The rescuer has first aid equipment. Medical first aid supplies First aid supplies

Procedure for using medical styling

rescuer, ambulance stretcher

Medical means of collective protection include: a military first aid kit, a military medical bag (SMV), a nurse's bag, a field paramedic kit, a set of B-2 tires, and a vacuum immobilizing stretcher.

The military first aid kit is a flat metal case that contains iodine solution in ampoules, ammonia solution in ampoules, scarves for an immobilizing bandage, sterile bandages, a small medical bandage, a tourniquet and safety pins. The military first aid kit is attached to the wall of the car body or cabin in a visible place.

The military medical bag contains: part of the medicines included in the AI, bandages, adhesive plaster, absorbent cotton wool, scarves, hemostatic tourniquets, medical pneumatic splints, automatic syringes, a reusable automatic syringe (SHAM), a breathing tube TD-I and some other items, facilitating the provision medical care the wounded and sick.

Using SMV medical products, you can: bandage and correct previously applied primary dressings; stop external bleeding; immobilization for bone fractures, joint injuries and extensive soft tissue injuries, intramuscular injection a therapeutic antidote for affected FOV or an analgesic; artificial ventilation using the “mouth to mouth” method, etc.

The orderly's bag contains: solutions of iodine and ammonia in ampoules, bandages, dressing bags, a scarf, a tourniquet, a plaster, scissors for cutting bandages, safety pins. The orderly's bag with its contents weighs 3-3.5 kg. The bag is designed to bandage 15-20 wounded; it also contains some medicines to help those who are sick.

The field paramedic kit is provided to all units that have a paramedic on staff (battalions, separate companies). It contains the necessary to provide outpatient care medications: caffeine, alcoholic iodine solution 5%, sodium bicarbonate, norsulfazole, ammonia solution, amidopyrine, alcohol, phthalazole, etc., various antidotes, as well as protozoa surgical instruments(scissors, tweezers, scalpel) and some medical items (baths, syringe, thermometer, tourniquet, etc.).

The kit provides outpatient care, as well as care for the wounded and sick in units where there is no doctor. The kit fits into a box with nests. Weight approximately 12-13 kg.

To create immobility (immobilization) of a broken limb, use standard splints packed in a plywood box - set B-2:

Plywood 125 and 70 cm long, 8 cm wide;

Metal ladders with a length of 120 cm (weight 0.5 kg) and 80 cm (weight 0.4 kg). The width of the tire is 11 and 8 cm, respectively;

Transport for lower limb(Diterichs splint) is made of wood, when folded it has a length of 115 cm and a weight of 1.6 kg. This splint belongs to the category of distraction splints, i.e., operating on the principle of stretching;

Picking slings (tires). The tire has two main parts: a rigid plastic pick-up sling and a fabric support cap, which are connected using rubber bands;

A medical pneumatic tire (MPS) is a removable device made of a transparent two-layer plastic polymer shell and consists of a chamber, a zipper, and a valve device with a tube for pumping air into the chamber.

Vacuum immobilizing stretchers are designed for transport immobilization for fractures of the spine and pelvic bones, as well as for creating gentle conditions during the evacuation of victims with other injuries and burns.

Vacuum immobilizing stretchers are a rubber-fabric airtight shell, filled 2/3 of the volume with polystyrene foam granules. (Fig. 3).

The inner part of the shell is covered with a removable bottom, on which elements for fixing the wounded are reinforced.

Rice. 3 Immobilizing vacuum stretchers (NIV)
a) with the victim in a lying position;
b) with the victim in a half-sitting position;

A vacuum pump of the NV-PM-10 type is attached to the stretcher.

The dimensions of the vacuum stretcher are as follows: length - 1950 mm, width - 600 mm, thickness - 200 mm.

The principle of operation of immobilizing vacuum stretchers is as follows:
when a vacuum is created inside the rubber-fabric shell, the polystyrene foam granules come closer together, the adhesion between them increases sharply, and the stretcher becomes rigid.

First aid supplies at hand


To stop bleeding, in the absence of a standard tourniquet, you can use any thin rubber tube, rubber or gauze bandage, leather or fabric belt, towel, rope, etc. to make a so-called twist.

As dressing material Underwear and bed linen, cotton fabric can be used.

At various fractures To carry out improvised (primitive) transport immobilization, you can use wooden slats, bars of sufficient length, thick or multi-layer cardboard, and bundles of brushwood.

