What herbs treat alcoholism. The principle of action of folk remedies


Folk remedies can help a person suffering from alcohol addiction. Some herbs for alcoholism contribute to the development of aversion to the “green serpent”.

How do they work?

Medicinal herbs have a powerful strengthening effect. They also accompany the normalization of the body’s functioning, the removal of poisons and decay products.

If the treatment of alcoholism with herbs is correct, the patient’s body will quickly recover. The craving to drink will disappear and your health will improve.

General strengthening effect

Herbal medicine has the following goals:

  1. Relieving cravings for alcohol.
  2. Removing poisons from the body.
  3. Maintaining the patient's body.
  4. Supplying the body with minerals.
  5. Supplying the body with vitamins.

Aversion to alcohol

An aversion to alcohol is achieved through the use of tinctures and decoctions that are incompatible with alcohol-containing drinks. If therapy is carried out without the knowledge of the alcoholic, then healing agents are secretly added to his food or drink.

If the decision to take herbs was made by the patient himself, then the medicine is taken before or after meals.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the optimal dosage. Otherwise, unpredictable consequences may arise.

What are the contraindications?

Herbs for alcoholism are not a drink, but medicine. You can take them only after consulting a doctor.

Plants that cause vomiting should not be given to hypertensive patients, as well as to persons suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcers. Another contraindication is diabetes.

The following signs may appear against the background of poisoning:

  • dyspnea;
  • increased sweat production;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea;
  • severe vomiting.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the herbs and call a doctor.

Treatment without the knowledge of the alcoholic

Decision to help to a loved one getting rid of alcohol addiction is accompanied by the risk of harming him. Therefore, before introducing it into his diet herbal infusions and decoctions, you need to consult a narcologist.

The effect of such therapy appears more slowly. But this has its plus. A man who doesn't know what he's drinking medicinal herbs, believes that his dislike for alcohol is developed naturally.

The patient believes that his body is fed up with alcohol and “does not accept” it. This helps improve self-esteem. A person decides to “help the body” and independently reduces the dosage of alcohol. As a result, he completely gets rid of his addiction.

Herbs can only be used after consulting a doctor

What herbs can be used?

You can get rid of alcohol addiction by:

  1. Thyme.
  2. Hoof.
  3. Lovage.
  4. Puppeteer.
  5. Bay leaf.
  6. Kudzu root.
  7. Curly sorrel.
  8. St. John's wort.
  9. Barantsa.


Thyme helps with alcoholism. This herb has been known since ancient times for its beneficial properties. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from thyme. They cause vomiting when drinking even a small amount of alcohol.

In order to cook healing agent, need to:

  • mix 6 tablespoons of raw materials with 1000 ml of cooled boiling water;
  • put on the stove, reduce heat to low;
  • boil;
  • boil for 25 minutes;
  • leave for 55-60 minutes;
  • dilute with warm boiled water.

The medicine is added to alcohol. For a half-liter bottle of vodka, 3 tablespoons of the decoction is enough. The effect occurs within 40-60 minutes. The person begins to feel nauseous and vomit. He experiences severe weakness.

Duration of therapy is 12-14 days. The dose cannot be exceeded, since this herb is a toxic plant. It should not be used without the knowledge of the patient until prior consultation with a specialist.

This herb helps you stop drinking even chronic alcoholic. Traditionally, coffin is used to make an expectorant. But more high dosage provokes vomiting.

If you use this plant regularly, you will develop an aversion to the very smell of alcohol. Clefthoof root helps cleanse the body, remove poisons and restore the liver.

When treating alcoholism, only powder from the rhizome can be used. A half-liter bottle of vodka requires 1-2 grams of powder. The product is poured into the bottle and mixed thoroughly by shaking.

The coffin contains the ethereal asarone. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this herb in the treatment of alcohol dependence in women expecting the birth of a child.

In the treatment of alcoholism, only coffin powder can be used


The most commonly used plant at home is lovage. This herb provokes the development of an aversion to alcohol-containing drinks. As a result, the stomach stops accepting alcohol.

Lovage is one of the most safe plants and has a gentle effect. It can be used to treat even cancer patients and expectant mothers.

The root of the plant is used in therapy. It can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. To prepare the “elixir for drunkenness” you will need:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of raw material into 360 ml of just boiled liquid;
  • cover with a lid;
  • leave for 45-55 minutes;
  • filter thoroughly.

For a half-liter bottle, 2 tablespoons are enough. The effect appears 40-60 minutes after taking the “elixir”. Treatment continues until the person begins to feel an aversion to alcohol.

Infusion of curly sorrel - effective remedy

St. John's wort

A herb that can help cope with addictions and strengthen the body is St. John's wort. To make a healing product you need:

  • Pour 8 tablespoons of dried raw materials into 1000 ml of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • put in a steam bath;
  • boil for 22-23 minutes;
  • cool, filter.

