Types of sunglasses. Fashionable sunglasses

So that they protect the eyes, fit correctly, and do not break a week after purchase. Their purchase should be taken responsibly, since counterfeit glasses not only do not provide protective effects, but also contribute to the deterioration of vision. If in Russian realities a fake RayBan is quite suitable for the season, then in Thailand it is better to choose quality over price.

Frame and lens material

First, pay attention to the lenses. Which lenses to choose for sunglasses? nature itself suggests - the glass that fashionistas are chasing is less scratched, but only partially blocks ultraviolet radiation. But high-quality polymers, like polycarbonate, prevent rays A and B from reaching the retina. Infrared rays only block polarized sunglasses, and classics, especially fashion ones, do not hinder them at all.

Advice! If you have to drive a car often, then it is best to leave your choice on plastic glasses, as they are safer in case of a possible accident (what to do if?). Such glass will either simply fly out of the frame, or even if it breaks, the risk of injury is minimized.

The frame material can be any. Lightweight plastic has its advantages, for example, it is durable and lasts a long time. Metal models with wooden inserts look no less stylish, and they are stronger than plastic. It’s just important to carefully consider the places where the lenses are attached to the frame; if the metal frame is overtightened, cracks can form at the fixation points, they dramatically spoil the appearance of the accessory and reduce its service life.

Glass color and tint level

Not all sunglasses are ideally dark. The barrier to sunlight is not the intense coloring of the lenses. Even, on the contrary, extremely dark lenses without a protective filter against ultraviolet radiation harm the eyes even more than translucent “chameleon” glasses. The fact is that behind dark lenses, the pupil involuntarily expands and literally absorbs harmful rays.

Radiation protection

If you still can't decide, then try choose sunglasses by type of protection. Manufacturers indicate the barrier indicator and type of filter on a special insert included with the accessory. Additionally, some manufacturers mark on the insert the conditions in which it is recommended to use the glasses.

  • “0” – minimal protection from all types of radiation, the filter transmits at least 80% of light.
  • “1” and “2” – categories of average radiation protection. The first category transmits from 43 to 80 percent of light, and the second - 18–43 percent.
  • “3” is an excellent solution for relaxation and living by the sea, visits to nature and daytime city walks. Glass filters transmit no more than 18% of light.
  • “4” – glasses for Thailand, a place where the sun does not spare either the eyes or the skin (). Their light transmission is 3–8 percent.

You can choose sunglasses to suit your face, but do not forget about light transmission, it should be level 3 or 4 for eye comfort in Thailand.

Polarizing coating

Choose the right sunglasses Understanding all their characteristics will help. Optical store salespeople often mention polarization when talking about eyewear models for car enthusiasts and beach lovers. Essentially, the presence of a polarizing filter indicates that the lenses have a special coating applied to them to block glare and reflections. Therefore, for those who have decided choose quality sunglasses To stay at resorts in Thailand, you need to pay attention to models with good polarization. Scientifically speaking, such a filter cuts off the peaks of the amplitudes of light waves that exceed a given norm.

How to check polarized glasses when purchasing?

There are three methods known to us.

  1. Hologram. Look at the hologram, indistinguishable without glasses; stores usually have them. Just ask the seller for it.
  2. Smartphone. Turn on the display to maximum brightness and set a white background, bring polarized glasses to your eyes and turn them vertically 90°, the lenses should darken to complete opacity.
  3. Two in one. Put on the glasses, bring the second (same) ones at a distance of 10-15 cm from the first and slowly turn them to an angle of 90°. The lenses should darken completely; if partial transparency remains, then the filter in one of the glasses is not 100% polarizing.

Advice! Leave your choice on polarized glasses, since ordinary ones will not be able to protect your eyes as effectively as those described above.

Photochromic coating

The photochromic layer turns ordinary lenses into “chameleons”. Depending on the lighting, the percentage of light rays transmitted photochromic sunglasses changes, allowing them to be used even at night for driving a car. This filter works as follows: when light hits the glasses with a photochromic filter, they begin to darken, therefore, at night, the glasses become transparent.

