Vitamins for teenage students for mental abilities. What vitamins will improve the memory of schoolchildren

metabolism, support the functioning of the endocrine glands, “control” the mineralization of bone tissue, and prevent the development of pathologies of the vascular bed.

Considering that memory is “responsible” for storing, accumulating and reproducing received information, a disorder of cognitive functions leads to negative consequences. Namely: decreased concentration, increased “forgetfulness”, inhibition of mental reactions, deterioration of intellectual abilities.

Weakening of brain activity, in 90% of cases, occurs due to a deficiency of essential substances in the body.

Let's consider the list of essential nutrients for memory, sources of their acquisition, and beneficial properties.

What vitamins are needed for memory?

The most important nutrients for the brain are. They play a primary role in transmitting nerve impulses to the brain, delivering oxygen to tissues, restoring neuron myelin, saturating nerve cells with energy, protecting the “organ of thinking” from overload and early aging.

The main representatives of B vitamins:

  1. . Optimizes the functioning of neurons, improves cognitive functions of the brain, reduces nervous excitability, accelerates mental reactions. With a lack of thiamine, uric acid accumulates in the body, resulting in “forgetfulness,” apathy, depression, insomnia, and headache.

Natural sources of nutrients are nuts, green peas, fish, chicken eggs,. The daily dose is 1.5 milligrams.

  1. . Stimulates brain activity, suppresses drowsiness, reduces fatigue (during mental and physical stress), and prevents headaches. Riboflavin deficiency is manifested by weakness, slow thinking, and slow wound healing.
  1. . Accelerates the transmission of impulses between neurons (activates long-term memory), stimulates the synthesis of protective antibodies (neutralizes the effects of nicotine and alcohol). Signs of vitamin B5 deficiency: restless sleep, fatigue, depressive mood, memory lapses, enzymatic disorders.

Pantothenic acid enters the body together with milk, cabbage, buckwheat, hazelnuts and eggs. The daily requirement is 5 – 7 milligrams.

  1. . Increases the speed of brain reactions, eliminates anxiety, reduces irritability, protects central nervous system cells from damage. Interestingly, the activity of the “organ of thinking” directly depends on the concentration of pyridoxine in the body. A lack of vitamin B6 is accompanied by the following reactions: night cramps, psychosis, decreased appetite, memory loss, and vomiting.

Food sources of the vitamin are eggs, potatoes, bananas, cabbage. For proper brain function, it is important to take at least 2 milligrams of the nutrient per day.

  1. . Stimulates mental reactions (due to the synthesis of energy in nerve cells), improves concentration (by increasing blood circulation), and reduces nervous tension. With a lack of vitamin PP, insomnia, migraines, dizziness, swelling of the tongue occur, and in severe cases, dementia, schizophrenia, and loss of consciousness.

The nutrient is found in butter, egg yolk, poultry (chicken), fish, buckwheat, and milk. For proper brain function, it is important to consume 15 to 20 milligrams of niacin per day.

  1. . Participates in the synthesis of “brain” (,), increases the speed of mental reactions, normalizes sleep, improves immunity. A deficiency of this substance leads to inhibition of cell division (especially in the brain and intestines), anemia, sleep disturbances, memory loss, and digestive disorders.

Vitamin B9 is present in fermented milk products, mushrooms, cereals,. The daily norm is 0.4 milligrams.

  1. . Regulates the daily activity of the body (phases of sleep and wakefulness), “controls” the transition of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and normalizes the psycho-emotional background. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common cause of senile dementia and memory loss in old age.

Natural sources: bakery and beer, beef and veal liver, sprouted wheat, green onions, seafood. The daily norm is 0.003 milligrams.

In addition to B vitamins, the body needs the following nutrients to improve memory:

  1. . Eliminates the effects of physical and mental overload, increases cerebral circulation, increases the bioavailability of B vitamins, and strengthens the myelin sheaths of neurons.

Ascorbic acid is found in red sweet peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, black currants, horseradish, and sorrel. The daily requirement is 1000 – 1500 milligrams.

  1. . Protects nervous tissue from the harmful effects of toxins and free radicals, strengthens short-term memory, regulates mood swings, accelerates the perception of new information, and enhances the production of sex hormones. In addition, regular intake of tocopherol inhibits Alzheimer's disease.