The infusion can be used to treat alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient. For a half-liter bottle of vodka, 2 tablespoons are enough. Duration of therapy is 12-15 days. The result is the development of an aversion to alcohol-containing drinks.


What herb helps against alcoholism? Lamb has a good effect. To make a healing product you need to do the following:

  • 10 grams of dried, crushed raw materials are poured with 1000 ml of liquid removed from the stove;
  • put the fire on low;
  • boil for 12-13 minutes;
  • cool, filter;
  • add volume to 200 milliliters.

The product is drunk 5 minutes before taking vodka. The optimal dosage is 75 ml. The effect appears after about 7 minutes. The person begins to feel very sick and vomit.

Baranets belongs to poisonous plants. It should not be used for illnesses nervous system. Also, the herb is contraindicated for people with heart problems, people who have crossed the fifty-year threshold, and those who suffer from stomach ulcers or bronchial asthma.

Use of herbal preparations

Some infusions and products prepared on the basis medicinal plants, can only be used with the consent of the alcoholic.

What herbs are included in the collection that helps get rid of cravings for alcohol-containing drinks? Recommended use:

  1. Dandelion roots.
  2. Centaury.
  3. Bearberry.
  4. Bitter wormwood.

These herbs, which cause aversion to alcohol, have the most gentle effect.

Dandelion roots

Dandelion helps to completely cleanse the body of alcohol poisons. Against this background, the desire to drink disappears. To make the product you need:

  • mix 2 tablespoons of the plant’s rhizome with the same amount of St. John’s wort;
  • place in a thermos;
  • fill them with 1000 ml of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • leave for 12 hours;
  • filter thoroughly.

The medicine is taken in 160 ml doses. Eating is allowed after 25-35 minutes. The duration of therapy varies from 8 to 10 days.


This collection of herbs for alcoholism helps cleanse the body of alcohol poisons. As a result, he begins to recover. To make the medicine you need:

  • mix 4 tablespoons of raw materials with the same amount of mint and juniper;
  • pour 340 ml of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • cook for 8-12 minutes;
  • remove from heat, leave for 120-130 minutes;
  • filter thoroughly.

The medicine is taken 3 times/24 hours. Maximum dosage- a third of a glass. Duration of therapy is 8-10 days.


This herbal remedy for alcoholism is prepared as follows:

  • mix 4 tablespoons of bearberry with the same amount of mint and St. John's wort;
  • pour the mixture of herbs with 1000 ml of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • bring to a boil;
  • cool, filter.

The medicine is taken 20 drops, no more than 6 times/24 hours. Therapy should continue for up to 16 weeks. Even beer alcoholism can be cured with this medicine.


The medicine is prepared as follows:

  • mix 2 teaspoons of raw materials with the same amount of centaury in a thermos;
  • add 8 spoons of creeping thyme;
  • pour in 4 cups of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • stand for 300 minutes;
  • cool, filter well.

The medicine is drunk 1.5-2 tablespoons, no more than 4 times/24 hours. Eating is allowed after 35-40 minutes.


It is very important to provide the patient psychological assistance. He must feel the support of his family. Then the effect traditional therapy will be stronger and longer lasting.

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A fairly common method of getting rid of alcohol addiction is treatment with herbal remedies. Typically, the therapy process consists of two conditional stages: the first is designed to provoke an aversion to alcoholic drinks in the alcoholic, and the second is a purely psychological stage, when a person convinces himself of the need to give up alcohol. The patient will have to show willpower; for some, visiting church helps.

The choice of herbs for alcoholism used in treatment is quite wide.

The selection of the composition depends on the duration of addiction, age, physical characteristics the patient being treated, his individual mood and attitude towards therapy. Effectiveness depends on taking these factors into account.

The ideal conditions for the beginning of recovery are for the patient to be aware of the existence of his harmful cravings; a positive attitude will make the result more noticeable. In practice, there are often cases when the patient is not ready to admit the presence of an irresistible habit, does not notice due to clouded consciousness, or denies it due to a wounded sense of self-esteem. This is not the time for despair - ethnoscience offers a way out - there is a herb for alcoholism that causes an aversion to alcohol, but it can be used secretly.

The first step to cure and the beginning of success is considered to be a correctly composed recipe and selection of methods of use. medicinal plants and their fees. However, it is worth remembering that what helps one person addicted to alcohol may not work for another. Therefore, treatment of alcoholism with herbs, like any other, should be selected individually, based on the characteristics of the body and the reasons why a man or woman abuses alcohol.

The main advantage of treating alcoholism with herbs is its gentle effect on the body. herbal ingredients, absence side effects, characteristic of chemical pharmacology, long lasting effect, consolidation with a competent approach to compiling fees, their regular use. The cost of therapy is low, which makes it accessible to poorer segments of the population - the main difference from the exorbitant costs of procedures and detoxifications chemicals. You can buy herbs for alcoholism using the nearest pharmacy and begin treatment quickly, immediately, without wasting precious time searching for financial resources to fight the disease.

