The recovery period after a fracture of the spine. A set of rehabilitation measures after a broken leg

Fracture of bones, especially limbs, is quite common. This trouble can affect everyone, especially people leading an active lifestyle. Despite the fact that such injuries are treated both conservatively and surgically, in each case, rehabilitation after a fracture is a long and difficult process.

Purpose of rehabilitation

The main method of fracture treatment is the imposition of a plaster bandage. As a result of a long-term limitation of motor activity, the limb, which is in plaster, begins to go through the stages of degradation:

  • muscle weakness;
  • "ossification" of the joints;
  • violation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage processes.

Based on the general picture of the patient's clinical condition, the doctor prescribes a set of measures to combat the consequences of prolonged immobilization of the element of the musculoskeletal system. The list of rehabilitation recommendations may include taking medications, physical activity, and even a special diet aimed at replenishing the missing substances in the body. As a rule, all measures are performed at home and do not require a visit to the doctor after the removal of the cast.

For complex fractures that require surgery, the doctor prescribes an individual recovery system to prevent bone deformation, their re-mixing and stimulate tissue regeneration. Since the operated patient wears bone fixation devices for 3 to 12 months, the return to the usual way of life takes a long period, and rehabilitation takes place on the basis of the hospital. All recovery after a fracture prescribed by a doctor is gentle.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures have an external effect, but at the same time they stimulate deep tissues, in particular bone ones.


Massage therapy will help to recover from a fracture, which is prescribed when the patient is removed from the cast, and the bone has passed the regeneration stage. Otherwise, the actions of the massage therapist can provoke an increase in the gap between bone fragments or even displacement.

Beneficial features

  • stimulation of muscles and joints;
  • removal of stagnation products from the soft tissues of the limb;
  • restoration of the natural rhythm of metabolism and improvement of outflow / inflow of blood;
  • removal of the feeling of "enslavement" of the limb;
  • reduction of pain syndrome.

If the victim wears a splint, the massage effect can be exerted through the means of fixing the limb already on the third day after the fracture. Manual stimulation should be carried out not only on the injured limb, but also on the steam room.


If manual massage can be performed only after the fracture has healed, its hardware version is prescribed to patients already on the fourth and fifth day after the injury. Based on the doctor's instructions, vibration massage, pneumomassage and hydromassage can be prescribed.

Therapeutic diet

Rehabilitation for fractures is not only various procedures, but also proper nutrition. The main task of the diet is to restore minerals and vitamins that have been “withdrawn” from the body as a building material for damaged bones. Since bone tissues consist of 2/3 minerals and only 1/3 of cells and protein, the issue of lack of active substances will be relevant even in healthy people.

Amino acids are the constituent element of proteins, which in turn form bone tissue. Particular attention should be paid to the presence in the diet of lysine, arginine, proline and glutamine. You can find them in fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, legumes and nuts.

Antioxidants also perform an important function, as they fight inflammatory processes (inflammation can be both infectious in nature and result from the formation of free radicals in damaged cells). When compiling a menu, give preference to those products that contain vitamins C, D, K, B6. Lean on vegetables and flour.

Calcium, zinc, phosphorus and silicon are also essential for building bone tissue. You can find trace elements in buckwheat, rice porridge, asparagus, beans, pasta, pumpkin and sweet fruits, as well as in seafood.

Strong drinks will have to be abandoned, as they block the regeneration process. Sugar and caffeine are also on the list of prohibited foods.

Physical exercise

Rehabilitation after a fracture will not do without physical education, which helps to bring muscles into tone, restore mobility after removing the cast. At the same time, the exercises should be given to the patient easily and not cause pain. The load increases gradually.

Physical education classes in treatment centers are carried out with the help of special simulators and under the supervision of a doctor. A home set of exercises can be performed without special equipment (but, with a broken arm, an excellent alternative to exercise therapy is to use an expander).

Sorting balls to develop the hand in case of fractures in its area

Physical exercises for fractures are of two types:

  • active;
  • passive.

Passive, in contrast to the active ones familiar to everyone since childhood, imply the tension of certain muscle groups under a fixing bandage or splint, as well as passive movements controlled by special devices and simulators.

