Modern dental technologies. Latest achievements of modern dentistry

Medicine does not stand still, and dentistry is especially actively developing. Which is logical, information technologies are also involved as powerful and accurate tools. In recent years, even the concept of “computer dentistry” has appeared. Probably, all the latest technologies in dentistry that will appear in the future will be associated with computer technology.

Machines to help people

Digital technologies are, first of all, relevant in orthopedic treatment at all stages. Systems have already been developed and are being implemented that completely independently fill out the necessary documents. Automated work includes modeling the oral cavity of a specific client with recommendations on which treatment paths should be optimal in a given situation.

The latest technologies in dentistry allow graphic data to be analyzed and processed extremely quickly, and the patient to be examined in detail, without omissions. The results obtained during the research can be demonstrated to both the patient and colleagues.

It must be said that the first such devices cost a lot of money, but quickly growing competition changed the situation. There are cameras for taking photos and videos in the oral cavity that can be connected to a PC. Using this type of technology is easy. In advanced clinics, traditional X-rays are practically not used; instead, radiovisiographs are used that do not irradiate the patient.

Three-dimensional medicine: the future is already in our hands

Computer programs that record and analyze the patient’s facial expressions have shown effectiveness. These are also new technologies in dentistry. Prosthetics becomes much easier and requires less time if the doctor first has a full-fledged animated model of the oral cavity on his computer screen, where he can rotate it and study it from any angle. Such programs are called 3D articulators.

To select the best treatment option for a particular case, you can use computer treatment planning. By the way, special anesthesia control programs have been developed - the computer can now even cope with the task of pain relief.

Neuromuscular dentistry: new technologies

Only the most modern institute of new technology dentistry can afford the neuromuscular approach. Its advantage is that the neurophysiology of the patient’s oral cavity is also taken into account. Methods have been developed to study how active the masticatory muscles are and what the ideal occlusion is.

The best effect is ensured by the fact that the doctor can simulate the trajectory along which the lower jaw moves and work on the prosthesis taking this information into account. If we are talking about a patient with TMJ dysfunction, then neuromuscular dentistry is the most reasonable option.

The pioneer in this area is the American company Myotronics. The company's specialists developed the K7 system, which has become widespread throughout the world. It is used in the most progressive Russian clinics.

Orthopedics against dental problems

The latest technologies have found application in dentistry and in the work of orthopedic doctors. Modern materials and a fundamentally new approach to prosthetics have helped reduce the time required to eliminate oral defects while maintaining a high level of reliability.

First of all, new technologies in orthopedic dentistry are, of course, materials. Damaged teeth are built up using composites - this is the most effective way. The material is created artificially and includes:

  • glass;
  • quartz;
  • porcelain flour;
  • silicon oxide.

The advantage of the composite is its extensive color range. The patient can choose a material that is as close as possible to the natural shade of the teeth. So, the renewed tooth will look exactly like the “native” one.

It is often used in orthopedic surgery. It allows you to make really beautiful and durable dentures, which is why it is used primarily for the front teeth. They will look like real ones, even their coating is like enamel. Ceramics are completely safe for health. Strengthening is provided by a metal frame.

New products in dentistry: all stages of prosthetics are covered

Modern orthopedic dentistry also means new solutions in the following areas:

  • connection of materials;
  • veneering of prostheses;
  • methods of manufacturing materials.

A technique for durable joining of composite and metal was developed. It is based on new methods of metal processing: mechanical, physical-chemical, combined. In recent years, there has been a great demand for adhesive technologies. When handled, a super strong adhesion can be guaranteed.

The latest technologies are used in dentistry and when working on veneers, dentures, and onlays. Among the materials, composite is indeed widely used as the highest quality. Visiting the dentist to install such a prosthesis is no longer scary, and no patient will experience pain.

New items in the arsenal of dental therapists

New technologies are the most relevant in root canal treatment. This branch of dentistry is engaged in, which is called endodontics. The main diseases studied in this field are:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

If the root canals have been well treated, the tooth will last a long time despite the removal of the nerve. But complications may arise when pathological processes spread to the jaw bone. Then they talk about cysts and granulomas. Effective modern technologies will help avoid such a disaster.