For effective treatment alcoholism experts advise AlcoLock product. This drug:

  • Eliminates cravings for alcohol
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Comprises natural ingredients and completely safe
  • AlcoLock has an evidence base based on numerous clinical studies. The product has no contraindications or side effects. Doctors' opinion >>

    Positive aspects in the treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies

    Why are herbs so preferred for patients with this disease? Because this therapy is invisible to others, especially since you don’t have to advertise this bad habit of yours. In addition, treatment can be carried out without the knowledge of the patient. This is a rather positive point, since alcoholics are often stubborn and aggressive, deny their illness and do not want to admit the problem.

    Direct result of application herbal remedies depends on the regimen and patience, as with treatment with tablets. Same with traditional medicine— you need to understand that among patients for whom treatment did not help, there is a large percentage of those who are careless about the dosage regimen herbal preparations. When herbs are used against alcoholism, strict adherence to the schedule for taking the components determines success, since active substances plant origin do not act due to concentration - due to a long, gentle effect, simultaneously healing the body, helping it to restore vitality, protective functions of the immune system, providing a general strengthening effect.

    A frequently encountered query indexed by search engines is what herb helps with alcoholism? Next we will look at some plants, ways to use them, correct doses. Although natural medicines they act more mildly than pharmaceutical ones - the dosage is important here, this is the rule for one day of medicine, a healing agent in excess can become poisonous and have the opposite effect. The speed of treatment is compensated by the gentle action, remember - you need a good, strong result, speed doesn't matter. Using plants that can cause aversion to alcohol, you should not try to give large dose in the hope of a faster cure. Herbs for alcoholism are not used randomly; it is necessary to follow the method of administration.

    Reviews about the treatment of addiction are different, but most are still positive:

    “I suffered from addiction to alcohol for a long time. I tried everything. But one day I decided to finally “give up”, and I was advised to use European hoof. Six months later, I forgot what vodka was and couldn’t drink it anymore! Oleg Z., 37 years old.”
    “Collecting moss, butterbur, thyme, mint, hogweed and ungulate helped me overcome the craving for alcohol. After drinking this decoction I was simply turned away from alcohol. Now I don’t set foot anywhere near the “green snake”. Igor B., 33 years old.”

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods alcoholism treatment...

    Read completely

    What herbs help against alcoholism

    There are many collections and plants separately that can achieve lasting results and give up alcohol. The Internet is replete with messages about the benefits of traditional medicine, as well as what herbs help with alcoholism. For example: collection - knotweed, thyme, wormwood; or collection - field mint, horsetail, big burdock, motherwort, sorrel. The main principle of action of these compositions is a diuretic effect, which helps remove toxins from the body resulting from prolonged and systematic use of vodka.

    Another result that herbs against alcoholism should cause is an aversion to any alcoholic beverages. It is also necessary to remember that plants, disgusting to alcohol, if used incorrectly, can be detrimental to the body. Therefore, deviating from the recipe for preparing decoctions and infusions is strictly not recommended.

    Collections of herbal components can be your help on the way to healthy life no dependencies. This is a simple path, absolutely safe with a competent and moderate approach, without physical and material costs. It requires nothing but patience and punctuality for the herbs to treat alcoholism to work. You can’t give up until the first signs of deliverance - have endurance and patience. Self-control, faith, firmness should fill your soul.

    Finding themselves captive to an illness, or having a close relative suffering from addiction, people are afraid to advertise the problem or consult a doctor for fear of public condemnation. Whatever the obstacle, there is a way out. Treating alcoholism with herbs at home is always an accessible way.

    When a difficult situation occurs, when you are deeply desperate, persuasion and advertised remedies do not help, when out of despair you are ready to turn to charlatan healers... remember that there is also a method recognized by official medicine. A simple herbal remedy for alcoholism can restore hope and peace to your home. Herbs will definitely work more effectively than untested remedies.

    In the article below we present the most effective herbal teas from alcoholism, remember that the available options do not end there. There are many methods, both simple and quite exotic, not all of them involve the use of herbs internally. How additional measure aromatherapy, diet, immune-supporting medications (and as antidepressants) can be used. As general strengthening herbal baths for the treatment of alcoholism have proven themselves as an effective remedy in combination. The methods below are accessible and popular, and have versatility.

    Grass puppeteer

    A puppeteer or spinning top is a remedy often used to treat alcoholism. It can cause an aversion to alcoholic drinks in a person, but it does not work equally well on all patients.

    Prepared according to the following recipe. To make a “medicine”, take 10g of the root of this plant, add 100ml of water (cold) and boil for 1 minute. After this, leave for at least two hours and strain. , during every meal.

    The effect of using this remedy will appear when the person drinks at least a little drink containing alcohol again, in the form of severe vomiting. If this dosage does not work, you can gradually increase the number of drops to 15.

    Clefthoof grass

    European coffin contains essential oil and alkaloids that are poisonous. The action of this plant is similar to how the puppeteer works, that is, a person vomits when drinking alcohol. collected in late summer and autumn. Its rhizome and roots are used.

