What helps with wasp stings. When should you immediately seek medical help? What measures to take in case of a strong reaction?

Wasps are the most famous predatory insects. They eat flies, caterpillars, spiders, carrion and various waste. They also sting painfully, causing a person to suffer from insane pain. What to do if bitten by a wasp? How to reduce pain and swelling?

How to distinguish a wasp from other insects?

The ability to distinguish wasps from other hymenoptera is very important, if only for the reason that providing first aid after an attack by a wasp or, for example, a bee, is not similar to each other. Try to carefully examine the offender before he flies away. The bee is quite large with a densely pubescent body. The wasp looks more elegant - it is much thinner, light yellow in color and practically without lint.

Are wasp stings dangerous?

For the most part, the bites of these insects are not particularly dangerous. Of course, there is no way to avoid consequences here, but they will disappear on their own even without special actions. However, cases where wasp attacks resulted in the development of severe allergies or even resulted in death happen very often. The development of a particular reaction is influenced by several factors.

Factor 1. Type of stung wasp

Few people know that these insects come in several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

Factor 2. The body's sensitivity to the poison of these insects. Most people are not aware of their increased susceptibility until the moment they are stung. It is for this reason that everyone should understand what is normal and what to be afraid of.

Typically wasp bites manifest themselves like this:

  • The puncture site hurts;
  • Soft tissue swelling develops;
  • The skin becomes red and noticeably hot.

Some of these symptoms may last for 2 days. This body response to wasp stings is absolutely adequate - you should not be afraid of it.

At the site of the wasp bite, a wound and swelling are visible, as well as severe redness skin

Signs of allergies look completely different:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Headache;
  • Hemorrhages (internal and under the skin);
  • Convulsions;
  • Discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • Nausea
  • Quincke's edema – leads to suffocation (asphyxia);
  • Anaphylactic shock - develops in the first 5-30 minutes after an insect attack, in 15% of cases it ends in the death of the victim.
On a note! Fortunately, such reactions to insect venom are extremely rare. However, if an allergic reaction does exist, it develops catastrophically quickly.

Factor 3. Massiveness of bites

All signs of allergies can easily develop during a massive wasp attack. In this case, you need to drink 2-3 tablets of ascorbic acid and inject 5-10% calcium chloride. It is also advised to drink plenty of liquid - hot sweet tea or sweet water.

Factor 4. Venom injection site

The following areas are considered the most dangerous:

  • The skin around the eyes - in this case, swelling covers half the face, and the eyes can ooze the most different discharge. The situation is fraught with inflammation of the eye and mucous membranes (panophthalmitis);

  • Lips and mucous membranes of the mouth – often accompanied by difficulty breathing;
  • Neck – swelling resulting from acute reaction, can block breathing.

Factor 5. Speed ​​of first aid.

On a note! Young children and pregnant women suffer the most from wasp stings. They should be especially careful about contact with these hymenoptera.

What to do if you are stung by wasps?

First aid for a wasp sting looks quite simple. These important tips will definitely help you with this.

Tip 1. Treat the stung area with any product that contains acid (orange, apple, chopped parsley root, lemon, plantain leaf or Kalanchoe). The acid neutralizes the main dose of poison in the still open wound.

Tip 2. Lubricate the bite with any antiseptic - medical alcohol, vodka, brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or any other alcohol-containing solution. This is especially true for young children - due to constant itching they scratch the wound and can introduce some kind of infection there;

Tip 3. Apply cold to the damaged area - an ice pack, a coin, a metal object, meat or herbs from the freezer. It will help relieve swelling.

Tip 4. You can also make a compress - mix alcohol with water, soak a rag in the mixture, apply it to the skin and lightly wrap it with a towel or scarf. Wait for half an hour. Alcohol compress slows down blood flow and stops the process of further spread of poison throughout the body. The sooner you apply it, the greater the effect will be.

Tip 5. To stop the development of an allergic reaction and prevent serious health problems, take 1 tablet of Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak, Citrine, Prednisolone or Loratadine - they can be safely used at home conditions.

Such products are completely unsuitable for a child. It is better to give him a syrup that contains desloratadine (for example, Erius).

Tip 6. Apply one of the pharmacy creams to the bite:

  • Fenistil-gel - helps relieve pain and itching, reduces the risk of developing an inflammatory and allergic process;
  • Insectline - famous for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pain;
  • Menovazin is a low-cost anesthetic used to reduce itching;
  • Gardex Family and Gardex Baby - soft, but very effective drugs which can be used by both children and adults;
  • Soventol - ointment for pain relief;
  • Advantan is a special gel to prevent an allergic reaction;
  • Rescuer is a universal balm for all age groups;
  • Picnic Family – a cream intended for lubricating wasp bites on schoolchildren;
  • Mosquitall is a series of creams, emulsions and sprays for adults and children.

