A sign characteristic of all animals. The venom of the cross spider enters the victim’s body through. Educational tissue in plants

TasksII(municipal) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology in the Lipetsk region.

20 1 0-2011 academic year

8th grade

Exercise 1. The task includes 30 questions, each of them has 4 possible answers. For each question, select only one answer that you consider the most complete and correct. Enter the index of the selected answer into the answer matrix.

This suggests a corollary - that there will be some dimensions in which animal minds are superior to humans. Take the example of Ayumu, a young chimpanzee who lives at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University. The researchers taught Ayumu a memory task in which a random pattern of numbers appears on a touch screen before being covered by electronic squares. People are getting this test right most time if there are five numbers and 500 milliseconds or so to learn them.

With nine figures, or less time, a person's level of success drops sharply. There are people with so-called eidetic or flash memories who can do something similar - for chimpanzees, however, this seems to be the norm. Is this a sign that chimpanzees have evolved since their last common ancestor with humans for some reason - or something that humans have lost over the same period of time? More deeply, how can it change what it is like for a chimpanzee to have a mind? How different are thoughts in a society where everyone remembers such things?

    Main difference bacterial cell, from cells of other organisms: a) the presence of one or more flagella; b) lack of a formalized core; + c) availability cell membrane(walls); d) permanent shape.

    To prevent food spoilage due to bacteria, you must: a) prevent spores from coming into contact with the products; b) provide unfavourable conditions for the life of these organisms; + c) prevent exposure of products to direct sunlight; d) limit air access to products.

    Animals can think well in ways that humans cannot yet decipher because they are too different from the way humans think—adapted to sensory and mental domains quite unlike humans, perhaps domains that have not given rise to the need for language. For example, there is no doubt that octopuses are smart; they are fiercely good problem solvers. But can scientists begin to imagine how an octopus might think and feel?

    All that being said, the third general truth seems to be that there is a connection between mind and society that animals show. Wild animals with highest level knowledge, like humans, a long-lived species that lives in complex societies, in which knowledge, social interaction and communication are surpassed. It seems reasonable to assume that their minds, like humans, may well have evolved in response to their social environment. And this may be what allows intelligence from both sides of the interspecies gulf to overcome this.

    Spores on the plates of the fruiting body are formed by: a) porcini mushroom; b) mucor; c) camelina; + d) tinder fungus.

    The lichen fungus receives from the algae: a) water; b) mineral salts; c) organic substances; + d) air.

    The deepest sea algae include: a) red; + b) brown; c) green; d) diatoms.

    There are spares in the bulb nutrients are deposited in: a) bottom; b) kidneys; c) juicy scales;

    on the signal, or fishing will fail. Both groups of mammals must learn the necessary skills. Cork refers to fabric:

    a) conductive; b) cover; + c) educational; d) storing. Conductive bundles in leaves:

    a) conduct water and mineral salts; b) carry out sugar solutions from the leaves to other parts of the plant; c) perform a supporting-mechanical function; d) perform all the above functions. + The potato tuber, at the earliest stage of its development, is:

    Among men they are passed on from father to son; among dolphins, from mother to calf. In this example, how different are the species? A prominent leader of this trend is the non-flammable Jeremy Rifkin. Chapter 2. As is known, some trends in the animal rights movement are contrary to even these traditional “appropriations.” IN extreme cases The opposition is taking advantage of it in every possible way.

    The problem with drug patents is whether these prices impact patient benefits, especially less favorable ones. This debate has resurfaced against the backdrop of expensive anti-AIDS therapies and their more than problematic distribution in third world countries. How many times have you encountered activities during your travels in which the main characters are animals? Have you ever been offered a photograph of a macaque or gibbon? Perhaps in the same travel agency you were offered to include in the package a tour on the back of an elephant or a visit to the tiger center where you can take a photo of yourself with the beautiful puppies.

    Dioecious plants include: a) poplar and hazel; b) hazel and birch; c) birch and sea buckthorn; d) sea buckthorn and poplar.

    + Only animals have this process: a) the formation of organic substances from inorganic substances in the light; b) perception of irritations from environment

    and converting them into nerve impulses; + c) the intake of substances into the body, their transformation and removal of final waste products; d) absorption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide during respiration. Many of these events where the main goal is to line your pockets involve animal cruelty and the only reason anyone who loves animals to visit them is because of ignorance and misinformation. If you want your holidays to be free from


    , you need to be very clear before going into any activity with animals. Captivity and imprisonment, starvation or thirst of an animal, preventing it from expressing its natural behavior, maiming it or causing stress, causing it to carry out actions against its nature, are as cruel as aggression. It may be easier for us to understand if we first know what the 5 freedoms are, the exercise of which guarantees the welfare of animals held captive by humans.

    Correct alternation of sexual and asexual reproduction is observed in: a) testate amoebae; b) radiolarian; c) foraminifera; + d) sunfish. Unlike a) digestive system; b) excretory system; c) circulatory system; + d) nervous system.

