Tablets for mild tremors. Methods of pain relief for concussion - immediate and long-term care

Concussion ranks first among skull injuries not only in children, but also in adults. But the danger lies in the incident itself, and the consequences that may occur after some time. Anti-concussion pills, which can only be prescribed by a doctor, can help prevent the development of serious illnesses after an injury and eliminate symptoms.

The gray matter does not come into contact with the walls of the skull, thanks to special protection - cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). As a result of a severe bruise or blow, the brain interacts with the bone tissue and receives a response push from the opposite wall. As a result:

  1. Metabolism in tissues is disrupted.
  2. Microcracks form in the cerebral cortex and gray matter.
  3. Vessels are injured.
  4. Nutrients stop flowing to the brain.
  5. Possible hemorrhage.

A concussion can be caused by a fall on a hard surface, injuries received during sports, or car accidents. Similar pathologies are diagnosed even in infants who were rocked with great diligence in a stroller.

Main signs of injury

The pathological state of the brain is accompanied by severe symptoms that appear immediately after the injury, as well as secondary ones that make themselves felt after a few hours.

For the first time, depending on the severity of the injury, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • blurry consciousness lasting 2-3 minutes;
  • memory loss – regarding events that occurred before the injury;
  • spasms that spread throughout the head and create unpleasant discomfort;
  • dizziness, unbearable nausea and severe vomiting;
  • flash before the eyes or flickering spots;
  • extraneous sounds in the ears;
  • disorientation in space;
  • fainting from 2-3 minutes, which can last up to 5 hours depending on the severity of the head injury.

After an hour, the intensity of the symptoms decreases and relief occurs. It is important to identify the pathology in a timely manner in order to start taking pills for concussions and brain diseases. Only adequate treatment will prevent the development of late signs: weakness, increased excitability, insomnia.

Don't miss a single symptom

First aid for head injury

In case of a concussion, that is, the presence of obvious symptoms, the SPM team should be called. Before the arrival of doctors, the victim can, if necessary, be provided with qualified assistance:

  1. Place the patient on a hard surface, only horizontal.
  2. Turn your head to the side, this will prevent swallowing of the tongue and the penetration of vomit into the lungs.
  3. If there are no fractures, bend your right leg and place your hand under your head.
  4. In case of obvious damage, treat the injured area with an antiseptic and iodine.

First aid is aimed only at alleviating the patient’s serious condition. You cannot prescribe medications on your own; only a qualified doctor, after a full examination in a hospital, can tell you which pills are best to take.

Diagnosis of traumatic brain injury

The first warning signs after a concussion can remind you even a month later. Through a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound, CT, MRI, radiography, as well as an electroencephalogram, an accurate diagnosis is made.

The severity of the resulting traumatic brain injury is determined based on several factors:

  • nature of consciousness;
  • vital statistics;
  • neurological focal signs.

Changes in the general condition of the patient and his mental and emotional perception of everything around him in the very first days are determined every 2-3 hours.

Patient care

In case of a mild concussion, after treatment and observation, the doctor sends the patient home within 24 hours. For a quick recovery, the patient is recommended to follow several rules:

  1. Bed rest.
  2. The room in which the patient rests should be darkened.
  3. You will have to give up watching TV, tablets and reading.
  4. You can listen to calm music, but only without using a headset.
  5. Eliminate stressful situations.

Taking medications is indicated only for moderate or severe traumatic brain injury. Therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a neurologist.

Determine the severity

Medications for concussions

The main condition in the treatment of skull injuries is the refusal to use aggressive medications, since the goal of therapy is to restore the functionality of the gray matter, eliminate headaches, increased irritability, dizziness and other pathological conditions. More often medications are prescribed from the group of sedatives, sleeping pills and analgesics in the form of capsules or intramuscular injections.

Medicines to eliminate pain are prescribed individually, taking into account the general condition of the patient. The main list of drugs includes:

  • medicine "Sedalgin";
  • proven drug "Analgin";
  • "Pentalgin";
  • medicine "Maksiganom";
  • "Baralgin."

