Testosterones (androgens) in the female body. The effect of testosterone on the female body Lack of testosterone in a woman

Of course, this hormone is primarily known as a male hormone, but in the female body it can sometimes be found in quite large quantities. If in men its creation occurs in the testicles, then in women in the ovaries. And also partially in representatives of both sexes, education is also carried out in the adrenal glands. If in the representatives of the stronger sex it is responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, then in girls it is for libido and the regulation of fat, as well as muscle mass. Thanks to recent studies, scientists were able to find out that the indicator in young ladies varies greatly with age. What does the elevated level mean, what are the causes of the phenomenon and how can it be adjusted?

What is the normal level of testosterone in women

In the body of each person must contain some amount of testosterone. Indeed, thanks to him, the skeleton and muscle mass develop correctly, the bone marrow and sebaceous glands function normally, and a good high spirits is maintained. It is in the fair sex that he participates in the development of the mammary glands and is responsible for the normal operation of most systems in the body. But this is only in the case when it is contained in the norm.

If for a man the main problem is a decrease, then for women, on the contrary, its excess. You can even notice this by many external signs, because testosterone provokes excessive hair growth not only on the body, but also on the face. At the same time, the hair becomes hard and dark, like the representatives of the stronger sex.

Appropriate medical examinations help determine if there is a problem. There is a certain standard. In all girls older than ten years, it ranges from 0.45 to 3.75 nmol per liter. In this case, the norm is able to change in some specific time periods. So, for example, it decreases markedly in the period immediately after menstrual bleeding and greatly increases during pregnancy. At the same time, the expectant mother's normal level of its content can be exceeded as much as four times and this is not a dangerous violation.

Its increase can adversely affect the entire female hormonal background. Because of this, menstrual bleeding may even stop completely. As a result, the girl has serious problems with conceiving a baby, and it also becomes an overwhelming task for her to bear the fetus until birth. Therefore, every woman is recommended to undergo an examination for the content of testosterone in the body immediately before conception and, if necessary, to complete the appropriate course of treatment in a timely manner. This will protect the fair sex from numerous problems in the future.

Increased testosterone in women - symptoms and signs

This phenomenon has a whole list of symptoms. External signs include the following:

  1. Increased hairiness. Coarse dark hair can even appear on the chest, chin, cheeks and above the upper lip. Often, the already existing amount of hair on the body also increases significantly.
  2. The skin becomes dry and sometimes even begins to peel off and crack.
  3. Hair begins to fall out, and their fat content also noticeably increases.
  4. The physique is gradually transformed into a masculine one.
  5. The voice may become coarser and more masculine.

But there are more serious symptoms - these are already internal changes in the body. These include:

  1. A sharp increase in physical activity and sexual desire.
  2. Violation of the menstrual cycle or even complete.
  3. Unreasonable irritability and rudeness.

In addition, against the background of all these signs, such serious and dangerous diseases as Cushing's syndrome or an ovarian tumor can begin to develop.

As soon as any of the listed symptoms and signs has been noticed, you should immediately seek advice and help from an endocrinologist or therapist, and also start dealing with the problem as soon as possible.

By the way, the reasons for the increase in the amount of this hormone can be very different. Including malnutrition. Often faced with such a problem, those representatives of the fair sex who became interested in vegetarianism and completely abandoned the use of meat and animal products. Also, various tumors, long-term use of certain medications, hereditary predisposition, etc. can become the cause.

Temporary non-dangerous causes are the period of ovulation and pregnancy.

How to downgrade

The first thing to do is adjust your daily diet. First of all, you will have to abandon vegetarianism and add meat to your diet. Also, the menu will need to include white bread, natural bee honey, freshly squeezed juices, small amounts of sugar and salt, soy, any vegetable oil, dairy products of normal fat content and caffeine. If a woman adheres to a strict diet, then, most likely, she will have to abandon such restrictions and choose for herself another, more gentle way of losing weight.

Some experts also advise yoga. It is believed that in the process of exercising, the body is independently cleansed of everything bad, and hormonal balance is naturally restored in it. At the same time, classes should be regular. If you practice yoga constantly, then the body will always remain in good shape, and hormonal disruptions can be prevented.

Of course, if the causes of the problem under discussion are more serious, then the therapy will most likely include appropriate medications. But choosing and starting to take them on your own is very dangerous. Be sure to consult with a specialist first.

As for folk remedies, the following medicinal herbs can lower the level of testosterone in a woman's body:

  • evening primrose,
  • a combination of licorice root and Maryina root,
  • bug-legged,
  • angelica,
  • vitex sacred and many others.

It is most effective to use methods of traditional medicine and traditional therapy in combination.

In rare cases, hormone therapy is also used. True, this is the most extreme method. It is prescribed only when the level is so high that it poses a threat to the life and health of a woman. It is important that after such treatment the patient will be able to get rid of insomnia, sweating and arrhythmia.