Let's take a look at some popular brain remedies:

  1. "Junior Bee Smart" (Vision, Ireland). Children's multivitamins produced in the form of shaped chewable capsules (fish) with a natural caramel-fruit flavor. The additive contains (, D, E), lipids (). The drug is used to improve memory, thinking, mental reactions, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, and reduce excessive excitability in a child. Chewable lozenges are taken once a day, 1 piece (after breakfast).
  2. Vitrum Memory (Unipharm, USA). Organic product based on ginkgo biloba extract. In addition, the supplement contains 4 vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C) and 1 (). With regular use of Vitrum, blood circulation in the brain improves, intellectual abilities increase, the lifespan of nerve cells increases, and the activity of the thrombus-forming factor decreases. The drug is taken twice a day, one capsule.
  3. "Glycine Bio" (Farmaplant, Russia). A nootropic monodrug consisting of the “brain” amino acid L-glycine. With regular use of the supplement, inhibition and excitation reactions in the central nervous system are normalized, metabolic processes in the brain are improved, and the synthesis of nucleic acids in the body is restored.

Indications for use: mental retardation (in children), sleep disorders, nervous excitability, stress conditions, rehabilitation after traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections (in complex therapy). The daily dose for newborns is 25 milligrams, infants from 1 to 3 years old - 50 milligrams, children over three years old - 100 milligrams.

  1. "Pikovit Omega-3" (KRKA, Slovenia). Multicomponent composition, produced in the form of syrup with peach flavor. The complex includes (source of omega-3), B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid), cholecalciferol, retinol, tocopherol. The ingredients of the supplement, by improving cerebral blood flow, increase its cognitive functions, including the child’s adaptation to school stress.

The syrup is consumed in pure or diluted form once a day (after breakfast). Dosage regimen: children from 1 to 5 years old – 5 milliliters, schoolchildren (6 – 14 years old) – 7.5 milliliters, children over 15 years old – 10 milliliters.

  1. "Biotredin" (MNPK Biotiki, Russia). A preparation based on vitamin B6 and (amino acids). The herbal supplement is used to improve short- and long-term memory, increase mental performance, and relieve psycho-emotional stress in schoolchildren. Daily dosage for children – 1 – 2 tablets (under the tongue).

The role of the nervous system is to perceive and analyze information received from outside. In addition, it guides human movements and is responsible for the coordinated work of the entire body. The manifestations of higher nervous activity are speech, emotions, memory and intellect. Interestingly, disruption of biochemical reactions in the brain primarily affects the quality of memory.

List of drugs to improve memory:

  1. “Neurostrong” (Artlife, Russia). A bioactive complex designed to strengthen the nervous system, accelerate recovery processes after a stroke, and prevent dysfunction of the microvasculature of the brain. The composition of the drug includes: L-glutamic acid, licorice, ginkgo biloba, lecithin, blueberries, vitamins B1, B3, B6.

Children under 5 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 2 - 3 times a day, schoolchildren and adults - 2 - 3 pills three times a day.

  1. "Intellan" (Herbion Pakistan, Pakistan). Organic supplement, which includes 6 types of medicinal herbs (Ginkgo biloba, Centella asiatica, Herpestis monniera, Coriander sativum, Amomum subulate, Emblica officinalis). The drug is used to stimulate brain activity (by activating neurotransmitter centers), relieve anxiety (psychogenic and neurotic in nature), increase intellectual abilities, and eliminate dizziness (caused by neurosensory changes).

Standard dosage regimen: 1 capsule or 10 milliliters of syrup twice a day.

  1. NeuroPlus (Vitaline, Russia). A natural biocomplex that improves memory, attention, and mood. Active ingredients: gotu kola, ginger, licorice, ginkgo biloba. With regular use of the supplement, the flow of oxygen and blood to tissues improves, the permeability of the vascular wall decreases, the vitality of the body increases, the regeneration of retinal pigment accelerates, and psychomotor and speech development accelerates (in children).

The drug is taken three times a day, 1 capsule after meals.

  1. “Memory Rise” (Artlife, Russia). A therapeutic and prophylactic drug for optimizing the nutrition of brain cells, increasing concentration, and improving memory. The dietary supplement will include plant extracts (gotu kola, motherwort pentaloba, ginkgo biloba, prickly hawthorn, Korean ginseng, guarana, horse chestnut), amino acids (, L-tyrosine, gamma-aminobutyric acid), vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), macroelements (calcium, ).

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken 1 - 2 tablets twice a day, for therapeutic purposes - 2 pills 3 times a day.

