Ways to increase internal and RAM memory on Android devices. How to increase internal memory on Android

When purchasing a tablet or mobile phone based on the Android operating system, the question of increasing memory quickly arises. Modern mobile applications are large and quickly fill up the free resources of any mobile device. The speed of communication and data transfer has increased significantly in recent years. If the device is not configured correctly, it can be completely full in less than an hour after purchase. The average game takes up 500-600 MB with the standard internal memory of an inexpensive Android being 8GB. 10 simple toys - and the free space is completely gone.

Tip: Set up traffic on your mobile device correctly. Save as little as possible to the internal memory of your Android device. Check your downloads and still be prepared for the fact that one day you will run out of free space.

There may be several options for solving a memory problem. Connecting external media or additional SD cards, deleting unnecessary files. - already the most radical measure.

In order of complexity, the following ways to increase memory can be distinguished:

  • Remove unnecessary things from your phone. The safest and easiest way. The only problems may be due to erroneous deletion of necessary files.
  • Install special programs that optimize space and resources. There may be errors in the program itself, software conflicts, but overall the option is not bad. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of your own control. But, the work of such programs is undoubtedly useful and leads to an increase in the available space on the device.
  • Installing an additional mini-flash drive into the appropriate slot. Excellent temporary solution. It’s convenient that flash drives with data can be changed. It is advisable to immediately install additional memory when purchasing a device and try to install applications on the replacement card. The disadvantage of this method is that microcards are lost or fail. Take care of the safe storage and backup of important data.
  • Synchronization with an external device and transferring data to external media. The method involves using a personal computer or laptop as the main device for storing information. You can quickly upload photos, installation files, and create system backups. This method implies a high level of computer literacy and is used for professional use of mobile devices.

The most obvious way to increase memory on Android is to remove everything unnecessary. Old downloads, games you don't play, failed downloads, installed and uninstalled applications, unnecessary photo and video files.

We remove unnecessary information and free up memory

Let's look at removing unnecessary data using the example of installing and uninstalling the game “Zombies vs Plants”
Let's say your phone fell into the hands of your nephew and after 5 minutes you see the following picture.

600 megabytes of absolutely unnecessary information is copied onto your device. By the way, if you are outside the WiFi zone, we recommend interrupting the installation and downloading - it can cost you a pretty penny on your mobile tariff.

Where to look for extra files

It would seem logical to search for files through a file manager.

But no. The game files may not be there. We can’t believe our eyes and open the Downloads folder. But even there it may be empty.

Many people give up at this stage and stop looking. It seems to them that the interrupted download has been deleted and there is no garbage left on the phone from the unnecessary download. This is a misconception that will cost you 600 MB of space on your Android device.

We will do things differently and go check the Android settings.

We are interested in the Storage folder, which means where files are stored.

We open the storage folder and see the following picture, which fully demonstrates the memory allocation:

We see the total amount of memory, how much is used for Apps applications, for pictures and videos, audio, and the actual volume of other downloads.

Since we are looking for an installed game, it makes sense to look for it in applications. Let's open the Apps folder.

Agree, it’s curious - almost nothing is installed, and 3 GB is no longer there. Let's say that if the disk capacity is 32GB, this is acceptable. But, if you continue in the same spirit, by the evening the free space in your memory will run out. Let's leave the necessary system applications and Google services. Let's just remove the toy. Select an application by clicking on it with your finger.

Consistently delete the game data (Data), then click Force stop - stop the application. And only then select Uninstall. At every step, the application being removed will resist and threaten terrible punishment, but we will be adamant and will see the matter through to the end.

By doing this, you can increase the free memory on your Android and free up space for the necessary information.

Don't litter your tablet or phone. Increasing memory is not always so easy. Some unnecessary applications are difficult to remove. There are applications that you can get rid of only by completely returning to factory settings.