Tonics and multivitamin complexes - ginseng root or Eleutherococcus - will help restore cerebral circulation after a head injury.

For dizziness, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

  1. "Bellaspon."
  2. medicine "Tanakan".
  3. "Betaserc" or "Papaverine".
  4. effective medicine "Belloid".
  5. "Microzer".

To restore sleep, patients drink Phenobarbital or Reladorm, although some patients limit themselves to taking Diphenhydramine tablets.

Sleep needs to be restored

The following are used as sedatives:

  • "Corvalol" (tablets or drops);
  • tincture of medicinal valerian or motherwort;
  • drops "Valoserdin".

In parallel with eliminating the symptoms of a concussion, it is recommended to carry out additional measures aimed at treating the metabolic and vascular systems of the body. This will not only speed up the recovery of gray matter, but also prevent the development of possible post-concussion disorders.

The best options are Cavinton, Nootropil, Sermion, Aminalon or the drug Stugeron.

For increased anxiety, tranquilizers are used:

  1. Medicine "Sibazon".
  2. "Phenazepam."
  3. "Rudotel".
  4. Nozepam remedy.
  5. "Elenium".

To eliminate the asthenic condition, the drug “Pantogam”, “Cogitum” or one of the multivitamin complexes “Centrum”, vitamins “Unicap-T”, “Vitrum” may be prescribed. For general tone, take tincture of ginseng and lemongrass.

First aid for traumatic brain injuries or suspicions of them is to ensure complete rest, cold lotions and ice compresses. In the absence of severe vomiting, painkillers are indicated.

First things first, you need a cold compress

Recovery after a concussion

You should also take medications for traumatic brain injuries after you are discharged from the hospital. To eliminate possible consequences, the patient is recommended to adhere to a certain regimen:

  • full sleep 8-10 hours;
  • constant flow of oxygen;
  • optimal air temperature – 18-20 degrees;
  • exclude heavy foods, chocolate, coffee and carbonated drinks;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • stop smoking;
  • To maintain muscle tone, light exercise is recommended (biking, swimming, exercise therapy).

After a concussion, the doctor prescribes medications and after treatment in a hospital, as well as physical therapy - pressure chamber, manual therapy, massage, acupuncture. The patient needs to avoid increased mental and physical stress and protect himself from stressful situations.

Treatment of traumatic brain injury can be carried out at home, but only after a comprehensive examination and consultation with a neurologist. Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy, including taking pills and other effective procedures aimed at restoring the functioning of the brain and its basic functions.

The head is an important part of the whole body and the entire organism as a whole, without proper work, a person will not be able to lead a normal life. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms appear after a blow or injury, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible, undergo a full examination and begin competent treatment.

One of the most common brain injuries is a concussion. An ordinary person will not be able to distinguish between a concussion and a bruise, since the symptoms are quite similar to each other. Any injury to the head or brain requires proper first aid. It is advisable to visit a specialist immediately. In this article, we will tell you how to identify a concussion, if any, how to treat it, and whether self-medication is dangerous.

In addition, damage levels can also be distinguished. There are only three of them:

  1. At the first level, fainting occurs, but after half an hour everything returns to normal.
  2. At the second level, some disorientation in space and time may appear. This phenomenon also disappears after half an hour.
  3. At the third level, the victim may lose consciousness for a short amount of time with partial memory loss.

Treatment of concussion with medications

After a person has a concussion, he must be urgently hospitalized and examined. Then the specialist makes a decision to leave the patient in the hospital or assign the patient to bed rest at home while following a course of drug therapy. To examine the damaged areas and make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo certain procedures, namely:

  • Electroencephalogram;
  • CT and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Obtain an X-ray of the head, neck and spine;
  • Consult an ophthalmologist.