One of the most effective technologies is depphoresis. It is used if you need to treat a tooth that has already been treated using an outdated method. This technology is irreplaceable if the patient is diagnosed with a granuloma or cyst.

And, of course, we cannot help but mention the new materials used by dental therapists. Recently, glass ionomer cements have become widespread and have shown themselves to be the most promising. These materials have a minimal level of toxicity, but they are durable and beautiful. In addition, due to the increased concentration of fluorides, such cements effectively fight caries.

Dental crowns: new technologies to protect oral health

Modern dental crowns are made from a special material based on metal and ceramics. It was possible to automate the process of crown design and manufacturing.

CAD/CAM is the name given to these advanced technologies in dentistry. Crowns made in this way fit the patient perfectly, and this is ensured by computer modeling of the oral cavity, thanks to which the doctor can examine the most inaccessible areas from all sides at any time.

CAD/CAM is used to create prostheses and onlays, crowns of the most complex types and shapes. The technology is quite expensive, but it significantly reduces the time spent at the doctor’s office and allows you to get perfect crowns, which cannot be said about older methods.

You can't skimp on your health

It's no secret that dentistry with new technologies in Moscow will not be cheap. You can spend much less money if you turn to old, “grandfather’s” methods, or even go specifically to a small town on the periphery of the Moscow region, expecting to find a low price tag.

Doing this is strictly not recommended. Bad dentures can ruin your entire future life and lead to many problems. Therefore, truly reasonable behavior is to turn to specialists who practice the most modern methods.

It is imperative to make sure that modern and effective materials are used in the work.

If you have the opportunity to visit a clinic that offers computer modeling, it is worth the price tag to afford it.

Patient experience: putting it to good use

When choosing a dental clinic, you should definitely study the reviews: find out from friends and acquaintances where they had their teeth treated, what their general impressions were. When collecting information, you need to analyze not only how positive the reviews are, but also how trustworthy they can be.

The latest technologies in dentistry are the key to a flawless smile, as evidenced by reviews from satisfied patients.

If you search for information on the Internet, you will spend a lot of effort. And the result is unpredictable. Anyone interested in improving dental prosthetics reads articles on trusted sites. Which publish good orthopedic articles and undoubtedly provide quality information.

You can read about orthopedic dentistry on our website.

We guarantee quality articles. The best translated articles from foreign sites. As well as articles from domestic colleagues. Selected and designed especially for you. Read scientific articles on orthopedic dentistry on our website.

Articles on orthopedic dentistry

New things appear in orthopedic dentistry almost every day. New discoveries and materials. New crowns using new technologies. And without this new thing, you will inevitably fall behind. And your treatment will not be effective. What to do? How to stay up to date in prosthetic dentistry - read new publications online. And every day. Constant learning is the only key to success.

The word “dentistry” in an ordinary person only evokes attacks of fear and lack of desire to see a doctor. New technologies in dentistry make it possible to get rid of this phobia, because they are aimed at improving the quality of the dentition and reducing pain during treatment.

There are many dental methods for restoring not only aesthetic, but also functional qualities to the dentition. The result of the work will be so good that an experienced dentist may not immediately discern the work of the previous master.

Implant systems are the best radical treatment method in dentistry. This technology allows for the highest quality replacement.

The essence of the technique is to implant a titanium pin into the bone, this makes it possible to restore not one tooth, but several at once. In addition, such a pin will be a reliable support for removable and fixed dentures.

The titanium pin is made from high-quality material that is sterile. The pins come complete with abutments, which serve as the basis for dentures and other structures.

It takes about 3 months for the implant to heal, during which it is densely overgrown with bone tissue around the perimeter, ensuring a super-strong connection.

No type of prosthetics can compare with the implant system in terms of aesthetic and functional qualities, as well as in terms of service life for the patient.

