Vitiligo on the face: treating a serious disease or masking a cosmetic defect? State of the art in vitiligo therapy. Based on vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitiligo- acquired (rarely hereditary) skin disease, characterized by the formation of spots on it. White spots on the skin are the result of depigmentation of skin areas during the development of vitiligo. Vitiligo is difficult to treat, but cosmetic imperfections can be corrected.

What is the cause of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a disease of an insufficiently studied nature (idiopathic). Vitiligo is thought to be caused by a malfunction of melanocytes, the skin cells that produce the pigment melanin (melanin is responsible for UV-induced tanning).

There is also a version that vitiligo develops as follows: in the epidermis and hair follicles, due to autoimmune disorders, melanocytes die - this is how white spots on the skin appear and expand (in depigmentation foci).

However, despite the still unspecified mechanisms for the development of vitiligo, the relationship of this disease with a number of factors has been established. The risk of its development increases:

  • in diseases of internal organs, mainly disorders of the endocrine system (thyroid diseases occur in 30% of patients with vitiligo);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system, stress;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • intoxications;
  • sunburn.

Vitiligo has age-related characteristics: in half of the cases it begins at 10-30 years old and rarely develops in older people. Children usually present with localized forms of vitiligo, usually in association with autoimmune and endocrine disorders.

What are the types of vitiligo?

Vitiligo is divided by the nature of the distribution of white spots on the skin (depigmentation).

  • Localized - subdivided into focal (one or more spots located on a separate part of the body that does not constitute a segment); segmental (one or more spots within a segment) and mucous (depigmentation on mucous membranes) forms.
  • Generalized - include acrofacial (white spots on the skin have spread to the lower extremities and face); vulgar (white spots on the skin are multiple, symmetrical, scattered in different areas) and mixed forms.
  • Universal vitiligo - white spots on the skin occupy from 80% of the total area of ​​​​the skin.

Vitiligo is also distinguished by the nature of manifestations on the skin and other symptoms.

  • Vitiligo rosea: before the appearance of white spots on the skin, redness (erythema) first occurs, which is accompanied by itching, and then peeling.
  • Vitiligo reticularis: white spots on the skin show pigmented dots that form a grid. Vitiligo reticularis often appears on the skin of the genital organs.
  • Vitiligo punctate: white spots are small, contrasting hyperpigmentation is sharply visible around them.
  • Setton's nevus is a stained nevus surrounded by an area of ​​depigmented skin. Sutton's nevus may change color from pale pink to brown; increase, flatten until complete disappearance, leaving only a depigmented halo.
  • Neurodermatouveitis (Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome, Harada disease) is a whole complex of pathologies, including damage to the eyes (uveitis), skin (vitiligo), hair (baldness, graying) and inner ear (dysacusia).

Stable vitiligo is also distinguished - in the absence of growth and spread of white spots on the skin for 1 year.

How does vitiligo manifest itself?

Multiple or single spotty rashes (pigment rarefaction areas) appear on the skin, which spread over time. Along the edges of the white spots, a thickening of the skin color is noted - the spots contrast with healthy areas of the skin. The stain can appear on any area (except for the skin of the palms and soles). In this case, the spots have a tendency to spread and grow.

Gradually, the skin discolors more and more intensively (the tendency of depigmentation is from ivory to white). As a rule, the severity of depigmentation increases over several weeks, sometimes days, but there have been cases of lightning-fast development of generalized vitiligo overnight. There is also a slow course of the disease: white spots on the skin form for months and even years.

Hair on white spots also becomes discolored; premature graying may occur. Most often, white spots on the skin do not cause discomfort, except for moral. Only 10% of patients with vitiligo complain of pruritus.

How to diagnose vitiligo?

Clinical examination and history data. Inspection under the rays of a Woods lamp.

How to treat vitiligo?

In the treatment of vitiligo, PUVA therapy (psoralen plus ultraviolet A) is of particular importance - irradiation with long-wave ultraviolet rays. PUVA irradiation sessions in such patients are carried out periodically for 1-2 years. Selective and narrow-band medium wave phototherapy is also used.

Before (90 minutes) a session of PUVA therapy, psoralen, trimethylpsoralen (neosoralen) are applied topically. Psoralens are also available in oral formulations.

They also treat a chronic disease suspected to be related to vitiligo.

In the generalized form, glucocorticoids are prescribed orally, for example, betamethasone (celeston), prednisolone (medopred, prednisol, prednisolone Nycomed) 5 mg / day for 2 days, then a break until the end of the week). This mode of administration for 2-4 months provides high efficiency with a low risk of side effects.

With localized vitiligo, glucocorticoids of moderate activity are prescribed externally: ointments (prednisolone) are applied daily to white spots on the skin for 3-4 months. In the absence of effect, drugs of high activity glucocorticoids are used daily for 2 months. Repeated course if necessary in 1-4 months. Triamcinolone (kenalog, delfikort), fluticasone (cutiveit, flixotide) are also used.

