Perennial smoking tobacco. Growing tobacco in the garden

On your site with photos and descriptions of all actions. It will be of interest to both the novice tobacco grower and all other tobacco lovers.

If you haven't read the first part, then be sure to read it. If you have already read it, then read on.

The tobacco plant is slowly growing.

A little yellowed, I attribute this to cool weather and there's nothing wrong with that. It rains almost every day.

I fed the tobacco with dry, water-soluble “fertika lux”: 1 matchbox per bucket of water and 1 liter per plant. I loosened the soil and weeded it; by the way, it’s very convenient to loosen it with a Fokin flat cutter. They promise it will be warm outside and then our plantings should begin to grow.

The long-awaited warmth came and it even became very hot. The tobacco more than doubled in size in a week (warmth + fertilizing) played a positive role.

American 26th is ahead of everyone in height, but he was the stunted one. In the photo below, he is in the foreground:

Removing stepsons and bottom sheets.

Today I broke off the stepsons and removed 3-4 of the lowest leaves so that they did not touch the ground. This was done to avoid viral diseases from the ground and for better ventilation. I also loosened the soil.

American 26 continues to amaze. With a height of 70cm. it is already about to bloom and has about 7-10 leaves. He doesn't want to grow up with me. Perhaps the cool spring and cold beginning of summer have an effect. So he wants to breed offspring as quickly as possible, otherwise the weather will throw out something else. Here he is:

How to grow tobacco without diseases.

I arrived in the village and was upset. Trapezond 92, 9 out of 10 plants picked up bronze and the drug “Prestige” did not help. Out of curiosity, I bought these seeds in the store that year and sowed them, and there was also a bronze color and I also collected my seeds from diseased bushes. This may be the reason, but most likely, crop rotation needs to be done. I have a tobacco plant in one place and it has been growing for six years now.

If you have such bronze veins, the bush will gradually begin to dry out as in the photo below and you will not be able to help it.
Such plants must be dug up and burned, trying not to touch healthy ones. This is what I will do tomorrow.

I removed all the diseased bushes. He did not burn it due to the fire hazard situation, but dragged it away from the site.

Havana also caught this disease on three bushes; in the photo the patient is on the right.

Sick plants, unlike healthy ones, develop much more slowly and their growth is 2-3 times lower.

There’s not much to take from American 26, in general, see for yourself.

I am planting the fragrant one for the first time and I don’t know how tall it will grow. I have it now about a meter and is already blooming.
And it feels like all the leaves are already ripe. And there are only 6-7 leaves on the bush. They became dense and sticky, the central vein turned white and the leaf itself began to turn yellow. See photo below.

Tomorrow I'll probably do the first scraping, and tonight I'll see if the sheets remain in horizontal position, that means it’s definitely ripe, and if it rises to the top, then I’ll wait a little longer.

First withdrawal

Yesterday evening, I made the first withdrawal of the Aromatny variety.

The central core was white, the leaf broke with a crunch.


Today I hung it up for languishing. As soon as the sheets turn 80-90 percent yellow, I will move them apart for further drying

Also today the entire Aromatny variety was harvested. (removed inflorescences)

How to grow tobacco from stepson.

The variety is really early. In a week I plan to collect all the leaves from it. Then I will cut the trunks and bring them to the lower stepson, as in the photo below:

And I will get a second harvest. There is still time left, the main thing is that autumn does not let you down and everything has time to dry.

The knittings that I hung to languish turned yellow and I pulled them apart to dry.

I also broke off the fragrant variety to the end and cut it to the lower stepson.

I chopped the trunks directly into the garden bed as organic matter. But, you can do this provided that they are not sick with anything.

Another Havana root is sick, it already looks like a tobacco mosaic.

The bush has been removed. There is no need to feel sorry for such patients, you will get almost nothing from them anyway, but there is a chance to infect healthy people. Tobacco diseases are an insidious thing; they can destroy your entire harvest. Two last year, this infection avoided me, but now it has appeared again.