Various household items or tools (sticks, skis, shovels, etc.) are less suitable for transport immobilization. Do not use weapons, metal objects or strips of metal.

To carry victims, you can use homemade stretchers made on site from available material. They can be made of two poles connected together by two wooden planks and intertwined with a stretcher strap, rope or waist belts, a mattress cover, etc. can also be used, or from one pole, a sheet and a strap.

To carry the victim to close quarters You can use a raincoat, blanket or sheet.

a device for carrying the injured and sick manually, transporting them on various types of sanitary or specially equipped transport general purpose in a lying or semi-sitting position, as well as on hospital trolleys. They can also be used for temporary placement of the affected and sick in first aid stations and medical institutions.

Two types of N.S. are made: non-folding (with a rigid base for ambulances) and folding (folding longitudinally or transversely). Depending on the design of the N. s. can be with fixed or retractable handles. The stretchers produced by the domestic industry have the following dimensions: length 2200 mm (1860 mm with handles removed), width 560 mm, height 165 mm, panel length 1830 mm (Fig. 1). The stretcher bars are made of metal pipes with a diameter of 35 mm. Cloths N. s. can be made of artificial leather, linen or semi-linen canvas, usually in a khaki color. The headrest is made of raincoat or tent fabric impregnated with antiseptics. Massa N. s. should not exceed 8.5 kg.

Developed different kinds specialized stretchers: ship basket type and folding, trench (Fig. 2), immobilizing vacuum with a relief panel, designed for transport immobilization of the wounded with damage to the spine and pelvis, as well as for creating gentle conditions during the evacuation of seriously wounded and victims with extensive burns, chairs stretchers, etc.

An improvised stretcher can be made from two poles 2-2.5 m long, connected by a diameter of 60-65 cm, a cape, an overcoat and straps. To transport the injured and sick in the mountains and hard-to-reach areas, pack stretchers are used, the design of which ensures they are attached to pack animals.

Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. For temporary storage of stretchers during stages medical evacuation use pyramids for stretchers.

"Sanitary" stretcher (Russia)

Purpose: Stretchers are intended for carrying and transporting the sick and wounded, and establishes general technical requirements and test methods for stretchers manufactured for the needs of National economy and export in climatic versions: for the needs of the national economy.

Procedure for using individual medical products

To medical supplies personal protection relate:

Individual first aid kit (AI-2);

Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8);

Individual dressing package (PPI);

Pantocide as a means for individual disinfection of drinking water.

The individual first aid kit (AI-2) is designed to provide self-help for wounds, burns (pain relief), prevention or mitigation of RV, BS and nerve agent damage (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 Individual first aid kit (AI-2)

The analgesic agent is in a syringe tube (slot 1). It is used to prevent shock in the affected person or in shock. The drug used in case of poisoning or threat of poisoning with FOV is placed in slot 2. It is taken: one tablet in case of danger of chemical damage (at the same time put on a gas mask) and another tablet in case of increasing signs of damage. Antibacterial agent No. 2 is placed in slot 3, it is taken after irradiation, if gastrointestinal disorders 7 tablets in one dose on the first day and 4 tablets in the next two days. Radioprotective agent No. 1 (slot 4) is taken when there is a threat of radiation, 6 tablets at a time; if there is a new threat of radiation, take another 6 tablets after 4-5 hours.

Antibacterial agent No. 1 (slot 5) is used when using BS and to prevent infection in wounds and burns; First take 5 tablets, after 6 hours another 6 tablets.

Slot 6 houses radioprotective agent No. 2; It is taken after radioactive fallout, one tablet daily for ten days.

Antiemetic(slot 7) is used one tablet per dose when a primary reaction to radiation occurs, as well as when nausea occurs after a head injury.

The individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8) is designed to neutralize droplet-liquid chemical agents that have come into contact with exposed skin and clothing (sleeve cuffs, collars).

The IPP-8 kit includes a flat glass bottle with a capacity of 125-135 ml with a degassing solution and four cotton-gauze swabs. The bottle and tampons are sealed in a hermetically sealed polyethylene shell (Fig. 2). When using IPP-8, swabs are moistened with a degassing solution from the bottle and wiped with them on infected areas of skin and clothing. It should be remembered that IPP degassing liquid is highly toxic and dangerous if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Rice. 2 Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8)

Means for individual disinfection drinking water used in cases where the centralized water supply is interrupted, and the water sources found have not been examined or signs of poor quality water are detected.

