How to make your eyes shine (secrets of oriental beauties). How to make your eyes brighter and more expressive

Full sleep - The best way which will help brighten your eye color

How to brighten your eyes with makeup?

The richer the color of the iris, the larger and more expressive the eyes appear. Properly selected cosmetics help highlight their shade. Below is a step-by-step makeup option for eyes of different colors:

  1. Apply white pencil to the inner corner of the eyes. A neutral color will refresh and open up your eyes.
  2. Paint your eyelids with shadows that contrast with the shade of your iris. To green eyes purple and blue colors, blue - brown and green, brown - any color and black.
  3. Apply mascara to curled eyelashes. The first layer should be black: it will emphasize the depth of the look and give it expressiveness. To make the iris brighter, you can color your eyelashes with a second layer of colored mascara. Its color is selected according to the same principle as the shadows.

Don't forget about basic skin makeup, which will also help highlight your eyes. The complexion should be even, clean and fresh.

Correctly selected assistants will cope with the task: foundation, powder, blush, highlighter

How to change eye color at home?

  • More details

How to brighten your eye color with lenses?

Modern contact lenses perform several functions at once. Corrective models with diopters improve vision, designer ones are used for a creative look, and colored ones help change the color of the iris or make it more saturated. To make your eyes brighter, choose lenses of a similar color. They will make your look clear and expressive.

Even regular lenses, which do not correct vision, must be selected together with an ophthalmologist.

An experienced specialist will find the material, shade and thickness of the products that suits you

A healthy lifestyle as a way to brighten your eye color

The safest, most effective and cheapest transformation method is healthy image life. A set of simple and accessible actions has a beneficial effect on beauty and mood. Do you want a bright, fresh and healthy look? Help the body the following measures:

  • good sleep;
  • regular walks on fresh air;
  • drinking enough water;
  • limiting alcohol and tobacco;
  • rest.

You can make your eyes more expressive and beautiful instantly - with the help of lenses or the right makeup. But along with the washed off cosmetics, the brightness of the iris, obtained unnaturally, will also disappear. Therefore, you can resort to such tricks, but you shouldn’t forget about drastic changes - until health problems are solved, there can be no talk of natural brightness and shine of the eyes.

At home, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible. There are only three ways to do this, due to the complexity of the task.

Since it depends primarily on the person’s genotype (congenital characteristics), this task must be undertaken with extreme caution, so as not to spoil vision or damage the retina. Second, it's theirs internal structure, which we will influence.

The first way to change eye color at home: lenses

The simplest and safe way- it's still wearing lenses. You can purchase them either at a pharmacy or by ordering them in specialized stores on the Internet. This option is good because you do not influence the structure itself in any way, and lenses that change the color of the eyes only refract them natural color. Plus, you always have a choice of which (standard or non-standard) color to change your natural shade to. And, of course, you can always remove them without any consequences for yourself.

The second way to change eye color at home: drops

Now there are special drops that, although they cannot transform green color the eyes are gray, but they are quite capable of making the shade brighter or lighter. For example, if your eyes are swamp green, then using similar means can make them brighter and cleaner, albeit at short term. Thus, your eyes will take on a light emerald shade, which looks so mesmerizing on any skin color. But if this method of changing eye color without lenses does not suit you, there is something else.

Advice: before using the remedy described above, you should definitely consult with specialists to avoid complications with vision. Under no circumstances should you purchase similar drugs in the Internet. Do this exclusively in pharmacies and only on the advice of a doctor.

The third way to change eye color at home: auto-training

It has long been proven that with the power of our consciousness we are able to influence not only the color of our eyes, but also our overall physical state generally. This happens due to the fact that our brain, controlling hormonal background the organism as a whole, is capable of changing certain chemical reactions in the body and, accordingly, in the eyes, which, with a well-constructed technique, will allow you to diametrically change the color of the eyes, even to the opposite or completely unnatural. To do this, it is enough to conduct a daily half-hour meditation (preferably in front of a mirror), visualizing the process of changing the color of the organs of vision to the one that is more interesting to you.

