Forget about daily walks in the fresh air. Outdoor time: more is better? More often is better

Summer is a great time to go for walks fresh air. The singing of birds, the bright sun, the aroma of flowers, the clear sky - all this relaxes and puts you in a positive mood. Moreover, walking not only brings pleasure, but is also good for health and weight loss.

What are the health benefits of walking?

The muscles of the legs and arms work completely differently in the process, and metabolic processes. When moving, food is digested much faster, blood moves more intensely to all organs, the spleen, liver, and pancreas are enriched with oxygen. Moreover, while walking intervertebral discs periodically relax and tense, as a result their blood supply improves. This is a kind of massage. That is, walking is very beneficial for the spine.

Walking is also useful for:
respiratory organs;

If you move little, your organs become covered with a coating of toxins, their levels decrease and the organs become a little smaller – they atrophy. While walking, waste and toxins leave the body through sweat, which means internal organs they begin to work normally again, the body is cleansed.

Regular walks strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infections. That is, during the cold season you will get sick less often. In addition, walking at an intense pace saturates the brain cells with oxygen, which helps fight fatigue, headaches and insomnia. And in general, walking normalizes work nervous system, because at this time you can escape from your problems or, conversely, quickly find a solution to the tormenting for a long time problems, enjoy beautiful views, listen to the birds singing. Walking is a kind of meditation. It allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and feel life.

Losing weight with walking

Walking not only improves your health, but also helps. To lose weight, you need to walk every day and walk at least 5 km. There are approximately 1250 steps in one kilometer. If you walk a kilometer, you can burn forty to fifty calories. If you walk 5 km, you can burn at least 200 calories. In a month of daily walking, you can burn about 6000 kcal.

Of course, it all depends on walking speed, age, terrain, weight. The more you weigh, for example, the more calories you burn. If you walk with weights (sticks, for example), the number of calories burned will also increase. But in any case, regular training will slowly but surely improve your appearance. At the same time, it is not necessary to review your menu or count the calories you eat. But if you want to lose weight faster, add walking proper nutrition. The result will surprise you.

For walking, it is better to choose routes through hills and hillocks. This will increase exercise and calorie loss, hence helping in weight loss. Of course, you need to walk on dirt or short grass, and not on asphalt paths. This will reduce the load on the spine.

How to walk correctly?

You need to walk correctly. Walking slowly will not help you lose weight. But what is considered slow walking? Very slow walking is 60 steps per minute, slow is 80 steps, medium is 110, fast is 130, very fast is more than 140 steps. For weight loss, an average pace will be enough, but if you wish and feel good, you can increase the speed to 130 steps or higher.

For greater effect, you can take special walking poles, in which case the load on the muscles will increase, and not only on the legs. The muscles of your back and arms will become tense. When the number of calories burned increases up to 40%. You can also wave your arms intensively - this will also help get rid of more calories, which means you can lose weight faster. Walking backwards and walking sideways are also very beneficial. You can alternate such loads while walking. This will help speed up the weight loss process.

While walking, your body should be kept straight, your shoulders should be straight, but you should not strain. The state should be calm and relaxed. You also have to try to notice all the nuances around you. It may seem difficult at first, but gradually you will get used to it.

It will probably be difficult to maintain regularity at the beginning of classes. You don't always want to go outside, especially if the weather is not very favorable. But after a while, if you don't give up, you will enjoy walking. You will feel like you are missing something if you don't go for a walk. You will get used to the workouts and love them.

Walking is useful at any time of the year, but in inclement weather it is problematic. Therefore, take advantage of the warm summer days to heal and rejuvenate your body, lose a few kilograms and become calmer. Walk and enjoy nature and movement!

Being healthy is always fashionable. And I especially want to be healthy and look good in the spring, when nature itself awakens and everything around blossoms. To do this, it is important not only to eat right and visit sports training. A simple walk in the fresh air will bring great benefit. It takes at least 15 minutes for the body to become saturated with oxygen. The most optimal walk should last at least two hours.

People get sick various reasons: weather changes and extremes, daily stress, etc. Many people start using medications and do not take into account the fact that diseases can be prevented if you adhere to a normal lifestyle. Daily walks are a kind of panacea for spring depression, as they relieve irritation and stress.

