Spiral computed tomography of the abdominal cavity. Tomography of the abdominal organs

Technological progress has now reached heights, science is actively developing, affecting all spheres of human activity. This also applies to medicine. One of the progressive innovations is SKT, or spiral CT scan. So, SKT - what is it?

The article will focus on spiral computed tomography: what is SCT, are there any differences between SCT and MSCT, what is the place of SCT in modern medicine, a little history, the essence of the method, its advantages, indications, contraindications, prices, reviews.

CT scan - modern way disease diagnostics various bodies and systems, one of the types of which is spiral computed tomography. The beginning of its application in clinical practice refers to 1988. SKT belongs to methods radiodiagnosis which are based on x-rays. Its feature is the simultaneous rotation of the X-ray tube and the movement of the tomograph table on which the patient lies. Due to this, the X-ray source moves in a spiral, which is the key to quickly obtaining detailed longitudinal and transverse sections of areas of interest with a step of 0.5 mm. The technique allows to detect pathology on early stage, detect formations up to 0.1 cm in size.

Are there any differences between SKT and MSCT?

Multispiral, or multislice, computed tomography (MSCT), like SCT, allows you to analyze information based on the ability of human body tissues to absorb X-rays. IN medical practice it came into use later, in 1992. The main difference between MSCT is the increase in the rows of detectors arranged in a circle. The result is sharper images and significantly reduced procedure times. During the rotation of the X-ray tube, you can get a projection of the whole organ.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Spiral computed tomography is used to diagnose diseases of most organs. Indications for the study are wide: injuries of bones and internal organs, tumors in various structures, vascular pathology.

The method has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • claustrophobia;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • large body weight (the upper limit is indicated by the equipment manufacturer);
  • inability to accept lying position and hold your breath;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, other non-removable electronic devices;
  • individual intolerance to the contrast agent.

Preparatory measures before MSC tomography

To undergo a CT scan, it is desirable to have a referral on hand narrow medical specialist, where the referral diagnosis and area of ​​investigation are indicated. If you have the results of previous examinations, they must also be taken with you. They will be needed to assess the dynamics of the process, as well as adjust the scanning technique in order to obtain maximum information from the analysis of tomograms after SCT.

Preparation for a spiral computed tomography depends on the field of study. SKT organs abdominal cavity performed on an empty stomach. For several days, it is recommended to follow a low-slag diet that excludes foods that increase gas formation. For screening other areas, special preparation is usually not required.

How is SKT done?

Spiral tomography is divided into:

  • single-cut, during which one layer is obtained;
  • multilayer, with the possibility of simultaneous reconstruction of up to 64 tomographic layers.

The tomograph is located in a special room that meets the requirements of radiation safety and sanitary standards. The patient is located on the table-transporter, driving inside the annular part (gantry). This is how the area of ​​interest is scanned. When studying the respiratory organs and the abdominal cavity, one should hold the breath, the laboratory assistant informs the patient about this. The study is absolutely painless. To interpret the obtained images, the radiologist is given 24 hours, after which the patient receives the result of the examination in the form of a conclusion and images on a digital medium or a special film.

What organs are being examined?

With the help of SCT, almost the entire body of the patient is examined:

  • head - inflammatory processes, post-traumatic complications, vascular pathologies, other circulatory disorders, hydrocephalus, tumors are detected;
  • small pelvis - diagnosed urolithiasis disease, diverticula, injuries, pathologies of bones, soft tissues, blood vessels, benign and malignant formations;
  • abdominal cavity - the state of the liver, adrenal glands, spleen is being studied, urinary tract, other organs in order to detect anomalies;
  • chest - the organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, oncoprocesses, changes in the bronchi, lungs, heart muscle, vascular function are effectively determined;
  • neck, spine - injuries, diseases are analyzed spinal column, adjacent vessels;
  • joints, bones - inflammatory and traumatic lesions, their complications, neoplasms are diagnosed.

CT scan with contrast agent

Distinguish native study and SCT with contrast. SCT of the second type is effective in the study of abdominal organs, blood vessels, and others. Most often, contrast agents are used for oral or parenteral administration, that is, orally or intravenously.

Varieties of computed tomography

Depending on the area under study, the SCT examination is divided into tomography:

  • brain;
  • organs of the chest and mediastinum;
  • organs of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space;
  • pelvic organs;
  • urinary system;
  • osteoarticular system (studies the state of tissues and joints, all parts of the spine, reveals congenital and acquired diseases of the bones of the skeleton).

They also do CT of the maxillofacial region, sinuses, of cardio-vascular system.

CT scan of the chest

CTK of the abdomen and retroperitoneum

CKT of the brain

Indications for CKT of the brain are: disorders of cerebral circulation; traumatic brain injury; tumors; hydrocephalus; vascular pathology; cysts and other post-traumatic consequences; inflammatory diseases.

CT scan of the brain, or spiral computed tomography, is a medical diagnostic method based on X-ray radiation. The tomography method appeared in 1972 and is still considered one of the safest and most informative ways to study the structure of the brain and other organs.

Different tissues in the body have different carrying capacities. The essence of helical computed tomography is that the resulting images record the weakening of the passage of x-rays, which allows you to see the structure of the tissue. SCT differs from conventional radiography in that the output is a three-dimensional image of the organ, when only shadows are visible during radiography.

A number of rays pass throughout the brain. After the examination, the diagnostician receives a set of images in his hands, where the brain and its parts are visualized in layers. Pictures are stored in digital form and, if desired, are given to the hands of the researcher.