Breathing exercises, which at first glance have nothing to do with the restoration of bone tissue, are very important for bedridden patients (with complex fractures). It helps to compensate for the lack of oxygen resulting from limited mobility. Breathing exercises also allow you to develop the lungs, which, due to the lack of stress, go into the stage of functional degradation.

Non-traditional methods

Rehabilitation after a fracture can be carried out in non-traditional ways:

  • mud compresses;
  • paraffin applications;
  • baths with structured water.

The advantage of these methods is that they all stimulate tissue regeneration and saturate them with vitamins. Applications and compresses further improve blood circulation.

If rehabilitation is carried out in accordance with the instructions, the patient will quickly return to his usual life, and the fracture will not cause complications. A competent approach to recovery will also protect a person from relapses, allowing the bones to recover 100%.

Violation of the integrity of the bone, unfortunately, is common and belongs to the category of severe injuries. Injuries to the spine, lower and upper extremities require great attention. Depending on the type of fracture, surgical intervention is performed. The recovery process is quite lengthy and consists of two stages:

  • treatment;
  • rehabilitation after a fracture.

Since while the bones grow together, the injured limb is immobile - in a plaster cast, then there is a partial or complete loss of motor ability. To eliminate this shortcoming, it is necessary to carry out recovery after a fracture, aimed at increasing the tone around the articular muscles and ligaments, as well as developing the joint.

Immediately, we note that a fracture is a complex violation in the human body, which entailed a number of negative phenomena:

  • fracture of the bone;
  • damage to soft tissues (even rupture is possible);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • movement restrictions;
  • Zudek's syndrome.

It will take a lot of time to eliminate all of the above. It takes at least a month to splice bones (this is in the absence of concomitant diseases). Then begins an equally crucial moment when you need to develop a damaged limb or joint. There are a number of means for this. However, you don't have to make appointments on your own. It is the doctor who, after the examination, must prescribe a set of procedures, which will include rehabilitation after a fracture.

Rehabilitation measures after a fracture

As soon as the bones grow together, the doctor removes the cast and prescribes further restoration. Physiotherapy for a fracture is prescribed in the very first days. These procedures help to develop the joint, remove the tumor, stimulate the tone of muscle tissue. Gymnastics for the limbs is simply mandatory, and to prevent atrophy of muscles and ligaments, it is performed under the strict guidance of a specialist for several months (it all depends on the degree of injury). Exercise therapy for a fracture is assigned to the patient strictly individually. When developing exercises, the type of injury, the condition of the bone, muscles, ligaments, and the general well-being of the patient are taken into account. Rehabilitation gymnastics improves the functioning of the circulatory system, increases the tone of soft and connective tissues. It is also useful to do massage for bone fractures. It is administered even over a splint or plaster bandage using magnetotherapy, it is also continued after the removal of the fixing bandage. Massage must be done very carefully so as not to damage the weak joint.

It is good to go through rehabilitation in special institutions in case of bone injuries, where a full range of services for recovery from injuries is provided.

In order to develop a joint, you should do special compresses, take "pearl baths", perform therapeutic gymnastic exercises, take special preparations that strengthen bones and accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues.

Let us designate the general stages and actions for the rehabilitation of limbs:

  • it is necessary to completely exclude edema after a fracture. It always manifests itself after prolonged immobilization of the limb. Warming compresses, warming ointment, herbal and salt baths, physiotherapy are shown;
  • restore motion to the joint. This can be done with the help of mineral baths, special exercises, and a special massage is also prescribed after a fracture;
  • restoration of muscles that were in complete inactivity at the time of the injury and began to lose their main functions. Attention should be paid to nutrition, special training, externally, you can use an ointment prepared on your own or bought at a pharmacy. Any physical exercises at first can be done only in the presence of a rehabilitation doctor.

Salt and fir baths help to quickly relieve swelling and strengthen the joint. They can be prepared at home. For baths use water 37-38 degrees. Either sea or edible rock salt is added to it at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. This procedure is shown before going to bed for fifteen minutes. Water well soothes the strained leg, improves the tone of the tissues. Effective removal of puffiness is also observed when taking fir baths from the infusion of fresh twigs.

Also, in order to restore the joint with fractures, an ointment is prescribed. Its advantage is in local action, which achieves the desired effect in the shortest possible time. Ointment is used for:

  • recovery of atrophied muscles;
  • removal of edema;
  • tissue nutrition;
  • improve blood circulation.

