Dried tarragon application. Herb with a unique taste and aroma - tarragon: use in medicine, for weight loss and in cooking

Tarragon, or tarragon (as well as tarragon wormwood) has been used by many peoples since ancient times as a food additive or medicine. The use of such an ingredient as tarragon herb is widespread everywhere.

The plant itself is perennial, and from the outside it vaguely resembles wormwood. It grows in the form of a bush, the height of tarragon reaches 1.5 meters. The dark green leaves have a strong smell, but the smell is pleasant. The leaves are narrow in shape, they also have a glossy sheen.

Especially a lot of the plant contains vitamin C and carotene.

This composition allows you to quickly cheer up and work productively all day. Tarragon essential oil is endowed with a wonderful and unique spicy smell.

Essential oils can be found in

  • ocimene,
  • phellandren
  • and sabien

Fresh leaves are high in vitamins

  • A, B1, B2, C,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium
  • and iron

Tarragon grass consists of ¼ of proteins, and ¾ of carbohydrates. Since the plant is also medicinal, it is often taken as food to treat diseases.

It is used as a diuretic, antiscorbutic, tonic.

The highly aromatic oil obtained from tarragon has found its way into the manufacture of perfumes for men and women. Also, the herb significantly improves appetite and stimulates the digestive system. The sedative effect of tarragon will allow you to fall asleep quickly and get rid of insomnia. Tarragon is also used as a medicine in the treatment of early stages of bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

A prophylactic for heart disease is also tarragon. Thanks to the compounds in the composition of the herb, blood clots cease to form, and it is simply impossible to earn a heart attack or stroke.

The main medicinal and preventive properties of tarragon can be called:

The herb is used both in cooking and in medicine. Since ancient times, grass has been used as an anesthetic, as well as to treat depression, poor appetite, and insomnia. Tarragon should be consumed after eating a heavy meal, such as fatty meat. This will speed up the digestive process.

Also, the plant can improve the sexual activity of men, increasing potency.

This is due to the fact that the herb has a general strengthening effect on all human organs. The plant can be used as a seasoning or salt substitute for people who should not consume it.


Tarragon grass in cooking will be an excellent flavoring additive to any dish. The unusual ability of the herb to destroy pathogenic bacteria is perfectly used in the preservation of a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as in the preparation of meat and fish dishes.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails with the addition of tarragon are common. The noble taste of the herb will fit perfectly into almost any dish, giving it a creative sweet and sour taste.

Tarragon grass is also used for weight loss: for example, it will fit perfectly into the diet menu on kefir or a diet without salt.

Grass will add a tasty and pleasant aftertaste to proper nutrition, make it less insipid. When conducting fasting sessions, chewing tarragon is only welcome.

Medicinal properties of the herb

The healing properties of tarragon have been known for centuries. Tarragon quickly relieves many neurological, inflammatory and chronic diseases. For example, from inflammation of the gums, eczema, arthritis, arthrosis, scurvy and headaches. For each disease there will be a peculiar recipe.

Most often, the herb is infused or brewed as a tea. For example, in the treatment of toothache, you can chew a leaf of grass, this will relieve pain due to the anesthetic function of tarragon.

Tarragon infusions will help to cope with neurological diseases.

Sciatica can be cured simply by smearing the diseased areas with cow's oil with a little dried tarragon powder added.

For eczema, there is a similar option, but honey is used instead of oil.

If your gums are inflamed, you can rub a mixture of one hundred grams of butter with a small addition of tarragon into them.

With chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, you can drink a decoction of grass.

From insomnia, a compress from a decoction of a tablespoon of grass will help perfectly, a cloth moistened with it is placed on the forehead.

As you have already noticed, the herb eliminates almost all common diseases. It also serves as an excellent preventive measure.

Why not try beauty recipes with estrogen as the main ingredient? In cosmetology practice, the juice of this herb serves as the basis for many products for cleaning and caring for the skin of the face, hands, and body.

Tarragon allows you to get rid of age spots, as well as quickly regenerate any small damage. This is due to the fact that the magic herb is endowed with an analgesic effect and quickly stops the incipient inflammation or swelling.

The most popular recipes are:

  • The use of estrogen oil in cosmetics. Aromatic liquid can be added to baths or baths for hands and feet. Great for dealing with stress, melancholy or depression.
  • Tonic tincture, prepared from one teaspoon of dried tarragon, poured into a glass of hot water. The mixture must be insisted, then the skin is wiped with it.
  • The anti-aging lotion is prepared as a mixture of cucumber juice and tarragon juice, then 3 drops of herb essential oil are added. So the girl will be able to "revive" the suffering skin of the face and neck. You need to wipe it daily, morning and evening.