The first cutting of tobacco leaves had already begun to dry out, the second turned yellow and was pulled apart.

I cut off the flowers of the Havana so that the leaves ripen faster. In the photo, on the front bush, the bottom two or three leaves are almost ripe.

How to get a harvest twice a season.

The lower stepsons of the fragrant variety have grown noticeably. The leaf will of course be smaller in size than from the main bush, but still.

The second harvest from the aromatic variety has already begun to ripen. The sheets are not much smaller. No pain affects him. You can call him this year's favorite.

Havana on the upper leaves has almost all taken on a bronze color.

Plus, there is also some mottling on it. They say that this is due to rainy weather (a lot of rain)

The seeds of American 26 are ripe, but I don’t think I can grow it anymore. It doesn't want to grow in my soil. But I cut off the panicle with seeds just in case.

The tobacco is slowly drying in the drying room.

The end of the tobacco season.

We learned how to grow tobacco and now the end of the tobacco season is approaching.

The variety is aromatic and its second harvest has ripened.

The leaves were removed and hung in the attic of the bathhouse. I didn’t hang it in the dryer because... At night there is high humidity and the weather is not expected to be very warm. So the attic will be just fine.

I tried smoking this “fragrant” one, strength 5 out of 5 points. I like strong tobacco, and it didn’t hurt anything. Other varieties have picked up the bronze color. So we can safely put this tobacco variety among the leaders this year.

I also hung the almost dry leaves in the attic to let them dry there.

This was done due to the appearance of mold on the central vein due to high humidity.

The remains of tobacco from healthy bushes (we burn those from sick ones) were crushed in the same place where they grew.

I mowed all the grass, and closer to winter I will plow the area.

That's all. Read how to ferment tobacco leaves in the tobacco fermentation section.

P.S. What you need to pay attention to when growing: a disease that can destroy part of your tobacco and with this in mind plant a little more. The drug “prestige” did not work out for me this year and out of 35 bushes, 18 got sick. As for me, I don’t see any more problems with growing.

I hope I described in detail how to grow tobacco. If you have any questions, ask

Have a good harvest and delicious tobacco!

Currently, the cost and quality of industrially produced tobacco products leaves much to be desired, so more and more entrepreneurs are starting to grow smoking tobacco from seeds independently, which brings them quite a bit of income.
In the recent past, growing tobacco at home was profitable view activities of more than one generation of people living in the southern regions of Russia. However, sellers of smoking tobacco were gradually forced out of markets and bazaars by large industrialists due to huge volumes and lower prices.
Currently, this business is relevant because consumers want to purchase tobacco High Quality. Many smokers prefer aromatic tobacco, grown according to all the rules, rather than store-bought goods with strange fillings and harmful additives.
Before you start engaging in this activity, you need to learn about all its features, including the weather conditions necessary for cultivation, the timing of ripening, harvesting and drying of the crop.

Types of tobacco for smoking

The first thing you need to do before you start cultivating tobacco is to become familiar with the variety of varieties of smoking tobacco. About 30–40 varieties of tobacco plants are successfully cultivated in our region, the most common of which are Trapezond, Yubileiny, Ostrolist, Kentucky Burley and Ternopil. The most famous varieties of shag grown in central and southern Russia are Pekhlets local and Pekhlets 4, as well as Datura 4. The leaves of tobacco plants are mainly used for smoking, snorting and chewing purposes. Cigar tobacco varieties characterized by a larger leaf width and smooth structure. Cigarette varieties are considered less valuable product, since the leaf of this plant is no different large size sheet and smoothness, so they are most often crushed. It is necessary to know these features of tobacco varieties in order to understand where to sell the product after harvesting and drying the crop.

