Hearing protection. Noise standards and hearing protection Personal hearing protection from noise

Anti-noise headphones are a means of personal hearing protection. They are intended for use while working, sleeping, relaxing, and listening to music. Their main application is hearing protection at work, which is accompanied by a threat to human health. These devices are primarily used:

  • at construction sites;
  • in the mining industry;
  • in repair shops;
  • in the metallurgical industry;
  • in mechanical engineering;
  • in any production where a person is forced to stay for a long time near objects that create a high level of noise.

There are special types that are compatible with anti-noise headphones.

GOST requirements for the design and materials of protective headphones

Anti-noise headphones are a mandatory part of the equipment for production workers with an increased level of danger. GOST R 12.4.210-99 contains general technical requirements for this device, which must be complied with by the system. Requirements for materials and design of hearing protection devices:

  1. Headphones must be made of materials that exclude the possibility of allergic or other undesirable reactions, including mechanical damage to human skin.
  2. The structural parts must be round in shape, without sharp edges, and must not have external damage.
  3. Changing shock absorbers or liners should not require special tools.

General requirements GOST

Anti-noise headphones, first of all, must comply with the parameters of a certain size - S, M, L. To monitor compliance with this condition, there are special models of the human head of the appropriate sizes. With their help, the range of adjustment of the cup holders and the distance between the ear pads is checked.

According to GOST:

  • maximum permissible headband - 14 H;
  • The ear pads of the headphones must fit tightly, without forming gaps, to the test model;
  • maximum permissible shock absorber pressure force - 4500 Pa;
  • when dropped, the parts of the headphones should not fall off or crack;
  • if the shock absorbers are filled with liquid, it should not leak;
  • headphones should not be easily subject to fire;
  • the device must provide a minimum level of noise absorption.

Design of anti-noise headphones

Anti-noise headphones, like regular ones, consist of a headband and ear pads. Protective devices for hearing protection may have a headband:

  • standard:
  • with helmet mount;
  • cervical (occipital);
  • foldable.

The standard headband has the usual arc shape for any headphones and is worn over the head or helmet. An occipital or cervical headband covers the back of the head. A helmet-mounted headband consists of two half-arcs and is attached not on top of the helmet, but on both sides, above the ears. The foldable headband makes the headphones compact when folded, making them easy to store.

The noise-absorbing properties of hearing protection devices are ensured by the properties of the ear pad materials and the design of the headphones, which creates the tightest fit to the ears.

Headphones for work at SOMZ production

Suksun Optical and Mechanical Plant (ROSOMZ) specializes in the production of personal protective equipment for the head, eyes, face, hearing and respiratory organs. Its product range includes a whole line of hearing protection devices. One example is the SOMZ 1 anti-noise headphones. They are intended for the average level for all industries, including metallurgical and mechanical engineering. High-quality cup material and sound-absorbing earbuds provide a noise absorption level of 27 dB. This level allows you to effectively suppress the sounds of operating equipment and other noise that pose a danger to human health, but does not drown out speech and danger signals.

All SOMZ anti-noise headphones have a well-thought-out design, adjustable headband height, ensuring a tight fit to the head. The material from which the shock absorbers are made retains its shape throughout its service life. Light weight and a comfortable headband make the product comfortable to wear throughout your work shift. The SOMZ line of anti-noise headphones includes models with a microphone, radio, and an increased level of noise absorption (can cope with noise up to 115 dB).

3M Personal Hearing Protection

The 3M manufacturing company produces electrical products for a wide variety of human activities. This company's product range includes products for personal hearing protection at work. Among the products in this direction are 3M anti-noise headphones. Almost all headphone models of this brand are presented with several headband design options. A wide range of modifications of 3M hearing protection means you can choose the right device for any working conditions. Including many 3M headphone models, there are options for use in places where, in addition to noise absorption, increased visibility is required (airports, road construction, etc.).

SACLA EARLINE - hearing protection

SACLA is a well-known French manufacturer of personal protective equipment, producing various types of products for the head, face and hearing organs under the EARLINE brand. These include the MAX 400 anti-noise headphones. Among them there are compact models with a folding headband and modifications compatible with a face shield holder and a helmet. The level of noise absorption allows the use of headphones of this brand in production with low The material used for the headband is ear pads made of polyurethane foam (a substitute for rubber and caoutchouc).

On the protection of sleep

Anti-noise headphones for sleep are a good alternative where earplugs are usually used. You don’t always want to just disconnect from your surroundings. Many people like to listen to calm music or recordings of nature sounds before bed. In this case, special soft headphones designed for sleeping or slipphones are suitable. They provide a high level of noise insulation, like earplugs, but are not inserted into the ears, but fit tightly to them. Anti-noise headphones for sleep have a flat shape and are made of elastic materials, and therefore do not interfere with comfortable rest. Most often, their shape resembles a regular headband. The usual ear pads for such devices are hidden in a fabric “case”. Anti-noise headphones for sleep can be wired or wireless. The latter work with Bluetooth devices.