The apparatus for spiral computed tomography is a circular frame. SKT consists of the following parts:

  1. Gantry. What is it - an annular movable structure containing a radiation source and a rotating mechanism. On average, the diameter of the gantry reaches 70 cm. There are rings with diameters of 80-90 cm, which are used for oncological diseases. Another gantry parameter is the full rotation time. How more time rotation, the better the image will be.
  2. X-ray system. It consists of a generator and a tube.
  3. Solid-state detectors that perceive information. The size of the detector affects the image resolution: the larger the detector, the better the image quality.
  4. A computer that allows you to calculate information about the image according to the algorithm.
  5. A storage medium that stores information about an image.

In the pictures taken with the help of CT, you can see:

  • The state of the bones of the skull, the entire vault of the skull as a whole.
  • Paranasal sinuses (maxillary sinuses).
  • Frontal sinuses.
  • Sinuses of the brain.
  • Cerebral arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels.
  • Foreign bodies within the skull.
  • Abscesses in various areas, including between the dura and arachnoid and in the arachnoid space.
  • Inflammation of the meninges.
  • Small hemorrhages.
  • Skull injuries: structural fractures inner ear.
  • Damage to the cranial nerves.
  • Neoplasms: cysts, tumors.

What are the pros and cons of diagnostics

The advantages and disadvantages of SCT appear in comparison with other neuroimaging methods.

Computed tomography preceded MRI. The basis uses the flow of x-rays. Generates a detailed image of the brain. Additional post-processing of information allows visualization of the organ in 2D and 3D.


  1. high-resolution three-dimensional image;
  2. soft and hard tissues are visualized;
  3. painlessness of the procedure;
  4. the event does not take much time;
  5. the ability to store images on media;
  6. the radiation dose is less than with radiography;
  7. is prescribed in cases where there is metal and electrical devices in the human body (stimulants heart rate, prostheses);

Cons of SKT:

  • does not show the brain in dynamics - information is given only about the structure, not about the function of the brain;
  • based on x-rays;
  • should not be carried out by pregnant women and small children;

CT has an advantage over standard x-rays because the latter produces only one image and all tissue balls overlap. Often because of this, pathological foci are lost.

Comparison of CT and MRI:

  1. Magnetic tomography is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance, which changes the ratio and distribution of hydrogen atoms. close to research chemical structure brain tissue.
  2. MRI visualizes better soft tissue, CT - bone.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging better shows: brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases.
  4. Spiral computed tomography shows better:, craniocerebral injuries, for example, a bruise or brain slaughter, acute disorder blood circulation, damage to the vessels of the brain.


Reasons for examining the brain using computed tomography:

  • Periodic headaches. Cephalgia, not removed by painkillers.
  • Sudden dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • Autonomic disorders without an obvious cause.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Epilepsy, grand mal seizure, small focal seizures.
  • Loss of sensation, paresis or paralysis.
  • Traumatic brain injury.


CT scan of the brain can not be performed in such cases:

  1. Mental disorders of the patient, for example, claustrophobia - a pathological fear of enclosed spaces. A psychotic state in which mental behavior does not correspond to the actual situation.
  2. Obesity. If the patient's weight exceeds 150 kg, he cannot be performed the procedure due to the fact that the device of the tomograph is not designed for heavy loads.
  3. CT scan of the child's brain is performed as indicated. In general, due to the dose of X-rays, the child is not recommended to undergo the procedure, but not prohibited.

Procedure steps

The procedure for spiral computed tomography of the brain consists of the following steps:

  • Patient preparation. He needs to remove clothes that have buttons, metal fasteners and zippers. All decorations are also removed. They do not pose a danger, but they block the flow of rays - this distorts the image.
  • The subject lies down on a movable surface. According to the indication, he is injected contrast agent. The procedure with contrast lasts 30 minutes.
  • The table moves into the depth of the tomograph. The gantry is launched and begins to rotate around the patient. At this time, images of the brain are taken. During this procedure, one thing is required of a person - not to move. Otherwise, the image is distorted. You can breathe, close or open your eyes, but do not move. Pictures without contrast are taken on average in 10-15 minutes.
  • After a series of shots, the table is pulled out, the subject gets up, gets dressed and picks up his things.

If necessary, assess the condition of the structures nervous system, doctors are increasingly prescribing CT scans of the brain.

Spiral computed tomography is fast, safe and exact way identifying various pathologies. In emergency cases, it is used to quickly assess the extent of internal injuries and bleeding, often this is what saves lives.

Spiral computed tomography has been known since the late 80s of the XX century, when the first spiral tomographs of the well-known company Siemens began to be used in medical diagnostics. Over the past three decades, hardware systems have been significantly improved. The diagnostic result largely depends on the number of detectors, and the first devices had only two sensors. Tomographs of the second generation were already equipped with 30-50 sensors. In order for them to simultaneously receive a signal, a new volumetric form of the X-ray beam in the form of a wave fan was also developed.

Third-generation SRCT devices already used from 300 to 500 sensors, and in subsequent years, in the fourth generation, their number increased to 5000.

Later, improved methods of multilayer computed tomography (MSCT) appeared, where many detectors are located in several rows, which significantly improved the resolution of the device and accelerated the examination.

The development and creation of devices for spiral CT is an extremely expensive and science-intensive technology. From the very beginning to today Siemens is a leader in the development and implementation of helical tomographs.