With vitiligo, hepatoprotectors (essential phospholipids), as well as immunomodulators are prescribed: polyoxidonium, tyrosine-alanyl-glycyl-phenylalanyl-leucyl-arginine diacetate; enzymes: pancreatin; phytopreparations.

With vitiligo, the risk of direct solar radiation is strictly excluded, the use of sunscreens with a protection index (from 15 to 150) is mandatory. A fortified diet is shown (vitamin-mineral complexes are additionally prescribed). Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), pyridoxine (vitamin B 6), thiamine (vitamin B 1) are shown separately.

In the treatment of vitiligo, extreme caution should be exercised: when using psoralens and conducting PUVA therapy, there is a high risk of burns and phototoxic reactions. With topical application of glucocorticoids, skin atrophy and telangiectasias are likely. When using depigmenting and cosmetic products, contact dermatitis may develop.

In a fifth of patients with vitiligo, treatment is ineffective, especially if it is started late.

Reading time: 6 min.

The use of systemic drugs for the treatment of vitiligo in adults (corticosteroids, photosensitizers, immunomodulators and vitamins) is always supplemented with topical agents. Cream, gel or ointment for vitiligo is a mandatory item in complex treatment. It is important to choose the right remedy and apply it regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then you can cure vitiligo much faster.

All medicines against various forms of vitiligo that the adult pharmacy offers can be divided into three categories according to their action:

  1. Lightening the skin around the vitiligo patch and thus leveling the overall tone.
  2. Vitiligo creams that stimulate pigmentation in the affected areas. This method can be quite successful in treating vitiligo, since the cause that provoked its development is eliminated: insufficient production of melanin pigment by skin cells.
  3. Concealing cosmetics - that is, a foundation with good coverage and a fairly dense texture. Special ointments for vitiligo, which are sold in pharmacies, have not only a tinting, but also a therapeutic effect. They relieve inflammation and irritation, moisturize, nourish, protect from ultraviolet radiation.

Which drug is better to choose, the doctor determines based on the results of the patient's examination, the stage and form of the disease. The priority is not masking, but the full treatment of the disease.

Effective dosage forms

You can treat vitiligo at home with the use of anti-vitiligo medicines of various forms. For external use, creams are best: they have a good texture, are easily distributed and quickly absorbed, without leaving greasy marks and films.

Slightly denser texture ointment. There are also gels. They have the lightest texture, but not all preparations are available in this pharmaceutical form. Some drugs are available in the form of oils or solutions for lotions, compresses and applications. You need to pay attention to the composition of liquid forms of medications against vitiligo. If the composition contains ethanol, this drug can dry out the skin and cause irritation.

List of drugs and which ones to choose

So, for the treatment of vitiligo, ointments, creams, solutions and other topical preparations are selected by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the tasks set. The funds may include:

  • vitamins and mineral complexes;
  • essential oils;
  • hormonal substances;
  • plant extracts.

In most cases, external preparations are combined with physiotherapy, otherwise their effectiveness is either significantly reduced or absent altogether. Vitiligo does not affect the functioning of the internal organs and is, in fact, only a cosmetic defect. Therefore, the treatment of this disease is carried out on an outpatient basis: the patient fulfills all the prescriptions at home, and comes to the medical institution for physiotherapy and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. If the effectiveness is low, the doctor corrects the scheme and replaces the drugs used with more active ones. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. With minor lesions in children and adults, many begin treatment with homeopathic remedies. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle during the course, adhere to a diet, control the psycho-emotional state. The first results are evaluated after 1-2 months, the full course of treatment can last up to one year. But if positive dynamics is not observed for 3-4 months, drugs with more active components are included in the scheme.
  2. At any stage of the disease, with minor or extensive lesions, it is advisable to use photosensitizers. These are ointments and creams, which may also contain herbal ingredients, but only begin to act under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The patient receives irradiation during exposure to the sun in the summer or through. It is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the agent and the duration of the session so as not to get burned.
  3. If herbal remedies have not helped cure vitiligo or at least improve the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs. They are used only in extreme cases, as the very last method, when everyone else was powerless to help. Such drugs are contraindicated in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly. And in principle, healthy people are not recommended to use them for a long time.

Vitiligo, as mentioned above, does not affect the functioning of internal organs. But medications, even external use, which are used to treat it, can affect. Therefore, only a doctor makes all appointments, he also controls the patient's condition during treatment. Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist regularly. This is much wiser than relying on your intuition and feedback from friends.

Ointments and creams for vitiligo

There is a fairly wide range of ointments and creams made specifically for the treatment of vitiligo spots on the face and body. They are, as a rule, quite expensive, and the full course of treatment with the use of drugs from a foreign manufacturer for many patients turns out to be prohibitive in terms of cost.

For this reason, people suffering from an unpleasant disease pay attention to other external agents with a similar composition of a broader effect. For example, the drug Sulsena is intended for the treatment of hair loss and baldness. But in some cases, he helped to completely get rid of vitiligo. Often people are helped to overcome the disease by the usual essential oil of fir, cedar or St. John's wort.

