Salting trout eggs. How to pickle trout caviar: tips for housewives

Today we will tell you how to pickle trout caviar at home. The eggs in trout are found in cavities called oysters. The caviar is connected to each other by a thin film. Before salting, the eggs are separated by passing through a sieve with large mesh. This is what they do at specialized fish factories. At home, things are done differently. A sleeve is made from gauze folded several times. This sleeve closes on one side and the caviar is placed inside it. After this, the caviar is washed with water. As a result, the film is washed off from the eggs.

Salting trout caviar at home

For salting, caviar is poured with brine for a certain time. Then it is drained and the caviar can be served. Brine is a saturated salt solution that is used for salting caviar, fish and lard. Add a lot of salt to the water, spices to taste and boil until all the salt in the water is dissolved. The finished solution is cooled to room temperature and then the products for pickling are dipped into it and allowed to brew.
Some people leave the food stored in brine, but most often this solution is drained after salting.

In food production, when salting fish, preservatives are added to containers before seaming.
When purchasing trout, it may contain caviar. This trout caviar can also be salted. You can't fry it - it will become tough. It is better to wash the caviar, add salt and eat it as soon as possible.

It has long been known that red caviar is a very tasty and healthy product. Let's look at how to pickle trout caviar at home. Caviar is an excellent filling for pancakes, an ingredient in vegetable salads, this is a truly royal dish. You can simply spread it on top of the sandwich. Although the process of salting this delicacy at home is not at all difficult, for many housewives it is a sealed secret.

Preliminary preparation

Let's look at the algorithm for salting caviar. First of all, you need to buy fresh trout caviar from your nearest supermarket or specialty fish store. Let's pay attention to the density of the caviar in the container. The most dense installation would be correct. After this, you need to select a special sieve that separates the eggs directly from the film. If there is no such sieve at home, then no tragedy has occurred - the process of cleaning the eggs is not at all complicated. The first pancake may turn out to be lumpy, but in the case of salting caviar, even the lump can turn out quite tasty, even if you do it for the first time. Place the cleaned caviar in a container of hot water (not boiling water) and begin to separate the eggs manually. Having finished the process of cleaning the eggs, drain the water from the bowl and rinse the cleaned eggs with running cold water. Now let's look at how best to salt tender trout caviar.

How to pickle trout caviar

But what is the most convenient way to salt fresh trout caviar at home? Which one to use, each housewife (or owner) must decide for herself individually. The main condition for the correct salting process, both in the first and second cases, is that the caviar should not be in a metal container. Otherwise, the caviar will acquire a metallic taste. It is necessary to use ceramic dishes or, best of all, glass. In addition, you should definitely store caviar in the refrigerator, but do not allow it to freeze.

How to pickle trout caviar at home? Very simple! Cleaning methods, recipes and tips on how best to pickle trout caviar.

Did you buy trout with caviar? How wonderful! A pleasant addition can be very easily pickled, in just a few hours you will get a real delicacy, very tasty and healthy! And without preservatives and chemicals. What is the best way to pickle trout caviar at home?

How to pickle trout caviar - general principles

Any fish caviar is suitable for salting: sea, river, fresh, frozen. Naturally, the better the quality of the original product, the better the result. Among all the salting methods, dry and wet are distinguished, that is, the product is simply sprinkled with salt, or it is prepared with the addition of liquid. Not only the taste, but also the shelf life of caviar depends on the chosen recipe. But in any case, it is advisable not to store homemade preparations for a long time, consume them while they are as fresh and healthy as possible.

Methods for cleaning caviar

Before salting trout caviar, the product must be freed from the protective film. Manual selection of eggs is immediately eliminated, as it is time-consuming, painstaking, and tedious.

Cleaning methods:

1. Marley. Roll up a large piece of gauze into 4 layers. We place the caviar in the central part. We lower the gauze into a basin or pan with warm water and begin to rotate. Gradually the film will come off, the pieces will remain on the gauze. The method is convenient, uncomplicated, but lengthy and time consuming.

2. Hot. Relatively fast way. The caviar is poured with hot water for a few seconds. All films come away from the balls. The disadvantage of this method is the need to select pieces from the product.

3. Massage. A neat, but also quite long and painstaking method. The egg is cut in half or into 3 parts, the eggs are carefully pulled out.

4. Whisk. The oyster is torn in several places, the caviar is poured with warm water, the whisk is immersed and the product is stirred. Gradually, films will be wound around the rim. Then the caviar is poured into a sieve, and the remaining roe is removed by hand.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that is most convenient for you.

How to pickle trout caviar in brine

The most common way to pickle trout caviar at home. Brine is a concentrated saline solution. According to the rules, salt is added in such an amount until it dissolves.


