Care for hair so that it is not thin. How to restore weakened hair? We follow the advice of professionals

Every modern girl knows that after shampoo you need to use a balm, and when straightening your hair, a protective product (for example, Selective Professional Due Phasette regenerating product or Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment). But, unfortunately, not everyone understands that hair care depends on its type and condition. Starting from various cosmetics and folk remedies to special diets, everything should be selected individually. Hair prone to hair loss requires special attention. But, if you regularly follow simple rules and recommendations, you will soon be able to be proud of your strong and thick hair.

Oddly enough, one of the main causes of hair problems is improper washing. Firstly, it is not recommended to wash your hair more than 2 times a week. Secondly, the water should be warm, not hot, and preferably settled or pre-boiled. Thirdly, hair should be combed before washing and under no circumstances after.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shampoo and conditioner. These should be natural herbal remedies. Make sure that the color is not very bright, and that the composition does not contain sodium and ammonium sulfate. These substances dry out the hair and disrupt its structure, causing hair loss. It is desirable to include phytoestrogens: sage, hops, burdock and grape seeds; as well as vitamin E, zinc and fatty acids. It is very useful to make medicinal masks and decoctions to strengthen and grow hair. They should be used every time you wash your hair. It is recommended to massage your head 2-3 times a week using special oils.

The oils that best deal with hair loss are rosemary, ylang-ylang, pine, lavender, cedar and grape seed oils. They can not only be rubbed into the head during a massage, but also used as a mask.

As practice shows, folk recipes are most effective for hair loss. Of course, their preparation takes time, but the result is worth it. The most effective masks are honey, egg, onion and salt. The first can be prepared by heating 2 tablespoons of honey with a little water. This mixture should be rubbed well into the scalp, wrapped in plastic and kept for at least 2 hours.

To prepare the egg mask, beat 2 yolks and add olive oil. Rub it into the roots in the same way, but leave it on for no more than 1-1.5 hours. These 2 masks are recommended to be used 2 times a week for 1-1.5 months.

The onion mask is the strongest and can even cure baldness. The recipe is quite simple: grate 3 onions, add a little honey and olive oil. Keep on your head for about 1 hour.

A salt mask involves rubbing sea salt into the scalp. This should be done on clean hair and kept under the film for about 20 minutes. The effect is noticeable after 7-10 procedures.

In addition to masks, it is also advisable to rinse your hair with herbal infusions. To prepare them, you can use nettle, burdock, coltsfoot, birch buds, hops and burdock roots. The roots or leaves need to be crushed, pour boiling water and leave for several hours.

Finally, I would like to note that there are a number of products that help with hair loss. Red fish, eggs, dairy products and legumes will greatly help in caring for your hair.

They also need to be loved and protected. Protect your hair from the sun and frost, do not use a hair dryer or curler. By regularly following these very simple rules for caring for hair prone to hair loss, in a month you will already notice the result.


A little history:

I never had super long hair growing up. They were always just below the shoulders. I had a haircut once a year, but for some reason my hair didn’t grow. My mother said that she was very worried about my hair, so she made me all sorts of homemade masks from kefir, yolks and rinsed with nettle. As you might guess, my hair hasn’t gotten any better)

In 6th grade, I decided to change my image and cut my hair, I wanted to quickly become an adult. Having read on the Internet about fashionable haircuts, I chose a cascade, although it seems to me that it is always fashionable)) After the hairdresser I was delighted, because now I am not a girl with a pigtail, but a girl with a hairstyle!) but the joy was until the first wash of my hair. At the hairdresser, of course, they said that the hair would need to be styled, but how could a small child understand that?! My parents, seeing the horror on my head, bought me a flat iron, thinking that this would fix the situation (professional, with tourmaline coating). The sellers even convinced that it seals the ends and they stop splitting. And after that moment my long story with hair began. I washed my hair every day, so I straightened it every day too! Sometimes I didn’t even wait until my hair was completely dry. I didn’t know anything about thermal protection then, but I used masks and balms (it was always mass market). With the iron, my hair looked great for the first six months, but then the horror began. I didn’t notice it right away, but once on the bus I saw a girl with terribly split hair, and it was terrible, because this hair looked like mine! And I realized what they look like from the outside.