  1. “Brain and Memory” (Herb Pharm, USA). Colloidal solution to normalize mental activity, reduce nervous excitability and improve sleep. The concentrate contains extracts of gotu kola, ginkgo biloba, skull cap, sage and rosemary.

The drug is taken in between meals, 0.7 milliliters 2 - 3 times a day.

Memory Boosting Foods

Considering that diet directly affects brain performance, it is important to know which foods stimulate brain function.

From birth, a person is endowed with the ability to remember various dates and events, and every day this ability improves. But, in some cases, due to some circumstances, many people begin to complain of severe deterioration in memory and attention. This problem is usually observed in people aged 40-45 years, in some cases much later.

It is worth noting that this problem is not a hereditary factor and an age-related feature - it is sad to say that it is a real disease that can take any person by surprise. First of all, the cause of memory loss can be chronic diseases, and secondly, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, which results in a decrease in the activity of brain cells.

What vitamins are needed for good memory?

The most important vitamins for the brain are B vitamins. First of all, they have a positive effect on memory and thinking, and secondly, they enhance the protective function of the brain, which helps to avoid early aging and severe overload. The most important vitamins for the mind and memory:

Vitamin B1– has a strong effect on the brain’s ability to remember information. Its absence contributes to the accumulation of uric acid, as a result of which brain function deteriorates. In addition, its lack in the body causes mental and physical weakness, depression, and fatigue.

Important! Thiamines do not tolerate heat treatment, so it is better to eat raw foods containing vitamin B1.

B2, it is also called ryboflavin. This vitamin is responsible for supplying the body with energy, so it must be consumed by people whose work requires strong physical and mental demands.

AT 3. This vitamin produces energy in nerve cells, resulting in improved brain function and memory itself. If its content is insufficient, a deterioration in memory and concentration is noticed, and feelings of fatigue appear.

AT 5– activates long-term memory by transferring energy from one neuron to another. In addition, it promotes the production of a certain substance that helps the brain not to succumb to the negative effects of nicotine and alcohol.

AT 9, in other words, folic acid, which we all know. It is indispensable for the development of memory, namely, it helps improve the speed of thinking and the quality of memorization.

Folic acid deficiency leads to significant memory impairment, insomnia, fatigue and anemia.

AT 12. This vitamin is responsible for the state of our body during its awakening and vice versa. This is very important, since vitamin B12 helps the information received during sleep to enter long-term memory. It is also necessary when changing time zones in order to adapt to the new regime.

Vitamin C, in other words, ascorbic acid. It protects the body from physical and mental stress, as well as the effects of negative external factors. Strengthens memory and attention.

Essential vitamins for better brain function and memory abilities include: vitamin D, E and P.

Review of vitamin complexes that improve memory for adults

To improve memory, you can not only enrich your diet with foods that contain useful vitamins for the functioning of our brain, but also take special pharmaceutical supplements. Today there is a huge selection of drugs to improve memory, but we will now look at several particularly popular and effective drugs:

Memory Forte helps improve memory concentration, also prevents age-related memory decline and maintains clarity of thinking. It is recommended to be taken by people with high physical and mental costs. It should also be used during the period of assimilation of new information.

This drug is recommended to be taken when mental performance decreases and during psycho-emotional stress resulting from stressful events (this includes exams and other conflict situations). Glycine helps normalize sleep, relieves emotional stress and improves mood.

Mode of application: the drug is available in tablet form. It is worth taking one tablet two to three times a day. The tablet is placed under the tongue and dissolved or crushed and taken in powder form.

Phezam is prescribed for memory impairment, memory loss and loss of concentration. It is also recommended to be used during the period of study to improve intellectual abilities. Often prescribed for diseases such as atherosclerosis and encephalopathy of various origins.

Mode of application: For adults, the daily intake of this vitamin complex is one or two capsules three times a day. For children – one or two capsules twice a day. The course of treatment is one to three months.

This vitamin complex helps improve peripheral and cerebral circulation, resulting in improved brain function. It is recommended to take it to improve mental activity, long-term memory and increase intellectual abilities. It is indispensable during periods of severe overwork and in stressful situations. This drug contains the following vitamins: B1, B2, B6 and vitamin C.

Mode of application: This drug is recommended for children over 12 years of age, adults and adolescents, one tablet once a day with a meal. The course of treatment with these complex vitamins is six to eight weeks.

