How to drink living water to cleanse the body. Video: Liver cleansing with allochol

Cleansing the body with water is becoming increasingly popular among people who practice healthy image life. Water helps the body get rid of accumulated toxins and waste, promotes rejuvenation and has a general healing effect.

Water is the source of human health

It is recommended to drink approximately 2.5 liters. Before your morning meal, you should drink 1-2 glasses of raw, clean water. Boiled water will not bring the same effect as raw water - due to the fact that the digestibility of boiled water by the body is not great.

Should not be replaced plain water juices, teas or other drinks. You can add ice cubes to the water or drink it chilled. melt water, which is prepared by freezing in the freezer. You should not drink tap water; it is better to drink it after additional filtration and purification. In cases where water purification is not possible, boil the water and drink it with the addition of natural honey, lemon or a small amount of apple cider vinegar.

Cleansing the body with mineral water

Cleansing the body mineral water It is produced using medicinal mineral water from springs or water supplied to pharmacies. There are two types of such cleansing: simple and deep cleansing.

In the first case, drink mineral water half an hour before meals three times a day. The amount of water is calculated from the ratio of 6-8 ml per 1 kg of body weight. After 10 days, the amount of mineral water consumed can be reduced by half. The duration of taking mineral water is a month.

Cleansing the body with salt water

For deep cleaning, 2 liters are required mineral water heat to 40 degrees and dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in it (preferably sea salt). Such cleansing of the body with salt water provokes a noticeable laxative effect, so it is best to set aside a free day for this procedure. Within an hour and a half, you must drink all the prepared water on an empty stomach. At the first stage, take 2 glasses of salt water at once and after 40 minutes, slowly drink the remaining amount of water. After complete bowel movements, it is recommended to eat soft food, preferably lean porridge.

This kind of cleansing leads to a deep cleansing of everything. gastrointestinal tract.

Such procedures should be repeated up to 5 times with pauses of 2 days. After this, preventive cleansing of the body with salt water is carried out at least once a quarter.

In addition to the traditional cleansing of the body with water, the yoga practice Shank-Prakshalana is widely used to completely cleanse the intestines with salt water.

In addition to taking water orally, it is necessary to perform a number of special physical exercises aimed at opening all passages of the gastrointestinal tract in the body. After such a procedure, the functioning of the digestive organs is noticeably improved, metabolic processes, weight is normalized and the blood is cleansed.

Water is a product that can never be replaced by anything else. For human body water is essential component. Humanity suffers massively from dehydration, and this applies to everyone: those living in countries where there is an acute problem of water shortages, and those who do not experience such difficulties. Most people simply do not consume water in the amount necessary for the body. Research conducted by scientists and doctors from many countries confirms that water is very important for humans. Constant use of small doses leads to the development of dehydration and dysfunction of many organs and systems. Cleansing the body with water helps restore lost health, get rid of toxins and waste, and promotes proper functioning of the body. physiological processes. How to cleanse the body, what water cleansing is, and what is recommended to do during this period - we will consider in detail.

Water as a means of life extension

Our ancestors knew that clean water has special properties. It is not for nothing that folk tales about the river “living water”, records from ancient times, have come to us. Pure water was used to treat various ailments, cleanse the body, increase resistance to adverse effects from outside. Water was used to treat joint diseases, fight overweight bodies and prevented early appearance wrinkles

With every year of life, more and more waste accumulates in the body, clogging the body. This directly affects health, worsening the functioning of the body as a whole and individual systems in particular. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that insufficient water consumption causes diseases such as oncology, hypertension, diabetes, and kidney disease. All harmful substances due to insufficient amount of water, they are not excreted, but settle in the cells, intestines, kidneys and other organs.

The most interesting thing is that to cleanse the body you do not need to take any intricate steps or perform complex manipulations: just drink a lot of water. And this means only clean water, not juices, tea or coffee. Minimal amount healing drink per day should exceed two liters. How more people If you drink fluids, the better you will feel. There is even a formula that helps calculate the required amount of fluid for a particular person. Thirty milliliters of water is needed per kilogram of mass. If a person weighs seventy kilograms, he will need 2.1 liters (70 multiplied by 0.03, we get 2.1 liters per day).