Tip 7. If you don’t have it at hand pharmaceutical drugs, use effective folk remedies:

  • A slice of tomato, onion or garlic;
  • A piece of fabric soaked essential oil, vinegar, lemon juice, alcohol tincture calendula, golden mustache or plantain;
  • A slurry of water and soda;
  • Validol soaked in water;
  • Fresh parsley leaves (chewed);
  • Tea lotions;

Apply a warm freshly brewed tea bag to the bite site - this will help relieve pain and redness

  • A piece of sugar.
Advice! If you are bitten by wasps, you should not drink alcoholic drinks- they provoke the development of edema.

Tips to help with a wasp or hornet bite:

How to help with allergies?

What to do if you are bitten by a wasp, and the victim suffers from intolerance to the poison of this insect? You need to act quickly here, because minutes are counting!

Using an auto-injector

An auto-injector is a special syringe filled with adrenaline. It's easy to use:

  • Remove the cap;
  • Press the autoinjector firmly against the victim's thigh;
  • Inject, releasing adrenaline for 5-10 seconds.

The injection can be given directly through clothing without wasting time taking it off.

During the warm season, people prone to allergies to wasp and bee stings are advised to always carry with them a set of medications prescribed by an allergist and the patient’s passport allergic disease. This document can be obtained from your attending physician. It contains basic information about the patient - name, age, address, diagnosis, rules of first aid and the telephone number of the allergist with whom he is being seen.

Using a hollow tube

If after a wasp or bumblebee bite you hear wheezing or whistling in the victim’s breathing, try to insert a clean hollow tube into the throat - it will allow you to breathe even with severe swelling. In very rare cases, the victim needs to undergo a conicotomy, a procedure in which the front wall of the throat is cut. Not everyone can decide to undergo such an operation.

When should you go to the hospital?

There are several cases in which you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself:

1. Severe inflammation began at the site of the bite;

2. The victim suffers from the following diseases:

  • Asthma - first, stop the asthma attack with a special inhaler;
  • For allergies of any kind - give an antihistamine;
  • Heart problems - stimulate cardiac activity with valocordin, nitrospray or nitroglycerin;

3. The wasp stung a child or a pregnant woman;

4. There are several wounds on the body (for adults – more than 5, for children – more than 1);

5. The bite site is located on the face or neck;

6. The victim started anaphylactic shock.

Popular mistakes

There are a few glaring mistakes that most victims make. What should not be done when attacked by wasps?

  • Don't look for a sting in the wound - it simply isn't there;
  • Do not squeeze out the poison - this will cause it to spread through the bloodstream;
  • Do not pick or comb the bite - this is fraught with rapid suppuration;
  • Do not place the affected area in dirty water and do not apply soil to it - an infection may get into the wound;
  • Do not limit yourself in drinking - the development of a tumor does not depend on the amount of fluid you drink. Rather, on the contrary, it is water that reduces the main symptoms of intoxication.

How to avoid a wasp sting?

To prevent unpleasant consequences from meeting a wasp, remember a few rules.

Rule 1. When going outdoors, give preference to clothes in neutral shades. It should cover your arms, legs and head.

Rule 2. Do not wear sweet perfume in hot weather - it will attract insects.

Rule 3. Do not eat berries, sweets and fruits on the street.

Rule 4. When you see wasps next to you, do not wave your arms or make sudden movements.

Rule 5: Don't disturb the hives.

A wasp sting is an unforgettable moment. Anyone who has ever experienced her attack will definitely remember these sensations forever. Besides pain, the first thing that occurs in most people who are stung is panic. But this is the wrong reaction, and if you know what to do in this case and how to help yourself or another victim, you can avoid almost any complications.

Firstly, in order to provide assistance competently, you need firm confidence that it was really a wasp that stung you, and not a bee. Otherwise further actions may turn out to be not only useless, but also fraught dangerous consequences. Secondly, it is important to imagine what the bite site looks like. It is this knowledge in combination that will be the starting point in providing first aid.

Symptoms of a wasp sting

If a person is healthy, he will survive a wasp attack without any special consequences, but if correct actions the pain will disappear in 1-3 hours, and all other symptoms will disappear in a couple of days. A normal reaction is considered if there is:

  • sharp pain, burning at the site of the bite;
  • redness;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • swelling or swelling.