Based on corticosteroids

It is believed that depigmentation of the skin is of an autoimmune nature. In this case, preparations containing the hormone of the adrenal cortex help restore the functions of skin cells that produce pigment. If vitiligo is provoked by other causes - stress or malnutrition - it is not advisable to take hormonal drugs due to the large number of side effects.

The simplest and most affordable hormonal remedy of a domestic manufacturer is hydrocortisone ointment. The package costs up to 50 rubles, the spots should be lubricated 2-3 times a day. Side effects are possible, so do not start a course of treatment on your own.

“King of the Skin” is an ointment from a Chinese manufacturer, made on the basis of hormonal substances (ketoconazole, clobetasol). Turmeric is used as auxiliary active substances. The tool can cause serious harm to health, has a number of dangerous side effects, can cause allergic reactions, deterioration of the skin. Reviews about this drug are contradictory, it is categorically not recommended to use it for pregnant, lactating, children and adolescents. Yes, and adults are better off choosing an analogue with a more balanced and gentle composition.

Protopic is a Japanese ointment containing tacrolimus, a substance that suppresses immune cells. Initially, this tool was developed for the treatment of dermatitis. But after clinical testing, it has become widely used to eliminate the manifestations of vitiligo. An important point: this tool can not be combined with phototherapy. The ointment is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, children under 2 years of age. Use with caution in adolescents under 16 years of age, patients suffering from liver failure. Possible side effects. The cost of the ointment is from 1300 rubles per pack.


Official and folk medicine knows more than 100 medicinal plants that can help with vitiligo. Plant extracts stimulate the production of melanin, increase immunity and increase the susceptibility of cells to solar radiation.

“Vitilemna” is a plant-based gel, the main active ingredient is an extract of marsh duckweed. The gel should be rubbed into the spots, and then sunbathed. To speed up and increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to combine the use of the cream with Vitilemna tablets for oral administration. Reviews about this remedy are contradictory, at a cost of 3,500 rubles for a 150 ml package, it often does not meet the expectations of patients.

Beroxan is a solution that enhances the susceptibility of cells to ultraviolet radiation. The main component is the extract of the parsnip root, it is supplemented by two other active components - xanthoxin and bergapten. The drug is available in pharmacies, is widely used in clinics in the complex treatment of vitiligo and other skin pathologies. As an independent remedy, it is ineffective. Beroxan is not always well tolerated, gives side effects, has a number of contraindications. Not suitable for pregnant or nursing women, young children, patients over 60 years of age. Often several courses of therapy are required at intervals of 1.5-2 months.

Photosensitizing drugs

Melagenin is a drug that cannot be bought in a pharmacy, it can only be ordered on the Internet. It is produced on the basis of placental extract, it contains alcohol. Passed tests in foreign clinics specializing in the treatment of skin diseases. Applying this tool is very simple: just lubricate the affected areas with a solution, and then go out into the sun. Some patients claim that they noticed a positive trend after the first two sessions. Others need 1-2 months to get noticeable results. Important: in case of an overdose, this remedy can cause skin irritation by the type of an allergic reaction, symptoms of intoxication. Has contraindications, get acquainted with.

Based on vitamin and mineral complexes

"Vitiskin Gel" - contains B vitamins, copper, zinc, calcium and antioxidants. The product is made on an alcohol basis. used in complex therapy in parallel with irradiation with a UV lamp. The course of treatment will require a long - up to 6 months. In 79% of cases, the spots on the chest, abdomen, and thighs were almost completely overgrown. Worse amenable to treatment are spots on the limbs and face. The cost of one package of funds from a Swiss manufacturer is from 3500 rubles.

Vitix Gel is another remedy for vitiligo produced in France with a similar composition. In addition to antioxidants and vitamins, it also contains magnesium and plant extracts. The course of treatment will take a long time - from six months to a year. But on the other hand, the drug is relatively inexpensive (from 2300 rubles), has almost no contraindications and very rarely causes side effects such as skin irritation. The effectiveness of Vitix is ​​no more than 40%. In most patients, even after several months of regular use of the gel, the spots are only slightly smoothed out. Complete overgrowth was observed in only 1% of patients.

