How to cook herbs in a water bath. How to brew herbs correctly

The decision to use traditional medicine recipes, to prepare a decoction, infusion, or herbal tea is due to the desire to receive maximum benefit from a natural product.

We believe that the drink we prepare has healing properties and will certainly help to recover from various ailments.

In order for our expectations to be met, we need to know how to properly brew herbs, prepare tea, decoction or infusion. The cooking process should help preserve useful components, for which we value herbal tea. The immediate result of the treatment depends on how correctly this is done.

For the preparation of herbal medicines, dry raw materials are most often used, which are collected at the most favorable period, properly dried and the rules for its storage are followed.

For healing drinks used: plant bark, leaves, flowers, roots, stems, seeds. There are a few things you need to know simple conditions, which will help make the cooking process correct:

  1. Before brewing herbs, they must be crushed to increase the amount useful substances V finished product. This can be done with a mortar (root, bark, stems) or chopped with a knife. The seeds are left in their natural form.
  2. If it is necessary to use a mixture of plants, each species is crushed separately and then mixed required proportions as recommended in the recipe.
  3. To make infusions and decoctions, use only glass containers and ceramic-coated dishes with a tight lid. Do not use metal containers to avoid unwanted interactions medicinal solution with a metal surface, which can be destructive to the collection components during the brewing process.
  4. Filter finished product It is recommended to apply several layers of gauze, or use cotton fabric.

The herbal mixture should not be stored for more than two years.

To comply correct proportions multicomponent mixtures of medicinal herbs, knowledge of the following ratios can help: one teaspoon of dry mixture = 5g, tablespoon = 15g.

Types of herbal remedies

Based on medicinal herbal infusions you can get various drugs, differing in concentration of beneficial active substances, purpose and method of use, preparation method:

  • Infusion.
  • Decoction.
  • Extract.

If the herbs are brewed correctly, healing effect Don't keep yourself waiting long.


For their preparation, those parts of the plant that do not require lengthy preliminary preparation are used: inflorescences, leaves, fruits.

The classic proportion is one part collection to ten parts water.

There are several simple options, healing herbs how to brew correctly to prepare an infusion:

  1. Dry raw materials must be poured with boiling water, observing the proportions, closed with a lid, and allowed to brew.
  2. Preparation in a thermos is even simpler: pour boiling water over the required amount of the mixture overnight. The infusion is ready in the morning.
  3. Steaming: pour boiling water over the herb collection, observing the proportions, and place on water bath and heat for 15 minutes, avoiding boiling.
  4. Some herbs require preparation without heating: the collection is filled with water at room temperature and infused for up to 12 hours.

After preparing a medicinal drink using any of the above methods, it must be filtered and cooled. As an external remedy, it is taken in concentrated form; when taken internally, dilution with water may be required.


Prepared from those components of medicinal preparations that require longer heat treatment - bark, roots, stems, rough parts of leaves.

When preparing decoctions, dry mixtures are boiled over a fire or steam bath for about 20 minutes, then filter, cool, and use as intended. For oral administration, as a rule, it is diluted with water, for external use - in its natural form.


This is a more concentrated drug made from medicinal herbal ingredients. It is prepared using decoction and infusion.


The method of preparing this drink from medicinal herbs is identical to brewing regular tea. Per glass hot water you need about one teaspoon of herb. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes, drink hot or slightly chilled.

It must be remembered that herbal medicine has indications and contraindications. Before using medicinal herbs, you should consult your doctor.

Remember right away: everything is very simple. There are no hassles and no complicated rules. Many, faced with complex rules, perceive them as an impossible action and do not even try to start doing something due to the complexity, incomprehensibility, inconsistency and confusion of the available information. Meanwhile, everything is simple:

1. Cold infusion It is prepared like this: pour boiled water over the grass for 6-8 hours. So simple? Why is it called an infusion? Because herbs are infused in water. But if you insist on alcohol, it will tincture . St. John's wort tincture or chamomile tincture.

2. Hot infusion , judging by the name, differs in that the grass is flooded hot water. Logical? Logical.

3. Decoction prepared like this: herbs cook for some time in boiling water.

It's very simple - isn't it? As you can see, all three methods differ only in the force with which we try to pull something out of the plant. In this simplified description of the methods, I did not say anything about the doses, or the temperature, or the time during which the biologically active substances are extracted from the herb. For what? In order to create the appearance of ease of preparing infusions and decoctions.

