So the dog has a hot nose. When a dog's dry nose is a sign of illness

A dry nose in a dog is usually indicative of a painful condition.

Partly it is. It is important at what point it is noticed that the dog has a dry nose, as well as whether other symptoms of any diseases are present. If the dog is sleeping at this moment or has just woken up, then a dry nose is normal. Also, a dry nose can be after serious physical activity, V extreme heat or cold. If the nose is not moisturized during moments of calm wakefulness, then this can actually signal health problems.

Causes of dry nose in dogs

Why does a dog have a dry hot or cold nose? most common cause. Often it occurs on low-quality plastic. Also allergic reaction can occur on dust, plant pollen, chemical substances(including detergents), as well as some foodstuffs.

The dog's nose is also sensitive to the weather: intense heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It can also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. and then, in addition to the dryness of the nose, she will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can dry out in case of injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. Also exists autoimmune disease skin - pemphigus. It usually manifests itself in the form of blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and in this place a crust forms, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

What to do about dry dog ​​nose?

It is better to replace plastic dog bowls with stainless steel dishes, and during the flowering period, it is better to walk the animal away from them, in an open ventilated space.

Dog bowls should be washed detergents. And if there is a suspicion that the allergen is a food product, it is better to contact a veterinarian for help.

If it's hot outside, the dog's nose can be smeared with aloe juice after a walk. In cold weather, after a walk, the dog's nose can be wiped with a swab dipped in warm water.

Make sure your dog always has enough fresh water. The bowl should be washed every day. Since dogs often drink after meals and the water becomes contaminated, it is best to wash the bowl after this drink and refill it with fresh water.

Your pet can't talk, so talk about your health condition in words, complain about bad feeling he won't be able to. He will not be able to explain to you that everything is in order with him, and you have nothing to worry about. But the dog has an organ thanks to which you can understand everything yourself - the nose, which different reasons can be dry, hot, wet, cold.

However, you should not immediately panic if you notice that this organ has become warm and dry. In addition to the disease, there may be other reasons for this. To draw final conclusions about the well-being of the pet, it is necessary to focus on other factors.

First activities

Noticing that the dog’s nose has become warm and dry, you don’t need to go to the veterinarian right now, but you can’t ignore this fact either.

Here's what to look out for:

  • Appetite. At healthy dog it must be good and must not change without reason;
  • Playfulness. When sick, a pet loses interest in any kind of entertainment. If this is not typical for your dog, pay attention if your dog has become lethargic, all the time trying to lie down;
  • Aggression. Like some people, when an animal is sick, the dog can behave aggressively, get annoyed by the slightest pathogen;
  • Hide and Seek. Usually a sick pet seeks to find a secluded place where no one will touch it. In this corner, the dog usually sleeps a lot, refuses to go out;
  • Temperature. Be sure to measure this. When it is not normal, most likely, the dog really overtook some kind of illness;
  • Pressure. In the presence of certain diseases, this indicator can also be increased or decreased.

Sometimes the symptoms of the disease speak for themselves and require urgent appeal to the vet. These include vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, hoarseness when barking, etc.


Before you take your pet's temperature to understand why your dog's nose is suddenly dry, check out normal values this indicator.

The normal temperature for small breed dogs is 38.6-39.3 degrees for puppies, 38.5-39 degrees for adults. For medium dogs - 38.3-39.1 and 37.5-39 degrees, respectively. For large ones - 38.2–39 degrees and 37.4–38.3, respectively, for puppies and adult animals. More accurate indicators depend on the breed of dogs, you can check them with your veterinarian.

It is not considered abnormal if the temperature of the pet has risen slightly after physical activity, in hot weather, under stress, fear. In bitches, there is also sometimes an increase in temperature within 1 degree during estrus. In the latter case, if this figure is higher, this may be a sign of diseases of the reproductive organs.

If you notice that the dog has become lethargic and the nose is dry, arm yourself with an electronic or mercury thermometer and measure the temperature.

Measuring the temperature is a simple process, but you will have to find an approach to your pet so that he can calmly allow the procedure. This is done rectally. Zero the thermometer, lubricate its tip with Vaseline.

