to England, but the dogs, unfortunately, could not withstand the difficult journey and died. The year 1905 saw their appearance at the Berlin Zoo, where they were exhibited as exotic jungle animals. In 1930, Basenjis were again brought to Great Britain, where a single standard was approved, which is still used today.

The breed developed independently in the wild jungles of Africa through natural selection without human influence. Genetic data suggests that the admixture may include wolves from the Middle East and North Africa.

It is believed that in ancient times animals could talk like people. One day, the leader of the pack heard a big secret of one of the peoples, after which the dogs all together promised themselves not to disclose it under any circumstances.


Basenji, African non-barking or Congolese bush dog, Congo terrier, Nyam Nyam terrier, forest dog from Congo or Zande dog (people of North Africa), “creature of the bush” - these are all names of a dog that cannot bark. Just don’t think that it doesn’t make any sounds at all. Howl, purr (this sound was called “barroo”), growl, snort, burst into specific “trills” or frighten with heartbreaking moans - representatives of this breed know how to make noise. Almost all owners say that it is enough to look at a photo of this four-legged dog to fall in love with this amazing dog.

According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale specification, Basenjis belong to the Spitz group and are primitive type breeds.

Dogs are characterized by fearlessness, confidence, originality of thinking, they are kind and affectionate, and have a strong immune system. They perform successfully at exhibitions, do not show aggression towards humans, but clearly dominate when they are close to other animals. Suitable for living in a city apartment. The average life expectancy is 10-12 years (some sources indicate 13-16).


  • height (at the withers) – male – 43 cm, female – 40 cm;
  • weight – male – 11 kg, female – 9.5 kg.

The following colors are available:

  • white-red;
  • intense black and white;
  • tricolor - bright black with reddish-red tan (there are marks on the muzzle, above the eyes, cheekbones);
  • black stripes on a red-red field.

Any color is also characterized by the indispensable presence of a white chest, paws and tip of the tail. A litter most often consists of 4-5 puppies.

Special characteristics of animals in this category:

  • in a state of excitement they make sounds very similar to a cat’s purr;
  • when the ears are brought together, wrinkled folds appear in the forehead;
  • curled tail.

Many breeders note the incredible similarity of their pet to cats. In addition to purring, Basenjis know how to wash themselves with their paws, do not like water (possibly due to genetic memory), are very fond of praise, talking about themselves, and are also distinguished by their trusting relationship with the owner. A certain independence, like that of a cat, can make a dog disobedient, so only experienced owners can cope with this temperament.

She is very mobile and active, will be an excellent companion, and has hunting skills. They love to run; movement gives them a feeling of freedom and fills them with energy. In the absence of motor activity, the animal may fall into a depressive state. Today, it is very often used as a hunting assistant in the Congo.

Why can't they bark?

Scientists are considering 2 versions:

  1. It is likely that domestication and domestication by humans occurred somewhat earlier than animals realized that they had to bark. Theoretically they can bark, but they don’t do it.
  2. The absence of barking is due to the specific structure of the animal’s pharynx.


There is some predisposition to the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • problems with hip joints;
  • retinal atrophy – can progress to blindness;
  • Fanconi syndrome - a kidney disease that in the future leads to kidney failure;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • entropy with protein loss.


Due to their activity, representatives of this breed require long-term walking in open areas, as well as emotional and dynamic stress in the form of play and energetic communication with the owner.

Periodically (1-2 times a week) it is necessary to comb the coat with a brush, as well as trim the nails once every 2 weeks. When bathing, you need to use only high-quality cosmetic care products, since the Basenji's skin is quite sensitive.

Important! The breed is considered hypoallergenic; the animals are very clean and do not have a specific odor. Recommended for establishments by owners who carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house.

You can buy a rare Basenji dog in the Russian Federation for a price ranging from 45 to 80 thousand rubles. It is suitable for active people with extensive canine experience. Only the one whom he accepts into his pack and appoints as leader can conquer the brave heart of the little “African hunter”.

Quiet dogs

These dogs know how to bark, but due to their nature, they just don’t really like to do it. Therefore, those who cannot stand loud barking when choosing a puppy should pay attention to one of these breeds.

Graceful and free-spirited, the Saluki is an Arabian greyhound. She has the purest genes, a keen sense of smell and an elegant, flexible physique. The ancient Arabs considered it a gift from the Almighty and took good care of it. In response, Salukis helped humans hunt small-hoofed animals. To catch up with a gazelle, this animal can reach the speed of a leopard (up to 70 km/h).

