Rash on the body without fever and itching. When should you postpone a visit to the doctor? Skin rash: causes

Do you have strange pimples on your skin that itch intensely, causing discomfort and anxiety? Do not panic: the phenomenon is quite common. In most cases, there is nothing terrible behind the appearance of acne and a rash on the body, but really serious causes can be quickly cured if you see a doctor in time. Let's see what can cause acne on the body, what to do if they itch and what it can threaten in general.

Common causes of acne

Pimples and rashes are a problem that every person faces sooner or later in his life. And if acne on the face, especially in adolescence, is a familiar, understandable phenomenon, and therefore not terrible, then acne on the body causes some concern. Especially if they itch: questions immediately arise about what it is, and attempts to search for photos on the Internet, which only make them even more terrified.

Before you start to panic about pimples of unknown origin, you should make sure that they were not caused by the most common household causes, which will be discussed below.

Insect bites

This item should be removed first. It is almost impossible to forget that mosquitoes bit you the day before during a walk, but what just happens. If acne appeared on the body, as if mosquito bites that itch and interfere with life in every possible way - remember what and where you were the day before. If the rash is located on areas of the body that were not covered by clothing, and an annoying mosquito squeak pops up in your memory, most likely you really just got bitten.

Tip: Avoid combing mosquito bites. Treat them with a special tool that you can buy at a pharmacy, and they will go away on their own within a few days.


Number two in popularity among the causes of the appearance of small pimples on the body that itch is a banal violation of the rules of personal hygiene. Even adults can fall into this trap, especially in the summer: in the heat of the street, sweat is released quickly and profusely, and in cool air-conditioned rooms it dries immediately. A few such drops a day are enough to cause itchy rashes to appear on the body.

Sometimes the problem is, on the contrary, excessive skin care. Washing too often destroys the natural fatty layer of the epidermis, which protects us from small bacteria. In the absence of this layer, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly on the surface of the skin, again provoking a rash and pimples.

How to solve the problem: observe the rules of personal hygiene. Consider your skin type and the weather - and, of course, do not overdo it. In hygiene, it is important to observe the golden mean, without rushing to extremes.


Improper nutrition, especially in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, can provoke a rash on the body. This happens for two reasons:

  1. Hormonal reaction of the body to inappropriate food
  2. Slowing down the transport of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells

The main enemies in this case are sweets, fatty and spicy foods, as well as various convenience foods - even if you cook them for a couple, the additives contained are rarely good for health.

How to solve the problem: tidy up your diet. Create a varied and balanced menu of fresh, high-quality products with a predominance of vegetables and fruits. For serious rashes, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist, cosmetologist or nutritionist: specialists will prescribe tests and help you choose the right diet.


Synthetic fabrics do not allow moisture to pass through and impede the natural breathing of the skin, as a result of which acne can form on the body. The reason may also be an uncomfortable fit, in which clothing or its individual parts fit too tightly to the skin, rubbing it and causing irritation. Well, the combination of these factors doubles the risk.

How to solve the problem: choose clothes made from natural fabrics. Where this is not possible, wear soft underwear underneath sweaters and trousers that will protect as much of the skin as possible.

Cosmetical tools

Women who have a rash on their face are often guilty of poor-quality cosmetics - but the same is true for acne on the body. Even if you do not use body creams and balms, shower gels and even ordinary soap can cause irritation and itching.

How to solve the problem: Revise the vanity and shelves in the bathroom. Pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Suitability for your skin type
  2. Expiry date and especially expiration date after opening
  3. Compound

Try using ordinary mild soap (for example, baby soap) or special medical and cosmetic lines with a natural composition for washing. If you use lotions, creams and other body skin care products, give preference to proven quality products, even if their price is slightly higher than usual products.


This item is closely related to all of the above. An allergic reaction can be triggered by food, cosmetics, or skin contact with certain types of tissue, and it can also increase rashes from insect bites. Pay special attention to this item if you know about your allergies, or if there are allergy sufferers among your immediate family.

How to solve the problem: avoid contact with allergens.

Tip: even if you have never suffered from allergies, checking with an allergist will not be superfluous - the problem may develop as a result of other factors that the specialist will help to establish.


If you are taking any prescription pills (remember, this is the only time this is allowed), pimples and itchy skin can be a natural side effect. In particular, antibiotics are known, which often cause a rash on the delicate skin of the abdomen and extremities. Carefully study the instructions for the medicines, when taking several items, ask your doctor about the possible manifestations of such combinations.