The process includes not just an instant change of colors, but a gradual transition from tone to tone (up to the necessary one). By performing such manipulations with your eyes, you do not risk anything, but, as statistics show, you can acquire such a feature as an involuntary change in eye color depending on your overall emotional state, which looks extremely attractive.

Eye color depends indirectly on our state of health, and on the content of melatonin in the iris eyeballs- in a direct way.

  • The iris of the eye is a complex of muscles that compress or dilate the pupil; the color of the eyes depends on the tone of these muscles.
  • The color of the whites of the eyes largely depends on the general condition of our body.
  • The process of changing the brightness of the iris occurs throughout our lives. Eyes can not only fade, but alsobecome brighter.

Regular use Some foods may affect the color of the eyes: the iris and whites.

Honey - will give your eyes a lighter shade

Constant consumption of this magical product will give a lighter shade to your eyes. Extra honey in your diet can significantly improve your eye color.

Spinach - makes your eyes brighter

Spinach is rich in carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein, which give youth to our eyes. High content The iron in spinach can make your eyes appear brighter and more expressive. Spinach also promotes healthy skin and hair.

Fish - can change eye color

Seafood contains great amount vitamins and microelements. In addition to the fact that regularly eating fish will benefit your body, you will notice that the color of your eyes has changed - it has become darker.

Chamomile tea will give a warm tint to the iris of the eyes

Calming tea reduces the level of stress hormones and gastrointestinal disturbances. With regular use, it gives a warm tint to the iris and whites of the eyes.

Nuts - brighten eye color

If you want to change your eye color, nuts are a staple that you should include in your diet. The important thing to remember here is that the most healthy fats are found in unroasted nuts. Regular consumption of raw or dried nuts, especially almonds, will cause your eye color to become lighter.

Meat products - may affect iris color changes

Proteins and minerals contained in meat are responsible for changing the color of the iris of the eye. Eating meat will give you the opportunity to “shoot” with sparkling eyes.

But good in moderation, the meat should not be too fatty, otherwise there is a risk of getting loading dose cholesterol, and burst blood vessels in the whites of the eyes.

Olive oil - adds a soft tint to eye color

About the benefits olive oil there is no point in repeating it, it cures everything chronic diseases. And the eyes, do you remember what they are like? expressive eyes among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean? Contained in this product linoleic acid- will give a wonderful soft shade to the color of the iris.

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There are happy owners big eyes, correct and beautiful shape, which only needs a few strokes of mascara to give them expressiveness.

However, do not despair, because these days the world of decorative cosmetics is rich in so many products that any girl can easily correct her appearance. All you need to know is the right ways and techniques for using cosmetics.

In this article we’ll talk about that both simple and effective advice that will help make your eyes brighter and more expressive.

Refresh your look

Before applying makeup, you should " preparatory work": get rid of under-eye circles and brighten upper eyelid– thus, the look will become more open and fresh. Dark circles remove with concealer, and highlight eyelids with highlighter:

To do this, apply a little product to your fingertips and gently massage into the skin, without rubbing or pressing - this way the layer will be quite light, and the border with other areas of the face will remain invisible.

In order to visually make your eyes more open and open, you can use white shimmering shadows or a pencil, applying them to the inner corners of the eyes.

In addition, you can carry out white line By inner surface lower eyelid, which will give your eyes a vibrant shine and radiance.

Opening up eyelashes

Lush doll eyelashes are not only one of the main makeup trends this season, but also the right way make your eyes more expressive.

To make your eyelashes especially long, you need to run the tip of the mascara brush first from the edges of the eyelashes, and then along the entire length exclusively upward, from the roots.

On a note: before using mascara, curl your eyelashes using special curling irons or cover them with volumizer powder - this will achieve maximum effect.

Tidying up your eyebrows

Eyebrows shouldn't be too thin– this can deprive the eye of expressiveness. For best result use a special fixative gel and mascara for eyebrows.

Before plucking your eyebrows, use a pencil that is slightly darker than your eyebrows. Draw the shape you want to achieve. This will prevent you from pulling out too much.