Saluki has a calm, but strong-willed disposition. Its barking can be heard extremely rarely, only in extreme situations. She does not exhibit protective qualities and is more suitable as a companion for dynamic people who love long travels.

Horseback riding and cycling are the best way to get along with the athletic Persian Greyhound. The breed has retained excellent hunting performance and is suitable for hunting animals in open areas.

Saluki is a gentle and sophisticated creature. She is demanding of affection and attention. Loves owner and children. He does not accept other four-legged animals into his company. She does not like noisy games, and a crowd of people puts her in a state of stress. She is a loner and is content to communicate only with close people.

The breed is more popular in Arab countries. In Russia there are several official nurseries dedicated to breeding this ancient and silent breed. She is suitable for experienced breeders who have the time and desire to establish close contact with the sophisticated and thoughtful “Persian princess”.

You can buy an elite Saluki puppy for a price ranging from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. You should only buy a pet from breeders with a long-standing and positive reputation.

Another representative of non-barking dogs is the Shiba Inu. A small but very cunning Inu from the island of Honshu. A child of the land of the rising sun and a descendant of wild dogs that lived in Japan BC.

Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) is classified as a hunting dog. Its appearance remained original and was not subject to the intervention of breeders. Shiba is the property and pride of the Japanese people. A miniature representative of the Spitz-type.

Shiba's bark is similar to a shrill cry that she makes when alarmed, frightened, or as a sign of protest. The rest of the time, the pet is silent and communicates with the person through facial expressions, at the level of psychological perception. This dog knows how to express a feeling of joy and pleasure with a smile.

Little Innu is a one-owner dog. Loyal, reasonable and fair. She does not tolerate despotic treatment and will never forgive anyone who raised a hand against her. At heart, the Shiba Inu is a “samurai” who will not bow his head and will not grovel before a person for a piece of meat. Dealing with it is not easy. Only through physical and mental training, affection, persuasion, and sometimes your own example, can you come to an agreement with this rebellious and proud dog.

When asked what breed of dog does not bark, you can get an unexpected answer - the one that sings does not bark. The New Guinea Singing Dog is so distinctive and old that there are no reliable sources about its appearance and domestication. It is likely that its roots go back centuries and have connections with the Australian Dingo.

The singing New Guinea is one of the subspecies of the red wolf. In the wild, it lives in flocks in the forests of New Guinea. Outwardly it looks like a wolf and a fox at the same time. It feeds on birds and rodents. It can be seen more often in zoos than in human homes. She has the traits of a predator: cunning, agility and endurance.

The New Guinea has two features that distinguish it from an ordinary dog. First of all, she barks very rarely. Instead of the typical bark, it makes sounds similar to birdsong or the cry of a whale. Secondly, she can climb trees and steep rocks like a cat.

Over the centuries of existence, man has repeatedly tried to tame this wild animal. Dogs caught in the wild and domesticated helped people hunt and guard their homes. However, they did not experience any special affection or love for humans and, at the call of blood, many of them ran back into the forest.

For a long time, the breed of “singing dogs” was considered endangered. In the 80s of the last century, cynologists again paid attention to it. Thanks to them, the revival of an unusual breed began.

To purchase this “wild” you will have to go to official nurseries in Australia or the USA. The price of a puppy can be found on the nursery’s website. Before purchasing this rare and untrainable breed, you need to properly assess your capabilities and the availability of time to train with it.

It is likely that after reading the article, many will think about purchasing a silent pet. After all, sometimes silence in the apartment and the absence of complaints from neighbors are so important. However, the medal “For Silence” has a downside. All of the above non-barking “four-legged friends” are too independent, willful, difficult to train and demanding in all respects.

Even if you love dogs, constant barking can still irritate even you. They inherently make certain sounds, but there are some that do not bark. They make sounds so rarely that their owners may never hear the voice of their pet. There are unique breeds of dogs that, with their so-called barking, can surprise almost any person who is not familiar with fancy breeds.

The most famous “non-barking” dog is the Basenji. This is a compact hunting dog that originates from Africa. The breed was originally bred for hunting game. doesn't bark. Instead, she may make certain sounds, similar to moaning and howling. Most often, an animal makes such sounds when it is excited, scared or nervous. Representatives of this breed are very shy; if there are other dogs around, the Basenji may stay on the sidelines. Diligent manners, playfulness and tenderness made this dog very popular.

