Online test to find out the date of your death. Numerology: calculation of dangerous years and possible death based on full date of birth, first and last name

Are you wondering how long you will live and how soon death will come? You are not alone in this world. Many people ask this question, and some are afraid to find out how long they have left to live. And this is quite logical. After all, knowing when you will die can simply go crazy. But if you look at it from the outside, once you know the planned date, you can prepare for it in advance. The answer to this question can be found in numerology.

First way

Date of birth and date of death are directly related. They contain a special algorithm, where the beginning is the birth of a person, and the end is his death.

After some research, we can say with certainty about the fate of a person. But we cannot say that this is exactly how everything will be. Life is so unpredictable that it is almost impossible to predict what event awaits you in the next moment.

    • To carry out the calculation and find out the expected date of your death, you will need a blank piece of paper. Write your date of birth on it. Then add all the digits of your date of birth one at a time to get a single digit number. You should get a number from one to nine. It contains the date of your expected death. The numerology of the resulting numbers is as follows:
    • The number one means death soon. It is most likely that your date of death will be in old age. You will live a very long, bright and happy life. And your death will not be long and painful, it will be easy and swift.
    • A person with the number two will face sudden death. The numerology of this number indicates a high probability of an accident. Such people are advised to beware of dubious activities. And the unluckiest years of life are the ages of seven, nineteen, twenty-nine, forty-five and sixty-seven years.
    • Three speaks of illnesses in old age. You may live to an old age, but you will die from underlying diseases. Forty-four and seventy-three years of life can be considered the most dangerous for you.

“Fours” are long-lived people

  • Death is literally on the heels of the five. But you're lucky. You are constantly being pulled away by an invisible force from various troubles, accidents, and so on. You are lucky. You will live long and happily if you do not harm others. The most dangerous years for you are three, fifteen, twenty-four, forty-eight, sixty-two and seventy-six.
  • For sixes, karma is very important. For them, in numerology it will not be difficult to find out about the date of their own death. First, it is recommended to find out about karmic debt, and then calculate the death date. Difficult years of life are rightfully considered thirteen, twenty-two, forty-seven and sixty-eight years.
  • When you add up the numbers from your date of birth and you get a seven, this means that you are the owner of a strong guardian angel. You should be careful with the water and fire elements. Numerology says that your death will directly depend on them. You are advised to be careful at the ages of twenty-four, thirty-six and sixty-one.
  • Eights play with death in life. They are strictly forbidden to take risks. If you follow this rule, you will live much longer.
  • For nines, life can end suddenly. Numerology calculations indicate a young age. Such people rarely live to the age of fifty. They are advised to carefully monitor their health and not abuse alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco. And treat the ages of sixteen, twenty-three, thirty-eight and forty-seven with caution.

Do not be alarmed if, after calculating by date of birth, you happen to find out that you will die soon. Numerology is a science. She may be wrong. Each person has an individual prediction. It can only be calculated in conjunction with other indicators. You are responsible for your own life and will live as long as fate has allotted to you.

Second way

Here is another way to determine the death date. It is slightly different from the previous method. It is also based on adding numbers from your date of birth. Add all the numbers until you get a two-digit number. The resulting number is the fatal number. And when you add both numbers, you get your birth number. So, you will get two completely different values. After determining them, you can begin to calculate the dangerous age.

The first key date that begins life is the number that represents the month of your birth. To calculate the second dangerous date, add the first key value twice. The third key value can be found by adding the fatal number and the second dangerous date. To calculate your death date, add the third key value and the month you were born.

In such years, it is strictly not recommended to take risky activities. You should take care of yourself and listen to your inner voice. These years will turn out to be turning points for you; they can change your life beyond recognition - make it better or worse. It all depends on how you behave in a given situation.

It is important to remember: When you calculate key dates, pay attention to the person’s month of birth. If he was born between January and May, nine is added to the death number. And the number nine is also added to the first dangerous number.

Would you like to know how long you will live and when you will die? It must be admitted that not everyone has the desire to find out the date of death. Many people are afraid to know their future. On the one hand, this is reasonable - why burden yourself with unnecessary information? But on the other hand, knowing your date of death, you will be mentally prepared for what awaits you. We invite you to find out the date of death for free using numerological calculations.