If you feel tired, anxious, or tired of everyday worries, then only a good walk will help relieve these feelings. Have you ever met someone who returned home unhappy after a walk in the fresh air? Cause Have a good mood- released as a result of the combustion of stress hormones when a person moves.

And a great mood is the key wellness. In addition, walking in nature can replenish your body negative ions, which are so lacking in enclosed spaces equipped with many household appliances, which entails the appearance of physical weakness, syndrome chronic fatigue, lowering the body's resistance.

Movement, very necessary for the body, charges him with energy, gives strength. As a result, he becomes more resilient, his immune system is strengthened, and therefore he is less susceptible to diseases. Inhaled fresh air saturates the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen, which cannot be obtained indoors.

Hiking, jogging, cycling and rollerblading will bring much more more benefits, if you do this not in a room, but in the open air. Constantly staying in a room, even a well-ventilated one, we deprive ourselves of oxygen.

The benefit of a walk in the spring fresh air, filled with soft sunshine and the smell of young greenery, is that we inhale fresh air. Therefore, during such walks, ventilation of the lungs doubles, and high oxygen saturation of the body has a positive effect on blood circulation. This makes it possible to prevent cardiovascular vascular diseases, has a positive effect on the skin, which, with a lack of oxygen, becomes flabby and yellow.

During hiking few calories are burned. However, a leisurely walk can replace jumping rope. When breathing quickens, it intensifies its activity circulatory system, i.e. the body feels the same as when jumping rope at a slow pace.

Active movements bring more benefits than sitting in front of the TV or laptop with sandwiches. In addition, while walking in the fresh air, metabolism improves and toxins are eliminated. An excellent addition to such walks would be to eat foods that boost immunity.

exposure to air has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental mental state person. Scientists say that they are an excellent tool for intellectual development.

If a person takes forty-minute walks (walking, running) three times a week in the fresh air, brain activity becomes more active. Speed ​​and rhythm don't matter. Even walking slowly improves your thinking. And to those who lead sedentary image lives are threatened earlier age-related changes in the body, and the thoughts of such people are confused much more often.

For a walk to be beneficial, you need to think about comfortable shoes and clothes (they should not be too warm so as not to sweat, and not too light so as to freeze and catch a cold).

Taking a walk in the fresh air every day can bring great benefits to the body. A feeling of calm and harmony with the world around us brings confidence in one’s own abilities. Take a walk outside the city, in nature. Suitable areas are located away from environmentally unfavorable areas. A park, forest, meadow, river bank, lake, sea are the most ideal options.

Be healthy!

When the blues and fatigue overcome, it is irreplaceable and in an accessible way Walking will bring you to your senses. Why and how to walk correctly, we will tell you below.

Walks make it possible to combine physical activity (especially if you walk at a brisk pace) with aesthetic pleasure. And the right companion makes walking a time for communication. After working in the office or in production, where there is often no sunlight, a person especially feels the benefit and pleasure of staying outdoors.

Walking is good for weight loss or to save normal weight. A half-hour brisk walk burns as many calories as an hour of exercise at a sports club.

This is especially true for those who are contraindicated for serious sports activities. For example, if you have heart problems, walking is a good health practice. And for prevention cardiovascular diseases Walking in the fresh air is also beneficial.

The benefits of being outside are invaluable for hypertensive patients and for those who experience hypotensive crises. Slow walking allows you to get oxygen in sufficient quantity and provides sufficient physical activity.

Pregnant women will receive a special the benefits of walking, if there are no contraindications. Walking improves blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen, and also helps maintain physical fitness. And the baby in the womb benefits from a mother’s walk. And after childbirth, as the body recovers, you can quickly walk with a stroller.

The benefits of walking for children

Walks for kids useful starting from the first weeks of life. When discharged from the maternity hospital, they usually clarify when the child can go for a walk for about fifteen minutes. In the future, the duration of walks is gradually increased. Many children sleep well in strollers, at least in cool weather. But you need to remember that in severe frosts you should not go outside with your children.

Older children explore the world outside the home with interest, and for schoolchildren walks in the open air- an indispensable way to warm up after sitting at desks and, alas, in front of screens.