Intellan is a balanced preparation based on plant extracts. It is recommended to take it to improve memory functions, with strong mental demands. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, as a result of which it helps to quickly cope with depression and anxiety.

Mode of application: It is recommended to take the drug 1 capsule twice a day after meals. The course of treatment is a month. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, only there should be a break of a week between the first and second courses of treatment.


Kate: I took Glycine tablets for about a month, as they were prescribed to me by a neurologist. I went to the doctor of my own free will, as I had been working a lot lately and didn’t get enough sleep, resulting in chronic fatigue and... In general, I started my treatment) After two weeks of taking them, there were no results, the drug had only a slightly calming effect. They're probably not that strong. In addition, it is better to take regular valerian, it is much more effective.

Sonya Nosova: During the session, I always drink Glycine because I get very nervous, as a result of which my sleep worsens and I become very irritable. I am very pleased with the result!!

Natalya Sosnova: My mother-in-law is now taking Phezam, as her memory and attention have deteriorated recently. Our doctor recommended it, claiming that it is well suited for older people. She takes it twice a year, the result is generally satisfactory. I can’t say that the results are stunning, but still the condition is not worsening, which is good news)

Sanka: I took Phezam before the session for about a week, after which I immediately stopped taking it. The fact is that a few days after taking the pills I became very tired and wanted to sleep constantly, as a result of which I lost a lot of weight and was exhausted ((

Reviews of children's vitamin complexes - which ones are best to drink?

It is very difficult to constantly include in a child’s diet those foods that contain the required amount of vitamins. In addition, the child is not able to eat the required amount of these foods. Therefore, an alternative to food vitamins are vitamin-mineral complexes.

Today they are produced both in tablets and in syrups and gels. The choice is yours which one to choose. But still, you must agree that it is much more pleasant for a child to take vitamin syrup than pills.

is a complex of vitamins that not only helps improve memory, but also strengthens the immune system. It is available in the form of lozenges, which are made from natural juices such as strawberry, lemon, cherry, orange.

Prescribed to schoolchildren during overwork, also with a severe lack of vitamins in the body in winter and spring. They also improve brain activity and increase attention.

It is advisable to take vitamins for the brain after consulting a doctor: some drugs affect blood circulation in tissues, so it is better to calculate the possible impact in advance. In childhood, the brain actively develops and requires additional support, acquiring knowledge is associated with increased mental activity, and the everyday worries of an adult are also directly related to thought processes. Older people have different needs - tissues lose tone, blood vessels become less elastic, and special vitamins are required to support brain activity.

Vitamins for the brain affect the quality of thought processes, ingenuity appears, attention sharpens, memory and speed of thinking improve, the patient becomes calm, balanced, less irritable and does not worry about trifles. Such a “magic” effect is possible due to the dependence of all brain abilities on proper blood circulation, timely tissue regeneration, oxygen saturation of cells - all this can be improved by taking special vitamins, which can also slow down the aging process of the body as a whole.

Vitamins that affect brain activity

Let's note the main vitamins that have the greatest impact on brain function:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin R.

Each vitamin plays an important role and works most effectively in combination with the others.

Let's take a closer look at the effects of individual vitamins on brain function.

Vitamin B1 (another name is thiamine). Helps with memory problems, improves coordination, reduces fatigue, unmotivated anxiety, fights insomnia and depression. Vitamin B1 is found in oatmeal, hazelnuts and walnuts, green peas, buckwheat, beef, pork, eggs and fish (river and sea).

Vitamin B2 (another name is riboflavin). The main function is to accelerate mental reactions. Counteracts drowsiness, weakness and headaches. Most riboflavin is found in dairy and meat products.

Vitamin B3 (another name is nicotinic acid). Regulates the speed of memory retrieval, ability to concentrate and alertness. Milk, liver, fresh herbs, egg yolk, chicken, yeast, any nuts, buckwheat - nicotinic acid is present in all these products.

Vitamin B5 (another name is pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate). Participates in the transmission of information impulses between neighboring nerve cells of the brain, that is, it is responsible for long-term memories. Antibodies that help fight the effects of alcohol and nicotine are also produced with the help of this vitamin. Despite the fact that vitamin B5 is found in many foods (fish roe, hazelnuts, buckwheat, eggs, milk, cabbage and others), one must take into account its ability to decompose during heat treatment.