Calculation of date of death by date of birth

Take a piece of paper and write your date of birth on it. Then add up all the numbers that make it up. The resulting number will help you calculate the date of death. The result of the calculation must be unambiguous (that is, the result must be a number from 1 to 9). If you get a two-digit number, then you need to add its component digits.

Let's give an example: 01/13/1969 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is the key to the date of death in the given example of the date of birth.

When you calculate your number, all you have to do is decipher the resulting value. So, what do the numbers in death numerology mean?

The meaning of numbers in the numerology of death

1 - You will die at a ripe old age between 80 and 95 years old. Your death will be easy and quick as you will live a happy and vibrant life.

2 - There is a high probability that death will overtake you as a result of an accident. Be careful, as this number in death numerology predicts danger through no fault of your own. Dangerous years of life when you can die: 7, 19, 29, 45, 67.

3 - You will live to an old age, but in old age you will be overcome by diseases that will hasten your death. Dangerous years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are a long-liver. According to numerology numbers, death will overtake you at the age of 100 years. Moreover, you will feel very good in old age.

5 - Death is on your heels, but you are lucky! Fate constantly seems to take you away from accidents, accidents and dangers. You are very lucky and have the opportunity to live a long and happy life if you do not harm the people around you. Dangerous years of life: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - You depend on your karma. It is very difficult to find out the cause and date of death using this numerological birth number. You should first find out your karmic debt, and based on this, make assumptions regarding your date of death. Dangerous years of life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 -You have a strong guardian angel. However, even he sometimes cannot keep up with you. Be careful around fire and water. There is a high probability that your life will be taken by the force of a natural disaster. Dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 -You are playing with death. It's dangerous for you to take risks. Be more restrained and prudent, then you will live long. The age you will live to is 65-70 years.

9 - Your life can end at a fairly young age. According to numerological calculations, people with this death number rarely live to be 50 years old. You should be more careful about your health. Alcohol and tobacco are strictly contraindicated for you. Dangerous years of life: 16, 23, 38, 47.

Don’t be alarmed if you receive something unpleasant during the calculation. Remember that your life is in your hands. Every minute you make choices, decisions, actions that shape your future. Take responsibility for your life into your own hands and then live as long as you want. Be happy and don't forget to click and

23.03.2014 15:26

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Test for the date of death: tips from numerologists + advice from palmists + 5 online fortune telling + 8 bad omens + life story.

You are one of those brave people who are not afraid not only of the sounds of thunder, spiders and being late for the train, but also a little

How about finding out how long you'll live? Will you have time to raise your son, plant that notorious tree and build a family nest somewhere outside the city?

It is for such brave souls that there are tests for the date of death. Moreover, each direction in esotericism has its own way of determining life expectancy.

Numbers are our everything: test for the date of death from numerologists!

Who else should you ask about how long you will live if not numerologists - these masters of numbers?
They claim that you first need to “sum up” your exact date of birth to get it down to a single number.

For example, you were born on December 19, 1980. Add the numbers: 1+9+1+2+1+9+8+0=31. We repeat the mathematical operation one more time: 3+1= 4.

Now let’s look at what the number from the numerology test for the date of death portends for you:

  1. rejoice and have fun, because you will live to an old age (over 80 years old), and most importantly, your life will be easy and fun;
  2. the test advises you to be careful, as there is a high probability of dying in an accident at a young or middle age. Hmm, hold off on buying a motorcycle!
  3. a good option for the date of death: you will live to old age, and only in old age will illnesses occur;
  4. everything is perfect here: there is every chance, according to the test for the date of death, to live up to 100 years, to become a real family legend. Moreover, you will feel good until the end of your days;
  5. you have a very strong guardian angel who has saved you from death more than once (accidents, drownings, fires, etc.). If you do not cause harm to others, you can live a long and rich life;
  6. the duration of your life depends on your closest ancestors: if they did not spoil your karma too much with bad deeds (murder, adultery, abortion, etc.), then you will live a long time, there is nothing to worry about.