Conditions for growing smoking tobacco from seeds

The main advantage of tobacco is that this plant is quite unpretentious and can be grown in different conditions climate, but it is best to plant it in warm regions of the country. In open ground, tobacco thrives at an air temperature of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. If there is no opportunity to engage in this activity in the southern zone of Russia, the problem of maintaining the necessary temperature regime will decide to grow in greenhouses or heated rooms.
When growing this crop, it is worth considering that it requires not only heat, but also watering. Tobacco is best grown in light sandy soils saturated with moisture. The best soils for tobacco are considered to be chernozem, loamy, sandy loam, which are rich in lime, potassium and nitrogen. Tobacco is grown in fresh soil or sown with other plants to produce a more flavorful variety.
To understand how to start this business, it is also worth carefully studying the issue of technology for cultivating the product. Only by following all the rules and stages of the technological process can you grow high-quality smoking tobacco.

Growing tobacco from seeds video:

Sowing shag seeds and caring for the plant

Sowing seeds of smoking plants cannot be done directly in open ground; they are characterized by low germination and instability to diseases. To solve this problem It is necessary to grow tobacco or shag seeds in closed, warm conditions. Boxes or pots placed on the windowsill on the south side are best suited for this purpose. Growing seeds can also be done in a greenhouse, but before planting the seeds in the ground, they must be soaked for 24 hours in wine vinegar or acid. This operation allows you to increase seed germination by 10–30%. Seeds are planted closer to March in pots or a greenhouse with prepared soil containing 1/4 sand and 3/4 soil. Regularly feed and water the seedlings.

In April or May, seedlings must be transferred to open ground. At this time, the plant already has a stem 0.5–0.8 cm thick, and its height reaches up to 15–20 cm. A healthy and strong plant easily tolerates replanting and is highly resistant to changes in night and day temperatures.
The seedlings are stirred in rows, the distance between plants should be at least 25 cm. After planting, the soil should be well watered clean water. While the seedlings are growing, the rows are constantly weeded, loosened and fed. Watering should be rare, but of high quality. So, during the entire period, smoking plants are watered 2–4 times, but abundantly, at least 5–8 liters of water for each bush. When tobacco and shag begin to produce flowers, they need to be pinched.
After 120 days, you can harvest tobacco, and shag ripens faster - in 70 days.

Harvesting begins with the lower leaves, which have begun to turn yellow. Drying is carried out in three stages. First, the leaves are laid in a layer of 20–30 cm and allowed to remain in the shade for 12 hours. After which the leaves are collected on cords in a well-ventilated place, protected from rain. An outdoor canopy or terrace is best for this. Pre-drying usually takes about two weeks. After the expiration of the period, the laces with leaves are removed and transferred indoors, where the leaves are dried until autumn.

After drying, fermentation is required, thanks to which the tobacco turns out to be of higher quality and more fragrant. Armfuls of leaves are placed in a container, heated to 40–60 degrees and kept at this temperature for several days, maintaining a humidity of 60–70 percent. Then gradually, over several days, the leaves are cooled and the humidity is reduced. At the end of the fermentation process, the leaves must “rest” for 30 days. Only after all these procedures will the tobacco be considered ready.
Running a manufacturing and selling business tobacco products, it is worth remembering that this activity is regulated by law; according to all the rules, products sold must have an excise tax and an appropriate marketing permit. Therefore, before starting sales, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate papers.

It is quite difficult to calculate the payback of a business for growing smoking tobacco or shag; it can range from several months to 2-3 years. Everything will depend on the entrepreneur’s costs for preparing and purchasing raw materials, as well as on the positive dynamics of sales growth.
In any case, businessmen from ten acres collect 200–400 kilograms of finished tobacco. At a wholesale price of up to 2,000 rubles per kilogram of tobacco, you can earn up to 800 thousand rubles. Shag will cost the entrepreneur a little less, since average cost of this product is 400–500 rubles per kilogram on the wholesale market, which means that revenue will be 4 times less than from smoking tobacco.