The graceful and sensual Saluki dog may bark, but very rarely. They are bred to help hunt gazelles. Salukis only bark when they feel they are in danger or when left alone for a long time. This breed of dog prefers a calm atmosphere, they do not like noise and crowds, this leads them to a state of excitement and sometimes stress. Salukis are very affectionate and therefore are popular dogs in families with children.

Shiba Inu is the smallest native Japanese dog. She rarely barks; her bark is often called the “Shiba cry.” This sound is very similar to a piercing scream; the animal makes it when it is excited or scared. In addition, a Shiba Inu can make similar sounds as a sign of protest when he doesn’t like something. Dogs of this breed are very individual, but at the same time, they are distinguished by their devotion to their owner.

Representatives of this breed are often called the “singing dog.” It is considered an endangered species and is often found in zoos. Such “singers” can be found in ordinary families. This dog does not bark, but rather howls. The sounds this dog makes change depending on what the pet wants to tell you.

What is the significance of a dog for a person? For most people, she is a wonderful friend and an excellent companion. Usually, small and beautiful dogs of decorative breeds are chosen to live in a city apartment, although there are exceptions.

Why are small breed dogs mostly kept in apartments? They are simpler in content. And the joy they bring is no less, and sometimes even more, than their larger counterparts.

So, how do you choose which is better?

Which one is better to get?

You should not think that only small dogs such as lap dogs or the already mentioned pugs should be kept in apartments. Greyhounds and Great Danes, despite their size, thrive as homebodies. But important: only in company with the owner! And you need to take long walks in the fresh air with dogs of absolutely any breed.

And yet, when choosing a pet, you should not make the breed the main criterion for selection. You need to choose your four-legged friend with your heart. Who knows, maybe a dog found on the street will bring more joy than its purebred brothers.

Questions to ask yourself to decide which breed to choose:

  • What character should a dog have?
  • What is the owner's character?
  • What is the family's financial situation?
  • How much free space is in the apartment?

The following factors should also be considered:

  • Vaccinations. You can't do without them. There are no dogs that do not need to be vaccinated to eliminate the risk of infecting people.
  • Walk. Dogs must be walked. At least 2, and preferably 3 times a day. Moreover, one of the exits must be long-term.
  • Training. Whatever the animal is, small, medium or large, smooth-haired or long-haired, they all require training and learning at least basic skills.
  • About the importance security and it's not worth talking about. Untrained, uncontrollable dogs, in whose company people fear for their lives, are not suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Let's move on to the list of suitable breeds that can be kept in an apartment.

Which ones can you keep (photos with names)?

Top 5 home

Yorkshire Terrier

The weight of this pet is only about 5 kilograms. They are very willful, so they are more difficult to train than other small breeds. They are moderately curious, active, inquisitive and sociable. By nature they are hunters.

A terrier can bring joy to all family members, because he is so cute! With proper care, such dogs can be called hypoallergenic. By the way, after he has been washed, the dog needs to be given hairdressing services - dry his fur and comb it. From time to time you need to cut it.

The structure of this dog's fur is similar to human hair, so it is suitable for allergy sufferers.

Popular Yorkies have good health. They live on average 14-16 years. Often their age reaches 20.


This is the smallest dog in the world. These pets are suitable for active owners. They are inherently loyal, active and cheerful. But they treat strangers very badly and are jealous of their owner.

The main differences of this small breed are endurance, courage and loyalty. They live on average 15 years, but up to 20 are not uncommon.


You could say. that they are model pets. They behave well and also adapt to the characteristics of their owners. They have a very pretty appearance, but this does not negate their willingness to protect their owner and their hunting disposition.

French Bulldog

They are cheerful in temperament and have a sharp mind. They love children and have a very kind disposition. These dogs are suitable for almost everyone. They will support you in difficult times, and on the contrary, they will cheer you up if they see that the owner is in a great mood.

Jack Russell Terrier

This dog has high jumping ability. It is not suitable for inactive people and the elderly. You need to raise her like this: you shouldn’t spoil her too much, because... This dog chews on a lot of things.



Do you spend a lot of time outside the home, most often at work? The Pug is a great breed for these types of people. But they are very happy to show attention to them, and will respond to the owner with very strong love. They are not discouraged in the absence of the owner, and sincerely rejoice at his return.

These dogs also love to be trained. These dogs are ideal.

Plus, they look like plush toys come to life! But in fact, they are wonderful, affectionate friends who, moreover, are friends without any self-interest.

But do not forget that dogs of these breeds have problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, they do not tolerate heat well, and prefer peace and long sleep to active rest and long walks. They also actively snore and suffer from flatulence.