Choosing sunglasses to suit your face

The simplest answer to the question is how to choose sunglasses according to your face shape, this is advice to try on the model you like. But sometimes there is no time to try on the entire assortment of the store, or you plan to order an accessory on the Internet, which eliminates the possibility of putting them on and going to the mirror. In this case, stylists have created a series of recommendations that will help choose the right shape of sunglasses, focusing only on facial type and features. But first, let's look at some practical advice from professionals.

What does the label tell us...

The edges of the glasses frames should protrude slightly beyond the boundaries of the face. But they should not be wider than 1.5 cm. On a wide face, massive frames will look heavy, but those with an elongated head should choose options that will protrude slightly at the temples, thereby adjusting the width of the cheekbones. The thickness of the frame is a matter of taste, but sometimes it also indicates which sunglasses to choose. So, those with fine features (narrow lips and bridge of the nose) should not get carried away with models decorated with a scattering of stones. In turn, models without frames will clearly lose against the background of plump lips and a wide snub nose.

Which glasses suit your face shape?

Round face type. When the widest area is the cheeks, and the height is almost equal to the width of the face, you need to try to visually lengthen it with glasses. Models with square or rectangular lenses are suitable for this. It is important that the corners are rounded and the frame is clearly distinguished by color, then the desired effect will be achieved.

Square face type. The angularity of the forehead and jaw indicates that glasses should smooth out this geometry. The frame in this case should be indirect, slightly rounded along the top line. Massive frames will fit perfectly, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the accessory will, on the contrary, emphasize what needs to be hidden.

Triangular face type. High cheekbones and a sharp chin are the main signs of a triangular face shape. In this case, the glasses should balance the heavy top and narrow bottom. To do this, take a closer look at them, the shape of the lenses is called “cat’s eye”; models with oval lenses, slightly narrowed downward, are also suitable.

Oval face type. This is the case when you can decide on any experiments. Owners of this face shape will suit both square and round frames of any thickness and type.

Oblong face type. This type requires glasses that widen the cheekbones. Large glasses with soft frame lines have this feature. It’s great if the top line of the frame is different in color, this will smooth out the lack of pronounced cheekbones and cheekbones.

Video: in addition to the post on choosing glasses

No accessory is as popular in the summer as sunglasses. They protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, preserving vision and preventing the appearance of wrinkles on the delicate skin around the eyes.

How to choose sunglasses? On what basis?

The main condition is that the accessory must be purchased either in a specialized store or in a branded store, where you are protected from counterfeiting. When buying a Chinese or Turkish counterfeit of low quality, you risk damaging your eyesight. After all, in Chinese underground factories, the last thing they think about is the quality of the glass and the protection of your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Glasses are not an accessory you should skimp on.

  • When choosing frames, remember that they should fit tightly on the bridge of your nose.
  • Eyebrows should not be visible from under glasses.
  • In general, wide frames will distract attention from any facial imperfections.
  • If you have small facial features, avoid massive frames.
  • For large features, thin metal frames are prohibited.
  • Frames with a low bridge are suitable for long or large noses, and frames with a high bridge are suitable for short or snub noses.

What shape of glasses will suit your face?

The accessory should not only be stylish, but also fit the shape of the face and, if possible, visually correct it.

The oval face type is considered the most ideal, so all frame shapes are suitable for it. Models with round, rectangular frames and large shapes look great on an oval face. Panoramic glasses, square ones with rounded corners, and aviators will look ideal. The only rule is that the shape of the frame should follow the shape of the eyebrows.

A square face shape is characterized by a strong jaw, wide forehead, wide chin and cheekbones. If you have a square face, large round or teardrop-shaped glasses that sit high on the bridge of your nose will suit you. Models with thin frames or no frames at all. Aviators are ideal. Such models soften the width of the cheekbones and visually lower the chin. Square shapes should be avoided.

If you have a triangular face, you may want to wear glasses that balance the top and bottom of your face. Ovals or low rectangles, inclined towards the middle at a certain angle, will hide the upper massiveness of the face. Preferably only with a top frame and not too dark. Aviators, cat eyes, and rimless glasses will balance out your face shape.

