Pain during childbirth is comparable. What is the pain of childbirth comparable to? Pain relief during childbirth

Pregnancy is the most unpredictable, pleasant and exciting period of a woman’s life. This feeling when it arises inside new person can't compare with anything. Despite frequent ailments, constant visits to consultations and regular tests, expectant mothers are still happy. Nevertheless, they are afraid of the upcoming difficulties during the birth of the baby. Primiparas do not know what to compare the pain of childbirth with and how severe it is. To find out the peculiarities of sensations during the period of delivery, it is necessary to understand the causes of the pain of labor, its varieties and methods of getting rid of discomfort.

Even from childhood, a girl understands that giving birth is painful, because her mother, grandmother or aunt has probably at least once talked about how difficult it is to endure the process of having a baby. In reality, how painful childbirth will be depends on the pain threshold of the expectant mother. This is the common name for the level of irritation that is caused by the nervous system and causes pain in a woman. The pain threshold can be low or high, its level depends on the physical and mental state person.

Almost every woman in labor believes that she will not be able to cope with the pain. In fact, this opinion is far-fetched. In the uterus, where the process of childbirth occurs, there are very few pain receptors, just like in its cervix. There are many of them in the isthmus, where both sexual components are combined. Therefore, to this location birth process comes at the dilation stage of 4 cm. It is from this moment that doctors can use anesthesia.

It matters how much expectant mother ready for labor, this has an impact on its course. Directs all processes during the birth of a child nervous system. If the mother is afraid and panics, the central nervous system becomes overexcited and does not allow the woman to concentrate and collect herself. As a result, she is unable to respond to medical staff recommendations in a timely manner. Fear lowers the threshold for pain, so it is important to be positive and trust your obstetrician.

How is pain during childbirth measured? There is no scientifically derived indicator of labor pain. But in society, the unit for measuring pain during childbirth is called decibel (del). These terms are used only at the everyday level, but not at the medical level.

How many decibels of pain does a woman experience during childbirth? It is believed that a person can withstand about 45 cases, but during childbirth, the expectant mother feels 51 cases. Such pain during childbirth is equal to the simultaneous fracture of 20 bones. Of course, this does not mean that every woman feels exactly the hellish torment during childbirth. How severe the pain is depends on many factors, such as: first birth or repeat, low or high threshold endurance, on the size of the child, pelvis.

Causes of pain

As a rule, discomfort in a person’s condition indicates that some mechanism or system has failed. With the help of pain, the body gives a hint about the need to take measures to eliminate health problems. What women feel during childbirth is different from ordinary pain, because the reproductive process is not destruction human body, this is a completely natural event.

First period labor activity– the most painful time. At this stage, contractions become more frequent, affecting the cervix and the degree of dilatation. The baby's head begins to put pressure on the uterus, irritating the tissue. Uterine contractions become more painful, but they should not exceed the acceptable barrier on the scale.

Is it possible to die from pain during childbirth? Yes, when a woman gets her period pain shock, but this occurs due to pathologies of labor, such as rupture of the uterus or ovary, and not due to contractions, pushing or dilation of the cervix.

Another reason that a woman feels pain when giving birth is a decrease in physical activity girls. That is, if this is a village woman in labor, accustomed to constant stress on the body, it is easier for her to endure labor pains than a passive city resident who is not overworked with anything. Physical preparation for the birth of a baby will help the cervix to open faster, reducing the duration of the process of bringing a child into the world.

The reasons for painful childbirth are the following factors:

  1. painful menstruation;
  2. large fruit;
  3. first childbirth experience;
  4. long period of contractions;
  5. the onset of labor ahead of schedule;
  6. lack of preparation for the birth of a baby

The most common cause of severe pain in labor is fear of the unknown. This paralyzes the mind of the woman in labor and it becomes difficult for her to control herself, so the expectant mother makes mistakes that lead to pathologies. Before going to the maternity hospital, a woman must get in the right mood. An inexperienced girl can take a partner to the delivery room: a mother, aunt or sister who has had her own childbirth experience.

Types of pain

Depending on why the pain occurred and at what stage of delivery it occurred, several types are distinguished. This classification is conditional and is intended only for expectant mothers, to make it easier for them to understand.