These drugs are used for pain relief, warming and inflammation. Among the popular means are: "Lidocaine", "Ketonal", "Diclofenac", "Nise", "Nurofen". These drugs are not recommended for use for longer than two weeks and for children under twelve years of age.

Also used externally ointment and to relieve swelling. Doctors prescribe for these cases Troxevasin, Heparin, Indovazin, Lyoton.

For healing, an ointment based on snake or bee venom is prescribed. Among the drugs can be noted "Viprosal" and "Virapin". They are used after the bones have grown together, the swelling has passed and the pain has become invisible. Due to its composition, the drug effectively saturates the blood with oxygen, amino acids and protein, which is what the body needs after an injury. The advantages of ointments are in their local action, minimizing side effects and a good therapeutic result.

Syndrome Zudek. Symptoms and treatments

Sudeck syndrome is a complication resulting from damage to the limbs. It occurs with prolonged immobilization (fracture, burns) and is manifested by inflammation and damage to bones, tissues, nerve endings. Most often, the complication manifests itself in the elderly. A disease occurs as a result of incorrectly and not timely assistance provided for trauma to the limbs.

Stages of development of Zudeck's syndrome:

  • Redness, swelling, pain and fever in the affected area;
  • Blue skin, muscle spasms, absence of bone on x-rays;
  • The joint becomes motionless, any movement is accompanied by severe pain.

Zudek's syndrome in the third stage is not curable.

This complication occurs as a result of an excessive load on the bones, which have not yet fully strengthened and recovered after a fracture, due to soft tissue damage through a tight fixing bandage.

A neurologist should diagnose Zudeck's syndrome. Be sure to take an x-ray of the injured limbs and conduct laboratory blood tests. Treatment in this case will be strictly individual. In general terms, Zudek's syndrome is eliminated with the help of medications and therapeutic exercise. It is worth noting that the treatment of folk remedies does not work and can lead to a third, irreversible stage of the disease.

Also note that Zudek's syndrome is quite difficult to prevent, especially in adulthood. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to the injured limbs and, with the slightest change, seek the advice of a doctor in order to prevent the development of this complication.

A disease occurs as a result of incorrect and untimely assistance in case of injury to the limbs.

A leg fracture occurs as a result of damage to one or more bones of the lower limb. The rehabilitation period after an injury takes a long time and requires an integrated approach to treatment. Putting a cast on the leg is a mandatory procedure that doctors resort to when a fracture is found in a patient. But as a result of this method of healing, the limb is immobilized for a long time, which leads to weakening of the muscles and loss of their elasticity.

To prevent possible complications, it is necessary to follow medical recommendations and complete a full course of body recovery after a leg injury. The main goal of rehabilitation is to return the damaged joints to their previous mobility, relieve swelling, and improve the tone of muscle tissues.

Recovery stages

Rehabilitation after a broken leg takes place in several stages. On each of them, various health-improving techniques are used to restore the limbs to their former motor ability.

Activities that will allow you to quickly recover from a lower limb injury include:

  • at the first stage, the patient is forced to walk with a plaster overlay for a long time, so the blood in the required amount does not flow to the vessels of the leg. Circulatory disorders contribute to the appearance of edema on the lower limb, which is eliminated with the help of therapeutic massage and rubbing. Procedures are performed with special ointments, creams, cedar oil.

At this stage of rehabilitation (after removal of the plaster bandage), the patient is recommended to take a warm bath with the addition of sea salt, medicinal decoctions based on plants, apply wax or ozocerite to the fracture site. Therapeutic measures will restore muscle tone, improve joint mobility, and restore normal blood flow;

  • at the next stage of recovery, it is necessary to gradually return the lost mobility to the leg. This can be achieved by performing daily physical exercises of a therapeutic nature. Health-improving gymnastics is done both at home and in specially designed gyms;
  • You need to eat right throughout the rehabilitation course. The final stage of recovery after a broken leg is dedicated to choosing a rational diet.

All 3 stages of rehabilitation are aimed at the speedy restoration of the motor function of the leg.

But full recovery depends on the degree of the injury, the state of health and the age of the patient. The attending physician will tell you how to restore a leg after a fracture, taking into account all factors, and also specify how long the rehabilitation will take.