There are many recommendations on the nuances of cooking, and they are all different, although they differ from each other only in minutes and grams. And those who fixate on these minutes and grams begin to think: what is more correct? And in vain! These minutes and grams affect only 5-10% of the effectiveness. And no more. Therefore, I will not briefly name these numbers taken from the air, but will lead you along a long path of logical conclusions:

    1. What, from what, can be extracted using cold water ?
    Can we pull anything out of the old dry leaves and roots? Hardly. But what if you take fresh plants, just picked? Very small amount of mucus and essential oils. But just those that would be completely destroyed by heating. It's clear? With a cold infusion everything is clear.
    2. And here hot water 70-80 degrees you can achieve much more: extract saponins, bitterness, and fatty oils from the herb.
    3. If you scald the dry mass boiling water, then you can extract some other substances from plants. Those that could not be removed using cold and warm water. That's why it's hot infusion used to process old dried leaves and thin stems.
    4. In order to extract beneficial substances from thick stems, roots and even branches, the method of preparing decoctions is used. Decoction allow us to extract flavonoids and tannins.
    5. And alcohol-soluble components can only be extracted alcohol. They cannot be removed with cold water. When boiled they are destroyed.

The main thing to understand is that one method extracts one thing, the other extracts something else. That is, you can practically flood the grass warm water, put it in the dark, after three days, drain the liquid through a strainer and drink. You drank it infusion. Boil water, pour into the same kettle, let stand for 4 minutes and drink tea in the morning. At lunch, add the same herb: scald with boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes and drink as tea after lunch. In the evening, take a saucepan, put the grass in it, boil for 3-4 minutes... and drink decoction. Each time you will receive different components of this raw material.

How much to take “herbs” - this is how we simply call plant raw materials? The most average figure is -1. One tablespoon per glass of water. If you are preparing everything for only one person, then, as a rule, we are talking about two tablespoons per large glass or half-liter jar. Let me clarify: a spoon without a top, exactly to the edge.

Why did we analyze the methods of brewing tea in such detail? To make it clear now that using the hot infusion method in the first four minutes we will extract some components from the herbs. Spill received infusion in tea cups, immediately scald the herb with boiling water and leave for another ten minutes - extract the other components of the herbs. Drain received infusion, scald the herb with boiling water and put it on the fire, after half an hour we get the third composition, with the maximum amount of biologically active compounds contained in our herb.

Your questions:
Why did we need to do the previous two stages if we could immediately get the maximum by putting the herb on the fire for half an hour? Did you ask? Now think about it yourself and find the correct answer: If we took grass and immediately subjected it to long-term heat treatment, we would only get one product, destroying everything we got in the first two stages.
We would have received only one product, but we received three. Three different servings of vitamins, saponins, antioxidants...

Was it a bit long? A real educational program. Why am I writing this as if it were for kindergarten teachers (kindergarten hell))? The answer is simple: to make it clear to everyone. My reader has already passed the age of easily perceiving new material. It needs to be mastered step by step from the second or third time (judging by myself)). Whether you are old or young, it is therefore better to write as for a kindergarten than as for a university. There are enough books in the “Help yourself” series, from which it is impossible to understand what to do, even without me. Usually there is a list of methods and techniques, but it is not written what to choose. And this is the most difficult and stressful task for a person. The problem of choice - what distinguishes man from animals - is the most a big problem. It is this that gives rise to stress and most neuropsychiatric diseases. One of the patients told me that such books are simply a mockery of the reader: if all the methods are equally good, then what to make of them? That’s why I try to write the same way I advise you to eat: you need to chew a handful of rice a hundred times.

Understand: the main thing is to do something. Some critics will say: it is better to do nothing than to do it wrong. I counter: this is not the case. If you do not keep the herb on the fire or overexpose it for 2-5 minutes, or the water temperature is not 100 degrees, but 97, nothing bad will happen. But if you don’t drink these at all herbs, then nothing good will happen. The choice is yours.

Which is better - to drink hot or chilled?
Similar question: should I drink it cold or warm?