How to use optimizer programs

Optimizers can increase memory on Android in much the same way that good storage systems help increase space, for example, in a closet. The space is the same, but if stored correctly it can fit twice as much.
The most common programs for optimizing data storage on Android are CC Cleaner, Clean Master. Overall system performance improves. The advantage of using a cleaner program is that you do not have to look for junk files for each program yourself. The program itself will find them, analyze them, and you can remove all the garbage with one click. The advantage of such applications is significant battery savings. You can read more about all this in our separate section.

How to install a program to increase Android memory

Open Play Store.

In the search bar, type the name of the program. Don't forget to switch the layout to Latin.

Install the application and click the Open button to open.

The program will request access to files and personal data. We'll have to let her do it.

The program is ready to use. Click on the "Analyze" button.

Testing takes a little time. You can check the box next to the browser history folder, file cache and click “Clear”.

The files will be deleted automatically. Software solutions for increasing memory can be no less effective than connecting huge storages. In the process of cleaning Android, you will be able to understand where and how files are saved, learn to be careful about resources, immediately delete unnecessary downloads and monitor traffic.

Using an SD memory card

The technical way to increase memory on Android is to try to transfer files of existing applications to an additional SD card.
To transfer files you will need . If you don’t quite understand what this is, ask to set up a root with a memory card connected immediately when purchasing a phone or tablet. When installing any application, always choose to install on a removable disk.
Some discrepancy between the information about the occupied space and the actual sizes of the built-in Android disks forces us to constantly save space. Paying close attention to your device allows you to avoid overloading the memory of your mobile phone or tablet with unnecessary files.

Most owners of modern smartphones do not think about increasing the memory on their device for a long time. Many phones are equipped with an already impressive amount of RAM, but sometimes it becomes too little. Our article has collected several effective ways to increase the amount of RAM on Android for such situations.

The amount of memory on a phone or tablet is a constant value and it is simply not possible to increase it by expanding the internal space. At the same time, there are tricks to optimize resource use; increasing memory using a flash drive and special programs is quite possible and easy to implement.

Enlargement via memory card

When the proposed characteristics are not enough, increasing the RAM on Android can be achieved using an additional card. This is the simplest and most effective method, not without its own characteristics and disadvantages.

How to use a memory card:

  • According to the instructions for your device model, find the card slot (usually microSD format is used). You need to insert a card into it, and then close the slot.
  • After turning on the phone, a message indicating that the card has been detected will appear. You need to go to settings and select the necessary device parameters. The card can work as an internal drive (to ensure the safety of files intended for this device), or as a removable drive (to move photo and video files and free up main memory on the smartphone).
  • Setting the necessary parameters largely depends on the device model. It is possible to adjust the data using prompts on the screen after starting the program.
  • At the end of the process, all that remains is to transfer all the necessary files to the internal storage using the menu and program prompts. It should be noted that not all applications can be moved to the card. A separate group of applications may not work correctly after the procedure. If such problems are detected, it is necessary to return them to their original storage location.

A memory card does not answer all questions about increasing the RAM of your smartphone. The fact is that after installation, malfunctions may occur, and the speed of command execution may decrease noticeably. To prevent this from happening, you need to leave enough free space on the card, as well as use other methods of expanding the internal space on Android.

Program to increase RAM on Android

How to use Expander (SWAP):

  1. Download the application and install it on your phone.
  2. Allow the program to use root rights.
  3. After launching the application, a slider will appear on the screen allowing you to set the amount of additional memory on the paging file.
  4. In addition to manual adjustment, it is possible to select standard values, for example, Optimal Value.
  5. After independently or automatically selecting the required additional memory, you must activate the swap file using the Swap Activ button.

For the application to work correctly, you must have a memory card installed in your phone or have enough space left on the built-in one. The operating principle of this application is not based on increasing the amount of system memory, but on redistributing it, so some files and downloads will be on ROM.

Increasing RAM without root rights

Most applications and space optimizers require root access. This is not always acceptable, especially if the device is still under warranty. Providing root access automatically voids the warranty, so it is better to use other methods to increase RAM.