What analysis is given to determine the level

If a woman suspects that testosterone in the body is elevated, an appropriate analysis should be taken to determine its level. To do this, you just need to find a laboratory that accepts tests and donate blood from a vein for research. The cost of such an analysis, as a rule, ranges from 200 to 1000 rubles. And the results of it will be known to the patient in a day.

To avoid any mistakes, you should know some rules for its delivery.

  1. You need to donate blood from the third to the fifth and from the eighth to the tenth day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. The day before the study, you will need to stop any sports training and physical activity, as well as avoid stress and anxiety.
  3. Refuse sexual intercourse.
  4. 1-2 hours before the analysis itself, it is recommended to rest a little, calm down and stop smoking.

Thanks to all these simple rules, the patient will be able to submit the highest quality biological material for analysis, as well as get the most accurate and correct results.

Video: How to determine the level of testosterone at home

When we look at ourselves in the mirror, or at a neighbor on a subway train, or at children playing in the yard, we clearly see the arms, legs, eyes, ears, back, so we understand when someone complains about these "visible" parts body.

A fracture in the leg is visible; barley on the eye is also perfectly visible; otitis media, of course, you can’t see it on your own in the mirror, but the doctor sees it in the mirror; a cough is audible, a runny nose irritates ... But hormones?

They say they are; moreover, their presence explains many things that happen in human life, from behavioral reactions to weight gain. High hormone levels, low hormone levels… What is it? What, in fact, are we talking about?

Endocrine (aka hormonal) system

At first it would be interesting to remember what hormones are. In short and without unnecessary scientific details, which will only confuse an ordinary “non-medical” person, then hormones are called biologically active substances that are secreted in the body by endocrine glands and non-glandular tissues.

Hormones are needed in order to regulate the work of the body, and some hormones affect only the work of individual organs, while others depend on the well-being of the whole organism. Hormones began to be studied only in the middle of the 19th century, and the term “hormone” itself appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, about a hundred hormonally active substances are known that are able to regulate metabolic processes in the body.

Where are hormones produced? Some hormones are produced by the pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, which are located in the brain; others - the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas; sex hormones are produced by the ovaries (in women) and testicles (in men), and some other (in fact, there are many) - by individual cells and tissues.

What are hormones capable of doing, that is, what are they responsible for in the body? They stimulate or, conversely, inhibit growth; affect apoptosis (programmed cell death, because the life cycle of each cell is limited); stimulate or depress the immune system; mood, hunger and satiety depend on hormones; hormones also regulate metabolism, prepare the body for active actions (for example, for running, for jumping, for hitting, for sexual intercourse); it is hormones that determine puberty, breastfeeding, the onset of menopause (the notorious menopause; by the way, male menopause also happens and also depends on hormones) ...

In a word, it turns out that if not everything in life depends on hormones, then a lot. Therefore, it is simply impossible to overestimate their importance for the body.

We mention some hormones very often, we have never even heard the names of others, but it is the hormones that have a huge impact on our lives, affecting our mood (serotonin), the feeling of hunger (ghrelin), forcing us to gather and concentrate during stress, danger, and trauma. and shock conditions (adrenaline).

The hormone testosterone

The puberty of boys is closely related precisely to the increase in testosterone, and during puberty in boys, under the influence of testosterone, the voice becomes lower, muscle mass increases, sperm begins to be produced, hair appears on the face and body (beard and mustache begin to grow and “woolness” appears on arms, legs, chest, and sometimes on the back).

When a man reaches middle age, the level of testosterone in the body begins to fall - this happens after forty years, but this process is very individual for each man. A decrease in testosterone levels can cause problems with potency and affect (unfortunately, not for the better) the psycho-emotional state.

testosterone in women

Although testosterone is called the male hormone, it is also produced in the female body (less, of course, and significantly, about 25 times). However, the female body cannot do without testosterone either.

It is testosterone that increases sexual desire; it is he who affects the ratio of muscle mass and fat in the body; he is also responsible for building muscle mass and for the growth of bone tissue; testosterone is responsible for burning fat, and without it, biochemical processes that control weight are impossible in the body; it is also testosterone that is responsible for the development of the follicle, that is, for the functioning of the female reproductive system, for the functioning of the bone marrow and for the functions of the sebaceous glands.

It will probably be interesting that testosterone can also be an antidepressant - too low a level of this hormone, most likely, will not affect the mood of any young lady at any age for the better.

And it’s good when everything is fine, that is, the testosterone level is normal. But if the level of testosterone rises, be sure to expect some troubles and problems. Yes, this is not surprising - too much depends on him.

High levels of testosterone in the female body

If a man has a lot of testosterone, then he becomes even more “masculine”, but the level of the same hormone in the female body should not increase, since nothing good can be expected from this. The balance of the hormonal system is very complex, and if it is disturbed, health problems will not take long to affect.

But if some problems, although upsetting, are not critical, then, for example, the negative impact of a high level of testosterone on the menstrual cycle and ovulation cannot be called a trifle, since it affects the main female function - the ability to become pregnant and bear a child.

