Miller's dream book theft. Why do you dream about theft: stealing yourself, being robbed, planning theft? Basic interpretations - what does theft mean in dreams?

Why does a woman dream about Theft (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

Theft or robbers in a dream is an alarming signal. She warns you that your spinelessness, which you show or will show in some matters, will lead you to a series of failures in business. And you will have no one to blame for this - you cannot be so soft-hearted. If you dreamed that someone was accusing you of committing theft, this symbolizes some kind of annoying misunderstanding that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of this, you will experience many sad moments, however, in the end, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. To accuse someone of theft yourself - be fair in reality, otherwise you can groundlessly and extremely recklessly condemn an ​​innocent person, and subsequently you will bitterly regret your hasty judgment.

If you dream of Theft (according to Dmitrenko’s Ukrainian dream book)

If a person dreams of theft, this person should be very careful in his decisions and actions, weigh literally every step he takes. The theft you see warns that your failures are only to blame for your behavior. And if you continue in the same spirit, it will lead you to final bankruptcy. Seeing theft means committing some rash and frivolous act, the consequences of which will be disastrous for the dreamer.

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

If you saw a theft in a dream, if something insignificant was stolen from you, do not rush to get upset. The dream indicates that although you will have to suffer some losses, perhaps of a material nature, God still loves you, and with his help you will be able to find a way out of your difficult situation. When the theft that you saw caused you great damage, it means that you should reconsider your own behavior, otherwise it could cause serious trouble for you.

Psychological analysis of a dream about a Robbery (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and they will undoubtedly tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is TABOO; moreover, if a toy is taken from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration. As a thief, you may sense a lack of resources or an injustice in the distribution of goods. For example, if in a dream you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things necessary to survive in the environment that exists in the dream - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this may manifest as behavior that isolates you from others or leaves you feeling like you have no choice. However, to dream about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they are better off than you, even though you don't think they deserve it. If you are playing the role of a victim, a possible theme is fear or loss. The list of suspects will help further clarify the situation. If you are a victim and the stolen items are of fundamental importance, then the material loss creates ANXIETY. However, if the lost items are of secondary importance and the suspect is more valuable to you than these items, then you feel like someone you know is trampling on your rights or deceiving you. However, it is also important to take into account the items themselves and their significance to you. Their symbolism may indicate an area of ​​life in which BOUNDARIES are being violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem associated with restoring your position.

If you saw yourself committing a theft, stealing someone else’s property, or taking possession of it through deception, this is a sad dream that predicts grief for you in reality. Try to accept with humility and dignity everything that fate has in store for you. In some cases, when a person engaged in trade dreams of theft, it is a sign warning of an imminent fall in prices for imported goods.

What does it mean to dream about theft? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

A dream about theft is good only for those who are planning to commit fraud. For the rest, the dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this business. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger you face. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. Convicting others of stealing in a dream means that you should be more careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. If you dream about theft - bankruptcy, in a friend - failure through your own fault. Theft - you will find loss. If a large sum of money was stolen from you outside your home, it means that danger is looming over you, and you must monitor your actions more carefully.

Seeing Theft, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

You yourself steal something, which means that you will have a hard time experiencing failure in a business on which you had high hopes. If you were caught at the scene of a crime, where you happened to be an unwitting witness, but were mistaken for an accomplice in the theft, such a dream foretells that you will rush to make an unfair judgment against a person who is not guilty of anything. If you are trying to steal some letter or an important document that could shed light on the adventurous affairs of your husband or lover, you will have suspicions about his secret love.

Why do you dream about Theft in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Stealing money in a dream is a negative sign indicating loss and deprivation. The scale of the tragedy depends on the size of the stolen amount. Stole small change - in reality this threatens you with quarrels, omissions, minor troubles and disappointments. Lost paper bills - the dream indicates either health problems or failures in business. Get tested; you will be diagnosed with a serious illness that requires immediate intervention. Having money stolen in some cases signals problems in the business sphere; you may be deceived on a grand scale.

You stole money from someone - you lack drive in life, you are trying to satisfy some passions, and this pushes you to commit rash acts. Why do you dream about jewelry theft? This is a bad dream that foreshadows major losses. You should expect trouble if the money is stolen along with your bag.