Cleansing the body hot water quite a simple method.
Wherein warm water significantly reduces cramps, heartburn and
other problems related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
This is explained simply - water entering the stomach before eating prepares it for the start of digestion, cleanses it of mucus that has accumulated
per night, from everything that is there.
And food, entering a clean stomach, begins to be processed faster.

This is why drinking hot water on an empty stomach is necessary and beneficial.
It not only has a laxative effect, due to which
you can gradually lose weight, but it is considered a kind of cleansing
remedy for the whole body.

If you regularly drink hot water on an empty stomach, you can get rid of
arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, chronic constipation, normalize
your weight, establish proper skin functioning, gently and gradually
remove sand and stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, facilitate liver function,
put away excess fat from problem areas, give joints greater flexibility.

Drink hot water helps lower blood pressure, remove
lymphostasis, venous stasis, accumulation of mucus in the lungs.
In general, excess mucus begins to be eliminated from the body, which leads to
cleansing and weight loss.

As you can see, the product is simple, harmless, free, allergenic,
without side effects, but the benefits from it are enormous!

The only thing that is required of you is regular use.

How to use?
In the morning, on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before meals, drink 0.5 liters
hot water. Its temperature should be the maximum permissible,
but not burning the mucous membrane, optimally 60°

I do this: pour half a glass of boiling water and add
cold water until full. I drink two glasses with a break
in 15 minutes. Moreover, I add 0.5 teaspoon to the first glass
baking soda.

The result is that it acts quite quickly, like a laxative.
On the first day, stool occurs several times in a row.
Increased urination. Then the process stabilizes, the stool
in the morning it becomes stable and regular.

Gradually, the body's condition improves as it cleanses.
In the morning it is better to get up early to have time to drink water and
get rid of waste. Or rather, the first glass is drunk in
40 minutes before breakfast, second after 15 minutes.

If you have a lot of problems in your body, it is good to drink hot water before
every meal, 15-20 minutes.

You need to drink hot water for a long time, ideally constantly. Why?
The fact is that when processing food, the body always remains
Normally, they should be removed 100% daily.
But as practice shows, this does not happen, and 10% -20%
toxins remain circulating in the blood.

80% of our toxins are water-soluble and are eliminated by the kidneys.
If the kidneys are functioning correctly, they can cope
with this task.
In most people, the kidneys cannot excrete the entire amount.
toxins and they, circulating in the blood, begin to damage
vessel walls. This leads to change over time.
in them, to the formation of blood clots and sclerotic plaques.

So, regularly drinking hot water helps the kidneys
dissolve more toxins and remove them completely.
This type of cleansing does not cause any additional hassle.
comfortable, quickly becomes a habit and works constantly.

However, after some time the pain may go away.
spine, if you have them. Will bounce back
blood pressure. Kidneys start working
much better.

It is advisable to help the body with movement. To do this through
3-5 minutes after you slowly drink water, do
spiral gymnastics.
You can view and master it

If you want to get more significant rejuvenation results
and health, we need to work on nutrition.

But it is better to do this individually, after determining your dosha
(constitution). Since people are different, nutrition also needs to be selected

If such a desire arises, please contact me in a personal message.
[email protected]

All the best! And be healthy!

Types of cleaning methods

Conventionally, all methods of water purification can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Cleansing using traditional methods.
  2. Purification by boiling, settling, freezing.
  3. Filtration using cleaning materials.

Let's look at each of them in detail. Let's outline the pros and cons.

Folk remedies

Cleansing folk remedies involves the use of certain types of plants, for example, rowan bunch. To do this, we place a well-washed bunch in the water that needs to be cleaned. Leave it there for at least 2 hours. Also faithful assistants in water purification, as stated by folk wisdom, can become juniper branches, willow bark, bird cherry leaves, onion peel. Even today, in the outback, people resort to such cleaning methods. They claim that this method can purify any water, even swamp water, eliminating its unpleasant color and odor and making it suitable for drinking. Cleaning with data herbal ingredients will last longer than about 12 hours.