Biggest effect infusion or decoction I had it when you brewed it. Two hours later it’s already less. But if you warm it up, then even less. The answer is obvious: fresh. Or standing. There is no need to boil the finished infusion a second time or decoction.
With sugar or without sugar? Last years so much is written about the dangers of sugar... Myths about the dangers of sugar are greatly exaggerated. We will return to this many times. For now I’ll say: for those who find it tasteless and bitter, it’s better to drink it with sugar than not drink it at all. Drink with sugar. I myself drink tea almost half the time and herbs with sugar or milk. Or with sugar and milk.
NB! For those who are afraid of gaining weight, tea with milk is strictly not recommended! There are no other restrictions.
How warm should you keep the jar and how should you infuse the herbs? It's a pain to heat up the oven every time. For example, I just put a hot kettle on a large glass of tea leaves or a jar of herbs. Pour out the glass and drink. Top up the jar with boiling water and return to heat. The wife grumbles and fears that this could damage the kettle. I explain to her: If the kettle was boiling, then the plastic was designed for this temperature. Theoretically, I admit that the plastic inside could be coated with some other special composition. But she doesn’t make this argument, so for many years I’ve been betting on mine.

The question of how to brew herbs correctly often arises when a person plans to use one of the many traditional medicine recipes. As you know, it is in them that various herbs act as the main active ingredients. After all, it is known that only with the help of properly prepared herbs can you achieve the desired results. How can you prepare tea, decoction or infusion from different herbs?

Rules for brewing herbal tea

One of the simplest options is to prepare various medicinal herbs for a variety of purposes - herbal tea. In most cases, you can use mint, lemon balm or chamomile to prepare this herbal tea. In some cases, such medicinal herbs can be combined with each other, but this is a matter of taste.

In order to properly prepare such herbal tea, you just need to pour a teaspoon of crushed dry herbs into a glass. Pour boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for five minutes. In this case, it is recommended to cover the container in which the drink is brewed with a saucer or lid.

After just five minutes, your herbal tea can be drunk, but it is recommended to stir it thoroughly before drinking. Herb tea differs not only in the presence of excellent taste, but with the addition of some herbs and a pronounced calming effect.

Also in pharmacies you can see a ready-made collection of herbs for making tea already in bags. The principle of brewing such tea is practically no different from brewing medicinal herbs. It is brewed like simple tea, simply pour boiling water over a bag of herbs, and after five minutes squeeze out. In this case, it is also recommended to mix the liquid obtained in the glass thoroughly.

How to brew herbs

Various herbal decoctions, which can also be prepared at home, have no less medicinal properties. In order to cook the right decoction from herbs, you need to take the amount of chopped fresh or dried herbs required by the recipe. The selected plants must be placed in a pan or other deep container.

Now it is recommended to pour the learned composition into a simple cold water. After your herbal composition has completely boiled, you need to reduce the heat to minimum and simmer the herbal decoction under the lid for 30 minutes. Now you can turn off the heat completely, let the herbal decoction cool down on its own, and strain the mixture. All your herbal decoction is completely ready for use.

Herbal decoction in a water bath

You can also brew a herbal decoction using a water bath known to many housewives. In order to brew medicinal herbs in a water bath, you will need to pour dry crushed plant leaves in the amount you require into a metal mug or bowl. Add a glass of chilled water to the same container. Next, your bowl or mug with water and medicinal herbs must be placed in a pan with also chilled water. This design must be placed on gas.

It is necessary to take into account that the water in your pan should not be more than half of your bowl or mug. When the water begins to boil in the pan, the gas should be reduced slightly, but not completely turned off. From the moment of boiling, keep the broth in a water bath for at least 30 minutes.

After the specified time, you will be able to notice how a fragrant, rich herbal decoction is formed in your container. To begin with, it is recommended to cool it slightly, then strain it thoroughly (you can use gauze), and then take it according to the instructions.

Brew herbs in a thermos

In such herbal infusion preserved after cooking maximum amount all useful medicinal components. This method can be considered the most useful of all the above.

To brew herbs in a thermos, you need to pour dry crushed medicinal herbs into a saucepan. Pour the dry herbs with the required amount of cold water and bring everything to a boil over low heat. After that, the boiled liquid must be poured into a thermos, where it must be left for about one to two hours, depending on the requirements of the instructions.

The infusion obtained in this way must be filtered and drunk in accordance with the instructions given.

