Wheat germ cosmetic oil instructions for use. Indications for use

Wheat germ oil was previously and is valued all over the world today; the properties and applications of this product can hardly be overestimated.

Thanks to its unique composition and effect on the body, wheat germ oil has found its use in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine.

Useful properties and composition

Three particularly important active components: antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids in the oil cause it unique composition, are considered a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body. In terms of vitamin E content, the product is recognized as a record holder, especially in cosmetology. Those who strive to always look young and beautiful should take a closer look at this oil.

The oil stimulates and renews the skin at the cellular level, moisturizes it, and nourishes it with useful microelements and vitamins. Scientists have proven that rejuvenation can be achieved even with systematic care of old, rough, flaky skin that has lost its firmness, softness and elasticity.

Listing the components that make up wheat germ oil, it is worth highlighting important fact. 100 grams of oil contains more than one daily norm useful vitamins and microelements, but a few. Except huge amount vitamin E, it contains and vitamin complex group B, as well as:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • choline;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic and folic acids.

The oil consists of:

  • Vanadium, silicon, boron and manganese. 100 g contains 3 daily norms of these nutrients.
  • Zirconium, selenium, cobalt, copper and phosphorus are half the daily requirement.

Important! The list of microelements and vitamins is supplemented by proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates. And tocopherols give the oil antioxidant properties.

Use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

Oil by itself does not count. medicine, but its role as a biological supplement is invaluable for health. For what purposes are the properties of wheat germ oil used in medicine? Internal and external use is indicated for:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • combating skin diseases: acne, acne and other rashes;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, scratches, burns, abrasions and so on;
  • optimization of the circulatory system;
  • disease therapy of cardio-vascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization of functions reproductive system, treatment of prostatitis, infertility, increasing potency;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • has sedative effect on the peripheral and nervous systems;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, reducing the likelihood of failures;
  • preventing the development of varicose veins, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

In all preventive or medicinal purposes Use no more than 2 teaspoons of oil and no more than 2 times a day. When treating not very deep burns, the affected area is lubricated with a slightly warmed product. For bruises or sprains, massage the affected areas using warm oil from wheat germ.

The oil is very useful for people with gastrointestinal problems:

  • At peptic ulcer stomach oral administration 1 teaspoon of oil before meals will help protect the walls from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  • To prevent gastritis, it is enough to consume a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Taking sprouted wheat extract is also beneficial for bodybuilding athletes. Taking 2 tablespoons of oil per day helps increase the body's tolerance to increased stress.

Advice! Wheat germ oil helps women cope with such unpleasant gynecological diseases, such as: mastopathy, vaginitis and cervical erosion.

Wheat germ oil: contraindications

There is a list of warnings and restrictions on the use of wheat germ oil:

  • You cannot use it if you have an individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.
  • People with a predisposition to stone formation urinary system or kidneys and those who already have stones.
  • Women during pregnancy or breastfeeding are allowed to use oil, but only after consultation with their doctor.
  • Children under and under 6 years of age should use and take the oil very carefully.

Application in cosmetology

Wheat germ cosmetic oil, its properties and use for cosmetic purposes are no less valuable than for medicinal purposes. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair skin, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.

Since it is considered viscous and dense in structure, it should be diluted with less heavy ones before use. vegetable oils. Oil from olives, almonds, and avocado in proportions of 1:4 are well suited for these purposes. Wheat germ oil is used only on specific areas, for example, on wrinkles, rough areas of the skin, wound, inflammation or burn.

Advice! To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it not just once, or whenever you want, but systematically - over a long period of time.

For wrinkles on the face

To enhance hair growth

Sprouted grain oil is widely used to strengthen and enhance hair growth. For seborrheic dermatitis, dryness, hair loss or brittleness, as well as split ends. The oil, penetrating deep into the epidermis to the bulb, increases blood flow, helps restore damaged areas, and removes oiliness and dandruff.