The easiest way to increase memory without using applications and removable media is to periodically clean and remove non-working applications. To find out how to increase RAM on Android without root rights, you sometimes also have to use special programs, because some downloads are very difficult to remove in the traditional way.

Also, be sure to limit your use of widgets and live wallpapers. They consume a lot of memory even in idle mode. Also, some applications constantly run in the background and, accordingly, interfere with the correct operation of your smartphone. Such “pests” also include animated pictures and some gaming applications. If they are not used for a long time, it makes sense to disable these programs so that they do not reduce the performance of the phone. You can do this without root rights

Increasing memory using a flash drive

A simple and effective way to clear up space on RAM is to use an additional drive. Such flash drives must be compatible with your model, as well as sufficient memory. It is advisable to initially purchase a device with more power, so that during further operation it does not slow down the smartphone and works equally well. The card usually increases the ROM capacity, but some downloaded applications can be reinstalled on the internal storage. To do this, just change the standard settings by choosing a location for automatic saving.

How to increase RAM on an Android tablet

The methods described above clearly illustrate how to increase RAM on Android. Similar actions can be performed equally successfully on a phone or tablet. There are several techniques that can be used to successfully free up memory on a tablet computer.

These include:

  • Using an additional memory card. It must be compatible with your device. Typically, standard tablets support CD cards up to 32 GB. Older models with this capacity may freeze, so it is recommended to install cards up to 8 GB for them. Elite models of modern gadgets can support cards up to 2 TB in capacity, but the feasibility of such an expansion is highly questionable.
  • Periodically connecting a flash drive may also be an acceptable solution. To do this, most tablets are equipped with a USB port; for some devices you will need to additionally purchase an adapter.
  • Active use of cloud storage. A third-party resource is often used to transfer personal information, photos and media files. The undoubted advantage of this type of file storage is free access from any device provided there is a program on it and an Internet connection.

Applications and programs for optimizing memory resources must be consistent with your device model. It is usually preferable to use specialized codes that support the Android OS.

Possible ways to increase RAM on Android for all devices

To summarize, we can formulate several “working” ways to expand internal memory on Android. The need for their use is determined individually. Usually, to temporarily solve the problem, it is enough to use

Main methods:

  1. Regularly cleaning your phone, deleting old and unnecessary programs, games and transferring photo and video files to an external drive.
  2. Using an SD memory card, to which, if possible, all downloads, large programs and games are transferred.
  3. Regularly enable internal settings to clear unnecessary files and cache.
  4. Using special programs for Android designed to optimize the internal space.

For your smartphone or tablet to function properly, the device must have a certain amount of free RAM. Excessive loading of the phone can not only slow down its operation, but also lead to complete failure. To prevent this from happening, our article will tell you how to increase RAM on Android, and what methods have been invented for this. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods, as well as a detailed algorithm for increasing RAM, are discussed in the information provided.

There are two symptoms when the internal memory on the phone is sorely lacking:

  1. Applications and Android are slow,
  2. The phone displays a message that you need to take action and free up the occupied space.

The internal memory of the phone has a fixed volume, and it (seemingly) cannot be increased. However, in the guide we will tell you how to clear your phone’s internal memory of unnecessary files and applications.

By increasing the free space in Android memory, you will save time and stop noticing lag on your phone and tablet. The entire “cleaning” will take about 20 minutes.

Error: Insufficient memory on mobile device

Android usually displays this message if a process or application does not have enough free space in the phone's internal memory.

Lack of memory can make itself felt by constant freezes. If this is not noticeable when you buy a phone, then over time, after installing dozens of mobile applications and becoming overgrown with “garbage,” you begin to notice it.

The question involuntarily arises: do the phone’s characteristics “lie”? If not, then why does the same smartphone/tablet work stably for others?