The product that is provided to every military personnel or rescuer is a tableted chlorine-containing substance stored in glass vials. One tablet provides reliable neutralization of up to 1 liter of water, which can be used 30-40 minutes after the tablet is dissolved in it.

Types of first aid equipment

When providing first aid, standard and improvised means are used. Standard means of providing first aid are dressings - bandages, medical dressing bags, large and small sterile dressings and napkins, cotton wool, etc. To stop bleeding, hemostatic tourniquets are used - tape and tubular, and for immobilization special splints - plywood, ladder, mesh, etc. When providing first aid, some medications are used - 5% alcohol solution of iodine in ampoules or in a bottle, 1-2% alcohol solution brilliant green in a bottle, validol in tablets, valerian tincture, ammonia in ampoules, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in tablets or powder, petroleum jelly, etc.

Basic principles of first aid for wounds

The majority of deaths after injury are caused by acute blood loss, therefore, the first measures should be aimed at stopping bleeding by any possible way(pressure of the vessel, pressure bandage, etc.). No less important task first aid - protecting the wound from contamination and infection. Proper processing wound prevents the development of complications in the wound and reduces its healing time by almost 3 times. Treatment of the wound should be done with clean, preferably disinfected hands. When applying an aseptic dressing, you should not touch with your hands those layers of gauze that will be in direct contact with the wound. The wound can be protected by simply applying an aseptic dressing (bandage, individual bag, scarf).

The first aid provider must remember that:

  • - assistance should be provided with hands washed clean with soap or, if this cannot be done, fingers should be lubricated with iodine tincture. Touching the wound itself, even with washed hands, is prohibited;
  • - Do not wash the wound with water or medicines, pour iodine or alcohol, cover with powder, cover with ointments, apply cotton wool directly to the wound. All of the above can interfere with wound healing by introducing dirt from the surface of the skin, thereby causing its subsequent suppuration;
  • - blood clots should not be removed from the wound, foreign bodies(as this may cause bleeding);
  • - under no circumstances press any tissue or organs protruding outwards into the wounds - they must be covered on top with clean gauze;
  • - do not wrap the wound with insulating tape;
  • - for extensive wounds of the extremities, they must be immobilized (fixed motionless).

To provide first aid for injuries, you must:

  • - open the individual package in the first aid kit (bag) (in accordance with the instructions printed on its wrapper);
  • - apply a sterile dressing to the wound (without touching with your hands the part of the dressing that is applied directly to the wound) and secure it with a bandage;
  • - in the absence of an individual dressing package, use a clean handkerchief, clean cloth, etc.;
  • - if disinfectants are available (tincture of iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, gasoline), it is necessary to treat the edges of the wound with them;
  • - Give the victim painkillers.

If the wound is contaminated with soil, you must immediately consult a doctor (to administer anti-tetanus serum).

For moderate and severe injuries, it is necessary to transport the victim to a medical facility.

For penetrating wounds chest cavity It is necessary to transport victims on a stretcher in the “lying” position with the head raised or in the “half-sitting” position.

In case of penetrating wounds of the abdominal area, it is necessary to transport the victim on a stretcher in the “lying” position.

First aid is a set of urgent measures aimed at preserving the life and health of victims of injuries, accidents, poisoning and sudden illnesses.

The time from the moment of injury or poisoning to the moment of receiving help should be extremely reduced. The person providing assistance must act decisively, but deliberately and expediently.

First of all, it is necessary to take measures to stop the impact of damaging factors (remove a drowning person from the water, extinguish burning clothes, remove the victim from a burning room or from an area contaminated with toxic substances, etc.).

It is important to be able to quickly and correctly assess the condition of the victim. During examination, they first determine whether he is alive or dead, then determine the severity of the lesion and whether bleeding continues. In many cases, a person in trouble loses consciousness. The person providing assistance must be able to distinguish between loss of consciousness and death.

As for the meaning of priority, it, first of all, consists in saving a person, relieving pain, preventing any complications, while resorting to the simplest means and measures that are available to everyone in any conditions, it is only important to know them. When using the ones we are considering first aid rules, we must remember that actions must be performed carefully and carefully, because otherwise these rules of first aid will not be such, but will only worsen the patient’s condition.

