Stewed lamb with potatoes in the oven - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to cook it. Lamb stewed with potatoes in a cauldron Cooking lamb with potatoes


Lamb stew with potatoes- This is a recipe for any occasion. You can prepare this dish for lunch, pampering your household with it, or you can proudly display it on the holiday table. But be careful: they will grab it with your hands, and then demand the recipe for stewed lamb with potatoes “for the studio”!

In fact, there is probably no person who does not know or have not heard about this dish. Stewed meat and potatoes has been the most common dish in Rus' since ancient times. Young and mature housewives always tried to surprise their family with delicious dishes, and each of them had their own secrets on how to cook potatoes with meat. The meat for this dish was chosen based on the taste preferences and financial capabilities of the family. Nobles and merchants always chose pork or beef, while ordinary people had to be content with chicken or rabbit meat. But, nevertheless, the food always turned out excellent, because the meat goes very well with potatoes, and if you add seasonings, you’ll just lick your fingers!

You can freely experiment with types of meat, you can add a little more or a little less potatoes, replace any product and add seasonings to your taste. In any case, the result will be a very tasty and satisfying dish that will conquer any meat-eater at first sight!

It is necessary to carefully select lamb, since its grade and freshness can significantly affect the result. Knowledgeable people suggest that light red meat with elastic white veins is best. This means that it is fresh, which cannot be said about meat of a dark red hue, the fat in which is yellow.

It’s very easy to prepare stewed potatoes with lamb at home using this recipe with photos! You just need to stock up on the necessary products, set aside a little time and open our step-by-step photo recipe, which will show you in detail what the cooking process should look like.


  • (1 kg)

  • (1 kg)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1 head)

  • (1 piece)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (to taste)

  • (to taste)

  • (to taste)

Cooking steps

    Boneless lamb shoulder is best for this recipe, as the meat is unusually tender and has a fairly mild flavor.

    Cut the meat into any pieces convenient for you. In this recipe, the piece size was approximately the size of a matchbox. It is not recommended to make pieces that are too large, as this will cause some inconvenience during cooking.

    Now take a cast iron pan, pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into it, heat it up a little, and then add the meat. It should be slightly fried on all sides, then reduce the heat slightly and cover the pan with a lid.

    Grate the pickled cucumbers into strips on a fine grater and place in the pan with the meat. You can experiment and replace them with green apple varieties.

    Cover the dish with a lid again and go peel the onions. After cleaning, start cutting it into small cubes. Then place in a frying pan and fry until the onion turns golden. After that, add it to the pan.

    Peel the carrots and also cut them into small cubes. Fry in a frying pan, just like onions, and also add to a common pan, remembering to mix it all.

    Now you can add the spices you like to the dish. Ground pepper, coriander and chili pepper will come in handy here.

    Simmer the dish over low heat and begin peeling the potatoes. Cut it so that it is approximately the same size as the meat. You shouldn't cut it too finely. Next, peel and chop the garlic, place it in a bowl along with the potatoes, add salt and pepper, and then pour the contents of the cast-iron pan, which has been simmering over low heat, on top.

    Cover with a lid and place in the oven at 150 degrees. Leave the dish for an hour and a half and go about your business. Check the meat regularly; when it is ready, turn off the oven. Then you can put the still hot dish on plates and serve.

    Bon appetit!

What is the best way to cook stewed lamb with potatoes?

    Fry potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes. Separately, fry the lamb, cut into pieces, and chopped onions. Place everything in a frying pan, add tomato puree, salt and simmer until done.
    10pcs. potatoes, 600g lamb, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon tomato puree, 4 tbsp. spoons of pork fat, salt
    600 g lamb, 10 potatoes, 2 pickles, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato puree, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted butter or 30 g margarine, 1/2 cup meat broth, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste.

    Trim the meat from tendons, rinse with cold water, cut into small pieces together with the bones, add salt and pepper, place in a frying pan with heated fat and fry on both sides until golden brown. Chop the peeled onion, fry until golden brown, then add tomato puree, fry for another 5-7 minutes, pour in the strained hot broth and bring to a boil.
    Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into large cubes and fry them in hot fat. Peel the pickled cucumbers and remove large seeds, cut them lengthwise into four pieces, and then cut each slice into slices.
    Place meat and potatoes into portioned ceramic pots in layers, repeating the layers 1-2 times, pour over tomato sauce, close with lids, place in a preheated oven and simmer for about 1 hour until soft.
    15 minutes before readiness, add pickles.
    When serving, sprinkle the contents of the pots with herbs.