Checking the amount of free memory on Android

When a notification appears about insufficient internal memory, the question arises: how much memory is available, what part of it is occupied?

You can check your free space through your mobile phone settings. To do this, go to Settings – Options – Memory (Settings – Device Maintenance – Storage – Storage settings – Device memory). We carefully study the data, paying attention to the following figures:

  • Total space – the amount of internal memory of Android
  • System memory - the minimum amount of space reserved for system operation
  • Available space – how much space is left in the internal memory.

Accordingly, if the built-in memory is not enough, you need to increase the memory on the phone to the size of System memory so that the system does not display the corresponding error.

In the following chapters, I will tell you how to clear the internal memory on Android.

Clearing your phone's internal memory

You can remove unnecessary things through the built-in tools of the operating system and through third-party applications. They analyze occupied space and help identify files that can be safely deleted.

Removing applications from Android system memory

There are probably applications installed on your phone that are hanging around like dead weight and are not being used for their intended purpose. Their size can reach hundreds of megabytes (including cache).

You can remove useless programs through: Options - Settings - Application Manager (Settings – Apps).

In Android 8, it is convenient to use the free utility FIles Go to calculate unnecessary applications. For other OS versions it is available for download via Google Play.

How to remove unwanted apps in FIles Go:

  1. Go to the Unused apps section,
  2. We sort applications by modification date or size,
  3. To remove, mark unnecessary programs with checkboxes and click Uninstall.

Video instructions for deleting applications:

Transferring files to a memory card

The internal memory of the phone, as already mentioned, has a fixed volume, so you need to constantly check whether there is enough free space for applications and the OS to work correctly.

In general, Android memory is divided into internal and external. External memory is easy to “expand”, fortunately, SD cards are inexpensive today (for $25 you can buy a 256 GB memory card).

Actually, you can transfer files through any file manager - via phone or PC.

Moving unnecessary applications from internal to external memory card

As an alternative to CCleaner, it is convenient to use the aforementioned Files Go application.

How to increase memory on Android manually

To manually clear your phone's memory, any file manager will do. We recommend ES Explorer or Total Commander.

Be careful and only delete unnecessary user files in Android internal memory that you created/copied yourself.

So, open the file manager, go to the root of the internal memory, start searching and deleting what is unnecessary.

Which files should you delete (transfer to a memory card) first:

  1. Photos, videos, voice recorders and other documents saved not on SD, but in internal memory;
  2. Documents received by mail or via social networks (most often they are saved in the Download folder);
  3. E-books and other files saved by third-party applications to the device’s memory;
  4. Contents of folders DCIM, bluetooth, sounds.

We use Storage Analyzers (for clarity)

For clarity, we recommend using the Files Go application or any other storage analyzer for Android, which will show which files take up the most disk space and where they are located in the form of a diagram. Among these applications we note:

Transfer photos and videos to Google Photos service

It is photos and videos that “eat up” the most space on your phone, so you can quickly free up space on your memory card or built-in storage. If your phone doesn't support a memory card, move files you don't access often to the cloud. The best app for this is Photos, or Google Photos. It automatically uploads photos to the service, where they are available in their original quality through a browser or application.

In addition to Google Photos, you can pay attention to alternatives such as Dropbox, Flickr or Microsoft OneDrive.

Even when the photos are only available on the server, you can easily access them if you have a working internet connection. And most importantly, this is a really convenient and fast way to free up a couple of gigabytes of internal memory!

Memory clearing: questions and answers

1. The phone did not have enough internal memory, I sent half of the photos to the SD card, after that I open it, and they are all kind of cloudy. I tried to transfer it back to the internal memory of Android, but the photos are the same. How can I get my old photos back? so that it is as before, cleaned up without any distortions.

2. I didn’t have enough internal memory on my phone, so I wanted to clear it. I transferred the data (photos, music) to the memory card. Now the files cannot be read, although the phone sees the card. How can I get at least a photo back?