What kind of pain occurs during childbirth:

  • during contractions;
  • when pushing;
  • when an episiotomy is performed;
  • at ruptures;
  • when expelling a child's place

What is the most painful thing during childbirth? Severe pain is felt during the first stage of labor. Contractions last longer. At this stage, spasms intensify, become frequent and long. The pain is equivalent to breaking bones. At this stage, it is important to learn to control yourself so that it is tolerable. When you give birth, there is a feeling that you feel dull ache without a specific location, but extending to the lower back.

Pushing: does it hurt? They are similar to the condition of burns. Burns in the crotch area. What pain during childbirth is equal to is 50 decibels. According to the labor pain scale, this is the peak of a person's endurance. But before the birth of a child, the woman’s body activates protective functions, so the woman in labor feels only 30% of what is actually happening to her.

Episiotomy also causes discomfort in a woman in labor. According to the measurement of pain, it is, of course, not the same as during contractions, it is similar to cutting your finger with a knife. The fact is that at the pushing stage, the sensitivity of the uterus and perineum is significantly reduced. Sometimes the incision is made without anesthesia.

Does the baby hurt during childbirth? There is no clear answer. But it has been proven that at birth a baby receives enormous stress that an adult could not withstand and would die.
No gaps are felt. Of course it's unpleasant, but it's not the same. When a woman gives birth, she feels hellish torment. The breaks just take a long time to heal.

The birth of the placenta, in comparison to the pain during pushing, is not felt at all. At this stage, the baby is already with his mother. Therefore, the fact that it hurts to give birth to children becomes unimportant.

Is childbirth always very painful? No, it depends female body, his readiness for childbearing and pain threshold. The psychological state of the expectant mother also matters. How painful it is to give birth depends on the size of the fetus and the timeliness of delivery.

Men are also interested in what it feels like during childbirth. But they will not be able to understand the true feeling, because labor pain during childbirth is comparable only to multiple bone fractures. Few people have experienced this themselves. At the moment, there is special equipment with which the father can try on the role of a woman in labor. This happens at his request; the experiment is not done by force. Then the parent will understand that the level of pain during childbirth is equal to surgical incisions without anesthesia. This feeling is difficult to bear and control yourself at the right moment.

What can you compare pain during childbirth to:

  1. with a fracture;
  2. with a burn;
  3. surgical incisions without anesthesia.

How to reduce the pain of childbirth

There are several methods to avoid pain during childbirth or at least reduce its intensity. To do this you need to adhere to certain rules long before going to the maternity hospital.

How to cope with pain during childbirth:

  • Walk a lot during pregnancy;
  • choose a partner generic action;
  • breathe correctly;
  • be positive.

To reduce pain during childbirth, you need to be physically prepared for the childbearing process. They'll come to your aid here hiking still at the stage of pregnancy. These workouts strengthen the muscles of the vagina and pelvis, so it is easier for a woman to endure childbirth.

Partner births. Having a trusted assistant on hand is a great way to calm down and relax. You can invite your mother, friend, sister, the main thing is that the partner copes with his responsibilities and supports the woman in labor.

Correct breathing also has a positive effect on intensity pain symptoms. Usually breathing technique They teach future parents in the last classes at school. But, as practice shows, most women are not able to apply knowledge in the delivery room. An obstetrician will come to the rescue and give recommendations at the right time.

A lower back massage will slightly distract the woman from the process of childbirth. This can be done by both the woman in labor and her partner. Execute circular movements in the sacral area thumbs hands This way the muscles relax a little, and temporary relief occurs.

The right psychological attitude is important. This is half the success of the process of bringing a baby into the world. It is important to learn to control yourself and not panic. Then it will be easier to hear the obstetrician and follow his prompts.
Such techniques for reducing pain during childbirth are effective and do not harm the baby. If a woman suffers greatly, it is better to inform the doctor about it.

Drug pain relief

In cases where a woman in labor is unable to cope with the discomfort on her own, medications are added. The appointment is made only by the doctor leading the birth process, based on the characteristics of the woman’s body and the intensity of the symptoms.

How to reduce pain during childbirth:

  1. use inhalation anesthesia;
  2. take anesthesia intramuscularly or intravenously;
  3. apply drugs for local pain reduction;
  4. administer regional anesthesia;
  5. prescribe general anesthesia.