As you can see, everything is far from being as scary as it seems at first glance. In fact, brewing various herbs is very simple and does not take much time. Such decoctions can be used to treat all sorts of diseases, as sedatives and just for Have a good mood. Be always healthy and don't get sick!

How to brew herbs correctly for treatment

Brewing herbs is a real science, which is based on knowledge of the characteristics human body, plants and their characteristics, nature, the time of year and day, and the very ability to make infusions correctly. Of course, not everyone can know all this, but there are things that everyone should know about

The packaging of medicinal herbs sold in pharmacies always indicates the method of preparation, single use and daily dose reception. At home, in the absence of pharmacy scales, medicinal herbs are usually dosed with spoons. The average dose for preparing infusions and decoctions when taken orally is 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herb per 0.5 liters of water. A tablespoon contains on average: flowers, leaves and grass - 4-5 g, roots, rhizomes and fruits - 6-8 g - although these data are very approximate.

The easiest way to measure the required amount of water is with a spoon or glass: a teaspoon holds approximately 5 g, a dessert spoon - 10 g, a tablespoon - 15 g, a glass - 200-250 g of water.

Infusions are used to extract active principles from those parts of plants that release them relatively easily (grass, leaves, flowers, fresh fruits). Mostly water is used to prepare infusions. Infusions can be prepared either hot or cold.

At hot method the crushed raw materials are poured into a bowl and poured with boiling water, usually in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part plant to 10 parts water). Infusions intended for external use are prepared more concentrated (1:5). They are best made in a thermos: the raw materials are poured with boiling water and the thermos is kept open for 15–20 minutes, then it is closed with a lid and left overnight, and filtered in the morning. Another option for preparing infusions using the hot method- water bath: required quantity medicinal raw materials are poured with water at room temperature (about 18 ° C) in a porcelain, glass or enamel container, which is placed in another container, bigger size, with boiling water (into a boiling “water bath”) and heat it in it with frequent stirring for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes and filter.

Cold way infusions are prepared as follows: the raw materials are poured with the required amount of cold boiled water and leave for 4 to 12 hours and then filter.

Decoctions are used to extract active principles from roots and rhizomes, bark, wood, rough leaves, and dry fruits. These parts of the plant require quite a long heat treatment, since they have a dense structure. To prepare the decoction, the crushed raw materials are poured with cold water, mixed thoroughly, put on fire, brought to a boil, and then kept on low heat for 20–30 minutes, then filtered and squeezed in gauze. Boiled water The broth is diluted to the required volume.

It is important to comply next rule: herbal infusions Never cook in aluminum or other metal containers to avoid adverse reaction with metal.

I use vodka or 40–70% alcohol as an extracting factor in tinctures. Usually, to prepare the tincture, 5 parts of vodka or alcohol are added to 1 part of the crushed raw material; after thorough mixing, the mixture is placed in a cool, dry place, protected from light (it is advisable to prepare the tincture in a dark glass container). Depending on the purpose of the tincture, its infusion period can range from 7 to 40 days. At the end of this time, the tincture is filtered, then the gauze is squeezed out and filtered again.

As a rule, to prepare a tincture, take 100 ml of alcohol per 20 g of raw material and obtain a 20% tincture. Ready tinctures are stored in tightly sealed bottles.

To prepare the steam, medicinal herbs are poured with boiling water and all night steam (simmer) in a cooling oven. In the morning, the napar is filtered through cheesecloth, after which it is ready for use. To prepare steam, the least coarse parts of plants are used, i.e. leaves, flowers, grass, fruits.

To prepare the powder, well-dried raw materials are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder. The powder is most often used for oral administration, for sprinkling on wounds, ulcers and preparing ointments.

Ointments are medicines that are used for external use. They are prepared by mixing plant powders with an ointment base; For 1 part of the plant take 4 parts of the base. As an ointment base, you can use pork or visceral fat(lard), unsalted butter or any vegetable oil, Vaseline (preferably yellow color). Powder, tincture or Fresh Juice plants. You can prepare ointments of various concentrations: for example, to get a 10–20% ointment, you should take 10–20 g of powder per 100 or 200 g of fat or 5–10 ml of tincture per 95 g of fat. The choice of base depends on various considerations: for example, ointments made with vegetable oil or mineral fats, have more long term storage than lard ointments, but the latter are superior in quality.