3. Samsung A5 phone. I didn’t know how to increase the internal memory, so I used my laptop to move folders with music and files from the internal memory to an SD card. After that, when opening the folders, they all turned out to be empty. Neither the phone nor the computer can see the files and music. The internal memory of the phone did not seem to decrease after this. How to find these files?

Answer. You probably copied sketches, not originals, to the memory card. The original photos may have remained in the phone's internal memory. If this does not happen, it will help you.

If there is not enough space in the device memory, you should copy the files to your computer (make a backup copy) and only then move them to the memory card. It will be useful for you to read the instructions on how to clear internal memory on Android (see text above).

I have a Sony Xperia phone, when I go to the Play Market, I want to download some program, the system says that there is not enough memory on Android, although the flash drive is 16 GB! What to do?

Answer. Most likely, the “insufficient memory” error on Android is due to the fact that there is not enough internal memory - this is where the installation files are downloaded from Google Play.

  1. Transfer the largest files from the internal memory of Android to your SD card.
  2. Remove unnecessary applications using a file manager or Files Go.
  3. Use the CCleaner utility to clean up unnecessary files in your phone's memory.

I cleaned my phone's memory and deleted many folders. And now I can’t view the gallery through Android, it says: “The storage is not available.” How can I get it back?

Answer. During cleaning, you probably deleted the folder with photos on the memory card (SDCARD/DCIM/CAMERA). You can recover files from there using CardRecovery or PhotoRec programs.

Google's Android operating system has gained widespread acceptance, capturing a large portion of the market. Nowadays, most smartphones run this OS; a smaller share belongs to iOS from Apple. The disadvantages of the green robot include careless handling of system resources, including RAM and storage. In this article we will talk about how to increase memory on Android if it is not enough. The inconvenience is especially noticeable on older devices.

The instructions are suitable for the following versions of Android: 2.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x and 8.x.

Memory used in any smartphones, computers and other computing devices can be of two types:

  • RAM is a temporary “random access memory” device. It is characterized by very high speed and relatively small volume. Data is stored in such memory as long as the device is running and the operating system is running;
  • ROM (read-only memory). It is noticeably slower and has a larger volume. Used for permanent storage of the operating system itself, installed applications and user data.

Both memory in Android may be full, and, as a result, there will be problems with the normal operation of the operating system.

Below we will talk about cleaning both memory, both with standard means and with the help of third-party software.


Being consistent, let's start with cleaning and increasing RAM. Try the methods below in order. For example, if the standard Android functionality does not help you and the problem remains, move on to working with additional software, etc.

Cleaning RAM using system tools

Depending on the version of Android or a proprietary add-on to the operating system (manufacturers often install their own shells, changing the appearance of the OS), the RAM cleaning tools may look different. For example, we will show how to work with Chinese Xiaomi and “pure” Android 7.

Xiaomi and MIUI 9

Xiaomi uses a significantly modified version of Google's OS in its smartphones. It's called the MIUI add-on, in our case it's the 9th edition.

  1. To clear the RAM on Xiaomi, you need to press the application manager button under the screen. A list of tiles with programs will open. We can swipe up each of them or “demolish” them all at once with a cross at the bottom of the screen.

Sometimes, during general cleaning, we want some program to remain in memory all the time. This could be a VPN, a step counter, etc. So, this is very easy to do on Xiaomi. Simply pull the desired tile down and release it. Now a lock icon has appeared on top and the program will not be unloaded from RAM.

  1. As soon as we press the cross, all applications (except those protected by a lock) will be unloaded from RAM, and the system will notify us of the amount of freed memory.

That's all. So simply we can clear the memory and speed up our Android smartphone by increasing the amount of RAM.

"Naked" Android

This is how you see Android a lot more often. In its “pure” form, this OS will also free the RAM from all objects located there, and this is done like this:

  1. Click the button marked in the screenshot below (it can be either mechanical or software).

  1. There is a list of all applications, each of which is displayed as a tile. At the same time, such tiles flip beautifully. Depending on the firmware, the full clear button may be located at the very top or bottom of the window. Press it.