Widespread information about the dangers of smoking is unlikely to serve as an incentive to purchase tobacco products. But few people know that tobacco grown according to all the rules not only does not pose a serious danger to the body of an adult, but in some cases it also has beneficial effect on the smoker's body. Medicine has long established that this plant helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and glucose in the blood, relieves pain in diseases gastrointestinal tract and cordially vascular diseases, has disinfectant properties and improves recovery processes in the body. The above properties of tobacco are also a compelling argument to start growing this unique plant for the purpose of resale.

Even in something like smoking, experienced gardeners want to stand out and grow their own product, which will be significantly different from what manufacturers offer. But the differences will be for the better or worse - it depends on what efforts are put into the matter.

The main danger of smoking tobacco grown in your own garden is that you probably cannot know how much nicotine it contains and how strong it is. Although this does not stop heavy smokers and many of them consider that, even though it is strong, it is nevertheless homemade.

Growing tobacco on your own plot is a simple process. IN general outline it is reminiscent of growing tomatoes. Another question is: for what purpose are you planning this activity? Tobacco is used both for smoking and for agricultural purposes. Let's take a closer look at the issue and consider a well-known and popular variety of tobacco!

For growing for smoking purposes, the Virginia variety is very popular. Those who have tried smoking this tobacco claim that it is quite strong and pleasant to the taste. Plants of this variety do not require special care when caring and do not require pinching, since they do not have side shoots.

Tobacco, like other crops, is grown by seedlings and without seedlings. Which to choose? This depends on several factors.

1. On the climatic features of the region. If you live in the south, then it makes no sense to grow seedlings at home; sow directly into the ground.

2. On the volume of plants grown. For large areas It is absolutely not advisable to grow seedlings. If you are planning to plant an entire plantation, then it is better to use greenhouses or a greenhouse and sow the seeds directly into the ground.

3. From the purposes for which tobacco is grown. For a small area and in the middle zone, the seedling method will be the most suitable.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Since growing seedlings is a more labor-intensive process than direct sowing in the ground, we will consider its features. Let us immediately note that the seedling method of planting gives the harvest much earlier than when sowing in the ground.

Seeds remain viable for a long time; it is permissible to use not very fresh material. If you're growing tobacco for the first time, you'll probably... a large number of you don't need any seeds. The seed material is very fine, yes, and it is difficult to call it seeds, since it looks more like dust.

The time from the beginning of growth to planting in the ground is 40-45 days. Sowing of seeds is carried out dry or slightly germinated. In the first case, the seed must be scattered over the surface and crushed with a mixture of humus and sand no more than 0.5 cm thick.

To germinate seeds, place them in a damp cloth 3-4 days before sowing. Keep the fabric damp. As soon as the seeds hatch, sow. This method accelerates germination by 5-7 days. The seedlings grow faster and are healthier. If it is not possible to sow immediately, then the seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There they can be stored for 2-3 days.

Before sowing, dry the seeds a little and mix with sifted humus and coarse sand. Then sprinkle on the surface of the soil.

What is the best way to sow tobacco - in common or separate containers? It's just a matter of your convenience. You can sow in a common container, since the material is very small.

You will need approximately 8-10 cm of nutrient substrate. You can purchase ready-made soil mixture or prepare it yourself. To do this you will need turf soil, humus, a little ash, coarse sand and sphagnum moss. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, sift and pour over the potassium permanganate solution.

Take containers with drainage holes and fill them with soil. The room temperature for seed germination should be +25...+28°C. Decreases can lead to poor germination. As soon as the sprouts appear, it is advisable to lower the room temperature to +23...+25°C.

Seedling care

So, you have decided to grow tobacco through seedlings. If you have already sowed, now it is important to provide the seedlings normal conditions for development.

In addition to the temperature regime, watering is very important for seedlings. Moisturize little by little but regularly. Look at the condition of the soil. Overmoistening also has a negative effect on seedlings, as does drought. Water with a small stream from a watering can with a sprayer, because light seed material is easy to wash away.

The volume of soil in containers is limited, and accordingly, the nutrients become smaller over time, so the seedlings need to be fed. For tobacco, mineral, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will be most suitable. In principle, you can use a solution of chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. For the entire growth period, as a rule, two feedings are enough.