Ensuring the quality and implementation of the full scope of pre-medical measures to save human life and health in cases associated with various traumatic situations is, as a rule, possible subject to the use of the necessary standard or improvised means that have a specific purpose and requirement for use.

Standard first aid equipment

On March 5, 2011, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 169n, the requirements for the provision of products were approved medical purposes first aid kits for providing first aid to workers. This first aid kit, in accordance with the order, was put into effect on January 1, 2012. What does this mean?

First, about 70 million working people finally received the necessary equipment to provide first aid. Per share industrial injuries in Russia they account for up to 19% of all accidents, killing more than 5 thousand people annually. One way to reduce this figure is to provide first aid by eyewitnesses to the incident. This requires them to be equipped necessary means and devices for its provision - first aid kits, etc.

Secondly, the introduction of a first aid kit for workers made it possible to solve one of the legal problems. In accordance with Art. 223 Labor Code of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2001, it was provided for the creation of “sanitary posts with first aid kits” at enterprises. For 10 years, the composition of these first aid kits was not approved by law. At the same time, failure to comply with the legal requirement to equip an enterprise with first aid kits entails the imposition of fines in the amount of up to fifty thousand rubles, or suspension of activities for up to ninety days (in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Therefore, to meet these requirements, first-aid kits were completed either by a responsible person in the organization (as a rule, without the appropriate level of competence) or by first-aid kit manufacturers (according to the principle “demand creates supply”). This led to the appearance of first aid kits, which were difficult or illegal to use for first aid.

Thirdly, when developing the composition of the first aid kit for providing first aid to workers, modern scientific approach. The use of a first aid kit should allow you to effectively and safely carry out the most necessary measures to eliminate major life-threatening conditions before the arrival of the emergency medical team. The exclusion of medications from the first aid kit corresponds to modern domestic and foreign ideology.

In conclusion, I would like to note that equipping the personnel of organizations and enterprises with high-quality first aid kits to provide first aid to workers will reduce the severity of the consequences of injuries - in the form of saving lives, preserving working capacity, etc. Wherein economic costs to purchase the required number of first aid kits* may not be comparable not only with the price human life, but also with the amount of social benefits.

Composition of a first aid kit for providing first aid to workers


Product name
medical purposes

Release form

(pieces, packages)

Medical products for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds

Hemostatic tourniquet

Non-sterile medical gauze bandage

Non-sterile medical gauze bandage

Medical gauze bandage sterile

Medical gauze bandage sterile

Individual sterile medical dressing bag with a sealed shell

Sterile medical gauze wipes

At least 16 x 14 cm No. 10

Bactericidal adhesive plaster

At least 4 cm x 10 cm

Bactericidal adhesive plaster

At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm

Rolled adhesive plaster

At least 1 cm x 250 cm

Medical products for carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Device for carrying out artificial respiration"Mouth-Device-Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial ventilation lungs "Mouth mask"

Other medical products

Lister bandage scissors

Antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material, sterile alcohol

At least 12.5 cm x 11.0 cm

Medical non-sterile gloves, examination

Size no less than M

Non-sterile medical mask, 3-layer, made of non-woven material with elastic bands or ties

Isothermal rescue blanket

At least 160 cm x 210 cm

Other means

Steel safety pins with spiral

not less than 38 mm

Case or sanitary bag

Tear-off notepad for notes, format no less than A7

Do not use products with damaged packaging or expired expiration dates.

When using any product, the first aid kit urgently needs to be replenished.

Improvised means

When providing emergency first aid, sometimes it is necessary to use improvised, temporary means. These include the items shown in the pictures and many others. They are used in cases where there is no official means first aid or they were not enough to carry out all necessary measures in full. By creatively using improvised means, the vast majority of cases can successfully resolve difficult situations when providing assistance at the scene of an incident.
Be able to see the objects around you at the scene of the incident as means that can be effectively used to provide first aid.

Medical training

1.3 First aid equipment

First aid equipment can be divided into standard and improvised. In turn, time sheets are divided into individual and collective.

Medical personal protective equipment includes:

  • individual first aid kit (AI-2);
  • individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8);
  • individual dressing package (PPI);
  • pantocide as a means for individual disinfection of drinking water.