A set of daily physical exercises and gymnastics will help restore motor activity to the leg. Proceed to them after removing the plaster. Exercise therapy for a fracture of the lower leg or other types of injuries of the lower limb consists in performing the following exercises:

  • Walk on the injured leg. It is difficult to do this, but gradually the pain subsides, and the motor function returns to normal;
  • leaning on something, make swing movements with the foot. Exercise is useful for improving blood circulation. Mahi repeat 10 times, holding the limb for a short time in the air;
  • perform exercises "bike" and "scissors", lying on your back;
  • if there is no pain in the leg, you can do squats 10-15 times a day;
  • rotation of the foot in a sitting or standing position;
  • bend and unbend the limb at the knee 10-20 times.

Exercise therapy will give a positive result after an injury, but you should not immediately perform all the recommended leg exercises after a severe fracture. It is better to alternate them, doing 2-3 gymnastic tasks every day.


Indispensable after a broken leg. The value of the procedure is that rubbing and massaging the limb will help prevent muscle atrophy, improve blood circulation, and relieve swelling. You can develop a leg on your own, ask relatives for help, or entrust this matter to a specialist. The procedure can be performed before the plaster is removed. To do this, a small hole is drilled in it, through which massaging is carried out using special devices.

Before proceeding with the development of the injured leg, the skin is rubbed and warmed up. How to develop a leg after a fracture by massaging? The steps are as follows:

  • rubbing movements with the palm of the hand: all fingers, except for the thumb, are tightly pressed against each other. The thumb is in the maximum allotted position;
  • rubbing with the costal part of the hand: during the procedure, the hand is across the leg, the fingers are slightly relaxed;
  • pinching: movements are performed in the area where the fracture occurred;
  • kneading with the phalanges of the fingers.

You can start massage techniques on the 3rd day after removing the plaster.

The pace of the massage increases gradually, the procedure begins with light soothing strokes of the area around the injured side. For massage, it is better to use cedar oil: it does not have side effects and will enhance the effect of the procedure several times.

Nutrition Features

Recovery after a severe leg fracture is a lengthy process. For successful rehabilitation, it is important to adhere to the right diet, eliminating harmful foods from the diet. Food should contain silicon and calcium: these trace elements strengthen bones, contribute to the accelerated restoration of cartilage tissue. Recommended products include:

  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • fermented milk products (milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk);
  • bran;
  • nuts;
  • bananas.

It is worth refusing from fatty, salty foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products. Coffee lovers should limit the use of this drink: it removes calcium and other important substances from the body.


By taking pills and using ointments, it is impossible to achieve fusion of injured bones. But doctors often prescribe various medications to patients who have suffered a fractured limb to speed up the regeneration of damaged tissues.

During the rehabilitation period, medicines are used as additional means that accelerate healing. In severe situations, an operation to fuse the bones will be needed.

For oral administration

Lack of useful substances in the body, chronic diseases, weakening of the immune system, thyroid pathology, exhaustion - all this slows down the recovery process. Therefore, after suffering a leg fracture, it is important to take a course of vitamin therapy in order to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body.

  1. In diseases of the thyroid gland, medications are taken that contain calcium.
  2. If there are chronic diseases, it is recommended to take immunomodulators;
  3. When a patient suffers from anorexia, taking pills to improve the absorption of food will help.
  4. Hypovitaminosis is treated by taking medications containing vitamins.

outdoor application

Topical therapies are used to relieve soreness in the legs.

Ointments and creams based on glucosamine, chondroitin strengthen damaged bones, help restore cartilage tissue, and have a warming or cooling effect. The most common means of the group under consideration are:

  • ointment "Diclofenac" - has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling. Contraindicated in pregnant women, has a number of side effects;
  • gel "Ketonal" - anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent. You can not use it for children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers;
  • Gel "Nurofen" - quickly relieves pain in the legs, eliminates inflammation. It is not recommended to use it for more than 15 days in a row. Contraindicated in children, prolonged use causes redness of the skin, allergic reactions.

These topical products cannot be used for preventive purposes due to the content of hazardous ingredients in them. Their use is recommended in cases where the leg begins to hurt badly.

Folk recipes for fast bone healing

Alternative medicine is often used during the rehabilitation period for leg fractures. To eliminate pain, apply thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200braw potatoes to the injury site.