    What doctors say about alcoholism

    Doctor medical sciences, Professor Malysheva E.V.:

    I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

    It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about something new natural remedy, which has proven to be incredibly effective, and is also involved in federal program "Healthy nation", thanks to which until 13.5.2018(inclusive) the remedy can be get it for just 1 ruble.

    Recipe: take a tablespoon of dried, finely ground plant root, add 200 ml of water and boil over low heat for 6-7 minutes. After this, leave the broth for at least 1 hour and filter.

    The product is stored cold dark place. Add 1 tablespoon per 200 g of drink to a person’s alcohol, so that he cannot see. After drinking, a person with alcoholism will feel nausea, which will turn into vomiting. Repeating the procedure a couple of times in a row will provide a lasting effect: a person will vomit even from vodka that does not contain hoof decoction.

    Lovage grass

    It has long been known. Even in Vanga’s notes there are references to this plant and its beneficial properties when fighting this bad habit.

    Tincture recipe: take lovage root, rinse thoroughly and dry. After this, cut and pour 200 ml of vodka, add 2 bay leaves and leave for 14 days in the dark.

    The patient needs to drink tincture 30g per day for a week. You can overcome alcoholism in 2-3 weeks; a person will feel aversion to any alcohol.

    Methods may not always help with alcohol addiction official medicine. Then they will come to the rescue traditional methods fight this disease. However, exceed permissible dosages and prescriptions for herbal remedies for alcoholism should not be given, as this can lead to undesirable consequences, including poisoning.

    Stories from our readers

    Cured my husband of alcohol addiction at home. It's been half a year since I forgot that my husband ever drank. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant scandals, fights, I was covered in bruises... How many times did I go to narcologists, but they couldn’t cure him, they just ripped off the money. And now it’s been 7 months since my husband hasn’t drunk a drop at all, and it’s all thanks to him. Anyone who has loved ones who are alcoholics should read this!

    Nowadays, alcoholism is a very scary and widespread phenomenon. At the same time, many are embarrassed and afraid to admit to others that they suffer from this disease and therefore do not turn to specialists for help. There are many who simply do not want to admit to themselves that they abuse alcohol and are already dependent on it. If an alcoholic lives in a family, the whole family suffers from it. Traditional medicine will help you not advertise and cure your illness or the illness of a loved one. Traditional methods of treating alcohol addiction are an old method that has been proven for thousands of years. Alcohol appeared at a time when the industry for the production of anti-alcohol drugs was not developed. Even simple pills appeared much later and were available only to a narrow circle of society. Centuries-old experience says that herbs play a very significant role in getting rid of alcoholism.

    Two directions of treatment for alcoholism with medicinal plants:

    1. Inducing aversion to alcoholic beverages. This effect can be achieved by using decoctions and tinctures that are incompatible with drinking alcohol. They must be quietly added to the alcoholic’s food (if treatment is carried out without the drinker’s knowledge) or by the alcoholic himself. Dosages must be strictly observed.
    2. General health improvement of the body and supportive therapy. Actions taken in this direction relieve cravings for alcohol and remove toxins from the body that have accumulated during the period of drinking alcohol. Herbal medicine also includes: maintaining the condition of a patient with alcoholism with soothing herbs, filling the body with vitamins and minerals contained in plants.

    What herbs help against alcoholism?

    We will answer this question below and present the preparation of the most effective recipes.

    Lovage (officinalis dawn)

    To get rid of addiction to alcohol, you need to use a tincture of 1 lovage root and 2 bay leaves for 7 days.


    Take the root of this herb and two laurel leaves, steep in one glass of vodka for 14 days and give this tincture to drink after a hangover. It will cause very strong vomiting. Soon after such procedures, the patient will have a pronounced and persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages.

    Thyme. Also known as Bogorodskaya grass

    This herb It helps treat alcoholism of any severity. The main substance in thyme, thymol, causes nausea and vomiting after drinking alcohol.

    Recipe No. 1

    Method for preparing the decoction:

    15 grams of Bogorodskaya herb must be poured into half a liter of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour (15 minutes). Strain then add boiled water to obtain the original volume.

    Directions for use: drink the decoction twice a day, 50 milliliters. In this case, it must be combined with 10-15 milligrams of vodka. After 30 minutes, vomiting begins.

    Many patients begin to feel aversion or indifference to alcohol after a few drinks. But don't stop. The course of treatment with this method lasts from 7 to 10 days. You should take this medicine every day, maximum every other day.

    Recipe No. 2

    You can treat cravings for alcohol without adding vodka. Then the treatment period will last up to a month. When taking thyme, the patient will have constant vomiting and slight pain will appear in the stomach area, sweating will occur and there will be a rapid pulse. Only fresh decoction should be taken. Thyme should be brewed like tea: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour a glass of boiled water. Drink 4 cups every morning for 4 weeks.