Baths are prepared as follows. Pour 40–60 g of herb into 2–5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes or boil for 10 minutes over low heat, filter and pour into a bathtub filled with water (water temperature – 36–40 °C). To prevent steam from forming in the room, pour cold water first and then hot water. Take a bath for 10–15 minutes, first you need to rinse in the shower.

Important! During the procedure, the heart area should be above the water.

The usual course of treatment with baths with medicinal plants: 2-3 times a week for 15 days.

Strictly speaking, collections of medicinal plants must be prepared in a water bath: here the requirements of the pharmacopoeia are consistent with the recommendations of experienced herbalists. But practice proves that extraction, i.e., the release of useful substances from plants, also occurs with simple infusion of herbs.

It is best to prepare infusions in the evening so that you can take the medicine in the morning. It is very convenient to use a glass teapot with a piston for “brewing” herbs. In the evening, place the amount of herb indicated on the package into it, pour boiling water, and in the morning you will receive a perfectly infused, chilled drink, ready to drink.

The beneficial properties of the decoction do not last long - microbes begin to multiply in it, “thanks to” which various enzymatic processes are launched in the decoction. Therefore, the permissible shelf life of the decoction is short: a day at room temperature, two days in the refrigerator.

When using medicinal plants, it must be taken into account that the doses of the drug for an adult, adolescent and child are not the same. When selecting required dosage For a child or teenager, you can focus on the following recommendations:

Adults 1 dose

from 7 to 14 years old? doses

from 4 to 7 years 1/3 dose

from 3 to 4 years 1/6-? doses

from 1 year to 2 years 1/8-1/6 dose

Making chamomile infusion is not that difficult. For it you will need: - 1 tbsp. chamomile herbs (you can replace it with a couple of filter bags); - 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the herb and leave to steep for 10 minutes. If you use the herb directly, the decoction must be filtered before use so that small particles do not further irritate the skin. If you used filter bags, everything is simpler - you just need to remove them from the broth. After brewing, pour the broth into the bath; the water should be slightly colored.

Another popular herb for baby bathing is string. It is especially effective when allergic reactions on the skin of diathesis in children. For brewing, you can use either the herb itself or ready-made filter bags. Average dosage: 3 tbsp. herbs or 6 ready-made filter bags per 10 liters of water. Based on this recommendation, you need to calculate the appropriate dosage.


1) In order for the grass to retain all the useful components, it is very important to collect it according to all the rules, taking into account the place of collection, time of collection, as well as the conditions of its harvesting and drying. You can read how to do this correctly in any good reference book of medicinal plants.

It is best to collect herbs yourself, following all the rules for harvesting, drying and storage, or buy medicinal herbs from time-tested manufacturers, and in specialized pharmacies, where you will be provided with all product quality certificates, including documents for its radiological control.

I don’t advise anyone to buy herbs at markets from unknown people; no one knows exactly what might be in them!

2) You need to brew herbs in a glass container in a water bath..

This rule is important to follow because plants are able to interact with various chemical components and accumulate them in themselves, so boiling in metal or plastic containers can be dangerous.

3) To prepare effective medicine from medicinal herbs medicine, you need to follow certain rules.

Therefore, be careful and, in order not to harm yourself, brew the herb as the manufacturer advises. In addition, always drink a fresh decoction for a maximum of 24 hours. There should not be any 2-3 days of storage.

How to take half a decoction

Again, refer to the instructions on the packaging.

Do you have Kidney Stones?

Alexander Kirillovsky: “How did I manage to defeat kidney stones at home in 1 week, spending 20 minutes a day?”

  1. Shake the infusion of woolly erva
  2. If it's cold, warm it up.
  3. Take warm 50-100 ml (from ¼ to half a glass) 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day
  4. The course of treatment and prevention is from 10 to 30 days.

The decoction is prepared for enemas: crushed tansy seeds (one spoon) are mixed with two crushed cloves of garlic. This mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes, pouring two glasses of milk into it. Warm decoction can be used.

You can also take tansy flowers in powder form - half a teaspoon at a time, wash down the powder with water. The powder can also be mixed with honey or sugar syrup, since tansy has a bitter taste.

Tansy flowers as an antipyretic or anesthetic are infused at the rate of 20 grams of dry raw material per liter of water.