Any CT scanner uses x-rays for scanning. The most significant advantage of helical CT is that many more 3D images of the scanned area can be obtained per unit of time.

The table on which the patient is placed slowly slides along the scanning axis. At the same time, a round coil, in which an X-ray source is mounted, rotates around the subject. The tissues of the human body are different density and therefore absorb x-rays differently. The sensors installed in the scanner register these differences, and the computer program immediately processes the data and displays the result in the form of a picture (snapshot).

The size of the area of ​​the body that can be scanned depends on the speed of the movement of the table on which the patient lies motionless. With spiral tomography, this speed can be very high. It can be adjusted depending on the objectives of the survey. Thanks to this, CT allows for high-quality diagnostics in a very short time. a short time.

Is SKT safe? Certainly yes. Conventional x-ray examination is associated with much higher dose irradiation. The newer the scanner, the safer it is for the subject.

Application of SCT in clinical practice

What is SCT in medicine and how is it used in clinical practice? Since modern multi-slice computed tomography machine can take 64-slice images with high speed and accuracy, doctors actively use this diagnostic method when it is necessary to quickly identify the location and assess the size of the pathology focus, for example, in the lungs. SCT is able to detect even small neoplasms in internal organs that will not be visible on other tomographs.

This makes it possible to detect pathology in as soon as possible and immediately start treatment even at those stages of the disease when not all symptoms are visible. Time can be the deciding factor for successful therapy many serious pathologies (for example, lung cancer).

SCT is used in the diagnosis of diseases of almost all internal organs and systems, including the nervous system.

Spiral computed tomography of the brain can be performed with contrast. In this case, before the examination, the patient must drink a special solution to improve the quality of imaging or the contrast is injected into a vein.

After the injection, the patient may experience a feeling of heat throughout the body, but this is not at all dangerous and passes quickly. Tomography is carried out without the introduction of a contrast agent (screening method). If there is no suspicion of a tumor and an urgent examination of a patient is necessary, for example, one who has received a head injury, then contrast is not used. Further, screening can be used to track the dynamics of the development of pathological changes, to evaluate the effectiveness of drugs.

Contrast may be required in the detection of brain cancer, blood vessel malformations, or the diagnosis of an aneurysm.

The use of the technique in certain pathological conditions

A neurologist may refer you for a spiral CT scan of the brain in the following cases:

  • headache unclear etiology, tinnitus, dizziness at rest and when turning the head;
  • concussions, bruises of the brain, other craniocerebral injuries;
  • suspected neuroinfection;
  • neoplasms of the lungs, eyes and ENT organs;
  • problems with cerebral circulation, vascular pathology;
  • developmental disorders of the nervous system.

IN oncological practice spiral CT is indispensable for:

  • confirmation of the oncological diagnosis;
  • cancer staging;
  • clarification of the localization of formations before the biopsy procedure;
  • evaluating the possibility of radiotherapy or surgery;
  • treatment control;
  • detection of disease recurrence.

Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity and chest area is also widely used.

The accuracy of the tomograph is enough to detect even minor pathological processes in bone tissue, ligaments, intervertebral discs.

Spiral CT has proven to be effective in diagnosing:

  • rupture of the spleen and other abdominal organs;
  • urolithiasis;
  • congenital anomalies of the retroperitoneal space;
  • pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).

Pathological processes in the bone tissue are also successfully visualized using SCT, which is why it is used in the diagnosis of diseases of the spine and other parts of the skeleton.

Since CT has a very high resolution, such an examination will help to see the pathology that will go unnoticed by conventional imaging methods.

Preparation and contraindications

Preparation for the study is quite simple.

  • do not eat or drink at least 3 hours before the study;
  • do not drink alcohol for 24 hours;
  • stop smoking 4-5 hours before the start of the examination, especially with CT of the lungs;
  • if the study is carried out with contrast, you must take a special mixture in advance, which you will be given or told to purchase at a pharmacy. In some cases, contrast is injected into a vein just before the procedure;
  • first of all, undergo an ultrasound or MRI (depending on the recommendations of the doctor) and take the conclusions with you;
  • Notify staff of existing allergies to medical preparations or signs of claustrophobia;
  • dress comfortably, you may also be asked to wear a hospital gown;
  • leave at home or remove all metal objects, including jewelry, glasses, dentures, before the examination, as they may affect the operation of the scanner.

There are also a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • schizophrenia, depression and other psychopathologies;
  • inability to ensure immobility;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • intestinal hyperpneumatization, effusion into the pleural cavity;
  • allergy to iodine or other components of the contrast agent;
  • overweight.

For children and patients who find it difficult to remain still during a scan, the doctor may prescribe sedatives before the start of the survey.

What Happens During an Examination

SKT is a fairly simple procedure. The patient is placed on the scanner table. When the examination begins, the table moves smoothly and progressively inside the round coil, where the sensors and the emitter are located. Depending on the goals and object of the study, the patient may be asked to take a certain position on the table.

As with x-rays, the doctor may ask you to hold your breath for a while so that the images are not blurry. The computer that processes information from the scanner is installed in a separate room behind glass, where the staff is located during scanning. The doctor and patient communicate using a public address system. If examined small child, the parent may be allowed to be present in the test room if they wear a lead protective apron.

In very rare cases, CT contrast agents may cause allergic reactions. Some people may experience slight itching or hives (small red bumps on the skin). Symptoms of a more serious allergic reaction include shortness of breath and swelling of the throat or other parts of the body.