Among other methods of folk medicine, there are:

  • eggshell powder - prepared by mixing dry rose hips, orange peels and chicken egg shells. All of these ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder. The remedy is taken 3-4 times a day for 1 tsp. after eating;
  • rosehip tincture - obtained from fresh berries of the plant, which must be boiled for 15 minutes, adding a liter of water. Then the medicine is stored in a warm place, and after a day it can be drunk for therapeutic purposes;
  • copper treatment - copper coins are attached to the sore leg with a band-aid. The metal has a restorative effect. Walking with fixed copper coins is necessary for 3 days in a row without removing them.

Spa treatment

People with leg fractures will benefit from visiting a sanatorium. In medical and recreational institutions, they offer a lot of ways to help you quickly recover from an injury:

  • manual therapy;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • physiotherapy;
  • healing baths;
  • mechanotherapy;

The patient is under the close supervision of doctors who will help not only restore the motor function of the limb, but also provide psychological support.

Rehabilitation in a sanatorium is unacceptable when a person is not able to move without assistance.

What to do with edema?

Edema that appears as a result of an injury must be eliminated as soon as possible. Swelling in the legs leads to complications, damaging muscle tissue and blood vessels. To combat the problem, the following local therapies are used:

  • ointment "Traumeel" - will prevent the inflammatory process, relieve swelling;
  • gel "Troxevasin" - will strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • heparin ointment - has an analgesic property, is a common remedy in the fight against edema.

Prevention of fractures

No one is immune from a fracture of a limb; damage to the tibia is especially dangerous. Injury can happen under any circumstances, from a banal fall on the street to an accident. Therefore, following preventive measures will reduce the likelihood of breaking a leg or arm.

  1. Diet - human nutrition should be balanced, rich in calcium and other trace elements that will strengthen bone tissue. The food should contain all the vitamins necessary for the body.
  2. Sports - it is important to warm up before training; physical activities should not exhaust a person: strong loads will damage joints and bones.
  3. Refusal of addictions - poisons that are contained in cigarettes and alcohol have a harmful effect on internal organs, bones.
  4. Rest - After work, you should pay attention to relaxing activities: walking, yoga, swimming.

In case of fractures of the lower limb, rehabilitation should be urgent, and timely medical care, exercise therapy, a visit to a sanatorium and other medical procedures guarantee a speedy recovery.

The main causes of injuries are road accidents (40%), falls from a great height (30%), and various kinds of injuries (10%). Each injury is fraught with dozens of complications up to death, for example, in the case of sepsis. Some complications make themselves felt instantly, while others are not detected immediately. To avoid serious consequences after injury, it is very important to properly spend the rehabilitation period.

Stages of medical rehabilitation after an injury

Unfortunately, none of us is immune from injury. With some of them, the body copes easily, others require long-term treatment and restoration of lost functions. This primarily applies to complex fractures, injuries to the head, limbs, joints, menisci and ligaments. The injured part of the body is usually motionless for a long time, so swelling occurs, blood circulation is disturbed, muscles atrophy. And this, in turn, causes a general weakening of the body and can provoke the emergence of new diseases. That is why it is so important to take the recovery period seriously.

Rehabilitation after fractures and injuries should take place according to an individual program, but in general it consists of the following stages:

  • Elimination of vascular changes and edema. These phenomena, alas, are inevitable with prolonged immobility of the limbs or the whole organism.
  • Increased elasticity and muscle tone. Before moving directly to physical activity, you need to make sure that the muscles are ready for this, otherwise the return to the usual way of life can become too painful.
  • Recovery of motor functions. The process should be progressive and not involve excessive physical exertion. This will avoid sprains and physiological stress.
  • Strengthening the general condition of the body - observing the daily regimen and nutrition, staying in the fresh air. These recommendations must be followed throughout all stages of rehabilitation, since the pace of recovery largely depends on this.

Abroad, medical rehabilitation began to develop in the middle of the 20th century, when it became necessary to restore and adapt to the life of participants in the Second World War. Later, this direction "took" elderly people, disabled people, patients who had serious illnesses and injuries under their care.
In Russia, the first rehabilitation clinic appeared in 1976. It was a specialized drug rehabilitation center. Since then, this area of ​​medicine has been successfully developing in our country, developing its own methods and taking into account foreign experience.