A week before planting in the ground, it is necessary to begin hardening the seedlings. Place it on a balcony or unheated veranda. The time of such a “walk” should be no more than 10-15 minutes for the first time. Then, gradually increase the plants' time outside and by the end of the week, bring it up to a whole day. Thus, it will be easier for plants to adapt to new conditions and they will more easily tolerate planting in open ground.

At the stage of 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings are ready for picking. If you sowed in separate containers, then wait until the plants are 15 cm in height and plant them in the ground. In this phase they should have approximately 6 true leaves and developed root system. 3 hours before transplanting seedlings into the ground, water them generously.

Preparing the site and planting seedlings

Tobacco is demanding in terms of illumination of the site, but the place for the crop should be in light shade. If you don’t have one on your site, then you need to build a small canopy. The material for this is lightweight but durable. You can install a mobile greenhouse made of agrofibre. This covering material helps maintain soil moisture, but does not interfere with air exchange; moreover, it is easy to open and ventilate.

Crop rotation is important not only when planting vegetable crop, but also tobacco. The plant grows well in soils where legumes or green manure previously grew. Eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, Bell pepper. The crops suffer from the same diseases as tobacco. Tobacco can be returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years.

Proper site preparation is an important factor when growing any crop. What is needed for this? Deep digging with the application of organic fertilizers. This can be humus, mature compost or rotted manure. The depth of digging and embedding of components is 20-40 cm. It is necessary to carry out such an event in the fall. In the spring, loosen the soil and apply mineral fertilizers.

Prepare holes for seedlings at a distance of 30-50 cm. Sometimes a further distance will be needed, depending on the variety. Fill the holes with 0.5 liters of water each. It is important to leave free row spacing, since the tobacco bush turns out to be quite spreading. Dense planting provokes the development of diseases and is a suitable habitat for insect pests.

Do not bury the growing point when planting plants.

At the time of planting seedlings in the ground, the temperature is very important indicator. If it drops below +15°C, the plants will stop developing and the leaves will begin to curl. Night temperatures below +5°C can completely destroy plants. Wait for stabilization weather conditions, take your time with landing. Optimal time in the middle zone - the third ten days of May.

Features of care

The main requirement when caring for tobacco is weeding. In order for cultivated plants to grow and develop normally, they need to be given enough space. Weeds take nutrition from the soil and are carriers of infections.

As for watering, the volume of water increases as it grows. Like seedlings, mature plants need regular, but not excessive, watering. The row spacing needs to be loosened so that the soil remains breathable.

When seedlings are just planted in the ground, the main danger for them is a drop in temperature, while during the growth process the plants are harmed by heat and drought. For example, at + 35°C they slow down their growth and stop developing. Of course, in conditions open ground quite difficult to resist similar factors. As mentioned above, a greenhouse with an agrofiber cover will reduce the risk of crop loss, since it prevents the complete penetration of UV rays, creates an optimal microclimate inside, allows air to penetrate and does not accumulate condensation.

Fertilizers for tobacco

During the entire growth period, tobacco needs 3-4 feedings. The first half of the growing season is the most the right time for nitrogenous fertilizers. Subsequent ones can be phosphorus-potassium or complex, mineral. Remember that you should not overuse fertilizing, since an excess of each element entails adverse consequences. Thus, excessive application of phosphorus will lead to premature aging green mass, although its moderate use will promote flowering and speed up its onset.

Abuse of potassium will provoke bad smell tobacco, which will reduce the quality finished product. Although potassium is important element, when growing tobacco, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

From folk ways It is advisable to use chicken manure. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:25. You can add a little wood ash to the solution; everyone knows that it is rich in minerals and very useful for nourishing the soil.