As mentioned earlier, tarragon is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases. In medicine, such specific tinctures as tarragon tincture also find their application. To prepare it, we need:

  • vodka - half a liter;
  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • honey - one tablespoon;
  • tarragon grass. Fresh, chopped coarsely - 50 grams.

The process of preparing a fragrant and tasty alcoholic drink is simple. We mix tarragon and sugar, leave the mixture for half an hour. During this time, the grass will give its juice. Now put the mixture in a bottle, cork and let it infuse for three days. Infusion takes place in a dark and cold place.

Now we filter the resulting tincture with a charcoal filter. Let's leave the tincture in the dark, this will preserve its unusual greenish color and very useful properties.

Another variation of the tincture involves the use of mint leaves. As you know, mint taste is very much appreciated in cooking, especially for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. To make a tincture based on a three-liter container, we need:

  • sugar - two tablespoons;
  • mint - twenty grams;
  • tarragon - one hundred grams;
  • vodka;
  • zest of half a lemon with juice.

We will infuse this mixture for one week, the process takes place in the dark, at room temperature. Then we strain and cool the resulting drink. It can be consumed. Tarragon tinctures retain its beneficial qualities in full, allowing you to enjoy not only a delicious alcoholic drink, but also improve your health.

Cooking Tarragon drink at home

Many people ask a logical question: how to make tarragon drink at home? After all, the benefits of the famous soda, which is sold almost everywhere, will be greater if you cook it yourself. Purchased drinks contain many preservatives, as well as a sugar substitute. The recipe is very simple, and even a child can handle it. There are several cooking options.

real absinthe recipe

The first version of the preparation of the Tarragon drink.

  • Dissolve seven tablespoons of sugar in 1.5 liters of ordinary water.
  • We put the pan with sugar syrup on a slow fire and heat it until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Simultaneously with the heating process, slowly put the tarragon stalks, finely chopped, into the liquid. Set the leaves aside for now, we'll add them later.
  • Once the water boils, it's time to add the chopped leaves. This is how we preserve the greatest amount of vitamins in greens.
  • We insist Tarragon for half an hour, then dilute it with sparkling water and add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Can be poured into glasses to enjoy the wonderful taste of Tarragon.

Second recipe. It is easier, because you do not need to cook anything.

  • Rinse and coarsely chop a large bunch of tarragon.
  • Place the mass in a blender bowl, adding lemon juice, lime juice, two glasses of boiled water to it. Now grind the mixture.
  • Strain the juice that stands out and separate from the remaining greens.
  • Dilute the juice with a small amount of cold drinking water, add ice. You can add some syrup if you like.

This amount of tarragon is enough for exactly two servings. Of course, the drink will not have a bright green fluorescent color, which its counterparts have in the supermarket, but it will definitely overtake them in terms of taste.

Tarragon is also useful for the body and all its systems. And since you can cook it at home, we got an excellent preventive and therapeutic composition with the help of a ubiquitous plant.

Edible wormwood video

Chilled Tarragon perfectly quenches thirst, and also helps to cool off on a hot summer day. Almost anyone will like its unusual spicy taste, and the cost of the components is very small - making a drink at home is definitely accessible to everyone.

Contraindications to the use of herbs

When discussing the beneficial aspects of using estrogen, one cannot recall that the herb has its own contraindications. Most of the prescriptions are due to the poison contained in the herb in a small amount.

After all, tarragon is wormwood, which is why its use should be strictly regulated. Of course, it is forbidden to exceed the dose of tarragon. Otherwise, a person will get incessant convulsions, food poisoning, in some cases even a complete loss of consciousness.

Also, the herb is not recommended if the patient has disorders or intestinal diseases, as well as gastritis and ulcers. It should not be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers. Individual intolerance to tarragon also exists, and in many people it is pronounced.

There are suggestions that the constant and prolonged use of such an herb causes cancer, but if used carefully, then a cancerous tumor will not occur.

Important: tarragon as a food or drug in small doses by no means can cause a malignant formation.