My hair:

  • porous,
  • thin,
  • naturally curly,
  • damaged by my manipulations,
  • my scalp is oily (I wash it almost every day or every other day).

________________________________WHAT CARE TO CHOOSE?________________________________

I would divide care into 5 categories:

1. Organic. The products do not contain silicones or any other chemicals.

2. Homemade. These are masks made from mustard, kefir, eggs, rinsing with herbs, etc.

3. Mass market. These include products that can be bought in regular online stores. They are designed for a wide range of consumers, so there is not always a difference in their composition, but only in packaging.

4. Pseudoorganics. Brands position themselves as organic, but in the composition of the products you can often find things that are not at all healthy. They could be classified as an offshoot of organics or mass market, because they are also sold in chain stores. Therefore, let it be a separate category.

5. Pharmacy. The tools are designed to solve specific problems.

products that are simply sold in pharmacies(hair vital, fitoval, alerana).

medicines that solve various scalp problems(dandruff, hair loss, etc.)

6. Professional. And here it can be divided into two types:

Cheap prof. Its effect is often compared to the mass market (Estelle, Kapus, Next).

Dear Prof ( Lanza, L'Oreal, Redken, Goldwell, Joyco, etc.).

I used to be of the opinion that only professional care can save and restore damaged hair. And she categorically rejected the mass market, organics and home remedies. Now my opinion has changed a little. And let's take a closer look at this.

_____________________________________MY HISTORY____________________________________

Stage 1. Probably every girl dabbled in home care) I did lamination with gelatin, and rinsed my hair with vinegar, various herbs (nettle, chamomile and everything else), did aroma combing, made masks from kefir, cognac, yolks, mayonnaise and mustard. And of course oils (coconut, burdock, argan, shea, olive). The hair from such care was terrible, and the worst thing was that I didn’t understand it. I thought that if I did it more often, my hair would get better, but for some reason I didn’t notice that it was getting worse and worse. In general - a nightmare! Home care suits some people, and they have luxurious hair! But some people don't. I am more inclined to believe that it all depends on genetics. But there is only one mask that I took away from such care - mustard. I started using it simply out of desperation, without having high hopes. But it was she who became almost the main reason for the change in my hair!

At that time my hair looked like this:

Stage 2. I didn’t try real organics then, because it was simply not possible to buy it anywhere. The stores sold nature siberica and planet organics. And there was a moment when I was also very interested in them: I bought all types of shampoos from Siberia, took all these emerald and pink masks from Planet Organics. Shampoos and masks like Elseve and Garnier were also in my care, they all gave the same effect - or rather the lack of it.

My hair at that time:

Stage 3. This stage became a turning point for me. In groups about hair care, I learned about the existence of professional products. And then I got really sick, when there was no turning back. I spent all my money on hair, I didn’t buy super expensive hair products, but there was a lot of it. I got acquainted with such brands as L’Oréal, Matrix, Salerm, Kapous, Hair Company and many other things that you can’t even remember. I washed my hair every day, so I used the products quickly enough) It was with this treatment that I began to notice real results.

Now I understand that it doesn’t matter what segment your products are from, the main thing is how they work on the hair. Now I calmly combine budget professional and mass, and I don’t see much of a difference.

_______________________________MY CARE AND PRINCIPLES:________________________________

Cleansing. The most important thing here is to choose a shampoo. Although everyone says that shampoo is not able to moisturize or do anything to the hair, I always see a difference from using different shampoos. And therefore I demand from him not only cleansing, but also careful treatment of my hair. At the moment I use several shampoos, I like to alternate them, but this is not necessary. Sometimes I even noticed a better effect of the shampoo after a month of continuous use. Everything is individual here, and there are no general rules.

Advice: Oily skin doesn't need harsh shampoos! Don't buy shampoos labeled for oily hair. They dry the damaged length terribly. Take moisturizing and mild shampoos, but don’t take nourishing ones (they make your head get oily very quickly, I don’t think you need it). My favorite shampoo at the moment is hair growth shampoo from Hair Vital.

