Minerals for the body. Mineral exchange

Minerals play an extremely important role in the life of living organisms. Along with organic substances, minerals are part of organs and tissues, and also participate in the metabolic process.

All minerals, based on their quantitative content in the human body, are usually divided into several subgroups: macroelements, microelements and ultraelements.

macronutrients are a group of inorganic chemicals present in the body in significant quantities (from several tens of grams to several kilograms). The group of macronutrients includes sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

trace elements are found in the body in much smaller quantities (from a few grams to tenths of a gram or less). These substances include: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, silicon, fluorine, iodine, etc.

Ultramicroelements, are contained in the body in extremely small quantities (gold, uranium, mercury, etc.).

The role of minerals in the body

Mineral (inorganic) substances included in the structure of the body perform many important functions. Many macro and micronutrients are cofactors for enzymes and vitamins. This means that without mineral molecules, vitamins and enzymes are inactive and cannot catalyze biochemical reactions (the main role of enzymes and vitamins). The activation of enzymes occurs by attaching atoms of inorganic (mineral) substances to their molecules, while the attached atom of the inorganic substance becomes the active center of the entire enzymatic complex.

The whole set of macro and microelements provides the processes of growth and development of the body. Minerals play important role in the regulation of immune processes, maintain the integrity cell membranes provide tissue respiration.

Maintaining Constancy internal environment(homeostasis) of the body, primarily involves maintaining the qualitative and quantitative content of mineral substances in the tissues of organs at the physiological level. Even small deviations from the norm can lead to the most serious consequences for the health of the body.

Sources of minerals

The main source of minerals for humans is the consumed water and food. Some mineral elements are ubiquitous, while others are rarer and in smaller quantities. Nowadays, given the disturbed ecology, the best source may be dietary supplements (biologically active additives) and purified mineralized water.

Different foods contain different amounts of minerals. So, for example, in cow's milk and dairy products contain more than 20 different minerals, among them the most important are iron, manganese, fluorine, zinc, iodine. Meat and meat products contain trace elements such as silver, titanium, copper, zinc, and seafood- iodine, fluorine, nickel.

Diseases caused by a lack of minerals are most often found in certain regions of the globe, where, due to geological features, the natural concentration of a particular microelement is lower than in other areas. The so-called endemic zones of iodine deficiency are well known, in which such a disease as Goiter is often found - a consequence of iodine deficiency.

However, much more often a deficiency of minerals in the body occurs due to improper (unbalanced) nutrition, as well as at certain periods of life and under certain physiological and pathological conditions, when the need for minerals increases (growth period in children, pregnancy, breastfeeding, various acute and chronic diseases, menopause, etc.).

Potassium- is the main ion of the intracellular environment. Its concentration in the blood is many times less than inside the cells. This fact is very important for the normal functioning of body cells. Like sodium, potassium is involved in the regulation of the electrical activity of organs and tissues.

The main source of potassium for humans are fresh vegetables and fruits.

Calcium. The total mass of calcium in the body of an adult is approximately 4 kilograms. Moreover, most of it is concentrated in bone tissue. Salts of calcium and phosphoric acid are the mineral basis of bones. In addition to minerals, bones also contain a certain amount of proteins that form a kind of network on which mineral salts are deposited. Proteins give bones flexibility and elasticity, and mineral salts - hardness and rigidity. Several grams of calcium is found in various organs and tissues. Here calcium plays the role of a regulator of intracellular processes. So, for example, calcium is involved in the mechanisms of transmission of a nerve impulse from one nerve cell to another, participates in the mechanism of muscle and heart contraction, etc.

The main source of calcium for humans are animal products. Dairy products are especially rich in calcium.

Phosphorus (P) - intracellular enzyme. The element phosphorus is necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

The biological significance of phosphorus

Phosphorus compounds are present in every cell of the body and are involved in almost all physiological chemical reactions. Phosphorus P enters the human body with food. Phosphorus is found in the following foods: fish, meat, poultry, whole grains, eggs, nuts, seeds.