If the victim has or is intolerant, the picture after the insect attack will be much darker, and any of the following will be added to the indicated symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • rash locally or throughout the body;
  • general increase in temperature;
  • hives or swelling throughout the body in the form of lesions resembling whitish blisters;
  • shortness of breath, increased heart rate;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • momentary fainting;
  • convulsions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

In addition to the fact that in people with allergies, the reaction to a sting is more severe, the sting site also takes longer to heal. Such a reaction is possible even with a single bite, not to mention multiple ones, so it is these people who need emergency help, otherwise everything can end in disaster.

First aid

If the “culprit” has been identified and by all indications the bite is clearly a wasp, all that remains is to immediately begin “rescue” measures.

Is there a sting?

The first thing to do is make sure there is no sting. The wasp never leaves it, except in cases where it was slammed in place at the moment of stinging. In a panic, the victim is unlikely to pay attention to exactly what moment he killed the wasp, and certainly no one can be sure whether she managed to pull out the sting before she was swatted.

If the wasp’s “weapon” still remains, it must be carefully pulled out with treated tweezers or a needle, not forgetting to first disinfect the wound.

Neutralization of poison

The hole in the skin closes very quickly, so all actions must be smooth and clear. The poison should not be squeezed out, as this will increase blood circulation around the affected area and the poison will quickly spread further. When sucking, it is not scary if some part of the poison is accidentally swallowed, but you still need to try to spit it out right away.

You can prevent further penetration of poison into the blood in the following ways:

  • Put something sour on the wound - a slice of citrus, part of an onion or a clove of garlic (cut to the bite site). Any acid will neutralize wasp venom.

  • No worse than acids, a piece of refined sugar soaked in water will absorb poison. It also needs to be applied to the bite site.

  • Cover the wound with a piece of cloth soaked in a soda solution.

  • Give the victim more to drink (sweet water or tea). Drinking, despite erroneous opinion, does not contribute to an increase in edema, there is no connection at all. This is necessary to “dilute” the poison that has entered the body.

Relieving swelling and pain

To relieve pain and reduce swelling, there are the following methods:

  • put ice or something very cold on the bite site for half an hour;
  • apply an alcohol or vinegar compress;
  • make porridge by mixing baking soda with water and hold it on the wound;
  • add a piece of tomato or grated parsley.

To prevent the development of an allergic reaction, it is advisable for any victim (and for allergy sufferers – a must!) to take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).

It is also useful to lubricate the bite site with Fenistil, Insectoline, Advantan, Soventol, Psilobalm gel, and in case of extensive swelling, take Diphenhydramine or Loratadine.

If the reaction to a bite is clearly more severe than normal, in addition to all the above actions, the victim must be provided with access to air (remove tight and tight clothing, open windows). Then give antihistamine, apply cold to the bite site and call an ambulance.

Anaphylactic shock often develops rapidly, and any delay can kill the victim. An ambulance should be called immediately after the bite, and while waiting for it, provide the necessary emergency assistance on your own.

Typically, people who are allergic to wasp venom carry an epinephrine auto-injector with them. If the victim of an insect attack is physically unable to inject himself, it is necessary to take this function into his own hands. To do this you need:

  • remove the cap;
  • press the injector to the outer part of the thigh (slightly to the side);
  • give an injection for at least 5 seconds (can be done through clothing).

Actions must be quick, as seconds often count.

What is prohibited to do

Sometimes it's better to do nothing than to do anything. - this is no joke, and any wrong action can only worsen the situation. Under no circumstances should you:

  • squeeze out the poison with your hands (this can speed up the spread of poison through the blood or cause an infection);
  • scratch the bite site and pick at it (infection will occur);
  • limit drinking too much;
  • apply earth (despite the fact that it gives some analgesic effect);
  • panic (you can miss precious time, and in the case when a child is stung, you can scare him even more).

If a wasp attacked a child

When a wasp stings a child, all actions should be the same as in the case of an adult. But here it is better to use other medications: Rescue balm, Gardex Baby, Mosquitall, Picnic Family.

In addition, the child will already have a panic from the pain, and if an adult is nearby in hysterics, the baby’s condition can only be aggravated. Therefore, it is important to be outwardly calm, collected and confident, to be able to convince the child that there is nothing terrible or to distract him.

If after 2 days in front of everyone measures taken If things don't get better, see a doctor.

Particularly dangerous bites

It’s not so bad if a wasp stings your arm, leg, finger, etc. And if you don’t talk about allergies to wasp venom, the most severe consequences are bites on the neck and head (on the tongue, nose, eye, lip or ear). Most often in such cases, without medical care is indispensable, and the sooner you can get it, the better for the victim.