Welsh Corgi

This is a wonderful, compact dog even for a one-room apartment. Corgis get along well with children and other animals and are suitable for inexperienced owners: They quickly remember commands and don’t struggle.

They do not require any special care: they need to be combed a couple of times a week, bathed once a month.


Basset Hound

He is very smart and curious, flexible, sociable and loyal. Most often he gets along well with other pets. He can cheerfully climb into the car, play with everyone at a picnic, and then lazily sit with his family in front of the TV.


The most inexpensive dog breed to keep is mongrels.

In addition to them, scientists have found that animals of small breeds are more attached to people and show more tender feelings towards them. They are small in size, so they do not require special care or large amounts of expensive food. Therefore, they can be called the cheapest dogs to keep. These breeds include: pugs, corgis, French bulldogs.

The healthiest

According to breeders, dogs can only become healthy with a very caring and sincerely loving owner. But there are some breeds that have very good health.

Australian Cattle Dog

They live a very long time. Of course, for dogs and in the hands of a caring owner. Approximately 12-13 years or even more. If the size of the apartment allows, she will become an excellent friend for a very long time.

Bichon Frize

This breed is valued by dog ​​breeders for its attractive appearance and friendly character. But these dogs require thorough care. Their average life expectancy is 12-16 years. But when pets live up to 18 years, this does not surprise anyone.

English Springer Spaniel

These pets are very affectionate and active, and do not tolerate separation from their owner very well. Life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years.

Continental Toy Spaniel

They also have an average life expectancy of 15 years, but there have been cases of longer life. This breed is characterized by playfulness, mobility and good health.

Japanese Chin

Their average lifespan is about 14 years. They have a very unique muzzle structure and small dimensions, which makes them suitable for residents of even small apartments.

Without smell

Dalmatians, Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Pinschers, etc. do not smell. Odorless four-legged animals are also hypoallergenic:



Of these types of dogs, they are the smartest and kindest, moreover, odorless, these are Papillons. They became popular during the time of Henry III. And gradually they earned the status of lap dogs of kings and queens.

They won the hearts of royalty not only with their pretty appearance, but also with their devotion and high intelligence.

Golden retriever

These dogs are very beautiful and affectionate towards their owners and other pets, with whom they get along well. They are trusting and friendly.


This breed can be described as brave, even-tempered, energetic four-legged friends. A number of owners say that these dogs even have a sense of humor and expressive facial expressions.

Of the obvious disadvantages of this breed: very loud barking. Therefore, it would be better to visit quiet places with her, for example, walk with her in nature. She is easy to train. Possible drawback: She doesn't like strangers.


In addition to being strong, active and very stylish, poodles are well socialized. They are very easy to teach new skills and even some of them imitate their owners.


Many dog ​​breeders say that Basenji is a cat in a dog’s body, because dogs of this breed love cleanliness, but hate water, love to watch others from high places and are very curious!

It is of average height 40 - 43 cm and weighs up to 12 kg. They communicate well with children. Short hair does not require complicated care: it is enough to comb the animal once a week and bathe it every month.

These little nimble dogs need a lot of physical exercise and warm clothes for the winter, plus this dog is difficult to “manage” due to its proud and stubborn disposition, so beginners should not buy it.

Due to the structure of the throat, Basenjis cannot bark, but they can communicate in other ways: howl, squeal, grumble and even meow!


These Scottish Shepherds have no aggression at all. But they closely monitor their “flock” (even if they are people). Collies try to avoid conflicts, but always protect their pack. He gets along very well with children - he considers them his pack.

Very long walks and high activity are required. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for busy people and/or those who live in a small apartment.

There are also kind and affectionate breeds that are problematic to keep in the main part of the apartments. This Newfoundlands. They require a large space, so both they and the owners will only be comfortable in a private house or large apartment. It is better not to have them in small apartments.

For the inexperienced

Oddly enough, for beginners in dog breeding it is better to have a mongrel. Why is that? Because it’s not easy to figure out all the intricacies of diet, participation in exhibitions, etc. on your own. Mongrels are also unpretentious in food, unlike their purebred counterparts.

Which don't bark

There are few of these among indoor “types” of dogs, but there are still:

  • Basenji. These dogs don't actually bark, instead they... purr or howl if they're allowed to. True, this rumbling can also be very annoying. It is advisable to keep this pet in a relatively large apartment.
  • Bichon Frize
  • Or Chinese Shar Pei. His puppies are very attached to their owner. And it usually barks either during play, or when the owner is in real danger.
  • English bulldog. Despite the terrifying expression on their faces, these dogs are actually very cute. And, of course, they will not irritate their owners by barking.
  • Irish Setter.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
  • Other breeds are not particularly suitable for apartments. Bullmastiff, St. Bernard, Mountain Dog, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Deerhound, it is better to keep it in a private house, or in an apartment of a fairly large area.