Lay the pet on its side, holding it so that it does not break out. Insert the thermometer into the animal's anus. Hold for as long as required - if you have used electronic thermometer- 1-2 minutes, if usual - 4-5 minutes. Noticing deviations from the norm, look for reasons, but with the help of a veterinarian.

To teach your dog to be calm about measuring temperature, stroke your pet during the procedure, talk to him, give him something tasty, be sure to treat him with some treat at the end of the process.


Noticing that the dog's nose has become hot and also dry, you can measure its pressure. The norm is an indicator of 150 by 90 mm. However, it can vary depending on the age of the animal, breed and size. For example, the pressure of a small breed pet may be on the order of 170 to 90 mm.

For measurement, a special veterinary tonometer is usually used. You can use a conventional apparatus, but with a cuff for children. It is worn on the tail or paw. pet.

Many veterinarians consider this indicator unreliable, because it is difficult to bring the animal to complete rest when it normal life. Therefore, if the pet's olfactory organ is dry, and the pressure is not within the normal range, try to focus on other symptoms to determine the state of his health.

Main reasons

Before taking your pet to the veterinarian, try to determine if the cause of a dry nose lies in completely ordinary, normal processes. For example, in water. Make sure that there is always water in the animal's bowl, because it is necessary for its normal functioning. Otherwise, dehydration occurs, which becomes the main cause of this symptom.

Or maybe it's a dream. During it and after waking up, the olfactory organ of the dog is always warm and dry. When the dog sleeps, the body heats up, so the nose becomes dry.

The animal reacts to the weather - to hot or frosty. The sensitivity of the nose of the animal to the winds is especially great.

Pay attention to whether the dog has allergies. This reaction is not uncommon to plastic, synthetic materials, pollen, food, chemical elements. Analyze if there were any changes in the pet's diet, in the places of his walks. Or maybe you bought him a new plastic bowl? If the cause really lies in allergies, try changing the dog's diet.

If the case is in bowls, be sure to replace them with those made from a material that does not allergic. Dog dishes should be washed with natural substances, and not chemical agent. During the flowering of certain plants, try to walk with your pet away from the places where this happens.

The olfactory organ will be dry and warm if the dog is injured. Examine it for wounds, ulcers, swelling, swelling on the body.

A sensitive animal can react to a change of scenery, experienced stress, shock.

Like a person, a dog can catch a cold, and this will manifest itself in the usual way - sneezing, runny nose, hoarseness of voice. In this case, most likely, the temperature will also manifest itself. Do not engage in treatment from the Internet or on the advice of friends, go to veterinary clinic. By the way, in this case, the olfactory organ of the dog can be cold, not warm, but not wet.

Review the animal's diet. He needs to receive vitamins, minerals, microelements. His diet must be balanced, otherwise the body weakens, immunity falls. Make sure that hot nose dogs are not a sign of his quality starvation.

Improper nutrition can lead to stomach and intestinal disorders. In this case, vomiting, diarrhea will appear. By the way, fasting can be not only qualitative, but also quantitative. Check if your dog is malnourished and has a normal weight.

Do not be afraid if you touched your pet's nose and found that dog has a warm dry nose. In some situations, this may be the norm. Well, sometimes it is really a symptom that deserves attention and requires a trip to the veterinarian. In this article we will understand why a dog may have hot and dry nose.

First of all, you need to understand why the dog has a wet and cold nose. Most mammals have wet nose. And only man and a couple of primates do not have such amazing property. The dog's nose is covered with mucus, which is produced by glands in the lining of the nose. With the help of this mucus, the dog's wet nose can sense even the slightest movement of air.

The dog's nose is a kind of gas-liquid chromatograph. When the molecules of volatile substances hit the tip of a dog's wet nose, they move with different speed which allows the dog to better understand the smells coming to it. That is why dogs are great at identifying different smells. Approximately in this way a person is arranged inner part nose. A dog's sense of smell is several thousand times stronger than a human's. For a dog, the main sense organ is the nose. And it must be wet so that the dog can define itself well in this world.

When can a dog's nose be dry?