There are systems that are installed in case of complete loss of dentition on one of the jaws. There are also clasp dentures that replace not the entire jaw, but some of its segments.

Previously, the raw material for production was acrylic, but this material did not have the necessary hygienic properties, and the service life of such a prosthesis was short. An innovative material in dentistry – soft and very durable nylon.

Nylon is not as dense a material as acrylic, but it is not able to absorb harmful odors, does not promote the proliferation of microorganisms and does not release harmful substances such as phenol into the oral cavity.

Another important property of nylon structures is that it does not cause rejection from the gum tissue and is ideally compatible with it. Modern removable dentures are not capable of causing an allergic reaction and have a short list of contraindications.

One of the disadvantages of this technology is the high price.

This is a structure that is represented by an arc on which the required number of implants is fixed. In this way, it is possible to replace a large number of teeth in one jaw, provided that the original healthy teeth still exist.

Clasp prosthetics are a heavy-duty design with a long service life. Disadvantages of the technology - the metal structure has many hooks and clasps, which does not allow the jaw to look aesthetically pleasing. Also, this type of prosthetics is characterized by a long adaptation period, but indisputable positive aspects should also be highlighted:

  1. Cheapness
  2. Easy to maintain structure.
  3. No negative impact on gum tissue.

Crowns for such dentures can be made at the request of the patient. At this stage, the main materials are: ceramics, metal ceramics and porcelain.

Veneers, Lumineers and Ultraneers

Modern technologies for updating the aesthetic appearance of teeth are progressing every day, because everyone wants their smile to look perfect. One of the innovations is a ceramic overlay, which is called veneer.

Veneers allow you to whiten your teeth without exposure to acid, while also straightening them out and protecting damaged enamel.

Lumineers are an improved version of veneers, represented by high-quality ceramics of the thinnest layer, allowing application without preliminary grinding.

Ultraneers are also a ceramic overlay option that allows you to achieve stunning whiteness that would be the envy of Hollywood stars. Their main difference from veneers is that after removing this lining, the quality of the tooth will not remain at the same level, but will improve significantly, because the cement for ultra-veneers contains fluorine, which improves the properties of the enamel.

Surgical treatment takes up approximately 75% of all dental services. It is important that it is in this area that the main changes are taking place, which over time will become accessible to everyone.

Dental treatment without using a drill

Many children, and often adults, are afraid to go to the dentist because of pain when using a drill. But now they can be reassured, because a completely new micro-abrasive technology is now being used.

What is its essence? In the supply of a pressurized air stream containing an abrasive powder, which acts selectively on tissue affected by caries, practically without affecting healthy areas. An ideal springboard for installing a filling is achieved. This procedure is completely painless and does not require additional anesthesia.

Dentists are gradually abandoning full anesthesia for major surgery for adults or restless children. It is being replaced by sedative therapy. What is the difference? Anesthesia is a complete shutdown of the patient’s consciousness with the elimination of pain sensitivity. It is worth saying that such an operation has negative consequences.

Sedation is immersion in a shallow sleep without turning off consciousness using medications that do not cause addiction. Also, these drugs significantly raise the threshold of pain sensitivity, making the process of dental work completely insensitive. Sedative therapy has fewer contraindications and side effects, and the patient recovers much faster. This type of sedation allows for a large volume of dental procedures to be performed at once.

Liquid filling for a tooth

This technique in dentistry is also carried out without the use of a drill, but it is only possible in the initial stages of caries development. This operation is carried out in three stages:

  1. Destruction of carious tissue by exposure to acid-containing substances.
  2. Treat the resulting area with an alcohol solution.
  3. Application of a special infiltrate into the cavity, which subsequently hardens there.

According to doctors, such fillings last about 10 years.

Orthopedic dentistry offers assistance in the treatment of violations of the integrity of the dental system using prosthetic methods. Orthopedic dentists diagnose the functionality of the dental system and prescribe the appropriate treatment method. Modern orthopedics in the field of dentistry involves the treatment of diseases associated with dysfunction of the organs of the maxillofacial area, as well as the implementation of dental prosthetics.