How to solve the problem: complete the course of treatment and try not to scratch the irritation. Pimples will go away on their own after you stop taking the medication.


Finally, the cause of rashes and itching on the body can be a banal nervous strain. The constant overexcited state of the nervous system can result in a whole set of not very pleasant consequences, both psychological and physical. Itching and pimples on the body is one of the most harmless factors, so you can consider yourself lucky.

How to solve the problem: do not be nervous. If now you snorted with the words: “Easy to say!” - I understand you very much, and therefore I give working practical recommendations:

  1. Drink soothing herbal teas. Decoctions of chamomile, peppermint, motherwort, lemon balm and many other plants can effectively, but gently relieve acute symptoms of overexertion.
  2. Do breathing exercises, yoga or meditation. Even 5-10 minutes every day will provide the necessary relaxation and help to find balance.
  3. Walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour a day after work - this will help clear your thoughts of negativity and recharge your batteries.
  4. Don't hold back your emotions. Instead of saving everything in yourself, learn to work with them - a productive experience of feelings will help you cope with psychological overload and will come in handy more than once in difficult life situations.

Other factors

There are several other factors that can provoke the appearance of red acne on the body that itch and cause anxiety. Answers to the question of what it might be in these cases are already more serious and require a trip to the doctor, but don't worry: rashes are only a secondary factor, and not a symptom of the disease itself. By eliminating the root cause, you will get rid of its manifestations on the skin. Other factors may include:

  1. Hormonal failure (consultation of an endocrinologist and / or gynecologist is necessary)
  2. Diseases of the internal organs (the therapist will refer you to the right doctor after consultation)
  3. Sebaceous gland disorders (go to a dermatologist)
  4. Weakened immunity (therapist again)

Diseases that cause a rash with itching

If you have ruled out all the common causes that can cause itchy rashes on the body, it's time to move on to more serious factors: diseases, among the direct symptoms of which are acne and itchy skin.


If you have small red pimples on your body that itch very much, and you wondered what it could be, consider scabies. Photos of characteristic rashes will help to understand whether pimples are similar to manifestations of this disease or not. The causative agent is the scabies mite, which is most often transmitted by direct tactile contact with the patient.

Itchy dermatitis

This is not so much a separate disease as a wide list of dermatological diseases, which are characterized by itchy skin. Children most often develop atopic dermatitis, while adults suffer from neurodermatitis; all ages are susceptible to urticaria. For these diseases, watery pimples on the body are most characteristic, which itch more strongly in the evening and at night.

Measles and chickenpox

In determining both diseases, an important factor is the accompanying fever, a rather sharp rise in temperature. But the manifestations on the skin are different: with chickenpox, the body is dotted with small pink pimples, and with measles, a spotty rash occurs, which quickly darkens.

molluscum contagiosum

This viral infection most often affects children under the age of ten, but adults also occasionally get sick. Molluscum contagiosum is characterized by pinkish pimples with mild itching.


At the initial stage of this disease, acne appears on the body, most often not red, but whitish. They itch and quickly increase to pustules, after the opening of which crusts remain on the skin. Erosions are possible.

How to solve the above problems: all the mentioned diseases necessarily require a trip to the doctor, a clinical examination for diagnosis, as well as professional treatment. Do not try to diagnose skin diseases and even more so use medicines on your own!

Remember that the best way to deal with skin rashes and itching is to prevent these problems. To do this, it is necessary to properly care for the skin on the face and body (with insufficient care, the infection can spread to the whole body), periodically examine yourself and loved ones for various rashes and pimples, and also regularly undergo preventive examinations. The recommended minimum frequency of visits to doctors is once a year, but by visiting the clinic once every six months, you are guaranteed to maintain good health and be able to recognize and stop the problem in time, if any.

In addition, remember a few simple rules that will help you protect yourself from infection with dermatological problems:

  1. Do not come into contact with sick people. Not all diseases can be noticed, but if a person scratches the same place suspiciously often, and it is clearly not bitten by mosquitoes, refrain from shaking hands, hugging or kissing until you understand what the problem is.
  2. If a family member has a dermatological disease, ask your doctor how contagious it is. You may also need to get tested - just to make sure everything is in order.
  3. Clean your home regularly with disinfectants. It is not necessary to live in hospital sterility, but reasonable cleanliness at home will reduce the risk of infection or being bitten by some kind of bug by an order of magnitude.