Using oil as shampoo is also effective. Pharmacists recommend mixing oil and other essential substances in equal proportions. The main thing is to adhere to the desired consistency - it should be thick (like shampoo). The application procedure is very simple:

  • The oil composition should be evenly distributed over the hair and scalp, wrapped in plastic wrap, and a rubber cap placed on top.
  • Then wrap your head with a thick cloth or towel and hold for 30 minutes, warming your head with a hair dryer as it cools.
  • Finally, wash your hair and hair with traditional shampoo several times. This is very important, since this oily substance will not be washed off the first time.

Advice!If the oil is used for the first time, you need to test for an allergic reaction before use. To do this, apply a few drops of the product to the skin. upper limb just above the elbow. Leave for 40 minutes at rest. If swelling and redness are clearly visible, the allergy test is positive and it is strictly not recommended for this person to use it.

Masks for oily and dry hair

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 4 tablespoons of yogurt (low-fat) and a small amount of banana pulp.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly, distribute evenly throughout the hair, leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Split ends can be restored with the following mask:

  • Mix two tablespoons of oil with a spoon of honey.
  • Dissolve the resulting composition in a water bath.
  • Distribute over the entire length of the hair, rinse after half an hour.

Improve condition oily hair A kefir-oil mask will help:

  • Mix three tablespoons of kefir with a spoon of wheat germ oil and freshly squeezed juice from one medium-sized lemon.
  • Apply to hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • To improve the resulting effect, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a chamomile decoction.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

You can improve the condition of your eyebrows and eyelashes with a simple mask:

  • Combine half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil with the same amount of castor oil.
  • Apply the composition to the eyebrows and eyelashes using a makeup brush.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you leave the composition on your eyelashes or eyebrows all night - this can cause swelling on them.

Skin of the eyelids and around the eyes

The skin in these areas is very sensitive and delicate, so it needs to be regularly nourished with vitamins and moisturized. If you don’t do this, then the appearance of wrinkles in these areas will not take long. Warn this unpleasant phenomenon you can use an effective and very simple mask:

  • Mix two teaspoons of strong tea with one spoon of wheat germ oil and four drops of vitamins E and A (each).
  • Apply to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

Stretch marks in pregnant women

Wheat germ extract will also help get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, care skin the abdomen is very important. A bath with wheat germ oil will significantly improve its condition. In addition, it will relieve tension and help you relax. Method of preparing and using the mask:

  • Mix one tablespoon each: wheat germ oil, lavender extract and neroli.
  • Fill the bath warm water(not higher than 38 degrees).
  • Add received oil composition based on: 1 drop per 20 liters of water.
  • Immerse yourself in water for 15 minutes.
  • After water procedure Do not dry yourself with a towel, but let your body dry naturally.

Advice! You can also protect and heal chapped lips with wheat germ oil. It can heal microcracks; you just need to reapply the product on your lips several times a day.

For cellulite

Many women try in every possible way to get rid of this unpleasant problem. A variety of creams, masks, ointments and other means are used. Do they really help? No one will give a definite answer - for some, yes, but for others, it is thrown away in vain cash. The properties of essential oil from wheat germ and its use as an anti-cellulite agent have been known to many for a long time. It is used for massage problem areas, both in a diluted state, and in pure form.

The simplest and effective recipe Preparation of the mask: mix a couple of drops of citrus extracts (all that you can buy) with a tablespoon of oil. Use the resulting composition for a firm massage of problem areas of the skin.

Advice! Wheat germ oil has a whitening effect. This fact will be valuable to people who want to get rid of freckles or age spots on the body and face.

How and where to store oil?

The storage conditions for this extract require the fulfillment of certain rules and requirements:

  • the oil is stored in a shaded and cool place;
  • prolonged contact of the substance with air should not be allowed;
  • the storage period should not exceed 12 months;
  • the temperature in the room where it is stored should not exceed +15C;
  • Do not store an open container of oil in the refrigerator.

Advice!If storage conditions are violated, the oil substance may lose most useful properties and instead of becoming useful - dangerous mixture. Under no circumstances should you use a rancid extract of sprouted sprouts or one that has become unusable due to its expiration date.