For the proper functioning of phosphorus, a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D in the body is important. The ratio of Ca (calcium) and phosphorus (P) should be two to one. An excess of iron, aluminum and magnesium makes the effect of phosphorus ineffective.

Magnesium (Mg, Magnesium)- an active intracellular element, is part of a number of enzymes. Magnesium is also found in red blood cells, muscles, liver and other organs and tissues. The element magnesium is most necessary for the functioning of the heart, nervous and muscle tissue. Many life processes of the body depend on the content of magnesium.

Magnesium in foods is found in lemons, grapefruits, figs, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables, and apples. Magnesium from foods may not be absorbed when taking alcohol or diuretics, oral contraceptives, and estrogens.

Minerals are classified into macronutrients, micronutrients and ultramicronutrients.

Macronutrients include: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium.

Trace elements include: fluorine, cobalt, iron, manganese, as well as copper, zinc and other trace elements.

Ultramicroelements - selenium, gold, lead, mercury, radium, etc.

The biological role of minerals in the human body
1. Mineral substances in the body are included in the complex of substances that make up the living protoplasm of cells, in which the main substance is protein.
2. Are part of all intercellular and inter tissue fluids.
3. They are part of the supporting tissues, bones of the skeleton, teeth.
4. They are part of some endocrine glands (iodine is part of thyroid gland, zinc - in the composition of the pancreas of the tissues of the gonads).
5. Are part of complex organic compounds(jelly into the composition of hemoglobin, phosphorus - into the composition of phosphatides).
6. In the form of ions, they participate in the transmission of nerve impulses.
7. Provide blood clotting.

One of the most important minerals is calcium.

Calcium is a permanent constituent of the blood. It is involved in blood coagulation, is part of cellular and tissue fluids, cell nucleus. Calcium plays an important role in the process of cell growth and activity. It is involved in the regulation of the permeability of cell membranes, in the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. Of particular importance is calcium for muscle contraction. It controls the activity of a number of enzymes, participates in the formation of the bones of the skeleton - is part of the supporting tissues, bones of the skeleton, teeth.

Calcium deficiency leads to a violation of the above functions, especially to osteoporosis of the bones.

Contains calcium in green onions, parsley, beans. Significantly less in eggs, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries.

Phosphorus is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is part of nucleic acids and a number of enzymes necessary for the formation of ATP.

The body's daily need for phosphorus is 1200 mg.

Phosphorus is found in eggs, cereals ( buckwheat, oatmeal, millet). Legumes, meat, fish, milk, hard cheese, bread are also a source of phosphorus for the body.

Magnesium, along with potassium, is the main intracellular element. It activates enzymes that regulate carbohydrate metabolism. Stimulates the formation of proteins and regulates the storage and release of energy in ATP. Magnesium reduces excitation in nerve cells and relaxes the heart muscle. He raises motor activity intestines, promotes the excretion of toxins and cholesterol from the body.

The daily requirement is 400 mg per day.

Magnesium is found in: brown rice, beans, bread, beans. Also, its source is cereals, seafood, meat. Magnesium is found in milk, as well as in parsley, dill, lettuce, apricots, apricots, raisins and bananas.

Micro - and ultramicroelements
Iron is necessary for the biosynthesis of compounds that provide respiration, hematopoiesis, participates in immunological and redox reactions, is part of the cytoplasm, cell nuclei and a number of enzymes.

Need: men - 10-20 mg per day, women - 20-30 mg per day.

With iron deficiency, anemia develops, gas exchange and cellular respiration are disturbed.

Iron is found in: bread, beans, soybeans, lentils, meat, fish, spinach, corn, carrots, eggs.

Zinc. Insufficient intake of this microelement in the body leads to a decrease in appetite, anemia, underweight, decreased visual acuity, hair loss, and contributes to the occurrence allergic diseases, dermatitis, delayed sexual development in boys.

The daily requirement is 12-50 mg.

Zinc is found in bread, meat and internal organs animals, as well as in eggs, fish, crabs, oysters, cheeses. It is found in: soy, lentils, green peas, oatmeal, corn, rice, onions, blueberries.