    The exoskeleton of arthropods is represented by: a) skin-muscle sac; b) chitinous cover; + c) lime shell; d) striated muscles.

    Once the concept is understood, next step will find out about the center you want to visit.

    For example, how can someone who does not understand animal behavior or whose experience with cat cats in their home or their neighbor's, can determine whether a tiger is feeding or not? Moreover, why do we insist on simply knowing whether animals are under the influence of drugs in order to set the moral limit and decide whether or not it is ethical not to visit these centers? If you don't do drugs, do you think a wild animal or predatory instinct is submissive?

    The respiratory organ of the river lamprey is: a) pharynx, penetrated by gill slits; b) swim bladder; c) gill filaments; d) gill sacs. +

    By vertically raising the front part of the body and inflating the hood, the Indian cobra (Naja naja ) demonstrates the behavior: a) food; b) indicative; c) marriage; d) defensive.+

    Have you stopped to think about where the samples come from or where they end up when they are no longer useful? How are they raised? Did you know that there is an entire animal trafficking network behind some of these activities? When considering whether to go to a location or not, we should ask ourselves many more questions than the typical ones and not trust any information. Have you stopped to think if the simple fact of spending several hours a day photographing with tourists could be causing stress in these animals?

    Stress reduces their defenses and makes them susceptible to suffering from all types of diseases. Is it ethical for them to live in captivity for our use and enjoyment? And to those who think you're making a difference, do you think a practically domesticated animal can live in the wild?

    The largest nests among birds are built by: a) eagles; b) pelicans; c) ostriches; d) African weavers. +

    Nests in tree hollows: a) kingfisher; b) nightjar; c) gogol;

    + d) finch. Complication circulatory system corresponds to the evolution of chordates among the following animals:

    Do you think contact with animals is allowed in recovery centers?

    Fortunately, society has evolved and it is now much easier to access information and find out the reality behind certain businesses through the Internet. Travel blogs are great, but they are completely subjective, just like ours.

    There are experienced travelers who still believe that paying a few baht releases the bird, there are moderators of popular forums who doubt that an elephant is not strong enough to carry chairs and tourists, and others who still take photos with animals without even knowing. that they contribute to illegal species trafficking.

    But open your eyes and look at it in this video.

    Rosehip fruit is




    Kukushkin flax reproduces:

    1. zoospores

      seeds under unfavorable conditions

    2. aplanospores

    The Solanaceae family includes

    tomato, pepper, cucumber

    potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, belladonna

    Datura, belladonna, petunia

    My goal with this post is different: you ask questions and read before you go to these places. If you love animals, you will avoid being surprised in bad taste, and if you don't like them, do it out of compassion. There are a lot of people who choose to go and form their own idea, and when it comes up and realizes that's the whole deal, it's left with a bad taste in its mouth and has contributed.

    Remember that as long as there are people who go to these places, they will continue to exist. Various experts are analyzing controversial cases in Asia to provide clues to travelers. They talk about safaris, volunteers, elephants, turtles, dolphins and even how to collect shells ethically. Without a doubt, my favorite is “How Photography and Blogging Can Help Preserve wildlife" One Green Planet: A Guide to Help You Make Ethical and Excellent Options Not Just for Animals, but for People and the Planet. At the same time, they are working to eliminate the same reasons why the existence of rescue centers and sanctuaries is necessary. Reverend Travellers: Sandra talks about responsible pet tourism on her blog, throwing a few questions into the air that everyone should do when traveling and trying to get us to think about them. Are you a responsible traveler with animals? There are many people who go and have a great time and others who come out with a lot of sadness.

    eggplant, henbane, sow thistle

    Does not form stump growth

    Fungal cell walls contain predominantly

  1. cellulose

    Educational tissue in plants

  1. parenchyma

    Male gametophyte of pine presented

    10 cells

    8 cells

    2 cells

    1 cell

    More grace makes me selfish, which, despite the fact that it does not leave the happy attempt to justify "the only way to contact them." The one I like the most is “without these centers the tigers would die”, but only a quick glance at the networks of these centers is enough to understand that the only thing that matters to them is business: there you can find all the fees in depending on what size animal you want to take with the photo. In no section will you find individual information about tigers or where they came from.

    Sea anemones - representatives of the type




    The venom of the cross spider enters the victim’s body through

    mouth opening

    opening of jaw claws

    holes in the legs

    holes in the jaws

    Pharyngeal teeth are a sign of the order


    For me, it is not an ethical option to enter a cage to take a photo with a wild animal that lives in captivity, and that also has to support dozens of people who take photos with them every day, with the stress that this entails tigers. Really? that's the only thing that worries you, are you on drugs?

    Chairs used on trips weighing 50 kg plus the weight of two tourists already exceeds the limit. In addition, the domestication process is extremely cruel. If you are against animal cruelty, don't ride an elephant. He thought it was a real sanctuary and it wasn't and so that no one feels cheated and has to go through the same thing, he leaves us his experience in the form of an article. There are several websites where you can find information about where to see elephants or find recommendations for authentic sanctuaries.