Inhalation. This technique is to inhale the medicine through a mask. Applicable this procedure at the stage of contractions, but not earlier than 4cm. dilatation of the cervix. The painkiller is administered through a special machine where the medication is mixed with air. The procedure is performed using nitrous oxide (most often), Trilene or Pantran. These medicines have fast action. The woman remains conscious. On the positive side The use of inhalation analgesia is that the expectant mother herself decides when to inhale the medicine.

Intramuscular and intravenous anesthesia- this is the injection of medication directly into the blood (muscle, vein). In this case, narcotic drugs (Pethidone) are used together with sedatives (Phenozepam). The duration of the pain relief effect is from 10 to 50 minutes. Nevertheless, the method has a direct effect on the condition of the fetus.

Local anesthesia– injection of medicine into the desired area of ​​the body, resulting in reduced pain. Typically the method is used in postpartum period when suturing tears or incisions. Lidocaine, Novocaine, Ultracaine are used.

Regional anesthesia- this is almost the same as local, only it covers a much larger area. This is the epidural and spinal insertion of a catheter with painkillers. The method is considered the most optimal for reducing pain during childbirth. One of the disadvantages is frequent migraines during the postpartum period.

General anesthesia is used only for caesarean section. This method is the most harmful, because it affects general state child. This option is not used when natural childbirth, since the woman in labor is unconscious.

Pain before childbirth, like pushing or like broken bones, should not be relieved dangerous drugs. This applies to cheap narcotic drugs, which are easy to buy at the pharmacy. They destroy Airways child.

It is prohibited to use:

  • Morphine;
  • Meperidine;
  • Fentanyl.

Under no circumstances should these substances enter the mother’s body. Their action destroys the baby.

What pain do women experience during childbirth? Very strong, equal to 20 fractures, but it's worth it. After all, the result will be a child who will delight his parents and conquer the world.
If you prepare for the baby's arrival in advance, you can reduce labor pain. Medication relief from torment is also possible when there is evidence for this.

Childbirth is difficult physiological process, a long-term process during which the fetus, as well as the placenta, waters and membranes are expelled from the uterus outside the maternal body.

There are three periods of childbirth:

  • The first and longest period of labor is characterized by dilatation of the cervix. It lasts normally in primiparous women (10-12 hours), with repeated births(7-9 hours). Time of this period may decrease or increase, depending on the course of the birth itself. It is at this stage that contractions occur - painful contractions of the uterus.
  • II period is characterized expulsion of the fetus, lasts from a few minutes, normally up to 3 hours. At this stage, pushing occurs - painful muscle contractions. abdominals.
  • III period – birth of placenta and membranes. It takes a few minutes and is almost painless.

The most painful feels like giving birth second period, but it is compensated by its transience, depending on the stage of contractions, which can last for a day.

Contractions are the most powerful contractions of the uterus; pain during them is expressed individually in each woman and depends on the level of the pain threshold.

If a woman had painful periods before pregnancy, then pain during contractions almost identical to this sensation, only differs in duration and intensification of sensations.

As a rule, pain during menstruation in many women is expressed by cramping painful contractions in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. And contractions will most likely begin with the same sensations, the only difference is that during menstruation the unpleasant sensations are pulse-like, short-term in nature and disappear after taking painkillers or antispasmodics.

During contractions, these sensations will be much stronger and can last for a day. If you put your hand on your stomach during a contraction, you will feel its obvious petrification.

For women who have not suffered from painful periods, pain during contractions can be imagined as if someone from the inside with the whole hand grabs a part of the skin in the lower abdomen and begins to squeeze it more and more. At the peak of the pain, he lingers in this position for a few seconds, then gradually loosens his grip. And takes a break for a while.

The repeated “pinch” will be a little more painful and take a few seconds longer, and the interval between contractions will be shortened.

In the end, to full disclosure uterine contractions become stronger and longer (up to 1.5 minutes), and the interval between them is reduced to 40 seconds. It seems that the lower abdomen was clamped in a vice and they no longer let him go, but only slightly loosen their grip and strengthen it again.

When the uterus becomes fully dilated and there is a feeling that childbirth is one continuous contraction, the 1st stage of labor smoothly flows into the second, and the turn of pushing begins.

Almost every woman who has given birth on her own will say that the most painful period of childbirth– these are attempts, although in time it can last several minutes, on average up to 20.