200 g rock salt;

200 g sea salt;

Trout caviar;

Liter of water.


1. Place a pan with a liter of water on the stove, add both types of salt, and boil the brine after boiling over low heat for about three minutes. If you don’t have sea table salt, you can use rock salt entirely.

2. Cool the brine. Makes the concentrated brine temperature slightly above room temperature.

3. Immerse the caviar. If you stand it for 5-8 minutes, you will get a lightly salted product with high taste and a shelf life of up to 5 days. Most often, the caviar is stored in the refrigerator for only 3 days, then the caviar begins to deteriorate.

4. If you keep caviar in brine for 20 minutes, the product will be saturated with salt and will be stored longer.

5. Drain the caviar onto cheesecloth. Leave for ten minutes for the brine to drain.

6. Wash glass jars thoroughly, preferably pour boiling water over them and dry. We also process the lids.

7. Carefully transfer the caviar, screw on the container lids, and store in the refrigerator. Let the salt distribute throughout the product. The first sample can be taken after 12 hours.

How to pickle trout caviar in a quick way

A recipe for those who don’t want to wait long. This caviar will be ready in just four hours. The method is dry, the product turns out salty, but it is ideal for sandwiches with butter and salads.



1. Caviar must be cleaned in any convenient way. You can see more about them above.

2. Salt and sugar are mixed in a 2 to 1 ratio.

3. Sprinkle the caviar thickly with the dry mixture, mix carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the balls or spoil the product.

4. Set aside for ten minutes. During this time, the salt and sugar should melt.

5. Strain through cheesecloth and let all the liquid drain.

6. Transfer to a jar and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

7. Take out a jar of caviar and mix gently. If liquid has formed again, drain it too. We use it for its intended purpose!

How to pickle trout caviar in sugar brine

Another great way to salt trout caviar in brine, but not in brine. This option is prepared with sugar, which greatly enhances the taste of the product.


70 g salt;

1 liter of water;

35 g sugar;


1. Clean the caviar from the films, rinse, and leave in gauze to drain the liquid.

2. Prepare the brine. If the caviar will be consumed immediately, then it does not need to be boiled. It is enough to dissolve salt and sugar in purified water. If you plan to keep the product in the refrigerator for several days, then the filling needs to be boiled and cooled.

3. Transfer the caviar to a deep plate.

4. Fill the product with brine. The amount of liquid should be twice as much.

5. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

6. During this time, pull a piece of gauze over the pan. You can also use a bowl, but a saucepan is convenient because the ends can be tied to the handles of the vessel.

7. Pour the caviar and brine onto the gauze; do not make a thick layer.

8. Leave for another quarter of an hour so that all the water drains and the eggs dry out a little.

9. Place in a clean jar and place in the refrigerator.

10. After two hours, the product is ready for use.

How to pickle trout caviar quickly and easily

Recipe for salted caviar for lazy housewives. There is no need to clean the container or wait a long time for the product to be prepared. Everything could be much simpler! Brine with added sugar, which improves the taste of the main product.


1 liter of water;

5 tablespoons of salt + about 300 grams more;

1 spoon of sugar.


1. Prepare the brine. We combine everything together, put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes. Strain to get rid of random impurities.

2. Add more salt and stir constantly. As soon as the grains stop dissolving, stop adding.

3. Cool the brine to 50 degrees. Temperature is very important in this recipe. Do not put caviar in hot or too cold brine.

4. Immerse the caviar directly in the brine, take a whisk and start mixing. We try to move the bowls around in a circle, simultaneously dissolving and breaking the film of the jar.

5. Leave the caviar in the brine for half an hour.

6. Re-immerse the whisk, stir the caviar again for several minutes, let the loose films wrap around the bends of the device.

7. Drain the caviar onto stretched gauze or into a colander. We remove the remaining films by hand. Perhaps there will be very few of them left.

8. Transfer the caviar that has drained from the brine into jars. We try to pack it tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

9. After four hours, the salt will be evenly distributed in the product and it can be consumed. This caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.

How to pickle trout caviar in a spicy way

A variant of a very aromatic and spicy brine for caviar. No, the product will not lose its fishy taste and smell, but will become more aromatic and noble.


0.5 liters of water;

40 g salt;

15 g sugar;

3 peppercorns;

1 pinch of ginger;

0.5 bay leaf;

1 clove.


1. Boil water with salt and sugar in a saucepan for about five minutes, add all the spices and immediately turn off. The ginger is ground and dry. If you have a fresh root, you can take that too.

