Medical cupping on the back: the benefits and harms of vacuum therapy. Medical cups: indications for use

Medical banks. Harm or benefit? How to apply it correctly? Video

Medical cups have been used for a long time. Even our grandmothers put them on time, because it was believed that this universal remedy at respiratory infections. Now the opinions of doctors are divided. In America, for example, banks have been banned for twenty years. So is it still useful to install them or is it better to refrain from this procedure?

In Russia banks no one prohibited them; they are sold in many pharmacies. However, there is no consensus among doctors about the benefits or harms of this treatment method.

First for medical purposes The Chinese started using banks. They believed that this procedure increases the body's resistance to harmful effects external environment , activates blood circulation and vital energy "qi".

When the jar touches the patient's body, the skin is sucked inside. This leads to increased blood flow to the area. Cupping actively stimulates blood circulation, renewal of body cells, improve metabolism.

What can medical cupping cure?

Moreover, this method was used to treat not only mild colds, but also bronchitis and pneumonia, provided that the acute period was already over and the patient’s temperature had returned to normal.

It was believed that banks help with headaches, abdominal pain, back pain, lower back pain, and joint pain. They treated (and are still doing this in Chinese medicine) dizziness, cough, asthma and even diarrhea.

And today the so-called vacuum therapy, which just uses cans of different sizes and configurations. They say that even ordinary mayonnaise containers, as well as half-liter and seven-hundred-gram containers, are used at home.

Supporters of medical cupping have no doubt that in this way it is possible to save a person from osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, radiculitis, lumbago, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, etc.

One of the reasons for popular dislike for cupping treatment is the bruises that remain on the skin after the procedure. It is awkward then to appear in public (in a bathhouse, for example, or in a swimming pool) with a spotted back.

The spots resemble ordinary bruises. But doctors who practice vacuum gradient therapy (a method of deep tissue treatment) believe that these are not hematomas, but “blood through the walls of blood vessels.” In their opinion, it contains “not only blood elements, but also plasma protein substrates, biologically active substances- histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones and others.” They help restore the body’s defenses.

Moreover, experts assure that by the color of the spots after the procedure one can tell how far the disease has progressed and how contaminated the body is with toxins.

If it's not about complex diseases, You can be treated with medical cups at home. Banks will help eliminate pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, high blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, and fatigue.

Who should not have medical cupping?

Of course, not everyone can bet on pots. It is prohibited to do this:

Banks are placed as follows: cotton wool is wrapped around a stick, it is dipped in alcohol and lit. The burning stick is inserted through the neck into the jar, removed from there, and the jar is immediately placed on the patient’s body. It should stick to the skin.

We need to keep an eye on so that the cans are suctioned thoroughly- otherwise it decreases therapeutic effect. The first time they should stand no longer than one minute; from the second - already about 15 minutes.

During the procedure, the patient should have a pleasant feeling of warmth. If he suddenly feels pain, banks should be removed immediately. If there is a need to repeat the treatment, then the break between procedures should be at least one day, and preferably two or three days. Wherein banks should be placed in new places.

There is a lot of talk about medical banks, it’s boring, and everyone is not too lazy. They say that American doctors do not welcome them, they see them as evil for all humanity. So, is it possible to use medical cups, are they beneficial or harmful, how are they used in medicine? Are there any indications or contraindications for using vacuum cans? We will try to answer these questions in this article. In addition, you can watch a video on how to install vacuum jars yourself.

Even somewhere out there, on the edge of the Earth, because of cans, something inside someone broke and never grew back together. American experts have only one conclusion: apart from their wonderful creations of the pharmaceutical industry, there is nothing that can really save the world! Like, buy their cough remedies, and not only will your cough go away, but new teeth will grow. And the fact that banks were used for hundreds of years all over the world by doctors who, by the way, in their Middle Ages understood more about medicine than some do now does not count.

Dear people! Let's turn to our national medical knowledge base! Talk to old pediatricians, physiotherapists and general practitioners, they will tell you about their years of experience. Ask old people who went through the war what they were treated with and how the military doctors treated them. They say correctly that there is no prophet in his own country. How many years have we used cups, analgin, paracetamol, baths, mustard plasters, etc. And now all we hear is that our methods of treatment are either terribly harmful or obscenely outdated. And only their tablets are tasty, beautiful and healthy for our livers. Have you ever heard of someone dying after using cans!? No! And there was no such thing. It’s great that our parents treated us all with cupping throughout our snotty childhood, and we grew up so much that you couldn’t kill us with a stick and a nail! We can manage this issue just fine without America.