Hearing is a person’s ability to detect sound waves. Thanks to this, there is a connection with the outside world, people can contact each other. Therefore, the hearing organs need protection in cases where it becomes necessary.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has adopted a Resolution, according to which in those workplaces where a noise level of over 80 dB is created, the employer is obliged to provide its employees with personal protective equipment (PPE) for hearing organs.

Types of personal hearing protection for industry

PPE for the hearing organs is also called antiphons (anti-noise). Antiphons are divided into internal and external. Internal means include plugs that are placed in the ear canal itself, more precisely at its mouth.

External means are all kinds of headphones and helmets, everything that is put directly on the head. The attenuation characteristics of PPE for hearing organs are expressed in decibels.

Let us consider in detail what internal personal hearing protection equipment exists.

An insert made of sterile cotton wool in the form of a special tampon is the simplest remedy. Its noise insulation properties are low.

A similar liner made of special glass wool (UTV) is more reliable. A tampon made of this material is a cone-shaped plug that is placed in the ear canal.

UTV cotton wool is very elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch; such a tampon will not cause any unpleasant sensations. The damping properties of UTV wool are almost 2 times higher than ordinary cotton material.

Inserts in the ear canal are also made from hard materials - rubber and various plastics. Ebonite plugs and rubber inserts are quite common. Personal hearing protection made from plastic materials is often used. They are made in the form of small bags filled with wax, or a mixture of wax with paraffin or petroleum jelly.

When kneaded in your hands, the bags become soft. After this, they are placed in the ear canals. Due to their plasticity, such plugs seal the ears well.

External PPE for hearing organs is mostly represented by headphones. This product consists of oval cups, which are made of cardboard, metal, plastics and other materials. The cups are attached to the head with various straps or ties.

UTV glass wool, cotton wool, foam rubber and other similar materials are used as sound insulation.

The quality of noise insulation when using headphones depends on how tightly the cups fit to the ears. To achieve a better effect, the edges of the cups are often made of rubber.

The maximum result is achieved when the edges of the headphones are treated with rubber hollow chambers filled with special liquids. In this case, the cups fit completely to the ears.

Another means of protecting your hearing in environments with increased noise levels of 120 dB or more are noise-isolating helmets. They protect not only the hearing organs, but also prevent strong noise, which can affect through bone conduction.

Personal hearing protection equipment at work is assigned to each person and, when transferred to another person, must be subject to mandatory disinfection.

In order for workers to constantly use hearing PPE, it is necessary not only to provide them with all the necessary equipment, but also to convey the importance of their use.

Personal hearing protection equipment at the exhibition

Exhibition "Chemistry" is the largest event within the relevant industry. The event will showcase products from various areas of the chemical industry.

Personal hearing protection equipment is produced by many manufacturers. PPE is necessary in many enterprises where conditions of increased noise are created, and therefore they are in great demand among the relevant areas of production.

The exhibition will demonstrate both existing products and new products in this field, innovative developments. Thanks to this, PPE consumers will be able to evaluate modern technologies and introduce something new to their own enterprises.

Noise and sudden loud sounds negatively affect a person's hearing. People encounter these phenomena both at home and at work, especially if it is related to production. To protect the auditory sensory system from the harmful effects of noise, various hearing protection devices are used. What they are and how to choose them correctly, we will tell you in the article.

Noises and sudden strong sound effects can lead to serious consequences for the auditory organ, namely hearing loss, damage to the eardrum, hearing loss and disruption of the structure of sensory cells in the inner ear. These problems may not make themselves felt for a long time, which is dangerous due to late detection of the problem and untimely treatment. To minimize the impact of loud sounds and prevent possible problems, personal hearing protection is used.

Their use is relevant in the following cases:

  • Working in a noisy industry.
  • Sports shooting classes.
  • Professional swimming.
  • Hunting.
  • Working with tools (drill, lawn mower, hammer drill, grinder, etc.).
  • Frequently attending rock concerts or other noisy events.

Depending on the intensity of noise, PPE for the hearing organ is selected. Regular noise exposure and loud sounds are especially dangerous.

Most often, workers succumb to constant sound influence during the production process. Electrical installations, engines, and other noisy industrial devices create hazardous conditions for employees if hearing protection is not used at work.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation states that if collective methods and noise levels above 80 dB (and ultrasound 110 dB) do not help, it is necessary to issue hearing protection to workers and regulate their time spent under the influence of loud sounds.