Selenium. With a deficiency of selenium, immunity decreases, liver function is impaired, and the tendency to inflammatory diseases, cardiopathy, atherosclerosis, diseases of the skin, hair, nails, to the development of cataracts. Growth slows down, reproductive function is disturbed.

The daily requirement is 200-100 mcg.

Selenium is found in bread, rice, beef, chicken, sea ​​fish, soy, lentils, sunflower seeds, garlic, pistachios, coconut, eggs.

Copper. Copper deficiency adversely affects hematopoiesis, iron absorption, connective tissue, the process of myelination in the nervous system, enhances the predisposition to bronchial asthma, allergic dermatosis, cardiopathy, vitiligo, violates menstrual function among women.

The daily requirement is 1-2 mg.

Copper is found in cucumbers, liver, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, poultry meat, cheeses, eggs, mushrooms, fish, walnuts, parsley, dill, cilantro, beef liver, pork, in various meats.

cobalt is integral part vitamin B12. This vitamin is necessary for rapid cell division, in hematopoietic tissues bone marrow And nerve cells stimulates erythropoiesis.

With a deficiency of cobalt, anemia occurs, a violation menstrual cycle in women, hyperpigmentation.

The daily requirement is 14-78 mcg.

Cobalt is found in meat, liver, beans, peas, fish, seafood, beets, lettuce, parsley, blackcurrant, red pepper, buckwheat, millet, eggs.

Manganese plays an important role in cell metabolism. Manganese deficiency leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism, hypocholesterolemia, hair and nail growth retardation, increased convulsive readiness, allergies, dermatitis, impaired cartilage formation and osteoporosis.

The daily requirement is 2-9 mg.

Manganese is found in flour, bread, buckwheat, millet, legumes, beets, parsley, dill, raspberries, blackcurrants, liver, kidneys.

Iodine - participates in the formation of thyroid hormones, takes part in the oxidation of fats, mobilizes protective mechanisms in the body.

The use of iodized salt is the main prevention of iodine deficiency. Her daily requirement 5-10 g per day.

Iodine is found in: seafood, eggs, milk, beans, soy, lettuce, grapes.

Along with organic substances - proteins, carbohydrates, fats - the cells of living organisms contain compounds that make up an extensive group of mineral substances. These include water and various salts, which, being in a dissolved state, dissociate to form ions: cations and anions (negatively charged). Often minerals are part of complex organic matter- for example, metalloproteins (metal proteins). So, iron is included in the composition of hemoglobin; magnesium, manganese, copper, cobalt and other metals - in the composition of many enzymes, etc. Minerals are vital components of nutrition that ensure the normal functioning and development of the body.

The animal organism is very sensitive to deficiency, and even more so to the absence of certain mineral substances in food. They are very important for maintaining acid-base balance in the body, creating a physiological concentration hydrogen ions in tissues and cells, interstitial and intercellular fluids(i.e., creating a normal reaction of the environment) and giving them the properties necessary for the normal course of metabolic and energy processes, incl. water-salt metabolism. Of great importance are minerals for the formation and formation of protein, as well as for the activity of the endocrine glands (eg, iodine for the thyroid gland), and their role in enzymatic processes.

Water is an essential component of all organisms. It serves as a solvent various substances; V aquatic environment various chemical reactions occur, including enzymatic ones; water is formed as a product of oxidation reactions of organic substances. Most chemical reactions that underlie the vital activity of an organism, water is involved to one degree or another.

Calcium. The value of calcium in the body is very high. Its salts are a constant component of blood, cell and tissue juices; they are part of the cell nucleus and play an important role in the growth and activity of cells. Dietary calcium, absorbed by the body, has a significant impact on metabolism and contributes to the most complete use in the body. nutrients. Calcium compounds strengthen the body's defenses and increase its resistance to external unfavorable factors, including and to infections.