If the pain during contractions can be eased by deep rhythmic breathing, then during pushing it is very difficult to do this. The sensations during pushing can be vaguely compared to a strong desire to empty the intestines, however, this is impossible to do. Moreover, simultaneously with the attempts, the stomach turns to stone, and a strong painful pressure is felt in the perineum, cross and lumbar region.

There is a feeling that if you tense your muscles once, it will all stop, but you cannot do this until the moment of expulsion. This may lead to serious complications in a newborn as it passes through the birth canal: hypoxia, suffocation, injuries to the body and head (cephalohematomas).

During the period of expulsion of the child, the woman in labor feels only pain arising from pushing, and against this background there is practically no pain felt when the child comes out. Women who suffered injuries and ruptures of the tissue of the perineum and cervix did not feel pain from these processes during childbirth. Women who had the perineal incision procedure also did not feel pain during the incisions.

This suggests that the pain during contractions is so intense that against its background are not even felt painful sensations for ruptures and cuts of tissue.

However, as soon as the child is born, the contractions immediately stop, and a feeling of euphoria sets in, against the background of which even the painful sensations when sutures are applied to the perineum (if necessary).

What does the sensation compare to for men?

You can imagine the pain during labor for men using the following comparison. Most men have experienced severe attacks pain in the legs at night or during sports associated with convulsions calf muscles , or with muscle spasms.

This pain occurs in a cramping manner, instantly reaches a peak and lasts from several tens of seconds to a minute. If you transfer this pain to the lower abdomen, then this feeling can be compared to 1 contraction. And during childbirth there are several dozen of them.

How can you reduce pain?

To relieve labor pain, drug and non-drug anesthesia methods are offered.

Medical anesthesia

At physiological childbirth more often used following methods pain relief:

  • Systemic anesthesia. Consists of administering narcotic (opioids) and non-narcotic (NSAIDs) painkillers to the woman in labor to reduce pain syndrome. This type pain relief has a short-term effect and slightly reduces pain.
  • Epidural anesthesia has pronounced analgesic effect, minimally affects the fetus. At the same time, the consciousness of the woman in labor is preserved, and she can control her breathing, however, the duration of labor during this method pain relief may increase.

Epidural anesthesia has a number of contraindications and is carried out only with the consent of the woman in labor. Systemic anesthesia is used at the beginning of the first stage of labor, giving the woman in labor a medicated rest for several hours.

Non-drug methods of pain relief

Non-pharmacological anesthesia includes methods of pain relief that a woman can perform independently during the birth process is:

  • Breathing exercises during contractions. Every woman is taught how to behave during childbirth and breathe during contractions in courses for pregnant women. A woman in labor must definitely visit them after 30 weeks. Main exercise: done during a contraction long deep breath, exhalation is carried out in short intense bursts (about 10).
  • Correct choice of body position. The pain during contractions is felt much stronger if the woman is in horizontal position. The condition is greatly alleviated if, during a contraction, you sway on a fitball while sitting, or take measured steps, or, while standing, slightly tilt your body forward, leaning on the back of the bed or chair, or get on all fours.

Also helps a lot lumbar massage during contractions, methods of distraction from pain (read poetry, list cities, etc.), relaxation, acupuncture.

Many women, preparing to find the joy of motherhood, on the eve of such an important event as childbirth, try to find the answer to the question: what is the pain like during childbirth, and what can it be compared with. Future mothers ask their experienced friends, older relatives, and read all kinds of literature.

Of course, such knowledge is important, but still, it is worth remembering that each birth takes place according to its own individual scenario.

Why does it hurt

The entire birth process can be divided into three parts: contractions (dilation stage), pushing (fetal expulsion stage), and the postpartum period (“birth” of the placenta).

The pain begins during contractions.

The causes of pain are the following physiological processes:

  1. Reduction muscle tissue uterus. During contractions, pressure is exerted on the muscles and nerve endings. Therefore, the woman experiences severe pain.
  2. Dilatation of the cervix itself. This stage is also very painful.
  3. Fetal pressure on the pelvic organs, as well as nerve endings.
  4. The baby's head passes through the birth canal and the pressure it exerts on the walls of the vagina and perineum.

It must be remembered that labor pain is considered normal and physiologically justified. Without it, it is impossible to imagine any natural childbirth.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what the pain that occurs during childbirth is similar to, because... Each woman is individual and experiences completely different sensations.