Is it possible to determine by some signs that the level of testosterone in the female body exceeds the norm? I must say that there will be no particular doubts here, because hyperandrogyny, which is the name of the increased level of the male hormone in the female body, in the literal sense of the word, is striking, and it is simply impossible not to notice it.

Firstly, a woman begins to notice that hair, for no reason at all, began to actively grow where it should not be in principle, for example, on the back or on the face (here is the explanation of where the traitorous mustache hairs or hairs come from). beard).

In addition, in those places where hair growth should be moderate, their number increased quite significantly, for example, in the groin, on the hands (up to the phalanges of the fingers). But where the hair is simply obliged to actively grow (this is about the female head and the female hairstyle), they begin to fall out no less actively, up to baldness.

Rashes appear on the skin - acne. The figure may lose its usual shape and become like a man's. And even the clitoris can grow so that it protrudes noticeably beyond the labia (of course, these are extremes, but it happens).

Naturally, you can take a blood test for testosterone. Normal values ​​of this hormone fluctuate within 0.7-3 nmol/l, however, if the values ​​are approaching the upper limit, you should not lose sight of this and periodically repeat control measurements. When going to the laboratory to take an analysis for testosterone, it must be remembered that the amount of the hormone in the blood is unstable and increases during ovulation. It is best to take such an analysis a week (6-7 days) after the onset of menstruation.

With the onset of menopause, the level of testosterone in a woman's blood decreases.

High testosterone levels can cause menstrual irregularities and infertility. What can be a pregnancy if the egg does not mature? Although the work of hormones is actually a mysterious and unpredictable process, very little has been studied, and sometimes the ability to give birth to a child is maintained even in cases where all external signs indicate that this is impossible. But problems with bearing a child remain, and there remains a very high risk of complications during childbirth.

I must say that during pregnancy, the level of testosterone in the female body rises naturally, but if this level was increased before pregnancy, then it must be carefully monitored due to the high risk of miscarriage and fading of pregnancy.

In addition, an increased level of testosterone in the female body can be one of the risk factors for the onset of diabetes.

Why can testosterone levels rise in women? Firstly, cases of genetic predisposition are known, and secondly, an increased level of testosterone can be caused by improper (in this case, enhanced) work of the adrenal glands; thirdly, malnutrition.

Can testosterone levels be lowered?

Of course, interfering with the work of the hormonal system is a complex and unpredictable business. However, you should definitely consult a doctor. If, according to the results of the analysis, it turns out that medical intervention is necessary, the doctor will select and prescribe the necessary drugs.

If we are talking about the treatment of any hormonal disruptions, self-medication is categorically unacceptable and is a serious danger.

But when there is a problem, you want to somehow participate in its elimination. Is there really nothing you can do on your own? Properly selected nutrition can affect the level of testosterone (its decrease).

Sugar and honey, natural juices reduce testosterone levels. Fried vegetables (including potatoes) can be very useful in this case, it is better to choose vegetable oil for frying. It is very important that there is enough meat on the menu. But you should not be zealous with salt, its daily norm is 3 g (a teaspoon contains 10 g of salt). Preference should be given to white bread, full-fat milk and cream. Recommended soy products.

A moderate amount of caffeine can also be useful - we are talking about one cup of coffee a day.

After the tests confirm the return of testosterone to normal, you need to constantly monitor its level. Unfortunately, this hormone does not like to give up its positions, and its level after the end of the drug course may return to previous levels.

Attention! If you have any doubts about your hormonal status, you should immediately seek advice from an endocrinologist and undergo all the necessary studies. Any disease, including hormonal imbalance, is easier to treat at an early stage. Although, of course, it is much better not to get sick.


Whether we like it or not, the expression “hormones surged” quite often reflects the real state of affairs, because it is impossible to foresee and control the hormonal reaction.

Sometimes the speed of such a reaction saves our lives, as it saved the lives of our distant ancestors in the primeval forest, and sometimes the hormonal system brings us trouble and grief.

However, attention to your body, a healthy lifestyle and timely access to a specialist if necessary will allow you to maintain health for a long time, and remember testosterone only as responsible for sexual desire and weight control :).

Have you had problems with increased testosterone hormone in your body?

The norm of testosterone in women varies depending on many factors: age, time of day, phase of the menstrual cycle, etc. Deviation up or down may indicate pathology, but also be associated with a sedentary lifestyle, psycho-emotional overload, poor nutrition, chronic stress . To identify the cause of the violation and its correction, you should consult a doctor.

The precursor of testosterone is cholesterol, which, as part of lipoproteins, enters the hormone-synthesizing cells of the glands. Testosterone biosynthesis begins with the cleavage of the cholesterol side chain and proceeds through a series of successive enzymatic reactions involving tissue enzymes. During biosynthesis, testosterone completely loses the side chain and is transported into the bloodstream.