Calcium is especially important for bone formation - it is their main structural component, most of the body's calcium is concentrated in the bones. The rest of calcium is included in the blood and tissues, both in the form of ions and in the state associated with proteins. The exchange of calcium is characterized by the fact that with insufficient intake of it with food, it still continues to be excreted from the body in almost the same quantities due to its reserves.

Calcium is one of the hard-to-digest elements, and only the impact bile acids on its compounds allows you to transfer them to a digestible state. The most important factor in the assimilation of calcium is its ratio with the content of phosphates in food. Calcium absorption is adversely affected by an excess of magnesium in the diet. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and its retention in the body.

Phosphorus relates to life essential substances, it is part of all tissues of the body, especially muscles and the brain, participates in all types of metabolism, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart muscle, etc. In the tissues of the body and food products phosphorus is contained in the form of phosphoric acid and organic compounds of phosphoric acid (phosphates). The bulk of phosphorus is contained in the bone tissue in the form of calcium phosphate (calcium phosphate), the rest of the phosphorus is part of the soft tissues and fluids. In the muscles, the most intensive exchange of phosphorus compounds occurs. Phosphoric acid is involved in the construction of the molecules of many enzymes, nucleic acids, etc.

Need human body in phosphorus it is satisfied at the expense of proteins, fats and carbohydrates introduced with food; it also depends on the amount of calcium in the food.

Magnesium. Phosphorus metabolism in the body is closely related to the metabolism magnesium. Most of Magnesium is found in bone tissue. In plasma, erythrocytes and soft tissues magnesium is mostly found in the ionized state. Some of it is associated with proteins, especially with enzymatic proteins, magnesium is absolutely necessary for the manifestation of the activity of some enzymes.

The inhibitory effect of magnesium ions on the nervous system is eliminated by introducing calcium salts into the blood. The biological role of magnesium, in addition to its participation in catalytic processes carried out with the help of some magnesium-dependent enzymes, is also to normalize the excitability of the nervous system. Magnesium has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect and, in addition, the ability to stimulate intestinal motility and increase bile secretion.

Potassium. Potassium plays an important role in the processes of intracellular metabolism. Many enzymes cannot perform their catalytic functions in the absence of potassium ions. Importance has potassium to ensure the constancy of the internal environment of the human body, as well as to conduct nerve impulses to the muscles.

Potassium has a diuretic effect, i.e., an increase in its content causes an increase in the excretion of water from the body; lack of potassium in the body is accompanied by the development of edema, impaired conduction of nerve impulses. Excess potassium is quickly removed by the kidneys with simultaneous excretion of water.

Sodium. Of great physiological importance is sodium, which is found in all tissues and biological fluids human body. Sodium salts play an important role in ensuring the constancy of the internal environment of the human body, take an active part in water metabolism.

Sodium chloride plays an important role in the regulation of water metabolism. Excreted in urine and sweat significant amount sodium chloride. Its loss is badly reflected in the state of the body, causing a decrease in efficiency.

Chlorine. Despite the fact that chlorine enters the human body mainly in the form of sodium chloride, the ways of exchange of chlorine and sodium are not the same. The ability of chlorine to be deposited in the skin, to linger in the body with excessive intake, and to be excreted with sweat in significant quantities is interesting. The content of chlorine in food products is negligible, it enters the body mainly in the form of table salt.

Disturbances in the exchange of chlorine lead to such pathological conditions, as the development of edema, insufficient secretion gastric juice and etc. Sharp decrease chlorine content in the body can lead to a serious condition, even death. An increase in the content of chlorine in the blood occurs when the body is dehydrated, as well as in violation of excretory function kidneys.

Bromine- a constant component of various tissues of the human and animal body. Bromine enters the human body mainly with food. plant origin and a small amount of it is introduced with common salt containing bromine impurities. Bromine salts are widely used in medicine as medicines.

Fluorine. In bones and teeth, fluorine is in an insoluble state in the form of calcium fluoride salt of phosphoric acid and fluorapatite. Fluorine enters the body mainly with drinking water.