We hope that the article helped you find out why acne and itching appear on the body, and also what to do if this misfortune befell you or your loved ones. You can find additional information on the topic in this video about skin rashes and itching:

The protective reaction of the skin counteracts the penetration of microbes, protects against chemical and mechanical moments of danger, normalizes body temperature, feels heat, cold, touch, reflects emotions and human health. Rashes on the skin in the form of red spots with itching in adults can occur for a number of reasons. The participation of the skin in water-salt metabolism regulates the perspiration system and is of particular importance in the proper functioning of the body.

Causes of itching and redness on the skin

Any modification of the surface of the body is caused by a skin rash and redness of certain areas of the dermis. Most rashes come from simple irritation, others are caused by the introduction of pathogenic microbes into the body, and others are stressful. Skin itching, redness, primary and secondary rashes can be anywhere, and be widespread on the human body.

A rash is a symptom of certain fungal, bacterial, viral infections, it can be in the nature of an allergic manifestation or be an echo of a stressful situation.

Rashes of various kinds change the texture and color of the skin, which can become uneven, scaly, and irritated. The patient feels an urgent need to scratch the skin.

There are a number of causes that cause various kinds of rashes, including:

  • medications;
  • low-quality perfumes and cosmetics;
  • acute viral, infectious diseases and fungal infections.

contact dermatitis

Most often, it causes rashes upon contact with substances that cause reactions in the form of a rash, accompanied by itching, redness of body parts.

Possible causes of contact dermatitis include:

  • use of cosmetics, soap and washing powder;
  • the use of dyes in underwear and clothing;
  • contact with chemicals in rubber or latex products;
  • contact with poisonous plants.

Idiopathic urticaria

It is difficult to explain the causes of chronic urticarial fever: rashes and blisters of red, pink, sometimes white color (porcelain urticaria) suddenly appear on the skin. Mucous internal walls of the nose, mouth and larynx are less commonly affected.

Urticaria is accompanied by severe and painful itching. Rashes may be fleeting, but sometimes last for a long time, often turning into a chronic recurrent urticaria.

Spots and blisters on the skin have a different size, density and size. The contents of the blisters may contain blood. Persistent pigmentation remains at the sites of rashes.

Potential causes of urticaria are allergic, toxic or neuropsychiatric reactions in people. Sometimes the causes of the patient are combined, and it is not possible even for a specialist to distinguish between them.

Taking certain medications can cause a rash as a result of:

  • allergic reaction to medications;
  • side effect of the drug;
  • photosensitivity and skin type photosensitivity to medications.

When to Seek Emergency Medical Care

To the inexperienced eye, all rashes seem the same. Without bothering to think, many people immediately start taking antihistamine pills.

Everything is not so simple - as dermatologists say. Exanthema may appear as blotches, scars or blisters, which are of different colors, usually red; scaly or dry; located on one area of ​​​​the skin or throughout the body. Also, some rashes come and go randomly while others progress.

Although most rashes are not life-threatening, some of them may signal a more serious disorder in the life of the body.

If you have a rash and any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible:

  1. Rash all over body:
    covers large areas of the body and may indicate an infection or allergic reaction.
  2. There is a fever with a rash:
    can be caused by infections of scarlet fever, measles, mononucleosis, shingles, hay fever, rubella, erysipelas and other dangerous diseases.
  3. Sudden rapid spread of rash and difficulty breathing:
    allergic reactions to medications are common, but some can be problematic and lead to anaphylactic shock.
  4. If the rash consists of pimples (like a blister):
    converts to sores and sores, blisters are located on the skin around the eyes, in the mouth or genitals, an urgent evaluation by a doctor is necessary.
  5. If there is a rash in which there is a desire to scratch, scratch the lesion, there are vesicles, pustules with yellow or green contents, crusts, swelling, warmth or soreness in the lesion:
    the combination of a number of symptoms is a sign of viral, infectious or fungal diseases and requires treatment in the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

There is only one advice for those experimenting on their own: the rash can take different forms and, depending on the causes, take several days or weeks to recover. For proper diagnosis and treatment, use the services of a certified dermatologist.