Walking in the sun helps produce vitamin D and are the prevention of rickets and other diseases. But children should be especially carefully protected from direct sun rays, and infants - and from strong wind and cold.

How to walk effectively

For a walk, you need to choose, if possible, environmentally friendly places away from roads and industrial zones. It is important that the surroundings are pleasant to the eye, this will help relieve stress. It is advisable to choose a comfortable time of day: avoid the heat of the day in summer, and walk in the middle of the day in winter. This is especially important for children and people with poor health. The duration of walking should be approximately two hours a day. One-time forced marches are not as useful as regular walks.

Clothes and shoes for walking should be comfortable for long walks. They must be suitable for the weather and protect either from the bright sun or from the piercing wind.

Knowing the benefits of a walk in the fresh air, you can gain determination and start walking!

How much time should you walk outdoors? I think the answer to the question will largely depend on “what kind of family you come from” and on the characteristics of your character. And indeed, some people can barely maintain the “norm” of one hour, and for others, a couple of hours on the street is no time at all...

Why did I write that staying on the street largely depends on the family? I have a simple example - my parents always spent a LOT of time outside. Forest, mountains, sanatoriums, natural attractions... Yes, we were never bored. Of course, I am somewhat lazier than my parents and do not mind staying at home whenever possible. But! As soon as I sit at home for at least a day and don’t go out, I start to “fade” - my head starts to hurt, my mood drops, I start to feel lethargic and there is a feeling that “something is missing.” So people like me simply need air. Do you want your children to get plenty of fresh air? Walk with them since childhood!

Moreover, my health directly depends on fresh air. And I know from myself that if hemoglobin drops, and this happens, then no drugs will help me. Fresh air is my only cure!

Where to walk, how to walk and when to walk?
Of course, it is most pleasant to walk where “the eye is pleased,” and not along dusty streets, where there is nothing to breathe and nothing to see. The first place that comes to mind is, of course, the forest. Walks here can be long and interesting.

Our family’s favorite path begins with a church like this, located almost in the forest. Around the church, the monks maintain a huge flowerbed of indescribable beauty!

Further from this church the road leads through the forest to the Volga River. It’s almost impossible to get down here by car, but as you can imagine, the air here is the cleanest! There is no gas pollution, and during the beach season there are minimal people here.

Of course, you also need to look at the weather - in the summer, walks are basically bliss, and you don’t have to go home for at least the whole day! However, nature, as they say in that very song, has no bad weather, so in winter you can have a great time in the forest with your family!

Speaking of the company. Personally, I can’t stand long walks alone, so an hour alone is enough for me! But if there is good company, then the walk can last two hours or more! And not only in summer, but also in winter! IN as a last resort Music in headphones becomes my companion, and then the time spent in the fresh air also noticeably increases.

My husband and I also really love “night” walks. Of course, now you can’t really go out with the kids at night, but sometimes we still find time for some “evening” air. This photo was taken during such a walk...

Walks in the open air. Doctors' opinion.

Of course, walking in the fresh air is also a kind of exercise, so if previously you were outside only for 15 minutes “from home to work,” then you shouldn’t rush into all seriousness and literally move to the street. No, your muscles will not start to ache out of habit, as happens after a workout. And even the lungs will not begin to “breathe faster” out of habit, no. You will simply burn out mentally and want to go back home to your native warmth.

Start gradually with half an hour and gradually increase the time to 2 hours or more. There is no specific norm here, but doctors advise walking for at least half an hour a day.

Active absorption of oxygen, that is, running in the fresh air or fast walk for a short time. This will be a kind of prevention of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. Again, you need to start active rest gradually - from 10 minutes and then progressively. Over time, you should engage in active rest at least twice a week.

Many people spend their workdays under fluorescent lights, in front of the computer, and then go home to spend the evening in front of the TV. Spending too much time indoors is not very beneficial. To improve your health, you need to be in nature. Psychologists and doctors have found many reasons why fresh air is of great importance. You don't have to completely give up gadgets or move away from civilization. All you need to do is take a walk in the park and breathe! Here are the reasons why this is so important.