The patient should inform the staff immediately if any of these symptoms appear. Very rarely, contrast media can cause kidney problems in some patients. CT is painless procedure. Inconvenience can only be caused by a long stay in a fixed position.

The duration of the CT scan depends on the size of the scanned area and usually takes from a few minutes to half an hour. Some patients fear that they will experience claustrophobia while in the scanner. However, most modern tomographs do not surround the entire body, but only part of it.

The radiologist who conducted the study issues and describes the results of the study. And the attending physician who sent for this examination is responsible for interpreting the data, making the final diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Usually, a detailed description on paper and a picture on a CD are given to the patient within a short time (from 1 hour to 2-3 days).

Despite all the advantages, SCT has a number of disadvantages. This safe procedure, but it is still associated with some exposure. According to medical estimates, exposure in one diagnostic session is approximately equal to the dose that a person receives in 3-5 years in a natural environment.

To control exposure, the doctor performing the tomography should make a note on the patient card about the dose received during each scan, indicating the date of the procedure.

The contrast medium can adversely affect the development of the fetus and newborn, so the use of SCT for pregnant and lactating mothers is limited.

The contrast mixtures used contain iodine, which can cause allergies. The need to remain still during the study makes it difficult to use for children under 6 years of age. Another limitation is the impossibility of using SCT for people weighing more than 150 kg (the maximum load on the movable table of the scanner depends on the type of tomograph).

These two methods are based on completely different physical phenomena. When scanning, an MRI machine generates an electromagnetic field around the patient, while CT uses X-rays. MRI is suitable only for studying soft tissues, and spiral tomography is also suitable for diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

These methods differ in cost. The average cost of SCT in Russia is 5,000 rubles, and an MRI will cost a little more. The price depends on the qualifications of the staff, the level of services provided, the type and age of the equipment. When contrast is used, the price of the procedure increases.

Thus, today SCT is an indispensable technique for visualizing neoplasms and other foci of pathologies with a high degree detail. At the end of the examination, the patient receives high-contrast images of organs and systems on a CD, according to which the doctor can diagnose not only the type, but also the extent of disorders and prescribe treatment.

Computed tomography (CT) is a method of radiation diagnostics, during which, as a result of X-ray scanning, layer-by-layer images of the area of ​​study of the human body are formed. This technique allows assessing the state of internal organs and tissues, identifying foci of inflammation, congenital and acquired pathologies, as well as monitoring the treatment process. CT is a very effective diagnostic method, it is valuable because there is no overlap of organs and tissues in the images, which makes it possible to accurately assess the condition and diagnose any changes occurring in the study area.

How is CT done?

The patient is placed on a movable table, which moves along the tunnel of the tomograph during the examination, and is fixed with straps. Fixation is necessary, because during the procedure you can not move, so that the pictures are clear. When examining the pelvic organs, a contrast agent is injected into the blood at the same time. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Computed tomography is a serious study, it is completely safe if you make the necessary preparation and observe certain rules. Since X-rays are involved in the procedure, CT scans are not recommended frequently. Before the examination, the last meal and drink should be at least 4 hours before the start of the diagnosis. If the patient is taking medications, is allergic to iodine, seafood, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. Also, a specialist radiologist must know that the patient has asthma, diabetes, are there any pathologies thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should refrain from CT scans so as not to harm the baby. CT is contraindicated in people with kidney failure and obesity.

If a CT scan is assigned to a child, parents can be present during the procedure, but only in a special protective apron.

Where to do CT?

Computed tomography in Moscow can be done in medical institutions at the place of residence, in diagnostic centers, multidisciplinary medical centers, specialized clinics. A quota is issued for a free CT scan if there is a referral from the attending physician. But in emergency it is better not to wait in line, but to contact a medical institution and undergo the procedure for a fee. The cost of CT depends on the area of ​​study, the quality of the equipment and the status of the clinic. average price for computed tomography in Moscow varies from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Read more

Spiral computed tomography (SCT) is not without reason considered an improved method of diagnosing various diseases soft and bone tissues in the human body. It was first held in 1992.

The study of SCT is classified as one of the types. They have a similar principle of operation: using X-rays, with varying degrees absorption by certain tissues of rays, the tomograph carefully examines a specific organ of the patient.

It should also be noted that the dosage of irradiation at the time of the similar diagnosis significantly lower than that which a person takes during a conventional X-ray examination. The more modern the tomograph model, the less harmful rays the patient will receive.

Pros and cons of SKT

This research technique is distinguished by its high efficiency and speed of diagnostics. However, it also has not only numerous advantages, but also certain disadvantages with contraindications.

Spiral computed tomography has the following advantages:

  • the minimum time for the diagnosis (5-30 minutes), which makes it relevant to use the SCT method in diagnosis, when it is important to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible;
  • obtaining ultra-thin sections, which improves the quality of images;
  • the ability to obtain important and extensive information in less than one second (up to 300 images per rotation of the tomograph drum);
  • high degree of safety (irradiation of the body is 66% less than that of a conventional x-ray);
  • the method allows you to get much more information than;
  • 3D imaging, multiplanar design and the ability to reconstruct x-rays.

CT is ideal for diagnosing various violations in work various systems organism, however, this technique has certain disadvantages with risks, including:

  • less significant, but still harmful to the body exposure, the level of exposure received by the patient during SCT, on average, is comparable to the dose acquired by a person from the environment for 3-5 years;
  • the inadmissibility of performing a study in pregnant women and a ban on breastfeeding during the day after the introduction of a contrast agent;
  • allergic reactions to a contrast agent containing iodine may occur;
  • You can not conduct a study for children under the age of seven.