When bitten in the neck, extensive swelling immediately develops, which can simply block Airways, and this is already a risk fatal outcome. If the victim is wheezing, his breathing is hoarse and wheezing, nothing will help as quickly as a hollow tube inserted into the throat, through which he can breathe until the doctors arrive. Although, inserting such a tube correctly is very difficult, and any incorrect action can injure the larynx.

Swelling after a bite to the nose will also block the air supply, but you won’t be able to “break through” the nasal passages on your own. Need a doctor's help.

If the bite is in the eye, the following symptoms may occur (of course, not all at once):

  • burning;
  • tearing or purulent discharge from the eye;
  • swelling of the eyelid;
  • capillary rupture;
  • closing the eye (fully or partially);
  • scleral rupture;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane.

It is impossible to say in advance exactly what signs will appear when stung in the eye area, because it depends on the individual reaction and concentration of the poison. The eyelid is very thin and sensitive, so best case scenario the eye will simply swell and a large bruise will form around it.

A bite on the tongue is also dangerous with a high probability of death. From a wasp sting, the organ can swell so much that it blocks the access of air to the respiratory tract and literally “does not fit” into the mouth. Only help here emergency appeal to the doctor.

If a wasp stings in the ear, it depends on the location of the puncture with the sting. If this is the edge of the sink, the ear will swell and hurt, but it’s not that bad. It is worse if the attack occurs closer to the entrance to the inner ear. Then it is necessary to urgently take the victim to a specialist or call an ambulance. It is very problematic to help here on your own (do not suck out the poison, apply cold - it is fraught with otitis media, etc.).

The skin of the lips is very thin, and if a wasp stings there, it will be very painful. Besides, blood vessels on the lips are located very close, so the poison can spread faster, and the hematoma and swelling will be more extensive. Ice for pain relief and swelling and refined sugar to draw out poison are the best actions in such situations.

Cases when a wasp stings a pregnant woman are also dangerous. From fear and pain, the uterus can become toned, which often leads to miscarriage. Moreover, it does not matter where the bite occurred - in the arm, leg, chest or back - in any case, it is a shock for the pregnant woman. That's why expectant mother You must immediately call a doctor, and while waiting, provide first (non-medicinal) aid.

The wasp never bites itself, so correct behavior in its presence, caution in nature is a guarantee that you will not have to be scared, endure pain and frantically look for a way out of the situation when an insect attacks.

Probably, almost every person has been bitten by a wasp at least once in his life, and almost every person is familiar with unpleasant symptoms such a bite. First of all, the victim feels sharp pain and burning. Then the skin at the site of the bite turns red, swelling may occur, which goes away after 1-2 hours. However, if the bite site is located on the face, the swelling may not go away within two days; the skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. If a person is attacked by several wasps at once, this can lead to a general toxic reaction.

Some people are hypersensitive to wasp stings. After being bitten, they experience a severe allergic reaction, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature
  • breathing complications and asthma attacks
  • chills
  • nausea and vomiting
  • cramping pain in the abdominal area

Sometimes there is pronounced weakness, and even loss of consciousness and convulsions.

It is worth noting that a wasp attack is significantly different from a bee attack. The wasp can both bite and sting. The insect bites with its jaws, and the sting, which is located on the belly, injects poison. The sting of a wasp, unlike bees, does not have teeth, so it does not get stuck in human skin, which means that the wasp can sting several times in a row. These insects are especially aggressive in late summer and early autumn, since during this period they experience an acute shortage of food.

First aid for a wasp sting

If you have been bitten by a wasp, you need to take action as soon as possible the following measures:

  • Try to carefully remove the sting using tweezers if it remains at the bite site. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the sting, as this will provoke the release of even more poison.
  • The bite site must be treated. Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for this procedure. weak solution potassium permanganate, a solution of salt and water (one dessert spoon of salt per 200 milliliters boiled water), water solution and ammonia in a ratio of 5:1 respectively.
  • Apply ice to the wound site. If you don’t have ice on hand, you can soak a piece of cloth in cold water and attach it.
  • The person who has been bitten needs to consume a large number of liquids.

Folk remedies for wasp stings

Treatment with urine

Fresh urine healthy person is safe and, moreover, it will help you avoid the unpleasant symptoms of a wasp bite. To do this, you need to treat the bite site with it.