How to wash your hair:

I always wash it in the bath or under the shower, that is, I don’t wash it separately. I try to tilt my head in different directions to rinse well. The water must be at room temperature; hot water can cause oily hair. As for treating your hair with a cold wave, I don’t think it works, the hair scales don’t close from the temperature, they can shrink in an acidic environment. Therefore, I consider this process useless at the very least. I use quite a lot of shampoo, 3 tablespoons at a time. I soap my hair in 2 stages:

  • The first time I take more and rub it in my palms until foam forms; it doesn’t foam very well on my head, so it takes more product. I hold it for about 1-2 minutes. I rinse my hair, the foam flows down the length.
  • The second time I also rub and apply a smaller amount of shampoo, here I already get a lot of foam, and I also apply it to the length. I hold it for 5 minutes.

Nutrition, hydration and restoration.

The next stage of application masks/balms/conditioners. Masks are considered the most nutritious, and to be honest, they were the only ones that I saw improvements in care. Balms and conditioners are rather weak in this regard for me. But there are always exceptions to the rules. I keep them depending on how much time I have, somewhere from 5 to 20 minutes. I always try to comb my hair with my fingers while the mask is on. I don’t like the comb at all in this regard, it pulls my hair a lot. After washing, I wrap my hair in a towel for 15 minutes. Please don't rub them! It’s better to just gently blot them. They advise not to comb wet hair, but I comb it under one condition - after I apply leave-in conditioner. I didn't see any harm from this.

Leave-in products.

For me they play 50% of the role in care. Thanks to them, I was able to maintain my ends and let out the length. Leave-in products can be divided into sprays, oil-based and cream. My hair really loves creamy leave-in products and sprays, and even more, it loves the combination of the two. That is, first I apply the cream one, and then the spray. But here, too, everything is individual. Oils can make my hair oily and dry out. I also have a separate thermal protection from Salerm, which I use only when using an iron. And my regular kit can handle a hairdryer.

Lamination, keratin straightening and other procedures.

I have a lamination kit from Hair Vital, but it only gives me a visual effect for one day, so I’m calm about lamination, it can’t work miracles, but as a way out, it’s probably my favorite. I had keratin straightening done at the salon. Yes, the effect it had was great, but it caused my hair to split a lot. I don’t know who is to blame, the composition or the master or my thin hair, but I don’t want to do it anymore, considering that this is an expensive procedure, it’s easier to buy good care and achieve the result in a calm and non-dangerous way. I have a positive attitude towards all other procedures, such as prosthetics, Botox, etc. And if I have the opportunity, I will definitely try.

Combing. I have a lot of combs: teaser, natural bristle, massaging, brushing. But to be honest, I didn’t see any unusual effect on the hair, both in a positive and negative sense. Therefore, I am neutral when it comes to choosing a comb.

Laying. This is a very important point. Without styling my hair doesn't always look good. But dear girls, do not use the iron often! I can say one thing - for fine hair this is a quick death! Super-nano coating and expensive thermal protection will not save you. They can only delay the day when your hair starts falling off! For thick hair, I think you don’t have to worry so much.

Advice: what to do if your hair looks terrible without styling? My answer is - use a hairdryer! I don’t know why no one told me about this right away, no matter how much time and effort I would have saved. But everything comes with experience. And I strongly advise you to replace your iron with a good hair dryer with brushing. There are a lot of videos on how to style your hair using it! A month of training and you will dry your hair like a professional in 5 minutes. And don’t forget about thermal protection, even if it’s a spray, it should be there!


I have never had extreme transformations, the maximum being green tips. But I wore makeup a lot, and took colors 1-2 shades different from my hair color. At first it was ordinary household dyes, then I switched to ammonia-free paint from Matrix. But 2 years ago I decided to grow out my hair color. There were many reasons:

  • constant waste of time and money on paint,
  • the result is not always what I wanted,
  • I realized that the colors I painted in didn’t suit me.

This is what my hair looked like when I started growing out my color:

But after I stopped coloring, I encountered terrible fragility; it was only later that I learned that the hair was becoming empty and brittle, and it needed to be at least tinted. And before that, I tried all sorts of remedies. Now I tint with a colorless concealer once every 3 months. Some of my colored hair is brittle, so I try to gradually grow it out and cut it off.