How does light and photosensitivity of the skin affect health

Light sensitivity enhances the biopotential of individual chemical substances. It leads to two types of reactions: photo toxic (from interaction with ultraviolet sunlight); photo allergic (a side effect of drugs and cosmetics is observed during insolation).

In other words, vesicles and red spots on the body are due to the photo type of a person's skin, depending on the genes transferred to him and ethnicity.

Some antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and diuretics increase the body's photosensitivity.

Photosensitivity can cause the following diseases:

  • Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune pathology of the connective tissue. Red and purple spots appear on areas of the facial area when exposed to sunlight. A rash on the cheeks and outer walls of the nose creates a "butterfly" effect, the immune system fails, and the general condition of the sick person worsens.
  • Prurigo causes various types of enanthema in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, tumors and thyrotoxicosis. Sometimes it can appear during pregnancy (pruritus of pregnant women).

Allergens for knotty pruritus are spices, smoked meats, spicy dishes, excessive alcohol in the presence of endocrine disorders of the liver and biliary tract. Senile pruritus is associated with a change in metabolism and atherosclerosis, as a result of which the epidermis is dried out, the tubular sweat glands do not perform their functions, roseola and itching appear, which intensifies at night.

Alternative Causes of Skin Exanthems and Enanthems

  • Toxic bites of ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, mice, rats.
    It is fraught with the fact that these insects and rodents can transmit diseases dangerous to health (Lyme disease, types of typhoid, malaria).
  • Eczema in the form of a red rash with a scaly structure is found in people with asthma. As a rule, it is complicated by severe itching.
  • Psoriasis negatively affects the condition of the epidermis, causes not only itching, but also forms nodular blisters along the elbows, joints and scalp.
  • Seborrheic eczema is a type of eczema that affects the scalp and causes redness and dandruff. Sometimes it spreads to the ears, mouth, or nose.
  • Erythema infectiosum is called the fifth disease. Parvovirus B19 causes a red rash on the limbs (arms, legs) and cheeks in children. In adults, the symptoms are nausea, red spots, pain in the joints, wrists, ankles, knees. The disease is mild, but unfavorable for people with reduced immunity (with the presence of HIV infection, after chemotherapy) and pregnant women. Fifth disease can cause anemia in an unborn child.
  • Shingles occurs from the herpes virus left after the transferred childhood chickenpox. It lurks in the nervous tissues and resumes activity at a convenient opportunity for it. This infection is characterized by a red skin rash that is painful to the touch and burns at the affected area. Shingles appears in the form of a strip of blisters on one side - the trunk, neck or face. When activated, the virus affects the nerve nodes and the adjacent dermis. The rash is characterized by red spots and blisters with serous fluid, located on the back along or across the spine, on the face and ears. With a diagnosis of herpes zoster, patients experience burning itching in the affected areas, headache, muscle weakness, and fever with a high temperature. According to the totality of symptoms, the disease has various forms, is very dangerous for people of retirement age and progresses rapidly. Severe complications can lead to impaired hearing, vision, and even paralysis of parts of the face. If the first signs are found, you should urgently visit the office of an infectious disease specialist.
  • Scabies is caused by microscopic Sarcopte mites. They can live on the skin for a long time and reproduce by burrowing into tissues where they lay their eggs. Scabies is accompanied by unbearable itching, especially at night, pimples appear in the form of a disorderly scattering.
    Scabies is well known all over the world. A sick person can infect a group of people through direct contact or through their clothing and bedding. It is effectively treated with drugs and sulfur-based ointments that kill the colonies of scabies mites and their masonry. Doctors usually refer to scabies as the disease of dirty hands and recommend treatment for all people who have been in contact with an infectious patient.

If rashes on the skin in the form of red spots with itching in adults do not go away, then it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body, to identify the main cause.

Treatment of red spots with itching in adults

Drugs should have a complex effect on the elimination of the cause of the disease. If the rash is caused by an allergy, then antihistamines of the internal or external spectrum of action should be prescribed.

  • Fenistil gel.
  • Gistan.
  • Psilo balm.
  • Sinaflan.
  • Desitin.

Doctors often prescribe hormonal ointments to treat redness on the skin. Especially if standard therapy does not bring the desired results.

  • Advantan.
  • Triderm.
  • Elokom.

There are other creams and ointments that have a healing, moisturizing effect. Some experts prescribe antibiotic drugs for a quick recovery.

  • Elidel.
  • Akriderm.
  • Panthenol.