  3. Lamb stew

    Sauté finely chopped onion. Cut the meat into eight pieces, pour in boiling water, add chopped carrots, salt, bay leaf and pepper. Reduce by half under the lid. Strain the broth, dilute sour cream in it, whipped with flour fried until creamy and lemon juice. Boil. When serving, pour the resulting sauce over the meat and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Serve with boiled potatoes (can be added 20 minutes before the end to the stew).

    700 g lamb, 6 onions, 2 carrots, 5 peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 100 g butter, 150 g sour cream, 1 tsp. l. flour

  4. Potatoes stewed with lamb

    lamb 600 g, 1 carrot, 1 onion, tomato puree 1 tablespoon (or 2 tomatoes), pork fat 4 tablespoons, salt, pepper, dill.

    Peel the potatoes and carrots, rinse, cut into cubes and fry. Separately, fry the chopped lamb with onions. Mix everything, put it in a saucepan (or clay pots), add a little broth or water, tomato puree (tomatoes), salt, spices, cover with a lid and put in a preheated oven. Simmer until all ingredients are cooked. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

  5. I do this in the oven, add onions, peppers, bay. leaf, salt, add water to 1/3 and into the oven
  6. Lamb in cheese crust with potatoes

    What you need:

    (4 servings)
    1 clove of garlic
    1 glass of white wine
    1 tsp. mustard
    0.25 tsp ground black pepper
    600800 g boneless lamb
    0.5 loaves of white bread
    1.5 tbsp. l. grated parmesan
    1 bunch of parsley
    4 tbsp. l. butter
    1 kg potatoes
    salt to taste

    What to do:

    1. Make the marinade. Peel the garlic and chop it. Mix wine, mustard, garlic and black pepper in a bowl.
    2. Wash the meat, cut into thin pieces 5 cm long and 34 cm wide. Place in the marinade for 30 minutes.
    3. Cut the crust off the bread, finely crumble the crumb, then dry it a little. Wash the parsley, dry and finely chop. Mix parsley, Parmesan and bread crumbs thoroughly.
    4. Remove the lamb pieces from the marinade and roll in the resulting breading.
    5. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. l. butter. Fry the lamb pieces for 4 minutes. on each side. Remove from heat.
    6. Peel the potatoes. Cut each potato in half lengthwise. In a separate frying pan, heat the remaining butter, add the potatoes and fry until half cooked, about 5 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200C. Place the lamb and potatoes in a baking dish, cover with foil and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Serve with finely chopped fresh herbs or green onions.
    Lamb on the bone with puffed potatoes

    For 4 servings:

    4 lamb chops on the bone,
    6 small potatoes,
    vegetable oil,
    6 shallots,
    2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
    6 small champignons,
    1 tbsp. l. tomato paste,
    300 ml each of lamb and veal broth,
    300 ml dessert wine, preferably Madeira,
    75 g butter.

    Cut the peeled potatoes into circles 3 cm in diameter and 3 mm thick, rinse and dry. Heat them in vegetable oil, heated to 130C, until they begin to swell, but have not yet changed color. Immediately transfer them to oil heated to 180? C. The sudden change in temperature will make the potatoes fluffy and golden brown.
    Fry finely chopped shallots and chopped mushrooms in a heavy-bottomed frying pan over low heat in olive oil.
    When they turn brown, add the tomato paste and all the broth. Reduce the sauce by half, add wine. Evaporate by half again and wipe. Season, add butter cut into pieces.
    Fry the lamb on the grill (or in a frying pan), serve with potatoes and sauce.

  7. 500 g lamb
    300 g tomatoes in their own juice (or fresh)
    1 onion
    3 cloves garlic
    vegetable oil

    Finely chop the onion.
    Finely chop the garlic.
    Peel the tomatoes and mash with a fork.
    Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil.
    Add meat, salt and pepper, fry on both sides (5-7 minutes on each side).
    Add tomatoes, simmer covered for 40-50 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

The issue is, of course, controversial, but it is believed that stewed lamb with potatoes is a Greek dish. Today we will tell you several recipes for preparing this hearty and tasty dish. For some reason, many people are prejudiced against lamb. There is only one reason - they don’t know how to cook it properly. If everything is done as needed, the meat will be juicy and tender. And if you don’t like the smell, you can remove it by soaking the lamb in water for 30-60 minutes with the addition of lemon or vinegar. But this is a matter of habit.