Advice: Hair coloring only in the salon! A lot of people dye their own hair, but let's be honest, do you see beautiful and rich shades in their hair? Me not. Most often it is a dirty yellow blond, or dull black shades that do not match the appearance and color type. I don't argue that you can get a beautiful color. But do you know all the subtleties of coloring? Do you stop the oxidation process? What oxide are you using? All this can result in terrible hair breakage in the future, especially for fine hair. I was guilty of this, and I warn you against this mistake!

A haircut.

If you are growing your hair, then I do not advise you to go for a haircut very often. I do this once every six months, and only then do I see results in length. It’s also not worth it without a haircut, as your hair will then look sloppy and disheveled. Among the hair cuts, I like the straight one the most. This is exactly what I am striving for now.

___________________________HAIR GROWTH STIMULATION___________________________

I already said that it is very slow for me. But I still found ways to speed it up. They may be familiar and banal to everyone, but they work for me. Only everything needs to be done in a comprehensive manner.

1. Probably the mustard mask played the most important role. I did it for a year: 1-2 times a week for two months, then rest for 1-1.5 months.

2. Vitamins. I like to take omega-3. I won’t say that it accelerates growth, but it works for me and I think it’s beneficial for the body as a whole to take it.

3. Playing sports. I’m not an athlete in life, and I’m not really into it. But when I started practicing at home and getting into snowboarding, I really saw results.

4 . Shampoos, masks and tonics. As for warming and cooling masks, lotions and tonics, they make sense. There is an influx of skin to the bulbs, but only mustard works for me and I also liked the compliment with pepper.

To summarize, I want to say:

If you want long, beautiful and healthy hair, then you don’t need to torment it with dyeing and straightening. Hide them during frost, do not pull them while combing, be careful with them. And I’m sure that after a while they will definitely thank you.

Thank you for reading to the end! I hope I was able to convey to you new and necessary information that you can use in the process of growing your hair!

Good morning. I found a great review on the Internet about hair care. I'm afraid of losing it, so I'm copying it here. I just started trying her advice, but my thin hairs have begun to transform, so the article is 100% good and useful. Good afternoon:) Finally, I’m ready for a review on hair care and I’m ready to tell in detail and step by step my story about turning a washcloth into something decent. This story is my pride, so there will be a lot of letters and emotions. Get ready. I can't do anything...

Help me decide!!!

Hello girls! For a whole year I have been tormenting myself with thoughts about hair coloring and cutting. I weighed all the pros and cons a million times, but never came to anything. I was a blonde for about 5 years, my natural color is light brown. The hair is very thin and weak, at first I burned it with supra and then switched to a more gentle dye, but the hair still didn’t look very good, it split, broke, dried out, BUT it was the ends, otherwise the hair looked very beautiful. I've been growing out my color for two years, and I've come to the conclusion that hair health is more important, although...

Hair is falling out - what to do? First you need to find out the cause of hair loss, and then begin to restore it. In any case, to improve their health, you will need an integrated approach. In this article we will tell you how to stop intense hair loss and grow natural long hair.

Causes of hair loss

  1. Unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins. In order for your body to have something to build healthy hair from, it must have “building material”: vitamins and microelements. Be sure to include dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs and meat in your diet. Bad habits also negatively affect the condition of the hair, since the body cannot cope with a large number of toxins. Therefore, it is better to avoid smoking and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Improper hair washing and care. Make sure you wash your hair with the right type of shampoo. We wrote in a separate article how to choose shampoo and wash your hair correctly. It is also important to comb your hair without harming it. Often, just one incorrect combing can lead to hair falling out and breaking off. But more on that below.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body: pregnancy, childbirth, taking and stopping hormonal medications (including contraceptives). All this can lead to severe hair loss. During pregnancy, hormonal levels change, and pregnant women often experience active hair growth. They become strong, their loss is reduced to a minimum. But after the birth of a child, the mother again experiences hormonal changes, which provokes increased hair loss. The norm for hair loss is 100 hairs per day, after childbirth - 500 per day. Within a year, your body will restore hormonal balance and severe hair loss will stop, provided that you combine proper nutrition and hair care.

How to stop hair loss?

To restore your hair, you need a systematic approach.