Often, for a concussion, certain medications are prescribed that relieve symptoms, reduce pain and restore the functioning of all internal processes. These primarily include neuroprotectors. Some of the most popular and effective medications are nootropil or piracetam. The adult dose of the drug is 1.2 g several times a day. In addition, specialists prioritize the following drugs:

  • Somazine is used intravenously in the form of a physical solution.
  • The antioxidant is also administered intravenously. Actovegin or Mildronate are often used.
  • The dehydrant is taken in tablets.
  • Kaviton stabilizes the function of the vascular system.
  • Vitamins, namely group B, folic acid, phosphorus for the general tone of the body.
  • If you have severe headaches, nervous disorders, or insomnia, take sedative medications. The most effective are adaptol and dormiplant, as well as their analogues.

The listed drugs are necessary in order to heal the body after a concussion of any degree, but it is worth immediately noting that you should not treat yourself, because if you select the wrong dose, you can only aggravate the situation and harm yourself. First of all, get a full diagnosis at the hospital from specialists.

Medications for adults for concussions

When a concussion occurs in an adult, it is very important to avoid the use of heavy and aggressive drugs. The main purpose of the medications is to stabilize brain function, relieve headaches, dizziness, restore proper sleep, remove anxiety and other unpleasant symptoms. For adults, an analgesic, sleeping pill or sedative in tablet form is perfect. Intramuscular injections are less common. In order to relieve headaches, you can drink analgin, maxigan, pentalgin and other analogues. These same drugs are also suitable for relieving dizziness. Additionally, you can drink betaserc, belloid or papaverine. To calm a person, motherwort, carvalol, and valerian are used. When symptoms increase - an anxious feeling occurs, the doctor prescribes one of the tranquilizers - phenazepam, elenium, rudotel, sibazon or nozepam.

It is exciting and scary for every parent when their child gets a concussion or even a simple bruise. In any case, the child needs to be examined by a specialist. It is best for an ambulance to take the child to the hospital, where he will be examined by a neurosurgeon or neurologist. If minor symptoms are observed, this does not mean that the damage is not severe. With a cerebral hemorrhage, the child may not even feel anything, and the damage will progress, the condition worsening over several days. The child experiences a change in behavior, he is excitable, he feels nauseous and vomits, he often falls asleep, and his consciousness is depressed. If there is an open wound on the head, it must be treated first. Create a calm atmosphere for your child. It is necessary to hospitalize the baby. This is necessary in order to monitor, under the supervision of specialists, whether the damage process is progressing, whether intracranial hematomas or epilepsy will appear. Also in the hospital the child will be provided with psychological and emotional peace.

The course of drug therapy also has its own goals. It is necessary to prescribe medications that make the urinary system work. The most effective remedy is diacarb. In addition to it, potassium is prescribed. The main goal is to relieve swelling in the brain. In addition, sedatives are prescribed in order to restore the nervous system. In the presence of severe headaches, analgesics are prescribed. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, then cerucal is prescribed. Vitamin groups and nootropics, which improve metabolism, are also prescribed as preventive agents. If the condition does not improve, the child is sent for additional examination and procedures are prescribed in the form of tomography, EEG, neurosonography, etc.

Often the child gets better within a few weeks. The concussion ends without complicated symptoms, after which he can return to a normal, fulfilling life. You can take your child to a home environment after a couple of days. However, control at home should be tightened so that the child does not engage in physical activity for some time, or sit in front of the TV or other gadgets.

It is likely that after a concussion a person will have headaches for a certain amount of time. They have a different character - with a specific location, pulsating, but if their cause is not a problem with the vascular system, any migraine or neoplasm will be removed by simple painkillers. These include analgin, citramon - each drug is determined by a doctor or independently, taking into account the factor of an allergic reaction, the tolerability of certain components in the drug, etc. These same factors guide the choice of medications against dizziness. These include tanakan, belloid. A sedative may also relieve headaches. Together with a tranquilizer, any sedative (motherwort, valerian) has a significant effect after a concussion.