Regular and correct use of hearing protection from noise reduces the risk of developing sensorineural hearing loss, noise illness and increases performance.


Personal hearing protection equipment from acoustic and vibration impacts includes earplugs (earplugs), headphones, helmets and noise-absorbing suits.

Each of these remedies differs in their principle of action and effectiveness.

Inserts (earplugs)

They produce disposable and reusable models. The first ones are made from thin fibers. They can be impregnated with paraffin (wax) or be dry. Reusable inserts are made from materials of varying hardness. These protective equipment must be washed with soap and water after each use and thoroughly cleaned of sulfur.

Anti-noise earplugs are easily inserted into the ear canal; no additional fastening is required. For convenience, you can purchase earbuds with a case, on a cord or a special bow.

This method of protection is very convenient, but not effective in all situations, as it only reduces the sound level by 5–20 dB. Also, the material from which the earmolds are made may be very hard or cause irritation and redness in the ear canal or pinna.

It is important to note that the use of anti-noise earplugs is excluded if there are skin diseases in the ear area.


They are made for reusable use only. These protective equipment consist of two bowls (with foam or other noise-absorbing material inside), which are connected by an arc made of metal or plastic. Due to the sound-absorbing filler, the noise level is reduced.

In the case of passive protection, noise is simply suppressed, the sounds around become an order of magnitude quieter. This type of noise reduction is suitable, for example, for shooting at a shooting range.

Active hearing protection involves the dampening of loud sounds and the ability to communicate, since the device has a built-in microphone. Communication protection makes it possible to communicate via a mobile phone or walkie-talkie, which is connected to headphones.

Special communication headsets include a set of tools for comfortable communication and simultaneous hearing protection. Headphones are often used in production; they are more effective than earbuds, as they suppress noise by 10–25 dB. But they do not provide 100% protection from sound exposure and cannot cope with the load at high frequencies.

One of the negative aspects during operation is fogging of the skin under protective equipment.

It is necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene and care for the headphones, wash and wipe according to the instructions.

Anti-noise helmets

They are used when a person is in an environment under the influence of ultrasound, which is capable of penetrating liquid and solid objects. This type of noise often accompanies the production process in the metallurgical industry and mechanical engineering. Helmets protect against high-frequency sounds and can reduce noise exposure by 30 dB.

After each use, the protective equipment must be cleaned and wiped.

Noise protection suit

Includes a hard hat (helmet) and a vest, which has additional layers of noise-absorbing material. Such a special suit is used to protect hearing organs from prolonged high-frequency sound and vibration exposure in production, for example, for aircraft mechanics.

If hearing PPE is used at an enterprise, they are given instructions before use, and after use they are stored in a special room, following the rules of care and storage.

Important points

At the enterprise, hearing protection is provided to employees if necessary if the permissible noise level is exceeded. When purchasing for personal use at home or for sports, it is recommended to consider a number of factors:

  • Specifics of the activity in which PPE will be used.
  • Required level of hearing protection.
  • Noise category (single, sharp or constant sounds).
  • Humidity and air temperature in the room where hearing PPE is supposed to be used.

To make the choice easier, manufacturers indicate on the packaging an indicator such as SNR. It can provide information about the effectiveness of a particular PPE, namely, it characterizes how much the product can reduce noise. But this does not mean that you necessarily need to buy a product with the highest level of protection. Since when using a product with an increased SNR, those sounds that are extremely important to hear in the work process may be muffled. Therefore, the specific situation in which hearing PPE will be used must be taken into account.

In addition, when choosing, for example, earplugs, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material from which the product is made; the better the material, the more convenient it will be to use the earplugs.

When choosing headphones, it is important to consider their sensitivity to sound, membrane diameter, and power. Manufacturers indicate all the necessary characteristics of the product on the packaging.

It is important to understand that the effectiveness of hearing PPE is tested in laboratory conditions, and actual noise reduction rates may be 2 times lower.

The main purpose of PPE for hearing organs is to block the most sensitive channel for sound penetration into the body – the human ear. To weaken the acoustic energy transmitted to the hearing organs, to protect the nervous system of workers from the effects of excessive stimuli, noise suppressors are used.

According to GOST 12.4.051-84, noise suppressors are divided into three types according to their purpose and design; headphones that cover the auricle; earmolds covering the external auditory canal; helmets that cover part of the head and ear.

Rice. 15 a - headphones; b - earplugs

Based on the method of fastening on the head, headphones are divided into: independent, having a hard or soft headband: built into a headdress / hard hats, helmets, headscarves / or other protective device. Inserts, based on the nature of their design, are distinguished between multiple and single use. Reusable inserts must be manufactured in several sizes ranging from 5.5 to 9 mm, unless their design allows for the possibility of change within the specified limits.