Cooking lamb with potatoes in a pressure cooker

Let's start our recipes with the simplest - we'll prepare the dish in a pressure cooker, although you can do it in a very ordinary saucepan. We will need: lamb meat - one and a half kilograms, red and black pepper, salt, flour, olive oil - five tablespoons, garlic - one clove, one onion, white wine - 150 ml, lemon juice - 50 ml, potatoes - one kilogram, water - one glass. Now we’ll tell you how to prepare stewed lamb with potatoes in a pressure cooker. Salt the pieces of meat, pepper and roll in flour. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and fry until golden brown.

Finely chop the garlic and onion, add to the pan and fry for another three minutes. We extinguish with wine, pour out water and lemon juice. Close the lid of the juicer and cook for about 20 minutes. Next, add potatoes, cut into large cubes, and carrots into slices. Close again and simmer for 10 minutes. At the very end, if desired, add a little parsley or basil. You need more time in the pan. Roast lamb with potatoes is ready. Serve with any vegetable salad and feta cheese.

Recipe for lamb with potatoes in a slow cooker

If you entrust the task to a slow cooker, then almost any dish will be easier to prepare, including lamb. And if you add different vegetables and don’t skimp on seasonings, the result will be super, with a rich and rich taste and incredible aroma. Necessary ingredients: lamb - one kilogram, one onion, the same amount - carrots, vegetable oil - four spoons, potatoes - 500 grams, various spices for meat. So, we cook potatoes with lamb in a slow cooker.

We start with the onion - peel, rinse and cut into half rings. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add the onion, turn on the “Baking” mode and fry for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the carrots, potatoes and cut into large pieces. Place the meat on top of the onion, sprinkle with spices, sparing them, and vegetables on top. Switch the multicooker to “Stew” and set the time to 3.5 hours. After this time, the lamb stew with potatoes is ready. Decorate with herbs, pour sauce, such as ketchup, and serve.

Cooking lamb in a cauldron

To do this, you need to prepare the following ingredients: one kilogram of lamb meat, for example, neck, 300 grams of fat tail fat, one kilogram of potatoes, two carrots, two or three onions, hot pepper, salt, spices, red and black pepper. And now about how lamb and potatoes are prepared in a cauldron. First of all, it is necessary to render fat from fat tail fat.

Therefore, before this, we’ll prepare the cauldron, since we don’t use it every day and it’s probably not in the best condition. So, pour one and a half glasses of water into it and boil for five minutes. As a result, the old fat will float to the surface of the water, we drain it, and we again have a clean container. Place the diced lard in a cauldron and wait for the fat tail to lose all its fat. We take out the cracklings; you can use them to make a delicious appetizer with cilantro, onions and salt.

We continue to cook roast lamb with potatoes in a cauldron

Fry the potatoes in boiling oil, just a little, until golden brown. We take it out and do the same with the meat. We take it out and put everything separately. Place the carrots, cut into large rings, into the oil for 30-40 seconds.

Then we reduce the heat, scoop out the excess oil and begin to fill the cauldron: potatoes, meat and carrots, then salt the dish and add spices and coriander. Place the onion, cut into rings, on top, close the lid and simmer for 60 minutes over low heat. Then, enjoying the aroma, open the cauldron. Take out the pepper and mix the ingredients. Let it simmer for a couple more minutes, stirring and increasing the heat. Ready, you can serve, garnished with cilantro.

Recipe for lamb with potatoes and mushrooms in pots

If you cook any food in pots, it will have a special aroma and taste. We will also try to make a magnificent dish of lamb with potatoes in pots, adding mushrooms. For this we will need: 500 grams of meat, 250 grams of mushrooms, two onions, six to seven potatoes, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, 200 grams of cream, a glass of water, spices and salt. It is very important to choose the right lamb.

The animal should not be old, as its fat has a characteristic odor, which can ruin the entire taste of the dish. Take a piece from the neck or ribs, no more than three years old. The fat should not be yellow, the normal color is white. And it’s better to cut it off and add bay leaves, dried herbs, a khmeli-suneli mixture or other favorite spices.

Cooking recipe

Wash the meat and cut into medium-sized cubes. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, preferably champignons. In a frying pan, using a little vegetable oil, fry the lamb with mushrooms until a golden brown, light crust appears. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Add to the frying pan with the mushrooms and meat, fry for a few minutes and place in ceramic pots on the bottom. Peel the potatoes and cut them, like the meat, into medium-sized cubes. If you first fry it in a frying pan, the taste of the dish will be noticeably brighter.