Traditional medicine can help in a complex effect. Salt baths perfectly steam the skin, eliminating itching and redness. A sequence can alleviate the situation. Baths with herbs can be done daily to relieve discomfort.

A rash usually accompanies some kind of disease. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is unlikely to help. You need to look for the cause of the rash, and not eliminate the external manifestations of the disease.

The body is covered with a rash and itches

There are many reasons for a rash: an allergic reaction, an infectious disease, autoimmune diseases, and so on. The rash may change throughout the illness. The primary rash appears on unchanged skin, it looks like a red spot, vesicle, papule, nodule or tubercle. When the rash changes in some way, such as peeling, darkening, cracking, or scarring, it becomes secondary.

Most often, the rash is itchy. A person cannot overcome himself, combs and injures the skin. A new infection enters the wounds, and abscesses form.

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease that is caused by group A streptococcus. If the body is covered with a rash and itches, the person may have contracted scarlet fever. With this disease, a rash is localized in the groin, on the buttocks, in the lower abdomen and on the cheeks. The rash lasts for several days, then it begins to peel off.

The RNA virus causes an infectious disease such as measles. This disease is extremely rare and only occurs in those who were not vaccinated in childhood. The incubation period lasts from one to two weeks. Then the body temperature rises sharply to forty degrees, the eyelids swell, a runny nose and headache appear.

After a while, rashes appear. Small red and pink spots of irregular shape cover the entire body and rise above the level of the skin. Four days after the first rash appears, the rash becomes brown and peeling begins. With proper treatment, after a couple of weeks, everything goes away on its own.

Rash on the body itches causes

Itching is an irresistible urge to scratch the skin. It appears due to allergies, skin diseases, insect bites or contact with chemicals.

Itching indicates that a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is damaged or that an inflammatory process has begun in the body. If the rash on the body itches, the reasons should be sought with the doctor, especially if it does not go away for a long time.

Itching occurs due to stress, allergies, neurosis and other problems. Sometimes elemental damage to the skin with coarse clothing causes itching.

If a scabies mite gets on the skin, the whole body begins to itch in a person, this disease is called scabies. Thin grayish stripes on the surface of the skin are tick moves. The disease is not fatal and is easily curable. In order to get rid of it, you need to go to a dermatologist and undergo a course of treatment with special ointments and medicines.

With hives, the body itches in places. The palms, earlobes and feet are the most disturbing. In especially severe cases, nausea, headache and swelling of the airways occur.

Pregnancy, allergies, diabetes mellitus, jaundice, impaired renal function, lymphogranulomatosis and many other conditions are accompanied by itching and discomfort.

First of all, you need to eliminate the pathology. Perhaps it will be enough that a person stops eating spices, salty and spicy foods, drinking tea, alcoholic beverages and coffee.

If a person has itching due to stress, you can start taking sedatives, such as valerian or motherwort. Soothing baths with sea salt or herbal decoctions have a positive effect on the psyche. You need to do them before bed. Vitamin complexes that contain iodine or calcium will also help.

A rash on the body itches, treatment should begin with not touching it. Scratching leads to infection of the wound and even more irritation.

Small rash on the body itches

Itching is generalized and localized. The first usually happens with some internal pathologies. Localized itching most often accompanies skin diseases. It is expressed in the form of spots, rashes and acne.

A small rash on the body itches allergies, scabies mites or sweat. Only a dermatologist can find out the cause of its occurrence.

Red rash on the body itches

Clear beautiful skin is a sign of health. If some kind of acne, bumps and eczema appear on the body, this becomes a problem not only for the sick person, but also for those who are nearby. Few people want to watch a person every day who itches all the time and does not look too healthy. People around immediately have the thought: “Isn’t it contagious?”.

If the red rash on the body itches for a long time, you need to visit a dermatologist. After all, she will not allow you to lead an active lifestyle: work, meet friends, go shopping and so on.

Watery rash on the body itches

There are many types of rashes. It is white, red, pink, watery, in the form of roseola, pustules, spots, and so on. If a watery rash on the body itches, you should try not to touch it and go to a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Itching and rash most often indicate that a person has an allergy. Although there are other reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon in all respects.

Any appearance of a rash on the body cannot be considered a single symptom. A rash always accompanies some kind of disease, sometimes not at all harmless, the cause of which often lies very deep somewhere. And trying to treat it yourself is not even worth it, it can end very, very badly.