Before conducting the study, the patient should tell the doctors what diseases he has had in the recent past, whether he is currently taking medications, whether he has or does not have allergies.

brain research

The use of SCT for emergency and planned examination of the brain is very productive. All currently existing devices for SCT make it possible to reveal a clear picture of any structural change that occurs in the brain.

The most complex and expensive examination is. This study allows doctors to get a clear color image of the layered structure of the patient's brain, which will make it possible to study this organ in the smallest detail.

Spiral computed tomography of the brain is usually prescribed for people who have the following disorders:

  • constants, ;
  • inflammatory processes or neoplasms in the eye sockets and ENT organs;
  • diseases of the salivary glands and ailments, in the temporal part of the head;
  • disturbances in cerebral circulation, vascular diseases;
  • violations in the formation of the brain, a variety of pathologies;

In addition, with the help of SCT, they monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and analyze the results after the operation to determine current state brain.

CT is used to diagnose various kinds injuries in the head in severe and super-severe patients, with significant changes in blood circulation, significant intracranial pressure, in cases of complex neurological disorders.

Such a study is able to detect and demonstrate unhealthy changes at an early stage. CT can detect pathology that a conventional tomograph is not able to detect. This study of the brain will help to timely identify many disorders in the brain.

Also this study use for:

  • identifying the causes, in case of repeated cases of clouding of consciousness that suddenly occurred, loss of sensation on the limbs, visual impairment;
  • during suspicions of, with intracranial bleeding, aortic rupture;
  • to identify the cause in cases of hearing loss, dysfunction of the inner ear;
  • plan for the future surgical intervention and its effectiveness on the brain;
  • identifying brain damage and providing assistance during strokes and many other problems.

A similar type of examination can also be prescribed for patients with other types of diseases, such as, for example,. In certain situations, the study is performed using and introducing into the patient's body a contrast agent that can facilitate the detection of tumors, atherosclerotic plaques, cysts and other pathologies.

Such a procedure does not require special preliminary preparation from a person.

The order of the survey

Preparation for the brain CT procedure obliges the patient to refuse to eat 4 hours before the examination. In addition, it is not worth

Tomograph Somatom Ssensation-64

smoking, drinking strong tea or coffee. It is advisable to take the conclusions of past studies with you to the examination (,).

It is worthwhile to warn doctors in advance about the presence, if they have happened or are possible, of allergic reactions, chronic diseases and other similar problems.

On average, the procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. When it is carried out, the patient is placed on a comfortable mobile table, on which the subject will be moved inside the tomograph. During the entire examination, the tomograph ring will rotate around the table with the patient.

A person during the procedure must lie still. At this time, the medical staff monitors the examination, and if the patient feels some discomfort, he can notify the doctors about this using the communication system.

The result of the examination with detailed description, available to the patient after a short time after its completion. Often the results are recorded on a CD. With the acquired data, the patient must come to his treating doctor, who will write out a detailed treatment program for him or send him for a consultation with another specialized specialist.

Mikhail, Nizhny Novgorod, September 2016

Cost of the procedure

Today, the price of a spiral computed tomography of the brain in Russian clinics starts from 5,000 rubles.

The price is affected by the name of the clinic, the level of service and equipment used, whether the patient needs the use of a contrast agent during the examination, and other factors.

Consultation and interpretation of the received data are either included in the cost of MSCT or can be paid separately.

Treatment of absolutely any disease in the body always begins with a diagnosis. The faster and better the diagnosis of the disease is made, the more timely and effective the treatment will be. With an illiterate diagnosis of a disease or pathology, the possibility of recovery not only slows down, but can also progress and even go into the chronic stage of the disease. IN modern world spiral computed tomography, or SCT for short, is the latest and highly effective research method in medicine.

The principle of the diagnostic method

For the first time, the SCT machine became available and indispensable for doctors in 1988. The principle of operation of this diagnostic is based on scanning the body using X-rays, which, having passed the stage of conversion into electrical impulses, are transmitted to a computer for further processing.

This method of research allows you to get the most accurate results with an error of only 1 millimeter with the maximum speed.

During the examination, the tomograph table moves with the patient, and at the same time, an X-ray tube with a plurality of sensors-detectors rotates in a spiral around the human body. On such an CT scanner, it is possible to visualize neoplasms of various types up to 1 mm in size. And in our time, this is one of the most important indicators for oncological diseases for adoption. necessary measures for the timely elimination of the focus of the disease. One area under study in the body is diagnosed on such a scanner in just 3-5 minutes, and then images of the study are printed using a computer highest quality. Amazing results can be obtained on modern 64-slice (multi-slice or multislice) high-speed tomographs - quick receipt high quality 2D and 3D images.

SKT capabilities

It is an indispensable diagnostic method for detecting pathologies in the human body. The use of SCT is widely used for examination, namely the liver, spleen, gallbladder, adrenal glands,. With the advent of the CT procedure, the ability to detect stones, for example, in the gallbladder or kidneys, has increased significantly and made the diagnosis as easy as possible. Diagnostics is also indispensable for diagnosing changes in tuberculosis and sclerosis. The use of CT is widespread for scanning the eyes, facial fragments, and sinuses. The tomograph accurately detects any violations in the structure of these organs and foreign bodies that have penetrated into them. SCT is often used by ENT doctors to detect pathologies and changes in the system, auditory tracts and temporal bones. This is the best diagnostic method for examining these areas of the body.