We transfer the potatoes into a pot, pour water and put them in the oven. Roasting time for meat and vegetables is 30 minutes, until the lamb is completely cooked. After this, pour cream into the pots, add spices, salt and cover with a lid. Cook for another 20 minutes and the lamb stewed with potatoes and mushrooms is ready. Serve to the table by adding finely chopped greens to each ceramic container. Bon appetit!

Excellent meat - lamb! How many delicious dishes can be prepared from this aromatic meat! I especially like stewing meat with vegetables and tomatoes. And if you add potatoes to the meat, it will be much tastier and more satisfying.

Potatoes can be baked or boiled separately, but how delicious the dish is when everything is simmered together over low heat!

It's great if you come across fresh meat. There are no sheep in our area, so I have these frozen steaks. The meat is tasty and cooks quickly, no need to simmer for hours.

To prepare stewed lamb with potatoes, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Cut the meat into small pieces and lightly fry in sunflower oil.

Then add water so that it covers the meat completely. Simmer under the lid until the meat is completely cooked. During this time, almost all the water will boil away. If necessary, add water during cooking.

I have had cases where the meat was ready after 40 minutes of stewing, and there were also cases where an hour and forty had passed, and the meat was a bit tough. Determine the time yourself, try the meat.

Add randomly chopped vegetables and cumin to the meat.

Let's fry it a little.

Add potatoes, cut into large pieces. Pour water into the cauldron. Now you just have to see which one you like best. If you like there to be more liquid, add more water. I added it so that the potatoes were not covered with water.

Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until done.

Season the finished dish with salt and pepper to taste.

Let's let it brew a little.

Serve the stewed lamb with hot potatoes, sprinkled with fresh cilantro.

Bon appetit!

Lamb has always been the favorite meat of the peoples of the East; it was there that the famous dairy lambs were raised. The meat of young lambs is considered the most delicious; it has a light red color and white, elastic fat.

Some information

There are the following types of lamb: this is milk lamb meat (up to eight weeks of age), which is considered the most delicious and is considered a delicacy; young lamb meat (aged from three months to one year). Mutton is also considered to be rams that are more than one year old.

Useful properties

Lamb has many beneficial properties; it contains three times less fat than pork, for this reason boiled lamb is included in the diet. In addition, this type of meat does not contain cholesterol, improves the functioning of the pancreas and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Use of lamb in cooking

Cooking lamb largely depends on the culinary traditions of the country. For example, in the East it is boiled with dates, olive oil, tomatoes and wine are added to lamb dishes, and northern peoples often prepare such a dish as stewed lamb (with potatoes and other vegetables).

It should be noted that seasonings such as oregano and thyme are great for lamb and soften the taste of lamb fat. If you don't like the taste of lamb fat, you can simply remove it.

With potatoes is one of the simplest dishes that can be made from this type of meat. Preparing this dish will not take you much time and will diversify your family diet.

So, we present to your attention the recipe: lamb stew with potatoes and vegetables.

To prepare this dish we need the following ingredients: 130 grams of lamb, 15 grams of lamb fat, one onion, one carrot, 25 grams of tomato paste or two tomatoes, 200 grams of potatoes and a bunch of dill or parsley, pepper and salt.

Attention: the amount of ingredients in this recipe is for one serving.

Preparation: Cut the lamb into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Cut the carrots into cubes and the onions into half rings. Next, melt the lamb fat in a deep frying pan and fry the onions, carrots and lamb cubes in it. Add tomato paste or chopped tomatoes, add water, cover and simmer the meat for about 25 minutes.

Lamb stew with potatoes and vegetables served with red wine.

The next dish has the same simple preparation as the previous one.

Amazing lamb stew (with prunes)

Dish ingredients: 130 grams of lamb meat, 35 grams of pitted prunes, one onion, 20 grams of tomato paste or two tomatoes, 15 grams of lamb fat, pepper, salt and herbs. Prepare a sauce from 5 grams of sugar, 8 grams of 6% vinegar and a pinch of cloves and cinnamon.

Attention: the amount of ingredients in this recipe is for one serving. The dish will be ready in half an hour!

Preparation: cut the lamb into small pieces, add salt. Melt the lamb fat in a deep frying pan, add the meat, finely chopped onions, tomato paste and simmer the meat for half an hour.

Then add pre-washed pitted prunes, sauce, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the meat. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, add prunes, sauce and simmer the meat until it is completely cooked. Serve the dish with finely chopped herbs.

As you have seen for yourself, preparing dishes such as lamb with potatoes and vegetables, as well as prunes, will not take much of your time, but will significantly diversify your family diet and turn your ordinary dinner into a festive one.

Bon appetit!