Some people can endure contractions and pushing, but for others painful manifestations simply unbearable.

On initial stage When contractions occur, the resulting pain can be compared to very painful periods. During this period, the uterine cervix gradually opens.

As contractions intensify, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region. The nature of such pain– wavy. The spasm increases, reaching the highest peak point, and then begins to subside. After this it starts short period recreation.

By the end of the opening stage, the woman may feel, in addition to pain, extreme fatigue, this means that the pushing period will begin very soon. At this moment, severe pain may subside somewhat, but as the head passes through the birth canal, the expectant mother may feel strong distension from the inside, and stretching of the perineum and vagina is also felt.

The birth of a child itself, as well as the release of the placenta, do not cause any particular painful spasms, because Stretched nerve endings no longer fully transmit pain impulses to the brain.

How to make it easier

You can reduce labor pain during labor in the following ways:

  1. give a light lower back massage;
  2. take a shower or warm bath;
  3. apply warm compresses on the back area;
  4. try to relax your body;
  5. watch your breathing.

In some cases, doctors give women in labor painkillers or even offer local epidural anesthesia. This method allows you to almost completely eliminate all pain.



Many women may say: what can men know about pain during childbirth?

Of course, they will never know, considering that some of them begin to writhe in agony after lightly hitting their little finger on a chair leg.

However, there is pain that can be much more intense than the pain during childbirth, as stated by women who have gone through childbirth.

It is worth noting that pain during childbirth is difficult to measure, given that each woman experiences it differently depending on many factors.

Here is the experience shared by people on forums for parents, and also some results scientific research, where they claim that there is pain greater than what you experience when giving life to a new person.

Stones in the kidneys

According to experts, the pain from kidney stones can be as severe as the pain of childbirth.

One of the women who gave birth and had kidney stones swore that childbirth was easier than kidney stones. However, others argue that the pain is about the same, and if you want to explain it to a man, it is closest to what women experience during childbirth.

"The first time I had kidney stones, I didn't know what they were, which added a sense of real terror to the physical agony. It felt as if someone had taken a hot poker and slid it along the sides, periodically tapping it with a hammer for good measure. The pain was so severe that I not only went blind, but also became deaf and lost the ability to perceive space and time. I simply found a position in which I thought I would die more slowly, namely on the floor of the emergency room."

"I howled like a wounded dog, clinging to the carpet with my fingers and toes. I was drooling and couldn't speak clearly. They gave me morphine and it relieved the pain a little so I could explain what was going on while I was screaming. Then they injected me with something else and that's all I remember".

Urinary tract infections

This burning pain many believed ten times worse than the pain of childbirth. Thus, one woman described how she “writhed on the floor and screamed” while being eight months pregnant.


Toothache is also often compared to the pain of childbirth. For example, there were cases when pain relief did not work and the person to the fullest could feel how his nerve was being removed.

"I'm good at a lot of things, but I would ALWAYS choose childbirth over toothache. I didn't have the easiest birth though.".

The fact that toothache happens often aching and can last for a very long time, became the main reason why she was considered one of the strongest.

Broken ribs

Some women claim that the pain you experience when you break a finger or leg can be compared to the pain of childbirth. However, the pain that was most often mentioned was the pain one experiences when one's ribs are broken.

This is due to the fact that every breath brings a new wave of nauseating pain.

Perianal abscess

Essentially, this is a collection of pus next to anus and can reach the size of both a small boil and a fairly large fruit, which causes such excruciating pain that the person cannot move, not to mention sitting.

"This is the most unbearable pain. I delivered two babies (one with forceps after 29 hours of contractions and third degree tears) and nothing beats the incision and drainage.."

Broken seams

One woman said the pain from a stitch that came apart after hip surgery when she sneezed was much worse than the pain of childbirth.

Stitches can also come apart after birth if the woman has had an episiotomy (cutting the perineum), which can be more painful than trying to push the baby through a narrow canal.


Migraine also tops the list of the most painful experiences, given that it can last for several days, and the pain does not subside. Migraines are often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, and sometimes the pain becomes so unbearable that the person loses consciousness.

"I get migraines and most of the time I can cope, but there have been a few cases where the migraines were worse than childbirth".


According to a study, nearly two-thirds of those who suffer from gout consider it the worst pain.