Headphones cover the entire outer ear and at the same time allow you to hear spoken speech and auditorily control the operation of engines and other mechanisms. They have great efficiency in the high frequency region. The disadvantages of headphones are: heavy weight, the presence of pressure on the parotid shell, fogging of the skin under the headphones at elevated ambient temperatures. Because of these disadvantages, it is more convenient to use headphones periodically.

According to the nature of their design, inserts are divided into reusable and single-use inserts. They are inserted directly into the ear. The earbuds are lightweight, easy to use, and have antiseptic and bactericidal properties, for example, “Earplugs” (take care of your ears). Ultra-thin fiberglass earbuds cause an unpleasant crunching sensation when worn and irritate the skin. Inserts are made of plastic or hard non-deformable material. The latter cause more severe irritation of the walls of the ear canal. In addition, inserts made of hard material, when used for a long time, interfere with proper blood circulation and air exchange, so it is recommended to use them for a short time.

Anti-noise devices should provide the necessary noise reduction, be hygienic, not irritate the skin during prolonged use, not cause pain, not impair speech perception, and be comfortable to wear during the working day. They must have adhesive properties, be easy to hygienically process and not pose a hazard when handling them. Reusable earbuds should have a smooth shape, allowing them to be simply and conveniently inserted into and removed from the external auditory canal.

All anti-noise devices must be marked with the name and group of noise protection and the name of the manufacturer. For reusable liners, their diameter is also indicated.

When choosing PPE for hearing organs, one should proceed from the frequency spectrum of noise at a given workplace, permissible noise levels according to GOST 12.1.003-83, and ease of use when performing this work. From the point of view of noise protection, noise suppressors are considered to be correctly selected if the noise spectrum in the workplace, minus the attenuation provided by the noise suppressor, does not exceed the permissible sound pressure levels.

Our industry produces hearing protection products of various designs.

Anti-noise headphones consist of a sound-insulating body edged with soft elastic material, a sound absorber and a headband. The edging serves to isolate the ears from external pathogens. Foam rubber, ultra-thin glass fiber laid in layers with different fiber directions, polyurethane foam, etc. are used as a sound absorber. To equalize the air pressure in the earphone with atmospheric pressure, holes are provided in it. The headband is made of springy metal. This

makes it possible to individually adjust the headphones and adjust the pressure.

Hearing protection is a necessary attribute when working in high noise environments. Anti-noise earplugs, headphones, including those with selective noise absorption technology - you can purchase these protective equipment from us at the best prices! And for wholesale buyers in our store there are always attractive discounts!

On the need to purchase hearing protection

Noises in higher ranges have a very negative effect not only on the hearing organs. Apart from the fact that any noise is, in principle, tiresome and sometimes irritating, sounds of higher frequencies can damage the structure of a person’s inner ear, which often entails harmful irreversible consequences. In addition, in the human body, all nerve endings are interconnected, therefore, by putting pressure on the nerve centers of the organ of hearing, the irritating process is transmitted to the nerve centers of other organs.

It is clear from this that providing workers with personal hearing protection is a mandatory requirement that falls directly on the employer. We offer all organizations whose activities involve possible sound loads to purchase reliable hearing protection, such as reusable earplugs and headphones. If you have to be exposed to noise in everyday conditions not related to work, then you need to provide hearing protection yourself. For both wholesale and retail customers, we offer individual hearing protection that is guaranteed to fulfill its purpose.

Choosing hearing protection

By design, hearing protection can be divided into two types: earplugs, which are a kind of earplugs that cover only the external auditory canal, and headphones, which cover the entire auricle.

When choosing these protective equipment, you should study their characteristics and determine the need for each addition to their standard equipment.

In our catalog you can see that all hearing PPE differ in price. Simple anti-noise earplugs designed for individual, reusable protection of human hearing from noise in industrial and domestic conditions with a noise level of up to 19 dB have the minimum price. Earbuds with cord have the same characteristics, but the price increases due to the presence of lace.

Headphones have more significant differences in their models. Firstly, by appearance, you can determine the differences in design - regular, with additional retention tape (for use in conjunction with other protective equipment), or earmuffs for use with protective face shields or helmets. According to technical characteristics, headphones protect against noise in much higher ranges compared to earplugs; on average, these values ​​can be about 112 dB. Also, pay attention to models equipped with selective noise absorption technology - protecting against extraneous noise, but making it possible to understand human speech.

Choosing hearing protection is not so difficult; it is important to know for whom and under what conditions they will be used. If you are still in doubt, feel free to dial our number - our consultants are always ready to help you make the right choice!