Iodine found in all human tissues. However, it is mainly found in the thyroid tissue as part of its hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Lack of iodine in foods causes a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, accompanied by its growth. It is possible to protect people from this disease by additionally introducing iodine into the body.

Iron is part of extremely biologically important organic compounds - blood hemoglobin, myoglobin, enzymes. The main physiological significance of iron is participation in the process of hematopoiesis.

Iron has the ability to accumulate in the body. In addition to the hematopoietic function, iron plays an important role in the redox processes occurring in the body; it is part of the oxidative enzyme molecule.

Copper plays an important role in the human body, is part of some oxidative enzymes. Of great importance is copper in the processes of hematopoiesis, in the synthesis of hemoglobin and cytochrome enzymes, where its functions are closely related to the function of iron. Copper is important for growth processes (a significant amount of copper is captured by the fetus). Copper affects gland function internal secretion, has an insulin-like effect, in connection with which copper compounds are sometimes taken by patients with diabetes mellitus.

Microelements are of great importance for the body. cobalt, strontium, manganese, zinc, cesium and others. The body needs only negligible, trace amounts of these elements, but their role in the exchange is very large. The biological role of cobalt is largely related to its participation in the catalytic enzymatic function of vitamin Bi2, of which it is an integral part. Strontium is part of human bones.

Manganese is part of the molecules of some enzymes and stimulates their activity. Zinc is found in a number of enzymes that absolutely require it for their activity. Cesium is a part of animal tissues in very small amounts, its physiological and biological role not fully elucidated.

The cell is not only structural unit of all living things, a kind of building block of life, but also a small biochemical factory in which various transformations and reactions take place every fraction of a second. This is how the organisms necessary for life and growth are formed. structural components: minerals cells, water and organic compounds. Therefore, it is very important to know what will happen if one of them is not enough. What role do various compounds play in the life of these tiny, structural particles of living systems that are not visible to the naked eye? Let's try to understand this issue.

Classification of cell substances

All compounds that make up the mass of the cell, form its structural parts and are responsible for its development, nutrition, respiration, plastic and normal development, can be divided into three large groups. These are categories such as:

  • organic;
  • cells (mineral salts);
  • water.

Often the latter is referred to the second group of inorganic components. In addition to these categories, you can designate those that are made up of their combination. These are metals that make up the molecule of organic compounds (for example, a hemoglobin molecule containing an iron ion is protein in nature).

Minerals of the cell

If we talk specifically about the mineral or inorganic compounds that make up each living organism, then they are also not the same both in nature and in quantitative content. Therefore, they have their own classification.

All inorganic compounds can be divided into three groups.

  1. Macronutrients. Those whose content inside the cell is more than 0.02% of total weight inorganic substances. Examples: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium.
  2. Trace elements - less than 0.02%. These include: zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, nickel, vanadium, iodine, germanium.
  3. Ultramicroelements - the content is less than 0.0000001%. Examples: gold, cesium, platinum, silver, mercury and some others.

You can also highlight several elements that are organogenic, that is, they form the basis of organic compounds from which the body of a living organism is built. These are elements such as:

  • hydrogen;
  • nitrogen;
  • carbon;
  • oxygen.

They build the molecules of proteins (the basis of life), carbohydrates, lipids and other substances. However, for normal functioning The body responds in the same way with minerals. Chemical composition cells are calculated in dozens of elements from the periodic table, which are the key to successful life. Only about 12 of all atoms do not play a role at all, or it is negligible and not studied.

Particularly important are some salts that must be ingested with food every day in enough not to develop various diseases. For plants, this is, for example, sodium. For humans and animals, these are calcium salts, salt as a source of sodium and chlorine, etc..


Minerals of the cell combine with water in common group so its meaning cannot be ignored. What role does it play in the body of living beings? Huge. At the beginning of the article, we compared the cell to a biochemical factory. So, all the transformations of substances that occur every second are carried out precisely in the aquatic environment. It is a universal solvent and medium for chemical interactions, synthesis and decay processes.

In addition, water is part of the internal environment:

  • cytoplasm;
  • cell sap in plants;
  • blood in animals and humans;
  • urine;
  • saliva of other biological fluids.

