The sore does not heal for a long time. Causes of poor wound healing on the skin

Bruises, cuts, scratches, burns varying degrees or any other damage to the skin - there is no such person who personally, or through the example of his relatives, did not encounter such wounds.

If with serious injuries they turn to a doctor, then minor wounds are treated on their own or simply do not pay attention to them.

But the body does not always manage to cope and often the wounds do not heal or the healing process lasts long time.

There are also cases of suppuration.

So what is the reason for the long healing? What to do if the wound does not heal?

Or what to do if the wound festered? When should you go to the surgeon? Let's try to figure it all out.

The wound does not heal - reasons

The healing process largely depends not only on the severity of the injury. There are many factors and reasons that directly affect this. Also, not all wounds heal the same way, depending on the type of wound. Wounds are usually divided according to the nature of the damage:

1. Sliced- such damages usually have smooth edges and insignificant depth. They are easy to apply with any sharp object. For example, with a razor, knife, glass, etc. The healing time of such a wound lasts no more than a week and depends on its depth.

2. Stab- arise as a result of exposure to a sharp piercing object (nail, awl, splinters, etc.). The healing of such wounds largely depends on its depth and is complicated by the lack of oxygen access into the wound itself.

3. Chopped- can be applied with any sharp tool (axe, scythe, rotating elements of production equipment, etc.). It is impossible to cure such wounds on their own, as they are very deep and often accompanied by bone damage.

4. Torn- edges of the wound this case uneven "torn". Such damage is easily obtained when injured with a saw. They heal for a very long time (up to a month). Usually complicated by necrosis and suppuration.

5. Scalped- when the skin hangs like a "patch". If the wound is not infected and has an insignificant surface of damage, then it will take no more time to heal than for an incised wound;

6. Bitten- wounds that do not heal for months. They are used by both domestic and wild animals.

7. Bruised- such a wound can easily be obtained by hitting with a stick or club. Healing is complicated by tissue fragility and thrombosis of its vessels, and they can heal up to several weeks.

8. Burns can also be attributed to wounds and the time of their healing depends not only on the type of damage (chemical or thermal), but also on the degree of their severity.

From the foregoing, it can be incorrectly concluded that the timing of wound healing is stable. But in reality this is far from the case. Big influence the duration of healing can be affected by the nature of the origin of the wound, improper first aid or infection due to poor-quality treatment.

Age, accompanying illnesses leading to violation metabolic processes and reduced immunity, can also slow down this process. In sick people diabetes, AIDS and HIV carriers wounds may not heal for years.

Wound treatment or what to do if the wound does not heal - medicines

Definitely the most best recommendation if the wound does not heal for a long time - timely apply for qualified help. A treated wound will heal much faster. The specialist will advise on proper care for her and, if necessary, prescribe drugs for treatment. But if for some reason this is not possible, then try to follow the following binding rules:

1. If the wound is fresh, try to stop the bleeding - wash the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can not cauterize the site of damage with iodine. He calls severe burn tissues, thereby complicating healing. They can only treat the skin around the damage.

2. After the bleeding has been stopped and in the future when leaving, treat before dressing skin around the wound to prevent infection. Medical alcohol is best suited for these purposes. IN last resort anything containing alcohol, if possible, not containing essential oils.

3. After that, treat the wound itself with peroxide and blot with a bandage or gauze. Make sure that there are no threads on damaged fabrics. Carefully inspect the wound and remove the foreign body, if any (shards, wood debris from splinters, etc.).

4. Then wash the wound with any aseptic solution - "Chlorhexidine", "Furacillin" or weak solution potassium permanganate.

5. Accelerate the healing of abrasions and small wounds helps cream "ARGOSULFAN®". The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides wide range antibacterial action cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and in addition, promotes wound healing without a rough scar 1

It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Until now, out of ignorance, wounds are sprinkled with Streptocide. But experts do not recommend doing this. When reacting with a transparent serous exudate, its powder covers the wound with a hard-to-wash off "crust". Under it, with weeping wounds, exudate accumulates, which can lead to long healing or suppuration.

What to do if the wound festered - possible consequences

The first sign of suppuration is the discharge of a viscous, cloudy, slightly yellowish exudate (pus) from the wound. When it appears, disinfection should be carried out immediately. wound surface. But before washing it, you must first carefully remove pus from the wound with a dry gauze cloth and only after that process the edges and the wound surface itself.