When should you feed? The first subcortex is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The second - after two weeks or when the plants reach a length of 20 cm, the third - during the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

The interesting thing is that tobacco is its own healer. If you find leaf rollers, spider mites, slugs, moths, or aphids on your property, then you need to act immediately, especially since there is a proven way to get rid of insect pests. Prepare a solution from dry tobacco leaves. For 10 liters hot water take 500 grams of leaves, brew and leave for 2-3 days. After this, add 40 grams of grated laundry soap and let it dissolve. Irrigate the plants with the resulting liquid. It is advisable not to wait for pests or diseases to appear, but to carry out such measures as a preventive measure.

Tobacco cleaning

Slight yellowness is a signal that the leaves can be removed. Tobacco harvesting occurs in several stages. It starts with the lower leaves, 3-4 pieces each. from each plant. During the second assembly, after some time, you can remove 5-6 sheets.

Cleaning should be done in the evening before the dew falls or in the morning after it has completely dried. The leaves need to be strung on a rope to dry. When hanging the leaves, make sure that they do not touch and that there is sufficient distance between them.

At first, it is better to dry the leaves in dark place, at temperatures from +25 to +35°C. Air humidity should be 70-75%. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, they need to be moved to dry in the sun.

If you follow agricultural technology and crop rotation, harvesting and storage rules, you will probably get really high-quality tobacco. But remember that smoking has a negative impact on health. Although tobacco can also be used for economic purposes, because it helps in the fight against pests and some plant diseases.

Smoking cigarettes is very bad habit. In our country, there is practically no real tobacco on the cigarette market. Everything is saturated with deadly chemicals and various flavors. Another thing is real, personally grown tobacco, which is guaranteed to be free of harmful impurities. You can try to grow your own tobacco, in terms of quality and taste, it is simply not comparable to what they sell us in the store. You can grow tobacco right on your own plot; the growing process is similar to the process of growing tomatoes. Just like tomatoes, tobacco needs to be planted as seedlings, picked, and planted in the ground. In this article we will talk about the process of planting tobacco seedlings, we will talk about planting dates, how to plant correctly, etc.

Timing for planting tobacco seedlings

The birthplace of tobacco South America. The plant is heat-loving and ripens quite late. Therefore, in Russia, tobacco should be planted first as seedlings. The timing of planting seedlings is early spring. The packet of seeds tells you when to plant. Some seeds are planted in March, some in April. Follow the notes on the seed packet.

Container for planting tobacco

Plant tobacco in small shallow containers. Disposable cups, sour cream cups, butter cups, etc. are perfect for these. You can also buy special containers for seedlings in the store for summer residents; they are inexpensive.

Soil preparation

Before sowing, you need to properly prepare the soil. Tobacco loves fertile soil. 2-3 days before planting, you need to warm it up well and disinfect it. The earth needs to be watered weak solution potassium permanganate.

It is advisable to buy a special universal soil for seedlings in the store. With this soil you need to mix regular disinfected soil from the garden in a ratio of 1 to 1. Add a little wood ash to the resulting mixture.

Agricultural technology

Agricultural planting technology, in general, is quite simple, but has some very important points, which you need to pay attention to. Tobacco seeds are very small, you need to be careful when planting.

First you need to do drainage. At the bottom of the container you need to pour eggshells or small pebbles in a layer of 1 centimeter. Then you need to pour the soil, lightly compact it and water it generously. Now you need to very carefully, straight from the bag, pour the seeds evenly into the container. In this case, you need to be extremely careful.

All that remains is to cover it with soil. Sprinkle with a very small amount of soil, a layer of no more than 1 millimeter. To create a greenhouse effect, the container should be covered with film. This way the seeds will sprout faster. Tobacco usually germinates within 3-5 days. After it has risen, the container must be placed on the windowsill and the film removed.

Planting tobacco seeds for seedlings is a very responsible process; the timing of germination will depend on this.

In our country, cigar or cigarette tobacco can be grown in open soil only in southern regions. As for the northern and central regions, they will need greenhouse structures for this. But shag has become widespread throughout Russia (with the exception of the Far North, of course).