Vitamin B6 (another name is pyridoxine). Accelerates thought processes and increases intelligence in general. Irritability, unreasonable anxiety, depression are the main signs of vitamin B6 deficiency. This vitamin is successfully synthesized in the body itself, but to ensure normal life, it is important to additionally saturate the diet with foods containing pyridoxine: liver, beans, milk, white cabbage, chicken eggs, potatoes, bananas.

Vitamin B9 (other name is folic acid). It has a positive effect on the stability of memorization, the absence of insomnia and apathy, and fatigue. The synthesis of folic acid is accelerated by eating bifidobacteria. A particularly severe deficiency of vitamin B9 is observed when smoking or drinking alcohol. In these cases, you definitely need to reconsider your diet and eat more fresh vegetables, hard cheese, mushrooms, milk, pumpkin, apricots, meat and fruits.

Vitamin B12 (another name is cyanocobalamin). Participates in switching body modes between sleep and wakefulness. It has been noticed that the period of adaptation to a different time zone becomes shorter if the level of this vitamin in the body is increased. Sources of cyanocobalamin include meat, properly processed seaweed and shellfish, as well as cheese and fresh milk.

Vitamin C (another name is ascorbic acid). Helps to absorb vitamins from group B, has antioxidant properties, protects the body from destructive physical and emotional overload. Most vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, but it is also present in many other fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D (another name is calciferol or cholecalciferol). Prevents brain cancer, maintains the elasticity of the walls of the smallest capillaries and large vessels, and prevents oxidative processes. It is formed in the skin under the influence of ordinary sunlight, and also enters the body from a variety of dairy products, fresh parsley, eggs and, of course, fish oil.

Vitamin E (another name is tocopherol acetate). Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, inhibits Alzheimer's disease, and fights destructive processes. Contained in natural unprocessed sunflower oil, beef and pork liver, milk, beans.

Vitamin P (another name is bioflavonoids). Prevents capillary fragility and cerebral hemorrhage. The main external sign of deficiency is bleeding from the nose and gums. Vitamin P is found in young green tea leaves, chokeberry, lemon, rose hips, and black currants.

Foods that are good for the brain

Vitamin complexes for the development and maintenance of brain activity

Multivitamin complexes, specially created to maintain brain health and performance, allow you to live a full life, maintaining clarity of consciousness even in old age. The drugs differ from each other: some of them are suitable for several categories of patients at once, others are designed specifically for older people (women, children of students, and so on). Before you start taking the chosen remedy, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

So, let's look at the most famous vitamin preparations for the brain...

Vitamins to improve memory function: “Vitrum Memory”

Improves blood circulation in the brain tissue and throughout the body, which helps saturate cells with oxygen and supply them with glucose. Actively affects blood vessels, strengthening the walls and making them elastic, reducing the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhages. Prevents thrombus formation, swelling of brain and peripheral tissues.

The cost of the product is from 460 to 500 rubles.

Vitamin preparation for the brain “Active day” (man's formula)

The drug is designed to maintain the brain activity of modern men in conditions of constant hassle and problems. Contains extracts of various plants (ginseng root, kola nut, green tea leaves, cayenne pepper, ginger and echinacea roots, hawthorn, ginkgo biloba leaves) that provide energy for the brain. The cost of this drug ranges from 480 to 550 rubles.

Vitamins for the brain “Guide”

The product is a complex consisting of vitamins and biologically active substances of plant origin that affect the functioning and condition of the brain. “Directs” reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages, saturates tissues with oxygen, and accelerates thought processes. The price of the vitamin complex is from 66 to 80 rubles.

Dietary supplement for improving brain function “Forever Ginkgo Plus”

"Forever Ginkgo Plus" is a biologically active food supplement that sharpens thoughts, improves memory and concentration, relieves irritability and excessive excitability, and prevents premature aging.

The composition of the drug includes extract of the Ginkgo Biloba plant, powder from crushed Schisandra chinensis berries, Reishia mushroom, Polygonum multiflorum root. These natural substances have a gentle and positive effect on higher nervous activity. The cost of a package of 60 tablets is from 1280 to 1350 rubles.

Natural vitamin preparation for the brain “Memofem” (for women)

A natural product created specifically for women. “Memofem” is part of the “Woman’s Happiness” product line, designed to improve the quality of life of the fair half of humanity. Special additives lecithin and choline bitartrate stabilize the activity of the nervous system, increase resistance to stress, and improve mood. Eleutherococcus and gotu kola extracts reduce fatigue and irritability, while increasing immunity levels and improving oxygen supply to the brain.