If possible, immediately contact the surgeon - purulent discharge should not be removed. Their characteristics help the doctor determine the degree of neglect of the wound.

If the wound festered and is not properly treated, there may be serious complications both local and general. At the site of suppuration best case an abscess may form - when pus collects at the site of infection and does not diverge into other tissues (has clear boundaries). Such an abscess is opened, and it may take up to a month for it to heal. At worst - phlegmon. In this case, pus can spread to other tissues and lead to more severe complications, up to amputation of limbs, the occurrence of sepsis and lethal outcome.

What to do if the wound festered - folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine recipes that allow you to cleanse the wound of pus and speed up the healing process. festering wounds.

The most common is the juice of the aloe plant. They should plentifully irrigate the purulent wound after washing, before applying a bandage.

The fastest resorption of infiltrates and abscesses is facilitated by lotions from the herb of sweet clover.

A wonderful remedy for purulent wounds, especially cuts, wormwood juice. They, like aloe juice, need to irrigate the washed purulent wound, and mint leaves should be applied along its edges.

A widely popular method is folk technique treatment of purulent wounds with nettle. Well-dried and powdered nettle leaves are sprinkled on a wound cleansed of pus, and after half an hour they are washed off with a decoction of the same nettle. To prepare such a decoction, you need to pour half a liter of 100 grams of nettle boiled water and bring to a boil. Then add 50 grams of honey, stir well and cool. Before use, the decoction must be filtered.

We should not forget that not every remedy can suit a particular person, and in some cases worsen the condition of the wound. Therefore, before using them, you should consult with a specialist.

What to do if the wound does not heal - when should I go to the surgeon?

Even if a minor wound does not heal for a long time (more than a week). If after 2-3 days purulent discharge appeared from it, and the edges turned red and inflamed. There was a throbbing pain in the area of ​​damage, the body temperature rose sharply to 38 degrees - you should immediately go to the surgeon. The specialist will do primary processing wounds, conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Also, if a long non-healing wound arose against the background of chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system obstructing blood circulation. If a person has diabetes mellitus, there are oncological or chronic infectious diseases- You should not postpone the visit to the doctor, you should immediately visit a specialist.

1 E.I. Tretyakova. Complex treatment long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies. Clinical dermatology and venereology. — 2013.- №3

Long-term non-healing skin ulcers are quite common. Long-term non-healing ulcers are characterized by a defect in the skin, as well as mucous and deeper tissues, these processes develop as a result of necrosis against the background of trophic disorders, as a result, regenerative processes proceed at a slow pace, and the disease itself is protracted.

Ulcers usually develop in an area with a disturbed metabolic process, as a result, the healing process is practically absent, granulation tissue appears slowly. Non-healing trophic ulcers are quite a serious problem. Their treatment takes a long time.

Ulcers are a polyetiological disease that can occur in various pathological processes. Based on their origin, they are classified as follows:

In the first place are ulcers of venous origin (they occupy approximately 70%) of total number, and on the second - ulcers of traumatic origin (up to 25%). Despite the diversity etiological factors that cause the ulcerative process, there are common pathogenetic features, in particular, a violation of tissue trophism with a microcirculation disorder and foci of necrosis.

Subsequently to ulcer formation an infectious process can join, which will also lead to a long non-healing ulcer, pathogenic microorganisms will penetrate into the surrounding tissues, which will aggravate the regeneration process.
Over time, the ulcer increases in size, pathological process affects more and more deeper layers of tissues, destruction of blood vessels occurs, it is possible purulent arthritis, as well as malignancy (degeneration of a malignant ulcer) is not excluded.

Long-term non-healing skin ulcers can provoke a generalized infectious process, which will require an emergency medical intervention.

Pathoanatomy of long non-healing ulcers

Concerning pathological anatomy similar formations, then they are characterized by polymorphism, that is, they can be diverse in shape: round, oval, in the form of stars, as well as superficial and crater-shaped in depth.

The bottom of the ulcer is covered with pale granulation tissue, it is loose, with areas of necrotic tissue. The walls of this pathological formation are dense, surrounded connective tissue along the periphery. Their edges are uneven, undermined, reddened or with a bluish tinge, the so-called cyanotic. The marginal epithelialization of the ulcerative area is poorly expressed.