The individual first aid kit (AI-2) is intended to provide self-help for wounds, burns (pain relief), prevention or mitigation of RV, BS and nerve agent damage (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Individual first aid kit (AI-2)

The analgesic agent is in a syringe tube (slot 1). It is used to prevent shock in the affected person or in shock. The drug used in case of poisoning or threat of poisoning with FOV is placed in slot 2. It is taken: one tablet in case of danger of chemical damage (at the same time put on a gas mask) and another tablet in case of increasing signs of damage. Antibacterial agent No. 2 is placed in slot 3, it is taken after irradiation, if gastrointestinal disorders occur, 7 tablets at a time on the first day and 4 tablets in the next two days. Radioprotective agent No. 1 (slot 4) is taken when there is a threat of radiation, 6 tablets at a time; if there is a new threat of radiation, take another 6 tablets after 4-5 hours.

Antibacterial agent No. 1 (slot 5) is used when using BS and to prevent infection in wounds and burns; First take 5 tablets, after 6 hours another 6 tablets.

Slot 6 houses radioprotective agent No. 2; It is taken after radioactive fallout, one tablet daily for ten days. An antiemetic (slot 7) is used one tablet per dose when a primary reaction to radiation occurs, as well as when nausea occurs after a head injury.

The individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8) is designed to neutralize droplet-liquid chemical agents that have come into contact with exposed skin and clothing (sleeve cuffs, collars).

Rice. 2 Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8)

The IPP-8 kit includes a flat glass bottle with a capacity of 125-135 ml with a degassing solution and four cotton-gauze swabs. The bottle and tampons are sealed in a hermetically sealed polyethylene shell (Fig. 2). When using IPP-8, swabs are moistened with a degassing solution from the bottle and wiped with them on infected areas of skin and clothing. It should be remembered that IPP degassing liquid is highly toxic and dangerous if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

A means for individual disinfection of drinking water is used in cases where the centralized water supply is interrupted, and the water sources found have not been examined or signs of poor quality water are detected.

The product that is provided to every military personnel or rescuer is a tableted chlorine-containing substance stored in glass vials. One tablet provides reliable neutralization of up to 1 liter of water, which can be used 30-40 minutes after the tablet is dissolved in it.

Medical means of collective protection include: a military first aid kit, a military medical bag (SMV), a nurse's bag, a field paramedic kit, a set of B-2 tires, and a vacuum immobilizing stretcher.

The military first aid kit is a flat metal case that contains iodine solution in ampoules, ammonia solution in ampoules, scarves for an immobilizing bandage, sterile bandages, a small medical bandage, a tourniquet and safety pins. The military first aid kit is attached to the wall of the car body or cabin in a visible place.

The military medical bag contains: part of the medicines included in the AI, bandages, adhesive plaster, absorbent cotton wool, scarves, hemostatic tourniquets, medical pneumatic splints, automatic syringes, a reusable automatic syringe (SHAM), a breathing tube TD-I and some other items, facilitating the provision of medical care to the wounded and sick.

Using SMV medical products, you can: bandage and correct previously applied primary dressings; stop external bleeding; immobilization for bone fractures, joint injuries and extensive soft tissue injuries, intramuscular injection of a therapeutic antidote to the affected FOV or an analgesic; artificial ventilation using the “mouth to mouth” method, etc.

The orderly's bag contains: solutions of iodine and ammonia in ampoules, bandages, dressing bags, a scarf, a tourniquet, a plaster, scissors for cutting bandages, safety pins.

The orderly's bag with its contents weighs 3-3.5 kg. The bag is designed to bandage 15-20 wounded; it also contains some medicines to help those who are sick.

The field paramedic kit is provided to all units that have a paramedic on staff (battalions, separate companies). It contains the medications necessary for providing outpatient care: caffeine, alcoholic iodine solution 5%, sodium bicarbonate, norsulfazole, ammonia solution, amidopyrine, alcohol, phthalazole, etc., various antidotes, as well as simple surgical instruments (scissors, tweezers, scalpel) and some medical items (baths, syringe, thermometer, tourniquet, etc.).

The kit provides outpatient care, as well as care for the wounded and sick in units where there is no doctor. The kit fits into a box with nests. Weight approximately 12-13 kg.