The product has a rejuvenating effect. The cost of packaging is from 520 to 550 rubles.

Vitamins for the brain “Grifonia”

The drug "Grifonia" optimizes the functioning of the brain and the nervous system as a whole. It consists of an extract of a tropical plant (from which it gets its name) and actively influences thought processes, mood, and the sleep-wake cycle. The product helps fight depression, improves memory, and has a calming effect.

The cost of packaging is from 620 to 690 rubles.

Vitamins to improve brain function “Phosphatide-complex” (Astrum)

The drug creates conditions for the normal course of metabolic processes in brain tissue, promotes better learning and rapid mental development, and affects the overall functioning of nerve cells. Significantly improves long-term and short-term memory, reaction speed and concentration.

100 capsules of the drug cost from 850 to 900 rubles.

Vitamin complex for the brain “Orthomol Mental”

Refers to orthomolecular vitamin complexes, designed to have a beneficial effect on the structure and performance of the brain. The improvement in the state of the nervous system that these vitamins provide leads to an improvement in the quality of life: sleep is normalized, the emotional state is stabilized, and irritability disappears.

Orthomol Mental accelerates the formation of neural connections and increases the speed of adaptation of consciousness to a sudden change in situation.

The cost of the product is from 4000 to 5000 rubles.

Diet, crossword puzzles or special vitamins for the brain?

To maintain brain activity, you can use a wide variety of methods and techniques. Changing your lifestyle and giving up bad habits is, of course, very important: every cigarette smoked or extra sip of alcohol leads to premature destruction of nerve cells.

Another necessary point in the brain health program is a balanced diet, which should be rich in vitamins and microelements.

Foods that kill your brain

Gymnastics for memory and intelligence will bring no less benefits than a well-thought-out diet: crossword puzzles, intellectual programs, reading educational literature and even simply counting change in your head will have a beneficial effect on your mental abilities.

Each of these methods can be supplemented by taking special vitamins for the brain. You just need to understand that vitamin complexes should only be an addition to a well-organized diet and lifestyle; they are not able to replace the body's need for healthy, varied food, movement, fresh air and good sleep.

Take comprehensive care of your health and the health of your loved ones!

The modern rhythm of life and a huge amount of information force us to maintain brain activity almost 24 hours a day and solve many problems simultaneously. This is especially true for people engaged in mental work, students and freelancers. Many even have to sacrifice sleep and meals in order to manage to fulfill all the obligations assigned to them.

Under such pressure, brain function deteriorates, stimulus disappears, and the last resources are spent on distracted activities, for example, viewing a news feed on a social network. In order to become at least a little more active, a person begins to resort to well-known methods of stimulation: he drinks strong coffee, energy drinks, prepares “caffeine bombs” (coffee + energy drink), prescribes various nootropics for himself, which can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy. It is clear that the side effects of all these drugs number in the dozens.

If common sense gets the better of you, and you still want to protect your health, replace all stimulants with proper nutrition and special vitamins for the brain. This, although not instantly, will systematically and reliably help avoid neuron depletion and increase the capabilities of the mind.

Vitamins for brain activity - a safe and effective way to activate thinking

In total, there are 13 essential vitamins that are needed for the nervous system, activity and nutrition of the brain. Antioxidant vitamins (C, E, beta-carotene) are especially useful. They fight free radicals - unstable particles that have a toxic effect, destroy and transform body cells, causing premature aging and various diseases. It is antioxidants that stimulate brain function and protect it from degradation processes.

Essential vitamins for brain function:

  • Beta-carotene (provitamin of vitamin A) – prevents the destructive effects of free radicals. Found in fish oil and liver, as well as green and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • B1 is the most important vitamin for starting the brain and functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency immediately affects the functioning of memory and cognitive abilities of a person. You can get it from cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), peas, nuts, eggs, fish, meat and oatmeal.
  • B2 – provides the body with the energy necessary for the full implementation of mental activity. You can get it by eating meat and dairy products, so vegetarians need to either reconsider their diet or include vitamins for the brain.
  • B3 – improves oxygen supply to the brain, as well as memory functions. Helps protect the body from stress. A sufficient amount of B3 provides reliable protection for the heart, blood vessels and brain. It is found in unrefined grains, such as buckwheat, sprouted wheat, as well as sunflower seeds and turkey meat.
  • B5 – with its participation, the most important process in the brain occurs: the transmission of electrical impulses between neurons. Its acute deficiency can lead to impaired activation of long-term memory. To compensate for the lack of vitamin B5, you need to eat milk, buckwheat porridge, peas, fish caviar, liver, eggs, cabbage.
  • B6 – is necessary for the full functioning of the central nervous system, as well as the absorption of amino acids important for brain function and the synthesis of antipsychotics. It is present in abundance in cabbage, walnuts, bananas, liver, milk, eggs, potatoes, rice, and beans.
  • B12 is the best vitamin for the brain, which effectively fights fatigue and the effects of stress. Due to its deficiency, senile dementia develops, so after the age of 65-70 it is necessary to take it. It can be replenished by adding seaweed, soy, liver and kidneys, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, and oysters to your diet.
  • C is a vitamin with antioxidant properties. Essential for neutralizing free radicals and toxic substances, as well as improving mental abilities. It is consumed very quickly by the body during periods of increased mental stress, so at this time it is recommended to take vitamins for brain activity. Contained in green vegetables, cabbage, citrus fruits, black currants, cranberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips, and nettles.
  • E - belongs to the group of antioxidants, protects brain cells and other important organs from the action of free radicals. Vitamins for the head and brain, such as C and E, complement and enhance each other’s effects. Thanks to vitamin E, you can normalize the effect of ascorbic acid and prevent cell damage that can be caused by its increased dose. It is found in nuts, eggs, soy, unrefined oil, and seeds.

The list of vitamins that improve brain function continues to grow, so there is no doubt that vitamin supplements will help activate your mind and enhance your attention.

Remember: our capabilities are limited!

In the course of independent research, it was found that a person is capable of perceiving no more than 120 bits of information per second. Anything that exceeds this value, the brain simply will not be able to objectively perceive and will pass through the “attention filter.” Therefore, you should not reduce the capacity of your brain by talking with 3 or more interlocutors at the same time, or by looking at lazy LiveJournal while checking utility bills.

Nutrition rules for an intellectual

People who make a living by mental work, study, or have achieved certain success in their path, need constant “feeding” and correction of the capabilities of their brain. There are a number of rules for this:

  1. Don't forget about protein. Easily digestible protein foods (lean meat, dairy products) help activate the rate of metabolic reactions in the brain.
  2. Lecithin. It is included in many vitamins for the brain; adults should definitely take them, since with the help of lecithin you can strengthen your psychological state and easily withstand heavy mental stress.
  3. Sugar. Blood sugar levels drop and mental activity also decreases, so it needs to be constantly regulated by eating (no, not sweet bars) cereals, vegetables, fruits and legumes.
  4. Iodine. Iodine deficiency is the main cause of malfunction of the thyroid gland, and, consequently, weakening of the nervous system and decreased brain activity.
  5. Omega-3. A deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to impaired brain activity, distracted attention, memory impairment, and the ability to count and read.
  6. Fractional meals. This constant rule will be effective not only during the treatment of gastritis, but also for maintaining active thinking. Eating small meals regularly will help digest food so that the brain remains active and does not experience oxygen starvation.
  7. Vitamins for the mind. This is the last, summary rule. By consuming, improving intelligence, memory and attention, you can significantly increase your abilities without drinking 10 cups of strong coffee.

How to choose vitamins to improve brain function?

Having found out what vitamin is needed to ensure brain function, we can talk about vitamin supplements that help, if not turn into Stephen Hawking, then at least feel the strength to continue working, perform several tasks at the same time and easily adapt to the new information space.

Vitamins for improving brain function are divided into:

  1. Synthetic
  2. Natural

Both of these types perform their functions, but synthetic ones can bring a lot of inconvenience, causing an allergic reaction, malfunction of important organs, or other side effects. This never happens with natural ones, because the plant basis of their composition cannot cause harm to the body.

Vision - the best vitamins for the brain on a natural basis

Vision International Group is the largest company that produces products aimed at preserving human health. The herbal supplements developed by Vision are known all over the world and deserve positive reviews not only from patients, but also from medical specialists.

Advantages of Vision products:

  1. 100% environmental safety;
  2. complete absorption of all active components by the body;
  3. no side effects or possibility of overdose;
  4. use of unique cryofragmentation technology;
  5. after taking there is no mental exhaustion;
  6. high quality is confirmed by GMP and ISO22000 standards;
  7. products undergo mandatory certification by the Ministry of Health.