According to the localization of ulcers on the skin are as follows

Trophic ulcers of venous origin, they are mainly located in the ankles or in the lower part of the lower leg, the skin is dense, ulcerated with concomitant lymphostasis, with serous, bloody or purulent nature.

Diabetic skin ulcers occur mainly on the phalanges of the feet, they irregular shape, their edges are uneven with areas of necrotic tissue, they are characterized by pain.

Neurotrophic ulcers are predominantly localized in the area of ​​the feet, on heel tubercle in the so-called denervated areas. Their area is usually small, but the depth is quite significant in the form of a crater. The bottom of such an ulcer is tendons, muscle or bone tissue. Detachable exudate is purulent, scanty, granulations are sluggish or may be completely absent, tissue sensitivity is reduced.

Infectious ulcers are shallow, concentrated in groups, their edges are soft, doughy structure, the skin around is inflamed. Discharge from the ulcerative area is thickish, purulent.

Radiation ulcers come with abrupt edges, they are rounded, can be deep, down to the bones. Heal long time which requires patience and appropriate treatment from the patient.

Ulcers on the background malignant neoplasms formed against the backdrop of decay tumor formation. Its edges are bumpy, necrotic tissue is noted at the bottom, there is no granulation process.

Treatment of ulcers

Long-term non-healing ulcers are difficult to heal. It is important to normalize tissue trophism, activate reparative processes, and normalize metabolism. They are fighting with pathogenic flora by prescribing antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing therapy is indicated, vitamin preparations and so on.

Local treatment is aimed at combating pathogenic infection and on fast cleansing ulcers. For this, washings are carried out, antiseptics, ointments, sorption coatings are prescribed, proteolytic enzymes are effective, dressings are shown in compliance with asepsis, in addition, they use biogenic stimulants(propolis, vulnuzan, apilac, solcoseryl), and in difficult situations carry out surgical treatment by skin plasty with excision of scar tissue.

Skin acting as a shield for the body, have the ability to recover quickly. The tissue regeneration phase begins on the sixth day after injury, while the skin is able to renew itself on the second.

Photo 1. The rate of wound healing depends on its depth and characteristics of the organism. Source: Flickr (Darko Pevec).

Why Wounds Don't Heal

Fine the healing process covers three(some researchers suggest four) consecutive stages.

  1. In the first minutes after injury in damaged tissues, inflammation phase: various elements (platelets, phagocytes, macrophages) enter the wound through the bloodstream, preventing its infection and increase in the wound surface. The damaged area is literally cleared of dead cells and microorganisms, preparing for the second phase. This period usually takes about 1-2 days.
  2. Proliferation phase(growth) lies in the fact that the wound cavity is filled with actively dividing cells and vessels. There is a process of tissue regeneration, which takes a longer time (from 3 to 14 days).
  3. Full phase(final) healing and recovery can take months or even years. But small scratches able to recover throughout the week.

Exist various factors, which affect the speed of the specified stages of injury. That's why if wounds on the skin do not heal well, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Size and nature of damage. Of course, the cut after surgical intervention will heal longer than a small scratch.
  • Improper wound care or its absence. Neglect of the rules of asepsis and disinfection leads to infection of the damaged area. It takes longer for the body's defense cells to fight off the infection.
  • Age. The processes of regeneration and epithelialization in children take place without scarring and much faster than in the elderly. This is due to the different content of collagen in tissues and increased activity immune cells at a young age.
  • Nutrition. Cause poor healing wounds may become malnutrition or beriberi. Flaw nutrients has a strong effect on the functioning of the circulatory and immune systems, which are involved in the restoration of the state of the wound surface. At the same time, vitamins, micro- and macroelements are involved in the synthesis of collagen (vitamin C, zinc), accelerate epithelialization (vitamin B7) and protect the skin from adverse effects. external factors(coenzyme Q10, vitamins A and E).
  • Diseases. It is known, for example, that diabetes causes non-healing wounds on the legs. Such disorders that provoke skin damage include malfunctions hormonal background, tumors, autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiencies.

Non-healing weeping wounds

The appearance is explained by damage to soft tissues through the formation of ulcers. Such damage does not dry out due to constant secretion of ichorus(blood plasma). The main danger of this type of pathology is the possibility of developing sepsis.