    Otherwise, make up for the sins of your relatives with good deeds - give alms often, visit lonely old people, make a donation to a charitable foundation.
    And then you’ll be great at pushing back the date of death.

  7. the test for the date of death warns: you need to be wary of the effects of natural elements (water, fire, strong wind, etc.).

    Accordingly, you should not apply to be a sailor, fireman or rescuer. A little caution - and you will live to old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren;

  8. Are you sure you're wondering when you'll die? The test states that you sometimes take life lightly and higher powers get the impression that you don’t really need it. Maybe slow down a little?

    Otherwise, there is a high probability of dying without caring for your grandchildren;

  9. the test predicts you will die before the age of 50 if you take your health lightly. This is the rare case when tobacco, alcohol and even coffee and strong tea are contraindicated.

    But yoga, a swimming pool and annual preventive examinations with doctors are highly, highly recommended.

Test for the date of death from palmists: studying the life line on the hand

They like to shock their clients with information not only about the number of future marriages and children, but also to conduct their own test on the date of death:

A friend of the author of the article, Svetlana Arkadyevna, has always been a sick woman: either sand in her kidneys, appendicitis, purulent tonsillitis, or even a heart attack. But, as an amateur palmist, she did not take all these ailments seriously:

“Come on, I’ll get through it, my life line says that I’ll live at least until I’m 80 years old. You won’t wait to die soon,” the woman smiled radiantly when she was asked about her well-being.

Indeed, Svetlana Arkadyevna passed away at the age of 82, and in her sleep. And no hospitals and torment...

Online test for date of death

For the curious but lazy, the Internet helpfully offers online tests for the date of death, for example:


Here are just 5 online resources where you can find out the estimated date of death.

IMPORTANT! Do not take such online fortune telling too seriously, because their creators know nothing about your lifestyle, health, work, etc.

Let these tests just make you think that it would be a good idea to join a gym, meet a charming young man in your face (life is short, you can't miss the chance!) and adopt a puppy from the shelter.

Interesting facts about death:

Test for the date of death in folk style: 8 very bad signs

Even if you don’t even think about taking a test for the date of death, there are folk signs that foretell a person’s imminent death:

  1. The fall of an icon (or simply when the glass on it cracks) has long frightened people. Like, soon there will be death in the house. Therefore, the images on the walls were attached almost tightly, using several nails.
  2. In the old days, cats were not allowed to lie on the table. It was believed that this was how he prepared a place for the coffin. So you drive away your furry scoundrel as soon as possible!
  3. Under no circumstances should you rock a baby's cradle if it is not there. This portends death for the child! Although, of course, you shouldn’t scold your older brother if he accidentally touched the crib.
  4. A bird that suddenly lands on your shoulder also promises death. Naturally, we are not talking about a tame parrot or pigeons that you feed in the park.

    A bird (no matter which one) flying into the house is also considered a bad sign. To prevent her from bringing death to someone in her household on her wings, she must be caught and released away from her home.

  5. You should be wary if you see a light in a cemetery in broad daylight. Esotericists claim that this is how the spirits of the dead warn a person that he does not have long left in this world.

    But don’t rush to get scared - perhaps someone just came to visit the graves of relatives and lit a cigarette.

  6. When, in the absence of a strong wind, the roof is suddenly torn off or it collapses, this is a bad sign for the inhabitants of the home.

    Our ancestors believed that this foreshadowed the imminent death of someone in the household.

  7. A woodpecker chiseling the wall of a house thus shortens the life of the owner. To avoid inviting death, the bird must be driven away.
  8. The dog howls with its muzzle down - it mourns the imminent death of someone with whom it lives in the same house.

And this is only a small part of what, according to our ancestors, portends death to a person.

However, even if this happened to you, and the test for the date of death frightened you, do not despair!

In that case, our grandmothers argued that in order for the sad prediction not to come true, you need to tell a loved one about it. The energy of his love will overcome the bad omen.

Believers, in order to feel relief, should go to church for confession and communion. After all, no date of death test is 100% accurate. So live and enjoy every day!