How to be treated with medical cupping?

Vacuum therapy is a type medical influence on the human body, which has been used since ancient times to cause therapeutic effect. Previously, hollow horns of various animals, pots, bowls made of clay, glass, bronze, and ceramics were used for procedures. Millennia have passed, but the method has not lost its healing essence, the only difference is that today glass medical jars are used.

Jars are round glass vessels with a thickened edge with a capacity of 30-70 ml. Banks are one of the means of local influence on blood and lymph circulation, causing local and reflex expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels, they have a resolving, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. During the first hour after using cups, some changes in the composition of the blood are noted, a decrease blood pressure and slow heart rate. This is not dangerous! By the color of the spots after the procedure, you can tell how far the disease has progressed and how high the intoxication is.

In defense of cans, one, but very important word must be said. Readers, dear! Banking, like mustard plasters, and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the resolution stage inflammatory diseases organs respiratory system. When the disease is just beginning (dry painful cough, elevated body temperature), cupping is contraindicated! They are used with therapeutic purpose When the cough becomes productive, that is, accompanied by the discharge of sputum, the body temperature does not have significant and long-lasting rises.

Indications for the use of medical cups:

  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, lungs, pleura in the stage of resolution (recovery)
  • congestion in the lungs (without increasing body temperature)
  • inflammatory diseases of muscles and nerve trunks
  • headache
  • intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis
  • moderate increase in blood pressure

Contraindications to the use of medical cups:

  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, lungs, pleura at the onset of the disease
  • inflammatory skin diseases where you want to place the jar
  • general exhaustion
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in any variant
  • neoplasm in the chest
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, myocardial infarction in acute period, ischemic disease heart, hypertension 3-4 degrees
  • heart defects
  • body temperature above 38.0

Places for applying vacuum cans, where to put them?

  • the anterior surface of the chest, except for the area of ​​the sternum, heart and mammary glands
  • back, excluding the spine area
  • lower back, excluding the spine area
  • posterior surfaces of the thighs, along the sciatic nerve

Instructions for using medical glass jars

To set up the cans you will need:

  • rinsed and wiped dry jars
  • cream or Vaseline
  • bottle with flammable liquid (alcohol, cologne)
  • tweezers or knitting needle
  • matches

The procedure for placing cans:

  • the patient goes to bed, exposing the corresponding part of the body. The skin at the site where the cups are applied should be clean and free of hair.
  • cream or Vaseline is applied in a thin layer and rubbed well into the skin.
  • Place a tray with all the items necessary for the procedure next to the bed.
  • Dip tweezers with cotton into alcohol, squeeze well and set on fire.
  • V left hand(if you are right-handed) take 1-2 cans and, leaning over the patient with a quick movement, do Roundabout Circulation burning cotton wool on tweezers inside the jar. The flame burns oxygen and creates a vacuum. To create a vacuum, 1-2 seconds of the flame remaining inside the jar is enough.
  • quickly apply the jar to your body.
  • Cover the patient with a warm towel and leave for 5 minutes.
  • repeat the procedure every other day, increasing its duration to 10 minutes.

Complications when using medical cups

  • formation of burns on the patient’s skin due to prolonged overheating of a jar over a fire or burning liquid dripping from cotton wool
  • When the cups are left on the skin for a long time, bubbles filled with pink liquid form. They must be protected from mechanical injury by clothing. The blisters should be lubricated once a day with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for drying or with alcohol.

With a healthy attitude towards the issue of placing cups and certain manual skills, cups will benefit you.

How to put video banks

We hope that everything will be fine for you and our theoretical material will remain only a theory for you for the rest of your life! Be healthy and successful!

By appearance they are similar to ordinary jars, but are small in size, and their neck can be round shape, and oval.

Massage with medical cups, as a way to treat various diseases and eliminate excess fat reserves, is in great demand, so now medical cups are no longer the same as they were usual in childhood.

Selection of medical jars

The list of cans is varied, and the cost is in a wide range. One should not assume that it will certainly be necessary to “set fire” to medical jars and bring them to the body: there is a large number of“improved” modifications of the product, in which the necessary vacuum is formed by lightly squeezing the housing or pumping out oxygen using a pump. Some jars have a special rubber “bulb” on top, others have a magnetic nozzle, and others have a plastic pump.