In the article we described everything possible ways how to brew herbs correctly. Next, it’s a matter of small things, apply the knowledge you’ve gained and get better!

and place in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Mix 1 teaspoon with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Continue the course for 1 to 3 months, then take a month off and continue. put a medium head of garlic into a pulp, put it in a glass jar and pour a glass of unrefined oil oil. Crush For shortness of breath, spasms of cerebral vessels, sclerosis - garlic

Accept white mistletoe preferably 4 to 5 times a day, 1-2 teaspoons. It is very important to take mistletoe before eating. Then the effect will be great.

After reading the methods of brewing herbs to lower blood pressure, we can conclude that brewing them is not so difficult, but the effect of their use will exceed expectations.

In addition to its main function, a herbal mixture for lowering blood pressure can provide positive influence on the heart is the stomach and liver. Therefore, by using herbs, you can properly help your body heal.

Hello everyone!

Lately I have very often come across information that everything can be cured with medications.

What are they much more effective than tablets, So what modern medicine doesn't understand anything about it.

What to look for salvation from various diseases needed in recipes traditional healers, in old books on folk medicine, where herbs are one of the main components of any product.

Many people really believe that herbal treatment is simple and very useful.

I don’t entirely agree with such a philistine statement and therefore decided to write this post about how to treat with herbs correctly and safely.

From this article you will learn:

How to be treated with herbs correctly and safely - the secrets of herbal therapy

I graduated from medical university, pharmaceutical faculty.

And one of the most important and difficult subjects that we studied on the course was pharmacognosy - the science of medicinal plants.

We studied this subject for five years, and passing an exam or getting a test in it was more difficult than in any chemistry or pharmacology.

How we taught these herbs, only those who studied there know.

We not only memorized the names of plants and their areas of application, but also worked with a microscope, made chemical reactions, determining the chemical composition of the raw material and its structure, they examined the roots and leaves in cross-section, sketched it all, memorized and crammed it all.

In the spring we went to procure medicinal raw materials and analyzed them using modern methods research and, of course, explored its full application.

I still remember a huge table filled with Petri dishes with dry medicinal raw materials, sometimes whole, sometimes crushed.

From this abundance, you had to choose what they would call you and prove that it was exactly the right collection or that plant, using physical and chemical means.

Therefore, I can with great confidence refute the false statement that medicinal plants are the preserve of the knowledge of herbalist grandmothers or traditional healers. Official medicine knows no less, but even more about how to treat them and how it should be done correctly.

It's hard for me to even imagine how much the latest research are held annually for medicinal plants, this science never stands still.

In modern ecology, plants change their composition, which means their scope may change or new contraindications may appear, and Newest technologies allow you to open new medicinal properties known or unfamiliar plants.

Therefore, you should not rely so much on old folk remedies, but it is best to buy a modern directory of medicinal plants, which will indicate their chemical composition, medicinal properties and methods of use, as well as contraindications, and be sure to use it correctly.

Treatment with medicinal herbs - important rules and tips

To begin with, I would like to voice several features of treatment with medicinal herbs, which few people pay attention to:

  • Well, first of all, I would like to immediately say that medicinal herbs do not work miracles, and use them to cure everything existing diseases- impossible!

If you hear somewhere a story about how a person completely cured himself with an infusion of oats or chamomile flowers from cancer in the fourth stage, consider that a miracle of healing simply happened to him, mostly thanks to his faith in himself, in God, in life in this medicinal plant, or maybe he was doing something else that you don't know about.

Try to cure with herbs muscular dystrophy, ALS, multiple sclerosis, meningitis...

  • Treatment with medicinal herbs is not as safe as many people think it is.

Medicinal raw materials can cause severe allergies, poisoning, and pathological processes in the body, negatively affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women, potency in men, and much, much more.

Therefore, before drinking any “harmless” weed, be sure to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects which it can give and its contraindications for use.

Illiterately composed medicinal fees, herbs collected in environmentally polluted areas, as well as taking herbs simultaneously with medications.

Always remember what time we live in, and plants, like people, absorb everything from the environment.

  • A number of medicinal herbs have strictly defined safe dose applications.

Roughly speaking, there are herbs that, in excess dosage, turn into poison.