    Contraindications to taking a decoction of Bogorodskaya herb (thyme): thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcer and ulcer duodenum, pulmonary tuberculosis.


    Clefthoof grass contains in the root essential oils which cause vomiting when combined with alcohol. That's the whole method of treating a patient with alcoholism.

    First, you need to collect the rhizome of the European ungulate (along with the roots) during the flowering of the plant (April - May).

    Recipe No. 1

    Add a teaspoon of ground herb to a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool, strain. You need to take one tablespoon 5 times a day. The course of admission is 3 weeks.

    Recipe No. 2

    Take one teaspoon of roots and pour 200 milliliters hot water. Leave for 30 minutes, filter. Pour a tablespoon of the broth into a glass of vodka and give it to the alcoholic to drink.

    Recipe No. 3

    Take 6 tablespoons of rhizomes and fill the floor with liters of hot water. Leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place. In the morning, give the drunkard 100 milliliters of infusion, then 100 grams of vodka. Repeat the session in the afternoon. In the evening, give only 100 grams of vodka. Immediately there will be a strong urge to vomit, and then vomiting will begin. After finishing it, give a glass of vodka. The patient will begin to vomit. After such tests of strength, the alcoholic will give up alcohol. After refusal, you must give another 100 ml of infused decoction to drink. After this, he will finally stop drinking.

    Recipe No. 4

    Mix 20 g of coffin leaves with 40 g of green peel from walnut. Pour 10 grams of the resulting mixture into a glass of wine, let it brew for half an hour and use internally. Over the course of a month, you need to drink 4 liters of this tincture. It should not be used by pregnant women or patients with angina pectoris.

    Recipe No. 5

    Add ¼ teaspoon of chopped coffin root to a boiling cup of Turkish coffee. Give it a drink in one go. You can repeat the session after 1-2 days.

    Puppeteer or Lobel's hellebore

    Hellebore is classified as a poisonous plant, so you need to be extremely careful when using it and strictly follow all dosages. Pharmaceutical hellebore water cannot be used for treatment purposes. Only fresh decoction should be given.

    Cooking method:

    Take 10 g of hellebore roots, pour one ¼ cup of boiling water (50 ml) over it. Leave for an hour. Filter (pass the liquid through cheesecloth). The prepared broth should be stored in a cold place, and no more than 5 days! Add 2 drops of decoction to food or tea, repeat 3 times a day. You need to drip the decoction with a pharmaceutical pipette to avoid an overdose (since everyone has a different concept of “drops”). Do not add the decoction to milk. It may weaken the effect of the prepared product.

    Sometimes two drops are not enough. It all depends on the strength of your health and body. The main symptoms when exposed to an infusion of hellebore root: after drinking alcohol, the severe nausea with vomiting. If this does not happen, you should increase the dose to 3 drops of the decoction until symptoms appear. It is important to remember that the number of drops should not exceed 15. If 15 drops of decoction at one time did not work on your alcoholic, then more will not help. Treatment with this particular plant is simply not suitable for him.

    Above is a list of the most effective medicinal plants in the fight against alcoholism. Don't forget about different options combinations medicinal herbs, the so-called herbal teas.

    Collection of herbs for alcoholism

    Helps relieve cravings for alcoholic drinks, reduces the level of detoxification of the body, removes hangover syndrome and with all this leads to the normalization of the patient’s general well-being and eliminates mood swings. An example of this healing collection: grass ungulate, club moss, butterbur, hogweed, mint, thyme, centaury.

    Method of preparation: pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into one glass of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave for an hour. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. Can be added to tea or water. Taking this collection causes a complete aversion to alcohol, regardless of its type and stage of the disease.

    People come to alcoholism through different roads. A variety of circumstances and reasons put a person on this slippery path. Moreover, the transition from seemingly harmless relaxation with the help of alcohol to fatal alcohol addiction is invisible to a person. Not everyone is able to determine where the division is between ordinary addiction and already obvious dependence.

    Most addicted people stubbornly do not admit their own problem and are categorically against therapy. Therefore, it is mostly the relatives of the alcohol addict who have to think about treatment. Numerous methods are used, but more often they resort to people's pharmacy, in particular, using herbs that cause aversion to alcohol.

    Herbal medicine - effective method cure a person from drunkenness

    Doctors diagnose alcoholism as chronic illness, which is formed against the background of a person’s persistent attachment and strong craving for drinking alcohol. It is extremely difficult to overcome this addiction on your own, because it completely takes over the personality, forming on the physical and psychological level.

    The sooner steps are taken to treat alcoholism, the greater the guarantee for a person’s recovery. And the lower the risk of developing various internal pathologies.

    In narcology, the treatment of alcohol addiction mainly uses a variety of synthetic products, which stop a person’s craving for alcohol. At the same time, treatment is carried out to cleanse the body of ethanol metabolites. Unfortunately, the patient himself extremely rarely resorts to medical care without noticing any problems at all.