Excess testosterone is caused by malnutrition, obesity, taking certain hormonal drugs.

Circulating in the bloodstream, the main part (40-60% of total testosterone) combines with sex hormone-binding globulin, turning into a metabolically inactive form. The remainder of circulating testosterone binds weakly to albumin, and only about 1–2% of total testosterone remains in free form. Free testosterone and testosterone bound to albumin are available to tissues and easily penetrate into target cells. In the process of metabolic activation, testosterone is converted into a more active form - dihydrotestosterone, a small part is transformed into estradiol. Inactivation of testosterone occurs in the liver.

testosterone in women

Testosterone has a major impact on women's sexual and reproductive health. The main sources of male hormone in women are the adrenal cortex and ovarian cells. A small amount is secreted in the placenta, muscles, skin and adipose tissue.

What is the hormone testosterone responsible for in women?

  • affects protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, takes part in the synthesis of lipoproteins in the liver, improves the absorption of minerals and water by the body, controls blood sugar levels;
  • regulates the development of the bone skeleton and bone growth during puberty, is responsible for bone density;
  • increases protein synthesis and breakdown, is responsible for the growth of muscle mass;
  • regulates the functions of the reproductive system;
  • affects the maturation of the egg and the formation of the corpus luteum;
  • participates in maintaining normal physiology in pregnant women;
  • affects the formation of the mammary glands;
  • responsible for the development of adipose tissue;
  • regulates the process of natural perspiration;
  • activates the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • responsible for sexual hair growth, affects hair follicles;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • causes changes in brain activity, has a stimulating effect on the development and functioning of the nervous system, increases stress resistance and endurance;
  • stimulates sexual desire.
A decrease in testosterone production in women can cause pathologies of the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovarian neoplasms, endocrine and autoimmune diseases, and surgical menopause.

The deviation of the level of testosterone from the norm in women significantly affects the state of health and appearance.

The norm of total testosterone in women

The values ​​of the norm of testosterone in women can vary greatly depending on the method of determination, laboratory, units of measurement, therefore, when interpreting test results, it is important to take into account all these factors.

The norm of testosterone in women varies depending on the time of day, age, phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of pregnancy.

Daily fluctuations in the concentration of the hormone in the blood are associated with the rhythm of its secretion. In the morning, the level of androgen is higher, in the evening it reaches its minimum value. Women produce an average of 0.4 mg of testosterone per day.

The rate of testosterone hormone in women is directly dependent on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • follicular phase- from 0.45 to 3.17 ng / ml;
  • ovulatory phase (peak)- from 0.46 to 2.48 ng / ml;
  • luteal phase- from 0.29 to 1.73 ng / ml.

During pregnancy, the level of testosterone in the blood of women increases, by the third trimester it becomes 3-4 times higher.

The testosterone level in women also varies with age. The content of the hormone in girls increases during puberty. After 35 years, it begins to gradually decline. With the onset of menopause, the norm of testosterone in women decreases by 1.5–2 times. Table of testosterone norms in women by age:

These norms take into account all forms of the hormone in the blood serum, i.e. total testosterone. Free testosterone index (FTI) is used to determine the ratio of free and total testosterone.

If testosterone is elevated, its decrease is carried out with the help of drugs that contain metformin and spironolactone. These substances inhibit testosterone synthesis or prevent it from binding to target cell receptors.

low testosterone

A decrease in testosterone production in women can cause pathologies of the pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovarian neoplasms, endocrine and autoimmune diseases, and surgical menopause. Conditions accompanied by a deficiency of adipose tissue, natural age-related changes, the period of pre- and postmenopause, rare exposure to the sun, low sexual activity, abuse of bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, psycho-emotional overload, chronic stress, poor nutrition ( low-calorie and low-protein diets, starvation). Testosterone deficiency can also be caused by taking certain medications, including hormonal contraceptives, immunosuppressants, antimycotic, anticonvulsant, antiulcer drugs.

Testosterone deficiency in women is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • decreased libido;
  • decreased muscle mass, loss of muscle tone;
  • dry skin, decrease in its tone and thickness;
  • increased sweating;
  • decrease in the amount of vaginal lubrication;
  • hair loss, dryness and brittleness;
  • mood lability, irritability, tearfulness, depression;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, poor exercise tolerance;
  • sleep disorders;
  • deterioration of memory, ability to concentrate.

Increased testosterone

A physiological increase in testosterone levels occurs during puberty, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

In other cases, an excess of testosterone in women is a consequence of disorders in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian-adrenal system.

The main sources of male hormone in women are the adrenal cortex and ovarian cells. A small amount is secreted in the placenta, muscles, skin and adipose tissue.