The oil is stored in a shaded and cool place

Today I want to talk about one thing amazing oil. Wheat germ oil - if you haven't used it, I think it's worth bringing our attention to it.

If we carefully read and think about the name of the oil itself, it will become clear that this oil is one of the most beneficial for health and beauty. After all, it is obtained from wheat germ by cold pressing. Why is it so useful and how to use it?

Beneficial properties of wheat germ oil.

  • Of all the oils, wheat germ oil contains maximum amount vitamin E, which is very beneficial for health and beauty. This vitamin is an antioxidant. It helps us to be healthy and beautiful. It is no coincidence that it is called the vitamin of youth.
  • Wheat germ oil stimulates everything metabolic processes in organism.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Removes from the body harmful substances.
  • Perfectly cleanses the skin of the face and neck.
  • Relieves inflammation that may appear on the skin. Excellent for treating acne and pimples on the skin.
  • Improves and evens out complexion.
  • Promotes healing of wounds, abrasions, burns.
  • Perfectly strengthens and tones the skin.
  • Promotes good blood circulation in tissues.
  • Helps get rid of wrinkles. Great for all skin types.
  • Helps fight signs of cellulite.
  • Strengthens hair and makes it healthy.
  • Perfectly softens the skin.

Wheat germ oil. Contraindications

Individual intolerance, which is extremely rare. When taken orally, people suffering from cholelithiasis and urolithiasis should not take this oil.

Storing wheat germ oil

Look carefully at the date of manufacture of the oil on the packaging. Store for up to a year dark place, in tight closed. Once the butter has been chilled, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

Wheat germ oil. Application

I think that everything is quite clear about the use of this oil due to all the beneficial properties. Oil is used for healing and preventing diseases, and for our beauty. Let's talk a little more about this.

Wheat germ oil inside

This oil is recommended for use internally to strengthen the immune system and for illnesses. endocrine system, with insomnia, stress, with overweight, after undergoing complex operations, after a course of chemotherapy, in a cleansing program.

It is great to take this oil for athletes, anyone who lives in unfavorable environmental conditions, whose profession is considered harmful to health.

Universal recipe for everyone who wants health:

For prevention of gastritis, colitis and ulcers It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of this oil strictly on an empty stomach. Course 1 month.

At burns, abrasions Lubricate the affected areas with oil. To do this, the oil should be slightly heated to a temperature of 30 degrees.

At bruises and sprains This oil is very good for massage. It is also best to heat the oil for this procedure to 40 degrees.

Wheat germ oil during pregnancy.

This oil is useful for pregnant and lactating women. Half a teaspoon 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Many people experience excellent results from using this oil in for cosmetic purposes . Just a great result. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart to everyone. The oil itself is a little heavy. In its pure form, it is best used on small areas: lubricate inflamed areas, apply to the forehead, nasolabial folds, areas under the eyes, and lips.

For complete care It is best to mix wheat germ oil with more light oils. Let's talk a little more about this.

Wheat germ oil for face

  1. For the care of aging skin . For some signs of sagging, aging skin, it is good to make the following mask: to 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, add 1 drop each of mytha, orange, and sandalwood oils. If somehow a component is missing, no big deal. Apply everything on a napkin and apply it to your face for about 20-30 minutes. There is no need to wash off anything. All remaining oil should be absorbed into the skin on its own. If you have nothing else but wheat germ oil, then you can only make a mask with it. I did it and liked the effect. Just with other oils it’s really a little more light effect observed. Take a look and choose what suits you.
  2. At acne For irritated, acne-prone skin, it’s good to make the following mask: add 1-2 drops of cedar, lavender, and clove oil to 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil. If a component is missing, I use what is available. The method of using the mask is exactly the same as in the recipe above.
  3. if you have freckles and age spots, then to 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, add 1 drop each of lemon, juniper, and bergamot oil. You can also soak a napkin and apply it all over your face; you can do it morning and evening, if time permits. If there are no other oils, also do this procedure with one wheat germ oil.
  4. Do you want to remove wrinkles under the eyes to get rid of puffiness under the eyes, at least to make everything less noticeable, use this mask: to 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, add 2 drops of rose oil or 1 drop each of neroli and sandalwood oil. Apply very lightly onto your face and massage very gently. Don't forget your lips. There is no need to wash off the mask.
  5. If you have very dry facial skin and dry, chapped lips, lubricate the skin of your face and lips with pure wheat germ oil. You can also recommend adding 1 drop of rose or lemon balm oil to it.