Masking vitiligo

If vitiligo affects the face, then masking, tinting agents cannot be dispensed with. An inexpensive foundation cream may not be able to cope with its task - the spots will show through. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase a quality product, adapted specifically to solve serious problems, with a high SPF. Doctors and experienced users recommend such tools:

Foundation "Perfect face" from Coverderm. It is indispensable if you need to regularly mask cosmetic defects of the face and neck. Indications for use: acne, vitiligo, age spots, freckles, rosacea, scars and burns. As part of natural coloring components, the cream additionally protects against ultraviolet radiation. The manufacturer recommends combining two shades of cream to obtain the perfect effect. They use it every day before going out to public places, for photo shoots and special occasions. Coverderm can hide imperfections and even out complexion. But it has drawbacks, according to reviews: the feeling of a mask on the face, difficult rinsing, high cost (from 2099 rubles).
There is also a good camouflage body cream from the same manufacturer - Perfect Legs. The cream is resistant to moisture and water, has a high SPF. Indications: vitiligo, psoriasis, varicose veins, bruises, tattoos. The composition does not contain toxic components, additionally protects from the sun. The disadvantages of this tool include fast consumption, which means quite large financial costs (one package costs about 2000 rubles). Many patients cannot choose the right tone that matches the natural skin tone - the range is not so wide. But in general, this is a good solution if you need effective camouflage of the face and body.
Viticolor. A French product designed to visually even out skin tone. It does not cause a feeling of oiliness and stickiness on the skin, it is well absorbed, it lasts a long time. The main disadvantages: phased application is required at intervals of several hours, high cost - up to 3000 rubles.

There is no universal remedy for vitiligo for all patients, as well as treatment regimens. All drugs are selected individually, sometimes you have to try a dozen different drugs before you find the optimal one. Therefore, you should be patient and do not forget about constant consultations with your doctor.

In combination with ultraviolet treatment ointments and creams for vitiligo. Moreover, drugs alone do not always help. In terms of effectiveness, Vitilemna solution and gel stand out.

Self-medication is dangerous. The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using the drug, consult a doctor.

First of all, consider masking creams and gel for vitiligo.


Consider two creams that help hide visible imperfections. Viticolor and Coverderm preparations do not contain healing substances. Let's evaluate how convenient they are to use and how noticeable (not noticeable) they are on the skin.

1. Cream Ideal face - Coverderm (Coverderm)

Foundation Perfect Face suitable for people with sensitive skin. Covers imperfections & evens out color.

Foundation Perfect Face


  • For camouflage with vitiligo, age spots, dermatological defects.
  • With acne, pimples, acne. It can be used even in the treatment of these diseases, the cream does not affect the effectiveness of therapy.
  • For everyday natural makeup.
  • For daily make-up of public people.
  • At the celebrations - weddings, anniversaries, photo shoots, dances.

Compound: coloring non-toxic substances. The degree of UV protection is SPF-20.

Shades of Coverderm Perfect Face Cream

Mode of application: Apply an even layer on the skin of the face, using a sponge or fingers.
We recommend using two shades if you have:

  • Vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, burns, freckles, rosacea. Before applying the base color, soften the affected areas with shade #8.
  • Burns, stretch marks, scars. Fill in the lesions with #0 cream before applying the base color.

Contraindications: not found.
Special instructions:

People's reviews

Fragment of a review of Coverderm cream from


Reviews of the Coverderm foundation are generally negative. Those who have tried it note a too thick texture, a mask effect. People's reviews are more useful than instructions. In any case, the choice is yours.

Cream Perfect legs - Coverderm

Cream Perfect legs- foundation cream that smooths out skin imperfections, evens out its color.

Foundation Perfect legs

  • Waterproof with SPF 40 UV protection.
  • Dries in seconds and lasts all day.
  • Can be used on any skin type.
  • Can be used every day


  • Vitiligo
  • Dark spots
  • Acne
  • Stretch marks, varicose veins
  • Tattoos, bruises, burns

Compound: non-toxic dyes

Shades of Cream Coverderm “Perfect Legs”

Mode of application: Apply evenly to skin with fingers or sponge.
In these cases, we recommend using two shades:

  • Vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, burns, freckles, rosacea. Before applying the main shade, soften the affected areas with shade #8.
  • Pimples, bruises, tattoos. Apply shade #0 before base color.
  • Burns, stretch marks, scars. Fill in the affected area with shade #0 cream before applying the base shade.

When using two shades, cover the first layer with Coverderm Powder. Then apply the second shade.
Contraindications: not found.
Special instructions: use two shades of cream to get an even color.


Reviews of the Coverderm foundation are generally negative. Those who have tried it note a too thick texture, a mask effect. The choice is yours.

2. Viticolor Camouflage Gel

Gel Viticolor used to mask skin imperfections. It contains non-toxic elements, so the drug is suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Masking gel Viticolor

  • Application: vitiligo and other skin diseases with pigmentation disorders.
  • Price: 1500-3000 rub.
  • Compound: coloring non-toxic substances.
  • Mode of application: apply with a brush or applicator to the stain, moving from the center to the edge. Reapply after 6-8 minutes if needed. After 8 hours, evaluate the result. If the spots are too light, repeat. Do not rinse for the next 8 hours. And after 4-6 days, repeat the procedure.
  • Contraindications: not found.
  • Side effects: No.
  • Special instructions: waterproof.
  • Manufacturer: France, ACM.

People's reviews

Review of the Viticolor gel by Iruska user from the forum

Viticolor gel review by sevilia user from forum


Viticolor Gel is safe, suitable for sensitive skin and helps to mask blemishes. According to reviews of patients with vitiligo, it may not be suitable if you have fair skin.