Dragon Wormwood (Artemisia dracunculus), tarragon grass, tarragon or tarragon wormwood - this is an incomplete list of the many names of the plant of the Aster family. In its wild-growing form, a perennial with narrow-standing lanceolate leaves reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters. It can be found everywhere. On the slopes of mountains and in forests, from August to September, tarragon blooms, throwing out yellowish-green spherical paniculate inflorescences-baskets at the ends of branches. The following forms of tarragon are known (the Syriac name is herb tarragon):

  • french- low-growing low-branching form of the plant, common in Western Europe, which practically does not bloom and propagates vegetatively (rhizomes and cuttings);
  • Russian- a larger sprawling perennial with a weak aroma, has a high frost resistance, blooms and bears fruit in the southern regions.

Growing and harvesting tarragon

The tarragon plant is propagated by dividing the rhizome into parts and cuttings. Cuttings deserve special attention: in the spring they are cut up to 15 cm long for planting in greenhouses and greenhouses. The temperature of the soil should not be below 13–18 °C. Separation of rhizomes is carried out immediately before planting. After rooting, root offspring and cuttings are planted in a garden bed, placing plants in rows at a distance of at least 20 cm, and between rows - up to 50 cm. since the yield depends on high-quality irrigation, timely weeding, taking place with the destruction of weeds and constant loosening of the soil between the rows. Mineral top dressing should be introduced into the nutritional "diet" of tarragon not earlier than next year. You can start harvesting tarragon in the fall in the first year of planting. The entire aerial (green) part of the plant has useful properties, however, in order not to weaken it, it is necessary to cut off only part of the green shoots. Starting next year, tarragon greens are cut as needed throughout the summer season. In August, during the flowering period of tarragon wormwood, final cleaning of the tarragon plantation is required. On average, the yield of 1 m 2 of tarragon plantation is up to 1.5–2 kg of green mass. So that tarragon does not lose its beneficial properties, the collected greens are collected in bunches for thorough drying in a ventilated dark place. Dry leaves are used as a fragrant spice and in folk medicine as a medicine. If you are already in nature, then you can combine business with pleasure and have a picnic. But what is a picnic without a good dish that is cooked on fire?! To do this, you need a good cast iron cauldron. And you can buy a cast iron cauldron today at a very competitive price. I think it's worth it. Moreover, dishes in nature will be much tastier than at home ...

Tarragon useful properties

The main value of the perennial lies in the content of a certain amount of useful substances necessary for the human body. The essential oils found in the leaves (0.1–0.5%), ascorbic acid C, carotene A, vitamins B1 and B2, as well as a rich supply of minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.) have a beneficial impact on the human body. The calorie content of tarragon is 24.8 kcal, the nutritional value of tarragon (100 g):
  • proteins -1.5 grams;
  • fats - 0 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 5 grams.
Continued: h

Tarragon, tarragon, tarragon wormwood - all these are the names of the same plant, which is widely used both in cooking and in medicine. Subtle notes of anise allow tarragon to be used to flavor almost any dish or drink.

Tarragon is an unpretentious plant, and it is not difficult to grow it. But with the preservation of the leaves for the winter, some have difficulties. After all, the essential oils contained in tarragon leaves are very volatile, and if not properly dried, you can get just a pile of hay.

How to dry tarragon

For drying, the upper branches of the tarragon bush are cut off before flowering. Twigs are needed young and no more than 15 centimeters in length. Tarragon grows quickly, so you can cut branches for drying all summer.

The twigs should be carefully washed and laid out in the shade on wide pallets. From time to time, the branches need to be turned over, and make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on them.

Check the degree of drying of the tarragon. If the branch breaks easily, then the grass has dried up, and you can proceed to the next step.

Strip the leaves from the twigs, and pour the leaves into the jars very quickly so as not to lose the tarragon flavor.

You can use special electric dryers. But this is only if your dryer has the ability to set the temperature to +35 degrees. As we remember, at a higher drying temperature, essential oils will begin to stand out, and all drying will lose its meaning.

Asking the question of tarragon - what it is, people are far from aware that this intricate word means the well-known tarragon - a fragrant and tasty spice that has been used for culinary and medical purposes for a long time.

This perennial plant, growing to a height of more than 1 m, has a branched stem and elongated dark green leaves. The root is quite dense and woody, during flowering, a golden-yellow hue of flowers is characteristic, outwardly resembling a basket. The plant blooms in July and August, after which it produces smooth brown seeds.

Origin of tarragon

Let's talk about where tarragon came from. What it is, our ancestors knew. This plant is one of the most popular in cooking. Its name comes from the Latin word drago, which means "too". Most likely, it was invented based on the appearance of the tarragon root, which is very similar to a reptile.