Rehabilitation Therapy Methods

The main place in restorative medicine is occupied by physical rehabilitation. It involves the complex use of both physical exercises and influences, as well as natural factors. This type of rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the functions of damaged organs, adaptation after injuries, involvement in the usual way of life. Consider in more detail the methods of physical rehabilitation therapy:

  • Massage - one of the most common methods of rehabilitation after injuries. Most often used for strokes, fractures, osteochondrosis. Therapeutic massage is stroking, rubbing and kneading individual parts or the whole body. It stimulates blood circulation, relieves swelling, activates muscles and is an excellent preparation for exercise therapy. The course of therapeutic massage usually includes 10 sessions, it is recommended to conduct them daily or every other day.
  • Therapeutic exercise (LFK) - This is a specially designed set of physical exercises performed under the supervision of a specialist. They help eliminate degenerative changes in tissues and organs, and help to cope with atrophy. Exercise therapy contributes to the normalization of metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and, in general, “calms” the nervous system and improves mood. It is important not to overdo it: you should do it according to the program developed by the doctor.
  • Mechanotherapy is an addition to exercise therapy - these are the same exercises, but they are performed by the patient not independently, but with the help of special devices (Armeo, Locomat, Pablo, Gyrotonic designs). This allows you to improve the mobility of joints and muscles, cope with atrophic and degenerative processes, and restore functions lost as a result of injuries. Exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. Only he can correctly install and fix the body segment on the structure, correctly select the load and correctly assess the pace of the movements performed.
  • Physiotherapy - this is a restoration with the help of physical factors: heat, magnetic radiation, electric current, light, air and others. The method involves the use of special instruments and apparatus.
  • In case of violation of motor activity, electrical stimulation is used, that is, current. Heat treatments, such as paraffin baths, are used in recovery from spinal injuries. Laser therapy helps eliminate pain and swelling, and magnetotherapy improves the general condition of the body. These procedures are painless, but some of them have a number of contraindications, so physiotherapy treatment is selected individually.
  • Reflexology - this method consists in influencing biologically active points on the patient's body. The direction originated several millennia ago in the East and is now popular all over the world. Reflexology has several methods: acupuncture (acupuncture), treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy), impact on the points of the auricles (auriculotherapy), acupressure, stone massage (snow therapy), cupping massage (vacuum therapy). The essence of reflexology is to mobilize the internal resources of the body and involve them in active participation in the healing process.
  • diet therapy - catering with the use of certain products for medicinal purposes. So, with fractures, collagen contributes to the process of bone fusion. It is found in jelly, aspic dishes of fish and poultry. Calcium is needed for bone formation. A large amount of it is present in dairy products, especially low-fat cottage cheese. And calcium absorption is promoted by vitamin D3, it is abundant in fish oil, caviar, sesame, egg yolk, nuts. And, of course, it is useful to eat fresh vegetables and fruits - they have a lot of vitamins and fiber. But it is better to forget about semi-finished products containing preservatives, alcohol and carbonated drinks: they cause great harm to the body, and not only during the rehabilitation period.

A special method of therapy after trauma is occupational therapy- a branch of medicine aimed at restoring and maintaining the necessary life skills. Literally, the term is translated as “treatment through labor, employment” (ergon (lat.) - labor; therapia (Greek) - treatment). After injuries and fractures and the immobility associated with this, the patient may lose basic self-care skills. He needs to re-learn how to dress, put on shoes, hold cutlery, and maintain personal hygiene. Often a person who has suffered a trauma also needs social adaptation. In this he is supported by an ergotherapist, who helps him re-master fine motor skills, develop coordination, and adapt to everyday life. The doctor can ask the patient to draw a picture or tie shoelaces, and based on these mini-tests, he will determine what exactly the person needs help with, what movements need to be mastered. This rehabilitation method has been known in the West for over 60 years. But in our country, it has become widespread relatively recently.

Each of the methods described above is applied taking into account the nature and characteristics of the injury. We will talk about this further.

Features of rehabilitation after injuries of various nature

Spinal injury

They can be obtained as a result of bruises, falls, squeezing and other influences. This is one of the most dangerous types of mechanical damage, as it can lead to extremely serious consequences: disruption of the spinal cord pathways. The latter entails immobility and loss of sensation.