They tell us: memento Mori. This phrase in Latin is: memento mori. According to history, this phrase originated in Ancient Rome, when generals during their triumph ordered their slaves to remind them that they were mortal and that everything was finite. This is also how the monks of the Order of Paulina, the first Christian hermit monk, greeted each other.

This phrase has not lost any of its meaning in our time. It may not be as prominent in our culture, but in Asia, people like to think about death and remember it even in the most joyful moments of life. Why is this necessary?

A clear awareness that we will all die does not allow us to live idly, worry about what others will think, or try to live like everyone else, stepping on the throat of our song. You understand that this is all secondary, and there simply won’t be another chance to reveal your talents and leave some kind of mark. Let this be a trace not in history, but in the hearts of other people, something useful for society, or just a truly happily lived life. A clear date of death can motivate a person even more or, conversely, deprive him of his strength. But that's a completely different story.

What does knowing the date of death give?

If we assume that each of us has a specific date of death, then knowing it would help us better plan our lives. Not to live it as if we are immortal, but to adequately evaluate the allotted time, value it and spend it wisely.

When we are acutely aware of the transience of life, then the whims of the weather, minor disagreements and troubles seem unimportant to us. Not every day is sunny and happy, but every day is another one in the book of our lives, which we write every day. We don’t want to quarrel with family and friends, waste time on stupid arguments, we want to do something nice, hug, cheer. Life is finite, and what it will be like depends on our every minute decisions.

Just remember the wonderful 2007 film with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, “Until I Played the Box.” The awareness of imminent death allowed them to enjoy life, live right here and now, and do risky things. This can be as simple as a parachute jump or as simple as saying “I’m sorry” to someone who has been hurt. You need to start living right now, and not when they make a fatal diagnosis and there is nothing left to live!

How to find out the date of death

Many are trying to get answers to troubling questions regarding all of humanity or themselves personally: why we live, what is the meaning of life, what is my calling and how long will I live. The last two questions seem to be the easiest. To find your recognition, you need patience, attention to yourself and the desire to find something that will give meaning to life, bring satisfaction to a person and benefit other people. Life expectancy can also be guessed by taking a test and more.

Tests to determine the date of death

There are short tests in which you just enter your name, date of birth, gender and zodiac sign or height, weight, gender, name, continent and date of birth. It is unknown why exactly the results are obtained.

There are more detailed tests, with 30-50 questions, that are designed to completely scan your life. They focus on sleep quality, stress levels, nutrition, bad habits, acute and chronic diseases.

Such tests are good because when a person enters information, he understands what negatively affects his life and makes it shorter. After such a test, you may want to change your life, bring more sports, peace of mind and healthy foods into it.

Of course, a short test may give you a certain life expectancy, but it is unlikely to be correct. Detailed tests allow you to think and change your life for the better, so that it is longer, better and happier.

Numerology for determining the date of death

Information on this topic is presented as correct and as reliable as possible. Anyone can easily find out their average life expectancy and what exactly they should be careful with. Here's what you need to do to achieve this.

Write your full date of birth, for example, 07/08/1986. Then add up all the numbers: 8+7+1+9+8+6=39. You only need to get one number. To do this, add the resulting two. If two numbers come out again, then add them until you get one. In our example, this is 3. Next, find your number in the list and read the information.

  1. Those who have obtained such a figure can breathe easy. Numerology promises them a long, joyful life; their death will be easy and natural. Such people die at a respectable age from old age.
  2. Be careful! There is a high risk of an accident in your case. Be careful in life and try to take less risks.
  3. Until old age, you will rarely get sick, and good luck will accompany you. But with the onset of old age, diseases will begin to attack. One of them will cause death.
  4. You are the person who can become a long-liver! And it won't be a burden to you. Numerology speaks of truly good health and great internal resources.
  5. Try to be more careful. There will be many dangerous situations in your life, but you will always get away with it. Despite this, try to tempt fate less so that at some point luck does not turn away from you.
  6. Your life expectancy will largely depend on the actions you take. People under the number 6 are very dependent on their karma.
  7. In general, life promises to be long, but it is better to beware of the elements. They can cause premature death.
  8. People under the number 8 love to take risks. Unfortunately, this does not have the best effect on life expectancy. Fate can catch adrenaline junkies precisely at moments of increased risk.
  9. This number suggests that your life will be bright, but not too long. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle to live as long as possible.