If you have a round face, then your task is to choose a model that will make your face longer and thinner. A wide round face will suit bright rectangular or square models with pointed shapes and a high-set wide face. Such models will make the face visually narrower.

Large, massive models are suitable for a rectangular face. Rounded shapes of glasses make facial features softer, and large shapes visually expand the face and reduce its length.
It is recommended to avoid too narrow models with thin frames, as they will visually make the face narrower, which is extremely undesirable.

When trying on glasses, look at yourself in a full-length mirror, or at least from the waist up - perhaps glasses that are correctly selected in shape do not harmonize with your figure and overall style.

When choosing glasses, do not take them off for several minutes; sometimes wide, massive frames can put pressure on the bridge of your nose or behind your ears.

Colored, bright glasses can damage your eyesight when worn constantly. When choosing sunglasses for every day, it is better to choose frames with brown or gray lenses.

Many people only consider design, color and popularity when choosing sunglasses. However, this is not only a fashion accessory, but also an important attribute necessary to protect our eyes from the harmful effects of sunlight. When purchasing sunglasses, pay special attention to their quality, since constant exposure of the eyes to harmful ultraviolet radiation can lead to cataracts and retinal destruction. How to choose the right quality sunglasses? Please take note of some tips.

What to choose – glass or plastic lenses?

There are two types of lenses - plastic and glass. Regardless of which lenses you choose for glasses, it is important to pay attention to the markings. For high-quality models, it has the following value: UV - 400 nm. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Glass lenses have the following advantages:

  • High protection from sun rays. Glass containing quartz retains and does not transmit ultraviolet light, even if your lenses are slightly tinted or completely transparent.
  • Less distortion of objects (compared to plastic ones).
  • Glass is difficult to scratch.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fragility. Glass models are easy to break.
  • The material is traumatic, it is easy to cut yourself and injure your eyes with splinters. It is not recommended for children and athletes to wear such lenses.
  • Glass lenses are many times heavier than plastic ones, because of this the frame puts pressure on the bridge of the nose, disrupting blood microcirculation.

The advantages of plastic lenses include:

  • UV protection (if special coating is available).
  • They don't fight. Even if you accidentally drop your glasses, they will not break or fall into pieces (ideal for athletes and children).
  • Lungs. Plastic lenses are light in weight.

Negative sides:

  • Plastic quickly becomes cloudy and slightly distorts objects.
  • They scratch easily, can become deformed in high heat, and quickly become unusable.

Determining the correct lens color and transmission capacity

There is an opinion that the darker the lenses, the better, but in reality everything is different. Sometimes glasses with dark lenses are decorative and do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation at all. High-quality colored lenses will not distort your color perception. If you put on blue glasses and the world around you becomes just as bluish, you should know that this accessory is of poor quality.

Best colors:

  • dark brown;
  • dark grey;
  • black;
  • photochromic (chameleon) - depending on the lighting of the room, the glass changes color, suitable for people with poor vision;
  • Graduated is an excellent choice of lenses for drivers.

Good colors:

  • dark green;
  • shades of lilac;
  • yellow and orange (recommended to wear in cloudy weather);
  • mirror – perfectly reflects light, such lenses are suitable for residents of mountainous areas;
  • polarized – blocks bright light on the surface.

Dangerous colors:

  • Red. They distort natural colors and negatively affect the psyche.
  • Blue. This part of the spectrum applied to lenses causes rapid eye fatigue, can stimulate pupil dilation and cause damage to the lens.
  • Pink. Disorients in space.
  • 0 – transmits 80-100% of light;
  • 1 – transmit 43-80% of light;
  • 2 – transmit 18-43% of light;
  • 3 – transmit 8-18% of light;
  • 4 – transmits 3-8% of light.

Lens size also plays a role

When choosing quality sunglasses, it is important to consider the lens size. The larger they are, the better eye protection will be. It’s good if large lenses are round in shape; they protect the eyes not only from the front, but also from the sides. Products with large lenses are not suitable for everyone, but they are effective in protecting your eyes. Glasses with better, but smaller lenses will not be able to completely protect your eyes, and sunlight will penetrate unhindered from the sides.