A dry and warm nose in a dog can be during sleep or only after waking up. Also, if your dog ran into the street with other dogs or her owner bought her a new puller gadget and worked out with her for 20 minutes, then she was just physically tired and her nose would be dry.

If the street is incredibly hot or, on the contrary, brutally cold, then the reaction of the dog's body will be a warm nose. In general, a dry nose is a reason to take a closer look at the animal. But if this is a temporary phenomenon in which the dog is active, cheerful and has a great appetite, then there is no cause for concern. If winter has come and the heating is turned on in the apartment, which dries the air very much, then in this case the dog’s nose can also dry out. And not only her. If your household members, especially children, have dry crusts in the nose, then the air in the apartment is too dry.

On dog forums, the question is sometimes raised about the condition of the puppy's nose or adult dog. And some dog owners report that their dogs have a warm nose almost all the time and that these pets feel great with a hot nose throughout their lives.

Now, cases of dry and warm nose have been listed, in which the owner of the dog should not worry about his health. But still, there are cases in which you need to take a closer look at the behavior of a tailed pet.

When a dog's dry and warm nose is a sign of illness

If the dog's nose remains dry and warm for a long time, then possible reasons such a phenomenon:

  • Allergy. She can be anything. Starting with a plastic feeding bowl (replace with a stainless steel bowl) and ending with cherry blossoms. Of course, it could also be a food allergy. Testing and keeping a diary that monitors the nutrition of the animal will help you identify the allergen. It is necessary to make sure that as much as possible to exclude all allergens from the dog's life.
  • Cold. If the dog has caught an infection, then in addition to a dry nose, it should also have other signs of the disease: sneezing, runny nose, coughing. As soon as the dog is healthy, the moisture in the nose will also be restored.
  • Nose injury. You can determine the injury to the nose yourself. It is advisable to seek treatment advice from a veterinarian in the absence of experience in the treatment of nasal injuries.
  • Pemphigus. There is such an autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters appear not only on the nose, but can also occur throughout the body. Only with the help of histology can an accurate confirmation of the disease be given.

Now you know exactly why the dog has a wet and cold nose, why she needs it and in what cases. The dog's nose is warm and dry. With the help of this article, we have dispelled the misconception of many novice dog breeders that if they find a dry and hot nose in their dog, they should panic and urgently run to the veterinarian.

The nose for a dog is the main sense organ, which is able to distinguish about two million smells. In a healthy dog, it is usually cold and wet. This is due to the secretion of liquid secretion by the lateral and vestibular nasal glands. In addition, the nose is involved in the thermoregulation of the dog's body: when exhaling through the nose, the liquid secretion evaporates, which contributes to the overall cooling of the body. Thanks to the moist surface of the nose, the dog is better able to understand odors and is able to catch the slightest fluctuations in the air.

Causes of dryness and fever of the dog's nose

There are a number of physiological causes of dry and warm nose pet when the dog breeder need not worry.

Dry and warm dog's nose can be during sleep and within 10 minutes after it, in case of fatigue after physical exertion, in extreme heat and in severe frost. Similar reaction body may be the result of stress or fear.

At the birth of puppies a lactating bitch often has a dry nose.

When dehydration The dog may have a dry nose. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of fresh water in the pet's bowl, as well as regularly change the water after meals.

Nose Pink colour prone to sunburn. So if the nose is cracked, reddened, and the skin on it began to peel off, you can use sunscreen and limit the hit of direct sun rays on an animal.

Some dogs have a special nose structure and a slow metabolism, so they have a dry and warm nose throughout their lives. In order for the pet to feel better, you can periodically lubricate the nose with calendula.

However, if the nose four-legged friend for a long time stays warm and dry for several reasons.


Dryness of the nose can be observed with an injury to the nose, strong blow or burn. In such cases, you must seek the help of a veterinarian.


At food allergies observed pruritus, skin redness, disorder gastrointestinal tract, ear inflammation, lacrimation. skin allergy may occur on flowering, household chemicals, hygiene products, synthetic fabrics, flower pollen, insect bites. At the same time, itching separate sections skin does not go away after the use of antibiotics.