Elevated testosterone levels in women may indicate the presence of androgen-producing tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the hypothalamus, polycystic ovary syndrome, Itsenko-Cushing's disease. Also, an excess of testosterone is caused by malnutrition, obesity, taking certain hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of high testosterone in women:

  • excessive male pattern hair growth (hirsutism);
  • menstrual irregularities (irregular periods, anovulation, bleeding)
  • miscarriage, infertility;
  • obesity;
  • diffuse thinning of hair on the head;
  • striae;
  • increased sweating;
  • lowering the timbre of the voice;
  • development of a figure according to the male type, an increase in muscle mass, atrophy of the mammary glands;
  • hypertrophy of the clitoris and labia;
  • violations of electrolyte and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • increased libido;
  • irascibility, aggressiveness.

Diagnosis of violations

The initial examination includes a detailed study of the hereditary history, clarification of the features of metabolic disorders, genetic analysis, a study of hormonal status, a gynecological examination in order to identify concomitant pathology of the pelvic organs. To exclude tumor processes, MRI of the hypothalamic-pituitary region and CT or MRI of the adrenal glands are performed.

A blood sample for testosterone analysis is taken from a vein. Women are recommended to be examined on the 6th or 7th day of the menstrual cycle, if necessary, the analysis is also taken at the beginning of the cycle, on the 2nd or 3rd day. For a reliable assessment of androgenic status, it is recommended to take the analysis several times at regular intervals.

The deviation of the level of testosterone from the norm in women significantly affects the state of health and appearance.

The analysis is taken on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after the last meal, it is allowed to drink only water. On the eve of the study, it is necessary to reduce psycho-emotional and physical stress, exclude fatty foods, alcohol, smoking, postpone taking medications (as agreed with the doctor) and conduct ultrasound and x-ray studies.

How to normalize testosterone levels in women

The main treatment for testosterone secretion disorders is hormonal therapy. Medications and the duration of the course of treatment are selected by the doctor.

If testosterone is elevated, its decrease is carried out with the help of drugs that contain metformin and spironolactone. These substances inhibit testosterone synthesis or prevent it from binding to target cell receptors.

Since elevated testosterone levels in women are almost always accompanied by overweight, a diet that is balanced in terms of macro- and micronutrients, but with a reduced calorie content, is recommended.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

On High Testosterone Levels in Women by Westin Childs, Medical Practitioner and Functional Medicine Specialist. Childs blogs for patients, writes as accessible as possible, shows printouts of the tests he relies on, and makes specific recommendations. For women suffering from hirsutism, this article is useful both in terms of content and as an illustration of the approach.

Weight gain, acne, hair loss (and hirsutism - approx. website) - do you have any of these? This is not a complete list of symptoms of high blood testosterone levels in women. Why is testosterone levels rising and what should be done to reduce it?

Any doctor is able to say that the concentration of testosterone is above the norm, but few are ready to voice recommendations for solving the problem. To move towards a normal life, you need to understand what exactly is happening with your body.

In this case, the problem is that in 95% of cases, high testosterone levels are not a syndrome, but a symptom of another hormonal imbalance. Therefore, the main task is to find this imbalance and solve the problem associated with it - then the concentration of testosterone in the blood will decrease.

Symptoms of High Testosterone

Before moving on to a discussion of the causes of high testosterone levels in the blood and how to correct it, it is necessary to list the symptoms of this condition.

Symptoms are of key importance, because the body of each person has its own limits of normal. I have seen plenty of women with all the symptoms of elevated testosterone levels, while their tests were only at the upper limit of normal. (Read how very different the concept of "norm" for individuals, geographically limited populations, and humanity in general - approx. website)

So, the main symptoms of high testosterone:

  • Weight gain (especially fast) or inability to lose it.
  • Hair loss, especially in male pattern and with normal thyroid hormone levels.
  • Acne, change in oily skin and hair; cystic acne is common, especially on the chin.
  • Mood changes: depression, irritability, anxiety, frequent mood swings.
  • Imbalances in other hormones: estrogen to progesterone imbalance, lack of thyroid hormones (Childs does not cover this cause in detail, so read my article on how - approx. website), an excess of adrenal androgens (for example, DHAE-S).

As you can see, these are non-specific, very non-specific symptoms that are also characteristic of other hormonal abnormalities. For example, a lack of thyroid hormones can lead to weight gain and hair loss, but in this case, the hair will fall out evenly, without bald patches, as in men. Excess thyroid hormone can lead to acne, but it is rarely cystic and does not tend to occur on the chin. Thus, these symptoms will help determine exactly where the hormonal failure has occurred. Then the hypotheses need to be tested in the laboratory.

Laboratory study of testosterone levels in the blood

So let's talk about what abnormal testosterone levels look like. Let's look at a few examples. In the first example, the woman has a high level of free testosterone and an upper limit of normal for total testosterone.

You see that only free testosterone is labeled as high, but in reality the patient has an excess of testosterone in general. How do I know? The thing is, I see facial hair, acne, and being overweight. See: free testosterone is the physiologically active form of testosterone, the high concentration of which is responsible for the symptoms listed above. (Total testosterone generally has practically no diagnostic value - approx. website.)