Theft or robbers in a dream is an alarming signal. She warns you that your spinelessness, which you show or will show in some matters, will lead you to a series of failures in business. And you will have no one to blame for this - you cannot be so soft-hearted. If you dreamed that someone accused you of committing theft, this symbolizes some kind of annoying misunderstanding that will prevent you from achieving what you want. Because of this, you will experience many sad moments, however, in the end, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. To accuse someone of theft yourself - be fair in reality, otherwise you may groundlessly and extremely recklessly condemn an ​​innocent person, and subsequently you will bitterly regret your hasty judgment.

The meaning of the dream that it was stolen (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: Money stolen indicates the approach of a difficult period in your life. Depending on the general plot of the dream and your emotions, troubles can be of varying sizes, from minor troubles and minor conflicts to loss of business or serious illness.

To see theft - there will be losses, but they are insignificant and will not cause much harm. But still, do not lose your vigilance, because even a small spark can ignite a big fire; the slightest disagreement can further develop into a scandal. Watch your speech, otherwise you risk being left alone, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

Dreamed of Theft - You saw in a dream that someone was committing theft - you think that you are a gentle and kind person, but they call you spineless and thereby offend you; you don’t know what is the reason for your failures, but they tell you - in spinelessness, in softness, as if you yourself are committing theft - in reality they are waiting for you; your seemingly original solutions will not lead to the desired results; Small troubles, when there are too many of them, can bring a person to tears. You did not commit theft, but you are accused of theft - in reality, some kind of misunderstanding will happen to you; it will, of course, be resolved successfully, but will lead to some delay in business. You dream that a person is accused of theft - be careful in your statements; one thoughtless phrase of yours can harm not only the suspect, but also you; Judge not lest ye be judged. It’s as if you are chasing a person who committed a theft and overtake him - your enemies will be defeated by you; they will be fully rewarded for their evil. You see as if a theft has been committed in your home; it’s as if you have lost an expensive thing - the dream suggests that you are a carefree person; If you don’t come to your senses, then misfortune awaits you. You dream of many people committing thefts - this dream is a disappointment; you would like there to be more honest and decent people around.

What does it mean to see Theft in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Theft - see also Theft. 1. Dreaming of theft suggests that we are taking something without permission. If something is stolen from us, expect deception. If we know a thief in reality, we should realize how much we trust this person. A thief is a stranger - most likely we don’t trust ourselves. If in a dream we suddenly find ourselves in a gang of thieves, then we need to look at the morality of the society around us. 2. Theft for most people is an exciting moment, and it depends only on the dreamer what he means by indecent behavior. Theft is associated with emotions. For example, a needy person will feel like he is stealing pity. 3. From a spiritual point of view, stealing is a misuse of energy. At each level of awareness, we have a certain power that must be used wisely. Thus, black magic is interpreted as theft. Energy vampirism is another form of theft.

In dreams, various events and phenomena can appear to a person. You may dream about old relatives and old friends. Every dream is unique.

Why do you dream about theft? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about theft - basic interpretation

Theft in a dream warns against hasty conclusions and unflattering words. It is important to interpret the dream as a whole and not miss a single detail. What should you pay special attention to?

Who committed the theft in a dream;

Who was accused of theft?

What exactly was stolen;

Who appeared in the dream;

Your emotional state after sleep.

It is important to remember all the details and moments of the dream. If you miss even one little detail, you will not be able to accurately interpret the dream. If you dream that you witnessed a theft, in reality you will witness someone’s collapse, disappointment, loss.

It is also important to remember who exactly turned out to be the thief. If this is someone you know, you should not be frank with this person, he will most likely become your enemy for a long time. Everything will happen unexpectedly, and only then will you understand that it is not your fault in what is happening.

Try not to spend money thoughtlessly if you dream that you witnessed a jewelry store robbery. Such a dream indicates to you that you will spend money on all sorts of little things and, as a result, you will miss a significant amount. In order to avoid such a situation, it is better for you to plan all your expenses in advance.

If in a dream you witnessed a theft in a grocery store, in life you will not have enough endurance and arguments to defend your point of view. You will be confused in thoughts and desires. The dream book warns you against making large purchases in the near future. Most likely, they will fail. Try to weigh all your decisions and avoid impulsive spending.

If you witness a bank robbery, try not to spend funds that you have been saving for a long time. Even if it seems to you that the time has come to buy the desired item, it’s worth holding off for now. The dream book indicates that by waiting time, you will get a more profitable option for investing capital.

If you saw a child being stolen in a dream, remember your emotions. If fear arises in you, you will be afraid to continue your family line. The thought of childbearing will evoke negative, aversive emotions in you. If you rejoice in this dream and think that such an act is fair, in reality you will receive the desired news about pregnancy.