Once growing tobacco at home for the purpose of its further sale was considered a common activity for many families, and samosada, as it was called, was a common product in the markets. This was largely due to the high cost of tobacco products, but later, when cigarettes became noticeably cheaper, this type of business began to decline. Be that as it may, even today shag has a lot of admirers, so the question of how to grow it on your site is still relevant.

Let's say you are a smoker and live somewhere in the southern part of the country. You have several acres of land on which you would like to grow tobacco. In this case, you should start with simple calculations: one cigarette contains approximately 1 g of tobacco (the lower the quality, the less), which means there is about 20 g in a pack. On average, a smoker needs one pack of cigarettes per day or from 6 to 8 kg of tobacco annually. If conditions are favorable, then one plant can produce up to 30 g of tobacco, while 6-7 specimens can be planted per 1 m². If the variety is large-leaved, then the planting density should be 30x70 cm, and if we are talking about shag or plants with medium leaves, then 20x70 cm. It follows from this that in total it is necessary to plant from 270 to 300 plants, which will require about 40 m² . Moreover, the tobacco itself in this case will be extremely strong, so it will have to be diluted with stems. If this suits you, if you consider everything quite appropriate, or if you plan to sell products, then act according to step by step instructions given in this article.

Note! All parts of plants contain nicotine, a powerful cardio- and neurotoxin that leads to short-term euphoria (the most of this substance is in the leaves - from 0.75% to 2.8%).

Step-by-step instructions for growing tobacco

This article will talk about how to grow ordinary tobacco. If you prefer Nicotiana rustica (this is the scientific name of shag), then most of You will not need the presented tips, because this variety is less heat-loving and easier to care for. In the regions of the middle zone, it is sown in May in open soil (under film or any other covering material) so that it has time to develop and produce a good harvest.

Traditionally, work should begin with the selection of planting material. There are many tobacco varieties, but you should only choose local ones.

Table. Tobacco varieties zoned in the CIS

NameImagea brief description of
The time interval between planting and the last break is on average from 103 to 134 days. There are 27 technically suitable leaves on each plant. Nicotine concentration reaches 2.6%
The variety is a late-ripening variety, characterized by intensive foliage development. The nicotine content is quite low, and the time that passes between planting and the last withdrawal is approximately 120 days
Characterized by increased resistance to a number irritating factors, among which viral diseases. The growing season is short. Leaves are broken 98 days after planting
Another intensively ripening type of tobacco, which belongs to early-ripening crops (the time between planting and breaking is somewhere from 105 to 110 days). The percentage of technically suitable leaves is quite high - up to 50 pieces. from one plant

Note! There is also Kentucky Burley, the advantage of which is low content sugar, as a result of which the foliage does not ferment. Immediately after drying, the leaves are steamed and crushed for consumption.

Stage one. We germinate the seeds

The technologies for breeding tobacco and shag are similar in many ways, but the main difference is the same ripening period. Thus, shag ripens in 75-80 days, and tobacco, therefore, in 105-120 days. You also need to remember that the seeds in in this case are not grown in the garden, i.e. in open soil - this should be done in a greenhouse or, alternatively, at home, using pots or seedling boxes.

Step 1. First, prepare the previously purchased seeds - 2-3 days before sowing, soak them in a solution of tartaric acid (proportions - 3 ml per 1 g of grains) for 24 hours. The air temperature during this time should fluctuate between 25-30°C. This simple procedure will ensure earlier ripening of seedlings (approximately 7 days) and increase germination by 20%.

Step 2. After 24 hours, remove the seeds from the solution, dry them a little and place them in a ceramic/enamel bowl in a 3-centimeter layer.

Step 3. Keep the material in this form for several days, moistening and stirring at least 5-6 times daily. As for the air temperature, it should already be 27-28°C.

Stage two. Preparing the greenhouse

Due to the fact that it is more expedient to grow tobacco seedlings in a greenhouse, we will focus on this option. So, take care of a nutrient layer consisting of humus and sand in a ratio of 3:4. Fill the greenhouse with the resulting mixture in a layer 10 cm thick.