Wheat germ oil for hair

If you have problems with your hair (not like this healthy looking if they have hair loss), it’s good to make the following mask: apply pure wheat germ oil to the hair roots half an hour before washing, lightly massage your head. Then wash your hair in the usual way. It is best to do such procedures in a course - every other day for 2-3 weeks. You can also add oils that you have at home: for 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, 1-2 drops of ginger, pine or eucalyptus and cedar oil, or orange and thyme.

Wheat germ oil for hand care .

Just apply the oil to your hands and do a light massage. You can add a drop of lavender or bergamot oil to this oil. Hands should always be given special attention.

Wheat germ oil for cellulite and stretch marks .

Massage problem areas with this oil. You can also add orange or grapefruit oil to it (per 1 tablespoon base oil 2-3 drops of other oils).

Be healthy and beautiful. Take care of yourself.

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Description of pharmacological action

Healing power oils for skin explained high content it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and an antioxidant - vitamin E, which, when applied to the face, exhibits strong regenerating, nourishing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and tonic properties. When using wheat germ oil to treat dermatitis, the effect is achieved in a matter of weeks: the inflammatory process subsides, the crusts are rejected, and the skin itself smoothes out and acquires an even matte color. The oil is also used for hemorrhoids for lubrication. anal fissures, for eczema and psoriasis, burns to speed up the healing process and eliminate the inflammatory factor.

The product takes its rightful place in recipes traditional medicine: it is recommended to be used for daily care for dry, flaky, rash-covered, cracked, wrinkled skin, as well as in the form of masks for dry and split ends.

A group of researchers has proven that when wheat germ oil is taken orally, it has a tonic and restorative effect, increases resistance to various infectious diseases and performance, slows down the aging process of the body. Among other things, it normalizes metabolism, functions endocrine glands, improves digestion and promotes healing of erosions and stomach ulcers and duodenum. Gastroenterologists and therapists note a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular pathology when using oil.


The main component (up to 60-70%) of wheat germ oil is polyunsaturated linoleic acid. In addition, the product contains glycerides of linolenic, oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids, lecithin, carotene, vitamin E significant amount and vitamins B and F, micro- and macroelements in easily digestible organic form.

Indications for use

Indicated when skin diseases(eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, diathesis, age-related and solar pigmentation, dandruff, trophic ulcers)
- used to care for dry, mature, rough skin
- strengthens nails and hair

Release form

cosmetic oil; bottle (bottle) 30 ml,

Contraindications for use

The product should not be used if you have an individual intolerance or allergic reactions.

Directions for use and doses

External use.

Massage: as a base in equal quantities or in a 1:2 ratio with almond, peach or apricot oils.

For cellulite: to 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil, preferably mixed with one of the above vegetable oils, add 3-5 drops of the mixture essential oils orange, tangerine or grapefruit, taken in equal proportions, or 1 drop each of geranium, juniper, lemon and fennel essential oils. Carry out a firm massage of problem areas of the skin.

Masks and applications:

For aging, sagging, tired and wrinkled skin: add 1 drop each of sandalwood, mint and rose or sandalwood, orange and rosewood essential oils to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.

For inflamed, contaminated skin (acne): add 2 drops of essential oils of lavender and clove or cajuput and cedar to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.

For spots on the skin of the face, freckles, unclean skin: in pure form or with the addition of essential oils of lemon, juniper, grapefruit or bergamot, taken 1 drop per 1 tablespoon of base. Apply wipes soaked only with wheat germ oil or with the addition of essential oils to the skin 1-2 times a day for 15-30 minutes.

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes: to 1 tablespoon of base oil, add 1 drop of sandalwood, lime and neroli oils or 2 drops of sandalwood and rose essential oils.