Note! If a weeping wound or ulcer does not heal for a long time, the process is accompanied by pain, the wound becomes larger or changes color, and its edges diverge, you should immediately seek qualified medical care. Even one of these signs is enough to immediately undergo an examination.

There are several reasons for such non-healing wounds:

  • infection. The ichor acts as a "rinse" of the wound cavity, removing foreign microorganisms (bacteria, fungi).
  • The occurrence of bedsores. IN lying position creates excess pressure on soft tissues, disrupting normal blood flow and their nutrition. This problem occurs in patients who are forced to lie down or sit for a long time. Medical personnel caring for such patients are obliged to carry out the prevention of bedsores.
  • Diseases. For some pathologies, the formation of weeping wounds is characteristic.
  • Diabetes causes education trophic ulcers, which look like .
  • Skin diseases (eczema and psoriasis).
  • Varicose varicose veins on the legs and thrombophlebitis.
  • Immunodeficiencies.

Features of therapy for diabetes

"Syndrome diabetic foot"- the name of the symptom complex, the signs of which are the appearance of weeping ulcers in the feet and legs, inflammation subcutaneous tissue And bone tissue. If the patient does not receive appropriate treatment, there is a risk of developing gangrene, followed by amputation or death.

Therefore, medical healing of wounds on the foot with diabetes is mandatory and should be carried out. under medical supervision.

To prevent all possible Negative consequences, the patient must first revise mine life style and strictly adhere to the recommendations of the endocrinologist. If the wound on the leg does not heal for a long time, only a specialist will tell you how to treat it.

Note! Without correction carbohydrate metabolism it will be extremely difficult for a diabetic to eliminate ulcers on the legs.

Treatment of non-healing wounds

Consult a doctor for advice- the best recommendation for the treatment of this pathology: if, after numerous treatments, the damage does not go away, but on the contrary, it gets worse, this indicates the seriousness of the violations.

In this case, you should first establish the reasons why the wounds on the skin do not heal and, starting from the diagnosis, eliminate them.

Wound healing medicines

  • Antibiotics. Eliminate infection by inhibiting the development of microorganisms.
  • Painkillers drugs. Used for severe pain syndrome(eg, aspirin, ibuprofen, analgin, ketanov).
  • Desensitizing drugs. Glucocorticoids, antihistamines reduce swelling and signs of inflammation.
  • Antiplatelet agents. This group of drugs is prescribed to patients with diseases of the blood and blood vessels, which caused skin wounds.

At home, you can use local preparations Without anxiety symptoms(pain, swelling, enlargement of the wound).

  • . Solutions of hydrogen peroxide 3%, chlorhexidine, furacilin.
  • with an antibacterial component. For example, Levomekol, Streptolaven.
  • Sorbent dressings. Voskosorb, Gelepran.

After the sore dries, you can use healing creams and gels("Solcoseryl", products with panthenol, "Actovegin").

Folk remedies

  • Lotions from grated potatoes.
  • Lotions with onion juice.
  • Lotions with vodka and honey / propolis.
  • Crushed mummy powder.
  • Aloe juice.

Photo 2. Lotions from aloe - a proven way to speed up wound healing.

Many people have encountered such a problem when wounds do not heal for a long time. But why this happens, only a few know. In fact open wounds pose a huge threat because they facilitate access for various bacteria and viruses that can cause serious health problems. That is why it is important to know how to properly treat injuries on the body so that they heal as quickly as possible.

Wounds on the skin do not heal well: causes

The wound does not heal for a long time as a result of infection, and this can happen not only during the injury, but also after it. When infected, there is an increase in temperature, the appearance of redness, subcutaneous suppuration, pain and swelling.

Why do skin wounds not heal?

Other causes of long non-union of wounds: inflammatory processes in organism, oncological diseases, Availability extra pounds, HIV, etc.

What to do if the wounds on the skin do not heal?

It is best to seek qualified help in the presence of such a problem in order to avoid complications. The doctor will give all recommendations for proper care, as well as treat the damage.