  • Medicinal herbs contain “harmful chemicals”

Well, I already mentioned this in point 2, in medicinal raw materials, in addition to useful microelements, there are harmful ones (salts heavy metals) . They are especially abundant in those that were collected along highways and railways and in other environmentally unfavorable places.

  • Medicinal herbs should not be used for a long time and continuously.

Some herbs are addictive, others long-term use, depress the nervous system, cause an overdose, which is accompanied negative consequences Therefore, the course of herbal treatment is individual.

For example, Mint tea, with constant use, greatly lowers blood pressure, “safe” chamomile, with long-term use, interferes with the absorption of iron, wormwood can provoke a violation nervous system, cause convulsions and fainting.

Therefore, by “healing” with herbs from one disease, you can easily acquire another.

How to use herbs correctly and safely?

So, remember the basic rules - how to treat with herbs:

  • In order for the grass to retain all the useful components, it is very important to collect it according to all the rules.

Taking into account the place of collection, time of collection, as well as the conditions of its preparation and drying. You can read how to do this correctly in any good reference book of medicinal plants.

It is best to collect herbs yourself, following all the rules for harvesting, drying and storage.

Or buy medicinal herbs from time-tested manufacturers and in specialized pharmacies, where you will be provided with all product quality certificates, including documents for radiological control.

I don’t advise anyone to buy herbs at markets from unknown people; no one knows exactly what may be in them, where they were collected!

  • You need to brew it in a glass container in a water bath.

This rule is important to follow because plants are able to interact with various chemical components and accumulate them in themselves, so boiling in metal or plastic containers can be dangerous.

  • In order to prepare an effective medicine from medicinal herbs, you need to follow certain rules.

Medicinal raw materials are usually used in the form water infusions and decoctions or alcohol tinctures.

Infusions are prepared from soft plant materials (flowers, leaves, herbs), decoctions from hard plant materials (roots, bark, dried fruits)

Typically, infusions and decoctions are prepared in a ratio of 1:10

  • How to prepare a medicinal infusion?

Prepare the raw materials, take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed herbs. Pour a glass of hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool for 45 minutes. We filter.

  • How to prepare a herbal decoction?

Prepare the raw materials, 1 tbsp. l per 1 glass of water, add hot water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. Strain while hot.

The only exception is that it is prepared according to special rules.

There is no need to increase or decrease the boiling and infusion time.

This is the optimal ratio in which everything active ingredients are released from medicinal raw materials into an infusion or decoction, are not modified, are not inactivated, but act with optimal benefit for the body.

Bring the strained infusion or decoction to 100 ml with water and take it in the indicated dosage.

The shelf life of water infusions and decoctions is no more than three days in the refrigerator

Crushed medicinal raw materials are poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 30 days in a dark, cool place, hermetically sealed, then filtered and stored in a cool place. dark place up to 6 months.

  • It is necessary to take infusions and decoctions in accordance with the indicated dosage.
  • When treating with herbs, they should not be consumed simultaneously with medicines, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods.

Are herbs in bags beneficial?

I have an ambivalent attitude towards them.

On the one hand, this is convenient, but on the other, the technology for preparing infusions and decoctions is completely broken.

And if you consider that they are made like tea bags (low-quality raw materials after sifting), then it is better to buy herbs in bulk for treatment.

Well, and also, I would like to voice the point of how to treat with herbs correctly.

When you come across some kind of herbal treatment recommendation or prescription herbal collection Before you start using it, open it good reference medicinal plants (where the full chemical composition, structure, properties, etc. are indicated) and read:

  • composition and contraindications of this medicinal raw material,
  • pay attention to its dosage,
  • component compatibility
  • methods of application.

And only after that, decide whether to use this fee or not.

Some herbs today are credited with such incredible effects that you are amazed!!!

Therefore, before you believe in another myth that some kind of herb or herb can cure, for example, alcoholism, read official studies, look at its chemical composition, what is in this herb that can really help solve this problem and draw your own conclusions.

Well, and finally, I really love medicinal products, I collect and prepare them myself.

At my house I always have thyme, mint, oregano and many others.

I am convinced that when correct use, for certain diseases, they can have an effective therapeutic and cosmetic effect, restore strength and energy.

Therefore, be sure to use medicinal herbs, but do it correctly, and then herbal medicine will bring real benefits to you and your body.