Seeds should be sown in late February or early March, so make sure that the greenhouse structure is heated. The area of ​​the structure will be small, so this will not cause any particular difficulties.

Stage three. We sow seeds and grow seedlings

Step 1. Immediately before sowing, moisten the nutrient layer (water consumption when watering should be 1 l/m²). Over time, by the way, the watering rate will have to be increased to approximately 4 l/m².

Step 2. Sow tobacco grains superficially, scattering them evenly over moist soil. The consumption should be 4 g/m² (if you sow shag, then 20 g/m²).

Step 3. After sowing, carefully press the seeds into the soil about 0.3 cm (for shag this figure is 0.7 cm), then water. Water with extreme caution, otherwise the grains may go too deep.

Step 4. Reduce the air temperature in the greenhouse to 20°C.

Further care of seedlings consists of meeting several important requirements.

  1. Regularly feed the plants with a solution prepared from potassium salt, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20 g, 50 g and 30 g, respectively, for every 10 liters of liquid).
  2. The consumption of the finished solution should be approximately 2 l/m² of soil.
  3. You can also use organic fertilizer - chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  4. 7 days before the expected transplant date, reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Moreover, the tobacco seedlings do not need to be watered at all for the last three days.
  5. Hardened and high-quality plants should have an elastic stem that does not break when bent.
  6. A few hours before transplanting, water the plants with plenty of water - this will make it easier to remove them from the soil.

After 40-45 days, when the height of the stems reaches 15 cm, thickness - 0.5 cm, and each plant already has several true leaves, transplant the seedlings into open soil.

Stage four. Transplanting seedlings

During transplantation, the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm should rise to about 10°C (the specific indicator depends on the climate zone).

Step 1. Make shallow holes first. The distance between them should be from 25 cm to 30 cm, and the row spacing should be at least 70 cm.

Step 2. Pour 0.5-1 liters of water into each well.

Step 3. Remove the plants one at a time and replant them in the holes. In essence, the technology is almost the same as when planting tomatoes. However, remember that any transplant is a shock to the seedlings, so try to preserve the soil in which the plants grew on the root system.

Step 4. Before planting, dip each plant in a special mixture consisting of clay and cow dung.

Step 5. Fill the holes with soil and compact it carefully.

Stage five. Further care

In the future, regularly weed and loosen the rows, and also apply fertilizing. During the entire growing season, tobacco should be watered no more than 2-3 times (water consumption should be 8 liters per bush). Also periodically perform pinching (removing side shoots) and topping (breaking off inflorescences).

Possible diseases

There are two most common problems with tobacco. Let's look at how to deal with them.

  1. Aphid. To fight it, use Rogor-S.
  2. Downy mildew. It can be defeated with a 4% suspension of zineb, added in a proportion of 5 l/10 acres, or with a 0.3% solution of polycarbacin.

Features of harvesting

Step 1. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, you can remove them, always starting from the lower tiers. It is important that each leaf is undamaged and dry.

Step 2. Transfer all these leaves to the shade for 12 hours, carefully laying them in a 30-centimeter layer. During this time they will become quite accustomed.

Step 3. Next, put the leaves on cords and hang them to dry. If you will dry it in the open air, then choose a suitable place for this, protected from precipitation and wind. If the weather is sunny, the leaves will dry faster, and the process will take no more than 2 weeks in total.

Step 4. Take 5-6 cords with foliage, folded four times, and hang them on a special hook. A similar design is also known as a gavanka.

Step 5. Move one or more havankas indoors for subsequent drying, hanging them on the crossbars.

Step 6. When fall arrives, remove the leaves, smooth them out carefully, and stack them. That's it, the tobacco is ready for use!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in growing tobacco; the main thing is desire, as well as compliance with all the tips given in the article.

Video - How to remove and dry tobacco

Video - Film about growing tobacco from A to Z

Video - Features of growing tobacco