The “For the Brain” series of products contains many different dietary supplements for all ages. For example, there are ones that will be useful for brain development and are absolutely safe for the child. Also, there are and - they should be selected with the help of a consultant.

Detailed information about all additives can be found in our catalog.

Products name and description:

The complex improves the saturation of the brain with oxygen and nutrients necessary for its functioning. Normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, noise and ringing in the ears, a feeling of dizziness, cloudiness of consciousness. It does not deplete brain reserves, but naturally affects “dormant cells”, turning them into work.

What vitamins are most beneficial for the brain? – Of course, antioxidants. They protect it from the aggressive effects of free radicals, aging and many diseases. Antiox+ normalizes blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the immune system.

Contains omega-3, 6 and 9 PUFAs necessary for full mental activity, obtained from salmon oil and healing evening primrose oil. Increases intelligence and improves the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to all other organs.

Contains plant extracts with natural soothing and restorative properties that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental health. The complex helps restore the body after stress, eliminate feelings of anxiety, excitement and increased excitability. Necessary for concentrating in a difficult and stressful environment.

The activity of the brain, the state of memory, and the nervous system are interconnected factors that must be constantly maintained at normal levels.

Necessary vitamins and substances that have a positive effect on mental processes must be supplied to the body regularly and in sufficient quantities.

Since it is impossible to compensate for their deficiency with food, it is better to take additional vitamins for the brain.

They are found in pharmacies in a large assortment, among which you can find drugs for adults and children.

Vitamin complexes to strengthen blood vessels in the brain and nervous system for adults

The brain is the main organ of the human body; the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems depends on it.

It affects the central nervous system, which ensures the coordinated functioning of the body.

It is worth noting! Vitamins for the brain, blood vessels, nervous system, and heart should always be in normal condition.

If there is a deficiency, this can cause unpleasant symptoms - increased fatigue, rapid fatigue, loss of strength, headaches, nervousness, irritability.

For this reason, adults should take vitamin complexes that are needed to improve blood circulation, increase the activity of mental processes and strengthen memory.

The table contains popular names of products and their descriptions:

Drug name Description
Vitrum-Memory The product has a broad effect. It contains a complete group of vitamin B. It has a beneficial effect on the brain and strengthens memory
Active day This fortified formula is designed specifically for men.

It has a tonic effect on brain activity and has a beneficial effect on the condition.

The formula contains components of plant origin

Phostphatide-complex Astrum It has a stabilizing effect on processes in brain cells, on the state of memory and mental development.

The description indicates that the complex is used for severe fatigue and anxiety. It improves mental activity and memory

Doppelgerz Active Lecithin A popular vitamin remedy that is recommended by many experts to improve memory and attention in adults.

The complex contains lecithin, a full set of B vitamins, folic acid

Semax The product is used for adults and children. Affects the central nervous system.

When used, there is an improvement in the intellectual activity of the brain, memory, concentration, and it helps to cope with increased workload. Produced in drop form

Rivien While using the fortified complex, brain activity improves and it increases blood circulation in the main organ.

Regular use of the product enhances the level of mental and physical potential, prevents the development of chronic fatigue

The best vitamins to improve memory and brain function for schoolchildren

What are the best vitamin complexes for children and schoolchildren to match the price and quality?

It is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand this right away, because it is important that the chosen drug improves brain activity, enhances memory, and is useful for speech development.

The best vitamin complexes from the following list are suitable for children and schoolchildren:

  • VitaBears. These are chewable lozenges with vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and folic acid.

    Elements are required to normalize brain function. They also contain other substances - magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc.

  • Multi-Tabs. The drug is produced in the form of gelatin tablets, which have a natural berry taste.

    For this reason, young children like them so much. This form contains all the required elements, vitamins that are beneficial for the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

  • Ostrum for schoolchildren. This is a herbal fortified complex that contains ginkgo biloba.

    It also contains choline, which is the “vitamin of intelligence.” Taken to stimulate mental activity and improve memory. It is recommended to take 1 time per day.

  • Pikovit. It is produced in two forms - Pikovit Omega-3 for children from 6 to 8 years old and Pikovit Forte from 9 years old.

    When taken, mental activity and memory improve. It makes it easier to adapt to school and the necessary loads.

  • Alphabet. The vitamin complex is produced in several forms.

    The drug for schoolchildren contains a high level of useful components that are required for a school-age child.

    When taken, the body's performance increases. Helps overcome various psychological stresses, and also enhances attention.