Consider ointments and lotions that are designed to treat vitiligo.

3. Melagenin Plus

Melagenin Plus- alcohol solution for external use.

Solution Melagenin Plus

  • Compound: human placenta solution, calcium chloride.
  • Manufacturer: Cuba, Centro de Histotherapy Placentaria.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug.
  • Price: 3200-3500 rub. for a bottle of 235 ml.
  • A course of treatment: individual for each patient.
  • Side effects: allergic reaction and poisoning.
  • Doctors' opinion: the drug was in Cuba. There is a clinic where doctors treat vitiligo with melagenin.
  • Special instructions: the use of ultraviolet increases the effectiveness of Melagenin Plus.

Reviews from the forums

Reviews of treatment with Melagenin Plus are mostly positive. The tool gives a good effect in combination with a UV lamp:

Feedback from user jenia from


According to patients' reviews and the experience of foreign treatment in clinics, Melagenin Plus is the most effective external drug. To get rid of vitiligo spots, use it according to the instructions and additionally irradiate with ultraviolet light. The drug is not sold in pharmacies, you can buy Melagenin on our website.

4. Psoralen

Psoralen available in the form of an alcoholic solution. The drug enhances susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is used in PUVA therapy.

Psoralen solution

  • Compound: psoralen - obtained from the plant psoralea drupe; 70% alcohol.
  • Manufacturer: no information.
  • Contraindications: cataract, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, nephritis, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, hepatitis, hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, blood diseases, tumors, diabetes mellitus, cachexia, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, CHF, arterial hypertension, multiple pigmented nevi.

Do not use for pregnant and lactating women, children under 5 years of age, people over 60 years of age.

  • Price: 600 rub.
  • A course of treatment: 3-3.5 months. If necessary, a second course is prescribed.
  • Side effects: headache, dizziness, palpitations, cardialgia, dyspepsia, nausea, gastralgia. With an overdose of ultraviolet - acute dermatitis (skin hyperemia, blisters).
  • Doctors' opinions: Psoralen is used to treat vitiligo as a drug that enhances the effects of ultraviolet radiation. For example, with PUVA therapy.
    Safety when used in the clinic is guaranteed by constant medical supervision.

Reviews from the forums

The drug is useless to use separately from UV therapy. Look at the reviews on the use of PUVA therapy.

Review of PUVA therapy by MaSulKa user from forum


The drug is designed to enhance ultraviolet exposure and it makes no sense to use it separately. In the clinic, a qualified doctor will select the dose and will constantly monitor you. This is the only way to guarantee the safety of using psoralen.

5. Vitilemna

Vitilemna gel- a preparation that contains an extract of duckweed and is easily absorbed into the skin.

Gel Vitilemna

  • Compound: duckweed extract.
  • Manufacturer: Medin Terra S.R.O. (Czech Republic).
  • Contraindications: not detected.
  • Price: 3500 rub. for 150 ml. drug.
  • A course of treatment: 6-12 months.
  • Side effects: not found.
  • Special instructions: for a result in treatment, it must be used in combination with Vitilemna tablets and ultraviolet irradiation.

Reviews from the forums

On the forums, reviews on the use of the drug are not enough to evaluate the effectiveness.

Review of Vitilemna gel by user natasha19916 from forum

Review of Vitilemna gel by Senya user from forum


Vitilemna gel is suitable for supporters of natural methods of treatment - because of the duckweed extract in the composition.

However, studies on the effectiveness of the drug have not been conducted. There are few reviews from the forum, and they are contradictory. Our conclusion is that the drug is ineffective when used separately from.

6. Ointment "King of the skin"

Ointment "King of the skin"- Chinese remedy, which contains hormones, including strong action: clobetasol propionate. Self-treatment with this ointment dangerous for health.

Ointment King Skin

  • Compound: ketoconazole, clobetasol propionate, sandalwood, kapoor kachari, tulsi, turmeric, neem, estimadhu, talc.
  • Manufacturer: China, Korea.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity, acute liver disease, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Price: 200-260 rub. per tube 7 g.
  • A course of treatment: individually.
  • Side effects:
    Sites that sell King of Skin ointment indicate that there are no side effects.
    However, it is not. Hormonal substances have many side effects, especially without medical supervision: allergic reactions, skin itching, acne, dry skin, burning, stretch marks; with prolonged use - a violation of pigmentation, hypertrichosis, weakening of the barrier function of the skin, skin atrophy and telangiectasia, the development of a pustular form of psoriasis.
    When applied to a large surface of the skin, reactions are possible: increased intraocular pressure, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, gastritis, hypercortisolism.
  • Doctors' opinion: no publicly available research.
  • Special instructions:
    Before treatment with this ointment, consult your doctor and undergo a complete examination. Hormone treatment is the last method to be used when nothing else helps.
    Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent, a hormone.
    Clobetasol propionate is a glucocorticoid, a potent hormone.