Other names of this plant are also common: tarragon and tarragon wormwood. Asia can rightly be called the birthplace of tarragon. As a cultivated plant used for food, tarragon is grown in the Caucasus, India and the central parts of Russia, using it in cooking in fresh and dried form. By taste and smell, the plant is very fragrant and fragrant with subtle notes of anise, thanks to the essential oils that make up tarragon.

You need to know what tarragon looks like. What is this plant, whose appearance resembles wormwood, herbalists know for sure. After all, it is very common not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Even in ancient times, the ancestors used it as a drug that cleanses the blood vessels, helps with disorders and diseases of the stomach, menstrual and toothaches, and increases appetite.

The use of tarragon

The plant is widely used as a spice in the preparation of various dishes and salads. A variety of omelets, lemon and sorrel sauces, steaks, cauliflower, beef stroganoff, zucchini and tomatoes during cooking cannot do without the addition of tarragon. Vegetable dishes, fish dishes, meat, game, legumes and potatoes are also prepared using this spicy spice. Kazakh and Azerbaijani culinary specialists often add spices to their national dishes, adding tarragon to manti, pilaf and other foods. Its use is also listed in the recipes of housewives engaged in preparations for the winter, for example, they put the spice in pickles and cabbage and apples. In the production of alcoholic beverages, a few drops of tarragon are added to the solution.

The use of the plant in medicine

For medicinal purposes, tarragon tincture is recommended to drink to improve the functioning of the stomach, the digestive system, with gastritis and bloating, to increase appetite and improve health. For external diseases of the oral cavity, a plant-based solution is prepared, and for eczema and dermatitis, a special ointment is mixed that has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prepared on the basis of butter mixed with powder, the main part of which is tarragon. Application occurs as needed, and the finished product is stored in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.

The use of tarragon in the preparation of various dishes

What to cook using the preparation of drinks, dishes and treats with the addition of this herb are varied and are present in almost every modern kitchen. Very common with the same name, which is made from fresh herbs, a few lemons, sugar and water. All ingredients are washed, cut and brought to a boil with the addition of 1 liter of water, after which the drink is completely cooled. After straining, it is put in the refrigerator and served chilled.

Dry tarragon leaves have a much less pronounced smell than fresh herbs, so it should be stored in a dry and dark place in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Tarragon should be added to the finished dish, because during heat treatment all its useful properties and smell are lost.

Tarragon: medicinal properties

Since ancient times, this plant has been famous not only for its taste and spicy properties, but also for a large number of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health. Tarragon is about a quarter protein and almost half carbohydrate. All useful elements are found not only in stems and leaves, but also in bitter oil, which is very useful and has a unique smell.

Dried tarragon is quite useful, but fresh herbs have a much larger spectrum of vitamins and minerals: A, C, PP, B1, iron, calcium, iodine and phosphorus. In addition, unsaturated and ascorbic acid, essential oils, carotene and coumarins - all this has tarragon, whose properties are very diverse. The invigorating characteristics of the plant brought him the greatest fame: many tonic drinks are prepared from it. Tarragon is well invigorating, uplifting and increases efficiency.

Useful properties of tarragon

The beneficial properties of tarragon include the following:

  • It is useful not only because it tastes good and has a unique aroma, but also because it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthening the immune system.
  • It is used as a means against the fight against worms, which has a diuretic and tonic effect.
  • Eliminates signs of insomnia, depression and nervousness.
  • Promotes increased sexual desire, increases male potency.
  • It is used in the treatment of bronchial tracts, lungs, pneumonia, tuberculosis, relieves headache and toothache.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Tarragon contraindications

What can be harmful tarragon? Its contraindications apply not only to pregnant women, who are strictly forbidden to use the plant, because it can provoke a miscarriage, but also to epileptics. Tarragon should be used quite carefully, because it belongs to the group of toxic spices. After prolonged use of the product, hallucinations, dizziness, spasms, nervous disorders, depression and convulsions may occur, so it should not be used for more than 1 month, and you should first consult a doctor. If tarragon oil has been prescribed to a child for medicinal purposes, it should be diluted with water, as tarragon can be harmful. Useful properties and contraindications can be described in more detail by your doctor.

Tarragon in folk medicine

Among the people, tarragon (tarragon) has long been popular in the treatment of a large number of diseases. In dry form, the plant is used to prepare tinctures, ointments and powders. Tarragon tea is very common, increasing immunity and eliminating the symptoms of insomnia, weakness and malaise. To combat varicose veins, a compress is made based on tarragon and kefir, after which it is applied to the affected areas. The main rule in the use of tarragon in traditional medicine and self-treatment is compliance with the dosage.