To prevent allergies, when washing a dog bowl, it is best to use natural remedies. When choosing dishes for eating an animal, it is better to choose glass or metal rather than plastic. If the allergy is caused by flowering, the dog walking area should be reviewed.

Vitamin deficiency

Dry and slightly cracked nose becomes with insufficient amounts of vitamins A and D in the dog's diet. Retinol (vitamin A) is found in egg yolks, fish oil, dark orange and dark green vegetables and fruits, chicken and beef liver. Sources of calciferol (vitamin D) - dairy products, cottage cheese, beef, egg yolks, fish fat.

Autoimmune disease (pemphigus)

The cause of a dry and warm nose can be an autoimmune disease such as pemphigus, in which bubbles with liquid appear on the skin, including on the nose. The diagnosis of this disease is based on the results of a skin biopsy.


If a dog develops a cold, that is, an acute respiratory disease(ARI), or acute respiratory viral infection(SARS), then in addition to a dry and hot nose, other symptoms will be present. Like a person, a dog loses its appetite, cough and runny nose appear, there is fever body. For small breeds normal temperature body 38.6 - 39.3 degrees. For large breeds dogs are characterized by a temperature of 37.4 - 38.3 degrees. At the same time, in puppies, the temperature is slightly higher than in adult animals.

You can measure the dog's temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer. This procedure is performed rectally. It is best to take the temperature when the dog is in calm state to exclude the possibility of frightening the animal and, as a result, damage to the thermometer.


Worms can lead to intoxication of the dog's body. In this case, in addition to dryness of the nose, symptoms such as unstable stools, difficulty in swallowing food, vomiting and itching in the area will appear. anus. The general condition of the dog will be lethargic, because helminthiasis weakens the body of the animal. Therefore, in order to prevent, it is recommended to periodically give the dog anthelmintic drugs.


If a pet is infected with distemper, among primary symptoms emit: dry hot nose, pale mucous membrane, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting with foam (blood), fainting, convulsions. This disease progresses rapidly, so if you have the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic. In order to avoid illness, it is recommended to vaccinate the animal in a timely manner.


so dangerous and incurable disease like rabies, dogs that do not have the appropriate vaccination become infected. In addition to dry and hot nose, there is a lack of appetite, apathy, photophobia.

Symptoms of diseases such as distemper and rabies must be known to every breeder in order to contact a veterinarian in time if an animal is infected.

Summing up, we can note the following: in the absence of symptoms of the disease and the cheerful mood of the dog, dry and wet nose- a temporary phenomenon associated with physiological reasons so no need to panic.

It is generally accepted that a cold, wet nose in a dog is a sign of its wellness And healthy condition. And if the pet suddenly has a dry nose, then you need to urgently contact the veterinary clinic. This is partly true, but there are many moments when a dry nose in a dog indicates normal functioning organism.

Let's see why a dog has a dry nose and what to do in this case.

Causes of dry nose in a puppy

During sleep, the body of the animal becomes very hot and the nose is no exception. Only 20-25 minutes after waking up, the entire body of the dog begins to cool, and then the nose becomes wet.

A common cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog is an allergic reaction to one or another ingredient. It could be plant pollen, plastic, chemicals, or any food ingredient.

Turn environment and other stresses instantly affect the body of the animal. Experienced emotions also cause a dry nose in a pet.

If a dog has a cold dry nose, this may indicate colds. But at the same time, other symptoms of the disease must also be present - sneezing, coughing, or hoarseness.

If the pet drinks little liquids, she will become dehydrated. This will cause dry nose. In this case, it is necessary to control the presence of water in the bowl and organize unhindered access to it for the dog.

In extreme weather conditions the dog's nose becomes dry and hot. On very hot or, conversely, frosty days, with scale winds and dry air, a dog's nose tends to be dry.

Dryness of the nose also appears in an injured animal. In this case, puffiness, ulcers or swelling can be found on the body.

How to help a dog if it has a dry nose?

Our advice is to pay attention to your dog's behavior, not his nose. It is the habits that best signal the malaise of the animal.