It should also be noted that spiral computed tomography is constantly used in traumatology for rapid visualization of the most complex and multiple injuries of bones and internal organs, in diagnosing severe skull injuries and cerebral hemorrhages.

With the CT method, even the most insignificant changes in the bone structure and pathology in ligamentous apparatus. For example, for visualization of intervertebral discs, diagnostics is considered indispensable.

It is important to know that the need for SCT, and not any other examination, should be determined by the attending physician who sees big picture just for you and your health.

The order of the procedure

In the case of an examination of the internal organs, 4 hours before the SCT examination, you need to stop eating and drinking. In some cases, during certain examinations, the patient will need to go through - take a contrast agent inside. Detailed recommendations according to the method of preparation, the radiologist who will directly perform the study should give. The evening meal before the study should be light enough, and it is better to refuse solid food for breakfast.

At the time of the examination, the patient will be placed on a movable table, which, while moving, is placed in the tunnel of the tomograph scanner. To limit movement during the diagnostic period, the patient, if necessary, is fastened with special belts and pillows, which are necessarily equipped with a tomography table. This is done to ensure that the images are of the highest quality. In the case of children, disabled people, claustrophobic patients who cannot remain still and calm state may use sedatives or light anesthesia. In the adjacent CT room there is a room with computers, where the radiologist is located and directly from which the tomograph is controlled and instructions are given to the patient during the study. This is where the results are processed. The study of spiral computed tomography itself is quite safe, although a person receives a minimal dose of X-ray exposure, but it is so small that it practically does not harm the body.

The use of contrast in the study of SCT

When diagnosing SCT of the abdominal cavity, the patient will need to take 500 - 1000 ml in the form of a liquid with a contrast agent in order to “separate” the stomach and intestines from nearby organs and tissues, and also so that the loops do not interfere with imaging by the radiologist and get the clearest pictures. This method of contrast is called oral.

No less often used method of contrast agent. This method is used to highlight areas and systems in the body with deviations and pathologies, which provides an excellent opportunity for their visualization. Also, with this method of contrasting, it is possible to clearly visualize the blood flow of tumor formations and diagnose the state of the vessels.

In order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions to the introduction of a contrast agent containing iodine and other medicines, it is necessary to provide all the necessary information about the characteristics of your body to a radiologist before the study. If the patient has diseases such as diabetes mellitus, asthma, kidney failure, or diseases of the heart or thyroid gland, it is also necessary to inform the doctor about this. This method diagnosis is contraindicated in pregnant women. But in rare and necessary cases this study is also used during pregnancy, but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus is closed with a special lead plate. SCT examination is not carried out for patients who have pacemakers or ferromagnetic implants in their bodies, as well as for patients with a weight exceeding the maximum allowed weight of the tomograph. After the diagnosis, the radiologist conducts a thorough analysis of the images.

SKT results

After the diagnosis of SCT, the radiologist is engaged in analysis and decoding. It processes all received information together with the provided medical documents. Next, he needs to compare all this with the results obtained with SCT, describe the whole picture of the examination, write a diagnostic report, print a film with scans of the study. The time required for all this, as a rule, takes from 30 minutes to several hours. After complete processing, you will receive a conclusion of the diagnostics carried out with the signature of a radiologist.

Consultations and questions on CT-study

A radiologist is not a specialist in diagnosing and prescribing treatment, and cannot provide you with the necessary advice and recommendations.

To prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis, you need to know the whole picture of the patient’s health and condition, the results of past SCT studies, additional tests and examinations, as well as individual characteristics the patient's body. Answer all your questions and accurate diagnosis only your doctor can.

Advantages of SCT diagnostics

SCT has a number of differences and advantages over conventional computed tomography:

  • the scanning speed and the quality of the resulting images are much higher
  • obtaining more accurate pictures in 3D projection. Such images are more informative in identifying the nature and location of pathologies.
  • the use of spiral diagnostic techniques made it possible to use in angiography, namely for visualization of arteries, determination of vascular aneurysms, their narrowing and length
  • non-invasive compared to ventriculography, myelography

The effectiveness of treatment depends entirely on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Often there are so-called "medical errors" when a person is treated for a completely different disease, causing irreparable harm to his body. Incorrectly prescribed therapy leads to a chronic course of the disease or even lethal outcome. Comparatively recently, spiral computed tomography has been used in medicine, which makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

The essence of the technique

What is such a high-tech method, characterized by numerous advantages and unique accuracy. At the same time, the doctor receives the result much faster than with standard procedures.

How it is carried out During its implementation, the table on which the patient should lie begins to move smoothly and slowly. Around it in the same way begins to rotate with detectors located on its surface.

The device is capable of recognizing very small neoplasms, up to 1 mm. This allows early detection and treatment of cancer. Scanning of one anatomical area is carried out for 5 minutes, and the laser camera takes large-format images.

A striking effect is achieved on 64-slice modern high-speed tomographs - with a low level of radiation, two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of excellent quality are obtained.


Spiral tomography is necessary in the following cases:

  • a study of the brain, as a result of which the doctor can detect areas of stroke and injured blood vessels;
  • detection inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses;
  • establishing the cause of the formation of lymph nodes in the neck;
  • confirmation of the diagnosis before abdominal surgery;
  • detection of changes in the lungs;
  • diagnosis of intervertebral hernias.