After pressing the button, all programs will be unloaded from RAM and the memory will be freed.

Unfortunately, unlike Xiaomi, you cannot pin a specific application here.

Using third party programs

You can also clear RAM using downloaded applications, and sometimes this is even more convenient and effective. Why sometimes? Yes, because everything depends on the choice of software. We will show you how to clear RAM on Android using one of the best solutions – Clean Master. So let's get started without delay.

  1. We can download the program we need from the Play Market. Launch Google's app store.

  1. In the search bar located at the top of the screen, we begin to write the name of the application, and when the desired object appears in the drop-down menu, tap on it.

  1. Once on the home page of the “cleaner”, click “INSTALL”.

  1. We are waiting for the download and installation of our program to complete.

  1. When the installation is complete, the software can be launched directly from the Play Market.

  1. Also, a program shortcut will appear on the home screen or in the application menu of our gadget. Launch Clean Master.

  1. When we launch for the first time, we will see a welcome screen. Here we just press “START”.

  1. This program has the widest functionality for cleaning and optimizing Android. Now we are interested in the tools for working with RAM; we will talk about other functions later. Click the icon marked below.

  1. We will be shown a list of processes and applications that are currently running (running) and, accordingly, occupy some part of the RAM. To close them and increase the amount of free RAM, simply click the button indicated in the picture below.

Caution: Before forcefully closing all programs or games, save the data that is currently open in them. Otherwise they may be lost.

As a result, the cleaning procedure starts, which, for beauty, is implemented in the form of a spaceship taking off.

In order not to visit the jungle of settings and launch Clean Master every time, we can add a cleaning widget to the desktop. On Xiaomi this is done like this:

  1. Press your finger on any free space on the desktop and hold it until additional settings appear at the bottom. Then click the icon that says “Widgets”.

  1. Scroll down the contents and select the designated object by holding it and moving it to an empty space on the home screen.

  1. The widget has been added and we can try it out. To do this, tap once on the icon indicated in the screenshot below.

  1. As a result, a blue stripe will begin to spin around the brush and the RAM fill level will greatly decrease, and the memory will increase.

Be careful! Unlike Clean Master, some “helpers”, instead of cleaning Android, only waste its battery and resources. As a result, you get a disservice and the phone becomes even harder to work with.

How to increase internal memory on Android

Next, let's move on to a more important section - cleaning the drive if it is full. Moreover, this can be either an internal partition or an external SD card. We will look at the best cleaning options, both using standard Android tools and using additional software downloaded from Google Play.

Established funds

Clearing memory using the default functionality is not possible on all smartphones running Android OS. However, most gadgets have this function in one form or another. Our example will be shown on the basis of the same Chinese Xiaomi. Follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Initially, open the application called “Security”. It is present on all Xiaomi brand gadgets.

  1. In the application menu we see an icon of an overflowing trash can - this is exactly what we need.

  1. First, the disk and memory card will be scanned. Its duration will directly depend on the clutter of the drive, its size and system performance.

  1. When the search for junk files is completed, you will see a list of problems. If desired, you can customize the list and indicate which programs need to be cleaned and which not. When the setup is complete, click the button marked in the screenshot below.

  1. This is what the optimization process itself looks like. It should be noted that it goes by quite quickly.

  1. Scrolling down the contents of the window, we will see the “Check” button. Let's press it.

  1. A scan will start, which should detect all problems related to the operation of the Android internal memory.

  1. Initially, we will be asked to remove programs that are rarely used or have not been launched at all.

  1. A list of applications will appear, in which you should check the delete object, and then press the button at the bottom of the screen. Opposite each program, the frequency of its use is displayed: we are told either how long ago the software was launched, or that it was never launched at all.

  1. The next deep cleaning item is deleting application data. By going to the menu, we will see which program takes up how much space. For example, our clear leader in disk consumption is Telegram. To get started, click the “Clear” link.