How to check sunglasses for quality

Poor quality sunglasses cause damage to your eyes, so take the selection of this accessory seriously. If you are choosing products for the first time, or you have poor vision, consult an ophthalmologist. To distinguish quality models from fakes, use these selection guidelines:

  • The brand name of the product must be duplicated on the lens and on the inside of the temple.
  • In high-quality glasses, the label displays information about the level of ultraviolet protection.
  • Objects should not be distorted.
  • The frame is without sharp corners and burrs, smooth, the screws in the fastenings are tightly tightened - these are signs of the quality of the product.
  • The darkening should be uniform.

Product data sheet and markings on the label

Well-known manufacturers of sunglasses always include a quality certificate with their products. It indicates the name of the manufacturer, its details, contact phone number and address, place of manufacture of the glasses, protection class, level of darkness. The technical data of the certificate must correspond to the label, sticker and inscriptions on the product.

Ultraviolet rays are divided into two types:

  • UVB (active from 10 am to 4 pm, average ray length). The “95% UVB” label indicates that the lenses block 95 percent of ultraviolet B rays.
  • UVA (affect us around the clock). If a pair of glasses says "60% UVA," they protect against 60 percent of Type A rays. If they say "UV-400" on the label, the lenses protect against all rays (maximum protection).


When choosing glasses, their appearance is important. If you do not want to buy a low-quality fake, follow these recommendations:

  • Inspect the glass carefully from the outside: there should be no scratches, abrasions, sagging or cracks. For high-quality models, a case is provided that protects them from possible damage.
  • Pay attention to the spraying on the glass so that it is uniform.
  • Plastic frames should not be fragile, brittle, or stain the skin. Metal - choose from steel.

Where to buy and how much they cost

The choice of where to purchase sunglasses depends on your capabilities, ideas and wishes. Many people buy models at kiosks in markets, some in shops, others in shopping malls, a small number of people prefer to shop in branded boutiques. Each establishment has its own characteristics: different assortment, price level, quality and authenticity of goods, quality of customer service.

In Moscow you can buy sunglasses at the following retail outlets:

  • Branded goods store “Lens for You” on the street. Tverskoy, 9 Shopping center "Gallery", office 13. Prices from 2000 to 23000 rubles.
  • Shop "Ochki-Mks" on the street. Simonovsky Val, 19. The cost of designer models ranges from 5,500 to 50,000 rubles.
  • Shop A-10 “Solnyshko-optika” on the street. Sushchevsky Val, 5, building 1, TC “Savelovsky”. Prices are within 12,000 rubles.
  • Shop "Margalit" on the street. Barclay, 8. The cost of goods is from 3,000 to 33,000 rubles.

You can also order optics with delivery to Moscow in online stores:

  • fieldofview.ru. Prices for models range from 1100 to 3700 rubles.
  • optix.su. An inexpensive online store, the cost of a unit of goods is 900-22,000 rubles.
  • my-optika.ru. Branded sunglasses priced from 4,500 to 42,000 rubles.

Popular manufacturing companies

The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect the eyes from bright sunlight and their harmful effects. Modern glasses should be stylish, beautiful, safe and of high quality. That is why it is recommended to buy branded models that can guarantee effective protection for your eyes and delight you with fashionable design ideas. Among the most popular branded glasses on the domestic market that are worth paying attention to are the following:

  • Ray-Ban. The company's calling card is the “aviator” and “wayfarer” model. The brand is characterized by stylish frames made from high quality materials.
  • Polaroid. Ultra-durable, trendy, very lightweight models with polarized lenses that absorb ultraviolet radiation well and block glare. An excellent choice for athletes.
  • Dior. The brand's collection includes both classic and fashionable modern frames made of plastic and metal in combination with high-quality lenses.
  • George. An elite brand that is distinguished by reasonable prices and high quality sunglasses in a classic style.

How to choose a uniform: men's, women's and unisex

No matter what kind of sunglasses you need, men's, women's or unisex, choose them based on your face shape. Here are the main recommendations:

  • Rectangular. For people with a wide forehead and square chin, models with large oval or round frames are suitable.
  • Round. If your face has full cheeks and a rounded chin, choose large square or rectangular frames.
  • Oval. Any model will suit owners of this face shape.
  • Triangular. If you have a wide forehead and narrow chin, choose oval or rectangular frames with rounded edges.
  • Pear-shaped. For an inverted triangle-shaped face, glasses with a defined eyebrow line, such as aviators, are suitable.