It may improve your short-term memory

A variety of studies have shown that walking in nature has a positive effect on memory. Students were given memory tests, then they were divided into two groups. One group walked through the park, and the other through the city streets. When the participants returned and repeated the tests, they found that those walking among the trees performed twenty percent better. Those walking along the street did not experience any changes. Similar studies have been conducted with people suffering from depression. If you notice that you have difficulty remembering information, try spending more time in the park - a short walk after work is enough.

Walking reduces stress

Something about being in nature helps reduce the effects of stress in the body. Research shows that spending time in nature reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. In addition, the heart rate also decreases. Therefore, you can get rid of tension through walking. Even a view of nature from a window leads to less stress and greater job satisfaction. Get in touch with nature more to counteract the effects of this negative factor to your health.

Time spent in nature reduces inflammation

Inflammatory processes can lead to a variety of problems, from autoimmune disorders to depression. Time spent in nature will help you cope with these processes. People who spent time in the forest had reduced levels of inflammatory processes. In addition, older people who spend time outdoors note an improvement in their blood pressure. A walk in the park could be the best option treatment without any side effects.

Nature helps you get rid of fatigue

You probably know the feeling when your thoughts are simply confused - this is psychological fatigue. You can regain your former mental alertness by spending time in a restorative environment - nature. Studies have shown that a person's psychological strength is restored even when he simply looks at photographs of nature. City landscapes do not have this effect. Nature evokes a feeling of admiration, which immediately increases your energy levels and helps you feel significantly better. This is why walking is effective means from fatigue.

Walking can help fight anxiety and depression

Anxiety, depression and other mental problems can be combated through walking. Their combination with physical activity. Walking in the forest reduces anxiety and improves mood, and can even be used as an addition to treatment depressive disorder. Nature increases self-esteem and improves the patient's condition. If you walk near a pond, positive effect becomes even more obvious. Do you notice a tendency to constant unrest? Try spending more time in nature!

Spending time in nature protects your eyesight

There is quite a lot of information that spending time in nature can have a positive effect on the eyes of children, reducing the risk of developing myopia. Increased walking time may be the simplest strategy, which reduces the risk of developing myopia in children and adolescents. Take your child for walks as often as possible to improve his eye health.

Walking helps you focus better

So, it is clear that the natural environment has a restorative effect. Among other things, the ability to perceive information is also restored. After a walk in nature, mindfulness increases noticeably. This effect is so obvious that children with hyperactivity feel better after just twenty minutes in the park. Walking can be a safe and accessible way to improve children's well-being. The same applies to adults who need to constantly concentrate their attention.

You'll be able to use your imagination more after a walk in the park

Imagine a therapy with no side effects, available to everyone, and improving cognitive performance at no cost. There is such a thing - this is time spent in nature. Studies have even shown that people who regularly take walks in the park at lunchtime are more creative in solving problems. If you are required at work constant flow new ideas and imagination, try to walk more often - it will inspire you!

Walking in nature lowers blood pressure

It's not surprising that time spent in nature also leads to lower blood pressure - this is confirmed by numerous studies. The concentration of stress hormones decreases, and the heart rate drops by four percent. Blood pressure drops by two percent.

Spending time in nature may even prevent cancer

Research on this subject is still underway, however, some conclusion can already be drawn: walks in the forest can stimulate the production of anti-cancer components in the body. Increased level such substances remain noticeable for seven days after a relaxing trip to the forest. Research in Japan shows that regions with more forests have lower mortality rates from a variety of cancers. There are too many factors influencing this result for a clear conclusion to be drawn, however, this is a promising area for further research. One way or another, we can say with confidence that nature acts very beneficially.

Forests can strengthen the immune system

The cellular activity associated with the anti-cancer effects of a walk in the woods may also boost your overall immunity—you'll be better able to fight off colds and flu. Scientific evidence suggests that forests have a positive impact on immune system. However, more detailed studies are required to obtain a reasonable understanding of this effect.

Time spent in nature reduces the likelihood of premature death

Closeness to nature is very important for city residents. Dutch researchers have found a strong connection between parks and the health of people living nearby. Wide range The disease appears to be less pronounced in people living near a park or forest. Other studies have found a direct link between time spent in nature and general indicators health. Recent studies have found a similar link: people living in green regions have a twelve percent lower mortality rate. The likelihood of death from cancer, lung or kidney disease is reduced.