It is important to choose the optimal cups depending on the existing difficulties, and in addition, learn to use them correctly or “connect” them to massage loved ones.

How does a medical glass jar work?

Cupping cups are small, pear-shaped glass vessels that are used in medicine to stimulate local blood flow. The process of placing a jar is associated with traditional medicine. There is no scientific confirmation of the benefits of using cups. There is a certain likelihood of harm to a person's well-being. However, cupping has become common among women, athletes, and even in folk medicine.

Due to its design, a vacuum is formed in the jar, due to which it is firmly attached to skin, grabbing the subcutaneous layers of tissue. Medical cups are used not only for the purpose of getting rid of excess fat and cellulite. Such cups are also used to improve the health of the entire body. Both the therapeutic and aesthetic results of vacuum massage with medical cups are based on intensifying blood flow, accelerating lymphatic drainage, filling cells with oxygen and necessary elements and revitalization metabolic processes. The targeted effect of medical cupping is similar to that provided by full manual massage.

What is the principle of the effect of medical vacuum cans

During the period of massaging, irritation occurs on the skin of all its receptors using a vacuum. As a result of performing such a massage, the activity of the blood supply and lymphoid system improves, and in addition intercellular fluid. All sluggish flows go away, metabolism improves, and those areas affected by vacuum massage are saturated with oxygen. After performing a massage with medical cups, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. The skin's susceptibility to various mechanical and temperature influences is reduced. During a vacuum massage, intense release of sweat and sebaceous glands. The structure of secretions from these glands includes bile acids and urea. All these substances in a certain amount are very harmful to human body. For this reason, massage with medical cups is often compared to the effect of a sauna. Even when using medical cups, the elimination of fat cells is observed. This will make it possible to get rid of cellulite faster.

The effectiveness of massage with medical vacuum cups

Most women wonder if it is effective? In order to know these things for sure, you need to understand what cellulite is. Cellulite is a manifestation in which the fat changes subcutaneous tissue. It is quite difficult to resolve this difficulty if you use only one specific action. For this reason, cosmetologists recommend not to make do with just one way of combating cellulite and deposits, in addition to using massage with medical cups. If cellulite exists, fat and excess intercellular fluid should be removed. It is medical banks that can help you deal with this issue flawlessly. To eliminate excess fluid, it is necessary to form a vacuum of appropriate strength on the skin. capable of capturing the skin and subjecting it to vacuum. As a result of this procedure, the liquid in direct meaning words are squeezed out of the tissues and leave the body completely naturally. When striving to achieve sustainable results, it is recommended to carry out at least 15 procedures: once every two days.

About the correct conduct of vacuum massage with medical cups

To perform a massage using medical glass jars, use either cream or massage oil. It should be noted that massage oil is several times more convenient to use - it is not absorbed as quickly as a cream. You can easily buy oil in a store or prepare it yourself by adding base oil(olive or almond) essential - cinnamon, geranium, orange. Thanks to the use of such oil, the process will be most effective: the skin will acquire a pleasant surface and become more elastic.

Before performing a vacuum massage using medical cups, you should warm up the body well. Those areas where massage is planned should be massaged with your hands for 10 minutes. In this case, the use of massage oil is allowed. Do not forget that oils and creams containing extracts of grapefruit or cayenne pepper are not recommended - there is a possibility of significant skin irritation. It is not recommended to exceed the time of the massaging process. The best duration for treating one area of ​​skin is no more than 15 minutes.

It is better to perform a massage after 1 day. In order to improve performance on pause days, you can take salt baths or visit a bathhouse.

Correctly carry out vacuum massage with medical cups as follows:

  • Before massaging you should take a shower.
  • Lubricate problem areas with massage oil. It is possible to use a combination of oil and anti-cellulite cream.
  • Regardless of which jar you purchased - a simple glass jar or a glass jar with a rubber bulb, you should lean it against the area of ​​skin being treated. Then you need to slowly move the jar around the problem area.
  • Massage with zigzag and straight movements, not fast.
  • If the jar lags, it means that a small amount of oil or cream was used. You should definitely pay attention to the fact that massage with a medical vacuum can cannot be performed under the knees, in the groin, or on the inside of the thigh. The duration of the entire massage is about 30 minutes. When the massage is performed correctly, problem areas should turn red. This is an absolutely normal response to the procedure, since blood circulation is activated.
  • The duration of the course depends on the degree to which the body position is neglected. On average, the course must be completed within two months.
  • It should also be noted that massaging is not recommended immediately after eating if there is a feeling of hunger or fatigue. There is no need to count on the fact that specifically cupping will get rid of cellulite. It is more correct to combine vacuum massage with in a healthy way life.