    Signs of alcoholism

    That’s when a variety of plants and herbs rush to help. They help to form in the addict a persistent dislike even for the type of alcohol. Moreover, some tinctures can be used without informing the person.

    "Anonymous" treatment

    Some of the most effective are herbs for alcoholism, which cause disgust without the knowledge of the patient. But before using these compounds, you should know the state of human health. In particular, he has no allergic predisposition.

    Plants that cause aversion to alcohol are mostly poisonous, so you should use them with caution.

    It should be remembered that after many years of drunkenness, rarely does anyone remain completely healthy person. In this method of therapy, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for treatment and only then prepare a variety of drugs. So, what herbs cause aversion to alcohol and are considered the most effective in this regard?


    To make medicinal tincture, you should take the finely grated root of the plant (60 g) and place the raw material in a 250 ml glass jar. Place a couple of bay leaves on it and fill the container completely with good vodka. After infusion for 1.5-2 weeks, the drug is ready.


    Before use, shake the tincture well and filter. The patient should drink half of the prepared medicine, the second half is drunk the next day.

    As a rule, the addict willingly drinks lovage tincture, which is not only alcoholic, but also has a pleasant spicy aftertaste.

    The effect of this treatment is quite fast and lasting. After just a few days, the addict develops a persistent aversion even to the type of alcohol due to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms after using the drug. It is expressed in:

    1. Vomiting.
    2. Painful nausea.
    3. Stomach upset (diarrhea).
    4. Pain in the peritoneal area.

    Bay leaf

    This anti-drunkenness herb is similar in effect to lovage. Preparation of the drug is quite simple. To make the medicine, you should:

    • take 2-3 large bay leaves;
    • pour a glass of good vodka (or alcohol) into the plant material;
    • leave to infuse for 1.5-2 weeks in a dark place.

    Bay leaf

    The finished infusion is given to the patient one serving per day. Previously, the entire volume of the resulting drug is divided into three parts. After three days, a person will already experience a clear disgust for even one type of alcoholic drink.

    European hoofweed

    The root of the plant is considered the most effective. During treatment, an addict who has taken alcohol will face a number of unpleasant symptoms ranging from nausea to deterioration in general well-being. The entire course of treatment takes 3-4 days, it depends on the initial state of the addict. The tincture is prepared as follows:

    • pour 15 g of finely crushed root of the plant warm water(250 ml);
    • boil and immediately remove from heat;
    • leave for half an hour to infuse;
    • filter.

    European hoofweed

    The finished drug should be given to the addict to take 20 ml daily. The decoction can also be added to the patient’s food/drinks. But it is most effective when discreetly added to alcohol.


    This anti-alcohol herb is very poisonous and forms an aversion to alcohol while provoking symptoms of intoxication. But during treatment, you should be especially careful and careful with the dosage. If it is exceeded, a person may experience serious poisoning. The drug is prepared as follows:

    • chop the root of the plant thoroughly;
    • plant raw materials (20 g) pour with high-quality vodka (400 ml);
    • The tincture is left in a dark place for 10 days.

    Puppeteer (or cheremitsa)

    Then the finished medicine is carefully filtered and the cake is discarded. The decoction is given to the patient in the amount of 5 drops (it is quietly added to food or drinks). The course of treatment lasts until the addict develops a clear aversion to alcohol.


    What herb helps against alcoholism, but is not poisonous? This is thyme, another quite effective remedy for drunkenness. Using this medicine gives results within a week regular use . After drinking alcohol, thyme provokes severe abdominal pain and profuse vomiting in a person.

    The tincture can be mixed into food or drinks. You can also add it directly to the alcohol itself. The medicine recipe is as follows:

    • Steam 50 g of raw materials with boiling water (250 ml);
    • leave to infuse for 1.5-2 hours.

    The finished drug is added to the patient 25 ml twice a day. For the sake of prevention, after a person has gotten rid of the addiction, thyme tincture is given in the same quantity for a month.

    Therapy with patient consent

    It is not always possible to treat alcoholism with herbs without the knowledge of the addict. Decoctions/infusions of some plants have some nuances when used. And they can only be used openly.

    Dandelion roots

    Dandelion root

    This beautiful field plant helps not only to free a person from addiction, but also to cleanse the weakened body of alcohol metabolites. This is where the strength of this culture lies. Prepare the tincture as follows:

    • Steam 25 g of crushed raw materials with boiling water (500 ml), it is better to use a thermos;
    • leave to infuse overnight in a tightly closed container.

    Take the finished drug 200 ml orally on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10-12 days. The best thing this treatment combine with other compounds that help in the treatment of alcohol addiction.

    Moss moss

    Moss moss

    This plant can also help in the treatment of tobacco addiction. The drug is taken frequently, 50 ml every hour until an aversion to the smell and even the sight of alcohol/cigarettes occurs. And they prepare it like this:

    • grass (10 g) is poured clean water(200 ml);
    • stir well and cook for 10-15 minutes.