Reviews from the forums

On the forums about the treatment of vitiligo no reviews for ointment "King of the skin". However, there are conflicting reviews about Chinese drugs in general:

Feedback from user slyass about Chinese drugs

Feedback from user Senya about Chinese drugs


Ointment "King of the skin" - a Chinese remedy that may be dangerous to your health.

Suspicion is that ointment treats many skin diseases, except for vitiligo: psoriasis, eczema, acne and others. Ointment produced by several Chinese and Korean firms and are sold by several online stores.

For ointment "King of the skin" side effects are not indicated, and the composition of the drug is “completely natural”. However, this is not the case, since clobetasol propionate is a synthetic potent hormone with side effects up to the development of a severe form of psoriasis.

In conclusion, we note that there are no reviews and information about this ointment on the forums about vitiligo, and there are also no medical studies in the public domain. So, ointment "King of the skin" cannot be applied with vitiligo.

7. Beroxan

Beroxan- solution for external use. The drug enhances the susceptibility to ultraviolet, due to the parsnip seed in the composition.

  • Compound: parsnips (active ingredients - xanthoxin and bergapten).
  • Manufacturer: no information
  • Contraindications: cataract, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, nephritis, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, hepatitis, hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, blood diseases, tumors, diabetes mellitus, cachexia, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, CHF, arterial hypertension, multiple pigmented nevi. Do not use for pregnant and lactating women, children under 5 years of age, people over 60 years of age.
  • Price: no information.
  • A course of treatment: 1-2.5 months. If necessary - a repeated course with a break of 1.5 -2 months.
  • Side effects: headache and dizziness; heartbeat; dyspepsia, nausea, gastralgia. Acute dermatitis with an overdose of UV rays.
  • Doctors' opinions: the drug is used in clinics as a photosensitizer - a substance that enhances the action of UV rays.

Reviews from the forums

Separately, the drug is not used, see reviews of PUVA therapy.

Review of PUVA therapy by Gallina user from forum


Beroxan enhances the effects of ultraviolet radiation during PUVA therapy and is not used separately (not sold in a pharmacy). The method gives a result in 85% of cases, however, it has many contraindications and side effects. A doctor's consultation is required here.

8. Psoberan

Psoberan available in the form of ointment and solution. The drug of combined action, of plant origin, enhances the body's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation.

  • Compound: bergapten and psoralen of plant origin (from fig leaves).
  • Manufacturer: no information.
  • Contraindications: do not apply to children under 5 years of age and people over 60 years of age, pregnant women. Exhaustion - cachexia; Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; diseases of the central nervous system; hypertension; tuberculosis; blood diseases; diabetes; nephritis - acute and chronic.
  • Price: not specified.
  • A course of treatment: treatment is carried out in courses of 2-3 months. Duration of therapy - 10-12 months.
  • Side effects: nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhea, headache, palpitations, insomnia and irritability, allergic rash. Redness, erythema, burns with excessive exposure to UV rays.
  • Doctors' opinions: doctors use the drug in PUVA therapy.

Reviews from the forums

Psoberan is not used as an independent remedy, but only in combination with ultraviolet light in PUVA therapy. Therefore, read in detail about this method and its effectiveness.

Review of PUVA therapy by user Katish from the forum


Psoberan belongs to a group of drugs that increase susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Self-medication with such means is not effective without special lamps. And without the constant supervision of a doctor, it can be dangerous.

9. Vitiskin gel

Vitiskin- gel containing antioxidants, copper, zinc, vitamins B5 and B12. Antioxidants prevent oxidative processes in the body, prevent the formation of free radicals.

Gel Vitiskin

  • Compound: water, alcohol, superoxide dismutase, calcium pantothenate, zinc acetate, copper acetate, etc. substances.
  • Manufacturer: Isis Pharma (Switzerland).
  • Contraindications: not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Price: 3300 - 3500 rubles.
  • A course of treatment: six months.
  • Side effects: burning, itching, erythema, dryness and peeling of the skin.
  • Doctors' opinions: a detailed report from the study of 79 patients is posted on the manufacturer's website. According to the results - the gel eliminates spots on the chest and thighs in 90% of cases, and on the feet - in 20%.

The disease is a violation of skin pigmentation. Vitiligo is formed under the influence of genetic factors, autoimmune processes, pathologies of body systems. The patient is faced with serious psychological stress associated with the appearance of ugly spots. To treat the disease, it is necessary to apply a set of measures.

Medicines for vitiligo

The disease may be localized or generalized. In the first case, the spots are located in one area, in the second - throughout the body. Depending on the form, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • With localized - local treatment with glucocorticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, photosensitizing creams, ointments, gels.
  • With generalized - systemic treatment with hormonal pills, immunosuppressants, photosensitizing drugs.