A solution of iodine or vinegar can also be used as a means to filter water. Add a five percent iodine solution, drop 3 drops into water per 1 liter, wait 2-3 hours. You will need a little more vinegar, a teaspoon per liter of water. The waiting time is the same. Cleansing with dry white wine. By the way, the most ancient method dates back to biblical times. So, take 3 parts of water, add 1 part of the drink to it, mix, wait 3-4 hours.


This is probably the first method that comes to mind when it comes to the water purification process. But there is in this method and significant shortcomings.

Firstly, you need to boil water correctly: for 10-15 minutes with the lid open. Only then pests will evaporate, and even then not all, about half. For example, a virus anthrax It dies only after an hour of continuous boiling of water. To destroy the 99% harmful bacteria, boil the water for 30 minutes.

Secondly, after boiling, the chlorine in the water does not disappear at all, but is modified into an even more dangerous compound for human health. Salt concentration in boiled water increases, as evidenced by the falling white precipitate. And the water itself becomes useless, empty. This is why many people cannot drink boiled water.


The most advantageous method of water purification compared to boiling is freezing. Fill the container with water, do not fill it to the brim (water expands when frozen), leave some empty space in the container. Place it in the freezer. Watch how the water freezes. When it turns 2/3 into ice, take out your container. Only clean water freezes first. Drain the liquid that has not had time to freeze; it is in it that all the harmful impurities and salts have settled. Feel free to defrost the frozen piece and drink the resulting water. This liquid cannot be stored for a long time; it is better to consume it immediately. If you have a freezer at home, you can organize the process of freezing and thawing water by setting a schedule. And your family and friends will always be provided with clean drinking water. This method has received the approval of doctors.


A fairly effective, but time-consuming method. So, collect water from the tap into a container. There is no need to cover it with a lid. Leave the vessel for at least 8 hours, or overnight. In this case, the water should not be shaken or stirred. Harmful impurities will settle to the bottom, and the chlorine will evaporate. Then drain the water, leaving about a quarter in the container. We remember that metals and salts did not go anywhere, they just settled to the bottom.

Cleansing components

  1. Salt. A method of water purification accessible to everyone. For 2 liters of liquid take 2 tablespoons table salt, dissolve them in water. Leave the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Salt will make our water free from heavy metals and harmful microorganisms.
  2. Activated carbon. Another budget-friendly way to get clean water. Activated carbon is an excellent absorbent; it perfectly, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful impurities and unpleasant odors. Roll up 5 tablets activated carbon in gauze, place it at the bottom of a container of water. The coal will start to work. After 5-6 hours, remove the gauze from the container and safely drink the resulting water. This method can be used not only at home, but also in camping conditions.
  3. Silver. Our ancestors also noticed that those people who consumed food from silver cutlery got sick less often. As before, not everyone can afford to buy a table set made of pure silver today. This is quite an expensive purchase. But anyone can purify water with silver. Silver not only disinfects water, but also has a beneficial effect on human immunity, metabolic processes in organism. Place any silver item in a container of water. It could be jewelry, spoon, manufacturers have now even begun to produce special ionizers made of silver (it can be made in the form of a fish on a chain, for example). After 2-3 days, the water becomes completely ionized.
  4. Shungite. This is a natural mineral that is capable of conditioning water, making it drinkable from tap water. First, wash the stone thoroughly, then fill it with two liters of water. Leave for 3 days. Pour the resulting water into a clean vessel, and wash the shungite itself with a hard sponge. Periodically the stone will need to be replaced with a new one.
  5. Pharmacy silicon. Like shungite, first we thoroughly wash the silicon under warm running water. Then we place the pebble in a container of water, let it be a three-liter jar. Cover the neck with gauze and place the vessel in a bright place, but not under straight lines. Sun rays. After 3 days, we drain our water into a clean container, also leaving 3 cm of water at the bottom.

Let's say a few words about distilled water. Experts say that regularly quenching thirst with such water is dangerous for humans. Yes, such water does not contain harmful impurities and pathogens, it tastes similar to bottled water from the store, but it can remove vitamins and minerals from our tissues. Therefore, it is better to use distilled water for its intended purpose: in medicine, cosmetology, and for technical purposes.