    It must be remembered that this plant is poisonous, so you should consult a doctor before treatment.

    You should also monitor the dosage of the drug. Otherwise, if you exceed it, then the person risks severe intoxication.



    The effect of using such a drug appears after 1.5-2 weeks of regular consumption. This period is quite enough to form a persistent aversion to alcohol in the addict. Also, the healing decoction works to cleanse the patient’s body of toxins remaining after the breakdown of ethanol. Recipe:

    • Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 50 g of raw materials;
    • bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes;
    • then remove from heat and leave to infuse for 1.5-2 hours.

    Take the resulting product three times a day at the same time, 60-70 ml. The maximum period during which you are allowed to take the drug is 10 days. It should not be exceeded.



    This plant is famous for its versatility. He can even cope with beer alcoholism, which is especially difficult to treat. The medicine is prepared as follows:

    • vegetable raw materials (30 g) pour hot water(200 ml);
    • Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat;
    • filter well.

    The finished medicine is drunk 20 ml 5-6 times a day. The therapy is quite long. It takes about 3.5-4 months.


    This medicinal herb helps to completely cleanse the body of ethanol metabolites and relieves psychological dependence from addiction. The healing medicine is prepared as follows:

    • crushed plant roots (20 g) pour boiling water (250 ml);
    • bring the composition to a boil (in a closed container) and cook for 5-6 minutes;
    • leave to infuse for 2.5-3 hours.

    The finished drug should be taken 25 ml 5-6 times a day. The general course of treatment is 2.5-3 months.

    special instructions

    All herbs used to treat alcohol addiction have a number of contraindications. They must be taken into account during treatment. And with special attention refers to the patient's condition. As a result of illiterate use or accidental overdose, a person may become poisoned. The following signs indicate developed intoxication:

    1. Increased sweating.
    2. Difficulty breathing.
    3. Increasing frequency heart rate(tachycardia).
    4. Vomiting for too long and incessantly.

    IN in this case You should immediately stop treatment and seek medical help. Do not delay, because serious intoxication aggravates a person’s condition, and in severe cases can also lead to death.

    What are the contraindications

    When conducting herbal treatment, you should know that healing herbs can turn into real enemies and greatly aggravate a person’s condition. This applies to existing contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to try to cure an addict using medicinal herbs with the following pathologies:

    • allergy;
    • diabetes;
    • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach;
    • hypertension (persistent high blood pressure);
    • various injuries (including ulcers) of the esophagus.

    Therapy should be postponed if the patient has undergone gastric surgery and less than a year has passed since the operation. All these contraindications should be carefully observed. And before using the chosen product, familiarize yourself with the individual warnings available for the plant.

    This addiction to alcohol has become firmly entrenched in the life of our people, and it will take a lot of time to rid people of this harmful habit forever.

    Therefore, any remedy that helps in the fight against drunkenness should be used, including, and perhaps first of all, traditional medicine methods.

    Treatment of alcoholism with herbs Herbal medicine for alcoholism has been used for a long time.

    Probably, starting from the moment of the emergence of alcoholism itself and the withdrawal syndrome caused by it, people began to look for methods of getting rid of this scourge. People used conspiracies, coercion, and other psychotherapeutic methods, but the use of various medicinal herbs proved to be the best. Alcoholism includes two main pathological conditions which may require treatment. It's sama alcohol addiction
    and withdrawal syndrome. The pathological attraction to alcohol first wears psychological character , but then alcohol metabolites firmly enter into metabolism human body

    and a strong physical dependence occurs. Withdrawal syndrome occurs when abrupt cessation alcohol consumption and is manifested by headaches, nausea, vomiting, severe deterioration in health, various vegetative manifestations, such as redness, skin excessive sweating

    , dry mouth. It is also possible to develop clouding of consciousness (delirium) and depression. To combat the pathological attraction to alcohol, you can form an aversion to it by creating a conditioned reflex. To do this, before drinking alcohol, a tincture of plants is added to it, which have a nauseating and emetic effect. These are plants such as club moss or european clefthoof . After drinking such alcohol, the drinker experiences severe nausea, vomiting, and their health deteriorates greatly, which is also accompanied by bad feelings. This method can be used in cases where an alcoholic does not recognize himself as such and does not want to be treated. Then, secretly from him, these tinctures are added to the alcohol. One such procedure will help an alcoholic think about his health.

    But besides positive effects at this method There are also negative ones. One of the negative effects is that it’s unlikely that anyone will want to deliberately drink such crap again, and it’s quite difficult to mix these tinctures into an alcoholic’s vodka each time without his knowledge, not to mention the fact that it’s downright dangerous.

    Another negative point Such treatment is due to the fact that these mixed substances cause vomiting because they are highly toxic to the body.

    Therefore, for an organism weakened by alcohol, excessive intoxication can lead it to the development of some pathology, for example, toxic hepatitis. Uncontrollable vomiting itself can lead to significant loss of water and electrolytes (excosis), followed by loss of consciousness, convulsions, and falls. blood pressure

    , interruptions in heart function, etc. Intense vomiting can damage the lining of the esophagus or stomach and lead to intestinal bleeding (Malory-Weiss syndrome).