Dehydration means death for all organisms without exception. Water is the medium of life for huge amount variety of flora and fauna. So overestimate the value of this inorganic matter difficult, it is truly infinitely great.

Macronutrients and their meaning

Mineral substances of the cell for its normal work have great importance. First of all, this applies to macronutrients. The role of each of them has been studied in detail and has long been established. We have already listed which atoms make up the group of macroelements, so we will not repeat ourselves. Let us briefly outline the role of the main ones.

  1. Calcium. Its salts are necessary for the supply of Ca 2+ ions to the body. The ions themselves are involved in the processes of blood arrest and clotting, provide cell exocytosis, as well as muscle contractions, including cardiac contractions. Insoluble salts - basis strong bones and animal and human teeth.
  2. Potassium and sodium. Maintain the state of the cell, form the sodium-potassium pump of the heart.
  3. Chlorine - is involved in ensuring the electroneutrality of the cell.
  4. Phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen are constituent parts many organic compounds, and also take part in the work of muscles, the composition of bones.

Of course, if we consider each element in more detail, then much can be said about its excess in the body, and about its deficiency. After all, both are harmful and lead to diseases of various kinds.

trace elements

The role of minerals in the cell, which belong to the group of microelements, is also great. Despite the fact that their content is very small in the cell, without them it will not be able to function normally for a long time. The most important of all the above atoms in this category are such as:

  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • cobalt.

A normal level of iodine is essential for maintaining thyroid function and hormone production. Fluorine is needed by the body to strengthen tooth enamel, and plants - to maintain elasticity and rich color of the leaves.

Zinc and copper are elements that make up many enzymes and vitamins. They are important participants in the processes of synthesis and plastic exchange.

Selenium is an active participant in the regulation processes, it is necessary for the work endocrine system element. Cobalt, on the other hand, has another name - vitamin B 12, and all compounds of this group are extremely important for the immune system.

Therefore, the functions of mineral substances in the cell, which are formed by microelements, are no less than those that are performed by macrostructures. Therefore, it is important to consume both of them in sufficient quantities.


The mineral substances of the cell, which are formed by ultramicroelements, do not play such a significant role as those mentioned above. However, their long-term deficiency can lead to the development of very unpleasant, and sometimes very dangerous consequences for health.

For example, selenium is also included in this group. Its long-term deficiency provokes the development cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is considered indispensable. But gold and silver are metals that have negative impact on bacteria, destroying them. Therefore, inside the cells play a bactericidal role.

However, in general, it should be said that the functions of ultramicroelements have not yet been fully disclosed by scientists, and their significance remains unclear.

Metals and organic substances

Many metals are part of organic molecules. For example, magnesium is a coenzyme of chlorophyll, necessary for plant photosynthesis. Iron is part of the hemoglobin molecule, without which it is impossible to breathe. Copper, zinc, manganese and others are parts of the molecules of enzymes, vitamins and hormones.

Obviously, all these compounds are important for the body. It is impossible to attribute them completely to mineral ones, but it still follows in part.

Mineral substances of the cell and their meaning: grade 5, table

To summarize what we said during the article, we will compile a general table in which we will reflect what mineral compounds are and why they are needed. You can use it when explaining this topic to schoolchildren, for example, in the fifth grade.

Thus, the mineral substances of the cell and their significance will be learned by schoolchildren in the course of the main stage of education.

Consequences of a lack of mineral compounds

When we say that the role of minerals in the cell is important, we must give examples that prove this fact.

We list some diseases that develop with a lack or excess of any of the compounds indicated in the course of the article.

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Ischemia, heart failure.
  3. Goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland (Basedow's disease and others).
  4. Anemia.
  5. Wrong growth and development.
  6. Cancer tumors.
  7. Fluorosis and caries.
  8. Blood diseases.
  9. Disorder of the muscular and nervous system.
  10. Indigestion.

Of course, this is far from full list. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that daily diet nutrition was correct and balanced.

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