Indications and contraindications for medical glass jars

Despite the fact that the effect of cupping is aimed at a large number of indications, they also have contraindications. More about this below.

Indications for the use of cans are:

  • reduced immunity;
  • neuralgia diseases (if convulsions are present, then treatment with medical cups is not recommended);
  • inflammation of muscle tissue;
  • osteochondropathy (remission period);
  • cellulite and excess body weight;
  • painful menstruation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before purchasing medical glass jars, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for their use.

Absolute contraindications:

  • malignant and benign tumor of unimportant localization;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • colds that occur in acute form, fever;
  • vascular atherosclerosis, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • emotionally unstable states and seizures;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • mycosis, purulent skin lesions;
  • second trimester of pregnancy.

Conditional contraindications:

  • unclear health report;
  • fatigue and loss of strength after physical exercise and other loads,
  • after taking hot baths and steaming (in this case, before massaging, you need to rest for 2 hours);
  • infancy;
  • old age (over 80 years);
  • alcohol intoxication of a person;
  • negative attitude towards this procedure.

Note! It is forbidden to carry out vacuum massage with medical cups in the area of ​​the heart, ears, eyes, mammary glands, as well as in the abdominal area for pregnant women.

Using medical cups

There are 2 various types carrying out massage using cups: static and dynamic.

  • During static massage, medical cups are suctioned onto problem area skin and the actions with them stop there, they are not moved. The effect of medical cans is determined by the formation of a vacuum inside the can with the help of fire.
  • Glass medical jars are less suitable for the second method. The use of a dynamic type of massaging involves the possibility of the cups moving. If suddenly the jar slips, you will need to use fire again to install it on the body, and also perform best level vacuum is quite difficult. For dynamic massaging, jars with a pump and an elastic extension are better suited. They make it possible to smoothly adjust the vacuum level and are simply installed when the can slides off. Another advantage of this method is that a massage session can be carried out using only one jar. This method is effective in combating " orange peel", for neuralgia and vitamin deficiency, which is accompanied by a decrease in the body's immune forces.

Technology for installing glass medical jars

The installation of medicinal cups is carried out on an area of ​​the body with a clearly defined subcutaneous fat layer. To carry out the procedure you will need:

  1. alcohol (can be replaced with a liquid containing 70% alcohol),
  2. Vaseline ointment,
  3. towel,
  4. cotton swab,
  5. tweezers,
  6. medical massage cups,
  7. lighter or matches.

Position during massage: lying on your stomach, it is also allowed to carry out the procedure standing and sitting.

Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the desired area. Using tweezers and a cotton swab, a wick is made and then moistened in an alcohol-containing liquid. The fire is placed inside the medical jar for 1-2 seconds, after which the jar is applied to the skin. If used static method massage, then the treated area of ​​the body should be covered with a towel and left for some time, depending on the purpose of the procedure. With the dynamic type of massage, the jar should be carefully moved around the body, making sure that it does not fall. After a certain time, the jars are removed and the remaining oil or cream is washed off. When the procedure is completed, you should lie under the blanket for 30 minutes and relax.

A couple of decades ago, medical cups were widely used to treat colds. Nowadays, this method of combating these ailments is almost forgotten. A modern medicine this treatment procedure is classified as a method traditional medicine. And medical opinions differ regarding their benefits. For example, in America, cans have not been used or sold in pharmacies for about 20 years. Their doctors claim that for colds, cupping does not help cure the disease, but, on the contrary, helps the infection spread. American doctors We are sure that using medical cups for pneumonia can cause rupture lung tissue(pneumothorax). Of course, the degree of such risk is minimal, but it is better to prevent undesirable consequences than to fight them later, the Americans believe. In some countries, banks are successfully used even now.

Medical banks: benefits and harms

How effective is treatment with medical banks and what ailments continue to be treated with them in our country? Are banks really as harmful as Americans claim? Now let's try to figure it all out.

In our country, medical banks are not prohibited and anyone can use them. In pharmacies you can purchase their improved version - polymer massage jars. Although, those who use this method of treatment are inclined to conclude that the glass jars that our grandmothers used are more effective. But, nevertheless, modern vacuum cans are more convenient than their outdated counterpart. After all, their use does not require open fire, so the possibility of getting burned is eliminated.