    For conscious voluntary treatment of alcoholism, you can use the following recipe: Take one part of bitter wormwood, 2 parts of centaury and 4 parts creeping thyme . Thyme is the main one active agent

    in this composition, the rest of the herbs can be replaced. Centaury and wormwood are also part of the so-called “Bitters”, which is a powerful stimulant of the gastrointestinal tract. When taking it, the stomach and pancreas begin to secrete abundantly digestive enzymes, and the liver and


    – bile. Thyme, on the contrary, inhibits the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, these herbs balance each other's effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of withdrawal, As mentioned above, withdrawal symptoms manifest themselves in mental (delirium and depression) and somatic (impaired work internal organs

    autonomic dysfunction

    ) spheres.

    Treatment of mental manifestations of withdrawal No herbs will help with delirium. In this case, it is necessary to call narcologists-psychiatrists and carry out special treatment for delirium in a hospital setting. Depression is treated with the help of adaptogens, among which are:

    alcohol tincture ginseng, eleutherococcus, radiola (pink, four-part) and some others. However, you need to know that these substances stimulate the central nervous system (and not only), so they should never be used in cases of delirium or suspected delirium. plants that have a sedative effect are used. These plants include lemon balm, common horehound, marin root and some others. Valerian is not suitable in this case, as it inhibits the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

    It is better to alternate herbs with psychostimulating and sedative effects. Adaptogens are taken in the morning before lunch, and sedative herbs are used in the afternoon closer to bedtime.

    Treatment of somatic manifestations of withdrawal

    Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is treated with herbs such as belladonna, black henbane and stinking datura. They are good at balancing the autonomic nervous system, but their use must be careful because they potent substances and are essentially poisons. In case of their overdose, delirium may resume, if it has occurred.

    Hawthorn (flower decoction) has a milder effect.

    Recovery normal functioning internal organs are used a large number of herbs But the most damaged organ should be treated first. Alcoholism primarily damages the liver, then the pancreas, heart and peripheral nervous system.

    Herbs such as lupine clover, wormwood, and spotted milk thistle, medicinal dandelion and medicinal calendula.

    The heart is stimulated peppermint, blood-red hawthorn, hearty motherwort.

    To lower blood pressure, the common blackhead is well suited, swampy cudweed, swamp blasphemer.

    With lesions of the peripheral nervous system, symptoms such as numbness in the hand and paresthesia (tingling and goosebumps) appear. Also, when drunk, alcoholics long time sleep in one position, while they can compress the nerve and blood vessels in some limb, for example in the hand, after which, due to hypoxia and alcohol intoxication

    , part of the nerve dies and the limb partially loses its functionality. Herbs for alcoholism such as common wormwood , foxtail, loosestrife, medicinal dandelion,, medicinal speedwell stinging nettle

    and others can be used for problems with the peripheral nervous system. One way or another, in the treatment of a particular alcoholic there should be.individual approach During the treatment period it will be very good if he refuses to drink alcohol.

    Treatment of alcoholism with herbs is well combined with psychotherapeutic methods of influence.

    Collection of herbs for alcoholism No. 1

    1. Take:
    2. Bitter Wormwood 50 grams;
    3. Small Centaury 100 grams.

    For one tablespoon of this collection you need to add 200 ml of hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then the broth settles, filters and adds up to 200 ml of boiled water. Take before meals three times a day.

    Collection of herbs for alcoholism No. 2

    Collection of herbs for alcoholism No. 1

    • Rosea Rhodiola (roots with rhizomes) 90 grams;
    • Eleutherococcus senticosus (root) 90 grams;
    • Medicinal Dandelion (root) 60 grams;
    • Aronia (fruits) 30 grams;
    • Common Rowan (fruit) 30 grams;
    • Meadowsweet (root) 60 grams;
    • Swamp Ledum (shoots) 30 grams.

    Add one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then the broth is settled and filtered, after which water is added to 200 ml. This decoction is taken 100 ml 2 times a day after meals.

    Collection of herbs against alcoholism No. 3

    Collection of herbs for alcoholism No. 1

    • Blue Sinyukha (roots with rhizomes) 80 grams;
    • Blood red Hawthorn (flowers) 80 grams;
    • Peppermint (herb) 50 grams;
    • Medicinal Melissa (herb) 50 grams;
    • St. John's wort (grass) 50 grams;
    • Ordinary Hops (fruits) 50 grams;
    • Heart-shaped Linden (inflorescences) 50 grams.

    Two tablespoons of this collection are poured with hot water and infused in a thermos for 7 hours. Take 200 ml warmed before bedtime. Can be consumed together with bee honey.

    Treatment with these fees is carried out in within three months, subject to tolerance.

    Video: Asarum europaeum (European hooffoot)