To care for flaky, dry skin of the face and lips: use wheat germ oil in its pure form or with the addition of lemon balm, rose and lime essential oils, taken 1-2 drops per 1 tablespoon of base. Lubricate the skin 2-3 times a day, lightly massaging.

For hair loss: pure or mixed with jojoba oil (1:1); or with the addition of 2-3 drops of ginger and pine essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base; or 2 drops each of eucalyptus, orange and cedar; or 2 drops each of thyme, lime and orange. Apply to scalp scalp 15-20 minutes before washing.

For hand care: can be used pure or with the addition of lavender and bergamot essential oils, taken 1-2 drops per 1 tablespoon of base. Eliminates peeling, minor damage, gives the skin of the hands softness, elasticity, firmness. Lubricate and do a light massage after each hand washing.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

Description of the vitamin Wheat germ oil is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace specialist advice and cannot be a guarantee positive effect the drug you are using. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the section on vitamins and dietary supplements is intended for informational purposes and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosage and contraindications, notes on prescribing the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Unsaturated fatty acid necessary for normal height, which was proven in 1930. Scientific research last decades allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the role of these substances in human body. Wheat germ oil is recognized as the leader in the concentration of PUFAs, reviews of which are only positive.

In what release forms is the drug available?

There are several varieties of this remedy. Pharmacists classify it in the group of dietary supplements and offer clients to purchase wheat germ oil in capsules or in glass vials of 50 milliliters. Both options are popular.

Ingestion - benefits for the body

Wheat germ oil (reviews fully prove its effectiveness) can be used for the following purposes:

  • Stimulation of metabolism in adults and children.
  • An auxiliary component for the treatment of cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
  • Rehabilitation of persons who have undergone chemotherapy.
  • Treatment of obesity, allergic reactions, anemia.
  • Elimination of gynecological problems.

Wheat germ oil, the price of which makes it accessible to almost everyone, allows you to get rid of a range of serious health problems. In addition, the use of the drug for cosmetic purposes is widely known.

Active components

The active ingredient of the biological supplement, manufactured and certified in accordance with all rules, is pure wheat germ oil. Reviews indicate that some companies introduce additional components into the composition: water, glycerin, food gelatin. However, this applies only to the capsule form of release.

The pharmacological agent can be taken by adults and children over the age of 14. A single dose is five capsules, which are taken three times a day. Such a scheme allows for a revenue of 15.7% daily value polyunsaturated fatty acids and 18.9% vitamin E.

Doctors advise sticking to a thirty-day course, which can be repeated 3-4 times throughout the year. This is how wheat germ oil (the instructions confirm this data) will reveal all its benefits.

Restrictions on use

The drug should not be taken orally if individual intolerance is detected. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, persons with cholelithiasis, acute forms inflammation localized in the liver and gallbladder, infections digestive tract. Before use, it is recommended to undergo medical consultation - this is the only way to ensure complete safety of the therapy and experience the benefits of wheat germ oil. Price in pharmacy for biologically active supplement in capsules is 60-77 rubles.

Cosmetological effect

The use of an oil substance promotes deep rejuvenation of the skin, achieving fresh, healthy appearance, improving complexion. The drug eliminates dryness of the epidermis and brittle hair, which is especially important against the background of an unbalanced diet.

Other properties due to high concentration vitamin E are revealed as follows:

  • Skin regeneration, restoration of hair follicles.
  • Deep nutrition and hydration, which is ideal for skin care sensitive skin with a tendency to dryness and flaking.
  • Slowing down the aging process, which is important for older ladies.
  • Healing effect (elimination of cracks, wounds, scratches).

Application methods

Wheat germ oil (in cosmetology this is of particular importance) has a fairly heavy structure, it is recommended to combine it with other vegetable oils (apricot, peach, olive). If dry skin care is meant, the original components are combined in equal proportions. For the combined type, it is recommended to enrich cosmetic products - creams, foams, facial tonics. Just a few drops are added to the finished mass.

In its pure form, the substance can be used to care for the skin of the lips. Wheat germ oil (its price at the pharmacy is much lower than the cost of high-quality hygienic lipstick) will eliminate all the consequences of chapping, cracks and jams.