But these doggies will delight you with their vocal abilities:

  • Beagle,
  • Border Collie,
  • Brussels griffin,
  • Weimaraner,
  • West Terrier,
  • Drathaar,
  • Jack Russell Terrier,
  • York,
  • miniature pinscher,
  • American Cocker Spaniel,
  • Collie,
  • Kurzhaar,
  • Maltese,
  • Pekingese,
  • Pomeranian Spitz,
  • Poodle,
  • Russian toy terrier,
  • Samoyed husky,
  • Dachshund,
  • Fox terrier,
  • Miniature Schnauzer,
  • Chihuahua,
  • Shih Tzu.


There are known cases of using a dog as a house guard. But many dog ​​lovers live in a metropolis and want to know which breed will be the best guard? After all, if with a private house it is clear that it is better to use a large dog for protection, then what kind of animal is better to place in an apartment?

It must meet the following specifications.

By size

Which breed is best to keep in an apartment largely depends on its size. Especially for your convenience, we have divided the breeds into categories:





Useful video about dogs that can live in an apartment:


Anyone who has conditions and who has the desire can keep a dog in a city apartment. Usually they have small dogs. Only if the living space is large enough do they decide to have medium and even large breeds.

For those who do not get a dog because of the specific smell, there are also a fairly large number of “non-smelling” breeds.

Those who have problems with neighbors because of loud barking, or who do not like the sound themselves, have dogs that do not bark or rarely bark.

Do not think that an apartment dog cannot be a good guard. This is wrong.

When getting a dog, be sure to consider whether frequent barking affects your nervous system. The fact is that there are both silent dog breeds and those that bark frequently.

If you cannot tolerate barking dogs, then you should not get a Maltese, Miniature Pinscher, Samoyed Husky, Fox Terrier, Dachshund, Border Collie, Poodle, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, American Cocker Spaniel, Chihuahua and Pomeranian. Next, we will present to your attention the most silent dog breeds.

10th place.- a beautiful hunting dog. Loves long walks and games. At home, this is a calm and obedient dog (if it has received general training skills in time). The dog barks very rarely.

9th place. Cane Corso- protective dog. Hardy, smart and silent.

8th place. Akita inu- Japanese hunting dog. Can live both at home and in an enclosure. The dog practically does not bark.

7th place.Bernese Mountain Dog– a shepherd dog, confident, vigilant, obedient and good-natured, but at the right time can protect its owner. Barks in exceptional cases.

6th place. Boxer- guard dog. Loyal and balanced. Very playful and easy to train. The dog practically does not bark.

5th place. Bullmastiff- guard dog breed. He is understanding, disciplined, and gets along well with children. Barks very rarely.

4th place. English bulldog– bodyguard and companion dog. A calm and obedient dog, but on a chain it can become dangerous to others. Almost doesn't bark.

3rd place.- guard and hunting dog. Calm, independent, devoted to family. Barks very rarely.

2nd place. Saint Bernard– rescue dog and companion. Loyal and obedient dogs. They bark in exceptional cases.

1 place.– companion dog. Fearless and confident. They wash themselves with their paws like cats. Their fur is hypoallergenic. They do not bark, but only make sounds similar to rumbling (when excited).

Here is a list of the most silent dogs we have compiled, based on reviews from dog breeders. Do you have anything to add?

Dogs that don't bark September 22nd, 2015

We have already studied such a question as. Let's dive into history again.

The Basenji or African non-barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but make special sounds, characteristic only of the Basenji, similar to rumbling, but these can only be heard when the dog is excited.

The first traces of dogs like Basenji were found in Egyptian burials, which are more than six thousand years old, wall images, figurines, boxes and other household and religious objects made in the form of a dog (Basenji). During excavations of the tombs of the fifth dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, Basenjis were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun - embalmed, wrapped in beautiful fabrics, soaked in incense, these dogs had collars made of precious stones.

Let's find out more about their story...