Correctly lining your eyes

You can also use liner or eyeliner to make your eyes more expressive and correct their shape. In this case, the lower eyelid can be left unlined. The liner line should reach the middle of the eye. If desired, you can shade it or carefully draw the mucous membrane upper eyelid.

On a note: if you draw arrows, then you should not experiment with thickness - it should be thin at the inner corner and become wider as it moves towards the outer corner. You can also visually enlarge your eyes by applying black eyeliner to the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid.

Try using liners in the form of a felt-tip pen for these purposes - they quickly fix on the mucous membrane and give saturated color and do not imprint on the lower or upper eyelid.

Adding shadows

Using two different shades of eyeshadow from the same range creates an instant big eye effect. You can safely experiment with bright shadows, but remember the main rule: the inner corner of the eyes should always contain the lightest shades, and the outer corner the darkest. In addition, do not forget about the highlighter - it creates a small highlight under the eyebrow.

Nowadays, many people want to be stylish. They often change clothes, accessories, and hairstyles. And some people want their eyes to be a different color. And at the same time, changing makeup, eyebrow shape and eyelash length is not enough. Often people want to change the shade of the iris of their eyes and at the same time do not want to buy lenses.

The best way to change eye color today is with colored contact lenses. But not everyone can wear them comfortably: some people don’t like the process of putting them on, while others suffer from irritation and allergies. Therefore, the question is quite relevant: how to change eye color without lenses?

How to change eye color without lenses at home

1 . Changing the shade of your eyes can even be affected by environment. This method can be used by people whose eyes are blue, gray or green. If you are the owner of eyes gray, then, thanks to blue items of clothing, the iris of your eyes may become blue. Use this method if you cannot wear lenses.

2 . For women, changing eye color without lenses at home is even easier - just use cosmetics. If you have green eyes, then you can use a contour pencil and shades of gray or brown. Once the makeup is applied, the eye color will become more intense. Thanks to this method, women can easily change the color of their eyes. Instead of buying lenses, you can use decorative cosmetics in different shades.

3 . Regardless of whether a person wants it or not, the iris of the eyes changes its shade with age. In newborns it is often blue. And then there is a natural change in shade as the child grows up. It may turn grey, brown or green. Older people often have lighter irises. And if a person suddenly loses his vision, then the iris becomes a faded color. If young man eyes brown color, then by old age they can become honeyed.

4 . Some people's eyes take on a different color after illness. They can become either lighter or darker. Most often this happens to blue-eyed people; this does not happen to brown-eyed people. Because of the eye inflammatory diseases it is possible to change the color of one eye, which leads to heterochromia. For example, Fuchs syndrome and Posner-Schlossmann syndrome may cause the iris to appear greenish.

5 . Some people with glaucoma often experience changes in eye color without lenses due to hormonal hormones. eye drops. Thanks to this drug there is a decrease intraocular pressure, but if you apply it a long period time, the iris of the eyes darkens.

6 . Another way to change eye color without lenses at home? It will be enough to change the lighting in the room or the mood in your heart. This technique works for those with light eyes. For such people, it is enough to learn how to choose the right wardrobe. For example, green-eyed women will only need to wear lilac clothes and brown mascara to make their eye color different.

7 . There is also a controversial method that involves visualization. It is believed that you can change your eye color through self-suggestion. You need to imagine the shade that you want for the iris of your eyes. Before starting a self-hypnosis session, be sure to completely relax. It is best if the environment is quiet, so that nothing will distract you. Twenty to forty minutes will be enough for one visualization session.

8 . Another one appeared recently medical method change eye color using a laser beam. American scientists have developed this method; with its help, eyes turn blue. To obtain this color, unnecessary pigment is burned out with a laser on the iris of the eye. Only this process is irreversible. In addition, such an operation costs at least five thousand dollars, which is much more expensive than contact lenses.

With these tips you can change your eye color without contacts. But if you did nothing and the color has changed, you should be concerned and visit a doctor, as this may be the result of a disease.