  1. On the next screen, check the boxes of those applications whose data you want to clear, then click the “Delete selected data” button that becomes active.

Attention! It is important to understand that after deleting the cache in this way, all photos, music or videos that were in your Telegram, Viber, etc. correspondence will be permanently deleted.

  1. Next we have large files. Let's try this tool too.

  1. In the menu, the program displays a list of objects available in the device’s memory and, accordingly, occupying a lot of disk space. From here you can delete such files.

Be careful: once you delete a useful file, you will not be able to restore it.

Third party software

You can also increase the internal memory of Android using third-party software. We will use the same tool that we used to optimize RAM. This is Clean Master. We described above how to download and install the program, now let’s move on directly to working with it.

  1. Launch Clean Master by tapping on its shortcut on the desktop or in the application menu.

  1. In the program menu, click the icon with the image of a trash can.

  1. We will be asked to provide access to the file system. Of course, this needs to be done, otherwise there can be no question of cleaning or increasing memory on Android.

  1. In the pop-up window, click “ALLOW”.

  1. We are waiting for the verification to complete.

  1. After scanning, we will see an extensive list of problems, which includes the system cache, application cache, their data and other objects. Naturally, the list can be configured and only what we definitely don’t need can be deleted. Next, press the big green button.

Congratulations! All the “garbage” from your Android is removed and the memory is cleared, which means increased.

Just like in the case of Xiaomi, there are 2 cleaning modes: simple and advanced. We've already covered the first one, let's talk about the second one:

  1. In the Clean Master menu, click “Advanced Cleaning”.

  1. First, let's move on to the app data removal tool. To do this, tap on “See all”.

  1. We indicate the partitions that we want to erase and press the big red button at the bottom of the screen. The redness of the element seems to warn us about the danger of deleting personal data, because it will no longer be possible to return it.

  1. Once again, a warning will appear asking you to view what you will be deleting. If you don’t want to watch, click “CANCEL.”

  1. Next, another window will appear in which we will finally confirm our intentions.

After deleting the data, you will see a blank window.

In addition to working with data from various programs, the advanced Clean Master cleaning mode can also delete old songs, SMS, or completely reset programs to factory settings, deleting all their data and cache.

The application reset tool can help solve the problem with errors that occur during their operation, but it can also increase the memory on Android by erasing the excess.

  1. You just need to select a program from the available list.

  1. Then you will have to agree to the warning.

And the system will redirect us to the standard menu for working with applications. We could open this window by going to the Android settings and selecting the application manager item there. Accordingly, there is a tool for clearing the program cache, setting permissions, hard reset and uninstallation.

The last in the list of utilities in the Clean Master deep cleaning wizard are searching for large files, cleaning the downloads folder, and simply deleting applications.

Removing programs, of course, can be used to increase memory, but first let's try to move them to the card and thereby expand the internal memory of Android.

Moving Applications

  1. Let's go to the settings menu of our green robot.

  1. Find and open the section called “Applications” or “Application Manager” (in Samsung).

  1. We select the software that we want to move to the memory card.

  1. Tap on “Storage”. Then press the button to move data to the flash drive.

Depending on the Android version, the names of the items and their position may change.

Unfortunately, not all programs can be moved. This cannot be done with system software.

Removing standard applications (ROOT)

Here we come to the most radical method of our instructions. Below we will tell you how to completely remove system applications and add memory to your Android. Please note that to use these options you will need RUT rights. We talked about how to get them in.

Attention! Strictly follow our step-by-step instructions, otherwise you simply risk losing personal data or even ruining the firmware of your smartphone.

We will remove standard programs using a file manager. Total Commander is perfect for this purpose - let's download it:

  1. Launch Google Play by tapping on its icon.

  1. Enter the name of the application you are looking for and click on the designated element in the search results that appear.