  1. Proper nutrition and taking vitamins.
  2. External hair care: proper washing and combing, hair restoration using serums, oils and masks.


Use leave-in serums as a complement to your shampoo. They remain on the hair until the next shampoo, penetrate the hair structure and nourish it. For example, Concept serum with argan oil has a caring effect. It restores hair and helps protect it from harmful substances; it can be added to hair dye. Indola serum makes it easier to comb dry and damaged hair, and with its help you can achieve a glossy shine to your hairstyle. And Green line serum prevents hair loss and activates hair growth. There are also anti-dandruff serum And soothing serum for sensitive scalp.

Invisibobble elastic bands

Get useful accessories. If your hair is falling out, breaking and split ends, it is important not to aggravate the problem. holds hair tightly without kinks or damage. They easily take the desired shape on the hair, and after removal they regain their original appearance. With these elastic bands, everyday hair care will be pleasant and effective.

Invisibobble elastic bands come in three types:

  1. Original - for all occasions.
  2. Power - especially tight for sports.
  3. Nano - reduced diameter for creating hairstyles.
  4. Slim - curls reduced in size.
  5. Basic - do not have a spiral, but also perfectly fix the hairstyle, without creases.
  6. Sprunchie is a velvet fabric elastic band with an Original elastic band hidden inside.

Tangle Teezer Comb

Combing your hair plays a huge role in hair care. Choose a quality comb and keep it clean. Keep your comb in its packaging to prevent it from getting dirty and leaving dust on your hair: this will also quickly make your hair dirty, and you will have to wash it more often.- ideal for all hair types. It helps to gently comb your hair, preventing tangling. With this comb, you can give your scalp a relaxing massage to increase blood flow and speed up hair growth. In addition, it is compact and does not take up much space in your purse. A special case protects the teeth from dust and dirt.

How to comb your hair correctly?

Improper combing increases hair loss, makes it weak and brittle, and does not allow it to grow longer. Follow these simple rules to keep your hair healthy and prevent severe hair loss.

  1. Start combing from the ends, holding the strands so that the hair is not pulled out by the comb. Gradually move towards the roots. You will feel that with this method there is much less hair left on the comb. They will not be injured and the process itself will become easier and more enjoyable.
  2. Comb your hair in different directions, sometimes on one side of your shoulder, sometimes on the other. You can also pull your hair forward and comb the back of your head. This increases blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates the “awakening” of dormant hair follicles.
  3. Try to comb your hair in a well-ventilated area to allow oxygen to penetrate the follicles. Lightly massage your scalp with a comb or your fingers.
  4. Never comb wet hair. When wet, they are more susceptible to brittleness and breakage. The exception is if your hair is wavy. But even in this case, you need to let your hair dry a little so that the scalp is not steamed and the follicles are open.
  5. Trichologists do not recommend combing your hair either too rarely or too often. The optimal frequency is 2 times a day, morning and evening. If your hair is dry and easily tangled, stock up on conditioner: it will help smooth it out and make it manageable.

How to grow long hair?

  1. Use oils in your care, they stimulate hair growth and make it healthier. Buy several different oils: one you will need to moisturize the ends and lengths of your hair, and another you can add to masks. This will increase the effectiveness of your hair treatment. Schwarzkopf oil will help you in your daily care, it smoothes and strengthens hair without weighing it down, and is applied without rinsing. You can rub rose oil into your damp scalp after shampooing to stimulate hair growth. While rubbing, do a light massage to enhance the effect of the oil.
  2. turn shampooing into a real spa treatment. Their difference from balms is that they are designed for a longer effect and have a cumulative effect. For damaged hair, we recommend choosing keratin masks: they contain an element necessary for hair - keratin. Ollin mask with almond oil was created specifically for hair prone to hair loss. It also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. If you want to grow length, try not to cut your hair too often. This is simple advice, but for some reason many people neglect it. It's just a myth that cutting your hair stimulates hair growth. If you want to grow your hair to the desired length, you need to take care that it does not split at the ends, as this leads to breakage. Regularly care for your ends using oils and special serum-control.

Hair growth, density and thickness are largely determined by genetics, but by caring for your hair regularly, you can improve your natural hair.

We wish your hair health and beauty!

Best regards, imkosmetik online store.