After visiting and consulting with a doctor, he may, in addition to drug therapy, prescribe therapy to treat blood vessels and the nervous system. This is necessary to improve metabolism, start the regeneration of neurons, and resume lost functions. Often, after a concussion, symptoms and consequences can manifest themselves in the asthenic sphere. In this case, Pantogam is prescribed 3 times a day, Cogita - once a day, or Vasobral - 2 times a day. Dosages are prescribed by the doctor himself. In addition, tonic medications in the form of ginseng, saparal, lemongrass and others will be quite effective. They need to be taken in small quantities, as an overdose causes headaches. A person who has been subject to a concussion should not drink coffee or use drugs, smoke or drink alcoholic beverages for some time.

To prevent sclerosis after injury in older people, doctors may prescribe a special course to reduce the risk of its occurrence. When healing an injury, it is necessary to monitor how the consequences progress in the form of concomitant chronological diseases, and treat them in parallel with the main course. It is worth noting that if the patient is prone to epileptic seizures, it is urgently necessary to put him under dispensary control. After you have suffered a concussion or some other injury, it is recommended to go on vacation and recover from the illness and injury.

Relaxing in the fresh air, walking a lot in the park or going out into nature, and having good, healthy sleep (about 7 hours) will be very useful. If the victim’s profession is sports, then unfortunately, he will have to turn his income into a hobby. Since the consequences of the damage will be expressed on your health, it can overtake you suddenly, for example, during training or competition. When spending time in sports, try to take care of yourself, wear a helmet and goggles on your head to protect your eyes. If you have a car, drive carefully, pay attention to the road, and do not get distracted in order to avoid accidents and sudden braking, which can subsequently lead to a head injury. Careful behavior on the street, while driving and in other cases can save your health and even life.

Taking into account the above medications and drugs, you can heal yourself and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a concussion in just a few days.

According to statistics, concussion ranks first among traumatic brain injuries suffered by both adults and children. According to doctors, one should be afraid not so much of the incident itself, but of the consequences that may appear after some time. To prevent such scenarios from occurring, you need to know how to properly treat the disease and what medications to take for a concussion.

There are many reasons why a person can get a concussion, for example, in a road accident, at home, in a fall, at work, while playing sports, and all sorts of criminal factors also play a significant role.

After an injury, even with the slightest suspicion of a concussion (sharp or throbbing pain in the head, dizziness, nausea, problems with hearing and coordination), you should contact a traumatologist or neurologist at the emergency hospital.

If a person next to you is injured and loses consciousness or is in a stunned state, call an ambulance, wait for the team to arrive and describe the incident in detail, because every little detail is important to the medical staff.

The specialist needs to know what kind of injury caused the concussion, the first symptoms after it, how long the patient was unconscious (if any). Traces of trauma on the head and factors such as the presence of mental problems, information about a person’s use of alcoholic beverages, drugs or medications, etc. can play a dual role.

After a superficial examination, the necessary studies are performed. In particular, ophthalmography, Doppler ultrasound, otoneurological examination, and electroencephalography are quite useful. But MRI most often does not detect any abnormalities.

If doctors have not identified signs of focal brain damage, and the patient’s general condition does not require active drug therapy, the patient can continue treatment at home after 1-2 days in the hospital. If, of course, the conditions at home are quite favorable, and the person has a strong desire to leave the hospital. With all this, it should be possible to periodically monitor doctors and quickly return to the hospital if unforeseen circumstances arise.

Treatment of concussion with medications

Treatment of concussion with medications should not be aggressive, because it is mainly aimed at normalizing brain functions, relieving pain, dizziness, restless behavior, sleep disturbances and other symptoms. Typically, the range of prescribed medications includes analgesics, hypnotics and sedatives. Most often in the form of tablets, and in some cases in injections.

Among painkillers for concussions, the most suitable drug for the patient is selected:

  • pentalgin;
  • sedalgin;
  • analgin;
  • maxigan;
  • baralgin.