How to grow tarragon at home?

Having decided to grow such a useful crop in a summer cottage or even on a windowsill, you first need to buy tarragon seeds. There is a wide range of different varieties from different manufacturers on the market, so finding tarragon today is quite simple. In the spring, this perennial plant shoots quickly and can grow in one place for up to 10 years in a row, but tarragon is considered most useful during the first few years. Reproduction of the plant occurs in several ways: by sowing seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

Tarragon seeds are quite small and flat, so it is recommended to sow them for seedlings in late winter or early spring. By the end of April, the ascended shoots are planted in open ground, in which they take root quite well and without much attention. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, grows well both in the shade and in the sun. It is necessary to water about 1 time in 10 days. In the spring, you should pour into the soil in which tarragon will rise, a few kilograms of humus and a small amount of ash as a fertilizer.

For the entire summer period, tarragon should be cut from 3 to 5 times, and the height of the cut should reach no more than 15 cm. The more often the leaves are cut, the larger and more magnificent the bush grows.

How to dry tarragon?

After the final cut of the bush, the tarragon is dried and harvested for the winter. For drying, cut off the top of the plant along with the leaves before it blooms. The leaves are separated from the stems and finely chopped. It should be remembered, when drying tarragon, that this is a plant whose smell is quickly weathered. It is dried in several ways: using a herb dryer, because this process should be fast, and the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius, or by hanging tied in a bundle in a dark and dry place at low temperatures, without contact with direct sunlight. Otherwise, the seasoning will lose all its flavor, and the leaves will turn brown.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that tarragon, the benefits of which are obvious, is not only a fragrant and tasty spice, but also an extremely useful plant, which is indispensable in the kitchen and in the first-aid kit of many housewives.

Tarragon is known to many exclusively as a sweet green drink, but this name was given to him for a reason. A real cocktail is prepared on the basis of a concentrated syrup created from a plant of the same name, which is then simply diluted with sparkling water. Tarragon (or tarragon), like any phyto-component, has a number of useful properties for the human body, and is widely used in culinary arts and traditional medicine. In this article, we will consider the main aspects of its use.

The medicinal composition of the plant

Tarragon grass (other names are tarragon, tarragon wormwood, stragon, dragoon-grass) is an unpretentious plant belonging to the aster family. It grows as a bush, up to a meter high, has leaves of a rich green color. It is actively used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, due to its rich beneficial composition. So, an important component is essential oil, which provides a specific aroma of the plant. The following components were found in the oil itself:

  • sabinene (up to 60%);
  • myrcene (about 10%);
  • sesquiterpene fraction (5%);
  • methylchavicol;
  • ocimene, etc.

The ground part also contains ascorbic acid, carotene, coumarins, alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins B1 and B2, minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron), tannins, etc. The calorie content of the vegetable product is insignificant - only 25 kcal per 100 grams, while tarragon contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates and one and a half grams of protein.

Useful properties of tarragon herb

The pharmacological properties of the plant in question are quite diverse. So, it can have the following types of effects on the body:

  • acceleration of tissue regeneration processes in case of damage;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • general strengthening of the body and immunity;
  • carminative and diuretic action;
  • removal of spasms;
  • stimulation of the production of gastric juice;
  • tonic effect.

Thus, the range of useful uses of tarragon is very wide. First of all, it is used as a product for calming and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. The components of the composition help to cope with states of overexcitation and some nervous disorders. The high content of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, has a positive effect on the degree of immune defense of the body. Due to the fact that the herb stimulates the production of gastric juice, it is not surprising that it also stimulates appetite, which can be extremely important in a number of conditions. It is worth highlighting other useful properties of tarragon:

  • topical use for wounds, burns and bruises allows you to speed up the healing process, as well as remove the formed swelling and inflammation;
  • some use the herb as a remedy for helminthic infestations;
  • diuretic and carminative effect allow you to cleanse the body well and relieve the symptoms of bloating. The product is often used as part of the treatment of cystitis;
  • tarragon quickly helps with painful spasms in the digestive system, effectively removing them;
  • grass is even used as a means of restoring male strength and normalizing the menstrual cycle in women;
  • in folk medicine, the plant is used as a base, tinctures and decoctions used for headache, toothache, depression and insomnia;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • used in the treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • the tool improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and also normalizes the composition of the blood.