An acute attack of gout can cause a person to writhe in agony even at the slightest touch to the affected area(often this thumb legs). In this case, there can be no question of putting on shoes or walking.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve, also known as Fothergill's disease, is an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which runs from the head to the jaw.

As the doctor explained, it is very strong pain that feels like you've been stabbed with a knife. Treatment for this condition is limited. Some people experience suicidal thoughts from such pain.

Severe burns

A burn specialist said the pain of burns can be compared to the pain of childbirth. The process of caring for burns is ordeal , since wounds need to be treated, clothes need to be changed, skin grafting and stretching is required.

Cluster headaches

Often this headache describe how the worst pain imaginable. It can be very intense and localized on one side of the head, most often around the eye, and can last up to three hours or more.

Many patients have stated that this pain is worse than labor pain or burn pain.


This complex name means severe pain in the anus, and becomes unbearable when you try to sit up or fall.

Moreover, for men this pain can be especially painful, as it often radiates to the genitals, causing constant discomfort.


Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the gland at the entrance to the vagina.

One of the women described the pain this way: " Imagine that your most sensitive places are swollen and throbbing without any relief. I couldn't walk, sit, stand, nothing. I wanted to die".

On last weeks During pregnancy, expectant mothers are increasingly beginning to think about childbirth. Naturally, many are interested in the question: what is the pain during childbirth, how strong is it, can it be compared with something.

Women who have already given birth describe the pain during childbirth in different ways, for some it resembles pain during menstruation, for other mothers their back hurts a lot, and so on. There are women who experience only mild discomfort during the birth of a child (see “”).

What is pain during childbirth and what are the mechanisms of its occurrence? Let's start with the fact that childbirth consists of three periods(contractions, pushing and birth of the placenta), and the sensations during each of them are different.

What kind of pain during contractions.

Most a long period and the most difficult, according to many mothers, is contractions or regular contractions of the uterus. During them, the cervix smoothes and opens to allow the baby to pass through.

The muscles and ligaments in the pelvic area have many nerve endings. During intense contractions of the uterus, its ligaments are stretched, the cervix is ​​stretched, and nerve endings are compressed, which causes quite strong sensations, especially if the surrounding muscles are tense.

During this period, a woman usually experiences pain in the abdomen, back and groin. At the beginning of labor, contractions are not strong, over time they increase and the time between them decreases.

The onset of contractions may be felt as pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. During active contractions, pain may spread to the entire abdomen, bottom part back, crotch, buttocks and thighs. The localization of pain also depends on the position of the child, for example, with facial presentation, severe pain is possible in the lower back.

Sensations and perception of pain in different women differ considerably. Many describe contractions as period pain or diarrhea-like sensations, like cramps; other women talk about a pulling or pressing pain. For some, contractions appear as a belt tightly clasping the abdominal area.

The intensity of pain during contractions depends on many factors: what type of birth, the weight and position of the child, psychological state women. When the cervix dilates to 10 centimeters, the next stage of labor begins - pushing.

Pain during pushing.

Pushing is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus, diaphragm and abdominals that lead to the birth of a child. At this time, the baby's head presses on bladder, intestines.

During pushing, pain is most often felt in the anus, perineum, vagina. The sensation may be similar to the desire to go to the toilet in a big way, but much stronger.

During the birth of the head, a woman may experience strong burning sensation, this stretches the vaginal muscles. Pain is also accompanied by damage to the cervix, vagina, and perineum (tears, cracks).

Some women consider pushing and the immediate birth of the child to be the most painful part of childbirth, others describe contractions as the most difficult period, and consider pushing tolerable. Sometimes a woman does not feel any pushing at all, and then the doctor tells her when to push.

In general, women in labor tolerate pushing better because they know that labor will soon end. Moreover, the second phase of labor is much shorter than the first and usually lasts 20-40 minutes, and even less for multiparous women.

Attempts are perceived more positively due to the fact that the mother can actively participate in the process, in contrast to contractions that occur involuntarily and the mother in labor can only endure.

The third stage of labor is the calmest in terms of pain, usually the sensations are not intense, sometimes the mother does not notice them at all, busy with her child, who is laid on her stomach. Mostly, the afterbirth comes out within 5-15 minutes after the baby is born, sometimes the doctor may ask the mother to push.