In the case of this patient, the cause was insulin resistance. Working in this direction, she and I managed to reduce the level of free testosterone in the blood, and the symptoms disappeared.

Second example.

Again we see a high level of free testosterone and a completely normal level of total testosterone. The family doctor did not notice any problems because the excess hair growth was weak, the weight was in the upper limit of the norm, but the girl suffered from severe mood swings and irritability.

That's why it's so important to study symptoms along with lab tests to see and diagnose the problem.

I also want to show you an example of low testosterone levels in the blood.

The main problem of the patient was insulin resistance, so I gave the value of glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (HbA1c is a specific marker that helps to assess the average blood glucose over the past 2-3 months - approx. website). Remember: high insulin levels can cause both high and low testosterone, depending on the individual patient. And both of these conditions are equally bad.

Now you know how to identify elevated testosterone levels and what symptoms to look out for.

6 Causes of High Testosterone in Women

When hormone levels rise high enough, it becomes more difficult to figure out what exactly started the process. This situation is fundamentally different from low levels, where it is enough to "add the missing" to reduce symptoms. Therefore, most general practitioners are confused when faced with rising hormone levels.

1. Insulin resistance

The connection between insulin resistance (or simply high blood sugar) and testosterone is HUGE (more on this connection - approx. website). Insulin is able to lower and raise testosterone levels. In men, the hormone usually lowers testosterone levels, and in women, both options occur. To determine the connection in your body, you need to donate blood for glycated hemoglobin A1c, fasting insulin along with total and free testosterone. If a high level of insulin is found along with a high level of free testosterone, insulin is the cause of the hormonal imbalance.

Women with high testosterone levels combined with insulin resistance acquire (polycystic ovary syndrome). These patients have high levels of insulin, testosterone and estrogen and low levels of progesterone. This leads to mild facial hair growth, but in some cases, hormonal imbalances can also lead to darker skin, belly fat, and extreme mood swings. Generally, the worse your fasting insulin levels, the more severe your symptoms.

2. Dominance of estrogen over progesterone

All hormones in our body interact with each other. Think of them like a web: you cannot touch one thread without disturbing the others, and to change the whole web, you only need to break one thread. This principle is also true for the hormonal system. Hormones play together, so if one gets out of the program, it will lead to a failure in the rest.

The female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are particularly closely related. The exact mechanism of the connection between them is unknown, but they definitely affect testosterone levels. Take, for example, women with premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (a severe form of premenstrual syndrome - approx. website). These conditions are associated with estrogen dominance, and these same women have been found to have elevated testosterone and DHEA levels. Compare them to women during menopause, when low estrogen levels are combined with a complete absence of progesterone, and later blood testosterone levels also decrease (but the mustache still begins to grow, again due to the mutual concentration of sex hormones - approx. website). One thing is clear: changes in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone affect the concentration of testosterone.

3. Low physical activity

Training is an additional help to your body to utilize excess testosterone. Although there is no direct relationship between physical activity and testosterone levels, exercise helps with excess insulin levels, which in turn lowers high testosterone levels. The mechanism is simple: low insulin is normal testosterone, high insulin is high testosterone. Physical activity lowers your insulin levels by making your body cells more sensitive to it.

In addition, physical activity helps to overcome the eternal companion of abnormal testosterone levels - overweight.

4. Diseases of the adrenal glands (high levels of DHEA)

Diseases of the adrenal glands are less common. Anything that overworks the adrenal glands can lead to an increase in testosterone levels. To understand this, look at the diagram of how your body secretes testosterone:

It can be seen that the precursors of testosterone are DHAE, pregnenolone, progesterone and androstenedione. If there are more of them, then testosterone levels can also increase.

There are also a number of conditions that lead to increased production of DHEA and testosterone: severe stress and associated adrenal exhaustion, excessive DHAE/pregnenolone/progesterone supplementation, and again insulin resistance. Therefore, checking the levels of DHAE in the blood and cortisol in the daily urine is a good test when looking for the causes of elevated testosterone levels. Remember that hormones do not work independently.

5. High levels of the hormone leptin (leptin resistance)

Leptin creates conditions that make it difficult to lose weight. If you don't know what leptin resistance is, please read in English about exactly how it disables excess weight utilization.

In short, leptin resistance is a condition where there is too much leptin in the body and you get fat, but your brain does not see it. Hunger reigns in the head, and the body swells with fat. Leptin not only regulates satiety, but is also part of the reward system.

Leptin, produced by fat cells, is involved in the regulation of appetite, metabolism, tells the brain when to store fat and when it's time to burn it. Guess what happens if leptin sensitivity goes down. Your brain stops receiving leptin-delivered satiety messages and starts giving the exact opposite commands: your metabolism slows down, you think you're hungry, your body stops consuming stored calories.

Not only that, leptin controls testosterone secretion. The more leptin, the more it stimulates the endocrine glands to secrete testosterone. (Here it is somehow opaque; I could not find a single article confirming that leptin stimulates the secretion of steroids, rather the opposite; nevertheless, there is definitely a connection between leptin and testosterone, see my article - approx. website.)