Treatment with plantain

Plantain can “calm” the affected area skin. To do this, do the following simple steps:

  1. Wash the plantain leaf thoroughly
  2. then mash it thoroughly so that the leaf releases the juice
  3. after that, apply this sheet to the affected area and secure it with a plaster or bandage
  4. change the compress to a new one several times a day

In a similar way you can use fresh leaves dandelion

Onion treatment

  1. take a raw onion and cut it into two parts
  2. after that, apply one of the halves to the bite site
  3. can also be soaked onion juice cotton pad and use it in the same way

Treatment with tea tree essential oil

Treat the wasp sting with essential oil tea tree. This substance has strong antiseptic properties.

If you are allergic to wasp stings

The danger for allergy sufferers is the poison released from the wasp's sting during a bite. If you suffer from, then in the summer you should do everything possible to avoid contact with these insects. The following tips will help you avoid a meeting:

  • When going out into nature, do not go barefoot
  • avoid dense thickets and bushes
  • do not wear very bright clothes - they will attract insects
  • When going out into nature, try not to use cosmetics and perfumes, as odors similar to those of plants can also attract wasps

When to Seek Medical Help

In particular severe cases a wasp sting may represent serious threat for human life. An alarm bell The following factors and symptoms are:

  • after an insect bite, the victim experiences difficulty breathing, swelling oral cavity or throat, severe rash on the body, pronounced weakness, difficulty speaking, confusion, fainting, convulsions
  • if in a short period of time a person has received more than ten wasp bites
  • if a person has previously been allergic to the bites of these insects
  • if a child is injured or an old man
  • if the bite is in the area of ​​the eyes, mouth or throat
  • if it is possible to establish symptoms of infection, that is, a fever has appeared, the pain gradually only intensifies, and an abscess has formed at the site of the bite

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In summer, nature is at its most active: plants bloom, fruits ripen, insects are at work. At this time, there is a high probability of getting a wasp sting: these insects can sting anyone. What should be done in such a situation, what are the symptoms, and why is a wasp sting dangerous? We will answer these questions today in order to meet the summer season fully armed.

It is believed that insects use their sting for defense, but they can sting even when you did not intend to offend them. A wasp, unlike a bee, does not die after being stung: it removes the sting and flies on. This happens because the wasp's sting is smooth and does not have serrations, like its other stinging relatives. Therefore, a wasp does not leave a sting in a person’s skin, but a bee, having stung, leaves its sting and immediately dies. But this is not the only difference between these stinging insects.

If the benefit from bee stings has been known for a long time, and is successfully used in apitherapy as effective treatment many ailments, then healing power You've hardly heard of wasp venom. Although the composition of the poison of these insects is very similar, the sting of a wasp sting is more toxic. If there is a “conflict” with a wasp, there is a high probability that a person will have an allergic reaction, and in some cases, a wasp sting can become deadly. Therefore, the benefit of the wasp is not felt, even if the poison contains useful substances.

To avoid having to be treated for wasp bites, you need to follow simple safety rules. If a stinging insect is flying nearby, you should not wave your arms and legs: this can anger the wasp. You need to be careful with food on the street, because wasps are attracted not only to sweets, but also to meat dishes.

The consequences of a wasp sting can vary. A minor inflammatory reaction often occurs: severe itching, pain, redness, swelling of the stung area of ​​skin. The insect injected poison under the skin, so such symptoms are not surprising. A tumor appears at the site of the bite immediately, and the skin itches, and you want to quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms. But what to do if you have an allergic reaction to insect venom?

Most people easily tolerate wasp venom. But there is a small percentage of those who feel extremely unwell after a wasp sting: fever, nausea, shortness of breath, and severe swelling around the stung area of ​​the skin. What should you do if you notice these symptoms after a bite? Allergy to wasp sting - serious reason go to the hospital, or even call an ambulance, but everyone can provide first aid and eliminate the main unpleasant symptoms.

First aid: what to do after a bite

To provide the right help When stung by a wasp, you need to make sure that it was this insect that stung. Try not to panic, but to recognize who exactly bit you: a wasp or a bee? This determines whether you need to look for a sting and what treatment to choose. Look at the photo below: these relatives, although similar, have clear external differences. The bee’s entire body is covered with villi (photo on the left), while the wasp is smoother and has a characteristic “wasp waist” (photo on the right).

The symptoms of a bee or wasp sting are similar and difficult to differentiate, but treatment may differ, albeit slightly. Remember: if you are bitten by a wasp, then there is no point in looking for the sting: it does not leave it in the body, but flies away, injecting poison. Treatment also depends on where the insect stung. On the legs and arms, bites cause slight discomfort in the form of itching and swelling. A bite to the neck or eye can be more painful.

It is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. For the first time after a bite, it is advisable to be at rest. Itching and painful sensations cause serious stress to the body, and it is undesirable to endure this nuisance on your feet. So the patient needs to take horizontal position and try to relax. The victim also needs to drink plenty of fluids: warm tea or mineral water is ideal.