Patients, noticing unfamiliar “elements” on the skin, are trying to understand where the red rash on the body came from, it itches, and sort out the reasons for this. In fact, there are a lot of reasons: infectious, allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases and many other reasons.

The elements of the rash are different, depending on the underlying disease. In many cases, they are pathognomonic symptoms (characteristic only for a given disease or pathological condition) and help in making the correct diagnosis.

The rash on the skin during the entire episode of the disease changes. In this regard, it is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary - a rash that appeared on intact skin, it happens in the form of a red spot, vesicle (vesicle), papules, pustules, nodule, tubercle.
Secondary - a rash that has undergone a number of changes: peeling, darkening, crusting, cracks, erosion, scarring, atrophy (loss) of tissue at the site of the primary rash or its hypertrophy (growth).

The rash often itches, and patients scratch it, injuring the skin. As a result, exorinations (scratches) remain on the skin, which can become infected, as a result, pustules appear.

What diseases cause a red rash on the skin?

Scarlet fever- an infectious disease caused by group A streptococcus. A specific red rash on the body, coupled with scarlet fever and scarlet fever, is the basis for the clinical diagnosis of this disease. Features of the rash: it itches small, mainly located on the skin of the lower abdomen, inguinal region, buttocks. On the face, a characteristic location is the cheeks. At the same time, the nose, chin, and the area around the lips remain clean. Such patients have a typical appearance: a pale nasolabial triangle (the skin of the nose and around the mouth) and bright red cheeks. The rash lasts for several days, then it regresses, begins to peel off.

Measles. An infectious disease caused by an RNA virus. Mostly unvaccinated children get sick. The incubation period is from 8 to 14 days, sometimes it can last up to 17 days. The disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to high numbers (39-40C). The red conjunctiva of the eyes appears swelling of the eyelids, runny nose, headache, voice becomes hoarse.

Rashes appear on the 4-5th day from the onset of the disease in the form of small pink or red spots that have an irregular shape. The rash rises slightly above the level of the skin. As the disease progresses, the elements merge with each other, which distinguishes a measles rash from rubella. On the first day, the rash is located on the face, neck, behind the ears. On the second and third days, it covers other parts of the body: the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, including the fingers, and the torso. From the 4th day of the rash, the reverse development begins. The rash changes color, darkens to become brown, then peels off. After 10-14 days from the moment the first element of the rash appears, it disappears without a trace.

To differentiate measles from other diseases accompanied by the appearance of a red itchy rash on the body, there is a pathognomonic symptom - Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots. These spots are located on the inner surface of the cheeks near the molars in the form of small whitish spots.

Meningococcal infection is a serious infectious disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis meningococcus. It affects the dura mater. Mortality from this disease is very high. Patients have a high fever, there are positive meningeal symptoms: Kernig, Lassegue, neck stiffness.

In addition to the main signs, the presence of specific rashes is characteristic. Against the background of pallor of the skin, irregular red spots appear, sometimes in the form of a star. Very quickly they increase in size, can merge with each other. As the disease progresses, the red rash takes the form of hemorrhages with haunting necrosis. Favorite localization: limbs, torso, face.

herpetic infection- a viral disease. At the beginning, a red rash appears on the skin, it itches. Then, very quickly, bubbles filled with a clear liquid form in its place.

Psoriasis. Chronic skin disease presumably has an autoimmune mechanism of development. The main element of the rash in psoriasis is a psoriatic plaque. Its color, size and shape depends on the stage of the disease. During an exacerbation, it looks like a red scaly spot or papule. In the latter case, the plaque rises above the level of the skin. As the disease progresses, the rash undergoes a series of changes - redness and size decrease. As the process subsides, only a depigmentation site may remain at the site of the rash. Psoriatic rashes are very itchy and itchy, bringing patients a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant moments.

allergic rashes. They can be in the form of small dotted rashes of red color, or red spots of various shapes rising above the level of the skin with a tendency to merge. The rash is very itchy, itchy, patients comb the skin, which leads to the formation of excoriations.

Human skin can be called an indicator of health. This is especially true of a small child, whose skin is very sensitive to any changes - both in external conditions and in the general state of internal organs and body systems.

Skin rashes can be of a different nature. Some of them are not dangerous, others are a signal for the development of an allergic, infectious or autoimmune process. It is impossible to ignore a rash in a child or treat it yourself without finding out the root cause.