To create immobility (immobilization) of a broken limb, use standard splints packed in a plywood box - set B-2:

  • plywood 125 and 70 cm long, 8 cm wide;
  • metal staircases 120 cm long (weight 0.5 kg) and 80 cm (weight 0.4 kg). The width of the tire is 11 and 8 cm, respectively;
  • transport for the lower limb (Diterichs splint) is made of wood, when folded it has a length of 115 cm, weight 1.6 kg. This splint belongs to the category of distraction splints, i.e., operating on the principle of stretching;
  • selection slings (tires). The tire has two main parts: a rigid plastic pick-up sling and a fabric support cap, which are connected using rubber bands;
  • Medical pneumatic splint (SMP) is a removable device made of a transparent two-layer plastic polymer shell and consists of a chamber, a zipper, a valve device with a tube for pumping air into the chamber.

Vacuum immobilizing stretchers are designed for transport immobilization for fractures of the spine and pelvic bones, as well as for creating gentle conditions during the evacuation of victims with other injuries and burns.

When a vacuum is created inside the rubber-fabric shell, the polystyrene foam granules come closer together, the adhesion between them increases sharply, and the stretcher becomes rigid.
First aid supplies at hand.
To stop bleeding, in the absence of a standard tourniquet, you can use any thin rubber tube, rubber or gauze bandage, leather or fabric belt, towel, rope, etc. for making the so-called twist.
Underwear and bed linen, and cotton fabric can be used as a dressing material.
For various fractures, to carry out improvised (primitive) transport immobilization, you can use wooden slats, bars of sufficient length, thick or multi-layer cardboard, and bundles of brushwood.
Various household items or tools (sticks, skis, shovels, etc.) are less suitable for transport immobilization. Do not use weapons, metal objects or strips of metal.
To carry victims, you can use homemade stretchers made on site from available material. They can be made of two poles connected together by two wooden planks and intertwined with a stretcher strap, rope or waist belts, a mattress cover, etc. can also be used, or from one pole, a sheet and a strap.
To carry the victim at a close distance, you can use a raincoat, blanket or sheet.

  1. I). Drugs that block adrenergic receptors (adrenergic blockers).
  2. I. The first (and main) principle of first aid for injuries of the lower extremity is to stop the bleeding by any currently available method.
  3. I. Therefore, the first (and main) principle of first aid for wounds is to stop bleeding by any currently available method.
  4. II). Drugs affecting the renin-angiotensin system.
  5. II. Acute disturbances of memory and consciousness caused by alcohol and drugs
  6. III). Vasodilators with direct myotropic action (myotropic drugs).
  7. III. Medical psychology; treatment of mental disorders; organization of psychiatric care.
  8. III. After this, it is best to fix the wounded limb, for example, by hanging it on a scarf or using splints, which is the third principle of providing care for wounds.

The most common first aid kits that you may need to use in Everyday life is a first aid kit for workers of various enterprises ( Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated March 5, 2011 No. 169n “On approval of requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products to provide first aid to employees”). First aid kit contents:

N p/p Name of medical products Release form Quantity
Medical products for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds
1.1 Hemostatic tourniquet 1 PC.
1.2 5 m x 5 cm 1 PC.
1.3 Non-sterile medical gauze bandage 5 m x 10 cm 1 PC.
1.4 Non-sterile medical gauze bandage 7 m x 14 cm 1 PC.
1.5 5 m x 7 cm 1 PC.
1.6 Medical gauze bandage sterile 5 m x 10 cm 2 pcs.
1.7 Medical gauze bandage sterile 7 m x 14 cm 2 pcs.
1.8 Individual sterile medical dressing bag with a sealed shell 1 PC.
1.9 At least 16x14cm N 10 1 pack
1.10 Bactericidal adhesive plaster At least 4 cm x 10 cm 2 pcs.
1.11 Bactericidal adhesive plaster At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm 10 pieces.
1.12 Rolled adhesive plaster At least 1 cm x 250 cm 1 PC.
Medical products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
2.1 Device for artificial respiration "Mouth-Device-Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth-mask" 1 PC.
Other medical products
3.1 Lister bandage scissors 1 PC.
3.2 Antiseptic wipes from No less 5 pieces.
paper 12.5x11.0 cm
textile-like material
sterile alcohol
3.3 Medical gloves Size no less than M Two pairs
non-sterile, viewing
3.4 Non-sterile medical mask, 3-layer, made of non-woven material with elastic bands or ties 2 pcs.
3.5 Isothermal rescue blanket At least 160 x210 cm 1 PC.
Other means
4.1 Steel safety pins with spiral not less than 38 mm 3 pcs.
4.2 Recommendations with pictograms for the use of medical products and first aid kits for providing first aid to workers 1 PC.
4.3 Case or sanitary bag 1 PC.
4.4 Tear-off notepad for notes format no less than A7 1 PC.
4.5 Pen 1 PC.