Remember that the consequences of such a bite can be unpredictable, so you need to treat it immediately. There is no time to waste before the ambulance arrives, so you will have to provide first aid yourself. First of all, disinfect the skin and try to relieve swelling. Often the victim feels unbearable itching. It is advisable to anoint the skin with an antihistamine ointment, for example, Fenistil: it will help relieve itching and allow you to treat the skin to extract the poison.

What to do if you are in field conditions when you don't have a first aid kit with you? You should know that first aid for a wasp sting can be provided using improvised means. Plantain helps a lot; fortunately, it grows at every step. You can make a kind of compress out of it to soothe itching and relieve swelling. You can also treat the victim with improvised means.

Folk remedies for wasp stings

Eliminate unpleasant consequences proven help against a bite folk remedy- parsley. It needs to be crushed and the juice or gruel applied to the stung area. Swelling can be reduced by applying ice or a heating pad filled with cold water. The affected part of the body can be treated with strong tea leaves or aloe juice.

A good pain reliever is dandelion juice. His medicinal properties caused by the action of acid. To remove pain symptoms, you can make an ointment from berry juice, sorrel or lemon - the acidic components neutralize acidic environment poison. For the same purposes, you can make a compress from vinegar. A decoction of tansy is useful - you can lubricate the affected area with it, but lotions will be even more effective.

Another popular recipe is an ointment in the form olive oil. Many people have this product on their kitchen shelf, and it is useful not only in cooking. Fatty acid, which are part of the oil, soothe the skin and remove toxic substances. A little oil needs to be cooled and then anointed on the affected area. For information on how to help with a bite using garlic, see next video Channel One.

Consequences of a wasp sting

Insect bites themselves are unpleasant and cause discomfort: they itch and itch. But when a wasp stings, it injects poison with its sting. Its effect on the body leads to the following consequences:

  • the stung area begins to hurt very much;
  • A red tumor appears at the site of the bite;
  • Soon severe itching begins, and not only the bite itches, but the whole body.

Sometimes the body’s reaction can be completely unpredictable: the victim feels feverish and dizzy. Nausea and stomach pain may begin - this is how the body reacts to poison intoxication. An allergic reaction can occur even in those who previously calmly tolerated stinging insect bites. Next we will talk in more detail about how to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


Helps reduce swelling cold compress. You can make a heating pad with ice, or simply wet a clean cloth with cold water; It is also advisable to treat the wound special means against insect bites. Also, in order to cure edema faster, you need to limit your salt intake: it tends to retain water, and with edema this is absolutely useless.

Why does swelling appear? This causes fluid to accumulate in the tissues. In the area of ​​the body inflamed by the bite, blood flow is disrupted, which leads to this problem. It often happens that a wasp stings, for example, a foot, and the whole leg swells. In this case, the swelling may not go away for a long time. If lotions and antiallergic symptoms do not help, it is better to seek treatment at the hospital.

Severe swelling

Your actions also depend on where the wasp stung. On the hands and body, the skin is rougher and swelling may be minor. But what should you do if a wasp stuck its sting into your eye? The skin here is much thinner and more sensitive, and the mucous membrane is very close.

The swollen area is often very itchy. But you should absolutely not scratch it: not only will this not save you from itching, but it also increases the risk of infection. To reduce swelling, use antiallergic ointment. It also wouldn’t hurt to take an antihistamine, such as Diazolin.


Nausea, fever, severe weakness, cramps - all these are signs of allergies. This reaction of the body is caused by the fact that a person high sensitivity intoxication. An allergy to a wasp sting often occurs in those who have been bitten by insects before. And the more bites there were in the past, the more likely allergies now.

The most terrible manifestations of an allergic reaction are angioedema or anaphylactic shock. People who have already encountered similar cases, must carry a card indicating the allergen, as well as medicine prescribed by the doctor. In any case, you cannot delay or treat such signs of allergies yourself, because incorrect actions can result in death.

For moderate manifestations of allergies, you can help yourself. You need to take medicine for allergies; it is better to combine tablets or syrup with ointment: it will have an immediate effect, while tablets will prevent the allergen from spreading in the body.

Non-standard cases

Ground wasp sting

Ground wasps often cause inconvenience to owners of country and garden plots: they place their nests directly on the ground (as in the photo below), making it difficult to do farming. Therefore, people go out to fight ground wasps, risking being stung. In addition, you can simply not notice their nest and step on it, thereby provoking the wasps. Then a logical question arises: how dangerous is a ground wasp bite, and what to do in this case?