High levels of leptin are also found in women suffering from insulin resistance (which in itself increases testosterone).

6. Obesity

Being overweight can increase testosterone levels on its own. Fat cells increase testosterone secretion by increasing the activity of the enzyme 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (type 5). Forget that long name: the point here is that fat increases testosterone on its own, but also by reducing the sensitivity of other tissues to insulin.

The moral of the story is that you need to lose weight in addition to all other treatments.

How to lower testosterone levels in women?

First you need to decide why you have elevated testosterone levels in the blood. The goal is to cure the root cause. Below I will talk about ways to treat the six causes that I talked about earlier.

High insulin level:

  1. Add high-intensity exercise: Increasing muscle mass increases tissue sensitivity to insulin.
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake (especially refined carbohydrates - sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), such as in the Nutrient Ketosis diet.
  3. Consider taking T3 thyroid hormone to speed up metabolism and increase cell sensitivity to insulin (note that we are talking about T3, not T4, but only T4 is sold in Russia - approx. website).
  4. Consider taking special medications that increase insulin sensitivity: SGLT-2 inhibitors, Metformin, GLP-1 agonists, alpha-amylase inhibitors.
  5. Consider taking supplements: Berberine (1000-2000 mg/day), alpha-lipoic acid (600-1200 mg/day), magnesium, chromium, PolyGlycopleX - all of these supplements can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Imbalance of estrogen and progesterone:

  1. Make sure your thyroid is functioning properly: hypothyroidism causes estrogen to dominate over progesterone.
  2. Make sure that your body's estrogen metabolism is optimal, liver function and proper nutrition are important for this.
  3. During menopause, consider taking bioidentical hormones (a mixture of progesterone and estradiol/estriol).
  4. Consider taking supplements to support estrogen metabolism: vitamin B12 (sublingual 5,000 mcg/day), 5-MTHF, DIM or Indole-3-carbinol, milk thistle, sulfur in the form of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), bioidentical progesterone (20-40 mg transdermally on days 14-28 of the cycle).

Adrenal Problems:

  1. Increase your salt intake (Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt).
  2. Learn to work with stress and switch from negativity (yoga, meditation, hiking, etc.)
  3. Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
  4. Reduce consumption of amphetamine-based stimulant drugs (adderall, concerta, phentermine, etc.)
  5. Sleep at least 8 hours a day; eliminate daytime sleep to avoid problems with falling asleep at night; do not overeat at night so that excess energy does not fall at the time before bedtime.
  6. Consider taking the following dietary supplements: adrenal adaptogens, adrenal hormones, vitamins B6 and C. For problems with falling asleep, melatonin.

Excess leptin:

  1. Consider the possibility of therapeutic intermittent fasting (meaning skipping certain meals on a schedule every few days and fasting days - approx. website)
  2. Reduce carbohydrate intake, including fructose.
  3. Compensate for hypothyroidism and treat insulin resistance, against which the restoration of leptin sensitivity is unlikely.
  4. Add high intensity workouts.
  5. Consider taking special drugs to increase sensitivity to lepin: Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon, or Symlin. In my experience, fighting leptin resistance without medication is very difficult. When used correctly, they can significantly adjust the weight and hormones in the blood.
  6. Consider taking supplements: fish oil, zinc, leucine, and supplements recommended for insulin resistance. There are no specialized supplements that help with excess leptin.


It is possible to reduce the high concentration of testosterone in the blood, but for this you need to find the root cause of the failure. If it is possible to correctly diagnose this cause and cure it, then the symptoms will decrease rapidly.

Typically, high testosterone levels are due to one or more of the following: insulin or leptin resistance, estrogen and progesterone balance problems, adrenal disease, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

If you're serious about solving your high testosterone problem, find a doctor who understands how hormones relate to each other and is willing to devote his time to getting to the bottom of the cause.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group, which is contained both in the body of a man and in the female body, although in a significantly, 4-12 times, smaller amount. The deviation of the hormone level from the norm significantly affects not only the state of health of a woman, but also her appearance.


Testosterone is produced in the adrenal cortex and ovaries. Its minimum amount is produced in the placenta and skin. The regulation of hormone production is carried out by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Androgynous hormone in women is responsible for:

  • size, anatomical position and function of the reproductive system,
  • generative function of the ovaries (formation of the egg),
  • sex drive,
  • skeletal formation,
  • bone density,
  • volume and mass of muscles,
  • development of adipose tissue
  • sebaceous gland function
  • skin condition,
  • nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism,
  • increases protein synthesis and breakdown,
  • on the risk of cardiovascular diseases and, in particular, atherosclerosis,
  • anabolic effects (synthesis of proteins, insulin, endorphins),
  • takes part in the synthesis of lipoproteins in the liver,
  • absorption of minerals and water by the body,
  • blood sugar control,
  • stress resistance,
  • endurance,
  • influence on cognitive functions.