And a car first aid kit ( Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 697n dated September 8, 2009 “On amending the order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry Russian Federation dated August 20, 1996 No. 325"). First aid kit contents:

No. Attachment name Release form (dimensions) Quantity (pieces, packages)
Means for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds
1.1 Hemostatic tourniquet - 1 PC.
1.2 Non-sterile medical gauze bandage 5 m x 5 cm 2 pcs.
1.3 Non-sterile medical gauze bandage 5 m x 10 cm 2 pcs.
1.4 Non-sterile medical gauze bandage 7 m x 14 cm 1 PC.
1.5 Medical gauze bandage sterile 5 m x 7 cm 2 pcs.
1.6 Medical gauze bandage sterile 5 m x 10 cm 2 pcs.
1.7 Medical gauze bandage sterile 7 m x 14 cm 1 PC.
1.8 Sterile dressing bag - 1 PC.
1.9 Sterile medical gauze wipes Not less than 16 x14cm No. 10 1 pack
1.10 Bactericidal adhesive plaster At least 4 cm x 10 cm 2 pcs.
1.11 Bactericidal adhesive plaster At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm 10 pieces.
1.12 Rolled adhesive plaster At least 1 cm x 250 cm 1 PC.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment
2.1 Device for artificial respiration “Mouth-Device-Mouth” GOST R ISO 10993-99 1 PC.
Other means
3.1 Scissors - 1 PC.
3.2 Medical gloves Size no less than M 1 pair
3.3 Recommendations for using a first aid kit (car) - 1 PC.
3.4 Case - 1 PC.

The first aid kits are similar in composition and have the following means:

Hemostatic tourniquet To stop severe arterial bleeding.
The bandages are non-sterile. For applying various bandages and fixing injured limbs.
The bandages are sterile.
Sterile medical gauze wipes. Used to close wounds when applying bandages.
Sterile dressing bag.
For applying bandages for wounds.
(Unlike bandages, the package contains a cotton-gauze pad for applying a pressure bandage).
Individual sterile medical dressing bag with a sealed shell.
The sheath is used to apply an occlusive dressing.
The package itself is intended for applying bandages in case of injury.
(The package contains two cotton-gauze pads for applying a pressure bandage). Bactericidal adhesive plaster.
For closing small wounds and calluses.
Rolled adhesive plaster.
For securing bandages.
Device for artificial respiration "Mouth-Device-Mouth". Pocket mask for artificial lung ventilation "Mouth-mask-mouth".
To protect the respiratory system (reduce the risk of infection) during artificial ventilation. Allows you to reduce disgust.
For opening packages and cutting dressings. Scissors for cutting Lister dressings.
For cutting bandages, dressings, opening packages. Medical gloves. To protect the skin. When providing first aid, all manipulations must be performed with gloves.
Antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material, sterile alcohol. For treating the skin of a first aid provider in case of contact with blood or
biological fluids the victim.
Isothermal rescue blanket. Bactericidal adhesive plaster.

To protect against hypothermia, cover the victim with the silver side facing the body, and from overheating with the golden side facing the body. Medical mask, non-sterile. To protect the respiratory system of the first aid provider. Steel safety pins with a spiral. Now, when providing first aid, you cannot use any medications, i.e. if you don't have

medical education

When providing first aid, you do not have the right to give the victim any pills. But you can help the victim take his medications: for example, take nitroglycerin from the patient’s pocket and give him a tablet, or help an asthmatic (chronic patient) use an inhaler exceptional cases Various items of clothing, newspapers, magazines, pieces of plywood or cardboard, boards, branches and much more that can be found near the place where the accident occurred can be used as improvised means used in first aid. It must be remembered that if the accident occurred on the street, public place, the victim should not be turned or moved unless necessary until the ambulance arrives.

Literature used:

2. First aid: a textbook for drivers - ed. Avdeeva V.G. – Institute of Healthcare Management, 2009.

3. First aid for drivers. Practical guide. year 2013.