  1. Even the ancient Chinese used jars. They were confident that when they were used, vital energy was activated and the body’s resistance increased. harmful bacteria and blood circulation increases.
  2. Medical cups, which are placed on the patient’s body, pull the skin inward. This increases blood flow. This way, blood circulation is stimulated, body cells are renewed, and metabolism is improved.
  3. With the help of medical cups, pneumonia and bronchitis, back pain and lower back pain are treated. In Asian countries, this method is used to treat asthma and cough.
  4. If a person is often sick colds or he is tormented by rheumatic pain, myositis and bronchitis, then the use of cupping can improve the situation.
  1. After using them, round spots remain on the body.
  2. Cupping may cause harm if used to treat pneumonia
  3. If you supply them if available high temperature, the result may be unpredictable.
  4. They are also harmful if present skin diseases on the body and neoplasms.

Medical cups, application:

  1. Children can be given cups as early as the third year of life. But for people over 60, cupping is not recommended for treatment.
  2. For abdominal pain during menstruation, it is recommended to place cups in the navel area.
  3. On outside They are placed on the hips if the sciatic nerve is inflamed.
  4. On inner side hip cups are used in case of heel pain, hernia and hemorrhoids.
  5. With the help of medical cups you can restore regularity menstrual cycle, if you put them to the anus.
  6. If you feel heaviness in the eyelids and eyebrows, your eyes itch, or your breath smells bad, then you can get rid of these problems by placing cups on the occipital cavity.
  7. Cupping between the shoulder blades can relieve pain in the shoulders and head.
  8. Cupping placed under the knee will relieve shooting pains in it.
  9. For flu, banks are placed in the area chest, avoiding the heart and stomach areas.
  10. For pain in the spine, they are placed on the back, but the areas around the spine and shoulder blades are excluded.
  11. Placed on the calves of the legs, they will purify the blood and increase menstrual bleeding.
  12. Cupping placed under the chin will benefit the throat, face and teeth.

Important tips for using jars:

  1. To moisten the cotton wool, use alcohol in small quantities to avoid burns. Ether is not recommended.
  2. It is not advisable to use cans for small children under 2 years of age.
  3. If you can’t remove the can from your body easily, then you need to carefully press your hand near the edge of the can to release air and everything will work out as it should.
  4. If you have been in a bathhouse or sauna, then using cups is not recommended. But at night, before going to bed, it is best to put them on.

If there are malignant or benign tumors, then it is prohibited to place banks! Their use is not recommended for pneumonia, bronchitis, acute laryngitis, tracheitis. And all because during their use, deep-lying tissues are involved, the so-called Kohn's pores and Lambert's canals in the lungs expand. In this case, pathogen microbes can easily migrate through them. And increased blood flow allows the infection to easily invade new areas of the body.

The use of cups is also contraindicated for:

  • skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungus, dermatitis, calluses, small wounds, purulent inflammations.
  • treatment with steroids
  • first trimester of pregnancy
  • decreased skin coagulability
  • bleeding
  • high temperature
  • oncological diseases
  • hypertension
  • heart disease

Cupping can be used only after the doctor has accurately diagnosed the problem and determined whether there are any contraindications for this procedure.

Traditional medicine is widely used in Russia and post-Soviet countries. There is constant debate about their effectiveness. Such methods also include the installation of medical cups. This method has no evidence base, but is still used a huge amount of people. Cupping treatment is prescribed by a doctor to alleviate the patient’s condition, but despite this, self-treatment is widespread.

What is the effectiveness of treatment with medical cupping? Firstly, this item, due to the vacuum created, improves blood circulation in the skin, as well as in deep tissues and even organs. Secondly, the use of a cup promotes the movement of lymph, which ensures:

  • cell strengthening immune system to combat local infection;
  • relieving inflammation and swelling due to the outflow of interstitial fluid into the lymphatic bed;
  • improvement of oxygenation and tissue nutrition.

Improving tissue metabolism is one of the most important advantages of bank treatment.

Other positive effects of cupping therapy include:

  1. Strengthening the vascular wall.
  2. Increasing muscle tone and increasing their elasticity.
  3. Rejuvenating effect for the skin - cupping procedures give it elasticity.

Accordingly, cups not only have a healing effect on the body, but also occupy a serious niche in aesthetic medicine.