You can check the accuracy of these predictions by the dates of birth of deceased people, analyzing the age at which they passed away and the details of death. For example, actor Paul Walker, who played in “The Fast and the Furious” and other films, passed away at the age of 41. If you add up the numbers of his date of birth, you get the number 5. He died in a car accident. If you look at the prediction of this figure, you can see the connection. Sergei Bodrov, who played roles in the films “Brother” and “Brother-2,” died at the age of 30. The figure obtained from the calculation based on the date of birth is 9. The cause of death was a glacier collapse.

A prediction is not a sentence: if the numbers promise you a long life or good luck in any critical situations, you should not tempt fate once again, stop visiting doctors and monitoring your health. This also does not mean that the prediction of a relatively short life will come true: everything is in your hands.


If it is impossible to change the date of birth for sure, then the lines on the hands may change: this is what those who do this professionally say. The future of people, which can be read from the palm of their hand, firstly reflects a situation without accidents, and secondly, it strongly depends on their current lifestyle and habits.

When calculating life expectancy, it is not the length of the life line itself that is taken into account, as is commonly believed. Studies have been conducted and no connection has been observed between the years lived and the length of this line. But still, hands can tell a lot about the approximate period.

Place either palm in front of you. Draw a mental line down from the crease of the thumb to the base of the palm, and also draw two more lines perpendicular to the first: from the middle of the ring and middle fingers. Now turn your attention to the life line, which describes an arc from approximately the base of the thumb to the crease of the thumb. Check the results.

  • The life line does not touch the axis that comes from the middle finger. The maximum lifespan is 70-75 years.
  • The line extends exactly to the axis of the middle finger. You will live 75-80 years.
  • The line extends beyond the axis of the middle finger - life expectancy increases to 80-90 years.
  • Those whose life line extends to the axis of the ring finger will live more than 90 years.

Using these lines, you can determine the body's resources, its resistance to diseases and negative factors. The lower the number, the more attention should be paid to promoting health.

Is it possible to find out the date of death

As you may have noticed from all the information offered, it is impossible to know the exact date of death. Although there was still one such person, at least this is what “The Story of the Man Who Knew the Day of His Death” tells about.

It tells an interesting and instructive story:

A young man who did not have a penny to his name, who had to work hard so as not to die of hunger. But he had one value: a gold coin that his father gave him at death and which was associated with a curse. To remove it, the young man had to give it to a beggar, a tramp, who would call him by name and ask for a coin.

After some time, he met a tramp who not only asked for the coin his father had given him and called him by name, but also told him how to become rich. Mistrust blinded the young man, and he drove the poor man away. To punish him, the poor man told him the exact date of his death and walked away.

The young man finally decided to check the information on how to become rich. And indeed, his business went uphill and very soon he became one of the richest people. Only this did not add joy to him: he could not get rid of the thought of the day of his death.

All his life (the poor man predicted a not-so-early date for him), the man lived in fear, which simply shackled him. He was unsociable, gloomy, and people feared him. On the promised day, he died by pure chance, and no one was there to help him. His life was useless for all his influence and wealth, it did not even make him happy.

This story teaches that the quality of our life is determined not by the date of death, but by How we spend it and what we bring into this world. We have the power to do everything to make life as long, joyful, fulfilling and fruitful as possible. Try to do more good deeds, help people, in word, deed, live your own life and live every moment of it.

Live while you're alive.

Many people want to look into the future and calculate the dates of important events. Among the burning questions is the question of how much time is left until the end of life's journey. It is impossible to predict the date of death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate it. Numerological teaching, rooted in ancient times, offers two ways to find out the age at which death is most likely, and some of the circumstances of the latter, by adding the numbers of the date of birth or the digital values ​​of the letters of the name. The correspondence table is given for two alphabets - Cyrillic and Latin. A detailed interpretation is given for each result.