In fact, groundling bites are not at all different from ordinary ones. The anatomy of these insects is similar, and the composition of the poison is almost the same. From the experience of those who were bitten by the ground wasp, the main effective remedies can be identified:

  • The well-known “Star” ointment relieves swelling well;
  • you can apply magnesium sulfate compresses;
  • If you immediately take suprastin or another antihistamine, you can get rid of the consequences of the bite in just a few days.

If a wasp bites a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, women become more sensitive and are very worried about the health of their baby. Therefore, the question of how wasp stings are perceived during pregnancy seems quite natural. We hasten to reassure you: the toxic substances contained in wasp venom will not reach the baby. Of course, myself expectant mother will experience painful sensations, but this will not affect the health of the fetus in any way.

The most important thing during pregnancy is to choose correct treatment. During this crucial period for a woman, not all medications can be used. Even if you have previously successfully used ointment against insect bites, read the instructions carefully. If the use of the drug during pregnancy is not permitted, you will have to discontinue it.

The only exception is a severe allergic reaction of a pregnant woman to a wasp sting. This stress on the immune system can affect fetal development, so use strong drugs Maybe. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor. For minor symptoms, try to endure, and to relieve pain take paracetamol or noshpa: these medications are approved for pregnant women. The most important thing is to remain calm, and then you and your baby’s health will not be in danger.

Video “When not to go to the doctor”

The question of how to treat a wasp sting arises at least once in almost every person’s life. After all, the sting of this small insect can not only cause pain, but also cause an acute allergic reaction. To prevent these negative manifestations, everyone should know how to provide first aid to a victim of a wasp sting.

What is the danger?

What we used to call a wasp “bite” is actually an injection from a sharp sting. Moreover, as soon as this small spear penetrates the skin, a specific poison is sprayed out of it, to which more than 2% of the population of our planet are hypersensitive. And if for many a wasp sting is only a painful lesion of the skin, then for this category of people it is dangerous defeat organism, which can provoke even a dose of a cocktail of biologically active substances, such as acetylcholine, neurotoxin, histamine, etc., the reaction can be the most unpredictable. And if you don’t know what to do after receiving a wasp sting, swelling and itching will add to the rash, as well as other symptoms.

If hypersensitivity no to wasp venom, a single bite will not cause special harm health. But the difficulty is that this striped insect has a very large supply of poison, which is enough for several attacks. It is also worth noting that wasps are predators that live in entire colonies. By disturbing their nest, a person can cause himself to be attacked by many individuals. A large number of bites can cause general intoxication.

This poses the greatest danger to people who suffer from diabetes, allergies and asthma, as well as to children, the elderly and pregnant women, whose bodies cannot cope with toxins on their own. Therefore, knowing if you have received a wasp sting and overcoming the intoxication is simply your responsibility. Sometimes having such information can help save a person’s life no less.

There are many bacteria on the legs and body of wasps (in fact, like all insects), which can enter the human body during a bite. After such migration, microorganisms become accustomed to the new environment and begin to multiply, as a result - infectious purulent abscesses, and sometimes even various intestinal diseases. At the first signs of infection, you should not use ointment for a wasp sting; it is advisable to immediately contact medical care. Otherwise inflammatory process can spread and cause significant harm to health.

General algorithm of actions for a wasp sting

Having received a bite from such an aggressive insect, you must not lose control of yourself and not make sudden movements. You should leave the place where the wasp flies. The attempt to crush the offender should also be abandoned, since the poison in her abdomen contains a specific substance that causes aggression in other individuals of this species. Therefore, at this moment it is better to focus on how to treat a wasp sting, and not how to deal with the striped offender.

When the threat of repeated bites has passed, you should worry about the wound. It should be treated and a bandage applied, on top of which a cold object or piece of ice should be applied.

Treatment of wasp stings

A small wound from a wasp sting needs to be treated disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide, iodine or alcohol-containing liquids are ideal for this. If there are no such antiseptics at hand, but there is aspirin, this will be enough. The tablet needs to be crushed to a powder and a couple of drops of water are added, the resulting paste is applied to the affected area of ​​the body and a bandage is applied. If the bite is on an arm or leg, you need to fix the antiseptic using elastic bandage, then the poison will not spread throughout the body. In cases where there are no medications at hand, you can use regular soap. However, before smearing a wasp sting, the wound should be washed with running water.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to remove it from the body as quickly as possible. toxic substances after drinking large amounts of liquid. It is better if it is sweetish weak tea, mineral or purified water. If the victim begins to experience an allergic reaction, such as hives or swelling, an antihistamine should be given. The medicine “Fenistil”, “Diazolin” or “Zodak” will cope well with the task. Consulting a doctor in such cases is mandatory.