2. Cool the marinade under the lid so that all the aromatic substances are absorbed into the water.

3. Strain the brine; it is desirable that it has a temperature of around 45-50 degrees.

4. Immerse the caviar. For this amount of brine, 100-150 grams is enough, stir thoroughly and leave for a quarter of an hour.

5. Pour into a sieve, try not to damage the eggs, you can lay down gauze. Dry for 10 minutes.

6. Transfer to a jar and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

How to pickle trout caviar with lemon

A version of amazing caviar with an amazing lemon aroma. It is advisable to prepare the brine with sea salt; it is ideal for trout, even if the fish is river. Any vegetable oil can be used for watering.


150 g caviar;

0.5 lemon;

2 tablespoons salt (heaped)

1 spoon of sugar:

2 tablespoons of oil;

0.6 liters of water.


1. Clean the caviar using one of the convenient methods. There should be no films on the product.

2. Remove thin yellow crusts, that is, zest, from the lemon. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl; you can strain it immediately if a bone or pulp accidentally falls out.

3. Prepare the brine. Boil the lemon peels in water for three minutes, add salt and sugar, cook a little more. Let cool.

4. Strain the brine. The temperature of the liquid should be around 50 degrees.

5. Immerse the caviar, squeeze out lemon juice from the remaining half of the citrus.

6. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.

7. Pour the caviar into a sieve and leave the liquid to drain.

8. Transfer the product into clean jars, pour oil on top and you’re done!

Despite the fact that caviar tastes better when under-salted, it is still better to over-salt the product. Salt will not only extend the shelf life, but will also destroy harmful microbes and helminths, making the product safe for humans.

If the caviar’s shelf life is coming to an end and it has not yet been used up, then quickly place the product in the freezer; it is better to freeze it in small portions. After thawing, caviar can be used for any dishes.

To separate the films of the paste, you can use not only a whisk, but also an ordinary fork. You just need to drive the device carefully to preserve the integrity of the delicate eggs as much as possible.

Any of the recipes for salting trout caviar can be adapted to another product. In fact, it is not the salt concentration that is important, but the holding time. The easiest way to determine it is to taste the caviar more often, but only after first shaking the salt.

We are all used to buying red caviar in factory jars. True, it does not always have a pleasant taste. If you like to create your own culinary masterpieces, we recommend that you read our step-by-step instructions for salting trout caviar at home.

Red caviar is one of the most delicious fish delicacies, without which not a single banquet or home celebration is complete. There is caviar on the table - it means life is good!

When buying red caviar in a store, we are sure that we are looking at the caviar of Far Eastern salmon or Sakhalin chum salmon. However, in most cases, in a 140-gram jar we will get trout caviar - one of the brightest representatives of the salmon family.

How to choose caviar for pickling

In order for the final product to acquire an excellent taste and be stored for a long time, it is important to choose the right caviar for pickling. It comes in three types:

  • Raw caviar, which is washed and salted immediately in the chaff, is stored for no longer than a month and has a specific taste;
  • Pressed caviar is salted in special solutions and pressed to a homogeneous mass. It tastes better and can be stored for about a year;
  • Granular caviar is a ripe mass of homogeneous caviar grains, well treated with salt and oil, which are easily separated from each other and have a delicate taste.

Lovers of red caviar, who have had the sad experience of tasting counterfeit and fake caviar, are wondering: how do they salt trout caviar at home, improving its taste and quality?

Over the centuries of acquaintance with red caviar, man has invented a lot of original recipes for salting it at home and learned how to make it surprisingly tasty.

For any of the recipes for salting trout caviar, you will need a glass pan or bowl, a mesh for washing eggs or gauze, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Glass containers are excellent for pickling because they are hygienic containers that do not absorb odors, do not emit harmful substances, and do not react chemically with food.

The salting process is simple, but it is important to carefully and consistently perform all stages so as not to spoil the delicate product and obtain the optimal taste of the product without loss of taste and nutritional properties.

Stage one. Washing caviar grains

If you do not have a special strainer for washing eggs, then try to free the eggs from the chaff (hymen) manually - the main thing is not to damage them. To speed up the process, use warm (but not hot!) water. The egg sack with eggs is lowered into a pan of water, and the eggs are removed from the chaff more easily. Then rinse the caviar mixture with cold water in a colander.

Stage two. Salting caviar

To pickle caviar, you will need to make a brine from water, sea salt (50-70 g/1 liter of water) and sugar (1:2 ratio). Dip the caviar into warm brine and keep it there for 10-20 minutes, depending on the degree of salinity you like.

Stage three. Storage

Drain the brine through a colander or sieve, place the salted caviar in a glass container, and let it cool for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator, covered.