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    Death date prediction and numerology

    Many people want to look into the future and know in advance what tomorrow has in store for them. One of the most pressing questions is how much time is left until the end of life’s journey. It is impossible to predict the expected death with absolute accuracy, but you can try to calculate how long to wait for someone to die, based on some facts. People have been trying to determine how long someone’s life will last since time immemorial, so most of the esoteric teachings developed by humanity have ways to get an answer to this question. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can make an assumption about how long a person will live in this world or calculate the critical moments when death comes very close and you need to be vigilant so as not to fall into its hands.

      Numerology is one of these teachings that originated in ancient times, underwent a long evolution and retained its popularity to this day. This system of knowledge is based on the idea that the whole world can be represented in the form of numbers that are endowed with symbolic meaning. Numerologists offer a choice of two ways to obtain information about the circumstances of future death.

      By date of birth

      According to numerological concepts, it is believed that birthday numbers contain all the sacred information about a person, including the most dangerous years, when a person is most vulnerable and falls into the risk zone.

  1. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to find out the approximate date of your death. To formulate hypotheses about life expectancy based on date of birth, numerologists suggest making a special calculation. To do this you will need to do some arithmetic calculations. It is important to remember that to draw up a numerological horoscope, it is necessary to find out the exact date of birth, which includes not only the day and month of birth, but also the year.
  2. 1. All numbers of the date of birth must be added. It can be a single or double digit number.
  3. 2. If the result is two-digit, the numbers are added again, achieving a number from 1 to 9.

3. The calculation is completed, it’s time to interpret the resulting symbol.

By last name and first name

This method is based on replacing the letters of the first and last name with numerical equivalents. Middle name data is sometimes also taken into account. The method of further calculation coincides with that described above.

  1. The most truthful calculation will be one made on the basis of the most current information - the name with which a person is accustomed to associate himself, and not the one that appears in the documents. This means that those who usually call themselves by a diminutive form or by a pet nickname should make calculations for both options - both the running form and the full form. It is believed that the latter contains programmatic, ideal information about fate, while the real situation is reflected by the name by which a person is called, so the calculation for both options will be as complete as possible. If you need to choose one thing, it is recommended to prefer actual data to passport data.
  2. 1. Using the above correspondence table, you should present the data in the form of a numerical sequence (hint: the number of characters must match the original number of letters).

2. All numbers are added together until a result from 1 to 9 is obtained.

Interpretation of results

Number 1 suggests that you don’t have to worry about death until you are old enough. The death of such a person is expected between 80 and 85 years.

The number 3 portends relative calm until old age: at the middle stage of life, numerologists recommend paying attention to only one age: 44 years. The last years of the owners of this result are often overshadowed by illnesses, which accelerate the decline of life.

The number 4 gives the impression of being happy: it is a sign of a long-lived person. Crossing the century mark is a common occurrence for this group of people. They live out their lives to the fullest, without being prone to suffer from health problems.

The number 5 has common features with four and two. These people balance on the brink, living through several critical periods: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62 and 76 years. However, luck accompanies them: they miraculously escape danger. Correct behavior can save the life of the owner of this result for a long time.

The number 6 is a mystery for numerologists. We can only say that the 13, 22, 47 and 68 years of life are risky. When seeking information about end-of-life, it is recommended that you look at your individual circumstances. Life expectancy is associated with karma.

People who receive the number 7 are considered lucky in terms of avoiding danger, but protection weakens around the 24th, 36th and 61st years of life. The death of those born under the sign of seven is associated with the action of the water or fire elements.

If the calculation results in the number 8, numerologists suggest that death is often close to a person. For this reason, any risky situation poses the greatest danger to this group of people. “Caution above all else” is the actual motto recommended to members of this group.

The number 9, although it is the largest on this list, predicts a short life that will end abruptly and suddenly. Nine warns those born under its sign against bad habits, drinking alcohol and nicotine. It is recommended to be attentive to your body and take diligent care of its condition. Particular zeal should be shown at the ages of 16, 23, 38, 47 years. This tactic increases the chances of getting into the ranks of the lucky ones who survived the fifth anniversary. This period of half a century seems short, but for Nine people it represents a good and very rare result.