In the same way, tablets are prescribed for dizziness, choosing one thing:

  • belloid;
  • tanakan;
  • betaserk;
  • platiphylline;
  • bellaspon;
  • papaverine;
  • microzer.

The following are used as sedatives:

  • motherwort;
  • valocordin;
  • valerian;
  • Carvalol.

And also tranquilizers:

  • sibazon;
  • rudotel;
  • phenazepam;
  • Elenium;
  • Nozepam.

To relieve a person from insomnia, Rela-dorm or phenobarbital is prescribed. It is worth noting that in most patients, sleep improves when exposed to diphenhydramine.

Along with symptomatic treatment of a concussion, it is useful to carry out a course of vascular and metabolic therapy, which are good for a more specific and rapid restoration of damaged brain functions and the prevention of all kinds of post-concussion symptoms.

The body responds best to a combination of nootropic (aminolone, nootropil, picamilon, enpephabol) and vasotropic (sermion, stuteron, teonicol, cavinton) drugs. Gliatilin is also quite effective. As options for various treatment, the following may well be prescribed: 3 times a dose of Cavinton, one tablet 5 mg and nootropil, two capsules 0.7 mg, or stugeron, 25 mg tablets, and encephabol, 0.1 mg tablet, for 30-60 days.

To eliminate asthenic manifestations after a concussion, the following is prescribed orally: cogitum 20 mg once a day, pantogam 0.5 three times a day, vasobral 2 ml twice a day, as well as multivitamins such as “Centrum”, “Unicap-T”, “Vitrum” and the like, 1 tablet once a day.

Among the drugs that increase tone, as a rule, they use an infusion of eleutherococcus, a decoction of ginseng root, saparal, pantocrine, and lemongrass fruits.

If an elderly person has suffered a concussion, anti-sclerotic treatment is increased. In addition, due attention is paid to the treatment of various diseases accompanying a concussion.

When the patient has no history of epileptic seizures, and EEG indicators do not indicate seizure readiness, preventive anticonvulsant therapy is not necessary.

To prevent possible deviations in the normal completion of treatment, a person must be observed by a neurologist at the clinic at his place of residence for a year.

Failure to comply with treatment recommendations and regimen can lead to an increase in the recovery period and the appearance of various unpleasant consequences, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenic syndrome, emotional, behavioral and cognitive disorders. Those who drink alcoholic beverages may experience epileptic seizures.

The doctor prescribes pills for concussions to the patient after a comprehensive examination and confirmation of the diagnosis. For treatment, the patient must take a number of medications, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Self-administration of such medications, such as anti-concussion pills, is strictly prohibited due to the presence of a large number of side effects that can complicate the treatment process.

What medications should I take first?

For a concussion, doctors most often recommend that patients use medications such as Piracetam or Nootropil.

They are best taken 3 times in 24 hours. The doctor sets the dosage individually for each patient, but an adult patient should not take more than 1.2 g at a time.

  1. Solutions for intravenous administration - Somazin or Cerebrolysin.
  2. Antioxidants such as Mildronate or Actovegin.
  3. Tablets called Diacarb containing dehydrants.
  4. To stabilize the functioning of blood vessels after a concussion, the drug Cavinton is used.
  5. The patient needs to take vitamin and mineral complexes produced in the form of tablets, which contain some acids, phosphorus and B vitamins that the body needs.
  6. If after a concussion the patient develops insomnia, severe pain in the head, and various disorders associated with the disease begin, the doctor may recommend Dormiplant, Adaptol and other similar medications to the patient.

The treatment course for concussion of brain structures should not be aggressive. Treatment should help the patient’s brain to normalize its functioning, relieve pain, causeless anxiety and other signs of illness.

Other drugs used to fight the disease

Among the medications used by doctors are analgesics, sedatives, and sleeping pills. Most often, doctors recommend that patients take these drugs in the form of tablets or capsules. In especially severe cases, it is possible to use the medicine in the form of an injection.