Spot application is indicated in the presence of roughened areas of the epidermis, which is often observed on the heels and elbows. Cosmetologists claim that the drug will soften tissues and restore an attractive appearance.

Beauty Recipes

The following methods are highly effective:

  • Elimination of excessive dry skin. Nourishing mask prepared on the basis of olive and wheat germ oils. The products, combined in a 1:1 ratio, are applied to the skin before bed for thirty minutes, after which the remaining mixture is removed with a cosmetic swab and go to bed. No washing required, better to let it nutrients stay in the skin and penetrate even deeper.
  • Restoration of hand skin. A damaged, dry, flaky surface is treated as follows: 10 ml of oil is combined with 3 drops of bergamot oil. The substance is applied in a thick layer to the skin of the hands, covered with film and a warm towel. After 15 minutes, the product is washed off and the hands are lubricated with your favorite cream.
  • Hair care. The drug allows you to block excess hair loss, thereby helping to increase length and thickness. The cosmetic mixture involves combining 25 ml of oil base, 5 ml lemon juice, 5 ml ginger juice, 5 drops jojoba. The thoroughly mixed substance is distributed over root zone and placed in a warm place. After 30 minutes, wash your hair as usual.
  • Elimination of cellulite. Enriching the original oil with essential oils of citrus groups (25 ml/2 drops) will help in the fight against such unpleasant manifestations. The mixture is distributed over problem areas and injected into the skin with patting movements.

Eyelash strengthening

It is impossible to create a romantic and reverent image without long fluffy eyelashes. Extensions and special extensions can solve the problem, but they look unnatural and worsen the condition of your own hairs.

Cosmetologists recommend opting for a product such as wheat germ oil. It is most suitable for eyelashes and becomes a worthy alternative expensive cosmetics. This simple product will give your hair a beautiful bend and help increase the desired length and volume without the slightest harm.

Healthy recipes

If you buy wheat germ oil (the price does not exceed 170 rubles), you can implement several of the presented methods:

  1. Removing makeup using the original component will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure itself and strengthen the eyelashes and eyebrows. After the skin is freed from cosmetics, the product must be left for another 10 minutes and removed with warm water accompanied by a soft detergent. Experts warn that oil left on the eyes all night can cause swelling.
  2. A two-part mixture of burdock and original oil (1:1) will help to achieve intensive hair growth. The product is applied to the eyelashes using a mascara brush and left for 30 minutes. Avoid contact of the substance with the eyes. Intensity of exposure - 3 times weekly.
  3. Lifeless, brittle hairs damaged by dyeing are restored using pure oil. The application method and precautions are identical to the previous ones.
  4. Moisturize and nourish eyelid skin hair follicles a mixture with sea ​​buckthorn oil. The drug is applied to the eyes once weekly.

Women's opinion

Now it is useful to evaluate the reviews that wheat germ oil has received regarding its use in cosmetology.

Many women note that this drug really improves skin turgor and helps smooth out not only small, but also deeper wrinkles, that is, it becomes a full-fledged part of anti-aging care. In youth and adolescence The product effectively fights acne and other cosmetic defects, such as excess pigmentation and freckles.

Girls with skin prone to dryness and irritation note that healing masks based on the original component, they literally bring the epidermis back to life, the skin acquires a radiant color, redness, rashes, and peeling disappear. The same applies to lip care. The drug completely copes with its task: the skin becomes soft, tender, women testify that after using the oil it is simply devoid of flaws.

It is worth noting that many reviews contain experience of men using the oil. The product helps stop hair loss in males, which is especially important after 35 years of age. If you use the drug about 2-3 times weekly, you can even block progressive alopecia, which is confirmed by consumers. However, trichologists warn that the oil should be used as an auxiliary component of the main treatment, in combination with special medications.

Do eyelashes grow?

According to most women, if you use wheat germ oil on your eyelashes, you can achieve amazing results. It's simple inexpensive remedy works real miracles.