Hormone level

Testosterone levels are subject to endogenous (external) and exogenous (internal) effects.

The level of the hormone in women changes not only throughout life, but also during the month, year. There are also daily fluctuations in the amount of testosterone. The norm of this hormone in women is considered to be 0.36-1.97 nmol / l. However, this rate is indicated for the female body over 13 years old and under 45-50. But even in this age range, hormone levels fluctuate significantly. Within a month, testosterone levels for women of childbearing age are normally:

  • permissible limits of the norm - 0.45 - 3.75 nmol / l
  • average - 0.29-3.18 pg / ml
  • in the phase of follicle formation (1-7 days of the menstrual cycle) - 0.45-3.17 pg / ml;
  • in the phase of ovulation - 0.46-2.48 pg / ml;
  • after the end of the cycle - 0.29-1.73 pg / ml.

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone increases by the third trimester and can exceed the specified rate by 3-4 times. During menopause, the amount of testosterone decreases and is 0.28-1.22 nmol / l. Until puberty, testosterone in the body of girls does not exceed 0.98 nmol / l. The maximum value of the hormone level is noted in the morning, the minimum - in the evening.

Free and bound testosterone

Testosterone binds in plasma to transport proteins - specifically with globulin and non-specifically - with albumin. Moreover, only 1-2% of the hormone is in the free (unbound) state. Protein-bound testosterone forms a store (pool) of the hormone, which is not subject to metabolism and clearance.

The rate of free substance also varies throughout life. The minimum reference (within the normal range) value of the free hormone is observed in girls under 9 years old (0.06-1.7 pg / ml). The maximum amount of free testosterone is in the blood plasma of girls in the post-pubertal (from 13 to 18 years) period and is 4.1 pg / ml. The normal level of free testosterone for pregnant women has not been established, but it also rises in the third trimester.

When determining the amount of total testosterone, the amount of the hormone in the bound and free state is taken into account. Its reference value in women over 18 years of age is 0.24-2.7 nmol / l. Laboratory studies take into account both testosterone states, since the ratio of hormone fractions changes under various conditions of the body and can become an informative indicator in pathology.

Therefore, in order to properly assess the amount of the hormone, many factors must be taken into account.

Factors Affecting Testosterone Levels

The decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood plasma of a woman is affected by:

1. Endogenous (external) factors of influence:

  • violation of the regime and quality of nutrition (starvation, raw food, vegetarianism, diets, etc.);
  • a large amount of carbohydrates;
  • food rich in Mg, Zn;
  • some medications (hormonal, oral contraceptives, antimycotic, anticonvulsant, immunosuppressants, antiulcer, etc.);
  • some medicinal plants (peppermint, black cohosh, licorice, dwarf palm);
  • low or high physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • stress;
  • alcoholism;
  • rare exposure to the sun;
  • low sexual activity.

2. Exogenous (internal factors):

  • genetics;
  • pathology of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • some autoimmune diseases;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • natural age changes.

Scientists argue that it is not the level of hormones that affects the state of the body, but the sensitivity of androgen receptors. Despite the lower concentration compared to the level of the hormone in men, the receptors of the female body are more sensitive, which explains the great importance of testosterone in women. The low content of the hormone is enhanced by the production of estrogen.

Low level symptoms

With a decrease in testosterone levels, the following symptoms are noted:

  • fat deposits in the lower abdomen, on the arms and in the neck;
  • the skin becomes dry and thin;
  • hair becomes brittle, split, fall out, lose shine;
  • decreased or absent sexual desire;
  • the vocal cords weaken, the timbre and strength of the voice change;
  • increased fatigue, fatigue, apathy;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • depression;
  • fragility of bones;
  • infertility;
  • increased sweating;
  • "tides";
  • sleep disorder;
  • rapid pulse;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • deterioration of cognitive abilities (memory, concentration, thinking, understanding, spatial orientation, etc.).

Reduced testosterone provokes a decrease in the amount of lubrication, so sexual intercourse causes discomfort and leads to the avoidance of sexual contact. The effect of stress on the body leads to a decrease in testosterone levels, which in turn adversely affects the psychological state of a woman. A vicious circle is formed.

A decrease in plasma testosterone levels can lead to a number of serious diseases.


Low testosterone provokes:

  • endometriosis;
  • malignant neoplasms of the breast;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteoporosis.

Low hormone levels are not a sentence. It can be increased with complex treatment, using hormone replacement therapy, herbal remedies, normalizing nutrition and physical activity. You can increase low testosterone by eliminating stressful factors, normalizing your rest regimen, and eliminating bad habits. Symptoms that correspond to low testosterone levels may indicate other diseases. Therefore, only laboratory diagnostics will provide objective information. You should not independently decipher the testimony of the tests, since only an experienced specialist will take into account all the factors and draw adequate conclusions - whether low testosterone is a pathology or is due to natural causes.