Spiral computed tomography has certain advantages over conventional research methods:

  • Scanning (collection of information) is very fast. For a short period of time, an image of a certain anatomical region is formed, while the quality of the images is very high.
  • Spatial 3D images are more accurate, and 3D models show the exact location of the pathology. The use of spiral scanning techniques allows you to examine the arteries, identify vascular aneurysms, their length, and narrowing.
  • Non-invasive compared to myelography, ventriculography.
  • Artifacts from blood flow are not visible on the pictures.
  • Compared to conventional tomography, the exposure of the patient to x-rays is reduced.

How is the procedure carried out?

For 4 hours before the tomography will be carried out, you can not drink and eat. Sometimes the patient is required to drink a contrast agent before examining specific organs.

To do a spiral computed tomography, the patient must lie down on a table, which is movable, due to which it rolls into a special tunnel. To make the patient more comfortable, the table is equipped with special belts and pillows. This helps to limit its movement during the examination so that the images are not blurry and clear.

For those patients who, due to certain reasons cannot lie still for a long time and hold their breath for a short time, sedatives are administered.

In another room there is a computer station, at which a doctor-technologist works, using the screen to control the scanner and give the patient appropriate instructions.

Spiral computed tomography is considered quite safe. Although during the examination the patient receives a small amount x-ray exposure, but it is so small that it does not cause any harm to the body.


There is a certain risk of an allergic reaction when a contrast agent or sedative is administered to the patient.

If the patient suffers from asthma, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, thyroid disease or heart disease, then he must inform the doctor about this.

This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women. If it is carried out in case emergency, then the stomach is covered with a lead screen. Examination is also prohibited for those patients who have pacemakers, ferromagnetic implants, as well as those weighing more than 130 kg.

Abdominal examination

Spiral computed tomography allows you to see a clear multilayer image of organs such as the spleen, liver, pancreas and others. It is carried out if the patient complains of pain in the pelvis, abdomen, as well as in some diseases of the large and small intestines.

In addition, the procedure is necessary for the diagnosis:

  • appendicitis, diverticulitis, pyelonephritis, stones in bladder and kidneys;
  • liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, internal bleeding, polyps and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • cancerous tumors of the abdominal organs;
  • diseases lymph nodes and vessels.

Spiral computed tomography of the abdominal organs is performed with the obligatory use of a contrast agent.

Before the procedure, the patient is injected into a vein with a contrast agent containing iodine. If you are allergic to this remedy, you should inform your doctor.

brain examination

Spiral is widely used to diagnose severe and very severe head injuries, with high intracranial pressure, changes in blood circulation. The device is able to detect pathological conditions (neoplasms, abscesses, cavities) that are not visible on a conventional tomograph. This procedure increases the likelihood of detecting and preventing strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, spiral tomography is necessary in the following cases:

  • to establish the causes of headaches, sudden onset paralysis, periodic clouding of consciousness, various visual disturbances, in violation of the sensitivity of certain areas of the body;
  • if there is a suspicion of a brain tumor, aortic aneurysm rupture, intracranial bleeding;
  • to establish a dysfunction of the inner ear in case of hearing loss;
  • if it is necessary to develop a plan for an upcoming operation or evaluate the success of a brain operation;
  • to identify damaged areas of the brain.

Sometimes a brain examination requires the use of a contrast agent, which greatly facilitates the detection of cysts, atherosclerotic plaques, tumors, metastases, and blood clots.

Thoracic examination

Spiral computed tomography chest cavity carried out to detect tuberculous foci, bronchopleural fistulas and bronchiectasis cavities. This procedure allows you to very accurately determine the location of the tumor, rupture or stratification of the walls of blood vessels, to identify an increase in lymph nodes.

Such an examination is successfully used in oncosurgery, allowing to study the state of a cancerous tumor, to determine its boundaries and dimensions. In some cases, helical tomography is prescribed to detect foreign bodies, to urgently determine the cause of shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing.


Thus, spiral computed tomography is a modern method for examining various organs, which makes it possible to very accurately establish correct diagnosis. The radiation doses in such a study are so negligible that they do not cause any harm to a person, so you should not be afraid of such a procedure.

As you know, in order to guarantee the cure of the disease, it is important to make the correct diagnosis. Unfortunately, in Lately cases of so-called "medical errors" have only become more frequent - a person is being treated for a completely different disease from which he suffers, thereby causing irreparable harm to the body.

Wrong treatment dangerous because the disease can easily take chronic. Improper treatment of varicose veins and oncology can lead to death. In particular, this is why spiral computed tomography , appeared in modern medicine relatively recently, is very popular.

Spiral computed tomography method

What is a spiral computed tomography? It can be said with full responsibility that this method is high-tech, since it is based on X-ray diagnostics.

He has whole line unconditional advantages and is characterized by unique accuracy. In addition, the doctor has the opportunity to get the result much faster than during the "standard" or magnetic resonance imaging.

How is a spiral computed tomography done? During the session, the following happens: the table on which the patient lies moves slowly and smoothly. The X-ray tube also rotates slowly and smoothly around the client. This is due to the fact that this is how the body receives a much lower radiation load.

Moreover, using this method, the doctor receives high-quality images (3D) on any part of the body under study. It is spiral computed tomography that can detect tumors and suspicious neoplasms, the size of which is one millimeter. This eliminates the risk of "missing" a malignant tumor.