Today, high demands are placed on prosthetics. Lost teeth must be replaced or restored in such a way that the resulting tooth not only performs its primary function, but also has an attractive appearance. Prosthetics involves the complete restoration of the aesthetic parameters of the tooth, creating a complete imitation of natural teeth. At the same time, the teeth must cope with biting and chewing food. The remaining teeth should not be damaged: orthopedic dentists need to correctly distribute the load during chewing, as well as create optimal conditions for professional and personal hygiene.

Orthopedic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with dental prosthetics using certain dental techniques and the goal of which is to restore the integrity of the dentition. Dental prosthetics are currently divided into types such as: microprosthetics, removable, fixed and “implant prosthetics”.

The specialists of the dental clinic “V Put” can offer high-quality professional service in offices equipped with the latest dental technology. Dentists who work in the area orthopedic dentistry, apply the latest developments, use the latest achievements in the field of prosthetics and tooth restoration. Modern materials used in work make it possible to install ceramic veneers and all-ceramic crowns. Adhesive cements and systems, new metal alloys, and ceramic masses make it possible to achieve optimal quality in the process of tooth restoration.

Our dentists have completed advanced training courses abroad, which allowed them to gain an understanding of traditional and innovative prosthetic methods used abroad. At the request of our patients, orthopedic structures are produced in Germany, Sweden, and America. Experienced orthopedic dentists who have worked in the field orthopedic dentistry for more than ten years, they have been conducting diagnostics, prescribing treatment and preparing for prosthetics.

Modern dentistry widely uses the latest technologies in dental prosthetics. This is an integral part of successful dental treatment. In the modern world, an ideal and beautiful smile is a calling card that is highly valued in the business world. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the methods and costs of dental prosthetics.

Features of prosthetics

There are different types and prices of dental prosthetics, which have different features. Let's look at the three main types and their characteristics.

Prosthetics of the upper jaw. If the procedure is performed after teeth have been removed, you may need to undergo a sinus lift. This procedure is necessary due to the close location of the roots of the upper teeth to the maxillary sinuses (sinuses) on the sides. A sinus lift is a bone grafting procedure that helps raise the bottom of the maxillary sinus by some distance and fill the vacant space with additional bone tissue. It will become a good basis for fixing a titanium tooth root.

Prosthetics of chewing teeth. Particular attention must be paid to restoring the functionality of this part of the teeth. For prosthetics, it is best to use metal-ceramic material, which is highly durable and has a fairly good aesthetic appearance. If prosthetics are performed on implants, then a two-stage technique should be used, which eliminates the installation of a temporary crown.

Prosthetics of the front part of the teeth. A feature of this type is the need for speed of the procedure and special attention to the aesthetic side of the issue. Prosthetics of the upper row of teeth on the front requires the use of an all-ceramic design, which will help to avoid the metal base showing through the enamel coating or in the area of ​​exposure, directly next to the gums.

Types of prosthetics

Types of dental prosthetics in dentistry can be divided into three main categories:

  • Partially removable prosthetics.
  • Removable prosthetics.
  • Fixed prosthetics.

Partially removable or removable dentures:

  1. Clasp dentures. The denture has a metal frame, which includes a unloading and holding device for the structure, arches and artificial teeth. These dentures are made in laboratories.
  2. Plate dentures. Acrylic or nylon material is used for the base with artificial teeth installed on it. The plate prosthesis can be removable and rest on the jaws without teeth and palate. Or it can be partially removable with special fixing elements for healthy teeth.