Another way to pickle

This method is universal, as it allows you to clear the eggs from the film during the salting process itself. Pour brine into a tall glass pan (per liter of water - 12 tablespoons of salt and a teaspoon of sugar) and bring it to a boil so that the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Then cool to 50-60 degrees.

Immerse the eggs with caviar in the warm brine and start whisking them. During this processing, the film will gradually wrap around the corolla, releasing the eggs without damage. After the films have been completely removed, the caviar must be tasted every 5 minutes to determine the degree of salting. After a maximum of 20 minutes, the brine is drained through a colander. Caviar is ready!

Remember, with this recipe, salting cannot be done for a long time - trout caviar should be eaten within 2-3 days. It would also be a good idea to freeze it in the refrigerator - the taste will be preserved when defrosted.

  • Red trout caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2.5 months;
  • If you accidentally oversalt the caviar, the salt is partially removed by tea leaves or boiled water.

Trout is a freshwater red fish that is distributed throughout the world - from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Trout caviar, unlike the caviar of sea and ocean salmon, is considered the smallest in size - it is translucent grains of yellow-orange color, having only 2-3 mm in diameter.

“Small caliber” does not affect its taste and usefulness. Moreover, the smaller it is, the tastier it is. Each egg consists of one third of pure protein and is saturated with a full list of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. The product is perfectly absorbed by the body and is useful for people of any age.

In this video you can see another original way of salting caviar.

Most lovers of fish delicacies have probably asked the same question more than once - how to pickle trout caviar at home?!

After all, it’s one thing to buy a ready-made product at the nearest supermarket, and quite another thing to treat your friends and acquaintances to tea and sandwiches with caviar prepared with your own hands. All that remains is to find a suitable recipe and try yourself as a cook.

Recipe for salting trout caviar at home

To prepare trout caviar at home, we will need (based on a serving of ~200 grams of caviar):

  • 1 level teaspoon of salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar.

Preparing for pickling

If the caviar is in the eggs, then first you need to free it from the films. Removing the film is the most important and time-consuming part of the entire process. There are several ways to do this. For example, put the caviar in a sieve and place it in hot, but not boiling, water for thirty seconds. Her temperature should be about eighty degrees.

After this, carefully remove the films and pass the eggs through a sieve. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the sieve cells are slightly larger than the eggs themselves, otherwise instead of crumbly grains you will get a solid sticky porridge.

There is another way, easier, but no less productive. It will require gauze rolled into something similar to a shirt sleeve. Caviar is placed inside this sleeve and then washed in water. At the same time, do not forget to rotate the sleeve, which helps free the caviar from unnecessary film. As a result, after some time, the caviar will be completely cleared of the film that will remain on the walls of the gauze sleeve. There is an even simpler way - rinse the caviar with cold water several times until it is more or less clean. Then you need to carefully drain all the water and remove the chaff with your hands or using a fork.

Step-by-step process for preparing salted trout caviar

Now you can move on to the process of salting trout caviar.

Place the washed caviar in a clean and disinfected glass jar and add salt and sugar. The main thing is not to forget about proportions. There should be twice as much salt as sugar. If you have gone a little overboard with the amount of salt, then you should not worry about this, since caviar cannot be over-salted, unlike fish.

Some people, on the contrary, prefer salted caviar to lightly salted one. This is a matter of taste for each person. Mix thoroughly, but carefully, so as not to damage the grains. After some time, a small amount of water will be released, which will need to be drained.

Bubbles and foam may also appear on the surface. There is nothing wrong with this and there is no need to worry about a spoiled product. This is a natural and normal reaction to salt and there is no need to sound the alarm about this.

Then the jar of caviar is placed in the refrigerator or other cool place, where it must be infused and salted for at least four hours. After this, the caviar will be completely ready for consumption. It can be spread on sandwiches and served.

Useful tips on how to salt trout caviar at home

If you have oversalted the caviar and are not ready to put up with this fact, then excess salt can be removed by brewing black tea or boiled water.

It is important to remember that, unlike factory canning, homemade trout caviar will not be stored for too long, even in the refrigerator.

For salting, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen caviar. To do this, you need to defrost it correctly - first place it in the refrigerator for twelve hours, and only then leave it until completely defrosted at room temperature.

Interesting! Don't forget about the beneficial properties of red fish caviar. In addition to pure protein, it contains vitamins, acids and minerals. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and is recommended for use by people of all ages.

Under no circumstances should caviar be salted in any iron vessel, which will give the product an unpleasant metallic taste.

Salting trout caviar is tasty and quick video

Salting trout caviar at home video

How to salt trout caviar video

Let's figure out how to properly pickle red trout caviar at home. A step-by-step recipe describing all the nuances of preparing such a delicacy.