Task 2. The task includes 5 questions, with several answer options (from 0 to 5). Enter the indices of the selected answers into the matrix.

    According to the structure of the thallus, lichens are distinguished: a) scale; + b) colonial; c) bushy; + d) unicellular; e) leafy. +

    The leaf veins perform the following functions: a) protection against evaporation; b) conduction of substances; + c) photosynthesis; d) support for the leaf pulp; + d) sexual reproduction

    plants. a) lack of chlorophyll in cells;

    + b) chitinized cell wall; c) reserve substance – starch; d) reserve substance – glycogen; + e) the ability for vegetative reproduction by parts of the body.+ On the roots

    perennial plants can be found:

a) accessory buds; + b) scale-like leaves; c) root cap;+ d) green leaves; e) axillary leaves.

    Blood in insects:

    a) distributes nutrients;

    + b) carries oxygen; c) collects decay products;

    + d) takes part in leg extension;

    + e) takes part in the regulation of vital processes.


    Task 3. A task to determine the correctness of judgments. Enter the numbers of correct judgments in the answer matrix. (10 judgments) Algae are any plants that live in water. The fern shoot is attached to the soil with the help of roots. During the dormant period, the vital processes of the seeds stop.

    The stems of perennial plants always perform a photosynthetic function.

    A leaf scar is a mark caused by a fallen leaf.

    The root cortex is characterized by the absence of conductive tissues. +

Uaquatic plants. stomata are located on

      top side

leaf. +

The sexual process in ciliates does not lead to an increase in the number of individuals.+

Unlike radiolarians, sunfishes have a mineral skeleton.

All social insects belong to the order Hymenoptera.

Part assignments


Participants are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is indicated for each task individually. Contestants must fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks.

[max. 4 points] Examining the plants in the garden plot, the scientist determined that some of them (1–4) showed signs of starvation for a number of nutrients (A–D):

1) Pale yellow color of the tissue between the veins of young leaves. Old leaves are affected later in a similar way. Low plant power.

1. “Botane” - in Greek means:
a) large tree
b) grass, plant
V) Living being
d) science of nature
2. The functions of the plant organism are studied:
a) physiology
b) anatomy
c) cytology
d) ecology
3. The main part of the cell is:
a) cytoplasm
b) core
c) shell
d) vacuole
4. The process of substances entering the body, their transformation and the release of breakdown products is called:
a) breathing
b) food
c) allocation
d) metabolism
5. Plants are classified as a separate kingdom because their cells contain:
a) core
b) cytoplasm
c) vacuoles with cell sap
d) plastids
6. Which sign is characteristic only of bacteria:
a) have cellular structure
b) breathe, eat, reproduce
c) cells contain vacuoles
d) cells lack a nucleus
7. Bacteria tolerate unfavorable conditions in the state
a) zygotes
b) disputes
c) cysts
d) hibernation
8. Mushrooms were separated into a separate kingdom because they:
a) eat prepared food
b) reproduce by spores
c) the body of the mushroom consists of a cap and a stalk
d) the body of the mushroom consists of thin threads which form mycelium
9. According to the nature of their nutrition, mushrooms belong to:
a) heterotrophs
b) autotrophs
c) heterotrophs and autotrophs
10. Not an organ flowering plant:
a) inflorescence
b) flower
c) escape
d) root
11. Through the stomata of plants occurs:
a) gas exchange
b) transport minerals
c) transport organic matter
d) heat release
12. Root hairs provide:
a) root growth in length
b) root growth in thickness
c) root protection
d) water absorption and mineral salts from the soil
13. A modified shoot is:
a) root
b) stem
c) leaf
d) flower
14. The main parts of a flower are:
a) corolla
b) calyx
c) stamen
d) pestle
15. Match the parts of plants with their functions:
Plant part
a) root
b) leaf
c) flower
d) stem
1. photosynthesis
2. gas exchange
3. supply of nutrients
4. serves as an organ for seed reproduction
5. conducts nutrients
6. anchoring the plant in the soil
7. water evaporation
16. Correlate the processes of photosynthesis and respiration with their characteristics:
a) photosynthesis
b) breathing
1. occurs in cells containing chlorophyll
2. occurs in all parts of the plant
3. absorbed carbon dioxide
4. Oxygen is absorbed
5. carbon dioxide is released
6. oxygen is released
7. Nutrients are used up
8. Nutrients are formed
9. the process occurs only during the day
10. the process occurs day and night
a) photosynthesis
b) breathing
17. Match the names of plant classes with their characteristics:
Plant class
a) monocots
b) dicotyledons
1. embryo with two cotyledons
2. embryo with one cotyledon
3. root system core
4. root system fibrous
5. Leaf venation is reticulate
6. leaf venation is parallel or arcuate
a) monocots
b) dicotyledons
18. In what sequence does the spring awakening of trees occur?
a) swelling of the kidneys
b) absorption of water and salts by roots
c) formation and movement of juices
d) appearance of leaves