  1. Artificial implant. A rod made of titanium material is implanted into the bone tissue at the site of the extracted tooth, onto which an artificial crown is subsequently placed.
  2. Bridge prosthesis. This design consists of a series of artificial crowns that are placed on healthy teeth or on their roots. This type includes an adhesive bridge-type prosthesis, which is used as a temporary structure.
  3. Dental crown. A prosthesis in the form of a cap, which is installed in place of the tooth crown and imitates its natural shape. The most popular type of this method of dental prosthetics.
  4. Lumineers. Ceramic plates that are distinguished by their ultra-thinness. This type of prosthetics does not require preliminary grinding of healthy teeth. Lumineers can be removed, unlike veneers, and these dentures have a small list of disadvantages.
  5. Ceramic veneers. They are non-removable dentures made of ceramics. The thinnest plates cover the outer part of the tooth. Most often, this type of prosthetics is used for the front teeth to create the correct shape and color of the teeth.
  6. Tabs. Inlays are fillings that are made from ceramic using special impressions in the laboratory. This is one of the types of fixed dentures, which, in addition to maximum precision fit to the tooth, have an impeccable aesthetic appearance. The ceramic inlay is highly durable and durable, unlike a conventional filling.

Materials and prices for modern dental prosthetics must meet special requirements. They need to be biologically compatible with the tissues in the oral cavity and resistant to constant exposure to food and saliva. The material used must not:

  • cause an allergic reaction;
  • disrupt taste sensations;
  • emit a specific smell.

They should be, as far as possible, equivalent in quality, strength, elasticity and resilience to the tissues they replace. Also, an important requirement in the manufacture of dentures is the use of a material that will be close in color to healthy teeth, and the shape of the structure will fully correspond to the previous teeth and gums.

The following types of materials are currently used:

  1. Plastic. This material is widely used for the manufacture of artificial teeth and bases for removable plate dentures. Dental laboratories use plastic that consists of acrylic resins. After non-acrylic polymers began to be used in dentistry, nylon and polyurethane dentures appeared.
  2. Ceramics. Ceramic dentures have a long list of advantages: they create a natural contour of the gums, do not cause allergies, and are absolutely compatible with soft tissues in the oral cavity. Also, any design for a denture can be painted in the most natural color of the teeth.
  3. Metal. Initially, gold was used for dentures. For more than 2000 years, gold structures had an absolute monopoly in dental practice. However, using the latest technologies in dental prosthetics, dentures are made from various alloys, which are used as an auxiliary material. For example, to make a crown, a metal frame is first created, which is covered with several layers of ceramic. Thanks to this, metal-ceramic structures have become the most popular prostheses in dentistry.

Prosthetic technology

Modern prosthetic technologies include the mandatory use of computer programs that help diagnose, manufacture and correctly install the structure. New technologies for all types of prostheses and the cost of dental prosthetics make it possible to complete the procedure in a single visit to the doctor. Using special computerized equipment, the doctor models the prosthesis and makes it on site.

For high-precision manufacturing of the prosthesis, a special system is used to produce a 3D model of the prosthesis, which is cut out of ceramic on a high-speed machine. This procedure saves time and helps create teeth that are close to natural.

The timing of prosthetics is influenced by two factors:

  1. Is a break required to continue the prosthetic procedure?
  2. Is the participation of a dental technician necessary?

Most prostheses are made in a special laboratory, so for prosthetics the patient will need to visit the doctor at least twice. If the dental clinic is equipped with modern milling machines, then a denture can be installed in one visit.

Dental implantation involves a longer treatment period. First, a titanium root is implanted and wait until it has completely taken root. This may take up to six months. And only then a permanent crown is installed. Looking through photos of dental prosthetics and prices, you can see that implantation not only takes longer, but is also more expensive than all other types of artificial structures.

The cost of prosthetics depends on the following components:

  • material used;
  • workload.

Average cost of prosthetics:

  • Metal-ceramic crowns - from 6 thousand rubles.
  • Ceramic crowns - from 11 thousand rubles.
  • Metal crowns - from 3 thousand rubles.
  • Metal-ceramic bridge prosthesis - from 20 thousand rubles
  • Ceramic bridge prosthesis - from 45 thousand rubles
  • Veneers - from 15 thousand rubles.
  • Removable dentures - from 20 thousand rubles.

The type of prosthesis and the price of dental prosthetics are chosen by the patient depending on his wishes and financial situation.