  1. On the home page of the program, tap on the large green button labeled “INSTALL”.

  1. When Total Commander is downloaded and installed, launch it.

  1. The shortcut will also appear on the Android desktop.

  1. When launched for the first time, the program will request access to the file system. We provide it.

  1. Let's go to the root of our file system. In essence, this is the phone's firmware.

  1. Next, open the “system” directory.

  1. Let's go to "app".

  1. Here is a list of all installed programs. Select the one you want to delete and hold your finger on the folder name.

Important! Do not remove programs whose purpose you do not know. Having removed seemingly harmless and unnecessary software, you may eventually understand that it was a link in an important chain and without it the system will no longer be able to work properly.

  1. When you hold down the folder with the program, a context menu will appear, in which there is a “Delete” item.

  1. You will also need to confirm your plans. Click “YES”.

  1. The system will ask for permission to grant Total Commander superuser privileges. We answer in the affirmative.

After this, the application will be removed and the memory of your Android will increase.

Attention: sometimes programs store their cache in the “Android/obb” path. Their remnants need to be erased from there too.


As a result of reading our article, you understand quite clearly how to increase memory on an Android phone or tablet. We looked at working with RAM and ROM. Methods of working with standard tools or third-party software downloaded from the Play Store were also covered.

Video instruction

For greater clarity and reinforcement of the theoretical material, we also recommend watching a training video that shows how to increase memory on Android.

When actively using a device running Android OS and downloading various software, the owner of the device may encounter insufficient memory provided by the manufacturer. Overcrowding of the information storage leads to a decrease in the performance of the phone or tablet and causes it to periodically freeze. And downloading new content becomes almost impossible. Therefore, let's look at how to increase memory on Android.

There are two ways to expand the memory of your Android phone or tablet:

  • Physical. Requires installation of an external micro SD memory card;
  • Software. In this case, unnecessary applications and files are removed from the device, and other manipulations are performed that lead to an increase in free space.

It is necessary to understand that for most gadgets running the Android OS, there are three types of memory:

  • Operational (RAM or RAM);
  • Internal;
  • External.

The first type is intended for temporary storage of data that is used by running applications and services. If on a PC you can increase the RAM by installing an additional RAM stick, then in mobile devices this will not be possible. On a tablet or phone, you can only clean the RAM of debris, thereby improving the performance of the device. You can see how much Android RAM is available in the device settings.

Internal memory is used to store various information on the gadget. In many phones it can be physically expanded by installing an external SD card.

Manufacturers of modern smartphones are increasingly less likely to equip their products with a slot for a micro SD card. If your device does not have such a connector, you will have to be content with the volume provided by the developers.

If the physical increase in Android memory due to micro sd should not cause any difficulties, then with software expansion it is not so simple. Therefore, let's look at how to increase the internal memory of Android using software.

Expand internal storage with built-in Android features

The easiest method to increase memory on Android is to clear it of unnecessary data. To do this, just find files that you will not need in the future and click “Delete”. If there are a lot of such files, it is better to perform this procedure through Explorer:

You can also expand your free space by uninstalling unnecessary software:

Using these steps, you can increase Android memory for installing applications. Not all software available on the gadget can be erased. Many standard applications provided by the Android system can only be uninstalled if you have root rights.

Another standard method to expand the built-in memory is to transfer user-installed programs to a micro sd card. To do this, you need to enter the properties of an application and tap the corresponding button.

Increase free space with additional software

When considering how to increase the internal memory of an Android device, you should note the Clean Master cleaning application. Its main function is to speed up the performance of devices on the Android OS by closing unused programs running in the background, as well as clearing the cache and deleting residual files from system folders.

To expand free space on your phone using Clean Master, do the following:

Expanding internal memory using an external SD card

All programs that are downloaded to a phone or tablet are installed by default into the device’s internal storage. And even the presence of a micro sd card does not actually increase the space for applications. Starting with version Android 2.2, the system now has the ability to select memory for installing software.