Types of cans used

Medical cups are easy to use equipment.

They come in several types.

All-glass jars are the oldest representative of this technology. These jars are difficult to use and there is a risk of burns when inserting them.

The use of such items requires experience. The procedure begins by lubricating the surface of the jar with Vaseline or glycerin. Use tweezers to take cotton wool from which a wick is formed, which will later be soaked in ethyl alcohol. This entire structure is set on fire and placed under the jar for 1-2 seconds to heat it up. The jar is then placed on the surface of the skin. The hot air in it is cooled to room temperature and contracts, thereby pulling the skin into the middle of the device. As a result, a vacuum is created. The person lies with the cups for about ten minutes, covered with a blanket, until the skin turns red or burgundy. Then the cans are removed one by one by carefully tilting the object and simultaneously pressing the skin. When all devices are removed, the skin is wiped with gauze or cotton wool.

This type of cupping is installed only on areas with developed subcutaneous fat tissue - on the back in the area between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blades, in the lumbar region.

The second type is polymer or glass jars with a vacuum cylinder on the top, which allows you to place the jar in one easy movement without the use of high temperature. Now they are more popular, and are used not only for local staging, but also for vacuum massage, especially the popular anti-cellulite massage, which is performed with their help. The technique of working with such cups is more dynamic and involves moving the jar over the skin.

The third type of cans are rubber cans, which are installed by pressing on the object itself. This type of device is significantly inferior to the previous two in efficiency, since it does not create a vacuum effect of the required strength. Such cups are often used in more sensitive areas - for massaging the skin on the chest and neck. Smaller jars are used for facial massage.

The harm and benefits of cupping on the back have been widely studied. Positive Impact significantly exceed possible side effects.

Diseases for which cupping is used

Cupping is used to treat various diseases and health problems.

Often these are problems with the respiratory system, which include common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Thus, diseases that include cough in their course are an indication for vacuum therapy. The use of cups in this case helps to improve the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, by increasing mucociliary clearance; in addition, by improving blood circulation, the bronchi expand, which makes breathing easier. Another positive effect for the respiratory system it is an improvement in blood oxygenation.

Regarding whether it is useful to place cans on your back when other people are more serious illnesses, it’s difficult to say for sure. For example, with tuberculosis, the presence of bleeding in the lungs, sclerotic changes and cancer diseases respiratory organ, banks are strictly contraindicated.

Another group of diseases for which treatment with a similar method is recommended are peripheral diseases. nervous system, muscles and bones. Therapeutic vacuum massage is excellent for intercostal neuralgia if the patient suffers from radiculitis or myositis.

In this case, cupping therapy promotes relaxation and pain reduction.

Contraindications for cupping treatment

Cupping treatment is a method of carrying out therapeutic activities that is widespread in sports medicine.

The procedure has a strengthening and relaxing effect, which helps athletes recover faster after physical activity.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should make sure that the person has no contraindications to its use.

Therapy vacuum jars cannot be used for:

  1. Fever - cups can only contribute to an increase in temperature.
  2. Allergic reactions to any substances used: petroleum jelly, glycerin or ethanol. They are also contraindicated for heat urticaria.
  3. If there are wounds and skin lesions, additional damage during vacuum massage will aggravate the skin damage.
  4. In case of severe exhaustion, a lack of subcutaneous fat tissue is fraught with severe hemorrhages in tissues and organs.
  5. If the patient is in excited state, the use of cupping is contraindicated due to its tonic effect on the body.
  6. Pregnancy on early stages- the risk of miscarriage increases.
  7. Availability malignant neoplasms- blood flow to the tumor can provoke its increased growth.
  8. Cardiovascular disease and changes in blood circulation can increase the load on the myocardium.

And yet, is placing banks useful or harmful? Having objectively assessed all the data on the use of cups, it becomes clear that you should not expect a special healing effect from their use. Any medical worker will prescribe such therapy only as aid to the main treatment. Of course, it is better to treat pneumonia with antibiotics, and asthma with bronchodilators. But sometimes evidence-based medicine is not enough to help the patient in fully, then these are used traditional methods. Reviews about cupping treatment are most often positive, since the only really significant negative side of their use is possible absence effect. But this minus is completely compensated by self-suggestion.

Cupping therapy is not harmful, but there is no direct evidence regarding the benefits of their use. Patients praise this method, which means there is an effect. Using vacuum cupping therapy is a personal decision for each individual.