Spiral computed tomography is performed in the following cases:

  • during the study of the brain and cranium. Using this method, the doctor can easily detect not only fractures and hematomas, but also injured blood vessels, Stroke Plots.
  • for detection in the paranasal sinuses (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.)
  • to establish the causes of the formation of lymph nodes in the cervical region.
  • to detect pathological changes in the lungs.
  • to confirm a particular diagnosis before abdominal surgery.
  • for the diagnosis of intervertebral hernias.

To date, known the following indications to conduct:

  1. A helical CT scan is often performed by a doctor as a skiring test. Used as in frequent fainting and brain injuries, and with unclear, but frequent headaches.
  2. This method is also used in case of suspected stroke, or in case of severe injury to hollow or parenchymal internal organs.
  3. In the event that the patient has been given a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor has the right to prescribe a spiral brain tomography to confirm it.
  4. The method is often used by the attending physician in order to check how effective the prescribed treatment is.
  5. In some cases, a helical CT scan is performed to "implant" the puncture.


Unfortunately not in medical practice method. which could be called universal. The following contraindications are known for spiral brain tomography :

  • Pregnancy (in case of tomography without contrast);
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction of the client to the contrast agent (during tomography with contrast). Also, pregnancy, the presence of such complex diseases as diabetes, "problem" thyroid gland.
  • If there are implants in the patient's body, then the images may be distorted, and the devices themselves may be seriously damaged.

It should also be taken into account that spiral computed tomography is a method of X-ray examination, as a result of which the client may receive a certain amount of radiation.

Research cost

The price of spiral computed tomography is democratic. So, depending on the location of a particular Moscow clinic, as well as the availability of equipment, the cost of the study varies from 3,850 to 5,000 rubles.

This type of radiation and computer diagnostics used for layer-by-layer examination of the structure of the abdominal organs, determining the pathology present in them. For examination, X-ray radiation is used, which is given by a tomograph and allows obtaining layer-by-layer sections of tissues. Data is recorded by special sensors that transmit a signal to a computer equipped with a special signal processing software package and display the result on a monitor with fixation on a storage medium.

What organs can be examined and what does computed tomography of the abdominal cavity show?

Diagnostics allows you to find out in detail the structure:

  • organs consisting of parenchymal tissue - the liver with blood vessels, the gallbladder with a common bile duct, pancreas with surrounding tissues and spleen;
  • hollow organs gastrointestinal tract- stomach, 12 duodenal ulcer, departments of the small and large intestines;
  • bone tissues of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • abdominal parts of the nervous and vascular systems;
  • abdominal (abdominal) lymphatic formations.

Contraindications to the study are conditional, rather, they can be called restrictions.

You should refrain from conducting diagnostics in cases of:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • mental illness of the patient in the acute phase;
  • body weight over 200 kg;
  • allergies to preparations containing iodine;
  • decompensated kidney and liver diseases;
  • severe complications of diabetes;
  • progressive thyroid diseases;
  • skin tumors;

The need for the appointment of computed tomography in these cases is discussed by doctors collectively for each patient.

Preparatory measures before the procedure

If necessary, preliminary research methods are carried out - ultrasound, gastroscopy, conventional X-ray,.

Before performing a CT scan, a conversation should be held with the patient, in which it is necessary to explain the reason for the appointment of the procedure, the safety and painlessness of the method. It is necessary to dwell on the rules of the patient's behavior during the session. If a contrast agent is to be used, the physician should ask the subject for allergic reactions.

In addition, a few days before the CT scan, a diet should be prescribed that excludes the use of foods that cause increased gas formation and constipation.

2 days before the examination, the patient is prescribed adsorbents (usually activated charcoal). On the eve, and if necessary, before the procedure, do cleansing enemas. The examination is carried out on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink, as water provokes peristalsis (movement) of the intestines.

During the study, it is necessary to lie still, breathing calmly and evenly. Listen and follow the commands of the radiologist. When discomfort, increasing itching of the skin, dizziness, nausea, urge to vomit or pain - immediately inform your doctor.

The patient should be warned that during the administration of contrast it is possible bad taste in the mouth, a burning sensation and warmth at the injection site of the solution.

Important: The patient must give written consent to the examination.

For more information about the rules for preparing for CT scan of the abdominal cavity - in the video clip:

The sequence of passage of CT scan of the abdominal cavity.

The client prepared for the study is laid on the table, instructed, and the session begins. The duration of the examination is on average 30 minutes.

During the procedure, the table frame moves relative to an arcuate scanner containing sensors that capture data in the form of snapshots and video images and transfer them to a computer. The resulting "slices" are processed using programs and visualized on the monitor screen. At the same time they are recorded on the storage device.

Data analysis is carried out by a radiologist within one and a half to two hours and is handed over to the patient or the attending physician.

Spiral computed tomography (SCT) of the abdomen

The most modern and accurate method of diagnosing diseases. Distinctive feature of this survey is the rotation of the emitter along a helical trajectory with simultaneous rectilinear movement. As a result, images are obtained that can be viewed in any planar direction, which is also provided by a large number of detectors. The thickness of the slices (usually about 10 mm) is adjusted depending on the diagnostic task. Contrast may be used in conjunction with helical tomography.

More accurate is multispiral(multi-slice) computed tomography.

Note:The method of MSCT (multispiral computed tomography) of the abdominal cavity is considered the most informative in detecting and monitoring oncological problems.

The advantage of MSCT over abdominal CT is:

In addition to MSCT and SCT, patients can be prescribed MRI: many people have questions - what is the difference and which diagnostic method is more reliable? You will get the answers by watching the video review.