Ointments and creams

For the treatment of vitiligo disease, experts prescribe effective ointments, creams, gels, lotions. As local therapy are used:

  • Glucocorticosteroids (Momat, Advantan, Fluorocort, Hydrocotisone, Lorinden):
    1. Advantan. A hormonal drug whose active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. Advantan helps to suppress the inflammatory processes of the skin, relieving their symptoms. Apply ointment, cream, emulsion 1 time / day with a thin layer on the affected areas. The course of treatment is up to 12 weeks. Contraindications: age up to 4 months, hypersensitivity to the composition, manifestation of syphilis, tuberculosis, viral diseases, rosacea, oral dermatitis in the area of ​​application. Advantan is well tolerated by patients. Adverse reactions rarely occur.
    2. Hydrocortisone. The ointment contains the hormone of the same name from the group of glucocorticosteroids. The tool has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-shock, anti-edematous properties. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer to the lesions, gently rubbing. Hydrocortisone can be used 1-3 times / day for no more than 5 days. The drug has a number of contraindications, including acne, age up to 2 years, recent vaccination, open wounds with bleeding, individual intolerance, fungal skin diseases. The ointment can cause allergic reactions, itching and burning at the site of application.
  • Calcineurin inhibitors (Elidel, Protopic).
  • Photosensitizing drugs (Melaginin, Psoralen).

Systemic therapy

Oral medication is prescribed if vitiligo progresses rapidly, and local treatment is not effective for six months. All drugs have side effects, so they can be used only under the supervision of a doctor. The following medications are prescribed:

  • Corticosteroids: Betamethasone, Prednisolone, Diprospan.
  • Immunosuppressants: Cyclosporine A, Isoprinosine, Levamisole, Cyclophosphamide.
  • Photosensitizing drugs (Vitiks, Ammifurin, Psoralen, Vitistel):
    1. Vitix. The composition of 1 tablet includes: catalase - 2000 units, magnesium - 0.4 mg, superoxide dismutase - 14 units, sodium - 0.1 mg, coenzyme Q10 - 0.11 mg, potassium - 9.1 mg, lipoic acid - 0, 04 mg, glutathione - 6.6 mg. Vitix is ​​prescribed for vitiligo to restore the level of melanin in the affected cells of the epidermis. Treatment of the disease is carried out according to the scheme: 1 tablet / day. It is recommended to take the pills with water. The duration of treatment is 1 month. The use of Vitix may cause allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the components, pregnant and lactating women. Price: about 2500 rubles.
    2. Vitistel. Tablets contain an extract of medium chickweed, propolis, avicel. Vitistel helps to normalize the production of melanin pigment in patients suffering from vitiligo. Tablets are recommended to use 1 pc. four times a day, 30 minutes before meals, at a rate of six months. The medication has no side effects. Among the contraindications are children under 6 years of age, hypersensitivity to the components. Price - from 1700 rubles.

Phototherapy for Vitiligo

This method of combating the disease involves exposing the skin to light of a certain wavelength. In the treatment of vitiligo, selective, narrow-wave and PUVA therapy is used. The first type is considered ineffective. PUVA therapy has toxic effects, can cause headache, vomiting, malnutrition, dizziness.

According to the opinions of doctors and patients, narrow-wavelength UVB phototherapy is considered to be a relatively safe, affordable, effective method. To achieve a good result, the patient needs 30-100 procedures, which are carried out 2-3 times / week. The cost of phototherapy for vitiligo varies between 450–9000 rubles and depends on the device and the area of ​​the lesion.

Laser therapy

The basis of laser therapy for vitiligo is a point effect on the damaged areas of the skin with a light beam. This treatment of the epidermis helps to reduce the area of ​​the spots. The procedure is effective in the early stages, when local lesions are small. The procedure should be carried out 2 times / week, the course of treatment is 1 month. The advantage of laser therapy is a short session time, no effect on healthy areas of the epidermis, no adverse reactions. The disadvantages include the high cost - 1500-3500 rubles.


Experts turn to the whitening procedure when vitiligo spots cover more than 50% of a person's skin. Treatment consists in depigmentation of healthy areas of the epidermis by injecting drugs Monobenzone, Elokvin, Hydroquinone. As a result, the patient's skin acquires a shade close to the color of the spots, they become less noticeable.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the presence of side effects, its irreversibility, high sensitivity to sun exposure in the future. In addition, in order to achieve the desired results and consolidate them, the patient will need to repeat the course of injections frequently. The cost of the procedure reaches 50 thousand rubles.

Skin graft

The surgical method for removing spots in vitiligo is skin grafting. The operation consists in moving a healthy flap with a normal content of melanin to the site of the lesion. Such treatment takes time, because after transplantation it is necessary to wait for the formation of new blood vessels.

Since the method has a large number of contraindications, specialists resort to surgery in the absence of the effect of other procedures. A significant disadvantage is the risk of complications after the operation, consisting in the inflammatory process at the transplant site with the formation of pus. The price of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the affected areas. The average cost of the operation varies between 15-45 thousand rubles.

Treatment of vitiligo folk remedies

In addition to tablets, ointments and medical procedures, folk remedies can be included in the treatment of the disease. Natural preparations gently affect the skin without harming the patient. According to folk recipes, you can prepare effective decoctions, tinctures, compresses, lotions.