Supposedly, to the Egyptian pharaohs, Basenjis were more than hunting dogs, they were living amulets protecting their masters of black magic and witchcraft. And now the aborigines in Central Africa believe that their “M`bwa m`kubwa M`bwa” (jumping up and down) - the native name of the breed - can protect their owner, take away negative energy and restore the destroyed aura.... The first dogs like the Basenji, they were brought from the sources of the Nile as a gift to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Later, when the civilization of Egypt declined and ceased to exist, the Basenji were consigned to oblivion. However, in the homeland of this breed, in Central Africa, it continued to be valued for its intelligence, speed, magical properties, hunting abilities and... silence. The natives widely use all these abilities in hunting small animals: for driving game into nets, chasing a wounded animal, and also for hunting cane rats - vicious creatures with long teeth that weigh about the same as Basenjis, and “silence” Dogs play a huge role in such a hunt. In addition, Basenjis are used to accompany hunters through the jungle and to warn them of the approach of dangerous animals.

In 1895, explorers brought a pair of dogs to England. But the attempt to introduce the “outside” world to these amazing creatures, unfortunately, failed, because... These small dogs did not survive the months-long journey well, fell ill and soon died.

The official debut of the breed took place in 1937 at the Craft Exhibition, where the Basenji was shown under the exotic names: “Congo Terrier” and “Jungle Dog”. America saw them that same year. After the Second World War, the Basenji began its triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America. And above all, this is due to their exhibition successes: a rare “Best-in-show” final is complete without a Basenji, but it is difficult to list all the exhibitions where these shining aliens from Africa became winners. Non-barking Basenji. This is how hunters carry their dogs for hunting, with a bell made from a dried gourd. In 1942, James Street's story "Farewell My Lady" was published, which was very loved in America. In 1956, a film of the same name was produced with Brandon de Wilde. He won the hearts of ordinary Americans and aroused enormous interest in the breed, which continues to this day. Hunter and companion. This is a small, smooth-haired, unusually graceful and intelligent dog, similar to a graceful gazelle. One of the features of the Basenji is the absence of barking, and everything is in order with the vocal cords of this dog, because. she makes various sounds that correspond not only to any situation, but also to her mood: growls and giggles, muttering and groaning, snorting and a peculiar Tyrolean howl - yodeling, which is melodious enough not to irritate even the most sophisticated ears.

Another feature is its coat. Coming from countries with a tropical climate, it has a silky coat that shimmers copper in the sun. In countries with colder climates, dogs' fur becomes coarser, but does not lose its radiant shine; this fur has other advantages, for example, it practically does not cause allergies, and never smells, even if it becomes wet. What also makes her attractive is her ears - set high, pointed, slightly tilted forward, creating the impression of two graceful hoods, as well as her forehead, covered with “wise” wrinkles. The tail is set high, pressed tightly to the hip and curled into one or two flirty rings. Her character is flexible, but not obsequious; she is mischievous and curious, loves children infinitely, and is unusually clean.

This is a charming and sweet companion, very playful and at the same time affectionate, like a kitten. The sophistication and neatness of this dog, which grooms itself like a cat, is attractive. This is the only breed of dog that, after eating, will not wipe its dirty muzzle on clothes, the hands of its owners, or, even worse, on its favorite chair. All this makes the Basenji ideal for those who value cleanliness in their home.

When communicating with these dogs, you are struck by their mysterious and enigmatic look. In this regard, there are many legends, according to one of them, Basenjis once knew how to talk, and one day one of them learned a very important secret of his master, but, afraid of it to someone, he fell silent forever and only his eyes eloquently spoke of the fact that the dog knows what is hidden behind the scenes. This breed has found many ardent admirers in many countries of the world. Some found in her a loving friend, others - a cheerful companion who saved them from loneliness. Still others are a source of pride at exhibitions, but they all have one thing in common - a love for these dandyishly beautiful dogs, which are as imposing as English lords dressed in tuxedos. And this dandy can easily outwit you and get his way with the help of his natural charm, and not stubbornness. Basenjis are absolutely fearless and can fight back against any of their relatives, and with humans they are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time they do not lose their self-esteem.

Fans of this breed include representatives of the world elite. Among them: the previous Queen of Holland, Juliana, to whom the people presented a portrait of Basenji Zara, the queen’s favorite, sitting on her lap, for her silver jubilee; Egyptian King Farouk, who even after abdicating the throne and leaving for Monaco, did not part with his favorites. Many royal houses of the world have kept dogs of this breed for decades, and among them Queen Helena, the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Romania, King Michael and Queen Anne of Romania, Princess Antoinette of the Kingdom of Monaco, the former Crown Prince of Japan and many, many others.


M. Ermakova, president of the national Basenji club, cynologist expert -