If for some reason it is impossible to contact a specialist and the wound does not heal well, use the following tips:

  • To prevent infection during dressing, wash your hands with soap and water beforehand and treat them with alcohol. It is important to choose the right bandage - it is desirable to use materials that allow air to pass through, and it is better if they are wet. Dressings should be done twice a day;
  • Disinfection of a damaged surface that is dry should be carried out at least twice a day. In this case, ointments should be used that create a special film on the surface that prevents the penetration of microorganisms;
  • If the wound starts to get wet, then use pharmaceutical products- Bepanthen, Eplan or liquid preparations containing methyluracil. These funds contribute to rapid regeneration;
  • If the damaged area of ​​the skin is not inflamed, then it is recommended to use drying gels, as they contribute to rapid regeneration;
  • The use of ointments for wet wounds can slow down the healing process, since the wound will get wet, that is, as they say, in the people " turn sour»;
  • Many still use Streptocid, which is sprinkled on damaged areas. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because a crust will form on top, under which the exudate will glow, which will lead to prolonged healing;
  • Except local treatment, should help the body from the inside, giving preference proper nutrition. To help the regeneration processes, consume plenty of protein and fortified foods.

If the treatment of wounds is carried out incorrectly and an infection enters the damaged area, suppuration is observed, as evidenced by the release of a viscous and cloudy exudate from the injured area. At the first manifestations, be sure to disinfect by first blotting the discharge with a napkin. In this case, you should consult a doctor, because there is high risk the development of complications.

IN folk medicine There is different means, the action of which is aimed at the healing process. For example, take 70 g of burdock roots, grind them and pour 200 ml of them sunflower oil. Insist throughout the day, and then put on a minimum fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, strain and store in the refrigerator. The resulting ointment should be treated problem areas skin 2 times a day. In addition, it is recommended to drink a root decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Preventive measures

To prevent complications, after an injury, it is important to properly treat the injury site, this is what will allow the tissues to heal quickly.

How to properly treat wounds:

  • If the lesion is fresh, then try to stop the bleeding. For this purpose, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is forbidden to use iodine, as it causes severe tissue burns, which will only aggravate the healing process. Iodine is only allowed to treat the skin around the lesions;
  • To prevent infection, it is recommended to treat the skin around with medical alcohol. This procedure is carried out at each dressing. If there is no medical alcohol, use other alcohol-containing products that do not contain essential oils;
  • If there are any foreign bodies, such as splinters or glass fragments, then be sure to remove them. After that, treat the injury site again and blot it with a bandage or gauze;
  • Then use an aseptic solution, such as Chlorhexidine or Furacilin. Apply a bandage with the same remedy.

We have presented to your attention a list of the main reasons that lead to the fact that the skin is restored. for a long time. Use the recommendations provided to avoid complications.

If wounds heal slowly, there may be several explanations for this: infections, weakened immunity, diabetes, elderly age and vitamin deficiency. In the presence of some chronic diseases, you need to carefully monitor the wounds.

Wound infections are the most common cause of delayed healing. Infection can occur through contact foreign bodies, microscopic particles bearing pathogenic bacteria. Often the infection gets due to untimely or inadequate treatment. If present in the wound, the formation of collagen slows down, which impairs wound regeneration.

Weak immunity

The rate of wound healing depends largely on the condition immune system. Insufficient defenses of the body contribute to the development infectious process in the wound, which can slow down the healing process of the skin.


Wounds heal poorly in patients with diabetes mellitus. Initially, the wounds may dry out, then crack and fester.

Swelling of the extremities, which are often found in patients, interfere with rapid regeneration in case of skin damage. Also, this process is hindered by poor blood circulation and insufficient nutrition of tissues.

In order to solve the problem of slow wound healing in diabetes mellitus, first of all, measures are needed to address the underlying disease. Patients with diabetes need to carefully monitor the condition of the lower extremities.

Elderly age

Human age is one of the main factors affecting the rate of regeneration. Accumulated chronic diseases in old age. Non-healing wounds in old age are often accompanied by symptoms such as pain, heat body, swelling, redness and suppuration.

In old age, you should more carefully monitor the condition of the skin. When injuries occur, the wounds should be washed and antibacterial and antiseptic treatment(Echinacea tincture, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

Vitamin deficiency

Poor wound healing in children and young adults often indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Especially when it comes to group B, vitamins A and K, as well as calcium and zinc. As a rule, the lack of these vitamins and minerals is also accompanied by brittle hair, nails and bad condition teeth.