Seeing the theft of an animal in a dream - you will begin to strive for something unreal, illusory. The dream book advises you to compare your dreams and reality, otherwise you will become immersed in thoughts about an unrealistic future. This is dangerous for you because you will stop perceiving reality as it is. You may begin to ascribe unnecessary honors to yourself and demand special attention.

If in a dream you steal a child, you really want care and warmth, but those around you do not give it to you. You give more than you receive. The dream book advises balancing this process and trying not to waste time on those who only demand attention from you. Spend your energy and attention on those people who sincerely want to be with you and be useful to you.

Try not to give in to fleeting hobbies and not to trust strangers after such a dream. An absurd accusation of theft in a dream is a sure sign of deception in reality. The deception will be financial in nature, you may even go bankrupt.

If in your dream your lover commits the theft, he will become too harsh in his statements. He will try more to figure out relationships than to build them. The whole reason for such behavior will lie in the fact that he recently saw how his friends or acquaintances treat each other and began to consider your relationship imperfect.

The dream book advises you to first think and decide whether you need a partner. Then take action. If you see diamonds being stolen in a dream, such a dream may mean that you are quite interested in some rather dangerous business. Perhaps you were drawn into some kind of adventure. The dream book advises you not to take risks and try to perform all actions within the framework of the law.

If you dream that someone has stolen all your property from your home safe, someone will devastate you emotionally. Do not give in to provocations or requests for help from strangers. All this will only add to your troubles, but will in no way allow you to prove yourself as a benefactor.

A dream in which theft is committed in a government institution warns you against problems with the law. After such a dream, you should not try to help someone close to you solve his problems with the law. It’s better to temporarily take care of your life and put things in order.

Why do you dream about theft according to Freud's dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that if a girl dreams of theft, she is subconsciously ready to fail in a relationship. She even subconsciously wants to stop them, because she is not ready to defend her feelings and fight for her partner. The dream book advises to carefully understand the reasons for such emotions.

Perhaps the girl has weak willpower and character, perhaps it is her character that she cannot cope with on her own. In any case, you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions. To dream of someone stealing your handbag means that in reality you will become a target for gossip and discussion. The dream book advises you to talk less to others about your victories and merits. Don't waste time on empty talk. Try to devote more time to yourself and your loved one.

Theft of clothes in a dream is a very alarming symbol. If you stole clothes in a dream, you will begin to try on someone else’s roles, someone else’s life. If your clothes were stolen in a dream, your personal life will become a target for another woman. The dream book does not advise panicking. In the near future, it is worth making only informed decisions dictated by common sense.

A dream in which your car is stolen - hopes for a quick marriage and living together with a man will not come true. The reason for this will be your frivolity. The dream book advises to move more firmly towards the goal and not stop there.

A dream in which you dreamed of your home being robbed indicates that you are afraid for your relationship. If thieves ransacked the entire house and found nothing in it, your fears are empty. If they found a lot of valuables and took them out of the house, such a dream warns you against treason and betrayal. They can come into your life unnoticed and leave an indelible mark.

Why do you dream about theft according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says why you dream of theft - such a dream often foreshadows interference from an evil and unjust person. If in a dream some personal item was stolen from you, the negativity will be directed specifically at your relationship.

If you stole something in a dream, such a dream means that you will bring trouble upon yourself. Try not to get into conflicts or sort things out in the near future. You should stick to your point of view, but not categorically insist on it. A dream in which you steal the keys to an apartment means that you are possessed by envy and resentment. They have blinded you. Therefore, try to balance your emotions and find the root of rationality in everything that happens in your life.

If in a dream you steal the keys to your apartment, you have been uncomfortable in it for a long time. The dream book advises not to look for joy on the side, but to try to establish mutual understanding with household members and find a life partner. This is a kind of impetus to action, which should stimulate further creative actions.

Why do you dream about theft according to other dream books?

IN Women's dream book it is said that theft is dreamed of as a symbol of your weak character, suppressed willpower. If you want to continue to live a full life, you better train your strong-willed qualities. To be accused of theft in a dream means sad misunderstandings await you in a matter that is important to you. The dream book advises you to wait out the unfavorable period and not get upset.

In Loff's dream book it is said why theft is dreamed of - to the fact that a person is very concerned about the material side of his life and has practically forgotten about the spiritual side. The dream book advises balancing these two aspects of life. If you accuse your lover of theft, you do not trust him in reality. Although you don’t have to show it. Doubts gnaw at you constantly. If you don’t work through them, if you don’t remove the mistrust, the relationship will end. Don't let this happen.