The plant is also used for cosmetic purposes. So, for example, masks and lotions intended for dry or aging skin are prepared on its basis. It is absolutely obvious that the herb is an important representative of herbal remedies, since the effect it has will be useful to many people.

Harm from eating a plant

The herb has a rather strong effect on the body, and in certain situations it can do a lot of harm. So, tarragon helps to increase the tone of the uterus, which helps with menstruation, but during pregnancy it will be a completely unfavorable effect - if the plant is consumed in large quantities, extremely dangerous complications are possible, up to a miscarriage.

The use of the plant allows you to achieve stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, which in certain situations is very useful for the digestive tract. But with gastritis with high acidity and ulcerative lesions, a similar effect will cause complications and aggravate the situation.

Tarragon in large quantities is also a source of danger, like many other plant components. The state of overdose is characterized by serious disorders of the digestive tract (diarrhea, vomiting), inhibition of the functioning of the nervous system, the appearance of dizziness and, in some cases, even hallucinations.

The use of tarragon seasoning in cooking

Spices are able to give dishes simply incredible flavors and aromas, and allow you to create real works of culinary art. As part of cooking, young shoots of the plant are used - green leaves on twigs that are collected before flowering. The herb has a specific spicy aroma, piquant, spicy taste, which allows it to be used in a wide variety of recipes. So, consider the classic directions for the use of seasoning:

  • one of the herbs for pickling vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, and also as an ingredient in marinade for sauerkraut and soaking apples);
  • the plant is widely used in Chinese cooking - there the herb is added to rice, fish, etc. dishes;
  • tarragon sauce will be a great addition to asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, veal, lamb, and even some crustaceans;
  • leaves can even be added to jam to give it unusual flavor notes;
  • grass gives incredible shades of game, it is also often used when smoking meat;
  • ingredient for making green oil;
  • the plant is added when infusing alcoholic beverages (including moonshine);
  • and, of course, on the basis of this herb, the famous and well-known tarragon drink is prepared, as well as other cocktails and drinks.

How to make a drink at home

To create a fresh green drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a bunch of green tarragon;
  • clean table soda - one liter;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • granulated sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • 300 ml of pure water.

The drink is prepared in several stages. For it, you will need a syrup with the addition of a vegetable component, as well as carbonated water, which the resulting tarragon concentrate will be diluted with. The first step in preparing the base is to mix the sugar and clean water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly for about three minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved. The grass, washed and dried from excess moisture, is crushed in a blender at this time, obtaining a homogeneous green mass. Tarragon is mixed with hot sugar syrup and left to infuse for half an hour. When everything has cooled, the base must be passed through a sieve and you can start mixing the cocktail. So, juice of a third of a lemon is squeezed into green syrup, and all this is poured with a liter of cold sparkling water. On this, homemade tarragon, cooked completely on its own, is ready.

There is also an easier way, but also more expensive. So, it will be enough just to find ready-made natural tarragon syrup in the store, and mix it with soda in proportions that are comfortable for you.

Tarragon lemonade video recipe

Cooking real tarragon at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to get the right amount of the main ingredient - tarragon herb. Following the proposed master class, in a short time it will be possible to create a great refreshing drink for the whole family.

Contraindications to the use of tarragon

Considering all the considered aspects of the influence of tarragon on the human body, there are several contraindications that limit its use:

  • during pregnancy, it is better to abandon such a plant, as it provokes uterine tone and can lead to premature termination of gestation;
  • increased acidity in the stomach;
  • children's age requires special care in using the product.

It is also important to compare the properties of the product and the drugs taken. So, for example, simultaneous use with diuretic tablets should be avoided.

Tarragon cultivation

You can grow such a useful and tasty grass on your own site, and it will not require much effort or financial costs. The site should be chosen open, where direct sunlight would fall, with sandy soil (if the soil is heavy, then it is specially diluted with some sand). Grass is planted both in spring and before winter. In order not to deteriorate the taste of the product, it is desirable to update it at least once every 2-3 years.

For planting, you can use divided bushes, sprouted cuttings or seeds (here you can also choose - place them in a kidney immediately, or pre-grow in seedlings). It is worth noting that the plant, like many spicy herbs, is very unpretentious, and, perhaps, the only thing it does not tolerate is fluid stagnation and constant overflow. With moderate watering, fragrant grass feels great, even if it has to grow in partial shade. The bush must not be forgotten to be cut - the more harvests will be made, the more magnificent the bush will be.