There is a bite, but there is no first aid kit in the house

It’s probably not worth saying that our grandmothers are either. But at that time there was not such a large assortment medications. Therefore, you can immediately go to the treatment recipes that our ancestors used.

For many centuries, onions were the main remedy. Half of the onion was applied to the affected area and held for 12-15 minutes. This recipe has not lost its relevance today, because wasps most often sting in nature, in the country, and at this time you do not have the necessary set of medications with you.

Prevent unpleasant itching Garlic will help with swelling from a wasp sting. A broken or cut clove should only be used to lubricate the damaged area of ​​skin, but under no circumstances apply garlic to the wound, as it may cause a burn.

Ordinary table vinegar is also useful when providing first aid, which can not only lubricate the wound, but also be used as the main means for a compress. A generously moistened piece of cotton wool, bandage or cotton cloth is applied to the bite site for 5-10 minutes.

Freshly picked parsley can also do a good job if a wasp stings. To do this, the leaves should be washed and applied to the wound.

If in nature

If an encounter with a wasp that ended in a bite occurred in nature, you should not immediately panic. The first thing to do is to slowly move away from the scene of the incident, without causing additional aggression in the insect, and remember how to treat the wasp sting so that the consequences are minimal. Plantain is ideal for this, just one leaf of which can prevent swelling. To do this, rinse it and rub it with your hands until the juice appears, then apply it to the wound for 5-7 minutes. This method is effective and simple, but it is worth considering that plantain grows most often near bodies of water, and in dry places it is almost impossible to find it.

So, a wasp sting. What to do? A tumor, or rather swelling, can very quickly spread to a large area of ​​the skin, so drastic measures should be taken immediately. And celandine will help with this. Many people know that a large amount of yellow-orange juice is released from a plucked leaf or stem of this plant; it is they who need to cauterize the bite wound. However, this product should be used with extreme caution, because celandine juice in concentrated form is poisonous. Therefore, before smearing a wasp sting with such a product, you should remember that you only need to treat the wound, but under no circumstances apply the juice to the skin around it.

Preparing lotions and ointments for wasp bites

The easiest way to prepare for the summer season, when insects sting most often, is in the spring. It is at this time of year that dandelions begin to bloom, from which you can make effective medicine. To do this, fill a jar with opened flowers and fill them to the top with edible vegetable oil, and then let it brew for 24 hours. Next, the container with the contents must be kept in a water bath for 40-45 minutes and left for another day. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered through a fine strainer or 2-3 layers of gauze. This kind of ointment for a wasp sting can not only remove swelling from the affected area, but also cope well with itching. It must be stored in a cool place.

Another remedy that has proven effective is an alcohol-based ointment, vegetable oil and St. John's wort. To prepare it, all three ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions and left for 48 hours. It is better to store this ointment in the refrigerator, and before smearing a wasp sting, the container with the product should be shaken. Within a couple of minutes after use, the unpleasant itching will disappear, as will the swelling, and only a small red spot will remain on the skin.

If you are allergic

Predisposition to allergic reactions in different situations may cause poor health. And a wasp sting is certainly no exception. Within a couple of minutes after the poison enters the body, a person may experience hives, swelling, and sometimes even anaphylactic shock. Therefore, everyone should know how to treat a wasp sting taking into account this feature and what the first aid algorithm is.

During the summer season, when these striped predators are most active, you must have an antihistamine with you. This could be one of the medications such as Tavegil, Claritin or Suprastin. How long a wasp sting lasts with this treatment completely depends on the individual person. But if within 2 hours after taking the medication the symptoms of an allergic reaction do not subside, but are only supplemented by new manifestations, you should urgently consult a doctor.

How do you know if you are allergic to wasp venom?

In order to know how the body may react to wasp venom, people with a predisposition to allergies must take a laboratory test for positive result remember: you should always carry a syringe and several ampoules with Prednisolone with you.

When should you immediately seek medical help?

If a child has received a wasp sting, there is no need to think about how to remove the tumor on your own. You need to urgently seek medical help, because the baby’s body can respond instantly allergic reaction, even if there is no predisposition to allergies. You should not take measures on your own even when a wasp has stung an elderly person or there are more than 10 bites on the victim’s body.

Reception antihistamine after receiving a dose of wasp venom, it should bring the desired relief, but if this does not happen, and the symptoms continue to manifest themselves, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. The specialist certainly knows how to treat a wasp sting with such complications. And he can pick it up effective course treatment.