For pain relief from concussion of brain structures, it is recommended to use drugs such as Pentalgin, Baralgin, Analgin, etc.; it is better not to use them on your own. You should consult your doctor.

If these drugs are not suitable, the doctor may offer the patient Maxigan or Sedalgin.

If a patient has dizziness, it is recommended to select one of the appropriate medications. Typically, Belloid, Microzer, and Platyfillin are used for treatment. But these medications are not suitable for everyone, so the doctor may suggest Tanakan, Papaverine, Betaserc or Bellaston tablets.

Of the sedative medications, the patient is most often given Motherwort, Corvalol, Valerian tablets or Valocordin. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the patient receives tranquilizers such as Sibazon, Nozepam, Phenazepam. In some cases, tranquilizers such as Elenium or Rudotel work better.

Along with medicinal treatments, doctors may recommend that the patient not drink black coffee (especially a strongly brewed drink) after a course of rehabilitation. It is better for the patient to get rid of such a bad habit as smoking.

If during treatment the patient has a tendency to develop symptoms of epilepsy, then he is transferred to dispensary control. Any patient with a concussion during the recovery period should take long-term leave, as rehabilitation may take a long period.

A person should sleep for about 9-10 hours (falling asleep for longer is not recommended), walk in the fresh air (hiking is recommended). The doctor may recommend that the patient switch to proper nutrition, and after treatment, engage in feasible physical exercise.

After a concussion, many people experience insomnia. To eliminate this symptom of the disease, you can take Diphenhydramine, Phenobarbital or Rela-Dorm (available with a doctor's prescription).

Together with symptomatic treatment, the doctor conducts a course of metabolic and vascular therapy. This allows you to quickly restore the functionality of brain structures and prevents the occurrence of various complications.

For these purposes, the most common use of Aminolon, Enpephabol or Nootropil with Cavinton, Stuteron or Teonicol is used. Gliatilin is considered one of the most effective drugs for this stage of treatment.

The dosage of each drug is determined by the attending physician. This course of treatment is carried out for 2 months. All medications are given to the patient in the form of tablets or pills.

If the patient has developed asthenic manifestations, then he should drink Cogitum once a day, Pantogam - 3 times a day, Vasobral - 2 times in 24 hours. The dosage is determined by the attending physician. The patient is given additional multivitamin complexes Centrum, Vitrum and other vitamins. They must be taken together with the indicated medications once a day.

To increase tone, the patient is given a decoction of ginseng roots, lemongrass (fruit), tincture of Eleutherococcus, Pantocrine or Saparal. If the disease affects an elderly person, it is necessary to strengthen measures to combat sclerotic phenomena and diseases accompanying concussion.

To prevent various deviations, after the course of treatment the patient must visit a doctor at his place of residence for 12-14 months.

If the patient does not comply with the regimen established by the doctors, the recovery period will sharply increase, various lesions of the brain vessels may develop, and asthenic syndrome may appear. The patient's behavior will change and cognitive impairment will appear.

Drinking alcohol during the course of therapy is not recommended, as this can cause the patient to develop epileptic attacks.

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

There is a public perception that a concussion is a minor injury. The sufferer will lie down and everything will go away on its own, and at home. Like, anti-concussion pills are a stupid waste of money.

  • Ketorolac;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Movalis.

The main side effect of drugs in this group is an irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.


Having a stimulating effect on higher nervous functions. They increase the brain's resistance to increased stress and normalize metabolic processes.

Popular pills for concussions in adults:

  • Nootropil;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Pantogam;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Ceraxon;
  • Pantocalcin.

Nootropics are available in various dosage forms. If an injectable drug is prescribed, the victim should be hospitalized.

Vasotropic agents

With head injuries, blood supply to the brain tissue may be impaired. They are accompanied by spasm of vascular lines and the formation of blood clots.

The active substances of vasotropic drugs act directly on the vascular wall. This eliminates spasm, normalizes blood composition and erythrocyte function, and improves metabolic processes.