Skin rashes are very common in young children.

Types of rash in babies

In dermatology, there are three large groups into which all possible skin rashes in infants are distributed:

  1. Physiological. This type of rash occurs in newborns. Rashes appear on the body as a result of hormonal changes occurring in the body.
  2. Immunological. It is the result of exposure to the epidermis of various irritating factors, such as allergens, temperature or friction. Such rashes include hives, prickly heat, an allergic reaction, or atopic dermatitis. Violation of elementary hygiene rules can also lead to unwanted manifestations.
  3. Infectious. A rash is a symptom that accompanies a certain infectious (viral) disease, for example, chicken pox or scarlet fever (for more details, see the article:).

Causes of rashes

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There are many reasons why a rash can occur on the head, face, arms, legs, sternum, back, or back of the head. The most likely are:

  1. Diseases that are viral in nature. These include measles, rubella, chickenpox, mononucleosis.
  2. Diseases of bacterial etiology. For example, scarlet fever.
  3. Allergy. Food products, hygiene products, clothing, household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, insect bites can cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Mechanical damage to the epidermis. With insufficient quality treatment of the wound, irritation of the skin around it may begin, manifesting itself in the form of pimples, white dots, colorless vesicles, goosebumps, red or pink spots.
  5. Problems with blood clotting. In this situation, the rash is a small hemorrhage characteristic of meningococcal meningitis.

So, the rash in babies is of different types and has a different etiology. It is not worth it to self-diagnose and determine the type of rashes using photos from the Internet, even with good explanations. This should be done by a specialist.

Diseases accompanied by rashes

Any kind of rash on the body refers to the symptoms of the disease. They can be very different in appearance. The rash is papular, small-dotted or, conversely, in the form of large dots or pimples. It comes in a variety of colors, ranging from clear or white to bright red. The characteristics describing the rashes directly depend on their etiology or the ailment that they accompany.

Dermatological diseases

Among the diseases of dermatological etiology, the symptoms of which are a variety of rashes, one can note:

  • dermatoses (for example,);
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • candidiasis and other diseases of the epidermis.

Almost always, skin diseases are caused by problems with internal organs and systems in combination with the influence of external factors. For example, neurodermatitis can be triggered by malfunctions of the nervous and endocrine systems against the background of a decrease in immunity. In such a situation, complex therapy is required using medications, and not just ointments or creams.

Psoriasis on the hands of a child

As for psoriasis, at the initial stage it looks like an allergic reaction, but over time, the plaques acquire a characteristic appearance. Another name for the disease is scaly lichen. Psoriasis and eczema are very rare in children of one month of age. Genetic predisposition to these diseases only after 2 years.

Allergic reaction

One of the main symptoms of an allergy is a rash. An adverse reaction is the result of taking medications or eating certain foods. Possessing a different shape and size, rashes can spread throughout the body, including the face, chest, limbs.

The main characteristic difference between the rash with allergies is the increase in its severity when exposed to the allergen and the disappearance after the exclusion of the irritant. Another feature is the presence of severe itching.

The most common manifestations of an allergic rash are:

  1. . Occurs due to food, drugs and temperature factors. Sometimes it is impossible to determine the true cause of hives.
  2. . It is a papular red rash that merges and crusts as it develops. Most often occurs on the face, cheeks and in places where the arms and legs are bent. Accompanied by itching.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema

Infectious diseases

Quite often, a rash is a sign of an infectious disease. The most famous of them:

  1. . The child develops characteristic watery vesicles, which, drying up, form a crust. They are characterized by itching. The temperature may also rise, but sometimes the disease goes away without it.
  2. . The main symptoms are enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a rash in the form of small red spots or dots that first appear on the face, and then move to the neck, shoulders and further spread throughout the body.
  3. . It manifests itself in the form of round spots and nodules behind the auricles, spreading throughout the body. The disease is also accompanied by peeling, pigmentation disorders, fever, conjunctivitis, cough and photophobia.
  4. . Initially, the rashes are localized on the cheeks, then they move to the limbs, chest and torso. Gradually, the rash becomes more pale. Scarlet fever is also characterized by a bright red color of the palate and tongue.
  5. . It starts with a rise in temperature. The fever lasts for about three days, after which a red spotted rash appears on the body.
  6. . It is characterized by a red rash that is very itchy.