Seeing the result of a theft in your home in a dream means experiencing a fear of publicity for a secret relationship that is dear to you.
To be a thief in a dream, listening to accusations, evidence - it means that a problem will appear in the service, which you will not be able to cope with alone, but your pride and conceit will not allow you to ask for help from colleagues and companions.

If you dream that something insignificant was stolen from you, know that God loves you and will help you.

Ibn Sirin says that stealing someone’s property in a dream means sorrows and sorrows in reality.
Imam Jafar Sadyk believes that the dream of theft has four interpretations: the first is a crowd of people, the second is a loss, the third is grief and sorrow, the fourth is cheap prices for captured goods.

Psychological meaning of a dream about theft:
Do you feel that someone has deceived you or may not be entirely honest with you? You may unconsciously feel that you have set the bar too high and that you cannot achieve your goal without breaking the rules. The dream may also represent the fact that you have unmet needs and feel a lack of fulfillment.
The mystical meaning of the dream in which the theft occurred:
Some superstitions interpret that this dream is associated with matters of the heart. You may be infatuated with someone.

To dream that you are stealing suggests that you are feeling left out. The location (home, office, school, etc.) where the theft took place indicates your need. In addition, theft means unrealized and unfulfilled goals. Perhaps you have set your goals too high.
To dream that someone is stealing something from you means that you are facing an identity crisis or are suffering from some kind of loss in your life. Alternatively, the dream could mean that someone has stolen your success or taken credit for something you have done. You may feel that you have been treated unfairly.

If you dreamed that something was taken under false pretenses, yours or someone else’s fraud, analyze why you dreamed of this theft, and what unmet needs are the cause of this dream?

If you dreamed that someone was stealing money or something else from you, this could mean:

  • Do you feel that life or something in it is very demanding right now, or that there are people who are taking something from you, especially through manipulation or counterfeiting?
  • You feel disrespected, unimportant, or somehow unappreciated
A dream in which you steal from someone else may mean that you either feel that they really "owe you" one way or another, or that you have a pressing need that you feel requires their attention.

A dream about theft suggests that in reality you will suffer and mourn.
If you dream of your car being stolen, then it suggests that you will have to go through trauma, disappointment and grief in your life.
To dream of someone else stealing suggests that you will have to live a life full of adventure and love.
A dream in which you were a victim of theft suggests that you are deceitful.
To dream that you are stealing shoes suggests that you have become financially and spiritually impoverished.

A popular Arabic interpretation of a dream says that if you dreamed of theft, it means that luck comes to you secretly.

Participating in theft in a dream, or seeing someone who steals, portends failures and characteristic losses. Being accused of theft means that you will be wrong in some matter and suffer from it, but in the end you will find that it will benefit you. Accusing others of stealing means that you will treat the person with some hasty inattention. To dream about stealing money means that you are looking for something and will do anything to find what you are looking for.

To understand why you dream about theft, you must definitely remember what the attacker looked like and what exactly he snatched away. If, upon waking up, you know the name of the murdered thief and are able to assess the damage he has caused, then the dream book will give an accurate interpretation of such a criminal vision, which in no case can be ignored!

You are in the role of witness

When in a dream you noticed that someone had encroached on someone else’s property, but did not intervene or prevent the crime, then upon awakening you will behave extremely passively. Then you will be surprised at your compliance and softness, because such behavior will cause a lot of problems and annoying mistakes.

Did you dream that a stranger is accused of theft? Then do not rush to draw conclusions in reality - it may happen that you give the wrong verdict to a certain character who is not guilty of anything.

According to the Modern Dream Book, a serious theft suggests that the sleeper is worried about his financial well-being, afraid of going bankrupt or going broke.

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, this means your spinelessness and future failures.

A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with some business and you will be very worried about this, but in the end you will unexpectedly find yourself in honor.

If someone else is accused of theft, it means that in life you will condemn an ​​innocent person with reckless haste.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Theft

If in a dream you became a victim of theft, in reality you will show weakness from which you will suffer in the future.

Often such a dream means envy towards you: you will have to part with something due to current circumstances.

If you are accused of theft, a misunderstanding will interfere with your plans, you will be in panic, but everything will end well.

If in a dream someone else is accused of theft, in reality you will frivolously condemn an ​​innocent person for something.

Interpretation of dreams from