The drug (subject to regular use) makes hair denser, thicker, longer and stronger. Even the lower eyelashes begin intensive growth. Practical experience application proves that the oil allows hairs to become 3-4 mm longer.

Cosmetologists confirm the veracity of such reviews and claim that they themselves use this product in their work activities.

Buying a quality product

Where to buy wheat germ oil? Experts recommend contacting pharmacy chains and specialized sales stores. Only there you can buy high quality drug, having the characteristics described above.

Wheat germ oil, the properties of which were discussed above, is unique product who will help organize complete care for your skin and improve your health.

The amazing power of the wheat germ has been known for a long time. In it, nature itself has concentrated a unique biologically balanced complex active substances, vitamins, lipids, essential amino acids and minerals to restore life.

Wheat germ oil obtained from the embryo wheat grain, which has nutritional properties and is a source of protein production.

Unique properties wheat germ oil is due to the presence of three active complexes in its composition:
antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids, and in terms of vitamin E content, the oil is the record holder among all natural compounds.
Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acids in the optimal ratio for lipid metabolism in the human body (3:1).
Vitamins A, B, D, F, PP, pantothenic and folic acid, microelements zinc, iron, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium.

Wheat germ oil has medicinal properties and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Below are some properties of wheat germ oil.
Slows down the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases;
Increases potency, improves reproductive function;
Promotes the removal of waste, toxins and radionuclides from the body;
Rejuvenates the body thanks to its high antioxidant capacity;
It has general strengthening properties and improves immunity;
Is effective means regulation of cholesterol in the blood and liver;
Heals wounds, erosions, burns and inflammations;
Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and oral cavity;
Has a protective effect on the nervous system.

The oil can be taken orally, 1 ml every day for better blood circulation, formation skin cells and eliminating cholesterol spikes.

It is rich and heavy, so it is recommended to mix it with lighter oils - almond, peach, apricot, grape seed. Do not take when acute cholecystitis and individual intolerance to the product.

Benefits and properties of wheat germ oil

  • Heals wounds, skin and mucous membranes after injuries, burns, inflammations.
  • Actively fights skin aging, eliminates wrinkles on the neck, face and around the eyes.
  • Excellently strengthens capillary walls and has an anti-rosacea effect.
  • Has restorative, smoothing and moisturizing properties.
  • If you use the oil regularly, it will eliminate dry skin during menopause, which is caused by a lack of female hormones.
  • Evens out the texture and color of the skin, refreshing it.
  • Natural ultraviolet filter.
  • Care product for weakened, damaged or dyed hair.
  • Eliminates itching, flaking and flaking.
  • Effective in treating acne, dirty and damaged skin.
  • It is used for dermatitis, as well as eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.
  • Heals rough, cracked and chapped lips.
  • Eliminates rough skin, heals cracks on the palms.
  • Used for sunburn and household burns.
  • Prevents stretch marks and gets rid of existing stretch marks.
Wheat germ oil is a natural antioxidant that helps preserve other base oils, slows down cell aging, and eliminates inflammatory skin processes. Wheat germ oil has great penetrating ability, removes harmful substances from the skin and body. It can be used daily to care for the skin of your face and hands.

Wheat oil stimulates metabolic processes, improving the condition of dry and oily skin, rejuvenates the skin, improving complexion. Even at a very mature age, the skin will be elastic and fresh.

The healing properties of wheat germ oil

As food additives wheat germ oil is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, peripheral and central diseases nervous system, for dishormonal conditions in women and men - infertility, impotence, prevention of endometriosis; for anemia, obesity and allergic reactions. The drug is also recommended for persons who have completed the course radiation chemotherapy undergoing rehabilitation after serious illnesses.

Oil is applied externally to stimulate hair growth, to treat acne, to heal burns and wounds. Used to treat abrasions and rashes. It should be used externally, gently applying to affected areas of the skin.

Used in gynecology for the treatment of mastopathy, cervical erosion.

Vitamin E contained- an antioxidant that helps cleanse the blood of harmful peroxide compounds, forms new ones healthy cells and helps them grow. Allantoin, which is part of the product, softens, soothes and refreshes the skin. Ancient Chinese medicine used wheat germ oil to maintain tenderness intimate areas body, prevention inflammatory processes and as an antihemorrhoidal agent.