Stylish sunglasses can make any of your looks irresistible, fashionable and even add some mystery. Sunglasses have always been and will be the number one accessory that is popular among both women and men.

Without exaggeration, we can say that sunglasses have become a “must have” for creating a fashionable look. Even a boring look can be effectively transformed by complementing it with just the right beautiful sunglasses for 2019-2020.

The shapes of sunglasses for 2019-2020 will delight fashionistas with the variety of models presented, among which you can easily find the best sunglasses in any style.

In addition to being a fashionable and beautiful accessory, sunglasses are indispensable for protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. This aspect is even more important and significant than the trendiness of sunglasses and fashion trends.

When choosing sunglasses, you need to take into account both your individual clothing style, face shape, and the quality of the sunglasses themselves.

Fashionable sunglasses, correctly and succinctly chosen, will become indispensable for you, adding sophistication and variety to your appearance.

Fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020 are relevant not only for summer, but all year round you can wear beautiful sunglasses for girls and women as a fashion accessory.

For the summer period, you can choose fashionable women's sunglasses with unusual bright frames and lenses; for colder periods, sunglasses that are discreet and calm in style are suitable.

We have created an original selection that presents beautiful and stylish shapes of sunglasses, fashion trends and tendencies, as well as the most fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020, photos of which can be viewed in our review.

Fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020: aviators

Popular and always in trend, aviator sunglasses are well known to us, which have been relevant and in demand among many girls for many years.

Aviators or droplets, as they are also called, have won the hearts of fashionistas and have not given up their position for several years now.

Every year, aviator sunglasses change a little and have their own characteristics. Classic aviators are available in models with brown or black lenses in a metal frame.

For variety, you can also choose aviators with bright colored lenses, which look playful and stylish in a casual summer look.

Fashionable Women's Sunglasses: Cat Eye

Beautiful cat eye sunglasses 2019-2020 are an ideal option for creating a stylish and at the same time attractive look. Fashionable cat eye sunglasses are feminine and elegant and look impressive in combination with beautiful dresses and business suits.

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020: oversized

The trend for 2019-2020 is fashionable oversized sunglasses. These forms of sunglasses are presented in discreet frames that are almost invisible, large glasses and unusual solutions of shapes and colors.

Fashionable sunglasses for 2019-2020 will complement your eyewear collection, bringing bold and unusual fashion notes to your style. The most fashionable sunglasses are characterized by rough and thick frames that attract attention.

Oversized sunglasses come in different shapes – oval, rectangular, square. The main trend in sunglasses 2019-2020 is the huge frame size.

Fashionable round sunglasses

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020 are undoubtedly glasses with round frames. Designers offer round sunglasses in metallic and discreet frames, or, on the contrary, in thick frames.

Popular round sunglasses available in clear lenses, classic brown and black lenses, and striking mirrored lenses.

Round sunglasses are very unusual and may not suit everyone. Therefore, choose fashionable sunglasses that are perfect for you in terms of shape and style.

Fashionable sunglasses for women 2019-2020, trends

In the 2019-2020 fashion season, sunglasses with mirrored lenses are popular, which attracts special attention and looks impressive. These fashionable glasses are most often presented in laconic metal frames.

For a cute, subtle look, you can choose sunglasses with frames with a pattern, such as floral print, horn frames or marble frames, which are very popular this season.

A stylish option for a true lady is sunglasses with a color gradient (ombre). This type of sunglasses will add mystery and some zest to your look, as well as lightness and attractiveness.

An unusual summer option is fashionable sunglasses 2019-2020 with colored lenses, for example, glasses with red lenses that are popular this season. Don't be afraid to experiment and choose the most unusual and daring shapes of sunglasses this fashion season.

The most fashionable sunglasses of 2019-2020: photos, trends, fashionable forms of sunglasses

In our selection you can find the most beautiful and fashionable sunglasses, unusual and original shapes of sunglasses, photos of which are presented below...