The program and terms of rehabilitation depend on the severity of the injury, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

The initial stage of rehabilitation should be carried out in the first days after the injury. First of all, the patient must be helped to take the correct position on the bed, the occurrence of bedsores and congestion in the lungs should be prevented. Patients who have sustained a spinal injury are also immediately prescribed breathing exercises and dietary nutrition.

At the third stage, the set of exercises changes: swimming in the pool can be added to physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy and mechanotherapy. To restore lost skills, classes are held with an ergotherapist.

Traumatic brain injury

The terms of rehabilitation and the complex of rehabilitation therapy for such injuries depend on the severity of the injury. With mild craniocerebral injuries - subject to the regimen, proper nutrition and physiotherapy - recovery usually occurs within a month and does not require additional rehabilitation measures.

As for severe and moderate craniocerebral injuries, they can cause difficulty in movement, it becomes difficult for patients to take care of themselves. Speech disorders may occur, vision may decrease. Massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy will be effective already at the first stages of rehabilitation.

Injuries of the musculoskeletal system

This type of injury includes fractures, cracks, joint injuries, dislocations, ruptures of muscles and tendons, sprains. During the early rehabilitation period, patients are individually prescribed physiotherapy to help get rid of edema, exercise therapy and mechanotherapy. Therapeutic massage will also help.

As we have seen, rehabilitation after injuries and fractures is a complex process. It consists of a complex of methods of rehabilitation therapy. Only a specialist can create an individual program.

Rehabilitation for fractures

Rehabilitation for fractures includes a complex of means of rehabilitation treatment, which is based on physiotherapy exercises. Massage, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. are also important for the medical and professional rehabilitation of patients.

The main form of therapeutic exercises for fractures are individual sessions, the methodology for their implementation should correspond to the stage of the reparative process. In the early stages of fracture consolidation, the tasks of physiotherapy exercises are to stimulate metabolic processes in the body, prevent or eliminate the consequences of hypostatic complications, muscle hypotrophy of damaged limb or trunk segments, prevent contractures, and normalize the patient's psycho-emotional background.

To implement these tasks in case of bone fractures, hygienic gymnastics and self-service training are used. A complex of hygienic gymnastics exercises usually includes 10-12 general tonic exercises for the muscles of intact limbs or torso, which alternate with breathing exercises. To prevent and eliminate hypostatic complications during this period, chest massage is used in combination with breathing exercises. For the prevention of muscle hypotrophy and contractures, isometric muscle tensions, imaginary (ideomotor) movements in immobilized joints are used. For the purpose of a general tonic effect, active physical exercises are performed in intact segments and non-fixed joints of the injured limb. In case of fractures of the bones of the lower limb, the tasks of physiotherapy exercises also include training the support function of the injured lower limb.

After the patient can exercise in an upright position, he is taught to walk with crutches, first without relying on the injured limb, and later, if there is confidence in the strong fixation of bone fragments, with partial or full axial load. The axial load when walking with crutches in the absence of contraindications (the possibility of secondary displacement of bone fragments, infection in the fracture area, etc.) is constantly increased, over time, the patient is allowed to walk with a cane or with a full load. Walking with one crutch as an intermediate step is inappropriate, because. can lead to the development of a vicious gait.

P After the termination of immobilization, the tasks of exercise therapy include: restoring mobility in the joints, muscle strength, complexly coordinated movements, especially those found in everyday life, and production skills, training endurance to various physical loads. This allows for a complete medical, professional and social rehabilitation of patients.

With a number of skeletal injuries (some fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus, uncomplicated fractures of the spine, pelvis, etc.), physiotherapy exercises are the leading method in the complex of therapeutic measures. Reposition, immobilization and restoration of function in the functional method of treating fractures are carried out from the first days after the injury in parallel, in the process of performing special physical exercises.

In the treatment of fractures, physiotherapy is widely used. In the early stages after an injury, UHF, ultrasound, and inductothermy are used to relieve pain, reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. Later, after removing the plaster cast, electrophoresis or phonophoresis with various medicinal substances, UV irradiation, and electrical muscle stimulation are prescribed. After complete union of the fracture, coniferous or coniferous-salt, chloride-sodium, radon, iodine-bromine baths are indicated.