Applications of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is effectively used for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to the ability of this oil to maintain peripheral blood circulation, the skin remains soft and elastic, which is so important when caring for aging and fading facial skin.

Wheat germ oil It is quite dense in structure and heavy on the skin if used in its pure form, so it is better to mix it with lighter vegetable oils.

For the care of dry and aging skin Mix wheat oil well with almond, olive, apricot or peach oil in proportions 1:3 or 1:4. When caring for oily and problematic skin, it is better to mix with oil grape seeds. The resulting oil mixture is used as a night cream or as an ordinary mask, which must be kept on the face for about 20-30 minutes.

In pure undiluted form You can use the oil, but only by applying it to small areas of the skin. For example, on rough areas, pimples, pustules, wounds, inflammation, burns and irritated areas of the skin.

Can be applied to wrinkles in the forehead, between the eyebrows, folds around the lips and in the corners of the eyes.

Do not apply wheat oil to the skin under your eyes!

When undiluted, it is too heavy, and the skin there is thinner than the main skin of the face. So for these purposes, dilute the oil in proportions 1:3 with another oil, for example, with rosehip oil.

The diluted oil mixture can be used every day as a cosmetic cream or eye gel. Especially recommended for aging and wrinkled skin around the eyes.

Wheat germ oil masks and applications

  • Mask for aging, sagging and wrinkled skin: one tablespoon of wheat oil, add one drop each of mint, orange, sandalwood oil. Place the resulting mixture on a napkin and then on your face for 20 minutes, no more. There is no need to rinse off - the residue should be absorbed into the skin itself.
  • Mask for treating acne: one tablespoon wheat oil, two drops lavender oil, cedar or cloves. Apply to face in the same way as described above.
  • Mask that eliminates spots and freckles: one tablespoon wheat oil, one drop juniper oil, bergamot and lemon oils. Soak a napkin with the resulting mixture and apply to the skin several times a day for 30 minutes. Such applications can only be done with wheat oil.
  • Anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes: one tablespoon of wheat oil, one drop of sandalwood, neroli or two drops of rose. Apply with light finger movements to the skin around the lips and eyes until completely absorbed.
  • Mask for dry and flaky skin of the face and lips: pure wheat oil or add one drop of rose, lemon balm. Lubricate several times a day.
  • Hair strengthening mask: can be applied pure or mixed with jojoba oil one to one. You can add two drops of pine, ginger, cedar, eucalyptus or orange, thyme oil. Apply the mixture to the hair roots. The mask is made 20 minutes before washing your hair.
  • Hand mask: you can lubricate your hands with wheat oil or dilute it with lavender and bergamot oil, two drops each. This mask helps get rid of peeling hands, minor damage, gives your hands elasticity and softness. You need to lubricate your hands after washing.
Massage: base - wheat oil in equal quantities or in proportions 1:2 with almond, apricot or peach oils.

For cellulite: to one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, add 3-5 drops of a mixture of essential oils of orange, tangerine and grapefruit, taken in equal proportions, or one drop each of geranium, juniper, fennel and lemon oil. Hard massage is performed on problem areas skin.

You can also use wheat germ oil in its pure form to care for your lips. It is used to lubricate chapped, dry and cracked lips. With the help of this oil, jams in the corners of the lips are treated.

Internal use: one or two teaspoons with meals.

Treatment with wheat germ oil

The oil is used for treatment various diseases and as a food additive.

For the prevention of stomach ulcers You need to take one teaspoon of wheat oil once a day on an empty stomach for a month.

To prevent colitis and gastritis, An hour after dinner, take one teaspoon of wheat oil.

Children from 5 to 14 years old and nursing mothers It is recommended to take half a teaspoon twice a day.

During pregnancy and after childbirth
Wheat oil protects against stretch marks, strengthens and tones the skin. Oil should be lubricated on the stomach and chest.

If you suffer from gallstones or kidney stone disease, then wheat oil is not recommended for you.