Symptoms of chickenpox are difficult to confuse with symptoms of another infection.
Rashes with rubella
Signs of measles
Rash with roseola

Rashes in a newborn

The sensitive skin of newborns is most susceptible to negative external influences. Among the most frequent cases of rashes on the body of the baby are noted:

  1. . It usually appears in a child due to heat as a result of overheating and difficulty in sweating. Most often, this type of rash forms on the head, in particular under the hair, on the face, in the folds of the skin, where diaper rash is present. Rashes are blisters and spots that do not cause discomfort to the child (see also:).
  2. . Inflamed papules and pustules affect the face, the skin on the head under the hair, and the neck. They are a consequence of the activation of the sebaceous glands through the hormones of the mother. Such acne usually does not need to be treated, but good care and skin hydration should be provided. They pass without a trace, leaving no scars or pale spots.
  3. . It appears as papules and pustules, having a white-yellow color, 1 to 2 mm in diameter, surrounded by a red rim. They appear on the second day of life, then gradually disappear on their own.

Sweating on the face of the baby

How to localize the rash to determine the disease?

One of the important characteristics of rashes on the body is their localization. It is by what part of the body that the spots, dots or pimples are located, it is possible to determine the nature of the problem and the disease that became the root cause of their appearance.

Naturally, this is not the only parameter that is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, but it is quite possible to reduce the number of ailment options. However, a dermatologist should analyze the factors that caused the appearance of a rash on a particular part of the body, and how to treat it in order to avoid serious consequences of self-medication.

Rash on the face

One of the parts of the body that is most susceptible to all sorts of dermatitis is the face.

In addition to the fact that the appearance of small pimples or spots on the face indicates pathologies in the body, such defects also become an aesthetic problem.

The reasons why a rash affects the facial area can be very diverse:

  1. Reaction to the sun. Occurs with prolonged exposure to the sun.
  2. Allergy. It can be caused by cosmetic products, for example, creams based on citrus oils. Food is also often the cause.
  3. Prickly heat. It is observed in infants of one year of age and younger with poor-quality skin care.
  4. Diathesis. They affect children who are breastfed.
  5. Puberty in adolescents.
  6. Infectious diseases. These include measles, rubella and scarlet fever.

Eruptions all over the body

Quite often, the rash affects more than one specific area, but spreads almost throughout the body.

Allergic rash in a newborn

If the child is covered with various kinds of rashes, this indicates:

  1. Erythema toxic. The rash affects 90% of the body. Disappears within 3 days of detoxification.
  2. Newborn acne (we recommend reading:). Bathing with baby soap, air baths, care and proper nutrition are the solution to this problem.
  3. Allergic reaction. It can manifest as urticaria or contact dermatitis anywhere on the body where contact with the allergen has occurred.
  4. Infections. If nothing has changed in the diet and habits of the child, then the possible cause of the rash is an infectious disease.

Red dots on arms and legs

As for the rash on the limbs, its main cause is usually an allergy. Especially such allergic manifestations affect the hands. They can remain on the skin for a long time if the child experiences constant stress, emotional distress and fatigue. If you start the problem, it can develop into eczema.

Another reason why it may sprinkle on the hands and feet is a fungal disease (such as psoriasis, scabies or lupus). In cases where there is no rash elsewhere, simple sweating is possible.

Allergic rash on the foot of a child

Rash on the abdomen

The main factor that can provoke the appearance of a rash on the abdomen is infection, in particular, such well-known diseases as measles, rubella, scarlet fever and chicken pox. With timely and competent treatment, the rash begins to disappear as early as 3-4 days.

Usually, besides the abdomen, the skin is affected in other places. However, if the rash is present exclusively on the abdomen, then contact dermatitis is most likely caused by an allergen in contact with the baby's tummy.

Rashes on the head and neck

A rash on the head or neck is most often the result of sweating. In this case, the thermoregulation of the child should be normalized and proper skin care should be provided. You can also smear the affected areas with ointments and bathe the baby in a row.

Among other reasons for the appearance of a rash in these places are:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies (we recommend reading:);
  • neonatal pustulosis;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis

red dots on the back

The most common causes of red dots on the back and shoulders are:

  • allergy;
  • prickly heat;
  • insect bites;
  • measles;
  • rubella (we recommend reading:);
  • scarlet fever.

Two more probable diseases associated with such a localization of red dots as the back are.