Vitiligo is a mysterious disease forcing world science, for many years, to look for ways to combat this disease. Surely many of you have met people with white spots of small and large sizes, resembling peeled skin. Spots can be either single or multiple, very similar to the colors of the skins of cows.

With this disease, pigmentation of the skin is disturbed.. This is due to the destruction of melanin. This phenomenon causes a variegated coloration of the skin. People call vitiligo dog. There is another name for this disease - leukoderma (white skin).

Vitiligo is difficult to treat. It affects all people, regardless of age. In the modern world, there is a tendency to increase the incidence of vitiligo. Often this disease causes psychological trauma, especially for young and middle-aged people. Complexes appear, and unwillingness is in society.

There is no exact treatment regimen for this pathology. The main direction of the fight against leucoderma is considered to be raising immunity.

Why does vitiligo occur?

Vitiligo is not a congenital disease, and a person acquires it during his life. Most often, the symptoms of the disease appear before the age of ten, during pregnancy and menopause. Children during puberty are also susceptible to vitiligo. Increased activity of sunlight has a great influence on the outbreak of the disease.

The main causes that can cause vitiligo, consider the following:

  • chemical poisoning of the body;
  • damage to the skin;
  • chronic processes in the body;
  • genetic predisposition (brown-eyed and dark-skinned people are more often susceptible);
  • prolonged stress;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • neuroendocrine disorders;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • radiation damage to the skin;
  • dermatological skin lesions of various origins;
  • infections;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • helminthiasis.

It has been observed that people suffering from thyroid diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus and other systemic pathologies have a history of vitiligo.

Often accompanied by vitiligo (leucoderma). This is most often stagnation of bile, giardiasis and others.

What are the symptoms of vitiligo?

The main manifestation of the diseasespots of various sizes of white, with a peculiar outline. Favorite spot locations:

  • face (around the ears, mouth, nose);
  • head area (on the scalp);
  • the area around the anus;
  • groin area;
  • limbs (more on the back side);
  • armpits.

The spots have a variety and various forms of foci:

  • Localized Form- spots are located in areas with a limited outline. A focus or segment of the skin, as well as mucous membranes, can be captured.
  • Generalized form- Changes in the skin are extensive.
  • Total form- extensive depigmentation (damage to more than 80% of the skin).

In addition to the main symptom - pigmentation disorders, there may also be other symptoms:

  • alopecia areata;
  • graying of hair in the affected area;
  • inflammation of the choroid of the eye with involvement of the retina.

Diagnosis of vitiligo

If you have age spots, contact a dermatological clinic, where the doctor will examine the affected area with a Wood's lamp. To clarify the diagnosis, a skin biopsy from the problem area may be offered.

Not always white spots indicate vitiligo. There are others pigmentation disorders:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • scleroderma (foci);
  • leprosy;
  • hypopigmentation accompanying eczema;
  • visceral leishmaniasis;
  • other.

Modern methods of treatment of vitiligo

Sometimes vitiligo goes away on its own and the problem doesn't come back. In most cases, if left untreated, the disease progresses., capturing all large areas of the skin. The disease affects the neuroendocrine system and immunity. Therefore, the treatment is systemic and local in nature, the use of therapeutic agents.

If the lesions are small, hormonal ointments are used:

  • Lorinden;
  • Alcometasone;
  • Lorinden;
  • other.

Lubrication is carried out for a long time, approximately 3-4 months.

With unsatisfactory results, they switch to stronger means:

  • Fluticasone;
  • Clobetasol;
  • Aceponate;
  • Mometasone fuorate.

The course of treatment lasts two months. The second course is repeated in a month.

With extensive areas of lesions, systemic tableted hormonal preparations are prescribed:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Triamcyalon;
  • other.

The selection and dose of the drug is prescribed only by a doctor. Hormonal drugs are complex drugs that require strict control. Never self-medicate with hormones!

Physiotherapeutic methods are also connected to medical treatment.. A popular method is called PUVA therapy. It consists in using ultraviolet radiation to inject drugs into the skin.

Be sure to prescribe vitamin therapy, sedatives and drugs for the treatment of comorbidities.

There are other treatments for vitiligo. But read about it in other articles:

Disease prognosis

Vitiligo is difficult to treat, and the percentage of people whose spots went away on their own is quite small. All methods of treatment can only delay the development of the process. For many patients, this is a cosmetic defect that affects only the psycho-emotional state. It does not bring physical suffering.

Many women use products - all kinds of foundation to mask white spots.

Prevention of the appearance of vitiligo

It consists in restorative therapy, good nutrition, elimination of foci of chronic infection and timely treatment of chronic diseases.

You need to learn how to deal with stress. Use yoga and meditation. Distraction is mother! Remember - many problems are in ourselves!

Lebeychuk Natalia Vladimirovna, phytotherapeutist and homeopath