If none of the above methods suits you, we recommend purchasing a simple jug with a replaceable cartridge. It does not require installation (like stationary filters), does not take up much space (will fit even in the smallest kitchen), and copes with its function perfectly. All you have to do is change the replacement cartridge on time. And this replacement must be made at least once every 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, the cartridge itself will turn into a source of danger for the whole family. He will absorb great amount harmful impurities accumulated over a month of work. And the water passing through it will be dirtier and more dangerous than tap water.

Cleansing the body with water plays a significant role in preventing disease. Sufficient quantity fluid helps reduce the likelihood of women getting breast cancer, reduces the possibility of disease diabetes mellitus and obesity, prevents chronic diseases joints. She has both healing effect, as well as a wonderful cleansing effect on the body, promoting the removal of waste and toxins.

The simplest method used by everyone is to take a shower to cleanse the skin of sweat, dead tissue and other types of external pollution. There are many ways to clean interiors with water.

Cleansing the body with clean water

Due to daily water loss in the form of various secretions there is a need to replenish the body's water reserves.

Cleansing the body with water at home begins in the morning by drinking two glasses of clean water. For complete purification, use only raw and cool water. It must be taken into account that water consumed in the morning is eliminated along with toxins and waste, while drinking it in the evening causes swelling.

To reduce the stress on the kidneys associated with large doses water consumption, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing blood circulation, the dropper method is used. It consists of drinking small amounts of water in small sips every 20 minutes.

Cleansing the body with water with the addition of chopped herbs is considered useful. Efficiency of this product will be more compared to various herbal decoctions, used to improve bowel function.

Cleansing the body with salt water

In case of significant dehydration, it is used to cleanse and activate the intestines. salt water. 7g is used. regular rock salt per day.

There is one caveat when using this method: it requires adherence to a strict diet and significant physical activity. First they calculate daily consumption water: take 30 mg of water per kilogram of live weight.

Cleansing the body with water and salt is carried out using the following methods:

  • a mixture of salt and a small volume of water is consumed after using water;
  • drink a weakly concentrated saline solution;
  • After using clean water, dissolve the salt.

The initial condition after cleansing the body with salt water in some people may be accompanied by swelling and headache, which will go away in a week. Regardless of the condition, the treatment procedure cannot be interrupted.

The result is expressed in the appearance of lightness, improved appearance and the acquisition of normal weight.

For cleansing, medicinal mineral water is used. Its cleansing function is to remove previously taken substances from the blood, bile, kidneys and liver. medicines and some metal compounds. Cleansing the body with mineral water weakens the influence of negative conditions external environment, increases the body's protective reflex and restores healthy microflora intestines.

The daily consumption of mineral water is calculated as follows: 7 ml per 1 kg of live weight. Consume a third of an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week. By the end of the week, the volume of water taken is reduced by half. A full treatment cycle lasts a month.

Water with lemon is also effectively used to cleanse the body. Adding lemon helps flush out salt deposits from the musculoskeletal system and restores joint mobility.

The cleansing process is quite simple and easy. The first glass of chilled water with lemon juice is consumed immediately after sleep on an empty stomach. The rest of the liquid is consumed throughout the day. The total volume of liquid you drink should be at least a liter per day.

Admixture of water and lemon juice promotes:

  • dilution of bile and its removal;
  • better liver function as a result of the production of more enzymes;
  • improving digestion and accelerating the metabolic process;
  • reduction blood pressure and increasing vitality.

An additional advantage will be a beneficial effect on the overall appearance due to the presence of calcium and magnesium in the composition.

Rice water is used to remove toxins and salts from the body. In the evening, fill a pan with washed rice with water at the rate of 45 g per liter of water. In the morning, boil until the liquid is reduced by 25%. Use the resulting decoction for breakfast for six weeks. Rice water to cleanse the body, helps get rid of arthrosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

In order to renew the urinary system, a decoction prepared from one part of rice and seven parts of water is used. It cooks over low heat for about four hours. It is taken in small quantities throughout the day.

Water fermented from this decoction is used to cleanse skin and hair. To prepare it, the decoction is infused for 24 hours in a warm place for fermentation. Used to wash the face and rinse hair.

Before using internal body cleansing, you should definitely consult with a specialist.