List of typical ones of this group:

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Naftidrofuryl;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Actovegin;
  • Mexidol;
  • Nicergoline.

Vasotropics, like nootropics, are used only on a hospital basis, since their dosages and ratios are calculated individually.

The main side effects of vasotropes are headaches, insomnia, nausea and vomiting. Drugs in this group are not used in the treatment of concussion in a child.


With head injuries and contusions, a common symptom is increased intracranial pressure. To relieve swelling and prevent further damage to brain tissue, the use of diuretics is indicated.

Medicines for concussion of this pharmaceutical group are often prescribed in tablet form. Infusion solutions are indicated only for severe head injuries.

What the doctor will prescribe:

  • Diacarb;
  • Aldactone.

These are short-term medications. The main side effects of diuretics are excessive excretion of salts from the body, headaches, dizziness, and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Unpleasant symptoms develop immediately after administration. If undesirable effects occur, stop using diuretics.

For dizziness and nausea

Nausea and dizziness are common complaints after head injuries. They develop due to excess production of serotonin. The following will help inhibit hormone production and reduce discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Olanzapine;
  • Droperidol;
  • Motilium;
  • Cerucal;
  • Betaserc;
  • Vertigo;
  • Cennarisine.

Among the side effects, patients noted increased drowsiness, gastrointestinal irritation, and rarely dry mouth. Such symptoms do not require discontinuation of medications, but effective dosages should be reconsidered.

For mild concussions, these medications are not indicated.


Sedation medications are prescribed for any severity of head injury. The main requirement for this group of drugs is the absence of a pronounced hypnotic effect, but at the same time normalization of sleep and reduction of emotional stress.

Sedative tablets for concussions are most often made on a plant basis. The doctor will prescribe:

  • Valerian;
  • Motherwort;
  • Persen;
  • Phytosed;
  • Novo-passit;
  • Corvalol.

Herbal medicines are produced only in tablet form or in the form of drops for oral administration. They are available from pharmacies without a prescription and have a budget price.

They are well tolerated, with a small number of contraindications and side effects. Stronger drugs are not indicated for such injuries.


Tranquilizers are psychotropic drugs of artificial origin. Relieves increased anxiety, phobic disorders, relieves increased convulsive state.

Drugs in this group are rarely used for concussion. But according to indications, the doctor will prescribe:

  • Afobazole;
  • Nozepam;
  • Relanium.

Medicines reduce the level of daytime activity and concentration, improve and deepen sleep.

These are prescription drugs. They are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and according to the regimen prescribed by him. Otherwise, they may become addictive.


A lack of vitamins and microelements will only aggravate the symptoms of injury. Therefore, complex therapy includes vitamin complexes. Both specialized drugs are indicated - most often these are injectable forms of vitamin B, and multicomponent products.

What the doctor will suggest:

  • Neurovitan;
  • Neovitam;
  • Neurobion;
  • Magnicum;
  • Vitrum;
  • Superia.

Injectable forms of drugs are used in the initial post-traumatic period. Tablets – for daily outpatient treatment. The course of treatment with vitamins is long and can be carried out over several months.


Other treatments for head trauma include anticonvulsants. They are used only in severe cases of concussion and when the patient has seizures.

These are prescription drugs. In difficult cases, the introduction of injectable forms with a transition to tablets is indicated. Take anticonvulsants only in recommended dosages and according to the regimen suggested by the doctor.

Typical representatives of this pharmaceutical group:

  • Trimethadione;
  • Ethosuximide.

For mild injuries or in the absence of seizures, for more complex head injuries, anticonvulsants are not used.

The main side effects of drugs in this group are nausea, disorientation in space, the appearance of fears, phobias, and hallucinations.

A concussion is a complex injury with unpredictable and long-term consequences. Treating it yourself is dangerous to your health.

There is no need to ask the pharmacy which medications are best for a concussion and how to take them. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient.